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Bill Kirtley cluesque

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# A migration that will continue to work after refactoring
class FutureProofMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
# Redefine models used in the migration as empty inner classes. This removes all validations and magic.
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base; end
# Either don't rely on associations or declare them as referring to the new inner class
class DependentModel < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :model, :class_name => "FutureProofMigration::Model"
# Include this in your development and test environments
# if you want to run all Resque processors inline
# (avoiding the need for Redis and a separate worker process)
# In config/environments/{development,test}.rb:
# config.after_initialize do
# require 'resque_inline'
# end
module Resque
cluesque / gist:7207500
Created October 29, 2013 00:58
traceroute -q1
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
8 ( 14.978 ms
9 ( 33.392 ms
10 ( 29.782 ms
11 *
12 episode.iv ( 120.330 ms
13 ( 73.192 ms
14 ( 98.692 ms
15 rebel.spaceships ( 68.083 ms
cluesque / gist:8439915
Created January 15, 2014 16:52
I have a table where I have a row that cannot be found by id. If I go around the PK index, the row is found. If I drop the index, the row is found. If I add a new index, row not found.
d5toqvrtbm8bbu=> SELECT id, created_at FROM widgets WHERE id = 1155301;
id | created_at
1155301 | 2014-01-10 02:59:47.856214
(1 row)
d5toqvrtbm8bbu=> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX widgets_pkey ON widgets(id);
d5toqvrtbm8bbu=> SELECT id, created_at FROM widgets WHERE id = 1155301;
id | created_at
cluesque / database.yml
Created October 28, 2014 15:09
The config/database.yml that heroku installs
require 'cgi'
require 'uri'
uri = URI.parse(ENV["DATABASE_URL"])
rescue URI::InvalidURIError
raise "Invalid DATABASE_URL"
cluesque / shoulda_context_test.rb
Created May 28, 2015 17:43
Macros for adding setup and teardown to a context don't do what I think they should
require 'test_helper'
class ShouldaContextTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def self.setup_setup_helper
setup { puts "running the setup helper"; @wrapped = true }
teardown{ puts "running the teardown helper"; @wrapped = false }
context "outer nesting" do
context "without setup" do
setup do
cluesque / cryptor.rb
Created December 20, 2016 03:18
Toy class demonstrating encryption and decryption with aes-256-gcm
class Cryptor
# Usage:
# cipher =, auth_data: '1234').encrypt(clear)
# clear =, auth_data: '12344').decrypt(cipher)
attr_accessor :key, :auth_data
# The auth_data should be something different for each text, perhaps a database row id?
def initialize(key, auth_data: 'aad')
self.mode = mode
self.key = key
cluesque / genesis_public_key
Created February 22, 2018 04:08
cluesque / _Suppressible Notes
Last active March 5, 2018 17:26
Suppressible mixin
DHH's On Writing Software (well?) [episode 2]( discussed callbacks, specifically the practice of hiding side effects of object creation using `after_save` and `after_commit` hooks.
It implicitly conceeded that `after_commit`, lacking information about what was just committed, was flawed, and uses the common workaround of using an `after_save` to decide to do something based on changes and set an @ivar, and then in the `after_commit` acting on the @ivar found. Which is fun, but.
It also [at the end]( discussed the possibility that in some use cases a caller might want to explicitly prevent side effects from happening. Think about when audited temporarily suppresses auditing, or perhaps one might want to bulk update some data, without sending the email normally sent when said data is updated.
It teased the presence of a `Suppressible` mixin. For fun, I wrote it.
Update: turns out the real one is public. It uses `thread_mattr

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am cluesque on github.
  • I am cluesque ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBvxQlEpGPq_kkRyixFNNvyPL7H1ag6fwoz4Dmb40Nsrgo

To claim this, I am signing this object: