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cldellow / gist:1324052
Created October 29, 2011 04:03
Ravelry crypto
object Crypto {
/** Sign a request as a user */
def sign(url: String, params: Map[String, String], token: String, secret: String): String = {
val paramsToSign = params ++ commonParams ++ Map("auth_token" -> token)
finalsign(url, paramsToSign, secret)
/** Sign a request as Ballero */
def appsign(url: String, params: Map[String, String]): String = {
val paramsToSign = params ++ commonParams
cldellow /
Created June 10, 2012 16:19
A poor man's download accelerator
import getopt, sys, os, re
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:")
if len(args) != 2:
print "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [-c cookie] <url> <file> | bash"
url, file = args
cldellow / gist:3018581
Created June 29, 2012 15:22
Load 10K items of type product, 100K items of type othertype, memory usage to facet the first type grows 10x
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/products/othertype/_mapping?pretty=true' -d'{
"othertype": {
"properties": {
"year": { "type": "long" },
"b": { "type": "boolean" }
cldellow / the-bauer-kitchen
Created February 15, 2013 16:15
Ah, the Internet.
<font size="5">
<font size="5">
<font size="5">
<font size="5">
<font size="5">
<font size="5">
<font size="5">
<font size="5">
<font size="5">
The Godfather:
(0, ('c47cdc01ae393cc1', 'The Godfather', 1285.2524694611532, 1996.0, 1996.0))
(1, ('14ad24bec9864311', 'The Godfather Part II', 247.03430466050014, 664.0, 2126.0))
(2, ('3f07609919cea6a1', 'Unforgiven', 66.8648447097107, 464.0, 2203.0))
(3, ('3d759a6cec209d51', 'Goodfellas', 52.01722828431214, 1069.0, 3324.0))
(4, ('3d8d7ee67be90ce1', 'Casino', 44.32755685131195, 582.0, 2429.0))
(5, ('fa57dfab448a0271', 'The Deer Hunter', 41.576119653738715, 437.0, 2244.0))
(6, ('b269bfba160411c1', 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', 39.582209420249114, 697.0, 2689.0))
(7, ('d79251b20619d5a1', 'Scarface', 35.78798419686481, 812.0, 2809.0))
cldellow / gist:7435827
Created November 12, 2013 18:09
Diff: Improves performance of Keyboard Navigation ( extension on pages with many links by using a DocumentFragment (
> var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
< document.body.appendChild(hintsDiv);
> fragment.appendChild(hintsDiv);
> document.body.appendChild(fragment);
cldellow / keyboardnav.js
Last active December 28, 2015 03:29
Patched keyboardnav.js: Improves performance of Keyboard Navigation ( extension on pages with many links by using a DocumentFragment (
Copyright 2010 xnoreq
const HINT_CLASS = "chrome_keyboardnav_hint",
HINT_CLASS_A = "chrome_keyboardnav_hinta",
HINTS_ID = "chrome_keyboardnav_hints";
const KEY_ESC = 27, KEY_COMMA = 188, KEY_RETURN = 13;
cldellow / gist:7699599
Created November 28, 2013 23:44
Exceptions and promises
import dispatch._
def func = Http(host("") OK as.String)
try {
val rv = func.flatMap { _ => Promise(1) }
rv() // Doesn't reach here, prints out message
println("I'll never get here")
} catch {
case e: Exception => println("I'll catch this, but you'll still see the JRE printing a stack trace for a BG thread")
cldellow /
Last active October 7, 2019 06:43
A poor man's sampling profiler

So your JVM app is slow...

The background

Imagine that you've inherited this program:

import scala.util.Random

object SlowApp {
76 P sophie the giraffe B000IDSLOG
4 P sophie the giraffe B000SOG7BY
2 P sophie the giraffe 15640
2 P sophie the giraffe B00RYW27QM
1 P sophie the giraffe B000SOG7BY