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>>> words = "L’organisme ou la forme peut etre desintegres sin on en fait un emploi occulte".split()
>>> words
['L’organisme', 'ou', 'la', 'forme', 'peut', 'etre', 'desintegres', 'sin', 'on', 'en', 'fait', 'un', 'emploi', 'occulte']
>>> n_words = len(words)
>>> left = words[:n_words//2]
>>> left
['L’organisme', 'ou', 'la', 'forme', 'peut', 'etre', 'desintegres']
>>> right = words[n_words//2:]
>>> right
['sin', 'on', 'en', 'fait', 'un', 'emploi', 'occulte']
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<meta name="generator" content="Org-mode" />
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime as dt
import json
import os
N_PER_BOX = 30
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def intersect(cur, sn1, sn2, sdr, inter_table):
if isinstance(sn1, int):
sn1_field = 'norte'
if isinstance(sn2, int):
sn2_field = 'norte'
q = """
{0,1,2,3} {} {}
{0,1,2} {} {}
{0,1} {} {}
{0,1,2,3} {} {} -> {1,2,3} {0} {}
{0} {} {} -> {} {0} {}
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import numpy as np
N = 45
K = 1350
#K = 10
goal = (31, 39) # (7, 4)
#goal = (7, 4)
G = np.zeros((N, N)) # [y][x]
from collections import defaultdict
import re
bot_values = defaultdict(list) # bot i -> list of values
bins = {}
s = """value 5 goes to bot 2
bot 2 gives low to bot 1 and high to bot 0
value 3 goes to bot 1
cjauvin /
Last active December 11, 2016 16:09
import sys
import re
def decompress(s):
d = []
while True:
m ='(\((\d+)x(\d+)\)).*', s)
if m:
n_chars, mult = map(int, m.groups()[1:])
import numpy as np
import re
def rect(a, b):
g[:b, :a] = 1
def rotate_row(a, b):
g[a, :] = np.append(g[a, -b:], g[a, :-b])