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commanda / timey
Created April 27, 2016 19:52
a bash script that i use to tell me to get back to work after a set number of minutes
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "usage: timey <number of minutes> &";
SECONDS=$(($1 * 60))
echo "Timey set for $1 minutes, which is $SECONDS seconds"
sleep $SECONDS
open -a "Google"
commanda / del
Last active May 18, 2016 01:02
A bash script that moves the given file or directory into the Trash.
for f in $args; do
base=$(basename $f);
if [ -e "$TRASH$base" ] ; then
commanda / gist:5069840
Created March 2, 2013 05:33
How to select the target for invoking an IMP of a super class?
void (^onComplete)(void) = ^{
IMP superCancelPressed = class_getMethodImplementation([MCDialogView class], @selector(cancelPressed:));
superCancelPressed(<what goes here?>, @selector(cancelPressed:), nil);
//[super cancelPressed:sender];
commanda / gist:5053654
Last active December 14, 2015 07:49
Create a proportional S-shaped bezier curve between any two points. Objective-C, Cocos2d, iOS.
-(ccBezierConfig)bezierForStartPoint:(CGPoint)startPoint endPoint:(CGPoint)endPoint curviness:(CGFloat)alpha
CGPoint basis1 = ccpLerp(startPoint, endPoint, 0.3333);
CGPoint basis2 = ccpLerp(startPoint, endPoint, 0.6666);
// Get a point on the perpendicular line of each of the control points
CGPoint vector = ccpSub(endPoint, startPoint);
// First point is to the right, second is to the left, of the line between the start point and end point
CGPoint v1 = ccpRPerp(vector);
commanda /
Last active May 18, 2016 02:02
A bash script that opens the commits page for the project you're sitting in (nicer than looking at git log)
URL=`git config remote.origin.url`
# if its a git@, replace that with https://
URL=`echo $URL | sed -e "s/git@/https:\/\//g"`;
URL=`echo $URL | sed -e "s/com:/com\//g"`;
# remove the .git at the end
URL=`echo $URL | sed -e "s/.git$//g"`;
commanda / lunar-lander-update.m
Created March 26, 2012 15:07
Fill in the blanks, Stevenson Symposium
// Only run the update if we haven't already landed
// We accelerate downward at 10 pixels per second per second.
// "dt" stands for "delta time" is how much time has passed since the last time this function
// was called, so it's around 0.05 seconds
// Using our number 10, and our number dt, how do we create the value that we're going to