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pyrimidine1:biomoose cjfields$ cat
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::PrimarySeq;
use Bio::Moose::PrimarySeq;
use Benchmark ':hireswallclock';
use Modern::Perl;
my $gs = ${$self->symbols}{GAP};
# map gaps prior and post start/end
my ($newst, $newend) = ($start, $end);
while ($rawseq =~ m{([$gs]+)}g) {
my $len = CORE::length($1);
my $current = pos($rawseq) - $len;
# optimization : bail if current gap is past the end
last if $current >= $newend;
$newst += $len if $current <= $newst;
pyrimidine1:HMM cjfields$ perl Makefile.PL
Writing Makefile for Bio::Ext::HMM
pyrimidine1:HMM cjfields$ make
cp blib/lib/Bio/Ext/
/opt/perl/bin/perl /opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap HMM.xs > HMM.xsc && mv HMM.xsc HMM.c
Please specify prototyping behavior for HMM.xs (see perlxs manual)
cc -c -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -no-cpp-precomp -nostdinc -B/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/include/gcc -B/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/lib/gcc -isystem/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/include -F/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/opt/local/include -O3 -DVERSION=\"0.1\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.1\" "-I/opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/darwin-64int-ld-2level/CORE" HMM.c
HMM.c: In function ‘XS_Bio__Ext__HMM_HMM_statistical_training’:
HMM.c:44: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
HMM.c: In function ‘XS_Bio__Ext__HMM_HMM_likelihood’:
cjfields4:HMM cjfields$ make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch"
Baum-Welch Training
S should be monotonic increasing!
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
cjfields4:HMM cjfields$ make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch"
Baum-Welch Training
####, perl 5.8.8 ####
[cjfields@dev HMM]$ perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.6.9-67.0.15.elvm, archname=i386-linux-thread-multi
uname='linux v20z-x86-64.home.local 2.6.9-67.0.15.elvm #1 wed may 7 13:53:04 edt 2008 i686 athlon i386 gnulinux '
config_args='-des -Doptimize=-O2 -g -pipe -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4 -Dversion=5.8.8 -Dmyhostname=localhost -Dperladmin=root@localhost -Dcc=gcc -Dcf_by=Red Hat, Inc. -Dinstallprefix=/usr -Dprefix=/usr -Darchname=i386-linux -Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dsiteprefix=/usr -Duseshrplib -Dusethreads -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Dd_dosuid -Dd_semctl_semun -Di_db -Ui_ndbm -Di_gdbm -Di_shadow -Di_syslog -Dman3ext=3pm -Duseperlio -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Ubincompat5005 -Uversiononly -Dpager=/usr/bin/less -isr -Dd_gethostent_r_proto -Ud_endhostent_r_proto -Ud_sethostent_r_proto -Ud_endprotoent_r_proto -Ud_setprotoent_r_proto -Ud_endservent_r_proto -Ud_setservent_r_proto -Dinc_v
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Shorten 'TinyURL';
my $server = "";
my $port = 6667;
my $nick = "driveby_bot";
# this is mainly GFF3-specific, GFF2/GTF to be added
my ($io, $f, $s, $fcount, $scount);
# use FeatureIO::gff to read a FASTA file.
$fcount = 0;
$scount = 0;
use v6;
use Test;
augment class Cool {
# could build this up as a regex, use progressive matching
# and a default Callable that grabs the mapped value and uses
ID AQP1_HUMAN Reviewed; 269 AA.
AC P29972; B5BU39; Q8TBI5; Q8TDC1;
DT 01-APR-1993, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT 23-JAN-2007, sequence version 3.
DT 18-MAY-2010, entry version 122.
DE RecName: Full=Aquaporin-1;
DE Short=AQP-1;
DE AltName: Full=Aquaporin-CHIP;
DE AltName: Full=Water channel protein for red blood cells and kidney proximal tubule;
DE AltName: Full=Urine water channel;
$VAR1 = bless( {
'_secondary_ids' => [],
'_dblinks' => {},
'short_name' => undef,
'_ontology' => bless( {
'engine' => bless( {
'_relationship_type_store' => {
'InterPro|IS_A' => bless( {
'_secondary_ids' => [],
'_dblinks' => {},