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Hacking the metaverse!

Chris Matthieu chrismatthieu

Hacking the metaverse!
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root@1c61c6f03539:/opt/ros/humble/share/realsense2_camera/launch# ros2 launch realsense2_camera
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /root/.ros/log/2024-03-29-20-10-16-331349-1c61c6f03539-3984
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [realsense2_camera_node-1]: process started with pid [3985]
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1711743016.484734986] []: RealSense ROS v4.54.1
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1711743016.484882040] []: Built with LibRealSense v2.54.1
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1711743016.484907207] []: Running with LibRealSense v2.54.1
[realsense2_camera_node-1] 29/03 20:10:16,486 ERROR [140732102732000] (librealsense-exception.h:52) Cannot identify '/dev/video0 Last Error: No such file or directory
[realsense2_camera_node-1] 29/03 20:10:16,486 ERROR [140732102732000] (librealsense-exception.h:52) Cannot identify '/dev/video1 Last Error: No such file or directory
[realsense2_camera_node-1] 29/03
import network
from time import sleep
import machine
from picozero import LED
from picozero import Button
import requests
import utime
blue = LED(13)
import network
from time import sleep
import machine
from picozero import LED
from picozero import Button
import requests
blue = LED(13)
button = Button(18)
x ='', json = {"username":"topher","api_token":"c9feac-xxx-fb69c4"})
"assets": [{
"id": "loft-gltf",
"src": ""
"entities": [{
"id": "loft",
"gltf-model": "#loft-gltf",
"scale": "1 1 1",
"position": "0 0 0",
var ipfsAPI = require('ipfs-api');
var ipfs = ipfsAPI('localhost', '5001', {protocol: 'http'});
const topic = 'general';
var five = require('johnny-five');
five.Board().on('ready', function(){
led = new five.Led(9);
"assets": [
{ "id": "venue", "src": ""},
{ "id": "navmesh", "src": ""}
"entities": [
{ "id":"verse", "gltf-model": "#venue"},
{ "id":"versemesh", "gltf-model": "#navmesh", "nav-mesh":true, "visible":"false"}
{"entities": [
{ "id":"backdrop", "environment":"preset:forest" },
{ "id":"tree", "scale":"5 5 5", "position":"15 10 -15", "obj-model":"obj: #tree-obj; mtl: #tree-mtl" },
{ "id":"floor", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 0.1, "width": 12, "depth":18 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"wall1", "position": "-6 6 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 0.1, "depth":18 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"chimney", "position": "5 6 5", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 2, "depth":8 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"basement", "position": "-4.5 6 7.5", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 3, "depth":3 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"wall2", "position": "6 6 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 0.1, "depth":18 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"wall1", "position": "-6 6 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 0.1, "depth":18 }, "material": { "
{"entities": [{ "id":"backdrop", "environment":"preset:forest" }]}
"assets": [
{ "id": "cityModel", "src": ""},
{ "id": "InteonNFT-0", "src": ""},
{ "id": "markModel", "src": ""}
"entities": [
{ "id":"city", "gltf-model": "#cityModel", "scale": "2 2 2"},
{ "id":"InteonNFT-0", "gltf-model": "#InteonNFT-0", "scale": "5 5 5", "position": "0 2.5 2", "rotation": "-30 0 0"},
{ "id":"MarkAvatar", "gltf-model": "#markModel", "scale": "2 2 2", "position": "1 2 1", "rotation": "0 180 0"}