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Feiko Nanninga clonejo

  • Aachen / Leer, Germany
View GitHub Profile
=ERROR REPORT==== 11-Mar-2012::21:52:52 ===
Error in process <0.80.0> with exit value: {terminated,[{io,format,[<0.79.0>,"[C<-S] packet: ~p~n",[{map_chunk,[31,37,{parsed,{chunk_column_data,true,[{0,<<4096 bytes>>},{1,<<4096 bytes>>},{2,<<4096 bytes>>},{3,<<4096 bytes>>},{4,<<4096 bytes>>}],[{0,<<2048 bytes>>},{1,<<2048 bytes>>},{2,<<2048 bytes>>},{3,<<2048 bytes>>},{4,<<2048 bytes>>}],[{0,<<2048 bytes>>},{1,<<2048 bytes>>},{2,<<2048 bytes>>},{3,<<2048 bytes>>},{4,<<2048 bytes>>}],[{0,<<2048 bytes>>},{1,<<2048 bytes>>},{2,<<2048 bytes>>},{3,<<2048 bytes>>},{4,<<2048 bytes>>}],<<256 bytes>>}}]}]]},{mc_erl_proxy,log_handler,1}]}
=ERROR REPORT==== 12-Mar-2012::19:30:52 ===
Error in process <0.43.0> with exit value: {terminated,[{io,format,[<0.42.0>,"[C<-S] packet: ~p~n",[{map_chunk,[27,3,{parsed,{chunk_column_data,true,[{0,<<4096 bytes>>},{1,<<4096 bytes>>},{2,<<4096 bytes>>},{3,<<4096 bytes>>},{4,<<4096 bytes>>}],[{0,<<2048 bytes>>},{1,<<2048 bytes>>},{2,<<2048 bytes>>},{3,<<2048 bytes>>},{4,<<2048 bytes>>}],[{0,<<2048 bytes>>},{1,<<2048 bytes>>},{2,<<2048 bytes>>},{3,<<2048 bytes>>},{4,<<2048 bytes>>}],[{0,<<2048 bytes>>},{1,<<2048 bytes>>},{2,<<2048 bytes>>},{3,<<2048 bytes>>},{4,<<2048 bytes>>}],[],<<256 bytes>>}}]}]]},{mc_erl_proxy,log_handler,1}]}
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SMProxy.Program' from assembly 'SMProxy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SMProxy.Program' from assembly 'SMProxy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
create a clean git repo in this directory:
$ git init
clone a local/remote git repo (adds the repo referred by branch as a remote named "origin"):
$ git clone <path>
show current branch and changed/new files:
$ git status
show previous commits of the current branch:
$ git log
add changes / new files to the index (single files, "." for the whole dir including subdirs):
clonejo / gist:3434730
Created August 23, 2012 09:37
spawn named entity packet dump
[mc_erl_protocol] packet named_entity_spawn, binary:
14 0 0 0 8 0 9 0 64 0 61 0 72 0 6b 0 ........d.a.r.k.
6f 0 6e 0 35 0 23 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.n.5.#.8.......
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7f ..........
(c)allocating 65536 times 4 bytes. Pointer: 0x7f56e90b6010.
core.exception.AssertError@gl3n.linalg(496): unittest failure
./bralad(onUnittestErrorMsg+0x46) [0xadf506]
./bralad(_d_unittestm+0x47) [0xaa8a6f]
./bralad(void gl3n.linalg.__unittest_fail(int)+0x1a) [0x8fbf26]
./bralad(@safe void gl3n.linalg.Vector!(float, 2).Vector.__unittest1907()+0x423) [0x884d9b]
./bralad(void gl3n.linalg.__modtest()+0x27) [0x8fbc9f]
./bralad(extern (C) bool core.runtime.runModuleUnitTests().int __foreachbody314(ref object.ModuleInfo*)+0x30) [0xadf830]
./bralad(int rt.minfo.moduleinfos_apply(scope int delegate(ref object.ModuleInfo*))+0x55) [0xaada31]
(c)allocating 65536 times 4 bytes. Pointer: 0x7f7949f83010.
init: 1024x800
Supported OpenGL version: 3.3.11627 Compatibility Profile Context
Loaded OpenGL version: 33
core.exception.RangeError@brala.utils.crypto(78): Range violation
./bralad(_d_array_bounds+0x26) [0x851106]
./bralad() [0x6e662e]
./bralad(ubyte[] brala.utils.crypto.PBEWithMD5AndDES.decrypt(ubyte[])+0x122) [0x6e4982]
./bralad(std.typecons.Tuple!(immutable(char)[], "username", immutable(char)[], "password").Tuple [0x734e66]
$ ./bralad -h""
(c)allocating 65536 times 4 bytes. Pointer: 0x7f91185df010.
init: 1024x800
Supported OpenGL version: 3.3.11627 Compatibility Profile Context
Loaded OpenGL version: 33
Requesting resource "./res/shader/terrain.shader" as "terrain", type: "Shader".
Loaded resource "terrain" with type: "Shader".
Requesting resource "./res/texture/terrain.png" as "terrain", type: "Image".
Loaded resource "terrain" with type: "Image".
Requesting resource "./res/texture/grasscolor.png" as "grasscolor", type: "Image".
$ ./bralad -h""
(c)allocating 65536 times 4 bytes. Pointer: 0x7f9076d07010.
init: 1024x800
Supported OpenGL version: 3.3.11627 Compatibility Profile Context
Loaded OpenGL version: 33
Requesting resource "./res/shader/terrain.shader" as "terrain", type: "Shader".
Loaded resource "terrain" with type: "Shader".
Requesting resource "./res/texture/terrain.png" as "terrain", type: "Image".
Loaded resource "terrain" with type: "Image".
Requesting resource "./res/texture/grasscolor.png" as "grasscolor", type: "Image".
$ ./bralad -h""
(c)allocating 65536 times 4 bytes. Pointer: 0x7f7ef9590010.
init: 1024x800
Supported OpenGL version: 3.3.11627 Compatibility Profile Context
Loaded OpenGL version: 33
Requesting resource "./res/shader/terrain.shader" as "terrain", type: "Shader".
Loaded resource "terrain" with type: "Shader".
Requesting resource "./res/texture/terrain.png" as "terrain", type: "Image".
Loaded resource "terrain" with type: "Image".
Requesting resource "./res/texture/grasscolor.png" as "grasscolor", type: "Image".