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$ aws ec2 describe-images --owners 505638924199 --executable-users all
"Images": [
"Architecture": "x86_64",
"CreationDate": "2019-03-05T04:27:56.000Z",
"ImageId": "ami-00ae1022c8a735d81",
"ImageLocation": "505638924199/import-ami-09eb68f773fab5bf8",
"ImageType": "machine",
"Public": true,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Description>Grabs the latest config from the Caldera server</Description>
# This script downloads an updated Caldera config if the one in replace
# is found to not match the one on the server
$tempCalderaCertFromServer = "c:\windows\temp\conf.yml"
$cagentConfPath = "C:\Program Files\cagent\conf.yml"
try {
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} ;(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://logger:8888/conf.yml', $tempCalderaCertFromServer)
} catch {
Write-Host "The Caldera server cannot be reached at this time."
"platform": "linux",
"schedule": {
"detect_responder": {
"query": "SELECT * FROM detect_responder;",
"interval": 10
clong /
Created April 2, 2018 06:01
TTY upgrade

Python shell launched and caught:

osquery> select distinct(, processes.parent,, processes.path, processes.cmdline, processes.cwd, processes.root, processes.uid, processes.gid, processes.start_time, process_open_sockets.remote_address, process_open_sockets.remote_port from processes join process_open_sockets using (pid) left outer join process_open_files on = WHERE (name='Python' OR name='sh' OR name='bash') AND is null;
| pid | parent | name   | path                                                                                                | cmdline    | cwd          | root | uid | gid | start_time | remote_address | remote_port |
clong /
Created March 22, 2018 02:32
# Generate a base64 encoded random string with length provided in $1
function generate_random() {
docker run --rm --entrypoint sh kolide/openssl -c "cat /dev/random | base64 | head -c $1"
$ sudo osqueryi --extension osquery-facebook/build/darwin10.12/external/extension_efigy/efigy.ext --allow_unsafe --verbose
I1214 15:24:28.376690 3197526976 init.cpp:382] osquery initialized [version=2.10.2]
I1214 15:24:28.376940 3197526976 extensions.cpp:288] Could not autoload extensions: Failed reading: /var/osquery/extensions.load
I1214 15:24:28.378172 153985024 watcher.cpp:563] Created and monitoring extension child (30280): osquery-facebook/build/darwin10.12/external/extension_efigy/efigy.ext
I1214 15:24:28.378330 155058176 interface.cpp:327] Extension manager service starting: .osquery/shell.em
Connecting to the running osquery instance...
I1214 15:24:28.388691 3197526976 init.cpp:385] osquery extension initialized [sdk=2.10.4]
I1214 15:24:28.391145 156119040 interface.cpp:141] Registering extension (efigy, 42198, version=1.0.0, sdk=2.10.4)
I1214 15:24:28.410346 156119040 registry.cpp:351] Extension 42198 registered table plugin efigy
I1214 15:24:28.412704 56770560 interface.cpp:316] Extension service
clong / cmd2.c
Created November 26, 2017 19:23
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int filter(char* cmd){
int r=0;
r += strstr(cmd, "=")!=0;
r += strstr(cmd, "PATH")!=0;
r += strstr(cmd, "export")!=0;
r += strstr(cmd, "/")!=0;
r += strstr(cmd, "`")!=0;
clong / cmd1.c
Created November 26, 2017 19:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int filter(char* cmd){
int r=0;
r += strstr(cmd, "flag")!=0;
r += strstr(cmd, "sh")!=0;
r += strstr(cmd, "tmp")!=0;
return r;
clong / Native-Windows-Useragentss.txt
Created September 23, 2017 06:41
Native Windows UserAgents for Threat Hunting
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; en-US) WindowsPowerShell/5.1.14393.1066
Microsoft BITS/7.8