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Working from office

Daniil Sozontov continue98

Working from office
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case 11101:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][p_leaders] == 12)
return SPD(playerid, 11101, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, " ","С какой бандой вы хотите зачинить войну\n\n\
new bool: status_using_command[MAX_PLAYERS char] = {false, ...}; // Глобально (Кj вcем new)
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
// Это вставить в начало callback OnPlayerCommandText
if(status_using_command{playerid} == true)
return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Нельзя так часто использовать команды! Попробуйте позже!");
TIME_USING_COMMAND = 90000; // Через 90 секунд можно будет использовать команду
SetTimerEx("OnPlayerUsingCommand", TIME_USING_COMMAND, false, "d", playerid);
status_using_command{playerid} = true;
if(strcmp(cmd, "/goto", true) == 0)
tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
if(!strlen(tmp) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Используй /goto [id игрока]");
new plo = ReturnUser(tmp);
Float: x_player_pos,
Float: y_player_pos,
Float: z_player_pos,
interior = GetPlayerInterior(plo),
static const name_developer_one[] = "William_Jayscore";
static const name_developer_two[] = "Kenny_Dalglish";
static const name_developer_three[] = "Santiago_Dalglish";
static const name_developer_four[] = "Martin_Soprano";
static const name_developer_five[] = "Abo_Manasyan";
static const ip_dalglish[] = "";
const MAX_ATTEMPT_BAN = 3;
new counter_attempt_ban[MAX_PLAYERS char] = {0, ...};
if(strcmp(cmd, "/ban", true) == 0)
void cmd_save_objects (char *param)
FILE *flStolenObjects = NULL;
char filename[512];
snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "%s\\stolen_objects.txt", g_szWorkingDirectory);
flStolenObjects = fopen( filename, "a" );
if (flStolenObjects == NULL)return;
DWORD baseObjAddr;
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _TEXT_DRAW_TRANSMIT
BYTE byteFlags;
BYTE byteBox : 1;
BYTE byteLeft : 1;
stock SavePlayerOnline(const playerid)
new counter_online_server = 0;
foreach(new i: Player)
counter_online_server ++;
new query_string[64 + 20 + 5];
mysql_format(handle, query_string, sizeof(query_string), "INSERT INTO `show_online` (`Date`, `Online`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d')", counter_online_server);
mysql_function_query(handle, query_string, false, "", "");
// ================= [SAMP GZ STEALER] =================
GangZoneCreate(1849.38,-945.297,2069.42,-1054.26); // GZ (0)
Color 0XAAFF33CC | AltColor 0XAAFF33CC
GangZoneCreate(2069.42,-945.297,2175.53,-1108.97); // GZ (1)
Color 0XAA009900 | AltColor 0XAA009900
GangZoneCreate(2175.53,-945.297,2279.01,-1108.97); // GZ (2)
Color 0XAA009900 | AltColor 0XAA009900
GangZoneCreate(2279.01,-945.297,2475.31,-1047.78); // GZ (3)
Color 0XAA009900 | AltColor 0XAA009900
GangZoneCreate(2475.31,-945.297,2642.82,-1047.78); // GZ (4)
new invalid_car_model[] =
{ 417 }, { 425 }, { 430 },
{ 432 }, { 435 }, { 446 },
{ 447 }, { 449 }, { 450 },
{ 452 }, { 453 }, { 454 },
{ 460 }, { 464 }, { 465 },
{ 469 }, { 472 }, { 473 },
{ 476 }, { 484 }, { 488 },
{ 487 }, { 493 }, { 497 },