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codefromthecrypt /
Created June 17, 2019 07:55
Mystery of TLS 1.3 and curl on osx

I forget all the things I needed to install first. Some of these may be irrelevant.

brew install libtool pkg-config shtool grep gcc openssl@1.1
# from your checkout of curl
automake --force-missing --add-missing
codefromthecrypt /
Last active December 24, 2020 23:55
secondary zipkin template for elasticsearch 7

Zipkin by default does special indexing to deal with limitations around names with dots and to reduce storage costs. Normal elasticsearch queries for tags won't work because of this. However, you can always add a second indexing template with the tags you feel you need to work with other tools like kibana. This shows you how to do that.

Before asking any questions please run exactly as mentioned here. These instructions are Elasticsearch v7 specific. If you do something different like use Elasticsearch 6, or do things out of order, it might not work. In other words, use our docker-compose stuff so to eliminate variance and understand how things work before changing variables.

$ git clone
$ cd zipkin/docker/examples/

Edit docker-compose-elasticsearch.yml and uncomment out po

import brave.propagation.Propagation;
import brave.propagation.TraceContext;
import brave.propagation.TraceContextOrSamplingFlags;
import brave.propagation.TraceIdContext;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.UUID;
* <p>Tries to extract a trace ID and span ID using the supplied default implementation, such as
codefromthecrypt /
Created January 27, 2019 12:38
troubleshooting cassandra

Load testing example of cassandra3 storage

Hypothesis: a recent change to the code caused a problem which would be visible under load as dropped spans.

Validation approach: create a lot of load and check if there are any dropped spans

Conclusion: Hypothesis isn't supported. there could be a different explanation for dropped spans, possibly data in nature.


Changed brave-webmvc-example to make a lot of separate requests instead of buffering.

codefromthecrypt / differences.diff
Created April 29, 2018 08:57
differences in grafana due to metrics changes
< "expr": "rate(zipkin_collector_messages{instance=~\"$instances\"}[1m])\n",
> "expr": "rate(zipkin_collector_messages_total{instance=~\"$instances\"}[1m])\n",
< "expr": "rate(zipkin_collector_messages_dropped{instance=~\"$instances\"}[1m])\n",
> "expr": "rate(zipkin_collector_messages_dropped_total{instance=~\"$instances\"}[1m])\n",
< "metric": "{{instance}} {{transport}} dropped messages",
"traceId": "5aab74dbb904746bb33447baae403ed6",
"parentId": "05e3ac9a4f6e3b90",
"id": "e457b5a2e4d86bd1",
"kind": "CONSUMER",
"name": "next-message",
"timestamp": 1521186011929043,
"duration": 14,
"localEndpoint": {
codefromthecrypt /
Last active October 31, 2020 12:39
My take on: Misunderstanding "Open Tracing" for the Enterprise

This is a reaction post to Misunderstanding "Open Tracing" for the Enterprise by @jkowall

This is opinions with citations (imagine that!). This is not wikipedia. sorry. I didn't run this by anyone, Jonah or otherwise. I do not represent OpenTracing or OpenCensus (or my employer or whatever you might think) in this view. I will give critical thoughts on both from a technical view as people complained to me mostly about lack of details. I do have "a dog in the race" but it isn't what you might think. Yes, I'm the primary maintainer of Zipkin, but my goal is not to disparage anything rather to keep the community healthy with options that exist and free from the suffering caused in my opinion by complete lack of technical view on what things do. Particularly, this is dangerous in interop, and I'll get to that.

I have experience with both tools. Though I left within months, I was implicated in the beginning of OpenTracing. I still mainta

codefromthecrypt /
Created October 11, 2017 07:28
create some load against your docker server
while true; do curl -s -H'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Expect:' -d'[{
"traceId": "4d1e00c0db9010db86154a4ba6e91385",
"parentId": "86154a4ba6e91385",
"id": "4d1e00c0db9010db",
"kind": "CLIENT",
"name": "get",
"timestamp": 1472470996199000,
"duration": 207000,
"localEndpoint": {
"serviceName": "frontend",
codefromthecrypt /
Last active September 21, 2017 21:53
Auto-close tracing can be troublesome

The number one problem to solve in tracing is propagation, at least carrying trace identifiers from one side of your process to the other. Usually, some thread local state is involved with this. In I'd say most libraries apart from OpenTracing, this is a separate functionality than timing things. For example, you put variables in scope with one api and you do timing with another. It might look like this.

span = startSpan();
try (Scope scope = propagation.scope(span.ids())){
  // work here can see the span ids via something like Trace.ids() 
} finally {
codefromthecrypt /
Created July 18, 2017 11:02
UUID is a 128bit ID like a square is a rectangle

I've been party to some pretty interesting conversations around Zipkin's ID format and UUIDs. Seems interesting to share, since some of this stuff is neat, if geeky.

So, we love UUIDs! Many people use UUID format to pass around things unlikely to ever clash. These are used for long-term retrieval and other handy things. A lot of correlation IDs are UUIDs, too.

What about distributed tracing? Trace IDs should be UUID, too! To this I answer.. maybe?

Firstly, there are a lot of systems inspired by the dapper paper which hints how