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Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán computerphysicslab

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What is the point of existence?
1.- Transfer all meaning to the future:
"Well, I could go into a long and drawn out description of all the points of existence, but what is the point? The human race will die off one day... Even if humanity survives into the far future, it will be a cold, miserable existence that is so centered around survival and basic needs to sustain life that there won't be much of a point to living. In fact given the current trend in technological progress where everything becomes exponentially more efficient which requires less human labor and effort, it wouldn't surprise me if humanity eradicates itself out of boredom. The universe will continue on, completely oblivious to the fact that humanity exists or that it even once existed."
2.- Turn people into the main culprit of global chaos:
"Possibly sooner than later considering how short sighted and nihilistic their behavior has become. They have little
// Sort a histogram of integer keys and values
// Turn
// map[10:2 11:1 12:2]
// into this:
// [[10 2] [12 2] [11 1]]
package main
import (
// Read a time series from a CSV file
package main
// @dev config goLang folder
// go env -w GO111MODULE=auto
// go mod init
// go mod tidy
// @dev Running
// go run predictor.go
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
from autots import AutoTS
data = pd.read_csv('BitcoinHistoricalData.csv')
print("Shape of Dataset is: ", data.shape, "\n")
computerphysicslab / Top100BestBitcoinWebsites.txt
Created April 5, 2022 21:41
Top 100 Best Bitcoin websites
sudo apt install lm-sensors hddtemp
sudo sensors-detect
sudo apt-get install sensors-applet
sudo apt-get install psensor
#blockchain #DeFi #ethereum #solidity #RSK #erc20 #erc721 #NFT #stablecoin #GitHub #HardHat #Waffle #quantumphysics #goLang #API #concurrency #goroutines #docker
Since the outbreak of Ethereum platform I have been developing DApps and Backends on Blockchains (Ethereum, RSK) on ICO projects, Supply Chain PoCs, Intellectual Property over ERC-721 standard, Voting with asymmetric cryptography and Identity check with ERC-725/735. Last year entirely devoted to developing DeFi protocol for AMM pool swap, leveraged trading, lend, borrow, yield farming, perpetual futures on Sovryn.
It's worth mentioning a great R&D effort with LydianElectrum project at that forks 300,000 goLang lines of code and turns Ethereum into a native ERC-20 stablecoin pegged to Euro (CryptoEuro).
My background is theoretical physics focused on spin-glass simulation and parallel supercomputing and also an Internet entrepreneurship with more t
Get all events from contracts:
find . -type f -name '*.sol' ! -path '*node_modules/*' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -z "s/\/\/[^\n]*\n//g" | awk '/event/,/;/' | sed "s/[[:space:]]+event/event/" | sed -z "s/\n[\t ]*//g" | sed -z "s/;/;\n/g" | egrep "^event "
Get all event selectors from contracts:
find . -type f -name '*.sol' ! -path '*node_modules/*' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -z "s/\/\/[^\n]*\n//g" | awk '/event/,/;/' | sed "s/[[:space:]]+event/event/" | sed -z "s/\n[\t ]*//g" | sed -z "s/;/;\n/g" | egrep "^event " | sed "s/ indexed / /g" | sed -E "s/(address|u*int[0-9]+|bytes[0-9]*|bool|string)(\[\])* [^,\)]+/\1/g" | sed "s/event //" | sed -r "s/\s+//g"
NodeJS Script to compute topic hash:
日本 (nihon) => Japan
日本語 (nihongo) => Japanese
東京 (tookioo) => Tokio
ありがとう (arigatoo) => thanks
さようなら (sayoonara) => bye
押忍 (oss) => saludo karate
愛してる (aishiteru) => I love you
愛 (ai) => love
常に (tsuneni) => siempre
大使館 (Taishikan) => embajada