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codefromthecrypt /
Created July 2, 2017 18:54
When you derive metrics from sampled traces

I have heard a number of APMs create "spans" (distributed tracing lingo for an operation) and aggregate them for reasons like latency metrics.

In a way, Zipkin does this. The ever popular service dependency diagram is an aggregated view of parent/child links between services with the number of calls between them added for color.

The biggest issue with using a tracing api to back metrics is that most of the time, tracing is sampled (like 1 out of 1000). Sampling is done to reduce costs or prevent a surge of traffic from taking out the

codefromthecrypt / gist:7180c278b62e8f6a216a2aea45d08fc9
Created March 3, 2017 08:54
aggregation for binary annotations
# this returns all of the annotation values, not just the http.url
# for more..
curl -s 'localhost:9200/zipkin-*/span/_search' -d'{
"_source": false,
"aggs": {
"binaryAnnotations": {
"nested": {
"path": "binaryAnnotations"
"aggs" : {
codefromthecrypt /
Created February 16, 2017 19:38
searching for multiple service names
# substitute 2017-01-18 for the correct date and foo and bar for the two services names you're interested in
curl -s localhost:9200/zipkin-2017-01-18/span/_search -d'{
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "annotations",
"query": {
"bool": {
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
TraceContextOrSamplingFlags contextOrFlags = contextExtractor.extract(httpRequest);
Span span = contextOrFlags.context() != null
? tracer.joinSpan(contextOrFlags.context())
: tracer.newTrace(contextOrFlags.samplingFlags());
codefromthecrypt / normal-instrumentation.txt
Last active January 11, 2017 05:02
Normal case of Zipkin instrumentation
┌──────────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────┐
│ Tracer: Web │ │ Tracer: App │
│ │ │ │
└──────────────────────────────┘ │ └──────────────────────────────┘
┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌─────────────────────────────┐
(1) │(1) Web tracer starts a trace│
│ sr │ │ since no headers exist │
─────────▶ └─────────────────────────────┘
codefromthecrypt /
Last active July 12, 2018 19:56
Kafka one-way with Brave
* This is an example of a one-way or "messaging span", which is possible by use of the {@link
* Span#flush()} operator.
* <p>Note that this uses a span as a kafka key, not because it is recommended, rather as it is
* convenient for demonstration, since kafka doesn't have message properties.
* <p>See
public class KafkaExampleIT {
codefromthecrypt / textikflow.txt
Created January 2, 2017 07:39
example tracing flow made with textik
I made this with in attempts to explain how service naming work. Since english is
second language for many coders, diagrams help. In this case, achieved understanding in <20 minutes!
The tracer on Server A starts a trace since is doesn't read
headers or anything from the browser's request. In zipkin
this has annotation "sr" with the serviceName "loginService"
-\ Server A has role loginService, so its tracer is named that.
Browser -\+--------------+
codefromthecrypt /
Last active October 27, 2021 01:44
My ramble on OpenTracing (with a side of Zipkin)

I've had many people ask me questions about OpenTracing, often in relation to OpenZipkin. I've seen assertions about how it is vendor neutral and is the lock-in cure. This post is not a sanctioned, polished or otherwise muted view, rather what I personally think about what it is and is not, and what it helps and does not help with. Scroll to the very end if this is too long. Feel free to add a comment if I made any factual mistakes or you just want to add a comment.

So, what is OpenTracing?

OpenTracing is documentation and library interfaces for distributed tracing instrumentation. To be "OpenTracing" requires bundling its interfaces in your work, so that others can use it to time distributed operations with the same library.

So, who is it for?

OpenTracing interfaces are targeted to authors of instrumentation libraries, and those who want to collaborate with traces created by them. Ex something started a trace somewhere and I add a notable event to that trace. Structure logging was recently added to O

public final class HttpClient4Instrumentation {
public static class Config extends ClientHandler.Config<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> {
@Override protected Parser<HttpRequest, String> spanNameParser() {
return r -> r.getRequestLine().getMethod();
@Override protected TagsParser<HttpRequest> requestTagsParser() {
return TagsParser.builder(HttpRequest.class)
.addParser(TraceKeys.HTTP_URL, input -> input.getRequestLine().getUri())