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Corey Chivers cjbayesian

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#### This is a simulation to demonstrate how real populations reach Hardy Weinburg equilibrium
#### under random mating.
#### Author: Corey Chivers, 2011
offspring<-c('d','d') #initiate a child object

Create arbitrarily high resolution figures using matplotlib

In python, create your figure and save it as .eps. This will generate a vector image of your figure:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.savefig('straightLine.eps', format='eps')
cjbayesian /
Created October 11, 2017 15:23
Gaussian Processes Learning Resources

Gaussian Processes Learning Resources

Author: Corey Chivers

cjbayesian /
Created October 31, 2017 11:14
Plot Weierstrass' monster
def Weierstrass(x, reps=10):
res = np.zeros(x.shape[0])
for i in range(reps):
num = x*(3**i)*np.pi
denom = 2.0**i
res = res + np.cos(num)/denom
return res
title = '$f(x) = {cos(3x\pi)}/{2} + {cos(3^2x\pi)}/{2^2} + {cos(3^3x\pi)}/{2^3} ...$'
delta = 0.5
cjbayesian /
Last active November 12, 2018 19:53
Plot a calibration plot with error bars. Optionally overlay v in each bin.
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as plt
def beta_errors(num, denom):
return stats.beta.interval(.95, num+1, denom-num+1)
def calibration_curve_error_bars(a, p, n_bins=10):
pmin, pmax = p.min(), p.max()
cjbayesian /
Created November 15, 2018 15:57
Plot cummulative distributions of multiple groups for comparison
def cdf_diff(df, var, grp='label', col=None, rm_outlier=None, hard_lim=None, ax=None, xlim=None):
'''Plot cummulative distributions of multiple groups for comparison.
df: DataFrame
var: string, name of column to be plotted
grp: string, grouping variable
col: list, colors to use for each group
rm_outlier: None|float, remove datapoints beyond this many sigma.
ax: axis on which to plot. Default none will return a new figure
cjbayesian /
Created January 8, 2020 15:42
Plot kaplan-meier style survival curves with errorbars
import scipy as sp
def beta_errors(num, denom):
return sp.stats.beta.interval(0.95, num+1, denom-num+1)
def plot_km(df, threshold=0.5, max_days=365, y_text_shrink=1, ax=None):
days = range(max_days)
idb_above = df['Pred']>threshold
survival_series = df['survival_time_days']