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Chris Kottom chriskottom

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thbar / maintenance.rake
Created November 28, 2013 10:10
Quick, slow, dirty way to verify how aged your gems are.
task :outdated => :environment do
include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
regexp = /\* ([^ ]+) \((\S+) > ([^)]+)\)/
outdated = `bundle outdated`.scan(regexp)
outdated.each do |gem_name, available, current|
data = JSON.parse(`curl --silent{gem_name}.json`)
version = data.find { |e| e['number'] == current }
age = distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(Time.parse(version['built_at']))
puts " * #{gem_name}: (#{available} > #{current}, built #{age} ago)"
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