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cicihu /
Created September 21, 2013 14:50

假设在某路径下有 a.txt, b.txt, c.txt, d.txt, e.txt 五个文件,如何在保留特定某个的前提下删除其余的?

$ ls * | grep -v c.txt | xargs rm -f

grep -v-v--invert-match 即指定排除条件;

xargs:从 standard input 读取参数并以 spacetabnewlineend-of-line 作为分界符来分隔这些参数;然后传给它的参数——可以是一个处理命令。

I'm planning on either writing this up in detail or maybe doing a screencast about screencasting, but I'll give a short version here.

On sound quality:

This matters a lot. In decreasing order of importance:

  1. Remove echo. You have to hear this to understand. Set up a mic in front of your mouth and record a sentence. Then, put a thick comforter over you and the mic and say it again at the same distance. Listen to
cicihu /
Last active December 24, 2015 04:29
关于 Ruby 的技术笔记

数字的字面表示法 - Numerical Literals

Ruby 允许我们使用以下前导符号来表示不同的进制基数:

前导符号 进制 范例 转换为十进制
0b 二进制 0b10_0100 #=> 42
0 八进制 0377 #=> 255
0d 十进制(缺省) (0d)12_345 #=> 12345
0x 十六进制 0xabcd #=> 43981
cicihu /
Last active December 24, 2015 04:59
Emacs 与 Vim 相同(近似)指令参照表

Emacs 与 Vim 相同(近似)指令参照表

Emacs Vim 备注
C-n j
C-p k
C-f l
C-b h
M-f w/e #1
M-b b
cicihu /
Last active December 25, 2015 00:09
Better Agile Development




  • 理解“为什么”和“谁”
