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chriswayg /
Last active April 28, 2020 11:35 — forked from geerlingguy/
Ansible Role Test Shim Script
# Ansible role test shim.
# Usage: [OPTIONS] ./tests/
# - distro: a supported Docker distro version (default = "centos7")
# - playbook: a playbook in the tests directory (default = "test.yml")
# - role_dir: the directory where the role exists (default = $PWD)
# - cleanup: whether to remove the Docker container (default = true)
# - container_id: the --name to set for the container (default = timestamp)
chriswayg /
Last active September 8, 2024 01:03
Ubuntu and Debian Cloud images in Proxmox
chriswayg /
Last active May 1, 2024 20:47
This script will download a cloud image of many Linux distros and create a Proxmox 6 KVM template from it.
set -o errexit
printf "\n*** This script will download a cloud image and create a Proxmox VM template from it. ***\n\n"
### Pre-req:
### - run on a Proxmox 6 server
### - a dhcp server should be active on vmbr1
chriswayg /
Created August 27, 2019 17:23
Packer crash when cancelling Proxmox builder
  • debian-10.0.0-x86_64-proxmox.json
    "description": "Build Debian 10.0 (buster) x86_64 Proxmox template",
    "variables": {
        "prox_vm_id": "33000",
        "prox_vm_name": "deb10-packer",
        "prox_vm_description": "Debian 10.0 x86_64 Proxmox template built with packer",
        "vm_hostname": "debian10",
        "prox_username": "root@pam",
chriswayg /
Created September 12, 2019 07:27
Display a list of file sets which have been installed by the OpenBSD installer
set -e
# This script displays a list file sets which have been installed by the OpenBSD installer.
# It only checks one typical file per file set, as well as checking for the (renamed) kernel.
printf "\nInstalled OpenBSD file sets:\n"
[[ -f /bsd.sp ]] && printf "[X] bsd\n"
[[ -f /bsd ]] && [[ -f / ]] && printf "[X] bsd\n"
[[ -f / ]] && printf "[X]\n"
chriswayg /
Last active January 6, 2020 18:17
Compile macserial on grml using build-linux.tool
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential
mkdir -pv /home/grml/build
cd /home/grml/build
git clone
cd /home/grml/build/MacInfoPkg/macserial/
chriswayg /
Last active January 6, 2020 11:50
Build APFS fuse on GRML
# mount APFS partition example
# sudo mkdir -pv /media/macos && sudo apfs-fuse -o allow_other /dev/sda2 /media/macos
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential libfuse3-3 libfuse-dev libicu-dev libbz2-dev cmake clang libattr1-dev libz-dev libfuse3-dev
mkdir -pv /home/grml/build
cd /home/grml/build

Create Yosemite.iso from OS X App Store installer

If you prefer to make a bootable dvd, you can do it this way:

After downloading the full Yosemite installer app from the Mac App Store, run these 14 commands in Terminal to create a Yosemite.iso file and then burn it to a dual layer DVD with Disk Utility. You may then boot up from it by holding the option key down and then install Yosemite.

  • This worked on Mojave in 2020-06
  • Location of archived installer: /Volumes/MEDIA_DB4/macOS Installers 2019/Install OS X
chriswayg /
Last active July 23, 2020 06:12
Find and list most installed Python versions on a macOS system
set -o errexit
# pythonlister version 0.3
# License: MIT - (c) 2020 ChrisWayg
# Run the script directly
# /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Download, install with sudo in /usr/local/ and run the script
# f=/usr/local/bin/pythonlister; sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin && sudo curl -sSLo $f && sudo chmod +x $f && pythonlister
chriswayg /
Last active July 7, 2020 15:05 — forked from jorisguex/ccdl.command
CC Offline Package Generator v0.1.2 (macOS only)