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Clint Ecker clintecker

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proc stock symbol {
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if {[lindex $chr 1] < 0} {set col red} else {set col green};
. "[bold]$curr[bold]: [color $col on white][html [strip_html [lindex $chr 1]]] [html [strip_html [lindex $chr 3]]][color] [color blue on white]$cn[color]"}
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proc y_stock_info args {
set symbols [join $args]
set symbols [string toupper $symbols]
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set info [list]
foreach row $rows {
foreach {name pattern} {
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[master][~/src/ars-technica-mt-bits] ./tools/run-periodic-tasks -v -d --sleep 1
TheSchwartz::work_once got job of class 'MT::Worker::Publish', priority 10
Working on MT::Worker::Publish ...
Publishing /Users/clintecker/src/ars-technica-mt-bits/published/telecom/news/2009/04/congress-wants-new-probe-for-p2p-file-sharing-snafus.ars, priority 10
Deep recursion on subroutine "MT::Builder::build" at lib/MT/Template/ line 4606.
Deep recursion on subroutine "MT::Template::Context::_hdlr_get_var" at lib/MT/ line 396.
Deep recursion on subroutine "MT::Template::Context::var" at lib/MT/Template/ line 3446.
Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at lib/MT/Template/ line 171.
perl(54528) malloc: *** mmap(size=16777216) failed (error code=12)
*** error: can't allocate region