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Mike Kanakos compwiz32

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compwiz32 / Get-ADObjectOwner.ps1
Created August 25, 2020 14:02
script posted at
function Get-ADObjectOwner {
Retrieves the owner information of an object from Active Directory
Retrieves the owner information of an object from Active Directory. Can find the owner info for a user,
computer, group or diistinguished name.
compwiz32 / Get-NestedGroup.ps1
Last active September 7, 2020 22:33
Script for article at
function Get-NestedGroup {
Gets a list of nested groups inside an Active Directory group
Gets a list of nested groups inside an Active Directory group using LDAPFilter. Checks for
two levels of nested groups from the parent group.
The name of an Active Directory group
compwiz32 / Prompt.ps1
Last active November 19, 2022 05:26
Script for article - "Customize your PowerShell commnd prompt"
function prompt {
#Assign Windows Title Text
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Current Folder: $pwd"
#Configure current user, current folder and date outputs
$CmdPromptCurrentFolder = Split-Path -Path $pwd -Leaf
$CmdPromptUser = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent();
$Date = Get-Date -Format 'dddd hh:mm:ss tt'
compwiz32 / New-PassPhrase.ps1
Last active September 5, 2021 01:16
Generate Strong Passphrases
#Requires -Module NameIT
function New-PassPhrase {
param (
$MinPasswordLength = 10,
Describe "Local Machine Health Check" {
$date = Get-Date
Context "Hardware Health Checks" {
It "C Drive has more than 1 GB free" {
$diskinfo = Get-CimInstance win32_volume | Where-Object { $_.driveletter -like 'c:' }
$DiskFreeSpace = $([math]::round((($diskinfo.FreeSpace)/1GB),0))
$DiskFreeSpace | Should BeGreaterThan 1
compwiz32 / Backup-DNSZoneData.ps1
Last active June 13, 2024 08:35
DNS backup script
#Set file paths for later use
$BackupFolder = "ServerName\ShareName" # use a valid path like "\\Server01\Backups\DNSBackup"
$DNSServer = "ServerName"
$Credential = Get-PSCredential
# connect to DC as another user
$CIMSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName $DNServer -credential $Credential #Use MS Secret Mgmt to manage your credentials
#Read DNS info from DC
$ShortDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"