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Chuck Remes chuckremes

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require 'benchmark'
require 'benchmark/ips'
small_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'small.txt')
medium_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'medium.txt')
large_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'large.txt')
# Open these before the actual benchmarks so we don't also benchmark
small_handle =, 'r')
cremes$ ./bin/benchmark core/file/bench_seek.rb
=== rbx ===
seek through a small file randomly (SEEK_SET)
4115.1 (±4.2%) i/s - 20650 in 5.028761s (cycle=350)
seek through a medium file randomly (SEEK_SET)
4236.1 (±1.6%) i/s - 21372 in 5.046543s (cycle=411)
seek through a large file randomly (SEEK_SET)
4257.4 (±1.0%) i/s - 21320 in 5.008270s (cycle=410)
seek through a small file randomly (SEEK_CUR)
2124.6 (±4.0%) i/s - 10764 in 5.076670s (cycle=207)
Option Explicit
'the instrument class
Public pName As String
Public pDateAdded As Date
Public pSide As String
Property Get Name() As String
'return the instrument's name
Name = pName
End Property
Property Let Name(n As String)
LLVM ERROR: Cannot select: 0x7fa2428da810: i8 = brcond 0x7fa2428db510, 0x7fa2428e0f10, 0x7fa2428e0010 [ID=75] dbg:kernel/common/string.rb:2492
0x7fa2428db510: i8 = TokenFactor 0x7fa2428da010, 0x7fa242845410:1 [ID=74] dbg:kernel/common/string.rb:2492
0x7fa2428da010: i8 = CopyToReg 0x7fa242411ab0, 0x7fa2428ee610, 0x7fa242845410 [ID=72] dbg:kernel/common/string.rb:2492
0x7fa242411ab0: i8 = EntryToken [ORD=1107] [ID=0]
0x7fa2428ee610: f16 = Register %vreg75 [ID=26]
0x7fa242845410: i64,ch,glue = CopyFromReg 0x7fa242844a10, 0x7fa2428dfa10, 0x7fa242844a10:1 [ORD=1143] [ID=70] dbg:kernel/common/string.rb:2492
0x7fa2428dfa10: f16 = Register %RAX [ORD=1143] [ID=25]
0x7fa242844a10: ch,glue = callseq_end 0x7fa2428e1610, 0x7fa2428d9f10, 0x7fa2428d9f10, 0x7fa2428e1610:1 [ORD=1143] [ID=69]
0x7fa2428d9f10: f16 = TargetConstant<0> [ORD=1143] [ID=19]
0x7fa2428d9f10: f16 = TargetConstant<0> [ORD=1143] [ID=19]
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] Configuring Rubinius...
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] Command line: ""
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] Checking gcc:
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] found
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] Checking g++:
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] found
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] Checking bison:
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] found
[2015-01-16 12:05:24] ---
When running this spec, I get an encoding compatibility error:
results in:
IO#gets transcodes into the IO object's internal encoding, when set ERROR
Encoding::CompatibilityError: undefined conversion for '"\u00FE\u00FF\u0000l\u0000i\u0000n\u0000e"' from UTF-16 to UTF-8
Rubinius::Type.compatible_encoding at kernel/common/type.rb:533
Charless-Mac-Pro:rubinius cremes$ git pull --rebase origin master
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: add basic support for additional IO functions
Applying: add back dup2 function definition
Applying: add convenience methods for errno handling
Applying: add O_CLOEXEC to list for File IO
Applying: add a few more functions like ftruncate to the list
Applying: hack away and rejigger things to get IO booting using mostly FFI calls
FDSet* FDSet::allocate(STATE) {
FDSet* fdset = state->new_object<FDSet>(G(fdset));
// fdset->klass(state, as<Class>(self));
return fdset;
Charless-MacBook-Air:rubinius cremes$ ruby -S rake build
/Users/cremes/.rubies/ruby-2.1.4/bin/ruby vm/codegen/field_extract.rb vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp vm/builtin/object.hpp vm/builtin/integer.hpp vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp vm/builtin/array.hpp vm/builtin/bignum.hpp vm/builtin/executable.hpp vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp vm/builtin/alias.hpp vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp vm/builtin/io.hpp vm/builtin/channel.hpp vm/builtin/module.hpp vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp vm/builtin/class.hpp vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp vm/builtin/data.hpp vm/builtin/dir.hpp vm/builtin/exception.hpp vm/builtin/float.hpp vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp vm/builtin/immediates.hpp vm/builtin/iseq.hpp vm/builtin/list.hpp vm/builtin/logger.hpp vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp vm/builtin/method_table.hpp vm/builtin/native_function.hpp vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp vm/builtin/regexp.hpp vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp vm/builtin/encoding.hpp vm/buil
Assertion failed: (pos >= 0 && pos < vmm_->stack_size), function stack_position, file vm/llvm/jit_operations.hpp, line 328.
Abort trap