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Sid Meier's 10 Rules of Game Design
1. Choose a topic you have a passion for. Game Design is about creativity.
2. Do research after the game is done. Tap into the player’s brain.
3. Define your axioms, refine your axioms. Prototype, prototype, prototype; sit in all the chairs.
4. Double it or cut it in half. You are more wrong than you think.

Every so often I have to restore my gpg keys and I'm never sure how best to do it. So, I've spent some time playing around with the various ways to export/import (backup/restore) keys.

Method 1

Backup the public and secret keyrings and trust database

cp ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg /path/to/backups/
cp ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg /path/to/backups/
cp ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg /path/to/backups/

or, instead of backing up trustdb...

codetaylor / pt8211-dac.ino
Created November 10, 2020 01:09 — forked from dilshan/pt8211-dac.ino
PT8211 DAC verification script for Arduino
#include <limits.h>
#ifndef PIN_BCK
#define PIN_BCK 22
#ifndef PIN_WS
#define PIN_WS 23
codetaylor /
Created May 17, 2022 19:20 — forked from GentlemanRevvnar/
Simple guide for using jigsaws in custom structures in 1.18.2

Custom data pack structures with jigsaws in 1.18.2

(Last updated: 1.18.2)

This is technically a shameless rip/edit of misode's guide that shows the traditional use of newly implemented custom structure system. I myself want to tackle the jigsaw aspect a bit, hence i'm making my own guice based on his. I will show how to create a data pack that adds custom structures to the world that also utilize jigsaw blocks. So treat this as a basic jigsaw guide in world generation. There is also a data pack download of this first example.

Always leave the world and rejoin to apply the new changes! Because traditional /reload or /datapack disable & enable do not refresh changes in worldgen files!

EXAMPLE 1 - Creating a structure that uses jigsaws

Let's make a simple house with a basement and a road that will lead away from the h