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Ergo Loorits conclusionlogic

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  • GlintPay
  • London
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conclusionlogic / openssl_ios
Created December 20, 2019 15:53
[extract uint8 hexadecimal value from SSL certificate] for iOS certificate pinning #bash #openssl #pinning #ios
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## from a running webserver
$ export DOMAIN=""
$ openssl s_client -servername ${DOMAIN} -connect ${DOMAIN}:443 < /dev/null | sed -n "/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/p" | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | xxd -i | pbcopy
## from certificate file
$ cat | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | xxd -i | pbcopy
conclusionlogic / openssl_android
Created December 20, 2019 15:55
[extract SHA256 hash from SSL certificate] for Android certificate pinning #bash #openssl #pinning #android
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## from a running webserver
$ export DOMAIN=""
$ openssl s_client -servername ${DOMAIN} -connect ${DOMAIN}:443 < /dev/null | sed -n "/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/p" | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64 | pbcopy
## from certificate file
$ cat | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64 | pbcopy
conclusionlogic / jenkins_credentials.groovy
Last active December 27, 2019 18:12
[print jenkins creds] for JCasC #jenkins #groovy #JCasC #credentials
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import jenkins.model.*
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.*
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.*
import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.StringCredentials
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.impl.FileCredentialsImpl
conclusionlogic /
Last active February 19, 2020 19:08
[list all docker-compose projects] lists all docker-compose projects with project name set #docker #docker-compose #bash #shell
$ docker ps --filter "label=com.docker.compose.project" -q | xargs docker inspect --format='{{index .Config.Labels "com.docker.compose.project"}}' | sort -u
conclusionlogic /
Created March 4, 2020 17:27
[unique IPs accessing HTTPS port] check which IPs are connecting to HTTPS port on a node #bash #shell #tcpdump #awk
#!/usr/bin/env bash
$ tcpdump -i eth0 -nn ip dst host $(hostname --ip-address) and tcp dst port 443 and src net not | awk '{ ts = gensub(/([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+.[0-9]+)(.*)/,"\\1","g",$1); ip = gensub(/([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)(.*)/,"\\1","g",$3); if(!d[ip]) { print ts" "ip; d[ip]=1; fflush(stdout) } }'
conclusionlogic /
Created March 24, 2020 14:48
[block access to docker container] block access to a specific docker container #docker #iptables #bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# BLOCK ACCESS TO CONTAINER: manipulates existing rule by replacing it
# prep:
IP_ADDRESS=$(docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{print .IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker ps | awk -v service="$CONTAINER" '$0~service{print $1}'))
RULE="$(iptables --list DOCKER --line-numbers -n|awk -v address="$IP_ADDRESS" '$0~address{print $1}')"
# to block:
conclusionlogic /
Last active March 24, 2020 14:51
[block access from docker container] block access from a specific docker container #docker #iptables #bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# prep
IP_ADDRESS=$(docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{print .IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker ps | awk -v service="$CONTAINER" '$0~service{print $1}'))
# to block
iptables -I DOCKER-USER -i docker0 -s ${IP_ADDRESS}/32 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-unreachable
conclusionlogic / jenkins_snippets.groovy
Created April 4, 2020 00:01
[jenkins_snippets] archive of snippets for Jenkins #groovy #jenkins #pipelinejob
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
script {
currentBuild.displayName = "#${env.BUILD_NUMBER} ${params.dockerTag}"
currentBuild.rawBuild.project.description = "${params.gitRef.replaceAll('.*/', '')}: ${params.dockerTag}"
conclusionlogic /
Last active June 30, 2020 15:26
[Setting Up a Comodo SSL Cert] Create intermediate certificate bundle for Traefik #ssl #tls #bash #shell #comodo #openssl #traefik
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cat unleash_prod_us_glintpay_com.crt SectigoRSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt USERTrustRSAAAACA.crt AAACertificateServices.crt >>
# pem bundle for haproxy:
cat unleash_prod_us_glintpay_com.key unleash_prod_us_glintpay_com.crt > unleash_prod_us_glintpay_com.pem
conclusionlogic /
Created June 3, 2020 11:03
[get certificate fingerprint] Extraxt Base64 encoded certificate fingerprint for HPKP #bash #shell #openssl #pinning #hpkp
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# from Ceritifcate Signing Requets (for backpup certificate pinning):
$ openssl req -pubkey < DOMAIN.csr | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64
# from Public Certificate file (for main certificate pinning):
$ cat DOMAIN.crt | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64