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The main difference between dinosaurs and us is we're building our own meteor.

David Winterbottom codeinthehole

The main difference between dinosaurs and us is we're building our own meteor.
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codeinthehole /
Created February 12, 2014 11:54
Dirty script for finding repos to archive
import requests
import datetime
import sys
# Pass your OAuth token
token = sys.argv[1]
# Fetch all private repos (lazy - assumes only two pages)
headers = {'Authorization': 'token %s' % token}
response = requests.get(
codeinthehole /
Created February 24, 2014 12:40
Execute custom SQL before tests run (uses the Nose testrunner)
import os
from django.db import connection
def setUp():
Create custom database tables before test suite runs
" ==================================================
" VIMRC file for David Winterbottom (@codeinthehole)
" ==================================================
" Inspiration {{{
" -----------
" See
" Good articles:
" -
codeinthehole / .gitconfig
Created August 14, 2014 11:06
Git aliases for quickly opening Github pages
# Open the Github page for the...
# ...repo homepage (included for consistency)
open = !hub browse --
# ...repo commits
opencommits = !hub browse -- commits
# ...commit page for HEAD
codeinthehole / SensibleTermarySniff.php
Created January 19, 2011 23:36
PHP_CodeSniffer sniff file for checking for idiotic ternary assignments
class TangentLabs_Sniffs_BestPractice_SensibleTernarysSniff implements PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff
* @return array
public function register()
return array(T_INLINE_THEN);
codeinthehole /
Created June 1, 2011 11:49
Twill TestCase for django
class TwillTestCase(TestCase):
Simple wrapper around Twill to make writing TestCases easier.
Commands availabel through self.command are:
- go -> visit a URL
- back -> back to previous URL
- reload -> reload URL
- follow -> follow a given link
- code -> assert the HTTP response code
codeinthehole /
Created June 2, 2011 10:55
Environment-based logger
from logging import FileHandler as BaseFileHandler
import os
class EnvFileHandler(BaseFileHandler):
Custom filehandler that uses the LOG_ROOT setting to determine the folder
to store log files in.
We have to do some tricky stuff to avoid circular imports. To this end,
codeinthehole /
Created September 9, 2011 08:38
Lightweight subclassing using curry
def curry(f, *args, **kwargs):
def curried(*more_args, **more_kwargs):
return f(*(args+more_args), **dict(kwargs, **more_kwargs))
return curried
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name, gender): = name
self.gender = gender
codeinthehole /
Created January 19, 2012 17:31
Simple script for releasing python packages to PyPi
# Extract version number from
RELEASE_NUM=`grep version | cut -d\' -f2`
# Push to PyPi
python sdist upload
# Tag in Git and push to remote
git tag $RELEASE_NUM -m "Tagging release $RELEASE_NUM"
codeinthehole /
Created February 13, 2012 09:40
Determine how wins poker game from input file
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import unittest
from collections import defaultdict
# Constants for each hand