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"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"name": "Clusterrgrammer_Colab-Observable-CCLE.ipynb.ipynb",
"provenance": [],
"collapsed_sections": [],
"authorship_tag": "ABX9TyOb678IaKTfDRvL3sK42zkh",
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"name": "python3",
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"source": [
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Open In Colab\"/></a>"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"id": "c7p-ouAKugrw"
"source": [
"# Clustergrammer on Colab via Observable: CCLE\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"id": "UxQGPZcPuco7",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"outputId": "bf42f14f-f156-4bb9-a7df-c51b93d400f5"
"source": [
"!pip install observable_jupyter\n",
"!pip install -q clustergrammer2\n",
"from observable_jupyter import embed\n",
"# Avoids scroll-in-the-scroll in the entire Notebook\n",
"from IPython.display import Javascript\n",
"def resize_colab_cell():\n",
" display(Javascript('google.colab.output.setIframeHeight(0, true, {maxHeight: 5000})'))\n",
"get_ipython().events.register('pre_run_cell', resize_colab_cell)\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"from clustergrammer2 import net"
"execution_count": 1,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Collecting observable_jupyter\n",
" Downloading\n",
"Installing collected packages: observable-jupyter\n",
"Successfully installed observable-jupyter-0.1.8\n",
"\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 19.1MB 1.2MB/s \n",
"\u001b[?25h>> clustergrammer2 backend version 0.17.0\n"
"name": "stdout"
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/statsmodels/tools/ FutureWarning: pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions in the public API at pandas.testing instead.\n",
" import pandas.util.testing as tm\n"
"name": "stderr"
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"height": 147
"id": "PzQ78xsSuupE",
"outputId": "a9187588-5392-4bf1-b00b-7c021147a98c"
"source": [
"!git clone"
"execution_count": 2,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
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"google.colab.output.setIframeHeight(0, true, {maxHeight: 5000})"
"text/plain": [
"<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>"
"metadata": {
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"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Cloning into 'clustergrammer2-notebooks'...\n",
"remote: Enumerating objects: 23, done.\u001b[K\n",
"remote: Counting objects: 100% (23/23), done.\u001b[K\n",
"remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.\u001b[K\n",
"remote: Total 1226 (delta 9), reused 18 (delta 7), pack-reused 1203\u001b[K\n",
"Receiving objects: 100% (1226/1226), 474.17 MiB | 23.33 MiB/s, done.\n",
"Resolving deltas: 100% (798/798), done.\n",
"Checking out files: 100% (113/113), done.\n"
"name": "stdout"
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
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"height": 417
"id": "PoMWzGU_uxGI",
"outputId": "48ed037d-483d-4681-917d-2ab95913e5ba"
"source": [
"df = pd.read_csv('/content/clustergrammer2-notebooks/data/CCLE/CCLE_500x1037.csv', index_col=0)\n",
"execution_count": 3,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"application/javascript": [
"google.colab.output.setIframeHeight(0, true, {maxHeight: 5000})"
"text/plain": [
"<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>"
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LN18', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: 769P', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: 786O', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: CAOV3', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HEPG2', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: MOLT4', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: NCIH524', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: NCIH209', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: MIAPACA2', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: MCAS', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SBC5', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: COLO829', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: VCAP', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: COLO704', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: IPC298', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: CAPAN2', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: EFM192A', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HS766T', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: EFO27', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mucinous_carcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: A2780', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: NCIH196', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: IGROV1', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: NCIH889', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: NCIH211', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HS571T', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: MDAPCA2B', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SKMEL24', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: K029AX', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HT1376', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: NCIH2171', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: PANC1005', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: EVSAT', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HS695T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: CHL1', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LOUNH91', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LK2', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: TOV21G', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SKMEL3', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: ASPC1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: OVSAHO', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')</th>\n",
" <th>...</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LN428', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SLR24', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: EWS502', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SALE', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HCC2814', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SKRC31', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: TIG3TD', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_embryonic_fibroblast', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: TC32', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SF172', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: PRECLH', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: U343', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: RCC4', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LN215', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LN464', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SLR25', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: U178', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: F5', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: meningioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HEKTE', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SLR26', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SKRC20', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SF767', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_III', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: A1207', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LN319', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_III', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HCC364', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: UMRC6', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LN382', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: IOMMLEE', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: meningioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: UMRC2', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: DFCI024', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HCC1897', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SLR21', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LNZ308', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: LN340', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HCC827GR5', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: SLR20', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: HK2', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: EW8', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: UOK101', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: JHESOAD1', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: barrett_associated_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" <th>('cell line: CH157MN', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: meningioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>KRT19</th>\n",
" <td>5.81</td>\n",
" <td>4.37</td>\n",
" <td>11.64</td>\n",
" <td>12.83</td>\n",
" <td>11.90</td>\n",
" <td>4.07</td>\n",
" <td>4.17</td>\n",
" <td>11.47</td>\n",
" <td>12.52</td>\n",
" <td>14.23</td>\n",
" <td>4.40</td>\n",
" <td>4.07</td>\n",
" <td>9.74</td>\n",
" <td>3.88</td>\n",
" <td>3.81</td>\n",
" <td>14.18</td>\n",
" <td>14.26</td>\n",
" <td>13.84</td>\n",
" <td>14.25</td>\n",
" <td>4.36</td>\n",
" <td>4.17</td>\n",
" <td>13.14</td>\n",
" <td>7.11</td>\n",
" <td>10.19</td>\n",
" <td>7.42</td>\n",
" <td>13.23</td>\n",
" <td>3.51</td>\n",
" <td>3.77</td>\n",
" <td>12.98</td>\n",
" <td>9.43</td>\n",
" <td>14.34</td>\n",
" <td>12.99</td>\n",
" <td>3.80</td>\n",
" <td>4.19</td>\n",
" <td>13.41</td>\n",
" <td>12.06</td>\n",
" <td>6.57</td>\n",
" <td>3.79</td>\n",
" <td>14.23</td>\n",
" <td>5.59</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>4.19</td>\n",
" <td>11.48</td>\n",
" <td>4.27</td>\n",
" <td>13.10</td>\n",
" <td>10.91</td>\n",
" <td>13.16</td>\n",
" <td>5.06</td>\n",
" <td>4.29</td>\n",
" <td>13.52</td>\n",
" <td>10.77</td>\n",
" <td>4.97</td>\n",
" <td>11.51</td>\n",
" <td>3.70</td>\n",
" <td>4.71</td>\n",
" <td>5.48</td>\n",
" <td>3.76</td>\n",
" <td>12.03</td>\n",
" <td>12.50</td>\n",
" <td>12.80</td>\n",
" <td>4.40</td>\n",
" <td>14.34</td>\n",
" <td>4.32</td>\n",
" <td>4.14</td>\n",
" <td>13.69</td>\n",
" <td>5.09</td>\n",
" <td>3.81</td>\n",
" <td>3.79</td>\n",
" <td>3.82</td>\n",
" <td>13.01</td>\n",
" <td>12.04</td>\n",
" <td>13.55</td>\n",
" <td>4.26</td>\n",
" <td>5.50</td>\n",
" <td>14.41</td>\n",
" <td>4.04</td>\n",
" <td>12.59</td>\n",
" <td>4.40</td>\n",
" <td>4.06</td>\n",
" <td>14.41</td>\n",
" <td>5.71</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>EPCAM</th>\n",
" <td>4.09</td>\n",
" <td>3.91</td>\n",
" <td>6.71</td>\n",
" <td>12.67</td>\n",
" <td>11.70</td>\n",
" <td>4.30</td>\n",
" <td>10.43</td>\n",
" <td>12.62</td>\n",
" <td>4.03</td>\n",
" <td>12.70</td>\n",
" <td>6.27</td>\n",
" <td>4.46</td>\n",
" <td>12.81</td>\n",
" <td>3.93</td>\n",
" <td>4.37</td>\n",
" <td>12.91</td>\n",
" <td>12.17</td>\n",
" <td>6.87</td>\n",
" <td>11.37</td>\n",
" <td>4.39</td>\n",
" <td>3.69</td>\n",
" <td>11.62</td>\n",
" <td>12.44</td>\n",
" <td>13.16</td>\n",
" <td>4.91</td>\n",
" <td>11.19</td>\n",
" <td>3.68</td>\n",
" <td>4.16</td>\n",
" <td>9.00</td>\n",
" <td>12.00</td>\n",
" <td>12.97</td>\n",
" <td>11.89</td>\n",
" <td>4.02</td>\n",
" <td>4.14</td>\n",
" <td>5.96</td>\n",
" <td>12.87</td>\n",
" <td>7.86</td>\n",
" <td>4.16</td>\n",
" <td>13.14</td>\n",
" <td>11.65</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>4.43</td>\n",
" <td>10.62</td>\n",
" <td>4.28</td>\n",
" <td>12.59</td>\n",
" <td>12.62</td>\n",
" <td>8.80</td>\n",
" <td>4.28</td>\n",
" <td>3.75</td>\n",
" <td>12.82</td>\n",
" <td>12.16</td>\n",
" <td>4.31</td>\n",
" <td>10.98</td>\n",
" <td>4.24</td>\n",
" <td>3.69</td>\n",
" <td>11.48</td>\n",
" <td>3.95</td>\n",
" <td>4.92</td>\n",
" <td>9.10</td>\n",
" <td>9.45</td>\n",
" <td>10.98</td>\n",
" <td>11.95</td>\n",
" <td>4.33</td>\n",
" <td>3.98</td>\n",
" <td>10.32</td>\n",
" <td>4.10</td>\n",
" <td>3.92</td>\n",
" <td>4.18</td>\n",
" <td>3.76</td>\n",
" <td>8.21</td>\n",
" <td>13.42</td>\n",
" <td>11.80</td>\n",
" <td>3.96</td>\n",
" <td>3.78</td>\n",
" <td>13.35</td>\n",
" <td>6.56</td>\n",
" <td>11.41</td>\n",
" <td>4.11</td>\n",
" <td>7.73</td>\n",
" <td>13.48</td>\n",
" <td>4.19</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>TACSTD2</th>\n",
" <td>4.14</td>\n",
" <td>4.14</td>\n",
" <td>4.16</td>\n",
" <td>13.68</td>\n",
" <td>5.04</td>\n",
" <td>4.44</td>\n",
" <td>4.41</td>\n",
" <td>4.56</td>\n",
" <td>4.58</td>\n",
" <td>12.52</td>\n",
" <td>4.67</td>\n",
" <td>3.88</td>\n",
" <td>9.26</td>\n",
" <td>4.48</td>\n",
" <td>4.23</td>\n",
" <td>13.85</td>\n",
" <td>12.24</td>\n",
" <td>12.05</td>\n",
" <td>4.04</td>\n",
" <td>3.95</td>\n",
" <td>4.29</td>\n",
" <td>4.26</td>\n",
" <td>4.15</td>\n",
" <td>5.62</td>\n",
" <td>7.96</td>\n",
" <td>12.54</td>\n",
" <td>4.11</td>\n",
" <td>4.19</td>\n",
" <td>13.82</td>\n",
" <td>4.44</td>\n",
" <td>13.24</td>\n",
" <td>12.02</td>\n",
" <td>4.02</td>\n",
" <td>3.97</td>\n",
" <td>7.73</td>\n",
" <td>11.31</td>\n",
" <td>4.05</td>\n",
" <td>4.04</td>\n",
" <td>4.27</td>\n",
" <td>4.26</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>4.30</td>\n",
" <td>4.05</td>\n",
" <td>4.66</td>\n",
" <td>13.74</td>\n",
" <td>11.26</td>\n",
" <td>4.45</td>\n",
" <td>4.20</td>\n",
" <td>4.10</td>\n",
" <td>12.61</td>\n",
" <td>12.28</td>\n",
" <td>4.02</td>\n",
" <td>4.26</td>\n",
" <td>4.14</td>\n",
" <td>3.99</td>\n",
" <td>4.16</td>\n",
" <td>3.94</td>\n",
" <td>3.91</td>\n",
" <td>9.66</td>\n",
" <td>4.19</td>\n",
" <td>4.24</td>\n",
" <td>13.20</td>\n",
" <td>4.50</td>\n",
" <td>3.99</td>\n",
" <td>6.27</td>\n",
" <td>4.33</td>\n",
" <td>4.03</td>\n",
" <td>4.33</td>\n",
" <td>4.91</td>\n",
" <td>10.00</td>\n",
" <td>12.66</td>\n",
" <td>10.93</td>\n",
" <td>4.29</td>\n",
" <td>3.90</td>\n",
" <td>13.21</td>\n",
" <td>10.75</td>\n",
" <td>4.35</td>\n",
" <td>4.42</td>\n",
" <td>4.29</td>\n",
" <td>13.65</td>\n",
" <td>4.20</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>MAL2</th>\n",
" <td>3.90</td>\n",
" <td>11.55</td>\n",
" <td>8.63</td>\n",
" <td>12.21</td>\n",
" <td>11.17</td>\n",
" <td>4.18</td>\n",
" <td>9.48</td>\n",
" <td>10.71</td>\n",
" <td>4.36</td>\n",
" <td>12.92</td>\n",
" <td>5.04</td>\n",
" <td>4.24</td>\n",
" <td>12.64</td>\n",
" <td>4.63</td>\n",
" <td>4.30</td>\n",
" <td>12.61</td>\n",
" <td>12.71</td>\n",
" <td>8.22</td>\n",
" <td>11.57</td>\n",
" <td>4.31</td>\n",
" <td>4.72</td>\n",
" <td>12.39</td>\n",
" <td>11.60</td>\n",
" <td>12.64</td>\n",
" <td>4.47</td>\n",
" <td>8.95</td>\n",
" <td>4.02</td>\n",
" <td>4.50</td>\n",
" <td>11.85</td>\n",
" <td>9.63</td>\n",
" <td>13.22</td>\n",
" <td>12.85</td>\n",
" <td>4.56</td>\n",
" <td>11.54</td>\n",
" <td>5.37</td>\n",
" <td>12.44</td>\n",
" <td>11.47</td>\n",
" <td>6.36</td>\n",
" <td>4.22</td>\n",
" <td>11.81</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>4.02</td>\n",
" <td>9.88</td>\n",
" <td>4.23</td>\n",
" <td>11.98</td>\n",
" <td>11.34</td>\n",
" <td>10.66</td>\n",
" <td>3.96</td>\n",
" <td>4.25</td>\n",
" <td>11.96</td>\n",
" <td>11.02</td>\n",
" <td>3.91</td>\n",
" <td>9.99</td>\n",
" <td>5.10</td>\n",
" <td>4.04</td>\n",
" <td>11.51</td>\n",
" <td>4.17</td>\n",
" <td>4.28</td>\n",
" <td>8.47</td>\n",
" <td>6.92</td>\n",
" <td>7.93</td>\n",
" <td>12.44</td>\n",
" <td>4.30</td>\n",
" <td>3.96</td>\n",
" <td>8.04</td>\n",
" <td>10.16</td>\n",
" <td>4.04</td>\n",
" <td>4.55</td>\n",
" <td>10.68</td>\n",
" <td>4.71</td>\n",
" <td>12.46</td>\n",
" <td>11.59</td>\n",
" <td>3.81</td>\n",
" <td>3.86</td>\n",
" <td>12.53</td>\n",
" <td>4.01</td>\n",
" <td>10.55</td>\n",
" <td>5.19</td>\n",
" <td>5.15</td>\n",
" <td>13.35</td>\n",
" <td>4.73</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>TGFBI</th>\n",
" <td>12.66</td>\n",
" <td>12.41</td>\n",
" <td>14.28</td>\n",
" <td>11.29</td>\n",
" <td>13.04</td>\n",
" <td>4.70</td>\n",
" <td>5.74</td>\n",
" <td>4.93</td>\n",
" <td>7.79</td>\n",
" <td>11.07</td>\n",
" <td>4.08</td>\n",
" <td>10.48</td>\n",
" <td>5.30</td>\n",
" <td>4.73</td>\n",
" <td>10.01</td>\n",
" <td>13.63</td>\n",
" <td>7.66</td>\n",
" <td>10.48</td>\n",
" <td>8.13</td>\n",
" <td>5.03</td>\n",
" <td>7.43</td>\n",
" <td>4.68</td>\n",
" <td>4.58</td>\n",
" <td>5.57</td>\n",
" <td>13.87</td>\n",
" <td>4.50</td>\n",
" <td>14.08</td>\n",
" <td>11.65</td>\n",
" <td>10.63</td>\n",
" <td>5.03</td>\n",
" <td>11.29</td>\n",
" <td>5.10</td>\n",
" <td>13.92</td>\n",
" <td>10.59</td>\n",
" <td>14.70</td>\n",
" <td>10.15</td>\n",
" <td>11.56</td>\n",
" <td>6.24</td>\n",
" <td>11.90</td>\n",
" <td>7.41</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>8.31</td>\n",
" <td>14.49</td>\n",
" <td>4.62</td>\n",
" <td>12.53</td>\n",
" <td>13.19</td>\n",
" <td>14.29</td>\n",
" <td>13.73</td>\n",
" <td>6.87</td>\n",
" <td>11.97</td>\n",
" <td>12.73</td>\n",
" <td>14.71</td>\n",
" <td>14.49</td>\n",
" <td>14.40</td>\n",
" <td>10.87</td>\n",
" <td>12.66</td>\n",
" <td>10.11</td>\n",
" <td>10.76</td>\n",
" <td>13.89</td>\n",
" <td>14.31</td>\n",
" <td>14.26</td>\n",
" <td>9.29</td>\n",
" <td>12.85</td>\n",
" <td>4.87</td>\n",
" <td>14.12</td>\n",
" <td>12.80</td>\n",
" <td>13.26</td>\n",
" <td>11.03</td>\n",
" <td>12.96</td>\n",
" <td>11.93</td>\n",
" <td>14.51</td>\n",
" <td>13.82</td>\n",
" <td>13.47</td>\n",
" <td>14.08</td>\n",
" <td>12.00</td>\n",
" <td>6.20</td>\n",
" <td>12.57</td>\n",
" <td>4.64</td>\n",
" <td>13.77</td>\n",
" <td>11.37</td>\n",
" <td>13.59</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"<p>5 rows × 1037 columns</p>\n",
"text/plain": [
" ('cell line: LN18', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M') ... ('cell line: CH157MN', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: meningioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\n",
"KRT19 5.81 ... 5.71 \n",
"EPCAM 4.09 ... 4.19 \n",
"TACSTD2 4.14 ... 4.20 \n",
"MAL2 3.90 ... 4.73 \n",
"TGFBI 12.66 ... 13.59 \n",
"[5 rows x 1037 columns]"
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"execution_count": 3
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 1071
"id": "vwaZdrzeuyvs",
"outputId": "14a444e3-9949-45dd-d3b1-ab6144c9e2b6"
"source": [
"embed('@cornhundred/clustergrammer-test', cells=['clustergrammer'], inputs={'network': net.viz})"
"execution_count": 4,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"application/javascript": [
"google.colab.output.setIframeHeight(0, true, {maxHeight: 5000})"
"text/plain": [
"<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>"
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<div style=\"text-align: right; position: relative\">\n",
" \n",
".observable-logo {\n",
" position: absolute;\n",
" bottom: 0;\n",
" right: 0;\n",
" margin-bottom: 5px;\n",
" margin-right: 1px;\n",
" transition: background-color 0.2s;\n",
".observable-logo svg {\n",
" opacity: 0.5;\n",
" transition: opacity 0.2s;\n",
".observable-logo span {\n",
" opacity: 0;\n",
" transition: opacity 0.2s;\n",
" padding-right: .2em;\n",
" padding-left: .2em;\n",
".observable-logo:hover {\n",
" background-color: white;\n",
".observable-logo:hover span {\n",
" opacity: .8;\n",
".observable-logo:hover svg {\n",
" opacity: .8;\n",
".observable-link:hover ~ iframe {\n",
" outline: solid 1px #E0E0E0;\n",
" box-shadow: 0 0 3px;\n",
" transition: box-shadow 0.2s;\n",
".observable-link ~ iframe {\n",
" outline: none;\n",
"/* Colab-only rule - untested */\n",
"body > .output-area > .output-body {\n",
" margin-right: 2px;\n",
"<a class=\"observable-link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: none; color: inherit;\">\n",
"<div class=\"observable-logo\" style=\"display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-end;\">\n",
"<span>Edit @cornhundred/clustergrammer-test on Observable</span>\n",
"<svg role=\"img\" viewBox=\"0 0 25 28\" width=\"25\" height=\"28\" aria-label=\"Observable\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"near-black\" style=\"width: 18px;\"><path d=\"M12.5 22.6667C11.3458 22.6667 10.3458 22.4153 9.5 21.9127C8.65721 21.412 7.98339 20.7027 7.55521 19.8654C7.09997 18.9942 6.76672 18.0729 6.56354 17.1239C6.34796 16.0947 6.24294 15.0483 6.25 14C6.25 13.1699 6.30417 12.3764 6.41354 11.6176C6.52188 10.8598 6.72292 10.0894 7.01563 9.30748C7.30833 8.52555 7.68542 7.84763 8.14479 7.27274C8.62304 6.68378 9.24141 6.20438 9.95208 5.87163C10.6979 5.51244 11.5458 5.33333 12.5 5.33333C13.6542 5.33333 14.6542 5.58467 15.5 6.08733C16.3428 6.588 17.0166 7.29733 17.4448 8.13459C17.8969 8.99644 18.2271 9.9103 18.4365 10.8761C18.6448 11.841 18.75 12.883 18.75 14C18.75 14.8301 18.6958 15.6236 18.5865 16.3824C18.4699 17.1702 18.2639 17.9446 17.9719 18.6925C17.6698 19.4744 17.2948 20.1524 16.8427 20.7273C16.3906 21.3021 15.7927 21.7692 15.0479 22.1284C14.3031 22.4876 13.4542 22.6667 12.5 22.6667ZM14.7063 16.2945C15.304 15.6944 15.6365 14.864 15.625 14C15.625 13.1073 15.326 12.3425 14.7292 11.7055C14.1313 11.0685 13.3885 10.75 12.5 10.75C11.6115 10.75 10.8688 11.0685 10.2708 11.7055C9.68532 12.3123 9.36198 13.1405 9.375 14C9.375 14.8927 9.67396 15.6575 10.2708 16.2945C10.8688 16.9315 11.6115 17.25 12.5 17.25C13.3885 17.25 14.124 16.9315 14.7063 16.2945ZM12.5 27C19.4031 27 25 21.1792 25 14C25 6.82075 19.4031 1 12.5 1C5.59687 1 0 6.82075 0 14C0 21.1792 5.59687 27 12.5 27Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg>\n",
" <iframe id=\"observable-embed-div-5334350618281614\" sandbox=\"allow-scripts\" style=\"overflow: auto; min-width: 100%; width: 0px;\" frameBorder=\"0\"></iframe>\n",
"var ObservableJupyterWrapper = (function (exports) {\n",
" 'use strict';\n",
" function getFrameByEvent(event) {\n",
" return [...document.getElementsByTagName(\"iframe\")].filter(iframe => {\n",
" return iframe.contentWindow === event.source;\n",
" })[0];\n",
" }\n",
" // Each embed gets its own event listener.\n",
" function listenToSize(iframe) {\n",
" function onMessage(msg) {\n",
" if (!document.body.contains(iframe)) {\n",
" // iframe is gone\n",
" removeEventListener(\"message\", onMessage);\n",
" }\n",
" const senderIframe = getFrameByEvent(msg);\n",
" if ( === \"iframeSize\" && senderIframe === iframe) {\n",
" iframe.height =;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" window.addEventListener(\"message\", onMessage);\n",
" }\n",
" exports.listenToSize = listenToSize;\n",
" return exports;\n",
"iframeSrc = `<!DOCTYPE html>\n",
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">\n",
"body {\n",
" margin: 0;\n",
"var ObservableJupyterIframe = (function (exports) {\n",
" 'use strict';\n",
" function dispatch(node, type, detail) {\n",
" detail = detail || {};\n",
" var document = node.ownerDocument, event = document.defaultView.CustomEvent;\n",
" if (typeof event === \"function\") {\n",
" event = new event(type, {detail: detail});\n",
" } else {\n",
" event = document.createEvent(\"Event\");\n",
" event.initEvent(type, false, false);\n",
" event.detail = detail;\n",
" }\n",
" node.dispatchEvent(event);\n",
" }\n",
" // TODO\n",
" function isarray(value) {\n",
" return Array.isArray(value)\n",
" || value instanceof Int8Array\n",
" || value instanceof Int16Array\n",
" || value instanceof Int32Array\n",
" || value instanceof Uint8Array\n",
" || value instanceof Uint8ClampedArray\n",
" || value instanceof Uint16Array\n",
" || value instanceof Uint32Array\n",
" || value instanceof Float32Array\n",
" || value instanceof Float64Array;\n",
" }\n",
" // Non-integer keys in arrays, e.g. [1, 2, 0.5: \"value\"].\n",
" function isindex(key) {\n",
" return key === (key | 0) + \"\";\n",
" }\n",
" function inspectName(name) {\n",
" const n = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" n.className = \"observablehq--cellname\";\n",
" n.textContent = \\`\\${name} = \\`;\n",
" return n;\n",
" }\n",
" const symbolToString = Symbol.prototype.toString;\n",
" // Symbols do not coerce to strings; they must be explicitly converted.\n",
" function formatSymbol(symbol) {\n",
" return;\n",
" }\n",
" const {getOwnPropertySymbols, prototype: {hasOwnProperty}} = Object;\n",
" const {toStringTag} = Symbol;\n",
" const FORBIDDEN = {};\n",
" const symbolsof = getOwnPropertySymbols;\n",
" function isown(object, key) {\n",
" return, key);\n",
" }\n",
" function tagof(object) {\n",
" return object[toStringTag]\n",
" || (object.constructor &&\n",
" || \"Object\";\n",
" }\n",
" function valueof(object, key) {\n",
" try {\n",
" const value = object[key];\n",
" if (value) value.constructor; // Test for SecurityError.\n",
" return value;\n",
" } catch (ignore) {\n",
" return FORBIDDEN;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" const SYMBOLS = [\n",
" { symbol: \"@@__IMMUTABLE_INDEXED__@@\", name: \"Indexed\", modifier: true },\n",
" { symbol: \"@@__IMMUTABLE_KEYED__@@\", name: \"Keyed\", modifier: true },\n",
" { symbol: \"@@__IMMUTABLE_LIST__@@\", name: \"List\", arrayish: true },\n",
" { symbol: \"@@__IMMUTABLE_MAP__@@\", name: \"Map\" },\n",
" {\n",
" symbol: \"@@__IMMUTABLE_ORDERED__@@\",\n",
" name: \"Ordered\",\n",
" modifier: true,\n",
" prefix: true\n",
" },\n",
" { symbol: \"@@__IMMUTABLE_RECORD__@@\", name: \"Record\" },\n",
" {\n",
" symbol: \"@@__IMMUTABLE_SET__@@\",\n",
" name: \"Set\",\n",
" arrayish: true,\n",
" setish: true\n",
" },\n",
" { symbol: \"@@__IMMUTABLE_STACK__@@\", name: \"Stack\", arrayish: true }\n",
" ];\n",
" function immutableName(obj) {\n",
" try {\n",
" let symbols = SYMBOLS.filter(({ symbol }) => obj[symbol] === true);\n",
" if (!symbols.length) return;\n",
" const name = symbols.find(s => !s.modifier);\n",
" const prefix =\n",
" === \"Map\" && symbols.find(s => s.modifier && s.prefix);\n",
" const arrayish = symbols.some(s => s.arrayish);\n",
" const setish = symbols.some(s => s.setish);\n",
" return {\n",
" name: \\`\\${prefix ? : \"\"}\\${}\\`,\n",
" symbols,\n",
" arrayish: arrayish && !setish,\n",
" setish\n",
" };\n",
" } catch (e) {\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" const {getPrototypeOf, getOwnPropertyDescriptors} = Object;\n",
" const objectPrototype = getPrototypeOf({});\n",
" function inspectExpanded(object, _, name, proto) {\n",
" let arrayish = isarray(object);\n",
" let tag, fields, next, n;\n",
" if (object instanceof Map) {\n",
" tag = \\`Map(\\${object.size})\\`;\n",
" fields = iterateMap;\n",
" } else if (object instanceof Set) {\n",
" tag = \\`Set(\\${object.size})\\`;\n",
" fields = iterateSet;\n",
" } else if (arrayish) {\n",
" tag = \\`\\${}(\\${object.length})\\`;\n",
" fields = iterateArray;\n",
" } else if ((n = immutableName(object))) {\n",
" tag = \\`Immutable.\\${}\\${ === \"Record\" ? \"\" : \\`(\\${object.size})\\`}\\`;\n",
" arrayish = n.arrayish;\n",
" fields = n.arrayish\n",
" ? iterateImArray\n",
" : n.setish\n",
" ? iterateImSet\n",
" : iterateImObject;\n",
" } else if (proto) {\n",
" tag = tagof(object);\n",
" fields = iterateProto;\n",
" } else {\n",
" tag = tagof(object);\n",
" fields = iterateObject;\n",
" }\n",
" const span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" span.className = \"observablehq--expanded\";\n",
" if (name) {\n",
" span.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" }\n",
" const a = span.appendChild(document.createElement(\"a\"));\n",
" a.innerHTML = \\`<svg width=8 height=8 class='observablehq--caret'>\n",
" <path d='M4 7L0 1h8z' fill='currentColor' />\n",
" </svg>\\`;\n",
" a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\\`\\${tag}\\${arrayish ? \" [\" : \" {\"}\\`));\n",
" a.addEventListener(\"mouseup\", function(event) {\n",
" event.stopPropagation();\n",
" replace(span, inspectCollapsed(object, null, name, proto));\n",
" });\n",
" fields = fields(object);\n",
" for (let i = 0; !(next = && i < 20; ++i) {\n",
" span.appendChild(next.value);\n",
" }\n",
" if (!next.done) {\n",
" const a = span.appendChild(document.createElement(\"a\"));\n",
" a.className = \"observablehq--field\";\n",
" = \"block\";\n",
" a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\\` … more\\`));\n",
" a.addEventListener(\"mouseup\", function(event) {\n",
" event.stopPropagation();\n",
" span.insertBefore(next.value, span.lastChild.previousSibling);\n",
" for (let i = 0; !(next = && i < 19; ++i) {\n",
" span.insertBefore(next.value, span.lastChild.previousSibling);\n",
" }\n",
" if (next.done) span.removeChild(span.lastChild.previousSibling);\n",
" dispatch(span, \"load\");\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(arrayish ? \"]\" : \"}\"));\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateMap(map) {\n",
" for (const [key, value] of map) {\n",
" yield formatMapField(key, value);\n",
" }\n",
" yield* iterateObject(map);\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateSet(set) {\n",
" for (const value of set) {\n",
" yield formatSetField(value);\n",
" }\n",
" yield* iterateObject(set);\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateImSet(set) {\n",
" for (const value of set) {\n",
" yield formatSetField(value);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateArray(array) {\n",
" for (let i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; ++i) {\n",
" if (i in array) {\n",
" yield formatField(i, valueof(array, i), \"observablehq--index\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" for (const key in array) {\n",
" if (!isindex(key) && isown(array, key)) {\n",
" yield formatField(key, valueof(array, key), \"observablehq--key\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" for (const symbol of symbolsof(array)) {\n",
" yield formatField(\n",
" formatSymbol(symbol),\n",
" valueof(array, symbol),\n",
" \"observablehq--symbol\"\n",
" );\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateImArray(array) {\n",
" let i1 = 0;\n",
" for (const n = array.size; i1 < n; ++i1) {\n",
" yield formatField(i1, array.get(i1), true);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateProto(object) {\n",
" for (const key in getOwnPropertyDescriptors(object)) {\n",
" yield formatField(key, valueof(object, key), \"observablehq--key\");\n",
" }\n",
" for (const symbol of symbolsof(object)) {\n",
" yield formatField(\n",
" formatSymbol(symbol),\n",
" valueof(object, symbol),\n",
" \"observablehq--symbol\"\n",
" );\n",
" }\n",
" const proto = getPrototypeOf(object);\n",
" if (proto && proto !== objectPrototype) {\n",
" yield formatPrototype(proto);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateObject(object) {\n",
" for (const key in object) {\n",
" if (isown(object, key)) {\n",
" yield formatField(key, valueof(object, key), \"observablehq--key\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" for (const symbol of symbolsof(object)) {\n",
" yield formatField(\n",
" formatSymbol(symbol),\n",
" valueof(object, symbol),\n",
" \"observablehq--symbol\"\n",
" );\n",
" }\n",
" const proto = getPrototypeOf(object);\n",
" if (proto && proto !== objectPrototype) {\n",
" yield formatPrototype(proto);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateImObject(object) {\n",
" for (const [key, value] of object) {\n",
" yield formatField(key, value, \"observablehq--key\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function formatPrototype(value) {\n",
" const item = document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" const span = item.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" item.className = \"observablehq--field\";\n",
" span.className = \"observablehq--prototype-key\";\n",
" span.textContent = \\` <prototype>\\`;\n",
" item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\": \"));\n",
" item.appendChild(inspect(value, undefined, undefined, undefined, true));\n",
" return item;\n",
" }\n",
" function formatField(key, value, className) {\n",
" const item = document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" const span = item.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" item.className = \"observablehq--field\";\n",
" span.className = className;\n",
" span.textContent = \\` \\${key}\\`;\n",
" item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\": \"));\n",
" item.appendChild(inspect(value));\n",
" return item;\n",
" }\n",
" function formatMapField(key, value) {\n",
" const item = document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" item.className = \"observablehq--field\";\n",
" item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\" \"));\n",
" item.appendChild(inspect(key));\n",
" item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\" => \"));\n",
" item.appendChild(inspect(value));\n",
" return item;\n",
" }\n",
" function formatSetField(value) {\n",
" const item = document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" item.className = \"observablehq--field\";\n",
" item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\" \"));\n",
" item.appendChild(inspect(value));\n",
" return item;\n",
" }\n",
" function hasSelection(elem) {\n",
" const sel = window.getSelection();\n",
" return (\n",
" sel.type === \"Range\" &&\n",
" (sel.containsNode(elem, true) ||\n",
" sel.anchorNode.isSelfOrDescendant(elem) ||\n",
" sel.focusNode.isSelfOrDescendant(elem))\n",
" );\n",
" }\n",
" function inspectCollapsed(object, shallow, name, proto) {\n",
" let arrayish = isarray(object);\n",
" let tag, fields, next, n;\n",
" if (object instanceof Map) {\n",
" tag = \\`Map(\\${object.size})\\`;\n",
" fields = iterateMap\\$1;\n",
" } else if (object instanceof Set) {\n",
" tag = \\`Set(\\${object.size})\\`;\n",
" fields = iterateSet\\$1;\n",
" } else if (arrayish) {\n",
" tag = \\`\\${}(\\${object.length})\\`;\n",
" fields = iterateArray\\$1;\n",
" } else if ((n = immutableName(object))) {\n",
" tag = \\`Immutable.\\${}\\${ === 'Record' ? '' : \\`(\\${object.size})\\`}\\`;\n",
" arrayish = n.arrayish;\n",
" fields = n.arrayish ? iterateImArray\\$1 : n.setish ? iterateImSet\\$1 : iterateImObject\\$1;\n",
" } else {\n",
" tag = tagof(object);\n",
" fields = iterateObject\\$1;\n",
" }\n",
" if (shallow) {\n",
" const span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" span.className = \"observablehq--shallow\";\n",
" if (name) {\n",
" span.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" }\n",
" span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tag));\n",
" span.addEventListener(\"mouseup\", function(event) {\n",
" if (hasSelection(span)) return;\n",
" event.stopPropagation();\n",
" replace(span, inspectCollapsed(object));\n",
" });\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" const span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" span.className = \"observablehq--collapsed\";\n",
" if (name) {\n",
" span.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" }\n",
" const a = span.appendChild(document.createElement(\"a\"));\n",
" a.innerHTML = \\`<svg width=8 height=8 class='observablehq--caret'>\n",
" <path d='M7 4L1 8V0z' fill='currentColor' />\n",
" </svg>\\`;\n",
" a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\\`\\${tag}\\${arrayish ? \" [\" : \" {\"}\\`));\n",
" span.addEventListener(\"mouseup\", function(event) {\n",
" if (hasSelection(span)) return;\n",
" event.stopPropagation();\n",
" replace(span, inspectExpanded(object, null, name, proto));\n",
" }, true);\n",
" fields = fields(object);\n",
" for (let i = 0; !(next = && i < 20; ++i) {\n",
" if (i > 0) span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\", \"));\n",
" span.appendChild(next.value);\n",
" }\n",
" if (!next.done) span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\", …\"));\n",
" span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(arrayish ? \"]\" : \"}\"));\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateMap\\$1(map) {\n",
" for (const [key, value] of map) {\n",
" yield formatMapField\\$1(key, value);\n",
" }\n",
" yield* iterateObject\\$1(map);\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateSet\\$1(set) {\n",
" for (const value of set) {\n",
" yield inspect(value, true);\n",
" }\n",
" yield* iterateObject\\$1(set);\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateImSet\\$1(set) {\n",
" for (const value of set) {\n",
" yield inspect(value, true);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateImArray\\$1(array) {\n",
" let i0 = -1, i1 = 0;\n",
" for (const n = array.size; i1 < n; ++i1) {\n",
" if (i1 > i0 + 1) yield formatEmpty(i1 - i0 - 1);\n",
" yield inspect(array.get(i1), true);\n",
" i0 = i1;\n",
" }\n",
" if (i1 > i0 + 1) yield formatEmpty(i1 - i0 - 1);\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateArray\\$1(array) {\n",
" let i0 = -1, i1 = 0;\n",
" for (const n = array.length; i1 < n; ++i1) {\n",
" if (i1 in array) {\n",
" if (i1 > i0 + 1) yield formatEmpty(i1 - i0 - 1);\n",
" yield inspect(valueof(array, i1), true);\n",
" i0 = i1;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" if (i1 > i0 + 1) yield formatEmpty(i1 - i0 - 1);\n",
" for (const key in array) {\n",
" if (!isindex(key) && isown(array, key)) {\n",
" yield formatField\\$1(key, valueof(array, key), \"observablehq--key\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" for (const symbol of symbolsof(array)) {\n",
" yield formatField\\$1(formatSymbol(symbol), valueof(array, symbol), \"observablehq--symbol\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateObject\\$1(object) {\n",
" for (const key in object) {\n",
" if (isown(object, key)) {\n",
" yield formatField\\$1(key, valueof(object, key), \"observablehq--key\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" for (const symbol of symbolsof(object)) {\n",
" yield formatField\\$1(formatSymbol(symbol), valueof(object, symbol), \"observablehq--symbol\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* iterateImObject\\$1(object) {\n",
" for (const [key, value] of object) {\n",
" yield formatField\\$1(key, value, \"observablehq--key\");\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function formatEmpty(e) {\n",
" const span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" span.className = \"observablehq--empty\";\n",
" span.textContent = e === 1 ? \"empty\" : \\`empty × \\${e}\\`;\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" function formatField\\$1(key, value, className) {\n",
" const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();\n",
" const span = fragment.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" span.className = className;\n",
" span.textContent = key;\n",
" fragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\": \"));\n",
" fragment.appendChild(inspect(value, true));\n",
" return fragment;\n",
" }\n",
" function formatMapField\\$1(key, value) {\n",
" const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();\n",
" fragment.appendChild(inspect(key, true));\n",
" fragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\" => \"));\n",
" fragment.appendChild(inspect(value, true));\n",
" return fragment;\n",
" }\n",
" function pad(value, width) {\n",
" var s = value + \"\", length = s.length;\n",
" return length < width ? new Array(width - length + 1).join(0) + s : s;\n",
" }\n",
" function isUTCMidnight(date) {\n",
" return date.getUTCMilliseconds() === 0\n",
" && date.getUTCSeconds() === 0\n",
" && date.getUTCMinutes() === 0\n",
" && date.getUTCHours() === 0;\n",
" }\n",
" function formatYear(year) {\n",
" return year < 0 ? \"-\" + pad(-year, 6)\n",
" : year > 9999 ? \"+\" + pad(year, 6)\n",
" : pad(year, 4);\n",
" }\n",
" function formatDate(date) {\n",
" return isNaN(date)\n",
" ? \"Invalid Date\"\n",
" : isUTCMidnight(date)\n",
" ? formatYear(date.getUTCFullYear()) + \"-\" + pad(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + \"-\" + pad(date.getUTCDate(), 2)\n",
" : formatYear(date.getFullYear()) + \"-\" + pad(date.getMonth() + 1, 2) + \"-\" + pad(date.getDate(), 2)\n",
" + \"T\" + pad(date.getHours(), 2) + \":\" + pad(date.getMinutes(), 2)\n",
" + (date.getMilliseconds() ? \":\" + pad(date.getSeconds(), 2) + \".\" + pad(date.getMilliseconds(), 3)\n",
" : date.getSeconds() ? \":\" + pad(date.getSeconds(), 2)\n",
" : \"\");\n",
" }\n",
" var errorToString = Error.prototype.toString;\n",
" function formatError(value) {\n",
" return value.stack ||;\n",
" }\n",
" var regExpToString = RegExp.prototype.toString;\n",
" function formatRegExp(value) {\n",
" return;\n",
" }\n",
" /* eslint-disable no-control-regex */\n",
" const NEWLINE_LIMIT = 20;\n",
" function formatString(string, shallow, expanded, name) {\n",
" if (shallow === false) {\n",
" // String has fewer escapes displayed with double quotes\n",
" if (count(string, /[\"\\\\n]/g) <= count(string, /\\`|\\\\\\${/g)) {\n",
" const span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" if (name) span.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" const textValue = span.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" textValue.className = \"observablehq--string\";\n",
" textValue.textContent = JSON.stringify(string);\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" const lines = string.split(\"\\\\n\");\n",
" if (lines.length > NEWLINE_LIMIT && !expanded) {\n",
" const div = document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" if (name) div.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" const textValue = div.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" textValue.className = \"observablehq--string\";\n",
" textValue.textContent = \"\\`\" + templatify(lines.slice(0, NEWLINE_LIMIT).join(\"\\\\n\"));\n",
" const splitter = div.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" const truncatedCount = lines.length - NEWLINE_LIMIT;\n",
" splitter.textContent = \\`Show \\${truncatedCount} truncated line\\${truncatedCount > 1 ? \"s\": \"\"}\\`; splitter.className = \"observablehq--string-expand\";\n",
" splitter.addEventListener(\"mouseup\", function (event) {\n",
" event.stopPropagation();\n",
" replace(div, inspect(string, shallow, true, name));\n",
" });\n",
" return div;\n",
" }\n",
" const span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" if (name) span.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" const textValue = span.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" textValue.className = \\`observablehq--string\\${expanded ? \" observablehq--expanded\" : \"\"}\\`;\n",
" textValue.textContent = \"\\`\" + templatify(string) + \"\\`\";\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" const span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" if (name) span.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" const textValue = span.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" textValue.className = \"observablehq--string\";\n",
" textValue.textContent = JSON.stringify(string.length > 100 ?\n",
" \\`\\${string.slice(0, 50)}…\\${string.slice(-49)}\\` : string);\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" function templatify(string) {\n",
" return string.replace(/[\\\\\\\\\\`\\\\x00-\\\\x09\\\\x0b-\\\\x19]|\\\\\\${/g, templatifyChar);\n",
" }\n",
" function templatifyChar(char) {\n",
" var code = char.charCodeAt(0);\n",
" switch (code) {\n",
" case 0x8: return \"\\\\\\\\b\";\n",
" case 0x9: return \"\\\\\\\\t\";\n",
" case 0xb: return \"\\\\\\\\v\";\n",
" case 0xc: return \"\\\\\\\\f\";\n",
" case 0xd: return \"\\\\\\\\r\";\n",
" }\n",
" return code < 0x10 ? \"\\\\\\\\x0\" + code.toString(16)\n",
" : code < 0x20 ? \"\\\\\\\\x\" + code.toString(16)\n",
" : \"\\\\\\\\\" + char;\n",
" }\n",
" function count(string, re) {\n",
" var n = 0;\n",
" while (re.exec(string)) ++n;\n",
" return n;\n",
" }\n",
" var toString = Function.prototype.toString,\n",
" TYPE_ASYNC = {prefix: \"async ƒ\"},\n",
" TYPE_ASYNC_GENERATOR = {prefix: \"async ƒ*\"},\n",
" TYPE_CLASS = {prefix: \"class\"},\n",
" TYPE_FUNCTION = {prefix: \"ƒ\"},\n",
" TYPE_GENERATOR = {prefix: \"ƒ*\"};\n",
" function inspectFunction(f, name) {\n",
" var type, m, t =;\n",
" switch (f.constructor && {\n",
" case \"AsyncFunction\": type = TYPE_ASYNC; break;\n",
" case \"AsyncGeneratorFunction\": type = TYPE_ASYNC_GENERATOR; break;\n",
" case \"GeneratorFunction\": type = TYPE_GENERATOR; break;\n",
" default: type = /^class\\\\b/.test(t) ? TYPE_CLASS : TYPE_FUNCTION; break;\n",
" }\n",
" // A class, possibly named.\n",
" // class Name\n",
" if (type === TYPE_CLASS) {\n",
" return formatFunction(type, \"\", name);\n",
" }\n",
" // An arrow function with a single argument.\n",
" // foo =>\n",
" // async foo =>\n",
" if ((m = /^(?:async\\\\s*)?(\\\\w+)\\\\s*=>/.exec(t))) {\n",
" return formatFunction(type, \"(\" + m[1] + \")\", name);\n",
" }\n",
" // An arrow function with parenthesized arguments.\n",
" // (…)\n",
" // async (…)\n",
" if ((m = /^(?:async\\\\s*)?\\\\(\\\\s*(\\\\w+(?:\\\\s*,\\\\s*\\\\w+)*)?\\\\s*\\\\)/.exec(t))) {\n",
" return formatFunction(type, m[1] ? \"(\" + m[1].replace(/\\\\s*,\\\\s*/g, \", \") + \")\" : \"()\", name);\n",
" }\n",
" // A function, possibly: async, generator, anonymous, simply arguments.\n",
" // function name(…)\n",
" // function* name(…)\n",
" // async function name(…)\n",
" // async function* name(…)\n",
" if ((m = /^(?:async\\\\s*)?function(?:\\\\s*\\\\*)?(?:\\\\s*\\\\w+)?\\\\s*\\\\(\\\\s*(\\\\w+(?:\\\\s*,\\\\s*\\\\w+)*)?\\\\s*\\\\)/.exec(t))) {\n",
" return formatFunction(type, m[1] ? \"(\" + m[1].replace(/\\\\s*,\\\\s*/g, \", \") + \")\" : \"()\", name);\n",
" }\n",
" // Something else, like destructuring, comments or default values.\n",
" return formatFunction(type, \"(…)\", name);\n",
" }\n",
" function formatFunction(type, args, cellname) {\n",
" var span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" span.className = \"observablehq--function\";\n",
" if (cellname) {\n",
" span.appendChild(inspectName(cellname));\n",
" }\n",
" var spanType = span.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" spanType.className = \"observablehq--keyword\";\n",
" spanType.textContent = type.prefix;\n",
" span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(args));\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" const {prototype: {toString: toString\\$1}} = Object;\n",
" function inspect(value, shallow, expand, name, proto) {\n",
" let type = typeof value;\n",
" switch (type) {\n",
" case \"boolean\":\n",
" case \"undefined\": { value += \"\"; break; }\n",
" case \"number\": { value = value === 0 && 1 / value < 0 ? \"-0\" : value + \"\"; break; }\n",
" case \"bigint\": { value = value + \"n\"; break; }\n",
" case \"symbol\": { value = formatSymbol(value); break; }\n",
" case \"function\": { return inspectFunction(value, name); }\n",
" case \"string\": { return formatString(value, shallow, expand, name); }\n",
" default: {\n",
" if (value === null) { type = null, value = \"null\"; break; }\n",
" if (value instanceof Date) { type = \"date\", value = formatDate(value); break; }\n",
" if (value === FORBIDDEN) { type = \"forbidden\", value = \"[forbidden]\"; break; }\n",
" switch (toString\\$ {\n",
" case \"[object RegExp]\": { type = \"regexp\", value = formatRegExp(value); break; }\n",
" case \"[object Error]\": //\n",
" case \"[object DOMException]\": { type = \"error\", value = formatError(value); break; }\n",
" default: return (expand ? inspectExpanded : inspectCollapsed)(value, shallow, name, proto);\n",
" }\n",
" break;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" const span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" if (name) span.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" const n = span.appendChild(document.createElement(\"span\"));\n",
" n.className = \\`observablehq--\\${type}\\`;\n",
" n.textContent = value;\n",
" return span;\n",
" }\n",
" function replace(spanOld, spanNew) {\n",
" if (spanOld.classList.contains(\"observablehq--inspect\")) spanNew.classList.add(\"observablehq--inspect\");\n",
" spanOld.parentNode.replaceChild(spanNew, spanOld);\n",
" dispatch(spanNew, \"load\");\n",
" }\n",
" const LOCATION_MATCH = /\\\\s+\\\\(\\\\d+:\\\\d+\\\\)\\$/m;\n",
" class Inspector {\n",
" constructor(node) {\n",
" if (!node) throw new Error(\"invalid node\");\n",
" this._node = node;\n",
" node.classList.add(\"observablehq\");\n",
" }\n",
" pending() {\n",
" const {_node} = this;\n",
" _node.classList.remove(\"observablehq--error\");\n",
" _node.classList.add(\"observablehq--running\");\n",
" }\n",
" fulfilled(value, name) {\n",
" const {_node} = this;\n",
" if (!(value instanceof Element || value instanceof Text) || (value.parentNode && value.parentNode !== _node)) {\n",
" value = inspect(value, false, _node.firstChild // TODO Do this better.\n",
" && _node.firstChild.classList\n",
" && _node.firstChild.classList.contains(\"observablehq--expanded\"), name);\n",
" value.classList.add(\"observablehq--inspect\");\n",
" }\n",
" _node.classList.remove(\"observablehq--running\", \"observablehq--error\");\n",
" if (_node.firstChild !== value) {\n",
" if (_node.firstChild) {\n",
" while (_node.lastChild !== _node.firstChild) _node.removeChild(_node.lastChild);\n",
" _node.replaceChild(value, _node.firstChild);\n",
" } else {\n",
" _node.appendChild(value);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" dispatch(_node, \"update\");\n",
" }\n",
" rejected(error, name) {\n",
" const {_node} = this;\n",
" _node.classList.remove(\"observablehq--running\");\n",
" _node.classList.add(\"observablehq--error\");\n",
" while (_node.lastChild) _node.removeChild(_node.lastChild);\n",
" var div = document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" div.className = \"observablehq--inspect\";\n",
" if (name) div.appendChild(inspectName(name));\n",
" div.appendChild(document.createTextNode((error + \"\").replace(LOCATION_MATCH, \"\")));\n",
" _node.appendChild(div);\n",
" dispatch(_node, \"error\", {error: error});\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" Inspector.into = function(container) {\n",
" if (typeof container === \"string\") {\n",
" container = document.querySelector(container);\n",
" if (container == null) throw new Error(\"container not found\");\n",
" }\n",
" return function() {\n",
" return new Inspector(container.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\")));\n",
" };\n",
" };\n",
" async function remote_fetch(file) {\n",
" const response = await fetch(await file.url());\n",
" if (!response.ok) throw new Error(\\`Unable to load file: \\${}\\`);\n",
" return response;\n",
" }\n",
" class FileAttachment {\n",
" constructor(url, name) {\n",
" Object.defineProperties(this, {\n",
" _url: {value: url},\n",
" name: {value: name, enumerable: true}\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" async url() {\n",
" return this._url;\n",
" }\n",
" async blob() {\n",
" return (await remote_fetch(this)).blob();\n",
" }\n",
" async arrayBuffer() {\n",
" return (await remote_fetch(this)).arrayBuffer();\n",
" }\n",
" async text() {\n",
" return (await remote_fetch(this)).text();\n",
" }\n",
" async json() {\n",
" return (await remote_fetch(this)).json();\n",
" }\n",
" async stream() {\n",
" return (await remote_fetch(this)).body;\n",
" }\n",
" async image() {\n",
" const url = await this.url();\n",
" return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n",
" const i = new Image;\n",
" if (new URL(url, document.baseURI).origin !== new URL(location).origin) {\n",
" i.crossOrigin = \"anonymous\";\n",
" }\n",
" i.onload = () => resolve(i);\n",
" i.onerror = () => reject(new Error(\\`Unable to load file: \\${}\\`));\n",
" i.src = url;\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function NoFileAttachments(name) {\n",
" throw new Error(\\`File not found: \\${name}\\`);\n",
" }\n",
" function FileAttachments(resolve) {\n",
" return name => {\n",
" const url = resolve(name += \"\"); // Returns a Promise, string, or null.\n",
" if (url == null) throw new Error(\\`File not found: \\${name}\\`);\n",
" return new FileAttachment(url, name);\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" const metas = new Map;\n",
" const queue = [];\n",
" const map =;\n",
" const some = queue.some;\n",
" const hasOwnProperty\\$1 = queue.hasOwnProperty;\n",
" const origin = \"\";\n",
" const identifierRe = /^((?:@[^/@]+\\\\/)?[^/@]+)(?:@([^/]+))?(?:\\\\/(.*))?\\$/;\n",
" const versionRe = /^\\\\d+\\\\.\\\\d+\\\\.\\\\d+(-[\\\\w-.+]+)?\\$/;\n",
" const extensionRe = /\\\\.[^/]*\\$/;\n",
" const mains = [\"unpkg\", \"jsdelivr\", \"browser\", \"main\"];\n",
" class RequireError extends Error {\n",
" constructor(message) {\n",
" super(message);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" =;\n",
" function main(meta) {\n",
" for (const key of mains) {\n",
" const value = meta[key];\n",
" if (typeof value === \"string\") {\n",
" return extensionRe.test(value) ? value : \\`\\${value}.js\\`;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function parseIdentifier(identifier) {\n",
" const match = identifierRe.exec(identifier);\n",
" return match && {\n",
" name: match[1],\n",
" version: match[2],\n",
" path: match[3]\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function resolveMeta(target) {\n",
" const url = \\`\\${origin}\\${}\\${target.version ? \\`@\\${target.version}\\` : \"\"}/package.json\\`;\n",
" let meta = metas.get(url);\n",
" if (!meta) metas.set(url, meta = fetch(url).then(response => {\n",
" if (!response.ok) throw new RequireError(\"unable to load package.json\");\n",
" if (response.redirected && !metas.has(response.url)) metas.set(response.url, meta);\n",
" return response.json();\n",
" }));\n",
" return meta;\n",
" }\n",
" async function resolve(name, base) {\n",
" if (name.startsWith(origin)) name = name.substring(origin.length);\n",
" if (/^(\\\\w+:)|\\\\/\\\\//i.test(name)) return name;\n",
" if (/^[.]{0,2}\\\\//i.test(name)) return new URL(name, base == null ? location : base).href;\n",
" if (!name.length || /^[\\\\s._]/.test(name) || /\\\\s\\$/.test(name)) throw new RequireError(\"illegal name\");\n",
" const target = parseIdentifier(name);\n",
" if (!target) return \\`\\${origin}\\${name}\\`;\n",
" if (!target.version && base != null && base.startsWith(origin)) {\n",
" const meta = await resolveMeta(parseIdentifier(base.substring(origin.length)));\n",
" target.version = meta.dependencies && meta.dependencies[] || meta.peerDependencies && meta.peerDependencies[];\n",
" }\n",
" if (target.path && !extensionRe.test(target.path)) target.path += \".js\";\n",
" if (target.path && target.version && versionRe.test(target.version)) return \\`\\${origin}\\${}@\\${target.version}/\\${target.path}\\`;\n",
" const meta = await resolveMeta(target);\n",
" return \\`\\${origin}\\${}@\\${meta.version}/\\${target.path || main(meta) || \"index.js\"}\\`;\n",
" }\n",
" var require = requireFrom(resolve);\n",
" function requireFrom(resolver) {\n",
" const cache = new Map;\n",
" const requireBase = requireRelative(null);\n",
" function requireAbsolute(url) {\n",
" if (typeof url !== \"string\") return url;\n",
" let module = cache.get(url);\n",
" if (!module) cache.set(url, module = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n",
" const script = document.createElement(\"script\");\n",
" script.onload = () => {\n",
" try { resolve(queue.pop()(requireRelative(url))); }\n",
" catch (error) { reject(new RequireError(\"invalid module\")); }\n",
" script.remove();\n",
" };\n",
" script.onerror = () => {\n",
" reject(new RequireError(\"unable to load module\"));\n",
" script.remove();\n",
" };\n",
" script.async = true;\n",
" script.src = url;\n",
" window.define = define;\n",
" document.head.appendChild(script);\n",
" }));\n",
" return module;\n",
" }\n",
" function requireRelative(base) {\n",
" return name => Promise.resolve(resolver(name, base)).then(requireAbsolute);\n",
" }\n",
" function requireAlias(aliases) {\n",
" return requireFrom((name, base) => {\n",
" if (name in aliases) {\n",
" name = aliases[name], base = null;\n",
" if (typeof name !== \"string\") return name;\n",
" }\n",
" return resolver(name, base);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function require(name) {\n",
" return arguments.length > 1\n",
" ? Promise.all(, requireBase)).then(merge)\n",
" : requireBase(name);\n",
" }\n",
" require.alias = requireAlias;\n",
" require.resolve = resolver;\n",
" return require;\n",
" }\n",
" function merge(modules) {\n",
" const o = {};\n",
" for (const m of modules) {\n",
" for (const k in m) {\n",
" if (hasOwnProperty\\$, k)) {\n",
" if (m[k] == null) Object.defineProperty(o, k, {get: getter(m, k)});\n",
" else o[k] = m[k];\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" return o;\n",
" }\n",
" function getter(object, name) {\n",
" return () => object[name];\n",
" }\n",
" function isbuiltin(name) {\n",
" name = name + \"\";\n",
" return name === \"exports\" || name === \"module\";\n",
" }\n",
" function define(name, dependencies, factory) {\n",
" const n = arguments.length;\n",
" if (n < 2) factory = name, dependencies = [];\n",
" else if (n < 3) factory = dependencies, dependencies = typeof name === \"string\" ? [] : name;\n",
" queue.push(, isbuiltin) ? require => {\n",
" const exports = {};\n",
" const module = {exports};\n",
" return Promise.all(, name => {\n",
" name = name + \"\";\n",
" return name === \"exports\" ? exports : name === \"module\" ? module : require(name);\n",
" })).then(dependencies => {\n",
" factory.apply(null, dependencies);\n",
" return module.exports;\n",
" });\n",
" } : require => {\n",
" return Promise.all(, require)).then(dependencies => {\n",
" return typeof factory === \"function\" ? factory.apply(null, dependencies) : factory;\n",
" });\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" define.amd = {};\n",
" function constant(x) {\n",
" return function() {\n",
" return x;\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function canvas(width, height) {\n",
" var canvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\");\n",
" canvas.width = width;\n",
" canvas.height = height;\n",
" return canvas;\n",
" }\n",
" function context2d(width, height, dpi) {\n",
" if (dpi == null) dpi = devicePixelRatio;\n",
" var canvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\");\n",
" canvas.width = width * dpi;\n",
" canvas.height = height * dpi;\n",
" = width + \"px\";\n",
" var context = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n",
" context.scale(dpi, dpi);\n",
" return context;\n",
" }\n",
" function download(value, name = \"untitled\", label = \"Save\") {\n",
" const a = document.createElement(\"a\");\n",
" const b = a.appendChild(document.createElement(\"button\"));\n",
" b.textContent = label;\n",
" = name;\n",
" async function reset() {\n",
" await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);\n",
" URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href);\n",
" a.removeAttribute(\"href\");\n",
" b.textContent = label;\n",
" b.disabled = false;\n",
" }\n",
" a.onclick = async event => {\n",
" b.disabled = true;\n",
" if (a.href) return reset(); // Already saved.\n",
" b.textContent = \"Saving…\";\n",
" try {\n",
" const object = await (typeof value === \"function\" ? value() : value);\n",
" b.textContent = \"Download\";\n",
" a.href = URL.createObjectURL(object); // eslint-disable-line require-atomic-updates\n",
" } catch (ignore) {\n",
" b.textContent = label;\n",
" }\n",
" if (event.eventPhase) return reset(); // Already downloaded.\n",
" b.disabled = false;\n",
" };\n",
" return a;\n",
" }\n",
" var namespaces = {\n",
" math: \"\",\n",
" svg: \"\",\n",
" xhtml: \"\",\n",
" xlink: \"\",\n",
" xml: \"\",\n",
" xmlns: \"\"\n",
" };\n",
" function element(name, attributes) {\n",
" var prefix = name += \"\", i = prefix.indexOf(\":\"), value;\n",
" if (i >= 0 && (prefix = name.slice(0, i)) !== \"xmlns\") name = name.slice(i + 1);\n",
" var element = namespaces.hasOwnProperty(prefix) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n",
" ? document.createElementNS(namespaces[prefix], name)\n",
" : document.createElement(name);\n",
" if (attributes) for (var key in attributes) {\n",
" prefix = key, i = prefix.indexOf(\":\"), value = attributes[key];\n",
" if (i >= 0 && (prefix = key.slice(0, i)) !== \"xmlns\") key = key.slice(i + 1);\n",
" if (namespaces.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) element.setAttributeNS(namespaces[prefix], key, value); // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n",
" else element.setAttribute(key, value);\n",
" }\n",
" return element;\n",
" }\n",
" function input(type) {\n",
" var input = document.createElement(\"input\");\n",
" if (type != null) input.type = type;\n",
" return input;\n",
" }\n",
" function range(min, max, step) {\n",
" if (arguments.length === 1) max = min, min = null;\n",
" var input = document.createElement(\"input\");\n",
" input.min = min = min == null ? 0 : +min;\n",
" input.max = max = max == null ? 1 : +max;\n",
" input.step = step == null ? \"any\" : step = +step;\n",
" input.type = \"range\";\n",
" return input;\n",
" }\n",
" function select(values) {\n",
" var select = document.createElement(\"select\");\n",
", function(value) {\n",
" var option = document.createElement(\"option\");\n",
" option.value = option.textContent = value;\n",
" select.appendChild(option);\n",
" });\n",
" return select;\n",
" }\n",
" function svg(width, height) {\n",
" var svg = document.createElementNS(\"\", \"svg\");\n",
" svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", [0, 0, width, height]);\n",
" svg.setAttribute(\"width\", width);\n",
" svg.setAttribute(\"height\", height);\n",
" return svg;\n",
" }\n",
" function text(value) {\n",
" return document.createTextNode(value);\n",
" }\n",
" var count\\$1 = 0;\n",
" function uid(name) {\n",
" return new Id(\"O-\" + (name == null ? \"\" : name + \"-\") + ++count\\$1);\n",
" }\n",
" function Id(id) {\n",
" = id;\n",
" this.href = new URL(\\`#\\${id}\\`, location) + \"\";\n",
" }\n",
" Id.prototype.toString = function() {\n",
" return \"url(\" + this.href + \")\";\n",
" };\n",
" var DOM = {\n",
" canvas: canvas,\n",
" context2d: context2d,\n",
" download: download,\n",
" element: element,\n",
" input: input,\n",
" range: range,\n",
" select: select,\n",
" svg: svg,\n",
" text: text,\n",
" uid: uid\n",
" };\n",
" function buffer(file) {\n",
" return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n",
" var reader = new FileReader;\n",
" reader.onload = function() { resolve(reader.result); };\n",
" reader.onerror = reject;\n",
" reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function text\\$1(file) {\n",
" return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n",
" var reader = new FileReader;\n",
" reader.onload = function() { resolve(reader.result); };\n",
" reader.onerror = reject;\n",
" reader.readAsText(file);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function url(file) {\n",
" return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n",
" var reader = new FileReader;\n",
" reader.onload = function() { resolve(reader.result); };\n",
" reader.onerror = reject;\n",
" reader.readAsDataURL(file);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" var Files = {\n",
" buffer: buffer,\n",
" text: text\\$1,\n",
" url: url\n",
" };\n",
" function that() {\n",
" return this;\n",
" }\n",
" function disposable(value, dispose) {\n",
" let done = false;\n",
" return {\n",
" [Symbol.iterator]: that,\n",
" next: () => done ? {done: true} : (done = true, {done: false, value}),\n",
" return: () => (done = true, dispose(value), {done: true}),\n",
" throw: () => ({done: done = true})\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function* filter(iterator, test) {\n",
" var result, index = -1;\n",
" while (!(result = {\n",
" if (test(result.value, ++index)) {\n",
" yield result.value;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function observe(initialize) {\n",
" let stale = false;\n",
" let value;\n",
" let resolve;\n",
" const dispose = initialize(change);\n",
" function change(x) {\n",
" if (resolve) resolve(x), resolve = null;\n",
" else stale = true;\n",
" return value = x;\n",
" }\n",
" function next() {\n",
" return {done: false, value: stale\n",
" ? (stale = false, Promise.resolve(value))\n",
" : new Promise(_ => (resolve = _))};\n",
" }\n",
" return {\n",
" [Symbol.iterator]: that,\n",
" throw: () => ({done: true}),\n",
" return: () => (dispose != null && dispose(), {done: true}),\n",
" next\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function input\\$1(input) {\n",
" return observe(function(change) {\n",
" var event = eventof(input), value = valueof\\$1(input);\n",
" function inputted() { change(valueof\\$1(input)); }\n",
" input.addEventListener(event, inputted);\n",
" if (value !== undefined) change(value);\n",
" return function() { input.removeEventListener(event, inputted); };\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function valueof\\$1(input) {\n",
" switch (input.type) {\n",
" case \"range\":\n",
" case \"number\": return input.valueAsNumber;\n",
" case \"date\": return input.valueAsDate;\n",
" case \"checkbox\": return input.checked;\n",
" case \"file\": return input.multiple ? input.files : input.files[0];\n",
" default: return input.value;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function eventof(input) {\n",
" switch (input.type) {\n",
" case \"button\":\n",
" case \"submit\":\n",
" case \"checkbox\": return \"click\";\n",
" case \"file\": return \"change\";\n",
" default: return \"input\";\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function* map\\$1(iterator, transform) {\n",
" var result, index = -1;\n",
" while (!(result = {\n",
" yield transform(result.value, ++index);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function queue\\$1(initialize) {\n",
" let resolve;\n",
" const queue = [];\n",
" const dispose = initialize(push);\n",
" function push(x) {\n",
" queue.push(x);\n",
" if (resolve) resolve(queue.shift()), resolve = null;\n",
" return x;\n",
" }\n",
" function next() {\n",
" return {done: false, value: queue.length\n",
" ? Promise.resolve(queue.shift())\n",
" : new Promise(_ => (resolve = _))};\n",
" }\n",
" return {\n",
" [Symbol.iterator]: that,\n",
" throw: () => ({done: true}),\n",
" return: () => (dispose != null && dispose(), {done: true}),\n",
" next\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function* range\\$1(start, stop, step) {\n",
" start = +start;\n",
" stop = +stop;\n",
" step = (n = arguments.length) < 2 ? (stop = start, start = 0, 1) : n < 3 ? 1 : +step;\n",
" var i = -1, n = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((stop - start) / step)) | 0;\n",
" while (++i < n) {\n",
" yield start + i * step;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function valueAt(iterator, i) {\n",
" if (!isFinite(i = +i) || i < 0 || i !== i | 0) return;\n",
" var result, index = -1;\n",
" while (!(result = {\n",
" if (++index === i) {\n",
" return result.value;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function worker(source) {\n",
" const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([source], {type: \"text/javascript\"}));\n",
" const worker = new Worker(url);\n",
" return disposable(worker, () => {\n",
" worker.terminate();\n",
" URL.revokeObjectURL(url);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" var Generators = {\n",
" disposable: disposable,\n",
" filter: filter,\n",
" input: input\\$1,\n",
" map: map\\$1,\n",
" observe: observe,\n",
" queue: queue\\$1,\n",
" range: range\\$1,\n",
" valueAt: valueAt,\n",
" worker: worker\n",
" };\n",
" function template(render, wrapper) {\n",
" return function(strings) {\n",
" var string = strings[0],\n",
" parts = [], part,\n",
" root = null,\n",
" node, nodes,\n",
" walker,\n",
" i, n, j, m, k = -1;\n",
" // Concatenate the text using comments as placeholders.\n",
" for (i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; ++i) {\n",
" part = arguments[i];\n",
" if (part instanceof Node) {\n",
" parts[++k] = part;\n",
" string += \"<!--o:\" + k + \"-->\";\n",
" } else if (Array.isArray(part)) {\n",
" for (j = 0, m = part.length; j < m; ++j) {\n",
" node = part[j];\n",
" if (node instanceof Node) {\n",
" if (root === null) {\n",
" parts[++k] = root = document.createDocumentFragment();\n",
" string += \"<!--o:\" + k + \"-->\";\n",
" }\n",
" root.appendChild(node);\n",
" } else {\n",
" root = null;\n",
" string += node;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" root = null;\n",
" } else {\n",
" string += part;\n",
" }\n",
" string += strings[i];\n",
" }\n",
" // Render the text.\n",
" root = render(string);\n",
" // Walk the rendered content to replace comment placeholders.\n",
" if (++k > 0) {\n",
" nodes = new Array(k);\n",
" walker = document.createTreeWalker(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, null, false);\n",
" while (walker.nextNode()) {\n",
" node = walker.currentNode;\n",
" if (/^o:/.test(node.nodeValue)) {\n",
" nodes[+node.nodeValue.slice(2)] = node;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" for (i = 0; i < k; ++i) {\n",
" if (node = nodes[i]) {\n",
" node.parentNode.replaceChild(parts[i], node);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" // Is the rendered content\n",
" // … a parent of a single child? Detach and return the child.\n",
" // … a document fragment? Replace the fragment with an element.\n",
" // … some other node? Return it.\n",
" return root.childNodes.length === 1 ? root.removeChild(root.firstChild)\n",
" : root.nodeType === 11 ? ((node = wrapper()).appendChild(root), node)\n",
" : root;\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" var html = template(function(string) {\n",
" var template = document.createElement(\"template\");\n",
" template.innerHTML = string.trim();\n",
" return document.importNode(template.content, true);\n",
" }, function() {\n",
" return document.createElement(\"span\");\n",
" });\n",
" const HL_ROOT =\n",
" \"\";\n",
" function md(require) {\n",
" return function() {\n",
" return require(\"marked@0.3.12/marked.min.js\").then(function(marked) {\n",
" return template(\n",
" function(string) {\n",
" var root = document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" root.innerHTML = marked(string, {langPrefix: \"\"}).trim();\n",
" var code = root.querySelectorAll(\"pre code[class]\");\n",
" if (code.length > 0) {\n",
" require(HL_ROOT + \"highlight.min.js\").then(function(hl) {\n",
" code.forEach(function(block) {\n",
" function done() {\n",
" hl.highlightBlock(block);\n",
" block.parentNode.classList.add(\"observablehq--md-pre\");\n",
" }\n",
" if (hl.getLanguage(block.className)) {\n",
" done();\n",
" } else {\n",
" require(HL_ROOT + \"async-languages/index.js\")\n",
" .then(index => {\n",
" if (index.has(block.className)) {\n",
" return require(HL_ROOT +\n",
" \"async-languages/\" +\n",
" index.get(block.className)).then(language => {\n",
" hl.registerLanguage(block.className, language);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" })\n",
" .then(done, done);\n",
" }\n",
" });\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" return root;\n",
" },\n",
" function() {\n",
" return document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" }\n",
" );\n",
" });\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function Mutable(value) {\n",
" let change;\n",
" Object.defineProperties(this, {\n",
" generator: {value: observe(_ => void (change = _))},\n",
" value: {get: () => value, set: x => change(value = x)}\n",
" });\n",
" if (value !== undefined) change(value);\n",
" }\n",
" function* now() {\n",
" while (true) {\n",
" yield;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function delay(duration, value) {\n",
" return new Promise(function(resolve) {\n",
" setTimeout(function() {\n",
" resolve(value);\n",
" }, duration);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" var timeouts = new Map;\n",
" function timeout(now, time) {\n",
" var t = new Promise(function(resolve) {\n",
" timeouts.delete(time);\n",
" var delay = time - now;\n",
" if (!(delay > 0)) throw new Error(\"invalid time\");\n",
" if (delay > 0x7fffffff) throw new Error(\"too long to wait\");\n",
" setTimeout(resolve, delay);\n",
" });\n",
" timeouts.set(time, t);\n",
" return t;\n",
" }\n",
" function when(time, value) {\n",
" var now;\n",
" return (now = timeouts.get(time = +time)) ? now.then(constant(value))\n",
" : (now = >= time ? Promise.resolve(value)\n",
" : timeout(now, time).then(constant(value));\n",
" }\n",
" function tick(duration, value) {\n",
" return when(Math.ceil(( + 1) / duration) * duration, value);\n",
" }\n",
" var Promises = {\n",
" delay: delay,\n",
" tick: tick,\n",
" when: when\n",
" };\n",
" function resolve\\$1(name, base) {\n",
" if (/^(\\\\w+:)|\\\\/\\\\//i.test(name)) return name;\n",
" if (/^[.]{0,2}\\\\//i.test(name)) return new URL(name, base == null ? location : base).href;\n",
" if (!name.length || /^[\\\\s._]/.test(name) || /\\\\s\\$/.test(name)) throw new Error(\"illegal name\");\n",
" return \"\" + name;\n",
" }\n",
" function requirer(resolve) {\n",
" return resolve == null ? require : requireFrom(resolve);\n",
" }\n",
" var svg\\$1 = template(function(string) {\n",
" var root = document.createElementNS(\"\", \"g\");\n",
" root.innerHTML = string.trim();\n",
" return root;\n",
" }, function() {\n",
" return document.createElementNS(\"\", \"g\");\n",
" });\n",
" var raw = String.raw;\n",
" function style(href) {\n",
" return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n",
" var link = document.createElement(\"link\");\n",
" link.rel = \"stylesheet\";\n",
" link.href = href;\n",
" link.onerror = reject;\n",
" link.onload = resolve;\n",
" document.head.appendChild(link);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function tex(require) {\n",
" return function() {\n",
" return Promise.all([\n",
" require(\"@observablehq/katex@0.11.1/dist/katex.min.js\"),\n",
" require.resolve(\"@observablehq/katex@0.11.1/dist/katex.min.css\").then(style)\n",
" ]).then(function(values) {\n",
" var katex = values[0], tex = renderer();\n",
" function renderer(options) {\n",
" return function() {\n",
" var root = document.createElement(\"div\");\n",
" katex.render(raw.apply(String, arguments), root, options);\n",
" return root.removeChild(root.firstChild);\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" tex.options = renderer;\n",
" tex.block = renderer({displayMode: true});\n",
" return tex;\n",
" });\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function width() {\n",
" return observe(function(change) {\n",
" var width = change(document.body.clientWidth);\n",
" function resized() {\n",
" var w = document.body.clientWidth;\n",
" if (w !== width) change(width = w);\n",
" }\n",
" window.addEventListener(\"resize\", resized);\n",
" return function() {\n",
" window.removeEventListener(\"resize\", resized);\n",
" };\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" var Library = Object.assign(function Library(resolver) {\n",
" const require = requirer(resolver);\n",
" Object.defineProperties(this, {\n",
" DOM: {value: DOM, writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" FileAttachment: {value: constant(NoFileAttachments), writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" Files: {value: Files, writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" Generators: {value: Generators, writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" html: {value: constant(html), writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" md: {value: md(require), writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" Mutable: {value: constant(Mutable), writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" now: {value: now, writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" Promises: {value: Promises, writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" require: {value: constant(require), writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" resolve: {value: constant(resolve\\$1), writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" svg: {value: constant(svg\\$1), writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" tex: {value: tex(require), writable: true, enumerable: true},\n",
" width: {value: width, writable: true, enumerable: true}\n",
" });\n",
" }, {resolve: require.resolve});\n",
" function RuntimeError(message, input) {\n",
" this.message = message + \"\";\n",
" this.input = input;\n",
" }\n",
" RuntimeError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n",
" = \"RuntimeError\";\n",
" RuntimeError.prototype.constructor = RuntimeError;\n",
" function generatorish(value) {\n",
" return value\n",
" && typeof === \"function\"\n",
" && typeof value.return === \"function\";\n",
" }\n",
" function load(notebook, library, observer) {\n",
" if (typeof library == \"function\") observer = library, library = null;\n",
" if (typeof observer !== \"function\") throw new Error(\"invalid observer\");\n",
" if (library == null) library = new Library();\n",
" const {modules, id} = notebook;\n",
" const map = new Map;\n",
" const runtime = new Runtime(library);\n",
" const main = runtime_module(id);\n",
" function runtime_module(id) {\n",
" let module = map.get(id);\n",
" if (!module) map.set(id, module = runtime.module());\n",
" return module;\n",
" }\n",
" for (const m of modules) {\n",
" const module = runtime_module(;\n",
" let i = 0;\n",
" for (const v of m.variables) {\n",
" if (v.from) module.import(v.remote,, runtime_module(v.from));\n",
" else if (module === main) module.variable(observer(v, i, m.variables)).define(, v.inputs, v.value);\n",
" else module.define(, v.inputs, v.value);\n",
" ++i;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" return runtime;\n",
" }\n",
" var prototype = Array.prototype;\n",
" var map\\$2 =;\n",
" var forEach = prototype.forEach;\n",
" function constant\\$1(x) {\n",
" return function() {\n",
" return x;\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function identity(x) {\n",
" return x;\n",
" }\n",
" function rethrow(e) {\n",
" return function() {\n",
" throw e;\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function noop() {}\n",
" var TYPE_NORMAL = 1; // a normal variable\n",
" var TYPE_IMPLICIT = 2; // created on reference\n",
" var TYPE_DUPLICATE = 3; // created on duplicate definition\n",
" var no_observer = {};\n",
" function Variable(type, module, observer) {\n",
" if (observer == null) observer = no_observer;\n",
" Object.defineProperties(this, {\n",
" _observer: {value: observer, writable: true},\n",
" _definition: {value: variable_undefined, writable: true},\n",
" _duplicate: {value: undefined, writable: true},\n",
" _duplicates: {value: undefined, writable: true},\n",
" _indegree: {value: NaN, writable: true}, // The number of computing inputs.\n",
" _inputs: {value: [], writable: true},\n",
" _invalidate: {value: noop, writable: true},\n",
" _module: {value: module},\n",
" _name: {value: null, writable: true},\n",
" _outputs: {value: new Set, writable: true},\n",
" _promise: {value: Promise.resolve(undefined), writable: true},\n",
" _reachable: {value: observer !== no_observer, writable: true}, // Is this variable transitively visible?\n",
" _rejector: {value: variable_rejector(this)},\n",
" _type: {value: type},\n",
" _value: {value: undefined, writable: true},\n",
" _version: {value: 0, writable: true}\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" Object.defineProperties(Variable.prototype, {\n",
" _pending: {value: variable_pending, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" _fulfilled: {value: variable_fulfilled, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" _rejected: {value: variable_rejected, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" define: {value: variable_define, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" delete: {value: variable_delete, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" import: {value: variable_import, writable: true, configurable: true}\n",
" });\n",
" function variable_attach(variable) {\n",
" variable._module._runtime._dirty.add(variable);\n",
" variable._outputs.add(this);\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_detach(variable) {\n",
" variable._module._runtime._dirty.add(variable);\n",
" variable._outputs.delete(this);\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_undefined() {\n",
" throw variable_undefined;\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_rejector(variable) {\n",
" return function(error) {\n",
" if (error === variable_undefined) throw new RuntimeError(variable._name + \" is not defined\", variable._name);\n",
" throw new RuntimeError(variable._name + \" could not be resolved\", variable._name);\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_duplicate(name) {\n",
" return function() {\n",
" throw new RuntimeError(name + \" is defined more than once\");\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_define(name, inputs, definition) {\n",
" switch (arguments.length) {\n",
" case 1: {\n",
" definition = name, name = inputs = null;\n",
" break;\n",
" }\n",
" case 2: {\n",
" definition = inputs;\n",
" if (typeof name === \"string\") inputs = null;\n",
" else inputs = name, name = null;\n",
" break;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" return,\n",
" name == null ? null : name + \"\",\n",
" inputs == null ? [] : map\\$, this._module._resolve, this._module),\n",
" typeof definition === \"function\" ? definition : constant\\$1(definition)\n",
" );\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_defineImpl(name, inputs, definition) {\n",
" var scope = this._module._scope, runtime = this._module._runtime;\n",
" this._inputs.forEach(variable_detach, this);\n",
" inputs.forEach(variable_attach, this);\n",
" this._inputs = inputs;\n",
" this._definition = definition;\n",
" this._value = undefined;\n",
" // Is this an active variable (that may require disposal)?\n",
" if (definition === noop) runtime._variables.delete(this);\n",
" else runtime._variables.add(this);\n",
" // Did the variable’s name change? Time to patch references!\n",
" if (name == this._name && scope.get(name) === this) {\n",
" this._outputs.forEach(runtime._updates.add, runtime._updates);\n",
" } else {\n",
" var error, found;\n",
" if (this._name) { // Did this variable previously have a name?\n",
" if (this._outputs.size) { // And did other variables reference this variable?\n",
" scope.delete(this._name);\n",
" found = this._module._resolve(this._name);\n",
" found._outputs = this._outputs, this._outputs = new Set;\n",
" found._outputs.forEach(function(output) { output._inputs[output._inputs.indexOf(this)] = found; }, this);\n",
" found._outputs.forEach(runtime._updates.add, runtime._updates);\n",
" runtime._dirty.add(found).add(this);\n",
" scope.set(this._name, found);\n",
" } else if ((found = scope.get(this._name)) === this) { // Do no other variables reference this variable?\n",
" scope.delete(this._name); // It’s safe to delete!\n",
" } else if (found._type === TYPE_DUPLICATE) { // Do other variables assign this name?\n",
" found._duplicates.delete(this); // This variable no longer assigns this name.\n",
" this._duplicate = undefined;\n",
" if (found._duplicates.size === 1) { // Is there now only one variable assigning this name?\n",
" found = found._duplicates.keys().next().value; // Any references are now fixed!\n",
" error = scope.get(this._name);\n",
" found._outputs = error._outputs, error._outputs = new Set;\n",
" found._outputs.forEach(function(output) { output._inputs[output._inputs.indexOf(error)] = found; });\n",
" found._definition = found._duplicate, found._duplicate = undefined;\n",
" runtime._dirty.add(error).add(found);\n",
" runtime._updates.add(found);\n",
" scope.set(this._name, found);\n",
" }\n",
" } else {\n",
" throw new Error;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" if (this._outputs.size) throw new Error;\n",
" if (name) { // Does this variable have a new name?\n",
" if (found = scope.get(name)) { // Do other variables reference or assign this name?\n",
" if (found._type === TYPE_DUPLICATE) { // Do multiple other variables already define this name?\n",
" this._definition = variable_duplicate(name), this._duplicate = definition;\n",
" found._duplicates.add(this);\n",
" } else if (found._type === TYPE_IMPLICIT) { // Are the variable references broken?\n",
" this._outputs = found._outputs, found._outputs = new Set; // Now they’re fixed!\n",
" this._outputs.forEach(function(output) { output._inputs[output._inputs.indexOf(found)] = this; }, this);\n",
" runtime._dirty.add(found).add(this);\n",
" scope.set(name, this);\n",
" } else { // Does another variable define this name?\n",
" found._duplicate = found._definition, this._duplicate = definition; // Now they’re duplicates.\n",
" error = new Variable(TYPE_DUPLICATE, this._module);\n",
" error._name = name;\n",
" error._definition = this._definition = found._definition = variable_duplicate(name);\n",
" error._outputs = found._outputs, found._outputs = new Set;\n",
" error._outputs.forEach(function(output) { output._inputs[output._inputs.indexOf(found)] = error; });\n",
" error._duplicates = new Set([this, found]);\n",
" runtime._dirty.add(found).add(error);\n",
" runtime._updates.add(found).add(error);\n",
" scope.set(name, error);\n",
" }\n",
" } else {\n",
" scope.set(name, this);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" this._name = name;\n",
" }\n",
" runtime._updates.add(this);\n",
" runtime._compute();\n",
" return this;\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_import(remote, name, module) {\n",
" if (arguments.length < 3) module = name, name = remote;\n",
" return, name + \"\", [module._resolve(remote + \"\")], identity);\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_delete() {\n",
" return, null, [], noop);\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_pending() {\n",
" if (this._observer.pending) this._observer.pending();\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_fulfilled(value) {\n",
" if (this._observer.fulfilled) this._observer.fulfilled(value, this._name);\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_rejected(error) {\n",
" if (this._observer.rejected) this._observer.rejected(error, this._name);\n",
" }\n",
" function Module(runtime, builtins = []) {\n",
" Object.defineProperties(this, {\n",
" _runtime: {value: runtime},\n",
" _scope: {value: new Map},\n",
" _builtins: {value: new Map([\n",
" [\"invalidation\", variable_invalidation],\n",
" [\"visibility\", variable_visibility],\n",
" ...builtins\n",
" ])},\n",
" _source: {value: null, writable: true}\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" Object.defineProperties(Module.prototype, {\n",
" _copy: {value: module_copy, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" _resolve: {value: module_resolve, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" redefine: {value: module_redefine, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" define: {value: module_define, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" derive: {value: module_derive, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" import: {value: module_import, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" value: {value: module_value, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" variable: {value: module_variable, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" builtin: {value: module_builtin, writable: true, configurable: true}\n",
" });\n",
" function module_redefine(name) {\n",
" var v = this._scope.get(name);\n",
" if (!v) throw new RuntimeError(name + \" is not defined\");\n",
" if (v._type === TYPE_DUPLICATE) throw new RuntimeError(name + \" is defined more than once\");\n",
" return v.define.apply(v, arguments);\n",
" }\n",
" function module_define() {\n",
" var v = new Variable(TYPE_NORMAL, this);\n",
" return v.define.apply(v, arguments);\n",
" }\n",
" function module_import() {\n",
" var v = new Variable(TYPE_NORMAL, this);\n",
" return v.import.apply(v, arguments);\n",
" }\n",
" function module_variable(observer) {\n",
" return new Variable(TYPE_NORMAL, this, observer);\n",
" }\n",
" async function module_value(name) {\n",
" var v = this._scope.get(name);\n",
" if (!v) throw new RuntimeError(name + \" is not defined\");\n",
" if (v._observer === no_observer) {\n",
" v._observer = true;\n",
" this._runtime._dirty.add(v);\n",
" }\n",
" await this._runtime._compute();\n",
" return v._promise;\n",
" }\n",
" function module_derive(injects, injectModule) {\n",
" var copy = new Module(this._runtime, this._builtins);\n",
" copy._source = this;\n",
", function(inject) {\n",
" if (typeof inject !== \"object\") inject = {name: inject + \"\"};\n",
" if (inject.alias == null) inject.alias =;\n",
" copy.import(, inject.alias, injectModule);\n",
" });\n",
" Promise.resolve().then(() => {\n",
" const modules = new Set([this]);\n",
" for (const module of modules) {\n",
" for (const variable of module._scope.values()) {\n",
" if (variable._definition === identity) { // import\n",
" const module = variable._inputs[0]._module;\n",
" const source = module._source || module;\n",
" if (source === this) { // circular import-with!\n",
" console.warn(\"circular module definition; ignoring\"); // eslint-disable-line no-console\n",
" return;\n",
" }\n",
" modules.add(source);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" this._copy(copy, new Map);\n",
" });\n",
" return copy;\n",
" }\n",
" function module_copy(copy, map) {\n",
" copy._source = this;\n",
" map.set(this, copy);\n",
" for (const [name, source] of this._scope) {\n",
" var target = copy._scope.get(name);\n",
" if (target && target._type === TYPE_NORMAL) continue; // injection\n",
" if (source._definition === identity) { // import\n",
" var sourceInput = source._inputs[0],\n",
" sourceModule = sourceInput._module;\n",
" copy.import(sourceInput._name, name, map.get(sourceModule)\n",
" || (sourceModule._source\n",
" ? sourceModule._copy(new Module(copy._runtime, copy._builtins), map) // import-with\n",
" : sourceModule));\n",
" } else {\n",
" copy.define(name,, source._definition);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" return copy;\n",
" }\n",
" function module_resolve(name) {\n",
" var variable = this._scope.get(name), value;\n",
" if (!variable) {\n",
" variable = new Variable(TYPE_IMPLICIT, this);\n",
" if (this._builtins.has(name)) {\n",
" variable.define(name, constant\\$1(this._builtins.get(name)));\n",
" } else if (this._runtime._builtin._scope.has(name)) {\n",
" variable.import(name, this._runtime._builtin);\n",
" } else {\n",
" try {\n",
" value = this._runtime._global(name);\n",
" } catch (error) {\n",
" return variable.define(name, rethrow(error));\n",
" }\n",
" if (value === undefined) {\n",
" this._scope.set(variable._name = name, variable);\n",
" } else {\n",
" variable.define(name, constant\\$1(value));\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" return variable;\n",
" }\n",
" function module_builtin(name, value) {\n",
" this._builtins.set(name, value);\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_name(variable) {\n",
" return variable._name;\n",
" }\n",
" const frame = typeof requestAnimationFrame === \"function\" ? requestAnimationFrame : setImmediate;\n",
" var variable_invalidation = {};\n",
" var variable_visibility = {};\n",
" function Runtime(builtins = new Library, global = window_global) {\n",
" var builtin = this.module();\n",
" Object.defineProperties(this, {\n",
" _dirty: {value: new Set},\n",
" _updates: {value: new Set},\n",
" _computing: {value: null, writable: true},\n",
" _init: {value: null, writable: true},\n",
" _modules: {value: new Map},\n",
" _variables: {value: new Set},\n",
" _disposed: {value: false, writable: true},\n",
" _builtin: {value: builtin},\n",
" _global: {value: global}\n",
" });\n",
" if (builtins) for (var name in builtins) {\n",
" (new Variable(TYPE_IMPLICIT, builtin)).define(name, [], builtins[name]);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" Object.defineProperties(Runtime, {\n",
" load: {value: load, writable: true, configurable: true}\n",
" });\n",
" Object.defineProperties(Runtime.prototype, {\n",
" _compute: {value: runtime_compute, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" _computeSoon: {value: runtime_computeSoon, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" _computeNow: {value: runtime_computeNow, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" dispose: {value: runtime_dispose, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" module: {value: runtime_module, writable: true, configurable: true},\n",
" fileAttachments: {value: FileAttachments, writable: true, configurable: true}\n",
" });\n",
" function runtime_dispose() {\n",
" this._computing = Promise.resolve();\n",
" this._disposed = true;\n",
" this._variables.forEach(v => {\n",
" v._invalidate();\n",
" v._version = NaN;\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function runtime_module(define, observer = noop) {\n",
" let module;\n",
" if (define === undefined) {\n",
" if (module = this._init) {\n",
" this._init = null;\n",
" return module;\n",
" }\n",
" return new Module(this);\n",
" }\n",
" module = this._modules.get(define);\n",
" if (module) return module;\n",
" this._init = module = new Module(this);\n",
" this._modules.set(define, module);\n",
" try {\n",
" define(this, observer);\n",
" } finally {\n",
" this._init = null;\n",
" }\n",
" return module;\n",
" }\n",
" function runtime_compute() {\n",
" return this._computing || (this._computing = this._computeSoon());\n",
" }\n",
" function runtime_computeSoon() {\n",
" var runtime = this;\n",
" return new Promise(function(resolve) {\n",
" frame(function() {\n",
" resolve();\n",
" runtime._disposed || runtime._computeNow();\n",
" });\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function runtime_computeNow() {\n",
" var queue = [],\n",
" variables,\n",
" variable;\n",
" // Compute the reachability of the transitive closure of dirty variables.\n",
" // Any newly-reachable variable must also be recomputed.\n",
" // Any no-longer-reachable variable must be terminated.\n",
" variables = new Set(this._dirty);\n",
" variables.forEach(function(variable) {\n",
" variable._inputs.forEach(variables.add, variables);\n",
" const reachable = variable_reachable(variable);\n",
" if (reachable > variable._reachable) {\n",
" this._updates.add(variable);\n",
" } else if (reachable < variable._reachable) {\n",
" variable._invalidate();\n",
" }\n",
" variable._reachable = reachable;\n",
" }, this);\n",
" // Compute the transitive closure of updating, reachable variables.\n",
" variables = new Set(this._updates);\n",
" variables.forEach(function(variable) {\n",
" if (variable._reachable) {\n",
" variable._indegree = 0;\n",
" variable._outputs.forEach(variables.add, variables);\n",
" } else {\n",
" variable._indegree = NaN;\n",
" variables.delete(variable);\n",
" }\n",
" });\n",
" this._computing = null;\n",
" this._updates.clear();\n",
" this._dirty.clear();\n",
" // Compute the indegree of updating variables.\n",
" variables.forEach(function(variable) {\n",
" variable._outputs.forEach(variable_increment);\n",
" });\n",
" do {\n",
" // Identify the root variables (those with no updating inputs).\n",
" variables.forEach(function(variable) {\n",
" if (variable._indegree === 0) {\n",
" queue.push(variable);\n",
" }\n",
" });\n",
" // Compute the variables in topological order.\n",
" while (variable = queue.pop()) {\n",
" variable_compute(variable);\n",
" variable._outputs.forEach(postqueue);\n",
" variables.delete(variable);\n",
" }\n",
" // Any remaining variables are circular, or depend on them.\n",
" variables.forEach(function(variable) {\n",
" if (variable_circular(variable)) {\n",
" variable_error(variable, new RuntimeError(\"circular definition\"));\n",
" variable._outputs.forEach(variable_decrement);\n",
" variables.delete(variable);\n",
" }\n",
" });\n",
" } while (variables.size);\n",
" function postqueue(variable) {\n",
" if (--variable._indegree === 0) {\n",
" queue.push(variable);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_circular(variable) {\n",
" const inputs = new Set(variable._inputs);\n",
" for (const i of inputs) {\n",
" if (i === variable) return true;\n",
" i._inputs.forEach(inputs.add, inputs);\n",
" }\n",
" return false;\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_increment(variable) {\n",
" ++variable._indegree;\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_decrement(variable) {\n",
" --variable._indegree;\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_value(variable) {\n",
" return variable._promise.catch(variable._rejector);\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_invalidator(variable) {\n",
" return new Promise(function(resolve) {\n",
" variable._invalidate = resolve;\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_intersector(invalidation, variable) {\n",
" let node = typeof IntersectionObserver === \"function\" && variable._observer && variable._observer._node;\n",
" let visible = !node, resolve = noop, reject = noop, promise, observer;\n",
" if (node) {\n",
" observer = new IntersectionObserver(([entry]) => (visible = entry.isIntersecting) && (promise = null, resolve()));\n",
" observer.observe(node);\n",
" invalidation.then(() => (observer.disconnect(), observer = null, reject()));\n",
" }\n",
" return function(value) {\n",
" if (visible) return Promise.resolve(value);\n",
" if (!observer) return Promise.reject();\n",
" if (!promise) promise = new Promise((y, n) => (resolve = y, reject = n));\n",
" return promise.then(() => value);\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_compute(variable) {\n",
" variable._invalidate();\n",
" variable._invalidate = noop;\n",
" variable._pending();\n",
" var value0 = variable._value,\n",
" version = ++variable._version,\n",
" invalidation = null,\n",
" promise = variable._promise = Promise.all( {\n",
" if (variable._version !== version) return;\n",
" // Replace any reference to invalidation with the promise, lazily.\n",
" for (var i = 0, n = inputs.length; i < n; ++i) {\n",
" switch (inputs[i]) {\n",
" case variable_invalidation: {\n",
" inputs[i] = invalidation = variable_invalidator(variable);\n",
" break;\n",
" }\n",
" case variable_visibility: {\n",
" if (!invalidation) invalidation = variable_invalidator(variable);\n",
" inputs[i] = variable_intersector(invalidation, variable);\n",
" break;\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" // Compute the initial value of the variable.\n",
" return variable._definition.apply(value0, inputs);\n",
" }).then(function(value) {\n",
" // If the value is a generator, then retrieve its first value,\n",
" // and dispose of the generator if the variable is invalidated.\n",
" // Note that the cell may already have been invalidated here,\n",
" // in which case we need to terminate the generator immediately!\n",
" if (generatorish(value)) {\n",
" if (variable._version !== version) return void value.return();\n",
" (invalidation || variable_invalidator(variable)).then(variable_return(value));\n",
" return variable_precompute(variable, version, promise, value);\n",
" }\n",
" return value;\n",
" });\n",
" promise.then(function(value) {\n",
" if (variable._version !== version) return;\n",
" variable._value = value;\n",
" variable._fulfilled(value);\n",
" }, function(error) {\n",
" if (variable._version !== version) return;\n",
" variable._value = undefined;\n",
" variable._rejected(error);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_precompute(variable, version, promise, generator) {\n",
" function recompute() {\n",
" var promise = new Promise(function(resolve) {\n",
" resolve(;\n",
" }).then(function(next) {\n",
" return next.done ? undefined : Promise.resolve(next.value).then(function(value) {\n",
" if (variable._version !== version) return;\n",
" variable_postrecompute(variable, value, promise).then(recompute);\n",
" variable._fulfilled(value);\n",
" return value;\n",
" });\n",
" });\n",
" promise.catch(function(error) {\n",
" if (variable._version !== version) return;\n",
" variable_postrecompute(variable, undefined, promise);\n",
" variable._rejected(error);\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" return new Promise(function(resolve) {\n",
" resolve(;\n",
" }).then(function(next) {\n",
" if (next.done) return;\n",
" promise.then(recompute);\n",
" return next.value;\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_postrecompute(variable, value, promise) {\n",
" var runtime = variable._module._runtime;\n",
" variable._value = value;\n",
" variable._promise = promise;\n",
" variable._outputs.forEach(runtime._updates.add, runtime._updates); // TODO Cleaner?\n",
" return runtime._compute();\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_error(variable, error) {\n",
" variable._invalidate();\n",
" variable._invalidate = noop;\n",
" variable._pending();\n",
" ++variable._version;\n",
" variable._indegree = NaN;\n",
" (variable._promise = Promise.reject(error)).catch(noop);\n",
" variable._value = undefined;\n",
" variable._rejected(error);\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_return(generator) {\n",
" return function() {\n",
" generator.return();\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" function variable_reachable(variable) {\n",
" if (variable._observer !== no_observer) return true; // Directly reachable.\n",
" var outputs = new Set(variable._outputs);\n",
" for (const output of outputs) {\n",
" if (output._observer !== no_observer) return true;\n",
" output._outputs.forEach(outputs.add, outputs);\n",
" }\n",
" return false;\n",
" }\n",
" function window_global(name) {\n",
" return window[name];\n",
" }\n",
" const MONITOR_INTERVAL = 200;\n",
" class DocumentBodyDimensionsMutationObserverMonitor {\n",
" constructor() {\n",
" this.lastHeight = -1;\n",
" this.onMutation = entries => {\n",
" const height = document.body.clientHeight;\n",
" if (height !== this.lastHeight) {\n",
" this.lastHeight = height;\n",
" postHeight(this.lastHeight);\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" start() {\n",
" = new MutationObserver(this.onMutation);\n",
", {\n",
" childList: true,\n",
" attributes: true,\n",
" subtree: true\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" class DocumentBodyDimensionsResizeObserverMonitor {\n",
" constructor() {\n",
" if (typeof window.ResizeObserver === \"undefined\") {\n",
" throw Error(\"ResizeObserver is not supported\");\n",
" }\n",
" this.lastHeight = -1;\n",
" this.onResize = entries => {\n",
" for (let entry of entries) {\n",
" const height = entry.contentRect.height;\n",
" if (height !== this.lastHeight) {\n",
" this.lastHeight = height;\n",
" postHeight(this.lastHeight);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" start() {\n",
" = new ResizeObserver(this.onResize);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" class DocumentBodyDimensionsPollingMonitor {\n",
" constructor() {\n",
" this.lastHeight = -1;\n",
" this.timer = undefined;\n",
" this.checkAndSchedule = () => {\n",
" if (!this.monitoring) return;\n",
" this.check();\n",
" this.monitoring = setTimeout(this.checkAndSchedule, MONITOR_INTERVAL);\n",
" };\n",
" this.onMessage = event => {\n",
" if (window.parent !== event.source) {\n",
" return;\n",
" }\n",
" if ( === \"cleanup\") {\n",
" this.cleanup();\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" }\n",
" start() {\n",
" if (!this.monitoring) {\n",
" this.monitoring = true;\n",
" this.checkAndSchedule();\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" stop() {\n",
" if (this.monitoring) {\n",
" clearTimeout(this.monitoring);\n",
" }\n",
" this.monitoring = undefined;\n",
" }\n",
" check() {\n",
" const height = document.body.clientHeight;\n",
" if (height !== this.lastHeight) {\n",
" this.lastHeight = height;\n",
" postHeight(this.lastHeight);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" /* Never used in the normal iframe embedding since everything stops\n",
" * when the iframe gets unmounted */\n",
" cleanup() {\n",
" this.stop();\n",
" this.main.dispose();\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" function postHeight(height) {\n",
" window.parent.postMessage(\n",
" {\n",
" type: \"iframeSize\",\n",
" height\n",
" },\n",
" \"*\"\n",
" );\n",
" }\n",
" const monitor = () => {\n",
" if (typeof window.ResizeObserver !== \"undefined\") {\n",
" new DocumentBodyDimensionsResizeObserverMonitor().start();\n",
" } else {\n",
" new DocumentBodyDimensionsMutationObserverMonitor().start();\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" const embed = async (slug, into, cells, inputs = {}) => {\n",
" const moduleUrl = \"\" + slug + \".js?v=3\";\n",
" const define = (await import(moduleUrl)).default;\n",
" const inspect = Inspector.into(into);\n",
" const filter = cells ? name => cells.includes(name) : name => true;\n",
" const main = new Runtime().module(define, name => filter(name) && inspect());\n",
" for (let name of Object.keys(inputs)) {\n",
" main.redefine(name, inputs[name]);\n",
" }\n",
" return main;\n",
" };\n",
" exports.DocumentBodyDimensionsMutationObserverMonitor = DocumentBodyDimensionsMutationObserverMonitor;\n",
" exports.DocumentBodyDimensionsPollingMonitor = DocumentBodyDimensionsPollingMonitor;\n",
" exports.DocumentBodyDimensionsResizeObserverMonitor = DocumentBodyDimensionsResizeObserverMonitor;\n",
" exports.embed = embed;\n",
" exports.monitor = monitor;\n",
" return exports;\n",
"<div style=\"overflow: auto;\"></div>\n",
"<script type=\"module\">\n",
"const inputs = {\"network\": {\"row_nodes\": [{\"name\": \"KRT19\", \"ini\": 500, \"clust\": 133, \"rank\": 406, \"rankvar\": 499}, {\"name\": \"EPCAM\", \"ini\": 499, \"clust\": 151, \"rank\": 388, \"rankvar\": 498}, {\"name\": \"TACSTD2\", \"ini\": 498, \"clust\": 130, \"rank\": 280, \"rankvar\": 497}, {\"name\": \"MAL2\", \"ini\": 497, \"clust\": 152, \"rank\": 359, \"rankvar\": 496}, {\"name\": \"TGFBI\", \"ini\": 496, \"clust\": 369, \"rank\": 459, \"rankvar\": 495}, {\"name\": \"AGR2\", \"ini\": 495, \"clust\": 84, \"rank\": 182, \"rankvar\": 494}, {\"name\": \"VIM\", \"ini\": 494, \"clust\": 313, \"rank\": 487, \"rankvar\": 493}, {\"name\": \"GJA1\", \"ini\": 493, \"clust\": 169, \"rank\": 298, \"rankvar\": 492}, {\"name\": \"SRGN\", \"ini\": 492, \"clust\": 462, \"rank\": 285, \"rankvar\": 491}, {\"name\": \"IGFBP7\", \"ini\": 491, \"clust\": 234, \"rank\": 375, \"rankvar\": 490}, {\"name\": \"SPP1\", \"ini\": 490, \"clust\": 19, \"rank\": 230, \"rankvar\": 489}, {\"name\": 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\"GTSF1\", \"ini\": 431, \"clust\": 497, \"rank\": 69, \"rankvar\": 430}, {\"name\": \"GPRC5A\", \"ini\": 430, \"clust\": 383, \"rank\": 403, \"rankvar\": 429}, {\"name\": \"TNC\", \"ini\": 429, \"clust\": 286, \"rank\": 251, \"rankvar\": 428}, {\"name\": \"SPOCK1\", \"ini\": 428, \"clust\": 259, \"rank\": 247, \"rankvar\": 427}, {\"name\": \"MEST\", \"ini\": 427, \"clust\": 108, \"rank\": 445, \"rankvar\": 426}, {\"name\": \"PTX3\", \"ini\": 426, \"clust\": 239, \"rank\": 131, \"rankvar\": 425}, {\"name\": \"TUBB6\", \"ini\": 425, \"clust\": 326, \"rank\": 474, \"rankvar\": 424}, {\"name\": \"SFN\", \"ini\": 424, \"clust\": 162, \"rank\": 462, \"rankvar\": 423}, {\"name\": \"CEACAM6\", \"ini\": 423, \"clust\": 87, \"rank\": 100, \"rankvar\": 422}, {\"name\": \"HLA-DPA1\", \"ini\": 422, \"clust\": 477, \"rank\": 132, \"rankvar\": 421}, {\"name\": \"SERPINE2\", \"ini\": 421, \"clust\": 337, \"rank\": 448, \"rankvar\": 420}, {\"name\": \"LGALS1\", \"ini\": 420, \"clust\": 378, \"rank\": 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396}, {\"name\": \"NTN4\", \"ini\": 396, \"clust\": 360, \"rank\": 288, \"rankvar\": 395}, {\"name\": \"FOXQ1\", \"ini\": 395, \"clust\": 127, \"rank\": 239, \"rankvar\": 394}, {\"name\": \"NGFRAP1\", \"ini\": 394, \"clust\": 327, \"rank\": 494, \"rankvar\": 393}, {\"name\": \"EREG\", \"ini\": 393, \"clust\": 40, \"rank\": 92, \"rankvar\": 392}, {\"name\": \"CD9\", \"ini\": 392, \"clust\": 406, \"rank\": 480, \"rankvar\": 391}, {\"name\": \"MYL9\", \"ini\": 391, \"clust\": 242, \"rank\": 201, \"rankvar\": 390}, {\"name\": \"RAB34\", \"ini\": 390, \"clust\": 323, \"rank\": 415, \"rankvar\": 389}, {\"name\": \"GALNT3\", \"ini\": 389, \"clust\": 141, \"rank\": 274, \"rankvar\": 388}, {\"name\": \"GDA\", \"ini\": 388, \"clust\": 90, \"rank\": 99, \"rankvar\": 387}, {\"name\": \"PLAU\", \"ini\": 387, \"clust\": 345, \"rank\": 295, \"rankvar\": 386}, {\"name\": \"LOXL1\", \"ini\": 386, \"clust\": 245, \"rank\": 180, \"rankvar\": 385}, {\"name\": \"PLOD2\", \"ini\": 385, \"clust\": 331, 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\"rank\": 632, \"rankvar\": 403}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 769P', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1036, \"clust\": 532, \"rank\": 490, \"rankvar\": 854}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 786O', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1035, \"clust\": 513, \"rank\": 648, \"rankvar\": 699}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAOV3', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1034, \"clust\": 795, \"rank\": 1003, \"rankvar\": 242}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEPG2', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1033, \"clust\": 1029, \"rank\": 322, \"rankvar\": 463}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOLT4', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1032, \"clust\": 138, \"rank\": 37, \"rankvar\": 30}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH524', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1031, \"clust\": 249, \"rank\": 170, \"rankvar\": 125}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH209', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1030, \"clust\": 219, \"rank\": 212, \"rankvar\": 198}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MIAPACA2', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1029, \"clust\": 290, \"rank\": 258, \"rankvar\": 507}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MCAS', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1028, \"clust\": 823, \"rank\": 664, \"rankvar\": 832}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SBC5', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 1027, \"clust\": 282, \"rank\": 215, \"rankvar\": 369}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO829', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1026, \"clust\": 617, \"rank\": 518, \"rankvar\": 828}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: VCAP', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1025, \"clust\": 994, \"rank\": 269, \"rankvar\": 146}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO704', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1024, \"clust\": 246, \"rank\": 71, \"rankvar\": 32}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IPC298', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1023, \"clust\": 604, \"rank\": 419, \"rankvar\": 689}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAPAN2', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1022, \"clust\": 826, \"rank\": 834, \"rankvar\": 898}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EFM192A', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1021, \"clust\": 1021, \"rank\": 393, \"rankvar\": 335}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS766T', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1020, \"clust\": 749, \"rank\": 846, \"rankvar\": 708}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EFO27', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mucinous_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1019, \"clust\": 748, \"rank\": 707, \"rankvar\": 690}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A2780', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1018, \"clust\": 269, \"rank\": 237, \"rankvar\": 270}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH196', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1017, \"clust\": 415, \"rank\": 730, \"rankvar\": 910}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IGROV1', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1016, \"clust\": 984, \"rank\": 459, \"rankvar\": 524}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH889', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1015, \"clust\": 210, \"rank\": 245, \"rankvar\": 201}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH211', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1014, \"clust\": 227, \"rank\": 205, \"rankvar\": 76}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS571T', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1013, \"clust\": 348, \"rank\": 990, \"rankvar\": 1012}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAPCA2B', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1012, \"clust\": 992, \"rank\": 217, \"rankvar\": 370}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMEL24', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1011, \"clust\": 644, \"rank\": 850, \"rankvar\": 985}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: K029AX', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 1010, \"clust\": 608, \"rank\": 435, \"rankvar\": 496}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HT1376', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1009, \"clust\": 734, \"rank\": 671, \"rankvar\": 884}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2171', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1008, \"clust\": 204, \"rank\": 181, \"rankvar\": 133}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PANC1005', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1007, \"clust\": 814, \"rank\": 455, \"rankvar\": 568}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EVSAT', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1006, \"clust\": 998, \"rank\": 208, \"rankvar\": 153}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS695T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1005, \"clust\": 624, \"rank\": 600, \"rankvar\": 952}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CHL1', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 1004, \"clust\": 596, \"rank\": 331, \"rankvar\": 447}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LOUNH91', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1003, \"clust\": 546, \"rank\": 607, \"rankvar\": 915}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LK2', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 1002, \"clust\": 225, \"rank\": 335, \"rankvar\": 362}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TOV21G', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1001, \"clust\": 498, \"rank\": 737, \"rankvar\": 893}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMEL3', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 1000, \"clust\": 602, \"rank\": 318, \"rankvar\": 410}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ASPC1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 999, \"clust\": 740, \"rank\": 613, \"rankvar\": 1033}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OVSAHO', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 998, \"clust\": 973, \"rank\": 481, \"rankvar\": 351}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH441', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 997, \"clust\": 767, \"rank\": 508, \"rankvar\": 940}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RERFLCSQ1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 996, \"clust\": 592, \"rank\": 872, \"rankvar\": 872}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2030', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 995, \"clust\": 489, \"rank\": 544, \"rankvar\": 964}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HMCB', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 994, \"clust\": 597, \"rank\": 349, \"rankvar\": 647}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: FUOV1', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: serous_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 993, \"clust\": 972, \"rank\": 545, \"rankvar\": 269}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MALME3M', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 992, \"clust\": 630, \"rank\": 552, \"rankvar\": 721}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS12BM', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 991, \"clust\": 160, \"rank\": 58, \"rankvar\": 77}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: T98G', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 990, \"clust\": 383, \"rank\": 791, \"rankvar\": 922}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HL60', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 989, \"clust\": 32, \"rank\": 56, \"rankvar\": 9}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DBTRG05MG', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 988, \"clust\": 305, \"rank\": 1001, \"rankvar\": 674}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEYA8', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 987, \"clust\": 560, \"rank\": 682, \"rankvar\": 680}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2122', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 986, \"clust\": 867, \"rank\": 746, \"rankvar\": 887}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MELJUSO', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 985, \"clust\": 619, \"rank\": 418, \"rankvar\": 949}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW620', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 984, \"clust\": 664, \"rank\": 294, \"rankvar\": 356}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCT116', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 983, \"clust\": 659, \"rank\": 402, \"rankvar\": 564}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: VMRCRCZ', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 982, \"clust\": 533, \"rank\": 633, \"rankvar\": 831}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DU145', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 981, \"clust\": 757, \"rank\": 594, \"rankvar\": 616}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MM1S', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 980, \"clust\": 166, \"rank\": 154, \"rankvar\": 117}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: L33', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 979, \"clust\": 864, \"rank\": 917, \"rankvar\": 361}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMEL2', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 978, \"clust\": 621, \"rank\": 437, \"rankvar\": 476}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A549', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 977, \"clust\": 494, \"rank\": 721, \"rankvar\": 827}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A172', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 976, \"clust\": 318, \"rank\": 712, \"rankvar\": 855}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1975', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 975, \"clust\": 578, \"rank\": 792, \"rankvar\": 606}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO679', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 974, \"clust\": 615, \"rank\": 387, \"rankvar\": 713}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KP2', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 973, \"clust\": 805, \"rank\": 699, \"rankvar\": 742}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUH1', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 972, \"clust\": 1027, \"rank\": 498, \"rankvar\": 644}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB453', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 971, \"clust\": 1001, \"rank\": 228, \"rankvar\": 497}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB231', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 970, \"clust\": 582, \"rank\": 774, \"rankvar\": 523}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OV90', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mixed_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 969, \"clust\": 1034, \"rank\": 622, \"rankvar\": 398}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RS411', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 968, \"clust\": 78, \"rank\": 87, \"rankvar\": 137}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OVTOKO', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 967, \"clust\": 499, \"rank\": 652, \"rankvar\": 875}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OVCAR4', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 966, \"clust\": 962, \"rank\": 819, \"rankvar\": 534}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HLF', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 965, \"clust\": 457, \"rank\": 570, \"rankvar\": 883}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCT15', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 964, \"clust\": 662, \"rank\": 293, \"rankvar\": 275}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1463', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 963, \"clust\": 705, \"rank\": 403, \"rankvar\": 397}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SF295', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 962, \"clust\": 401, \"rank\": 764, \"rankvar\": 434}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: WM115', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 961, \"clust\": 643, \"rank\": 628, \"rankvar\": 1024}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHH4', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 960, \"clust\": 477, \"rank\": 711, \"rankvar\": 565}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OE33', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: metaplasia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 959, \"clust\": 821, \"rank\": 530, \"rankvar\": 791}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CCK81', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 958, \"clust\": 724, \"rank\": 234, \"rankvar\": 192}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHH1', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 957, \"clust\": 986, \"rank\": 574, \"rankvar\": 632}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SJSA1', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 956, \"clust\": 418, \"rank\": 649, \"rankvar\": 901}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2228', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 955, \"clust\": 587, \"rank\": 1018, \"rankvar\": 305}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RERFLCAI', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 954, \"clust\": 558, \"rank\": 695, \"rankvar\": 273}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMES1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 953, \"clust\": 588, \"rank\": 1011, \"rankvar\": 414}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH520', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 952, \"clust\": 226, \"rank\": 336, \"rankvar\": 173}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHH5', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 951, \"clust\": 1028, \"rank\": 413, \"rankvar\": 590}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: FU97', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: diffuse_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 950, \"clust\": 1024, \"rank\": 257, \"rankvar\": 304}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO800', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 949, \"clust\": 634, \"rank\": 586, \"rankvar\": 871}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1963', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 948, \"clust\": 215, \"rank\": 126, \"rankvar\": 196}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RL952', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mixed_adenosquamous_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 947, \"clust\": 928, \"rank\": 495, \"rankvar\": 866}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: J82', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 946, \"clust\": 568, \"rank\": 752, \"rankvar\": 288}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC15', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 945, \"clust\": 492, \"rank\": 673, \"rankvar\": 551}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: M059K', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 944, \"clust\": 387, \"rank\": 848, \"rankvar\": 847}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CALU6', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: undifferentiated_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 943, \"clust\": 742, \"rank\": 524, \"rankvar\": 332}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKLU1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 942, \"clust\": 556, \"rank\": 684, \"rankvar\": 511}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW900', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 941, \"clust\": 773, \"rank\": 979, \"rankvar\": 177}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UACC62', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 940, \"clust\": 616, \"rank\": 470, \"rankvar\": 702}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MFE280', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 939, \"clust\": 959, \"rank\": 457, \"rankvar\": 165}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MFE319', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 938, \"clust\": 970, \"rank\": 389, \"rankvar\": 211}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MFE296', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 937, \"clust\": 271, \"rank\": 326, \"rankvar\": 287}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GOS3', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 936, \"clust\": 302, \"rank\": 562, \"rankvar\": 894}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GI1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: gliosarcoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 935, \"clust\": 316, \"rank\": 581, \"rankvar\": 706}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PC14', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 934, \"clust\": 840, \"rank\": 866, \"rankvar\": 732}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE410', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 933, \"clust\": 842, \"rank\": 777, \"rankvar\": 353}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A204', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdoid_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 932, \"clust\": 265, \"rank\": 309, \"rankvar\": 908}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PATU8902', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 931, \"clust\": 813, \"rank\": 428, \"rankvar\": 836}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH810', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 930, \"clust\": 180, \"rank\": 204, \"rankvar\": 346}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RERFLCMS', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 929, \"clust\": 589, \"rank\": 980, \"rankvar\": 240}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: L1236', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 928, \"clust\": 16, \"rank\": 67, \"rankvar\": 78}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DANG', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 927, \"clust\": 848, \"rank\": 780, \"rankvar\": 426}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH460', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 926, \"clust\": 483, \"rank\": 519, \"rankvar\": 820}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE140', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 925, \"clust\": 856, \"rank\": 625, \"rankvar\": 774}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE180', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 924, \"clust\": 857, \"rank\": 617, \"rankvar\": 407}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUPT3', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 923, \"clust\": 828, \"rank\": 782, \"rankvar\": 292}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EFE184', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 922, \"clust\": 503, \"rank\": 863, \"rankvar\": 311}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW579', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 921, \"clust\": 330, \"rank\": 854, \"rankvar\": 925}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB468', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 920, \"clust\": 933, \"rank\": 662, \"rankvar\": 613}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH526', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 919, \"clust\": 223, \"rank\": 185, \"rankvar\": 207}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TOV112D', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: endometrioid_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 918, \"clust\": 288, \"rank\": 253, \"rankvar\": 221}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BT549', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 917, \"clust\": 317, \"rank\": 588, \"rankvar\": 627}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2196', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 916, \"clust\": 196, \"rank\": 329, \"rankvar\": 417}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL851', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 915, \"clust\": 797, \"rank\": 1027, \"rankvar\": 238}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EFO21', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: serous_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 914, \"clust\": 504, \"rank\": 804, \"rankvar\": 503}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A375', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 913, \"clust\": 625, \"rank\": 522, \"rankvar\": 509}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HT29', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 912, \"clust\": 716, \"rank\": 408, \"rankvar\": 675}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH446', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 911, \"clust\": 244, \"rank\": 249, \"rankvar\": 223}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS294T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 910, \"clust\": 640, \"rank\": 809, \"rankvar\": 473}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMEL5', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 909, \"clust\": 609, \"rank\": 424, \"rankvar\": 574}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS944T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 908, \"clust\": 627, \"rank\": 747, \"rankvar\": 376}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TCCPAN2', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 907, \"clust\": 741, \"rank\": 715, \"rankvar\": 804}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RMGI', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 906, \"clust\": 980, \"rank\": 637, \"rankvar\": 902}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PC3', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 905, \"clust\": 752, \"rank\": 907, \"rankvar\": 472}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: K562', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 904, \"clust\": 62, \"rank\": 151, \"rankvar\": 131}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RT112', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 903, \"clust\": 845, \"rank\": 702, \"rankvar\": 839}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NUGC3', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 902, \"clust\": 802, \"rank\": 592, \"rankvar\": 880}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U87MG', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 901, \"clust\": 323, \"rank\": 743, \"rankvar\": 953}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAKI2', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 900, \"clust\": 528, \"rank\": 883, \"rankvar\": 823}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OE19', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 899, \"clust\": 715, \"rank\": 394, \"rankvar\": 997}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMRC2', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 898, \"clust\": 518, \"rank\": 609, \"rankvar\": 1011}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHH2', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 897, \"clust\": 473, \"rank\": 786, \"rankvar\": 969}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IM95', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: intestinal_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 896, \"clust\": 673, \"rank\": 445, \"rankvar\": 934}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MV411', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 895, \"clust\": 39, \"rank\": 86, \"rankvar\": 193}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: WM2664', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 894, \"clust\": 631, \"rank\": 527, \"rankvar\": 935}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMRC1', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 893, \"clust\": 514, \"rank\": 914, \"rankvar\": 864}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KM12', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 892, \"clust\": 686, \"rank\": 397, \"rankvar\": 577}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO849', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 891, \"clust\": 618, \"rank\": 515, \"rankvar\": 514}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: T84', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 890, \"clust\": 701, \"rank\": 534, \"rankvar\": 874}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CALU1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 889, \"clust\": 583, \"rank\": 879, \"rankvar\": 768}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LOXIMVI', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 888, \"clust\": 451, \"rank\": 427, \"rankvar\": 859}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2170', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 887, \"clust\": 946, \"rank\": 431, \"rankvar\": 725}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SQ1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 886, \"clust\": 762, \"rank\": 647, \"rankvar\": 739}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: AN3CA', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 885, \"clust\": 268, \"rank\": 182, \"rankvar\": 704}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2444', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 884, \"clust\": 785, \"rank\": 995, \"rankvar\": 693}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UACC257', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 883, \"clust\": 612, \"rank\": 423, \"rankvar\": 562}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE510', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 882, \"clust\": 910, \"rank\": 672, \"rankvar\": 520}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOLM13', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 881, \"clust\": 40, \"rank\": 95, \"rankvar\": 152}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUPT4', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 880, \"clust\": 825, \"rank\": 825, \"rankvar\": 877}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOGGCCM', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 879, \"clust\": 386, \"rank\": 773, \"rankvar\": 885}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE30', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 878, \"clust\": 806, \"rank\": 631, \"rankvar\": 930}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE150', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 877, \"clust\": 838, \"rank\": 426, \"rankvar\": 943}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PSN1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 876, \"clust\": 744, \"rank\": 601, \"rankvar\": 738}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1299', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 875, \"clust\": 461, \"rank\": 360, \"rankvar\": 331}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PATU8988T', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 874, \"clust\": 466, \"rank\": 304, \"rankvar\": 256}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IGR37', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 873, \"clust\": 607, \"rank\": 286, \"rankvar\": 488}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PANC0403', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 872, \"clust\": 827, \"rank\": 837, \"rankvar\": 812}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TYKNU', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: undifferentiated_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 871, \"clust\": 445, \"rank\": 288, \"rankvar\": 643}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OVISE', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 870, \"clust\": 981, \"rank\": 744, \"rankvar\": 630}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EFM19', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 869, \"clust\": 1003, \"rank\": 316, \"rankvar\": 541}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MELHO', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 868, \"clust\": 611, \"rank\": 301, \"rankvar\": 385}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RL', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: B_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 867, \"clust\": 100, \"rank\": 6, \"rankvar\": 16}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: G361', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 866, \"clust\": 610, \"rank\": 330, \"rankvar\": 441}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH647', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mixed_adenosquamous_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 865, \"clust\": 585, \"rank\": 1012, \"rankvar\": 259}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GMS10', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 864, \"clust\": 388, \"rank\": 894, \"rankvar\": 460}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SEM', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 863, \"clust\": 65, \"rank\": 140, \"rankvar\": 132}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HLFA', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 862, \"clust\": 370, \"rank\": 931, \"rankvar\": 1010}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 42MGBA', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 861, \"clust\": 390, \"rank\": 665, \"rankvar\": 979}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KCIMOH1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 860, \"clust\": 836, \"rank\": 725, \"rankvar\": 942}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC44', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 859, \"clust\": 586, \"rank\": 855, \"rankvar\": 391}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE70', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 858, \"clust\": 653, \"rank\": 392, \"rankvar\": 703}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 1321N1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 857, \"clust\": 322, \"rank\": 449, \"rankvar\": 731}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GAMG', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 856, \"clust\": 430, \"rank\": 754, \"rankvar\": 557}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH522', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 855, \"clust\": 283, \"rank\": 209, \"rankvar\": 235}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EN', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 854, \"clust\": 270, \"rank\": 231, \"rankvar\": 174}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PK59', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 853, \"clust\": 835, \"rank\": 703, \"rankvar\": 960}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNB19', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 852, \"clust\": 308, \"rank\": 556, \"rankvar\": 865}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO741', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 851, \"clust\": 603, \"rank\": 299, \"rankvar\": 354}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HDMYZ', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 850, \"clust\": 452, \"rank\": 696, \"rankvar\": 927}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH661', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 849, \"clust\": 285, \"rank\": 432, \"rankvar\": 770}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LNCAPCLONEFGC', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 848, \"clust\": 993, \"rank\": 163, \"rankvar\": 115}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LS411N', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 847, \"clust\": 687, \"rank\": 344, \"rankvar\": 517}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC78', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 846, \"clust\": 765, \"rank\": 701, \"rankvar\": 789}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: YKG1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 845, \"clust\": 380, \"rank\": 653, \"rankvar\": 465}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ESS1', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: carcinosarcoma-malignant_mesodermal_mixed_tumour', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 844, \"clust\": 575, \"rank\": 968, \"rankvar\": 467}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U251MG', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 843, \"clust\": 309, \"rank\": 603, \"rankvar\": 793}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE11', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 842, \"clust\": 918, \"rank\": 869, \"rankvar\": 694}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KS1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 841, \"clust\": 313, \"rank\": 620, \"rankvar\": 946}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC1A', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 840, \"clust\": 977, \"rank\": 420, \"rankvar\": 811}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE1', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 839, \"clust\": 790, \"rank\": 816, \"rankvar\": 512}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHUEM2', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 838, \"clust\": 272, \"rank\": 270, \"rankvar\": 605}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOGGUVW', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 837, \"clust\": 409, \"rank\": 775, \"rankvar\": 396}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RERFLCAD1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 836, \"clust\": 775, \"rank\": 880, \"rankvar\": 716}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE5', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 835, \"clust\": 911, \"rank\": 759, \"rankvar\": 648}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KELLY', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 834, \"clust\": 239, \"rank\": 152, \"rankvar\": 175}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1155', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 833, \"clust\": 243, \"rank\": 235, \"rankvar\": 232}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE15', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 832, \"clust\": 891, \"rank\": 955, \"rankvar\": 748}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ABC1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 831, \"clust\": 941, \"rank\": 379, \"rankvar\": 775}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 8MGBA', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 830, \"clust\": 410, \"rank\": 820, \"rankvar\": 352}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1703', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 829, \"clust\": 446, \"rank\": 267, \"rankvar\": 519}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: AGS', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 828, \"clust\": 668, \"rank\": 323, \"rankvar\": 939}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: QGP1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 827, \"clust\": 184, \"rank\": 339, \"rankvar\": 667}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DETROIT562', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 826, \"clust\": 913, \"rank\": 958, \"rankvar\": 394}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BT474', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 825, \"clust\": 1012, \"rank\": 297, \"rankvar\": 406}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ACHN', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 824, \"clust\": 541, \"rank\": 751, \"rankvar\": 815}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LOVO', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 823, \"clust\": 688, \"rank\": 537, \"rankvar\": 461}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1581', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 822, \"clust\": 287, \"rank\": 225, \"rankvar\": 239}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SCABER', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 821, \"clust\": 896, \"rank\": 970, \"rankvar\": 537}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMEL30', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 820, \"clust\": 605, \"rank\": 333, \"rankvar\": 527}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OVKATE', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 819, \"clust\": 960, \"rank\": 849, \"rankvar\": 673}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 22RV1', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 818, \"clust\": 995, \"rank\": 271, \"rankvar\": 205}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: C32', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 817, \"clust\": 636, \"rank\": 469, \"rankvar\": 1007}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PANC0327', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 816, \"clust\": 832, \"rank\": 977, \"rankvar\": 457}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RPMI8226', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 815, \"clust\": 150, \"rank\": 220, \"rankvar\": 135}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DLD1', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 814, \"clust\": 663, \"rank\": 414, \"rankvar\": 683}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ES2', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 813, \"clust\": 433, \"rank\": 591, \"rankvar\": 853}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1395', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 812, \"clust\": 943, \"rank\": 480, \"rankvar\": 453}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1781', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: bronchioloalveolar_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 811, \"clust\": 944, \"rank\": 492, \"rankvar\": 852}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LS1034', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 810, \"clust\": 709, \"rank\": 422, \"rankvar\": 785}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: G402', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdoid_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 809, \"clust\": 267, \"rank\": 158, \"rankvar\": 358}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH146', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 808, \"clust\": 209, \"rank\": 242, \"rankvar\": 349}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW48', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 807, \"clust\": 660, \"rank\": 283, \"rankvar\": 609}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CHP212', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 806, \"clust\": 294, \"rank\": 482, \"rankvar\": 650}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LS180', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 805, \"clust\": 689, \"rank\": 450, \"rankvar\": 790}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW403', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 804, \"clust\": 707, \"rank\": 314, \"rankvar\": 711}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH747', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 803, \"clust\": 818, \"rank\": 565, \"rankvar\": 723}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RT4', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 802, \"clust\": 839, \"rank\": 599, \"rankvar\": 754}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KATOIII', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 801, \"clust\": 677, \"rank\": 467, \"rankvar\": 981}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BDCM', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 800, \"clust\": 82, \"rank\": 176, \"rankvar\": 339}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1417', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 799, \"clust\": 666, \"rank\": 473, \"rankvar\": 678}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW948', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 798, \"clust\": 704, \"rank\": 376, \"rankvar\": 707}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS606T', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 797, \"clust\": 344, \"rank\": 1021, \"rankvar\": 991}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB415', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 796, \"clust\": 1000, \"rank\": 624, \"rankvar\": 668}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DMS79', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 795, \"clust\": 195, \"rank\": 290, \"rankvar\": 589}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2106', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 794, \"clust\": 191, \"rank\": 197, \"rankvar\": 244}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL23', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 793, \"clust\": 803, \"rank\": 584, \"rankvar\": 594}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MORCPR', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 792, \"clust\": 945, \"rank\": 355, \"rankvar\": 640}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HARA', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 791, \"clust\": 853, \"rank\": 539, \"rankvar\": 297}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKOV3', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 790, \"clust\": 500, \"rank\": 861, \"rankvar\": 539}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HPAFII', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 789, \"clust\": 822, \"rank\": 749, \"rankvar\": 1013}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MC116', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: B_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 788, \"clust\": 109, \"rank\": 27, \"rankvar\": 56}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1568', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 787, \"clust\": 939, \"rank\": 526, \"rankvar\": 504}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CA46', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 786, \"clust\": 110, \"rank\": 9, \"rankvar\": 28}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A498', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 785, \"clust\": 530, \"rank\": 779, \"rankvar\": 896}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BCP1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: B_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 784, \"clust\": 0, \"rank\": 41, \"rankvar\": 48}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A673', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 783, \"clust\": 262, \"rank\": 315, \"rankvar\": 276}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: AU565', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 782, \"clust\": 1008, \"rank\": 386, \"rankvar\": 413}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO201', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 781, \"clust\": 684, \"rank\": 439, \"rankvar\": 920}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAPAN1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 780, \"clust\": 808, \"rank\": 801, \"rankvar\": 611}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1563', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 779, \"clust\": 486, \"rank\": 740, \"rankvar\": 846}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH358', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: bronchioloalveolar_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 778, \"clust\": 764, \"rank\": 590, \"rankvar\": 585}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CFPAC1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 777, \"clust\": 833, \"rank\": 1031, \"rankvar\": 366}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NIHOVCAR3', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 776, \"clust\": 966, \"rank\": 694, \"rankvar\": 286}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1650', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: bronchioloalveolar_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 775, \"clust\": 794, \"rank\": 876, \"rankvar\": 549}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1793', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 774, \"clust\": 488, \"rank\": 708, \"rankvar\": 672}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1437', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 773, \"clust\": 953, \"rank\": 604, \"rankvar\": 886}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KNS62', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 772, \"clust\": 915, \"rank\": 897, \"rankvar\": 560}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS578T', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 771, \"clust\": 339, \"rank\": 868, \"rankvar\": 1035}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BT20', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 770, \"clust\": 930, \"rank\": 474, \"rankvar\": 682}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU182', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 769, \"clust\": 299, \"rank\": 908, \"rankvar\": 424}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKNMC', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 768, \"clust\": 256, \"rank\": 224, \"rankvar\": 75}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HH', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: adult_T_cell_lymphoma-leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 767, \"clust\": 7, \"rank\": 36, \"rankvar\": 33}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: FADU', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 766, \"clust\": 917, \"rank\": 572, \"rankvar\": 250}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SJRH30', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 765, \"clust\": 252, \"rank\": 276, \"rankvar\": 230}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB361', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 764, \"clust\": 1010, \"rank\": 722, \"rankvar\": 109}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB436', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 763, \"clust\": 453, \"rank\": 693, \"rankvar\": 363}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PANC0213', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 762, \"clust\": 782, \"rank\": 976, \"rankvar\": 567}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DB', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 761, \"clust\": 92, \"rank\": 2, \"rankvar\": 2}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RDES', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 760, \"clust\": 260, \"rank\": 191, \"rankvar\": 44}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL27', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 759, \"clust\": 901, \"rank\": 936, \"rankvar\": 602}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MESSA', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: sarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 758, \"clust\": 266, \"rank\": 150, \"rankvar\": 293}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1271', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 757, \"clust\": 462, \"rank\": 374, \"rankvar\": 571}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1792', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 756, \"clust\": 590, \"rank\": 912, \"rankvar\": 298}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GCT', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: malignant_fibrous_histiocytoma-pleomorphic_sarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 755, \"clust\": 431, \"rank\": 683, \"rankvar\": 550}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKBR3', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 754, \"clust\": 1009, \"rank\": 346, \"rankvar\": 448}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU16', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: undifferentiated_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 753, \"clust\": 721, \"rank\": 372, \"rankvar\": 781}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH82', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 752, \"clust\": 248, \"rank\": 136, \"rankvar\": 60}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIN87', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 751, \"clust\": 683, \"rank\": 553, \"rankvar\": 701}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U2OS', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 750, \"clust\": 298, \"rank\": 535, \"rankvar\": 483}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: H4', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 749, \"clust\": 381, \"rank\": 813, \"rankvar\": 600}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GDM1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 748, \"clust\": 23, \"rank\": 134, \"rankvar\": 296}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1143', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 747, \"clust\": 779, \"rank\": 877, \"rankvar\": 379}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: T24', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 746, \"clust\": 565, \"rank\": 676, \"rankvar\": 581}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: G401', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdoid_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 745, \"clust\": 277, \"rank\": 263, \"rankvar\": 686}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1937', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 744, \"clust\": 934, \"rank\": 829, \"rankvar\": 502}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1569', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: metaplastic_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 743, \"clust\": 989, \"rank\": 416, \"rankvar\": 411}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OCUM1', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: diffuse_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 742, \"clust\": 718, \"rank\": 425, \"rankvar\": 881}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SAOS2', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 741, \"clust\": 419, \"rank\": 500, \"rankvar\": 799}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: D283MED', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour-medulloblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 740, \"clust\": 241, \"rank\": 202, \"rankvar\": 93}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SCC9', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 739, \"clust\": 886, \"rank\": 945, \"rankvar\": 595}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1395', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 738, \"clust\": 443, \"rank\": 639, \"rankvar\": 641}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NMCG1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 737, \"clust\": 306, \"rank\": 996, \"rankvar\": 862}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TEN', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 736, \"clust\": 979, \"rank\": 576, \"rankvar\": 851}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS604T', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 735, \"clust\": 338, \"rank\": 1032, \"rankvar\": 382}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE9', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 734, \"clust\": 919, \"rank\": 906, \"rankvar\": 624}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KNS42', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 733, \"clust\": 301, \"rank\": 430, \"rankvar\": 892}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE520', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 732, \"clust\": 851, \"rank\": 967, \"rankvar\": 368}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE270', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 731, \"clust\": 847, \"rank\": 949, \"rankvar\": 315}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHUEM1', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 730, \"clust\": 968, \"rank\": 409, \"rankvar\": 554}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: YH13', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 729, \"clust\": 399, \"rank\": 934, \"rankvar\": 860}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IALM', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 728, \"clust\": 553, \"rank\": 615, \"rankvar\": 651}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2052', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 727, \"clust\": 439, \"rank\": 924, \"rankvar\": 450}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EB2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 726, \"clust\": 96, \"rank\": 45, \"rankvar\": 101}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKNFI', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 725, \"clust\": 229, \"rank\": 188, \"rankvar\": 299}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKNAS', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 724, \"clust\": 295, \"rank\": 447, \"rankvar\": 438}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GA10', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 723, \"clust\": 113, \"rank\": 26, \"rankvar\": 34}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU398', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 722, \"clust\": 289, \"rank\": 183, \"rankvar\": 114}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU423', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 721, \"clust\": 441, \"rank\": 832, \"rankvar\": 530}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SCC4', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 720, \"clust\": 888, \"rank\": 1033, \"rankvar\": 224}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EB1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 719, \"clust\": 97, \"rank\": 44, \"rankvar\": 127}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1187', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 718, \"clust\": 988, \"rank\": 563, \"rankvar\": 454}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU387', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 717, \"clust\": 475, \"rank\": 827, \"rankvar\": 617}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DAUDI', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 716, \"clust\": 104, \"rank\": 21, \"rankvar\": 59}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HT', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: B_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 715, \"clust\": 99, \"rank\": 4, \"rankvar\": 8}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MJ', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: mycosis_fungoides-Sezary_syndrome', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 714, \"clust\": 10, \"rank\": 199, \"rankvar\": 236}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JM1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: B_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 713, \"clust\": 118, \"rank\": 32, \"rankvar\": 26}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: C2BBE1', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 712, \"clust\": 1035, \"rank\": 464, \"rankvar\": 469}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKES1', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 711, \"clust\": 261, \"rank\": 236, \"rankvar\": 102}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EPLC272H', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 710, \"clust\": 884, \"rank\": 920, \"rankvar\": 482}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BXPC3', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 709, \"clust\": 905, \"rank\": 1025, \"rankvar\": 687}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1355', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 708, \"clust\": 490, \"rank\": 602, \"rankvar\": 977}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU5', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: undifferentiated_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 707, \"clust\": 739, \"rank\": 398, \"rankvar\": 642}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU475', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 706, \"clust\": 416, \"rank\": 899, \"rankvar\": 610}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC251', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 705, \"clust\": 969, \"rank\": 546, \"rankvar\": 442}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GCIY', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 704, \"clust\": 478, \"rank\": 578, \"rankvar\": 212}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SH10TC', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 703, \"clust\": 459, \"rank\": 485, \"rankvar\": 830}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAOV4', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 702, \"clust\": 965, \"rank\": 629, \"rankvar\": 294}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC2218', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 701, \"clust\": 1019, \"rank\": 328, \"rankvar\": 629}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS21BM', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 700, \"clust\": 155, \"rank\": 111, \"rankvar\": 106}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS26', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 699, \"clust\": 169, \"rank\": 72, \"rankvar\": 40}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS27', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 698, \"clust\": 163, \"rank\": 90, \"rankvar\": 97}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KO52', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 697, \"clust\": 21, \"rank\": 159, \"rankvar\": 233}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS28BM', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 696, \"clust\": 172, \"rank\": 101, \"rankvar\": 22}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KNS60', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 695, \"clust\": 384, \"rank\": 768, \"rankvar\": 870}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KNS81', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 694, \"clust\": 307, \"rank\": 900, \"rankvar\": 817}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KPNSI9S', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 693, \"clust\": 413, \"rank\": 886, \"rankvar\": 510}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LU99', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 692, \"clust\": 561, \"rank\": 551, \"rankvar\": 184}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS34', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 691, \"clust\": 173, \"rank\": 130, \"rankvar\": 20}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MKN1', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mixed_adenosquamous_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 690, \"clust\": 746, \"rank\": 885, \"rankvar\": 301}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MKN74', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: tubular_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 689, \"clust\": 751, \"rank\": 332, \"rankvar\": 481}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KP3', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 688, \"clust\": 736, \"rank\": 532, \"rankvar\": 868}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCO2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 687, \"clust\": 49, \"rank\": 186, \"rankvar\": 61}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KHM1B', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 686, \"clust\": 156, \"rank\": 42, \"rankvar\": 18}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HSC2', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 685, \"clust\": 894, \"rank\": 882, \"rankvar\": 531}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KG1C', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 684, \"clust\": 304, \"rank\": 790, \"rankvar\": 951}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUH7', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 683, \"clust\": 1032, \"rank\": 477, \"rankvar\": 425}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMBC2', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 682, \"clust\": 904, \"rank\": 862, \"rankvar\": 740}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMRC20', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 681, \"clust\": 529, \"rank\": 596, \"rankvar\": 566}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUCCT1', 'tissue: biliary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 680, \"clust\": 830, \"rank\": 881, \"rankvar\": 485}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KIJK', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_large_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 679, \"clust\": 3, \"rank\": 164, \"rankvar\": 265}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A4FUK', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 678, \"clust\": 148, \"rank\": 139, \"rankvar\": 80}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KALS1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 677, \"clust\": 389, \"rank\": 893, \"rankvar\": 776}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC108', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 676, \"clust\": 957, \"rank\": 282, \"rankvar\": 861}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEL9217', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 675, \"clust\": 55, \"rank\": 222, \"rankvar\": 199}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUH28', 'tissue: biliary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 674, \"clust\": 312, \"rank\": 753, \"rankvar\": 807}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CMK115', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 673, \"clust\": 60, \"rank\": 118, \"rankvar\": 183}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC265', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 672, \"clust\": 955, \"rank\": 441, \"rankvar\": 909}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL12T', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 671, \"clust\": 792, \"rank\": 727, \"rankvar\": 583}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: THP1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 670, \"clust\": 28, \"rank\": 272, \"rankvar\": 252}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A3KAW', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 669, \"clust\": 146, \"rank\": 99, \"rankvar\": 31}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKNSH', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 668, \"clust\": 296, \"rank\": 688, \"rankvar\": 656}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1954', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 667, \"clust\": 931, \"rank\": 750, \"rankvar\": 491}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAMA1', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 666, \"clust\": 1013, \"rank\": 250, \"rankvar\": 285}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC6', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 665, \"clust\": 469, \"rank\": 264, \"rankvar\": 515}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: AM38', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 664, \"clust\": 434, \"rank\": 667, \"rankvar\": 801}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC50B', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 663, \"clust\": 505, \"rank\": 520, \"rankvar\": 536}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HSC3', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 662, \"clust\": 880, \"rank\": 826, \"rankvar\": 615}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HSC4', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 661, \"clust\": 875, \"rank\": 831, \"rankvar\": 601}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS11', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 660, \"clust\": 165, \"rank\": 167, \"rankvar\": 51}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KP4', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 659, \"clust\": 449, \"rank\": 362, \"rankvar\": 191}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KE39', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 658, \"clust\": 679, \"rank\": 319, \"rankvar\": 749}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COV504', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 657, \"clust\": 573, \"rank\": 1014, \"rankvar\": 194}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KE97', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 656, \"clust\": 89, \"rank\": 106, \"rankvar\": 88}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: VMRCRCW', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 655, \"clust\": 531, \"rank\": 687, \"rankvar\": 710}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HGC27', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: undifferentiated_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 654, \"clust\": 276, \"rank\": 254, \"rankvar\": 262}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LUDLU1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 653, \"clust\": 865, \"rank\": 756, \"rankvar\": 800}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUG1N', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 652, \"clust\": 722, \"rank\": 462, \"rankvar\": 777}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U266B1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 651, \"clust\": 153, \"rank\": 82, \"rankvar\": 81}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NUGC4', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: signet_ring_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 650, \"clust\": 671, \"rank\": 429, \"rankvar\": 729}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HMC18', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 649, \"clust\": 650, \"rank\": 193, \"rankvar\": 267}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAS1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 648, \"clust\": 397, \"rank\": 805, \"rankvar\": 596}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMM1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 647, \"clust\": 147, \"rank\": 114, \"rankvar\": 55}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DMS53', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 646, \"clust\": 186, \"rank\": 382, \"rankvar\": 216}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1116', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 645, \"clust\": 694, \"rank\": 502, \"rankvar\": 720}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1694', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 644, \"clust\": 245, \"rank\": 112, \"rankvar\": 99}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: P3HR1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 643, \"clust\": 105, \"rank\": 7, \"rankvar\": 3}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUT78', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: mycosis_fungoides-Sezary_syndrome', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 642, \"clust\": 9, \"rank\": 190, \"rankvar\": 206}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UMUC3', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 641, \"clust\": 463, \"rank\": 396, \"rankvar\": 660}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HOS', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 640, \"clust\": 435, \"rank\": 540, \"rankvar\": 333}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUNS1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 639, \"clust\": 88, \"rank\": 102, \"rankvar\": 134}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: AML193', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 638, \"clust\": 25, \"rank\": 89, \"rankvar\": 100}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RVH421', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 637, \"clust\": 637, \"rank\": 575, \"rankvar\": 863}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1184', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 636, \"clust\": 216, \"rank\": 194, \"rankvar\": 83}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC2157', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 635, \"clust\": 990, \"rank\": 364, \"rankvar\": 445}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TC71', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 634, \"clust\": 258, \"rank\": 216, \"rankvar\": 89}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2227', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 633, \"clust\": 190, \"rank\": 203, \"rankvar\": 237}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO205', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 632, \"clust\": 685, \"rank\": 325, \"rankvar\": 532}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU449', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 631, \"clust\": 479, \"rank\": 564, \"rankvar\": 899}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH28', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 630, \"clust\": 508, \"rank\": 407, \"rankvar\": 620}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OV56', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 629, \"clust\": 496, \"rank\": 903, \"rankvar\": 334}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHOS4', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 628, \"clust\": 963, \"rank\": 778, \"rankvar\": 251}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYSE450', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 627, \"clust\": 854, \"rank\": 509, \"rankvar\": 320}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RMUGS', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 626, \"clust\": 841, \"rank\": 583, \"rankvar\": 597}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KLE', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 625, \"clust\": 975, \"rank\": 817, \"rankvar\": 437}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS895T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 624, \"clust\": 372, \"rank\": 969, \"rankvar\": 814}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN229', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 623, \"clust\": 314, \"rank\": 689, \"rankvar\": 747}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: P31FUJ', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 622, \"clust\": 26, \"rank\": 179, \"rankvar\": 317}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RKN', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: leiomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 621, \"clust\": 427, \"rank\": 655, \"rankvar\": 563}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PATU8988S', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 620, \"clust\": 723, \"rank\": 440, \"rankvar\": 726}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NH6', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 619, \"clust\": 297, \"rank\": 395, \"rankvar\": 188}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SF126', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 618, \"clust\": 391, \"rank\": 789, \"rankvar\": 897}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RERFLCAD2', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 617, \"clust\": 791, \"rank\": 952, \"rankvar\": 312}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OUMS23', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 616, \"clust\": 731, \"rank\": 444, \"rankvar\": 573}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNGM', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 615, \"clust\": 956, \"rank\": 377, \"rankvar\": 913}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OUMS27', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: chondrosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 614, \"clust\": 335, \"rank\": 948, \"rankvar\": 961}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PL45', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 613, \"clust\": 815, \"rank\": 619, \"rankvar\": 464}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2347', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 612, \"clust\": 771, \"rank\": 803, \"rankvar\": 561}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1990', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 611, \"clust\": 750, \"rank\": 828, \"rankvar\": 282}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS940T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 610, \"clust\": 361, \"rank\": 998, \"rankvar\": 989}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS611T', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 609, \"clust\": 120, \"rank\": 210, \"rankvar\": 94}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TOLEDO', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 608, \"clust\": 119, \"rank\": 25, \"rankvar\": 12}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RERFGC1B', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 607, \"clust\": 732, \"rank\": 724, \"rankvar\": 148}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HT1080', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: fibrosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 606, \"clust\": 319, \"rank\": 642, \"rankvar\": 599}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2087', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 605, \"clust\": 768, \"rank\": 661, \"rankvar\": 386}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COV318', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 604, \"clust\": 976, \"rank\": 566, \"rankvar\": 218}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2085', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 603, \"clust\": 777, \"rank\": 811, \"rankvar\": 381}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH510', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 602, \"clust\": 198, \"rank\": 292, \"rankvar\": 167}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAKI1', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 601, \"clust\": 497, \"rank\": 938, \"rankvar\": 418}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH716', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 600, \"clust\": 1023, \"rank\": 277, \"rankvar\": 365}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2066', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 599, \"clust\": 178, \"rank\": 298, \"rankvar\": 247}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1341', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 598, \"clust\": 652, \"rank\": 368, \"rankvar\": 310}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2029', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 597, \"clust\": 200, \"rank\": 262, \"rankvar\": 284}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: C3A', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 596, \"clust\": 1030, \"rank\": 359, \"rankvar\": 753}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW480', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 595, \"clust\": 665, \"rank\": 471, \"rankvar\": 420}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS746T', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 594, \"clust\": 554, \"rank\": 663, \"rankvar\": 786}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LU65', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 593, \"clust\": 728, \"rank\": 499, \"rankvar\": 696}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS739T', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 592, \"clust\": 345, \"rank\": 1005, \"rankvar\": 984}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNUC2A', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 591, \"clust\": 929, \"rank\": 568, \"rankvar\": 757}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC151', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 590, \"clust\": 958, \"rank\": 338, \"rankvar\": 423}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MSTO211H', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 589, \"clust\": 432, \"rank\": 557, \"rankvar\": 586}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RAJI', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 588, \"clust\": 106, \"rank\": 11, \"rankvar\": 14}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMEL1', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 587, \"clust\": 598, \"rank\": 348, \"rankvar\": 393}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUPT1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 586, \"clust\": 143, \"rank\": 17, \"rankvar\": 6}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHH7', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 585, \"clust\": 1031, \"rank\": 279, \"rankvar\": 113}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUT102', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: mycosis_fungoides-Sezary_syndrome', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 584, \"clust\": 11, \"rank\": 255, \"rankvar\": 486}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 5637', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 583, \"clust\": 784, \"rank\": 1016, \"rankvar\": 323}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC38', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 582, \"clust\": 780, \"rank\": 964, \"rankvar\": 289}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DU4475', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 581, \"clust\": 646, \"rank\": 239, \"rankvar\": 215}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1573', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 580, \"clust\": 954, \"rank\": 598, \"rankvar\": 569}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH508', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 579, \"clust\": 712, \"rank\": 384, \"rankvar\": 741}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1651', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 578, \"clust\": 487, \"rank\": 741, \"rankvar\": 308}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKUT1', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: leiomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 577, \"clust\": 273, \"rank\": 369, \"rankvar\": 508}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB175VII', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 576, \"clust\": 1020, \"rank\": 606, \"rankvar\": 878}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUPB15', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 575, \"clust\": 71, \"rank\": 88, \"rankvar\": 123}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BECKER', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 574, \"clust\": 402, \"rank\": 718, \"rankvar\": 794}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH226', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 573, \"clust\": 548, \"rank\": 670, \"rankvar\": 867}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1666', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: bronchioloalveolar_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 572, \"clust\": 868, \"rank\": 929, \"rankvar\": 718}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1783', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_III', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 571, \"clust\": 395, \"rank\": 956, \"rankvar\": 579}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ISTMES1', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 570, \"clust\": 550, \"rank\": 691, \"rankvar\": 712}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1734', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 569, \"clust\": 937, \"rank\": 889, \"rankvar\": 104}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2342', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 568, \"clust\": 942, \"rank\": 476, \"rankvar\": 746}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EBC1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 567, \"clust\": 753, \"rank\": 523, \"rankvar\": 805}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: YMB1', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 566, \"clust\": 1015, \"rank\": 317, \"rankvar\": 480}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OC316', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 565, \"clust\": 471, \"rank\": 486, \"rankvar\": 474}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS936T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 564, \"clust\": 601, \"rank\": 296, \"rankvar\": 336}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: T173', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 563, \"clust\": 353, \"rank\": 971, \"rankvar\": 976}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH322', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 562, \"clust\": 754, \"rank\": 511, \"rankvar\": 578}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS618T', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 561, \"clust\": 371, \"rank\": 884, \"rankvar\": 948}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS870T', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 560, \"clust\": 360, \"rank\": 963, \"rankvar\": 788}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS706T', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: giant_cell_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 559, \"clust\": 320, \"rank\": 835, \"rankvar\": 904}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PANC1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 558, \"clust\": 450, \"rank\": 454, \"rankvar\": 580}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2291', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 557, \"clust\": 772, \"rank\": 845, \"rankvar\": 758}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: T47D', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 556, \"clust\": 1004, \"rank\": 340, \"rankvar\": 484}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CPCN', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 555, \"clust\": 192, \"rank\": 60, \"rankvar\": 41}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: T3M10', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 554, \"clust\": 935, \"rank\": 857, \"rankvar\": 926}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NUGC2', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 553, \"clust\": 907, \"rank\": 999, \"rankvar\": 412}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PLCPRF5', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 552, \"clust\": 1025, \"rank\": 436, \"rankvar\": 659}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KPNYN', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 551, \"clust\": 233, \"rank\": 156, \"rankvar\": 197}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CCFSTTG1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 550, \"clust\": 392, \"rank\": 781, \"rankvar\": 973}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH929', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 549, \"clust\": 171, \"rank\": 138, \"rankvar\": 63}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMRC3', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 548, \"clust\": 526, \"rank\": 923, \"rankvar\": 1015}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2023', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 547, \"clust\": 495, \"rank\": 800, \"rankvar\": 764}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DMS153', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 546, \"clust\": 201, \"rank\": 378, \"rankvar\": 392}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1048', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 545, \"clust\": 228, \"rank\": 352, \"rankvar\": 208}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: D341MED', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour-medulloblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 544, \"clust\": 242, \"rank\": 18, \"rankvar\": 7}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH660', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 543, \"clust\": 193, \"rank\": 343, \"rankvar\": 220}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1618', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 542, \"clust\": 220, \"rank\": 265, \"rankvar\": 246}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS675T', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 541, \"clust\": 336, \"rank\": 946, \"rankvar\": 1031}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PEER', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 540, \"clust\": 129, \"rank\": 46, \"rankvar\": 23}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKM1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 539, \"clust\": 29, \"rank\": 274, \"rankvar\": 277}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HT144', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 538, \"clust\": 638, \"rank\": 645, \"rankvar\": 858}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMEL31', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 537, \"clust\": 645, \"rank\": 787, \"rankvar\": 826}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS839T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 536, \"clust\": 350, \"rank\": 982, \"rankvar\": 962}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS939T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 535, \"clust\": 642, \"rank\": 784, \"rankvar\": 558}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OCILY3', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 534, \"clust\": 126, \"rank\": 79, \"rankvar\": 58}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS819T', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: chondrosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 533, \"clust\": 354, \"rank\": 994, \"rankvar\": 1029}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH69', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 532, \"clust\": 194, \"rank\": 281, \"rankvar\": 422}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DV90', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 531, \"clust\": 674, \"rank\": 433, \"rankvar\": 798}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ZR751', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 530, \"clust\": 1016, \"rank\": 400, \"rankvar\": 405}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KG1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 529, \"clust\": 19, \"rank\": 147, \"rankvar\": 151}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKNBE2', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 528, \"clust\": 232, \"rank\": 238, \"rankvar\": 303}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC70', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 527, \"clust\": 932, \"rank\": 873, \"rankvar\": 751}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2452', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 526, \"clust\": 547, \"rank\": 799, \"rankvar\": 671}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: undifferentiated_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 525, \"clust\": 264, \"rank\": 43, \"rankvar\": 140}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LOUCY', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 524, \"clust\": 130, \"rank\": 123, \"rankvar\": 245}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC56', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 523, \"clust\": 703, \"rank\": 411, \"rankvar\": 625}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1648', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 522, \"clust\": 920, \"rank\": 985, \"rankvar\": 459}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TO175T', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 521, \"clust\": 358, \"rank\": 1004, \"rankvar\": 978}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MPP89', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 520, \"clust\": 569, \"rank\": 987, \"rankvar\": 326}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PANC0813', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 519, \"clust\": 824, \"rank\": 758, \"rankvar\": 970}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MG63', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 518, \"clust\": 328, \"rank\": 658, \"rankvar\": 542}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PK1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 517, \"clust\": 908, \"rank\": 788, \"rankvar\": 759}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS840T', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: papilloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 516, \"clust\": 369, \"rank\": 978, \"rankvar\": 975}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH23', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 515, \"clust\": 447, \"rank\": 410, \"rankvar\": 272}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE617T', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 514, \"clust\": 278, \"rank\": 196, \"rankvar\": 254}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1088', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 513, \"clust\": 394, \"rank\": 776, \"rankvar\": 787}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ISTMES2', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 512, \"clust\": 549, \"rank\": 528, \"rankvar\": 669}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1373', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 511, \"clust\": 776, \"rank\": 714, \"rankvar\": 499}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1930', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 510, \"clust\": 208, \"rank\": 308, \"rankvar\": 147}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1623', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 509, \"clust\": 949, \"rank\": 621, \"rankvar\": 635}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS229T', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 508, \"clust\": 373, \"rank\": 921, \"rankvar\": 695}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1838', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 507, \"clust\": 756, \"rank\": 571, \"rankvar\": 767}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1836', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 506, \"clust\": 197, \"rank\": 121, \"rankvar\": 178}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS688AT', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 505, \"clust\": 342, \"rank\": 989, \"rankvar\": 1014}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PANC0504', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 504, \"clust\": 831, \"rank\": 984, \"rankvar\": 540}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS822T', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 503, \"clust\": 352, \"rank\": 1026, \"rankvar\": 1018}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BL70', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 502, \"clust\": 114, \"rank\": 16, \"rankvar\": 15}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CI1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: B_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 501, \"clust\": 121, \"rank\": 35, \"rankvar\": 29}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: G292CLONEA141B1', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 500, \"clust\": 329, \"rank\": 630, \"rankvar\": 919}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RCM1', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 499, \"clust\": 695, \"rank\": 541, \"rankvar\": 717}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS737T', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: giant_cell_tumour', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 498, \"clust\": 355, \"rank\": 1023, \"rankvar\": 993}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS616T', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 497, \"clust\": 359, \"rank\": 1013, \"rankvar\": 1020}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS600T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 496, \"clust\": 357, \"rank\": 1030, \"rankvar\": 999}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE159T', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 495, \"clust\": 341, \"rank\": 1008, \"rankvar\": 936}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A101D', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 494, \"clust\": 641, \"rank\": 723, \"rankvar\": 603}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1755', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 493, \"clust\": 584, \"rank\": 794, \"rankvar\": 345}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 143B', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 492, \"clust\": 436, \"rank\": 577, \"rankvar\": 279}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RERFLCKJ', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 491, \"clust\": 950, \"rank\": 700, \"rankvar\": 905}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1693', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 490, \"clust\": 778, \"rank\": 555, \"rankvar\": 374}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW780', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 489, \"clust\": 844, \"rank\": 720, \"rankvar\": 697}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS683', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 488, \"clust\": 398, \"rank\": 983, \"rankvar\": 533}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RKO', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 487, \"clust\": 649, \"rank\": 166, \"rankvar\": 126}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS729', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 486, \"clust\": 378, \"rank\": 951, \"rankvar\": 681}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHOS2', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 485, \"clust\": 796, \"rank\": 916, \"rankvar\": 120}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MCF7', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 484, \"clust\": 1005, \"rank\": 303, \"rankvar\": 479}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U937', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 483, \"clust\": 30, \"rank\": 120, \"rankvar\": 142}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKLMS1', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: sarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 482, \"clust\": 333, \"rank\": 823, \"rankvar\": 679}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUTU80', 'tissue: small_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 481, \"clust\": 280, \"rank\": 168, \"rankvar\": 172}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC202', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 480, \"clust\": 1014, \"rank\": 358, \"rankvar\": 439}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MEG01', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 479, \"clust\": 51, \"rank\": 232, \"rankvar\": 85}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: REH', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 478, \"clust\": 80, \"rank\": 51, \"rankvar\": 42}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ONS76', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour-medulloblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 477, \"clust\": 444, \"rank\": 706, \"rankvar\": 373}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNUC1', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 476, \"clust\": 713, \"rank\": 361, \"rankvar\": 429}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKNDZ', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 475, \"clust\": 240, \"rank\": 157, \"rankvar\": 92}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DMS114', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 474, \"clust\": 284, \"rank\": 252, \"rankvar\": 166}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TT-1', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 473, \"clust\": 861, \"rank\": 582, \"rankvar\": 633}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OCILY10', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 472, \"clust\": 93, \"rank\": 1, \"rankvar\": 0}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ST486', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 471, \"clust\": 108, \"rank\": 14, \"rankvar\": 5}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OC315', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: serous_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 470, \"clust\": 472, \"rank\": 497, \"rankvar\": 626}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OC314', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: serous_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 469, \"clust\": 470, \"rank\": 512, \"rankvar\": 513}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1353', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: chondrosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 468, \"clust\": 321, \"rank\": 815, \"rankvar\": 891}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB157', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 467, \"clust\": 417, \"rank\": 646, \"rankvar\": 390}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SCLC21H', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 466, \"clust\": 205, \"rank\": 175, \"rankvar\": 95}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CALU3', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 465, \"clust\": 809, \"rank\": 860, \"rankvar\": 433}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1435', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 464, \"clust\": 681, \"rank\": 489, \"rankvar\": 842}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2009', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 463, \"clust\": 770, \"rank\": 739, \"rankvar\": 401}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1869', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 462, \"clust\": 759, \"rank\": 710, \"rankvar\": 773}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS852T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 461, \"clust\": 599, \"rank\": 538, \"rankvar\": 956}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1419', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 460, \"clust\": 1011, \"rank\": 300, \"rankvar\": 733}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BT483', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 459, \"clust\": 1017, \"rank\": 370, \"rankvar\": 553}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS281T', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 458, \"clust\": 346, \"rank\": 937, \"rankvar\": 1023}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS934T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 457, \"clust\": 351, \"rank\": 988, \"rankvar\": 968}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC4006', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 456, \"clust\": 769, \"rank\": 962, \"rankvar\": 492}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1428', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 455, \"clust\": 1002, \"rank\": 321, \"rankvar\": 452}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KU812', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 454, \"clust\": 52, \"rank\": 143, \"rankvar\": 107}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SHP77', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 453, \"clust\": 188, \"rank\": 241, \"rankvar\": 263}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE441T', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 452, \"clust\": 175, \"rank\": 177, \"rankvar\": 248}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NB1', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 451, \"clust\": 230, \"rank\": 195, \"rankvar\": 350}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS274T', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 450, \"clust\": 364, \"rank\": 904, \"rankvar\": 1036}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PFEIFFER', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 449, \"clust\": 91, \"rank\": 64, \"rankvar\": 38}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ZR7530', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 448, \"clust\": 1022, \"rank\": 381, \"rankvar\": 849}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS863T', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 447, \"clust\": 356, \"rank\": 933, \"rankvar\": 1027}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH841', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 446, \"clust\": 286, \"rank\": 306, \"rankvar\": 355}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS821T', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: giant_cell_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 445, \"clust\": 349, \"rank\": 997, \"rankvar\": 996}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1944', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 444, \"clust\": 493, \"rank\": 638, \"rankvar\": 543}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2405', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 443, \"clust\": 737, \"rank\": 888, \"rankvar\": 475}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DEL', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 442, \"clust\": 2, \"rank\": 244, \"rankvar\": 618}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BEN', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 441, \"clust\": 182, \"rank\": 324, \"rankvar\": 734}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO320', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 440, \"clust\": 176, \"rank\": 98, \"rankvar\": 37}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RPMI8402', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 439, \"clust\": 135, \"rank\": 50, \"rankvar\": 46}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUDHL1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_large_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 438, \"clust\": 1, \"rank\": 74, \"rankvar\": 62}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: P12ICHIKAWA', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 437, \"clust\": 141, \"rank\": 30, \"rankvar\": 17}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BFTC905', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 436, \"clust\": 916, \"rank\": 910, \"rankvar\": 295}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BFTC909', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 435, \"clust\": 425, \"rank\": 716, \"rankvar\": 810}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MHHES1', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 434, \"clust\": 263, \"rank\": 367, \"rankvar\": 387}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JVM3', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: chronic_lymphocytic_leukaemia-small_lymphocytic_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 433, \"clust\": 85, \"rank\": 218, \"rankvar\": 377}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NOMO1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 432, \"clust\": 34, \"rank\": 246, \"rankvar\": 521}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH727', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoid-endocrine_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 431, \"clust\": 656, \"rank\": 644, \"rankvar\": 709}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS343T', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 430, \"clust\": 347, \"rank\": 986, \"rankvar\": 1021}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC2935', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 429, \"clust\": 760, \"rank\": 719, \"rankvar\": 663}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS888T', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: osteosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 428, \"clust\": 374, \"rank\": 1000, \"rankvar\": 914}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MKN45', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: diffuse_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 427, \"clust\": 714, \"rank\": 465, \"rankvar\": 848}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 8505C', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 426, \"clust\": 564, \"rank\": 748, \"rankvar\": 816}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KU1919', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 425, \"clust\": 849, \"rank\": 814, \"rankvar\": 380}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KCL22', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 424, \"clust\": 44, \"rank\": 201, \"rankvar\": 343}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CADOES1', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 423, \"clust\": 254, \"rank\": 223, \"rankvar\": 487}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: S117', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: sarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 422, \"clust\": 426, \"rank\": 761, \"rankvar\": 670}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EM2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 421, \"clust\": 33, \"rank\": 113, \"rankvar\": 129}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO677', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 420, \"clust\": 151, \"rank\": 68, \"rankvar\": 45}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OPM2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 419, \"clust\": 168, \"rank\": 38, \"rankvar\": 10}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL62', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 418, \"clust\": 467, \"rank\": 443, \"rankvar\": 608}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LCLC103H', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 417, \"clust\": 460, \"rank\": 736, \"rankvar\": 556}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JURKAT', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 416, \"clust\": 144, \"rank\": 83, \"rankvar\": 71}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 697', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 415, \"clust\": 66, \"rank\": 78, \"rankvar\": 195}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MHHCALL2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 414, \"clust\": 72, \"rank\": 55, \"rankvar\": 119}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: M07E', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 413, \"clust\": 54, \"rank\": 66, \"rankvar\": 105}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: L428', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 412, \"clust\": 17, \"rank\": 80, \"rankvar\": 49}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOLT16', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 411, \"clust\": 136, \"rank\": 73, \"rankvar\": 185}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NB4', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 410, \"clust\": 31, \"rank\": 97, \"rankvar\": 116}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LCLC97TM1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 409, \"clust\": 766, \"rank\": 560, \"rankvar\": 637}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 2313287', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 408, \"clust\": 675, \"rank\": 354, \"rankvar\": 988}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BHT101', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 407, \"clust\": 577, \"rank\": 824, \"rankvar\": 435}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JVM2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: chronic_lymphocytic_leukaemia-small_lymphocytic_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 406, \"clust\": 86, \"rank\": 247, \"rankvar\": 458}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL51', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 405, \"clust\": 983, \"rank\": 472, \"rankvar\": 645}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: L363', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 404, \"clust\": 154, \"rank\": 8, \"rankvar\": 1}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMH2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 403, \"clust\": 14, \"rank\": 137, \"rankvar\": 169}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SIMA', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 402, \"clust\": 231, \"rank\": 128, \"rankvar\": 306}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NUDUL1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: B_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 401, \"clust\": 117, \"rank\": 24, \"rankvar\": 25}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BC3C', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 400, \"clust\": 852, \"rank\": 833, \"rankvar\": 778}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUDHL6', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 399, \"clust\": 107, \"rank\": 22, \"rankvar\": 35}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KARPAS620', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 398, \"clust\": 158, \"rank\": 117, \"rankvar\": 171}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: REC1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: mantle_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 397, \"clust\": 127, \"rank\": 91, \"rankvar\": 67}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OCIM1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 396, \"clust\": 46, \"rank\": 145, \"rankvar\": 158}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MEC1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: chronic_lymphocytic_leukaemia-small_lymphocytic_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 395, \"clust\": 83, \"rank\": 110, \"rankvar\": 163}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SIGM5', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 394, \"clust\": 37, \"rank\": 115, \"rankvar\": 150}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUDHL5', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 393, \"clust\": 98, \"rank\": 5, \"rankvar\": 13}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BCPAP', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: papillary_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 392, \"clust\": 576, \"rank\": 950, \"rankvar\": 348}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 639V', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 391, \"clust\": 468, \"rank\": 353, \"rankvar\": 324}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CL11', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 390, \"clust\": 667, \"rank\": 713, \"rankvar\": 446}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TT2609C02', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: follicular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 389, \"clust\": 552, \"rank\": 738, \"rankvar\": 416}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MEC2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: chronic_lymphocytic_leukaemia-small_lymphocytic_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 388, \"clust\": 84, \"rank\": 92, \"rankvar\": 213}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CL34', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 387, \"clust\": 706, \"rank\": 405, \"rankvar\": 623}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RCHACV', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 386, \"clust\": 67, \"rank\": 173, \"rankvar\": 234}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL120', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 385, \"clust\": 562, \"rank\": 733, \"rankvar\": 621}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 647V', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 384, \"clust\": 789, \"rank\": 692, \"rankvar\": 796}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RH18', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: alveolar', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 383, \"clust\": 411, \"rank\": 928, \"rankvar\": 1004}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOLM16', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 382, \"clust\": 57, \"rank\": 103, \"rankvar\": 154}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: F36P', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 381, \"clust\": 48, \"rank\": 211, \"rankvar\": 471}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EJM', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 380, \"clust\": 157, \"rank\": 207, \"rankvar\": 253}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: WSUDLCL2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 379, \"clust\": 102, \"rank\": 29, \"rankvar\": 53}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JIMT1', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 378, \"clust\": 788, \"rank\": 678, \"rankvar\": 727}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ML1', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: follicular_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 377, \"clust\": 300, \"rank\": 898, \"rankvar\": 490}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: AMO1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 376, \"clust\": 161, \"rank\": 69, \"rankvar\": 145}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOLP8', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 375, \"clust\": 149, \"rank\": 133, \"rankvar\": 84}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOLP2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 374, \"clust\": 162, \"rank\": 105, \"rankvar\": 258}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SCC25', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 373, \"clust\": 885, \"rank\": 1029, \"rankvar\": 337}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UT7', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 372, \"clust\": 58, \"rank\": 141, \"rankvar\": 189}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MHHNB11', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 371, \"clust\": 235, \"rank\": 149, \"rankvar\": 181}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1806', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 370, \"clust\": 922, \"rank\": 1002, \"rankvar\": 291}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GRANTA519', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: mantle_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 369, \"clust\": 123, \"rank\": 131, \"rankvar\": 179}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MONOMAC6', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 368, \"clust\": 42, \"rank\": 198, \"rankvar\": 203}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MKN7', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: tubular_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 367, \"clust\": 787, \"rank\": 795, \"rankvar\": 761}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1710', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 366, \"clust\": 521, \"rank\": 666, \"rankvar\": 876}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOLT13', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 365, \"clust\": 142, \"rank\": 76, \"rankvar\": 36}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SR786', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_large_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 364, \"clust\": 5, \"rank\": 153, \"rankvar\": 501}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SCC15', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 363, \"clust\": 889, \"rank\": 1034, \"rankvar\": 255}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RS5', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 362, \"clust\": 368, \"rank\": 1006, \"rankvar\": 1017}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2126', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 361, \"clust\": 951, \"rank\": 616, \"rankvar\": 889}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2141', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 360, \"clust\": 221, \"rank\": 284, \"rankvar\": 228}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1385', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 359, \"clust\": 189, \"rank\": 261, \"rankvar\": 792}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC827', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 358, \"clust\": 758, \"rank\": 681, \"rankvar\": 655}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RD', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: embryonal', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 357, \"clust\": 412, \"rank\": 569, \"rankvar\": 844}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TT-2', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: medullary_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 356, \"clust\": 177, \"rank\": 342, \"rankvar\": 652}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TF1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 355, \"clust\": 45, \"rank\": 187, \"rankvar\": 268}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS172T', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 354, \"clust\": 337, \"rank\": 852, \"rankvar\": 1030}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS834T', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 353, \"clust\": 365, \"rank\": 941, \"rankvar\": 1032}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE125T', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 352, \"clust\": 363, \"rank\": 919, \"rankvar\": 1008}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 8305C', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 351, \"clust\": 428, \"rank\": 922, \"rankvar\": 850}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UACC812', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 350, \"clust\": 1018, \"rank\": 341, \"rankvar\": 342}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ALLSIL', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 349, \"clust\": 133, \"rank\": 13, \"rankvar\": 24}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KASUMI2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 348, \"clust\": 68, \"rank\": 122, \"rankvar\": 266}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DND41', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 347, \"clust\": 134, \"rank\": 19, \"rankvar\": 96}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ME1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 346, \"clust\": 24, \"rank\": 116, \"rankvar\": 156}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DM3', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 345, \"clust\": 375, \"rank\": 972, \"rankvar\": 1005}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JEKO1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: mantle_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 344, \"clust\": 124, \"rank\": 57, \"rankvar\": 124}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JJN3', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 343, \"clust\": 167, \"rank\": 165, \"rankvar\": 65}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NUDHL1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 342, \"clust\": 115, \"rank\": 125, \"rankvar\": 325}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CL14', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 341, \"clust\": 691, \"rank\": 503, \"rankvar\": 688}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYO1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 340, \"clust\": 63, \"rank\": 84, \"rankvar\": 69}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JL1', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 339, \"clust\": 551, \"rank\": 797, \"rankvar\": 933}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL148', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 338, \"clust\": 999, \"rank\": 180, \"rankvar\": 210}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NALM19', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 337, \"clust\": 79, \"rank\": 34, \"rankvar\": 103}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HPBALL', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 336, \"clust\": 131, \"rank\": 47, \"rankvar\": 82}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUPT11', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: peripheral_T_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 335, \"clust\": 128, \"rank\": 33, \"rankvar\": 73}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CL40', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 334, \"clust\": 702, \"rank\": 618, \"rankvar\": 982}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB134VI', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 333, \"clust\": 996, \"rank\": 178, \"rankvar\": 190}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1500', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 332, \"clust\": 997, \"rank\": 287, \"rankvar\": 444}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1599', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 331, \"clust\": 991, \"rank\": 334, \"rankvar\": 494}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUPHD1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 330, \"clust\": 15, \"rank\": 96, \"rankvar\": 281}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOTN1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: T_cell_large_granular_lymphocytic_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 329, \"clust\": 8, \"rank\": 65, \"rankvar\": 321}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OCIAML3', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 328, \"clust\": 35, \"rank\": 233, \"rankvar\": 428}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUDHL10', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 327, \"clust\": 101, \"rank\": 31, \"rankvar\": 91}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUDHL4', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 326, \"clust\": 103, \"rank\": 15, \"rankvar\": 79}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RH41', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: alveolar', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 325, \"clust\": 253, \"rank\": 289, \"rankvar\": 367}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OCILY19', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 324, \"clust\": 70, \"rank\": 59, \"rankvar\": 209}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MOLM6', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 323, \"clust\": 20, \"rank\": 229, \"rankvar\": 261}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMM2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 322, \"clust\": 164, \"rank\": 129, \"rankvar\": 52}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KASUMI6', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 321, \"clust\": 22, \"rank\": 144, \"rankvar\": 357}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS698T', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 320, \"clust\": 366, \"rank\": 973, \"rankvar\": 1034}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UACC893', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 319, \"clust\": 1007, \"rank\": 363, \"rankvar\": 857}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MINO', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: mantle_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 318, \"clust\": 125, \"rank\": 40, \"rankvar\": 72}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CHP126', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 317, \"clust\": 238, \"rank\": 94, \"rankvar\": 138}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO680N', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 316, \"clust\": 926, \"rank\": 1017, \"rankvar\": 384}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO678', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 315, \"clust\": 658, \"rank\": 375, \"rankvar\": 802}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LAMA84', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 314, \"clust\": 50, \"rank\": 206, \"rankvar\": 182}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CMLT1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 313, \"clust\": 137, \"rank\": 104, \"rankvar\": 149}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EHEB', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: chronic_lymphocytic_leukaemia-small_lymphocytic_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 312, \"clust\": 87, \"rank\": 260, \"rankvar\": 495}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL54', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 311, \"clust\": 542, \"rank\": 796, \"rankvar\": 803}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BV173', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 310, \"clust\": 73, \"rank\": 39, \"rankvar\": 43}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DOHH2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 309, \"clust\": 111, \"rank\": 28, \"rankvar\": 47}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EOL1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 308, \"clust\": 38, \"rank\": 85, \"rankvar\": 204}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NALM6', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 307, \"clust\": 81, \"rank\": 20, \"rankvar\": 50}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: VMCUB1', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 306, \"clust\": 873, \"rank\": 808, \"rankvar\": 769}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LP1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 305, \"clust\": 170, \"rank\": 93, \"rankvar\": 68}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LXF289', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 304, \"clust\": 593, \"rank\": 909, \"rankvar\": 322}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MONOMAC1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 303, \"clust\": 43, \"rank\": 226, \"rankvar\": 408}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PL21', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 302, \"clust\": 27, \"rank\": 52, \"rankvar\": 141}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PF382', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 301, \"clust\": 139, \"rank\": 61, \"rankvar\": 39}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NALM1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 300, \"clust\": 75, \"rank\": 49, \"rankvar\": 155}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OCIAML2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 299, \"clust\": 41, \"rank\": 169, \"rankvar\": 359}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MHHCALL3', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 298, \"clust\": 69, \"rank\": 63, \"rankvar\": 157}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JURLMK1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 297, \"clust\": 64, \"rank\": 162, \"rankvar\": 98}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OCIAML5', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 296, \"clust\": 36, \"rank\": 174, \"rankvar\": 347}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KE37', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 295, \"clust\": 140, \"rank\": 107, \"rankvar\": 225}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JK1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: blast_phase_chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 294, \"clust\": 53, \"rank\": 119, \"rankvar\": 136}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RI1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: B_cell_lymphoma_unspecified', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 293, \"clust\": 122, \"rank\": 54, \"rankvar\": 70}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KARPAS422', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 292, \"clust\": 94, \"rank\": 10, \"rankvar\": 27}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: L540', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 291, \"clust\": 12, \"rank\": 48, \"rankvar\": 180}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL78', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: chondrosarcoma', 'sub-histology: dedifferentiated', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 290, \"clust\": 379, \"rank\": 842, \"rankvar\": 698}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HDQP1', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 289, \"clust\": 798, \"rank\": 1024, \"rankvar\": 360}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MHHCALL4', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 288, \"clust\": 76, \"rank\": 53, \"rankvar\": 143}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MUTZ5', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 287, \"clust\": 74, \"rank\": 70, \"rankvar\": 170}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ONCODG1', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 286, \"clust\": 967, \"rank\": 623, \"rankvar\": 415}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HDLM2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 285, \"clust\": 13, \"rank\": 109, \"rankvar\": 327}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL29', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 284, \"clust\": 927, \"rank\": 1015, \"rankvar\": 431}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KOPN8', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_B_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 283, \"clust\": 77, \"rank\": 77, \"rankvar\": 375}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC95', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 282, \"clust\": 858, \"rank\": 686, \"rankvar\": 378}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 253J', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 281, \"clust\": 537, \"rank\": 531, \"rankvar\": 998}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1438', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 280, \"clust\": 557, \"rank\": 608, \"rankvar\": 470}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 253JBV', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: U')\", \"ini\": 279, \"clust\": 538, \"rank\": 610, \"rankvar\": 607}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RPMI7951', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 278, \"clust\": 332, \"rank\": 851, \"rankvar\": 522}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1066', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 277, \"clust\": 923, \"rank\": 1010, \"rankvar\": 451}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1041', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 276, \"clust\": 914, \"rank\": 944, \"rankvar\": 516}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC2108', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 275, \"clust\": 454, \"rank\": 627, \"rankvar\": 833}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO783', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 274, \"clust\": 629, \"rank\": 463, \"rankvar\": 628}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1359', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 273, \"clust\": 429, \"rank\": 640, \"rankvar\": 763}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BICR31', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 272, \"clust\": 890, \"rank\": 1028, \"rankvar\": 111}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COV362', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 271, \"clust\": 574, \"rank\": 918, \"rankvar\": 164}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO792', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 270, \"clust\": 600, \"rank\": 357, \"rankvar\": 634}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COV434', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: sex_cord-stromal_tumour', 'sub-histology: granulosa_cell_tumour', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 269, \"clust\": 279, \"rank\": 100, \"rankvar\": 19}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: WM983B', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 268, \"clust\": 620, \"rank\": 412, \"rankvar\": 685}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS751T', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Hodgkin_lymphoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 267, \"clust\": 362, \"rank\": 943, \"rankvar\": 983}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LS513', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 266, \"clust\": 710, \"rank\": 356, \"rankvar\": 797}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2110', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 265, \"clust\": 952, \"rank\": 668, \"rankvar\": 737}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CHAGOK1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 264, \"clust\": 940, \"rank\": 491, \"rankvar\": 226}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DMS454', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 263, \"clust\": 183, \"rank\": 337, \"rankvar\": 309}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL47', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 262, \"clust\": 213, \"rank\": 213, \"rankvar\": 200}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: FTC238', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: follicular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 261, \"clust\": 422, \"rank\": 595, \"rankvar\": 249}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DMS273', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 260, \"clust\": 250, \"rank\": 311, \"rankvar\": 54}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: FTC133', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: follicular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 259, \"clust\": 423, \"rank\": 858, \"rankvar\": 300}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL311', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 258, \"clust\": 224, \"rank\": 108, \"rankvar\": 64}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2286', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 257, \"clust\": 448, \"rank\": 507, \"rankvar\": 489}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1339', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 256, \"clust\": 455, \"rank\": 593, \"rankvar\": 388}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: WM793', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 255, \"clust\": 626, \"rank\": 892, \"rankvar\": 929}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A704', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 254, \"clust\": 510, \"rank\": 559, \"rankvar\": 743}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDAMB435S', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 253, \"clust\": 632, \"rank\": 504, \"rankvar\": 576}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: WM1799', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 252, \"clust\": 633, \"rank\": 643, \"rankvar\": 750}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MEWO', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 251, \"clust\": 622, \"rank\": 320, \"rankvar\": 402}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: WM88', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 250, \"clust\": 639, \"rank\": 466, \"rankvar\": 676}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2081', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 249, \"clust\": 212, \"rank\": 275, \"rankvar\": 241}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS255T', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 248, \"clust\": 376, \"rank\": 960, \"rankvar\": 1002}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1092', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 247, \"clust\": 211, \"rank\": 189, \"rankvar\": 110}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW837', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 246, \"clust\": 816, \"rank\": 510, \"rankvar\": 371}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHH6', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 245, \"clust\": 474, \"rank\": 704, \"rankvar\": 399}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IGR1', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 244, \"clust\": 623, \"rank\": 438, \"rankvar\": 274}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1105', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 243, \"clust\": 217, \"rank\": 146, \"rankvar\": 87}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1436', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 242, \"clust\": 218, \"rank\": 278, \"rankvar\": 243}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1876', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 241, \"clust\": 222, \"rank\": 327, \"rankvar\": 130}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL24', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 240, \"clust\": 206, \"rank\": 248, \"rankvar\": 280}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COV644', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 239, \"clust\": 948, \"rank\": 802, \"rankvar\": 493}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GP2D', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 238, \"clust\": 725, \"rank\": 291, \"rankvar\": 264}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PECAPJ15', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 237, \"clust\": 924, \"rank\": 925, \"rankvar\": 404}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL88', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 236, \"clust\": 199, \"rank\": 227, \"rankvar\": 176}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL95', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 235, \"clust\": 202, \"rank\": 310, \"rankvar\": 202}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PECAPJ49', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 234, \"clust\": 897, \"rank\": 965, \"rankvar\": 227}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PECAPJ34CLONEC12', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 233, \"clust\": 878, \"rank\": 961, \"rankvar\": 430}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL51', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 232, \"clust\": 214, \"rank\": 243, \"rankvar\": 229}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RT11284', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 231, \"clust\": 846, \"rank\": 650, \"rankvar\": 631}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PECAPJ41CLONED2', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 230, \"clust\": 898, \"rank\": 975, \"rankvar\": 575}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OV7', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 229, \"clust\": 442, \"rank\": 891, \"rankvar\": 526}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HT55', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 228, \"clust\": 692, \"rank\": 391, \"rankvar\": 657}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OAW42', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 227, \"clust\": 985, \"rank\": 448, \"rankvar\": 612}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: MDST8', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 226, \"clust\": 420, \"rank\": 554, \"rankvar\": 907}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OAW28', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 225, \"clust\": 964, \"rank\": 529, \"rankvar\": 389}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUIT2', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 224, \"clust\": 738, \"rank\": 542, \"rankvar\": 535}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LC1SQSF', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 223, \"clust\": 654, \"rank\": 567, \"rankvar\": 456}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KASUMI1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 222, \"clust\": 18, \"rank\": 75, \"rankvar\": 21}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUPM2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_large_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 221, \"clust\": 4, \"rank\": 221, \"rankvar\": 314}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKHEP1', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 220, \"clust\": 440, \"rank\": 755, \"rankvar\": 730}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OVCAR8', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 219, \"clust\": 559, \"rank\": 589, \"rankvar\": 419}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH2172', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 218, \"clust\": 484, \"rank\": 475, \"rankvar\": 677}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ISHIKAWAHERAKLIO02ER', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 217, \"clust\": 971, \"rank\": 550, \"rankvar\": 161}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH596', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mixed_adenosquamous_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 216, \"clust\": 903, \"rank\": 1022, \"rankvar\": 328}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH650', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: bronchioloalveolar_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 215, \"clust\": 456, \"rank\": 496, \"rankvar\": 614}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SW1573', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 214, \"clust\": 465, \"rank\": 385, \"rankvar\": 646}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OVMANA', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 213, \"clust\": 982, \"rank\": 573, \"rankvar\": 744}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKCO1', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 212, \"clust\": 717, \"rank\": 487, \"rankvar\": 990}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KARPAS299', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: anaplastic_large_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 211, \"clust\": 6, \"rank\": 192, \"rankvar\": 340}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: YAPC', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 210, \"clust\": 810, \"rank\": 905, \"rankvar\": 162}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HT1197', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 209, \"clust\": 735, \"rank\": 612, \"rankvar\": 705}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A253', 'tissue: salivary_gland', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mucoepidermoid_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 208, \"clust\": 879, \"rank\": 856, \"rankvar\": 518}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC366', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mixed_adenosquamous_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 207, \"clust\": 747, \"rank\": 821, \"rankvar\": 772}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DKMG', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 206, \"clust\": 340, \"rank\": 771, \"rankvar\": 1022}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1040', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 205, \"clust\": 682, \"rank\": 506, \"rankvar\": 572}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1076', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 204, \"clust\": 925, \"rank\": 911, \"rankvar\": 649}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU175', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 203, \"clust\": 670, \"rank\": 285, \"rankvar\": 307}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU407', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 202, \"clust\": 726, \"rank\": 479, \"rankvar\": 506}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU201', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 201, \"clust\": 405, \"rank\": 812, \"rankvar\": 888}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS20', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 200, \"clust\": 159, \"rank\": 161, \"rankvar\": 108}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU216', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 199, \"clust\": 804, \"rank\": 521, \"rankvar\": 762}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1196', 'tissue: biliary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 198, \"clust\": 811, \"rank\": 461, \"rankvar\": 838}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1079', 'tissue: biliary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 197, \"clust\": 729, \"rank\": 460, \"rankvar\": 821}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1195', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mixed_adenosquamous_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 196, \"clust\": 938, \"rank\": 549, \"rankvar\": 752}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH854', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 195, \"clust\": 657, \"rank\": 312, \"rankvar\": 912}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU466', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 194, \"clust\": 315, \"rank\": 580, \"rankvar\": 1016}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: YD38', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 193, \"clust\": 882, \"rank\": 654, \"rankvar\": 916}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1105', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 192, \"clust\": 396, \"rank\": 859, \"rankvar\": 906}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU283', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 191, \"clust\": 708, \"rank\": 313, \"rankvar\": 593}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU46', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 190, \"clust\": 572, \"rank\": 947, \"rankvar\": 66}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU308', 'tissue: biliary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 189, \"clust\": 874, \"rank\": 818, \"rankvar\": 818}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: YD8', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 188, \"clust\": 594, \"rank\": 932, \"rankvar\": 837}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU245', 'tissue: biliary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 187, \"clust\": 719, \"rank\": 415, \"rankvar\": 813}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU478', 'tissue: biliary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 186, \"clust\": 869, \"rank\": 844, \"rankvar\": 338}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU410', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 185, \"clust\": 581, \"rank\": 735, \"rankvar\": 421}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU899', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 184, \"clust\": 892, \"rank\": 942, \"rankvar\": 756}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU503', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 183, \"clust\": 862, \"rank\": 660, \"rankvar\": 525}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SET2', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: essential_thrombocythaemia', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 182, \"clust\": 47, \"rank\": 240, \"rankvar\": 290}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU738', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: oligodendroglioma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 181, \"clust\": 544, \"rank\": 501, \"rankvar\": 911}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU626', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 180, \"clust\": 303, \"rank\": 547, \"rankvar\": 691}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU869', 'tissue: biliary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 179, \"clust\": 807, \"rank\": 729, \"rankvar\": 819}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU878', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 178, \"clust\": 481, \"rank\": 841, \"rankvar\": 364}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU840', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: Brenner_tumour', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 177, \"clust\": 799, \"rank\": 992, \"rankvar\": 302}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU8', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 176, \"clust\": 786, \"rank\": 953, \"rankvar\": 330}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH684', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: hepatoblastoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 175, \"clust\": 699, \"rank\": 493, \"rankvar\": 782}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IGR39', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 174, \"clust\": 421, \"rank\": 651, \"rankvar\": 829}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ALEXANDERCELLS', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 173, \"clust\": 1026, \"rank\": 347, \"rankvar\": 546}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DAOY', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour-medulloblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 172, \"clust\": 385, \"rank\": 806, \"rankvar\": 278}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEP3B217', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 171, \"clust\": 1033, \"rank\": 371, \"rankvar\": 372}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KYM1', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 170, \"clust\": 174, \"rank\": 251, \"rankvar\": 890}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LC1F', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 169, \"clust\": 655, \"rank\": 401, \"rankvar\": 528}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HLE', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 168, \"clust\": 458, \"rank\": 536, \"rankvar\": 662}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CMK', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 167, \"clust\": 61, \"rank\": 148, \"rankvar\": 231}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JMSU1', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 166, \"clust\": 563, \"rank\": 533, \"rankvar\": 658}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IMR32', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 165, \"clust\": 237, \"rank\": 155, \"rankvar\": 122}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SUDHL8', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: diffuse_large_B_cell_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 164, \"clust\": 116, \"rank\": 3, \"rankvar\": 4}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: T3M4', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 163, \"clust\": 906, \"rank\": 875, \"rankvar\": 498}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO818', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 162, \"clust\": 635, \"rank\": 690, \"rankvar\": 932}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PK45H', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 161, \"clust\": 743, \"rank\": 611, \"rankvar\": 808}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC59', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 160, \"clust\": 987, \"rank\": 350, \"rankvar\": 214}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HS742T', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 159, \"clust\": 343, \"rank\": 1019, \"rankvar\": 994}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BICR56', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 158, \"clust\": 899, \"rank\": 915, \"rankvar\": 967}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BICR16', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 157, \"clust\": 887, \"rank\": 1020, \"rankvar\": 271}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE10', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 156, \"clust\": 912, \"rank\": 822, \"rankvar\": 329}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKMEL28', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 155, \"clust\": 613, \"rank\": 446, \"rankvar\": 900}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BICR6', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 154, \"clust\": 893, \"rank\": 1007, \"rankvar\": 468}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BHY', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 153, \"clust\": 895, \"rank\": 993, \"rankvar\": 895}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: AZ521', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 152, \"clust\": 281, \"rank\": 184, \"rankvar\": 341}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SH4', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 151, \"clust\": 606, \"rank\": 351, \"rankvar\": 845}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KPL1', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 150, \"clust\": 1006, \"rank\": 345, \"rankvar\": 582}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CGTHW1', 'tissue: thyroid', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: follicular_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 149, \"clust\": 331, \"rank\": 772, \"rankvar\": 869}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TUHR4TKB', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 148, \"clust\": 519, \"rank\": 798, \"rankvar\": 947}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LS123', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 147, \"clust\": 817, \"rank\": 765, \"rankvar\": 570}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEL', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 146, \"clust\": 56, \"rank\": 172, \"rankvar\": 222}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HPAC', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 145, \"clust\": 837, \"rank\": 597, \"rankvar\": 835}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RCC10RGB', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 144, \"clust\": 524, \"rank\": 939, \"rankvar\": 879}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHOM1', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 143, \"clust\": 591, \"rank\": 957, \"rankvar\": 715}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SU8686', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 142, \"clust\": 783, \"rank\": 1035, \"rankvar\": 160}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC33', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 141, \"clust\": 207, \"rank\": 132, \"rankvar\": 118}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE6', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 140, \"clust\": 855, \"rank\": 698, \"rankvar\": 440}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHOC5', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 139, \"clust\": 506, \"rank\": 605, \"rankvar\": 873}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ACCMESO1', 'tissue: pleura', 'histology: mesothelioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 138, \"clust\": 545, \"rank\": 543, \"rankvar\": 745}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BL41', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 137, \"clust\": 112, \"rank\": 12, \"rankvar\": 57}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1214', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 136, \"clust\": 877, \"rank\": 913, \"rankvar\": 959}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL105', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 135, \"clust\": 730, \"rank\": 587, \"rankvar\": 714}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LMSU', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 134, \"clust\": 424, \"rank\": 680, \"rankvar\": 882}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1197', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 133, \"clust\": 819, \"rank\": 926, \"rankvar\": 692}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO668', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 132, \"clust\": 187, \"rank\": 273, \"rankvar\": 187}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OSRC2', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 131, \"clust\": 512, \"rank\": 890, \"rankvar\": 780}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HUH6', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: hepatoblastoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 130, \"clust\": 1036, \"rank\": 452, \"rankvar\": 409}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PANC0203', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 129, \"clust\": 829, \"rank\": 669, \"rankvar\": 587}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CJM', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 128, \"clust\": 883, \"rank\": 785, \"rankvar\": 834}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BICR22', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 127, \"clust\": 900, \"rank\": 902, \"rankvar\": 971}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SHSY5Y', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 126, \"clust\": 236, \"rank\": 200, \"rankvar\": 313}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TM31', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 125, \"clust\": 310, \"rank\": 679, \"rankvar\": 1000}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1272', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 124, \"clust\": 520, \"rank\": 763, \"rankvar\": 987}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KPNRTBM1', 'tissue: autonomic_ganglia', 'histology: neuroblastoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 123, \"clust\": 234, \"rank\": 160, \"rankvar\": 217}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BICR18', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 122, \"clust\": 860, \"rank\": 726, \"rankvar\": 186}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE4', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 121, \"clust\": 947, \"rank\": 705, \"rankvar\": 449}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PCM6', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 120, \"clust\": 145, \"rank\": 135, \"rankvar\": 283}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ECC10', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 119, \"clust\": 647, \"rank\": 171, \"rankvar\": 144}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TUHR14TKB', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 118, \"clust\": 525, \"rank\": 734, \"rankvar\": 783}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: YD15', 'tissue: salivary_gland', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mucoepidermoid_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 117, \"clust\": 881, \"rank\": 717, \"rankvar\": 436}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UBLC1', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 116, \"clust\": 781, \"rank\": 991, \"rankvar\": 260}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ECGI10', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 115, \"clust\": 921, \"rank\": 940, \"rankvar\": 755}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CW2', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 114, \"clust\": 727, \"rank\": 380, \"rankvar\": 684}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU761', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 113, \"clust\": 480, \"rank\": 636, \"rankvar\": 931}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU61', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 112, \"clust\": 700, \"rank\": 478, \"rankvar\": 588}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH1915', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: large_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 111, \"clust\": 555, \"rank\": 525, \"rankvar\": 592}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU324', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 110, \"clust\": 936, \"rank\": 494, \"rankvar\": 666}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: YD10B', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 109, \"clust\": 876, \"rank\": 732, \"rankvar\": 954}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC2279', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 108, \"clust\": 580, \"rank\": 871, \"rankvar\": 462}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HLC1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 107, \"clust\": 651, \"rank\": 280, \"rankvar\": 604}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TUHR10TKB', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 106, \"clust\": 515, \"rank\": 895, \"rankvar\": 941}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEC1B', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 105, \"clust\": 978, \"rank\": 365, \"rankvar\": 654}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: VMRCLCP', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 104, \"clust\": 866, \"rank\": 959, \"rankvar\": 505}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TGBC11TKB', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 103, \"clust\": 672, \"rank\": 388, \"rankvar\": 765}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OVK18', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: endometrioid_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 102, \"clust\": 275, \"rank\": 124, \"rankvar\": 139}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1077', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: carcinosarcoma-malignant_mesodermal_mixed_tumour', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 101, \"clust\": 501, \"rank\": 966, \"rankvar\": 316}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1588', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 100, \"clust\": 711, \"rank\": 442, \"rankvar\": 1026}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU213', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 99, \"clust\": 834, \"rank\": 1009, \"rankvar\": 760}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HT115', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 98, \"clust\": 697, \"rank\": 488, \"rankvar\": 719}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE14', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 97, \"clust\": 863, \"rank\": 783, \"rankvar\": 722}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TE8', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 96, \"clust\": 595, \"rank\": 867, \"rankvar\": 318}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU520', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 95, \"clust\": 669, \"rank\": 266, \"rankvar\": 921}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHUEM3', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 94, \"clust\": 502, \"rank\": 1036, \"rankvar\": 121}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LI7', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 93, \"clust\": 482, \"rank\": 635, \"rankvar\": 622}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH838', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 92, \"clust\": 485, \"rank\": 451, \"rankvar\": 548}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU119', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 91, \"clust\": 961, \"rank\": 745, \"rankvar\": 665}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU1033', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 90, \"clust\": 693, \"rank\": 762, \"rankvar\": 598}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNUC5', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 89, \"clust\": 812, \"rank\": 458, \"rankvar\": 903}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GSS', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 88, \"clust\": 648, \"rank\": 256, \"rankvar\": 383}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TALL1', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_lymphoblastic_T_cell_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 87, \"clust\": 132, \"rank\": 0, \"rankvar\": 11}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1171', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: non_small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 86, \"clust\": 774, \"rank\": 974, \"rankvar\": 319}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNUC4', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 85, \"clust\": 690, \"rank\": 406, \"rankvar\": 664}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U138MG', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 84, \"clust\": 326, \"rank\": 685, \"rankvar\": 1025}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU620', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 83, \"clust\": 676, \"rank\": 383, \"rankvar\": 957}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: ECC12', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 82, \"clust\": 179, \"rank\": 214, \"rankvar\": 395}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GSU', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 81, \"clust\": 720, \"rank\": 404, \"rankvar\": 1006}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KMS18', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 80, \"clust\": 90, \"rank\": 142, \"rankvar\": 257}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHOM2B', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 79, \"clust\": 698, \"rank\": 558, \"rankvar\": 974}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU349', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 78, \"clust\": 527, \"rank\": 878, \"rankvar\": 1001}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UMUC1', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 77, \"clust\": 843, \"rank\": 853, \"rankvar\": 945}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NAMALWA', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: Burkitt_lymphoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 76, \"clust\": 95, \"rank\": 23, \"rankvar\": 86}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH292-1', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mucoepidermoid_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 75, \"clust\": 800, \"rank\": 954, \"rankvar\": 771}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: 59M', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 74, \"clust\": 567, \"rank\": 887, \"rankvar\": 545}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U118MG', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 73, \"clust\": 327, \"rank\": 656, \"rankvar\": 1009}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: VMRCLCD', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 72, \"clust\": 181, \"rank\": 259, \"rankvar\": 400}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1833', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 71, \"clust\": 185, \"rank\": 295, \"rankvar\": 552}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RH30', 'tissue: soft_tissue', 'histology: rhabdomyosarcoma', 'sub-histology: alveolar', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 70, \"clust\": 251, \"rank\": 307, \"rankvar\": 661}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TCCSUP', 'tissue: urinary_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: transitional_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 69, \"clust\": 543, \"rank\": 865, \"rankvar\": 735}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU601', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 68, \"clust\": 678, \"rank\": 421, \"rankvar\": 965}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CAL33', 'tissue: upper_aerodigestive_tract', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 67, \"clust\": 902, \"rank\": 843, \"rankvar\": 986}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU668', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: signet_ring_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 66, \"clust\": 291, \"rank\": 468, \"rankvar\": 995}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CORL279', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: small_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 65, \"clust\": 203, \"rank\": 302, \"rankvar\": 500}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GB1', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 64, \"clust\": 311, \"rank\": 505, \"rankvar\": 779}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KURAMOCHI', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: undifferentiated_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 63, \"clust\": 974, \"rank\": 585, \"rankvar\": 766}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO775', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: chronic_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 62, \"clust\": 152, \"rank\": 62, \"rankvar\": 74}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: COLO684', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 61, \"clust\": 247, \"rank\": 127, \"rankvar\": 90}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: KLM1', 'tissue: pancreas', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: ductal_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 60, \"clust\": 909, \"rank\": 767, \"rankvar\": 344}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: GRM', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 59, \"clust\": 745, \"rank\": 513, \"rankvar\": 944}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU685', 'tissue: endometrium', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: carcinosarcoma-malignant_mesodermal_mixed_tumour', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 58, \"clust\": 414, \"rank\": 836, \"rankvar\": 825}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CMK86', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: haematopoietic_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: acute_myeloid_leukaemia', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 57, \"clust\": 59, \"rank\": 81, \"rankvar\": 219}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU886', 'tissue: liver', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: hepatocellular_carcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 56, \"clust\": 476, \"rank\": 847, \"rankvar\": 544}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCT8', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 55, \"clust\": 661, \"rank\": 373, \"rankvar\": 584}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCCSTCK140', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 54, \"clust\": 733, \"rank\": 728, \"rankvar\": 547}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH3255', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 53, \"clust\": 761, \"rank\": 793, \"rankvar\": 824}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU719', 'tissue: stomach', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 52, \"clust\": 680, \"rank\": 305, \"rankvar\": 937}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU489', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 51, \"clust\": 400, \"rank\": 807, \"rankvar\": 809}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SNU81', 'tissue: large_intestine', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 50, \"clust\": 696, \"rank\": 456, \"rankvar\": 559}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A2058', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: malignant_melanoma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: M')\", \"ini\": 49, \"clust\": 628, \"rank\": 517, \"rankvar\": 724}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HTK', 'tissue: haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue', 'histology: lymphoid_neoplasm', 'sub-histology: plasma_cell_myeloma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 48, \"clust\": 437, \"rank\": 614, \"rankvar\": 432}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: NCIH292-2', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: mucoepidermoid_carcinoma', 'gender: F')\", \"ini\": 47, \"clust\": 801, \"rank\": 930, \"rankvar\": 555}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN443', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 46, \"clust\": 325, \"rank\": 548, \"rankvar\": 972}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SLR23', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 45, \"clust\": 534, \"rank\": 742, \"rankvar\": 638}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HMEL', 'tissue: breast', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 44, \"clust\": 870, \"rank\": 901, \"rankvar\": 538}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: OELE', 'tissue: ovary', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 43, \"clust\": 570, \"rank\": 981, \"rankvar\": 159}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN235', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 42, \"clust\": 406, \"rank\": 810, \"rankvar\": 963}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: BJHTERT', 'tissue: skin', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_fibroblast', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 41, \"clust\": 377, \"rank\": 935, \"rankvar\": 1003}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN428', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 40, \"clust\": 407, \"rank\": 634, \"rankvar\": 700}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SLR24', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 39, \"clust\": 522, \"rank\": 677, \"rankvar\": 938}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EWS502', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 38, \"clust\": 259, \"rank\": 219, \"rankvar\": 112}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SALE', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 37, \"clust\": 871, \"rank\": 874, \"rankvar\": 478}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC2814', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 36, \"clust\": 859, \"rank\": 579, \"rankvar\": 529}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKRC31', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 35, \"clust\": 516, \"rank\": 839, \"rankvar\": 923}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TIG3TD', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_embryonic_fibroblast', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 34, \"clust\": 367, \"rank\": 838, \"rankvar\": 955}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: TC32', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 33, \"clust\": 255, \"rank\": 230, \"rankvar\": 168}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SF172', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 32, \"clust\": 793, \"rank\": 657, \"rankvar\": 736}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: PRECLH', 'tissue: prostate', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 31, \"clust\": 872, \"rank\": 927, \"rankvar\": 619}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U343', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 30, \"clust\": 403, \"rank\": 770, \"rankvar\": 992}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: RCC4', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 29, \"clust\": 523, \"rank\": 757, \"rankvar\": 958}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN215', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 28, \"clust\": 408, \"rank\": 709, \"rankvar\": 443}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN464', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 27, \"clust\": 614, \"rank\": 483, \"rankvar\": 728}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SLR25', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 26, \"clust\": 535, \"rank\": 766, \"rankvar\": 806}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: U178', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 25, \"clust\": 324, \"rank\": 760, \"rankvar\": 1028}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: F5', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: meningioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 24, \"clust\": 274, \"rank\": 484, \"rankvar\": 427}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HEKTE', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 23, \"clust\": 571, \"rank\": 896, \"rankvar\": 455}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SLR26', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 22, \"clust\": 517, \"rank\": 697, \"rankvar\": 840}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SKRC20', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 21, \"clust\": 536, \"rank\": 830, \"rankvar\": 918}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SF767', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_III', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 20, \"clust\": 850, \"rank\": 675, \"rankvar\": 966}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: A1207', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 19, \"clust\": 438, \"rank\": 769, \"rankvar\": 917}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN319', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_III', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 18, \"clust\": 292, \"rank\": 417, \"rankvar\": 841}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC364', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 17, \"clust\": 579, \"rank\": 561, \"rankvar\": 653}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UMRC6', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 16, \"clust\": 509, \"rank\": 366, \"rankvar\": 928}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN382', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 15, \"clust\": 393, \"rank\": 731, \"rankvar\": 1019}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: IOMMLEE', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: meningioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 14, \"clust\": 464, \"rank\": 390, \"rankvar\": 466}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UMRC2', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 13, \"clust\": 507, \"rank\": 399, \"rankvar\": 950}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: DFCI024', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 12, \"clust\": 491, \"rank\": 674, \"rankvar\": 822}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC1897', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: squamous_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 11, \"clust\": 763, \"rank\": 514, \"rankvar\": 591}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SLR21', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 10, \"clust\": 540, \"rank\": 864, \"rankvar\": 980}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LNZ308', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 9, \"clust\": 293, \"rank\": 434, \"rankvar\": 856}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: LN340', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: glioma', 'sub-histology: astrocytoma_Grade_IV', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 8, \"clust\": 404, \"rank\": 626, \"rankvar\": 795}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HCC827GR5', 'tissue: lung', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 7, \"clust\": 755, \"rank\": 453, \"rankvar\": 924}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: SLR20', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 6, \"clust\": 566, \"rank\": 516, \"rankvar\": 477}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: HK2', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: other', 'sub-histology: immortalized_epithelial', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 5, \"clust\": 539, \"rank\": 659, \"rankvar\": 784}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: EW8', 'tissue: bone', 'histology: Ewings_sarcoma-peripheral_primitive_neuroectodermal_tumour', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 4, \"clust\": 257, \"rank\": 268, \"rankvar\": 128}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: UOK101', 'tissue: kidney', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: clear_cell_renal_cell_carcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 3, \"clust\": 511, \"rank\": 641, \"rankvar\": 636}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: JHESOAD1', 'tissue: oesophagus', 'histology: carcinoma', 'sub-histology: barrett_associated_adenocarcinoma', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 2, \"clust\": 820, \"rank\": 870, \"rankvar\": 843}, {\"name\": \"('cell line: CH157MN', 'tissue: central_nervous_system', 'histology: meningioma', 'sub-histology: NS', 'gender: NA')\", \"ini\": 1, \"clust\": 334, \"rank\": 840, \"rankvar\": 639}], \"links\": [], \"mat\": [[5.81, 4.37, 11.64, 12.83, 11.9, 4.07, 4.17, 11.47, 12.52, 14.23, 4.4, 4.07, 9.74, 3.88, 3.81, 14.18, 14.26, 13.84, 14.25, 4.36, 4.17, 13.14, 7.11, 10.19, 7.42, 13.23, 3.51, 3.77, 12.98, 9.43, 14.34, 12.99, 3.8, 4.19, 13.41, 12.06, 6.57, 3.79, 14.23, 5.59, 14.15, 6.41, 3.6, 3.93, 3.45, 4.29, 4.71, 4.04, 4.88, 3.84, 7.07, 13.51, 4.35, 13.72, 13.33, 4.23, 13.02, 3.74, 14.02, 4.92, 9.67, 6.36, 13.76, 3.65, 14.16, 10.71, 13.51, 12.92, 12.83, 4.38, 5.7, 12.72, 3.77, 12.97, 13.04, 4.03, 3.87, 13.15, 14.63, 10.72, 12.71, 4.22, 13.35, 11.14, 12.93, 12.71, 12.27, 10.01, 3.85, 4.11, 14.19, 12.09, 12.32, 3.77, 10.53, 7.7, 13.61, 4.1, 12.71, 10.97, 4.38, 4.68, 4.62, 13.89, 13.28, 3.64, 13.37, 11.46, 11.34, 3.89, 12.75, 13.34, 12.56, 12.35, 13.64, 12.88, 3.78, 14.3, 9.15, 4.12, 7.82, 11.11, 14.13, 11.78, 3.65, 13.3, 4.17, 3.88, 3.86, 6.73, 14.3, 13.28, 13.14, 10.49, 14.29, 13.74, 4.29, 12.37, 13.64, 5.57, 3.8, 13.73, 3.94, 5.69, 9.24, 12.45, 5.67, 13.31, 14.2, 3.7, 13.5, 14.26, 4.82, 14.16, 3.93, 7.87, 3.73, 14.4, 4.59, 14.53, 3.88, 12.64, 4.05, 3.76, 3.23, 14.33, 5.62, 13.38, 14.21, 3.52, 3.95, 3.6, 12.76, 4.82, 4.3, 9.21, 4.11, 14.21, 11.12, 4.96, 3.75, 4.85, 4.6, 4.01, 13.45, 4.77, 3.88, 9.98, 3.56, 6.79, 11.49, 14.08, 4.83, 4.92, 4.19, 13.25, 4.4, 13.26, 13.53, 5.12, 3.9, 13.97, 13.7, 5.52, 3.55, 14.5, 13.53, 3.88, 3.79, 13.57, 9.32, 13.22, 14.06, 13.33, 12.73, 4.13, 5.35, 4.57, 13.69, 12.36, 4.03, 14.17, 3.95, 13.56, 4.14, 8.11, 14.13, 13.23, 4.21, 10.71, 13.39, 6.96, 13.44, 13.0, 14.28, 14.14, 14.03, 3.99, 13.98, 13.44, 11.27, 14.38, 12.27, 11.31, 14.13, 12.64, 9.75, 13.11, 14.35, 3.94, 12.68, 4.79, 6.8, 4.7, 5.3, 14.55, 14.45, 14.24, 4.04, 13.61, 14.3, 12.69, 13.87, 12.87, 12.65, 13.89, 3.57, 14.08, 10.6, 3.74, 3.98, 14.17, 4.59, 13.81, 3.83, 13.35, 3.87, 4.06, 5.97, 3.48, 3.78, 12.49, 4.21, 14.58, 13.53, 3.68, 14.45, 4.37, 4.18, 3.47, 13.07, 13.11, 4.0, 7.92, 7.41, 13.67, 3.84, 4.79, 7.18, 4.4, 3.82, 11.03, 8.26, 14.27, 4.21, 10.57, 13.7, 12.62, 8.63, 12.23, 14.27, 4.7, 9.21, 4.76, 4.41, 4.16, 13.48, 13.62, 4.86, 13.26, 5.59, 4.1, 3.97, 5.33, 4.02, 13.63, 3.94, 13.49, 14.24, 4.18, 14.32, 7.9, 13.5, 10.55, 9.92, 13.38, 14.08, 3.86, 3.82, 3.7, 4.33, 3.8, 3.93, 3.45, 4.06, 11.93, 4.1, 14.11, 12.47, 13.86, 4.47, 4.05, 3.76, 3.69, 11.88, 14.26, 3.83, 14.31, 3.81, 3.7, 4.75, 11.27, 3.65, 3.62, 3.71, 13.22, 14.3, 4.14, 4.06, 4.21, 9.43, 14.01, 13.72, 4.27, 3.75, 11.84, 5.18, 3.57, 8.57, 12.67, 11.41, 4.26, 12.64, 4.38, 11.57, 13.26, 3.81, 13.9, 10.04, 3.65, 4.19, 11.71, 13.34, 4.33, 4.13, 3.83, 3.89, 3.7, 4.59, 3.77, 4.39, 6.97, 13.69, 4.44, 4.05, 12.78, 4.14, 10.54, 9.29, 11.51, 4.37, 13.73, 13.7, 9.06, 4.05, 3.98, 3.79, 11.85, 4.64, 3.57, 14.06, 13.07, 11.02, 4.84, 14.12, 13.64, 12.03, 8.23, 4.05, 3.81, 14.0, 4.3, 13.36, 11.71, 13.95, 8.92, 11.37, 4.3, 13.28, 11.23, 10.82, 12.33, 13.41, 9.21, 11.87, 11.77, 13.82, 11.4, 4.03, 4.3, 3.49, 3.89, 4.47, 4.14, 14.4, 14.1, 5.35, 13.55, 13.6, 3.88, 9.2, 14.21, 3.95, 3.61, 14.14, 13.19, 4.72, 14.12, 12.92, 14.02, 13.74, 13.97, 13.64, 4.64, 9.66, 13.47, 9.5, 9.23, 4.58, 13.64, 14.02, 14.5, 4.32, 13.32, 13.82, 9.9, 3.93, 3.73, 4.07, 4.31, 10.28, 12.47, 8.1, 3.9, 10.7, 13.11, 4.74, 4.56, 4.62, 4.07, 3.37, 9.6, 4.4, 3.89, 10.32, 11.33, 11.37, 13.93, 4.46, 4.74, 14.18, 13.37, 4.63, 3.91, 11.87, 13.89, 9.03, 3.92, 14.23, 6.49, 14.06, 5.76, 5.58, 3.82, 4.1, 14.09, 12.63, 5.38, 12.35, 10.52, 12.96, 7.74, 9.77, 14.31, 11.05, 4.4, 4.32, 3.89, 13.62, 9.23, 8.18, 9.4, 8.02, 3.92, 9.5, 3.87, 13.97, 12.17, 14.11, 4.2, 4.78, 3.71, 13.42, 14.13, 3.73, 8.21, 4.11, 13.76, 4.16, 3.9, 7.2, 12.45, 5.33, 4.36, 12.44, 4.17, 4.11, 13.83, 14.27, 4.7, 3.97, 7.8, 14.01, 13.79, 13.86, 13.66, 4.86, 14.26, 14.6, 11.06, 10.89, 13.67, 14.47, 4.07, 3.77, 3.92, 6.68, 6.8, 4.01, 13.67, 8.45, 3.95, 4.31, 4.65, 13.41, 5.16, 12.35, 3.92, 4.06, 4.44, 3.85, 13.51, 3.86, 4.22, 4.28, 3.76, 13.53, 9.57, 14.34, 9.99, 13.58, 13.2, 13.72, 3.67, 4.02, 4.67, 3.84, 3.74, 4.03, 11.79, 11.88, 4.11, 4.05, 3.81, 3.95, 3.92, 3.99, 3.79, 13.83, 13.68, 12.19, 3.76, 12.46, 4.0, 4.26, 3.83, 4.16, 3.95, 3.78, 3.46, 3.7, 3.53, 4.11, 4.73, 3.73, 5.38, 7.2, 13.81, 4.66, 3.79, 12.86, 4.6, 13.64, 13.98, 3.67, 4.25, 4.21, 3.65, 3.92, 13.33, 4.52, 3.77, 4.44, 3.85, 11.63, 4.7, 4.56, 14.21, 4.07, 4.41, 13.63, 8.75, 3.74, 3.9, 13.45, 7.99, 14.0, 9.25, 7.49, 13.95, 4.08, 9.9, 4.12, 4.16, 11.37, 9.89, 6.27, 14.09, 4.67, 4.06, 3.77, 3.7, 11.74, 3.99, 4.41, 5.18, 13.92, 4.03, 13.13, 14.05, 4.12, 4.12, 4.25, 14.28, 14.21, 13.89, 14.24, 4.58, 4.18, 3.59, 4.06, 3.46, 3.92, 3.97, 7.23, 4.31, 3.95, 9.64, 14.02, 3.85, 4.66, 14.3, 14.28, 3.92, 3.98, 3.66, 13.63, 4.28, 4.22, 4.15, 3.27, 14.2, 4.3, 12.6, 3.78, 4.02, 3.6, 4.43, 3.76, 4.62, 4.3, 3.94, 4.4, 4.32, 4.24, 3.84, 3.87, 3.84, 13.7, 3.8, 4.08, 12.78, 4.2, 14.16, 3.76, 14.04, 11.66, 5.58, 13.07, 5.15, 14.38, 14.12, 10.86, 4.18, 3.73, 14.3, 12.13, 4.1, 4.32, 4.34, 7.77, 13.43, 13.66, 12.13, 11.17, 5.58, 4.47, 6.71, 7.66, 3.96, 5.79, 3.67, 3.93, 11.26, 4.14, 4.08, 3.67, 3.52, 10.38, 8.16, 8.47, 13.74, 4.73, 4.47, 13.0, 11.11, 11.33, 7.78, 14.01, 12.06, 6.03, 10.64, 10.68, 4.36, 13.73, 12.05, 13.86, 13.03, 12.98, 13.05, 12.28, 5.02, 13.1, 13.28, 12.47, 3.96, 5.14, 12.59, 4.03, 4.95, 12.3, 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10.61, 4.06, 3.72, 14.2, 13.26, 3.28, 4.36, 11.48, 13.07, 14.4, 13.89, 13.61, 3.74, 13.74, 3.73, 4.1, 12.72, 3.96, 10.48, 5.04, 11.56, 4.16, 11.69, 4.19, 11.48, 4.27, 13.1, 10.91, 13.16, 5.06, 4.29, 13.52, 10.77, 4.97, 11.51, 3.7, 4.71, 5.48, 3.76, 12.03, 12.5, 12.8, 4.4, 14.34, 4.32, 4.14, 13.69, 5.09, 3.81, 3.79, 3.82, 13.01, 12.04, 13.55, 4.26, 5.5, 14.41, 4.04, 12.59, 4.4, 4.06, 14.41, 5.71], [4.09, 3.91, 6.71, 12.67, 11.7, 4.3, 10.43, 12.62, 4.03, 12.7, 6.27, 4.46, 12.81, 3.93, 4.37, 12.91, 12.17, 6.87, 11.37, 4.39, 3.69, 11.62, 12.44, 13.16, 4.91, 11.19, 3.68, 4.16, 9.0, 12.0, 12.97, 11.89, 4.02, 4.14, 5.96, 12.87, 7.86, 4.16, 13.14, 11.65, 12.94, 4.99, 7.93, 4.05, 10.68, 4.6, 11.58, 4.18, 3.81, 3.83, 7.81, 12.6, 3.99, 12.76, 12.65, 3.71, 11.81, 4.64, 12.33, 4.39, 7.5, 4.54, 12.45, 3.95, 12.9, 8.62, 12.25, 9.2, 13.0, 3.61, 7.42, 12.88, 4.08, 13.19, 13.27, 3.95, 3.93, 4.03, 13.27, 13.54, 13.09, 4.58, 10.7, 7.32, 8.69, 12.38, 12.05, 10.13, 3.9, 12.52, 11.23, 4.96, 11.84, 3.59, 6.31, 6.78, 11.86, 4.24, 12.49, 12.33, 10.3, 3.81, 4.04, 13.11, 12.86, 4.27, 13.44, 13.04, 6.08, 3.64, 13.01, 4.62, 12.6, 12.82, 13.05, 13.34, 5.63, 12.74, 12.61, 6.57, 3.86, 12.97, 12.99, 12.14, 3.69, 13.12, 7.16, 3.7, 4.01, 3.86, 11.32, 13.17, 12.57, 10.3, 12.1, 12.46, 4.37, 5.95, 12.93, 3.86, 3.9, 13.53, 3.73, 3.99, 5.7, 13.18, 4.75, 13.79, 8.59, 4.11, 12.98, 13.28, 3.85, 12.51, 3.67, 12.93, 3.59, 13.21, 3.95, 12.63, 12.56, 11.29, 3.86, 9.64, 3.72, 13.03, 4.12, 13.63, 12.41, 4.29, 3.93, 4.41, 11.32, 5.05, 4.13, 3.99, 4.23, 12.41, 9.61, 12.59, 3.52, 3.71, 10.58, 4.79, 12.73, 3.75, 3.65, 3.84, 10.9, 11.57, 13.28, 13.11, 4.29, 4.11, 3.97, 12.2, 4.17, 12.93, 12.97, 5.11, 4.42, 13.49, 12.62, 3.97, 6.2, 11.98, 13.43, 4.59, 3.93, 13.33, 13.2, 12.95, 12.23, 10.65, 13.35, 11.51, 11.82, 4.07, 13.07, 11.53, 3.64, 13.01, 11.45, 13.25, 3.74, 13.22, 13.47, 13.73, 4.07, 12.88, 12.91, 4.12, 13.32, 13.59, 13.02, 12.22, 13.8, 4.55, 13.43, 13.7, 3.84, 12.58, 13.45, 12.38, 12.78, 12.75, 11.28, 10.91, 13.45, 4.39, 13.1, 6.92, 4.16, 3.55, 3.88, 11.83, 12.83, 12.44, 4.06, 13.27, 13.07, 12.59, 12.2, 10.73, 12.41, 11.81, 3.9, 11.66, 10.35, 6.05, 3.56, 11.65, 6.9, 12.34, 5.52, 12.77, 3.79, 4.31, 11.92, 3.9, 3.71, 8.57, 4.31, 11.76, 12.87, 4.87, 12.51, 8.39, 4.01, 3.65, 12.29, 5.79, 6.44, 12.31, 12.0, 12.97, 8.8, 4.46, 7.77, 4.22, 4.09, 13.07, 10.79, 11.74, 3.83, 10.15, 12.2, 12.89, 3.96, 9.68, 5.1, 4.06, 4.05, 4.16, 4.23, 5.9, 4.4, 10.77, 3.74, 10.85, 3.89, 3.97, 4.0, 3.99, 5.64, 13.2, 5.36, 11.45, 11.37, 10.72, 12.32, 4.1, 12.87, 12.37, 3.82, 12.99, 12.38, 4.01, 7.58, 3.65, 10.2, 4.01, 3.81, 3.87, 3.98, 8.78, 3.82, 7.81, 13.15, 13.02, 12.92, 3.59, 10.71, 4.01, 9.76, 12.43, 8.69, 12.51, 3.73, 9.86, 4.07, 13.19, 4.44, 4.14, 4.0, 13.03, 12.72, 3.98, 12.2, 4.57, 12.11, 12.19, 12.5, 3.45, 8.61, 12.05, 12.05, 9.36, 6.98, 12.82, 9.41, 3.96, 9.61, 4.27, 12.83, 13.24, 3.79, 12.93, 4.33, 3.8, 10.53, 13.24, 13.42, 5.44, 3.84, 10.08, 3.86, 9.01, 3.95, 3.92, 4.02, 7.5, 12.42, 4.45, 11.29, 13.27, 4.31, 6.07, 5.88, 12.9, 12.73, 12.15, 12.0, 3.96, 3.77, 3.96, 3.77, 13.34, 4.37, 3.9, 12.83, 12.66, 12.83, 3.85, 13.03, 12.88, 11.19, 4.1, 4.11, 3.95, 12.87, 3.81, 12.65, 10.28, 11.99, 13.25, 5.22, 7.65, 11.56, 7.62, 12.54, 12.66, 12.77, 8.22, 11.77, 4.1, 11.38, 13.06, 3.75, 3.74, 4.01, 3.68, 10.27, 3.84, 12.37, 12.85, 12.64, 12.71, 13.5, 5.04, 4.33, 11.58, 3.95, 3.93, 3.97, 12.69, 3.85, 5.57, 12.69, 13.17, 12.62, 12.37, 11.03, 4.11, 3.39, 13.49, 4.72, 4.41, 4.35, 9.21, 13.03, 11.78, 5.22, 12.18, 12.16, 5.3, 4.46, 3.98, 3.64, 11.33, 10.32, 13.26, 12.14, 4.55, 13.52, 12.98, 4.32, 6.19, 9.35, 3.84, 3.87, 3.52, 4.14, 4.09, 4.31, 12.06, 12.9, 12.73, 3.72, 4.91, 11.97, 4.12, 4.25, 3.72, 13.49, 13.09, 4.24, 5.71, 13.09, 4.9, 12.7, 3.76, 6.67, 3.79, 4.1, 3.88, 13.16, 12.14, 12.5, 4.54, 13.29, 13.26, 3.93, 12.79, 3.81, 3.89, 3.74, 4.33, 13.41, 5.6, 3.95, 4.34, 4.07, 3.74, 10.36, 7.94, 13.23, 12.51, 11.73, 3.98, 9.01, 4.19, 12.73, 12.96, 3.65, 3.72, 4.31, 12.71, 10.96, 3.78, 4.58, 13.05, 3.63, 8.72, 12.68, 3.95, 3.9, 10.6, 11.18, 4.32, 6.11, 12.87, 13.0, 13.4, 13.25, 13.1, 3.76, 12.53, 12.16, 3.65, 4.43, 12.91, 12.06, 11.82, 11.58, 3.4, 3.85, 3.97, 12.42, 12.23, 4.31, 4.84, 3.39, 10.19, 11.3, 4.4, 13.29, 5.5, 4.03, 3.69, 3.98, 12.1, 5.52, 3.91, 3.76, 4.61, 13.03, 3.92, 13.22, 4.1, 12.86, 4.31, 12.43, 3.89, 4.35, 4.57, 3.87, 10.16, 3.98, 10.85, 7.18, 3.65, 4.1, 5.07, 6.37, 3.92, 4.06, 8.67, 12.9, 12.59, 10.78, 3.96, 12.92, 4.3, 3.97, 4.61, 4.34, 7.67, 3.98, 9.83, 5.44, 3.8, 5.87, 3.82, 3.82, 3.87, 4.65, 12.85, 9.58, 4.02, 13.5, 5.23, 7.35, 13.15, 3.69, 4.93, 4.52, 12.74, 3.99, 11.77, 9.97, 4.02, 3.68, 11.22, 10.09, 3.88, 4.88, 12.51, 5.09, 3.9, 13.22, 8.03, 4.31, 4.05, 10.94, 4.91, 12.86, 12.5, 13.32, 12.88, 3.75, 13.32, 3.94, 4.16, 4.02, 4.17, 4.73, 11.99, 3.78, 4.07, 3.99, 3.32, 4.21, 6.07, 8.82, 4.2, 13.36, 4.0, 4.0, 12.86, 3.81, 4.29, 4.23, 13.2, 12.18, 12.24, 13.25, 4.4, 4.09, 4.09, 4.1, 3.53, 4.04, 3.7, 4.88, 6.97, 3.73, 3.84, 13.03, 6.79, 4.74, 12.44, 12.67, 10.54, 3.72, 4.09, 12.4, 4.13, 3.43, 3.88, 3.51, 12.37, 3.37, 6.52, 3.71, 4.17, 4.11, 3.69, 3.61, 4.1, 4.72, 4.02, 4.01, 11.07, 9.46, 3.83, 3.84, 4.06, 12.72, 3.81, 3.58, 12.85, 3.57, 11.85, 4.06, 13.11, 4.32, 4.53, 3.96, 4.09, 11.01, 12.06, 7.32, 3.92, 4.11, 11.95, 10.78, 5.21, 4.22, 4.18, 4.29, 14.04, 13.38, 12.63, 13.44, 12.78, 6.3, 5.99, 6.82, 12.18, 3.89, 4.87, 3.68, 4.53, 3.89, 3.84, 3.68, 3.51, 12.83, 4.29, 12.21, 13.44, 7.32, 3.86, 12.44, 12.39, 12.36, 12.45, 12.55, 12.57, 12.04, 12.27, 12.2, 11.97, 11.68, 12.42, 11.89, 11.39, 3.78, 13.29, 10.12, 4.9, 13.83, 13.16, 11.28, 11.45, 4.78, 6.23, 9.3, 3.85, 12.69, 9.68, 7.76, 6.57, 13.05, 13.13, 3.74, 12.58, 12.76, 11.79, 10.68, 3.93, 13.0, 11.7, 12.36, 12.86, 4.13, 11.36, 11.97, 13.05, 11.45, 13.09, 13.51, 4.04, 12.3, 4.03, 13.44, 9.12, 11.67, 6.93, 13.18, 12.54, 7.77, 12.77, 12.81, 5.31, 4.1, 3.57, 13.68, 3.92, 11.57, 12.67, 13.26, 3.83, 4.22, 4.15, 13.17, 7.24, 13.01, 4.07, 3.74, 4.04, 4.1, 3.76, 11.34, 3.68, 9.85, 13.06, 4.11, 10.11, 11.39, 12.87, 4.3, 11.36, 12.05, 4.15, 3.89, 12.93, 6.09, 6.02, 12.83, 4.26, 12.08, 10.44, 9.12, 12.84, 12.15, 12.67, 10.26, 4.32, 4.08, 10.45, 12.36, 3.68, 12.9, 13.26, 4.91, 13.48, 13.43, 12.15, 10.95, 6.52, 3.86, 4.83, 4.64, 13.07, 12.76, 3.9, 13.03, 6.54, 12.6, 13.66, 12.61, 13.52, 4.68, 13.31, 11.26, 12.11, 11.36, 8.14, 12.04, 8.11, 9.94, 12.5, 12.91, 4.8, 13.39, 13.8, 12.98, 13.25, 12.59, 9.68, 13.46, 12.82, 9.79, 4.83, 13.02, 13.44, 12.94, 13.19, 3.87, 12.75, 13.48, 4.05, 13.26, 11.17, 13.26, 10.41, 13.63, 7.87, 11.95, 4.32, 12.27, 5.73, 4.13, 13.36, 12.81, 3.84, 7.56, 13.29, 11.21, 7.92, 12.42, 4.87, 10.07, 11.01, 4.27, 12.57, 8.41, 6.62, 3.68, 4.02, 12.84, 11.1, 12.95, 13.62, 3.93, 13.47, 4.17, 4.26, 12.18, 4.22, 6.97, 9.33, 8.78, 3.64, 4.23, 4.43, 10.62, 4.28, 12.59, 12.62, 8.8, 4.28, 3.75, 12.82, 12.16, 4.31, 10.98, 4.24, 3.69, 11.48, 3.95, 4.92, 9.1, 9.45, 10.98, 11.95, 4.33, 3.98, 10.32, 4.1, 3.92, 4.18, 3.76, 8.21, 13.42, 11.8, 3.96, 3.78, 13.35, 6.56, 11.41, 4.11, 7.73, 13.48, 4.19], [4.14, 4.14, 4.16, 13.68, 5.04, 4.44, 4.41, 4.56, 4.58, 12.52, 4.67, 3.88, 9.26, 4.48, 4.23, 13.85, 12.24, 12.05, 4.04, 3.95, 4.29, 4.26, 4.15, 5.62, 7.96, 12.54, 4.11, 4.19, 13.82, 4.44, 13.24, 12.02, 4.02, 3.97, 7.73, 11.31, 4.05, 4.04, 4.27, 4.26, 13.5, 8.42, 4.39, 3.88, 4.07, 4.17, 4.74, 4.11, 4.67, 4.32, 9.81, 12.62, 3.78, 4.0, 9.13, 4.06, 11.39, 4.43, 11.48, 4.28, 4.27, 4.19, 11.64, 4.47, 13.55, 4.41, 11.56, 10.5, 5.03, 4.2, 5.54, 13.04, 4.37, 11.13, 8.4, 3.89, 3.95, 4.1, 13.26, 6.58, 4.41, 4.14, 10.13, 10.63, 12.68, 6.74, 4.33, 4.64, 4.17, 4.12, 13.52, 10.31, 10.08, 4.88, 4.48, 6.05, 12.29, 4.54, 4.78, 13.34, 4.52, 4.33, 4.52, 13.38, 12.55, 4.57, 12.49, 3.97, 8.65, 4.28, 12.38, 4.01, 10.93, 11.64, 12.94, 3.93, 4.18, 13.41, 4.2, 4.31, 4.11, 10.73, 13.15, 10.05, 4.14, 8.94, 4.22, 4.56, 4.07, 4.49, 10.79, 12.52, 11.91, 4.56, 13.14, 12.33, 4.28, 3.94, 12.07, 4.47, 4.16, 12.52, 4.29, 4.41, 4.38, 5.16, 5.72, 8.96, 11.51, 4.18, 12.61, 13.54, 4.97, 12.49, 4.25, 13.34, 4.0, 13.72, 4.92, 13.75, 13.61, 5.25, 4.7, 7.06, 3.98, 13.38, 4.28, 4.6, 12.87, 4.18, 4.57, 3.99, 11.45, 8.93, 4.27, 4.5, 4.36, 13.37, 10.21, 4.21, 4.08, 4.04, 5.31, 4.37, 13.25, 4.17, 3.86, 4.3, 4.53, 7.56, 11.25, 13.64, 3.97, 6.45, 4.12, 13.53, 5.59, 4.75, 12.48, 5.6, 4.16, 13.69, 13.46, 4.41, 4.27, 13.34, 12.42, 4.05, 4.43, 12.0, 4.02, 12.91, 9.86, 3.97, 4.27, 4.28, 12.85, 4.63, 14.05, 5.45, 4.18, 13.31, 4.35, 11.73, 4.59, 4.35, 13.18, 7.89, 4.5, 5.4, 4.15, 4.07, 4.8, 7.53, 12.44, 12.94, 12.13, 5.41, 10.27, 7.01, 4.16, 12.7, 4.93, 4.35, 12.79, 12.22, 10.75, 12.36, 13.27, 4.29, 12.1, 4.42, 5.68, 4.28, 4.17, 12.44, 12.34, 12.72, 10.39, 12.68, 13.53, 10.97, 13.7, 13.36, 11.93, 13.01, 5.24, 12.32, 4.85, 4.25, 4.59, 13.58, 4.44, 11.14, 4.23, 13.99, 4.71, 4.63, 13.72, 4.2, 4.38, 10.04, 4.11, 12.73, 11.9, 4.22, 13.44, 4.36, 4.14, 4.52, 13.42, 11.47, 4.72, 13.51, 4.91, 9.95, 3.98, 4.66, 13.5, 4.17, 4.04, 11.27, 8.1, 13.49, 4.4, 12.53, 13.06, 13.52, 4.37, 4.71, 4.32, 4.73, 4.8, 4.7, 4.83, 4.63, 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4.54, 4.22, 6.07, 4.51, 4.22, 10.85, 7.61, 5.13, 4.15, 4.98, 4.18, 4.46, 12.86, 13.47, 4.22, 4.23, 4.3, 4.53, 4.41, 13.71, 4.1, 4.61, 4.48, 5.01, 12.41, 4.41, 4.52, 13.2, 4.63, 4.09, 13.57, 8.56, 4.1, 4.16, 13.49, 5.34, 13.35, 3.87, 4.38, 13.13, 3.85, 4.06, 4.43, 3.96, 4.49, 5.0, 4.03, 12.46, 4.34, 4.15, 4.24, 4.34, 3.93, 4.13, 4.04, 4.19, 10.33, 4.34, 4.08, 7.74, 4.43, 4.07, 4.57, 4.56, 4.52, 12.34, 13.07, 4.49, 4.4, 4.74, 4.38, 4.23, 4.06, 4.13, 4.37, 4.07, 9.88, 9.44, 11.75, 4.52, 4.41, 13.57, 4.38, 4.81, 4.36, 4.18, 10.06, 4.8, 4.48, 4.1, 4.28, 14.06, 4.1, 8.64, 4.07, 4.28, 4.18, 4.47, 4.3, 4.36, 4.65, 4.13, 4.26, 4.38, 4.65, 4.29, 4.08, 4.39, 13.48, 4.54, 4.48, 4.25, 4.34, 13.56, 4.44, 12.8, 4.73, 11.93, 4.54, 4.72, 13.7, 13.69, 5.23, 4.33, 3.87, 13.81, 11.08, 3.94, 4.44, 3.88, 5.83, 8.78, 13.19, 12.1, 7.17, 4.04, 3.95, 5.31, 4.34, 4.27, 5.38, 4.16, 4.1, 4.69, 4.6, 4.73, 4.22, 4.1, 4.75, 4.34, 4.36, 12.46, 4.26, 4.8, 4.27, 4.16, 5.48, 5.27, 13.54, 5.59, 13.76, 6.77, 7.78, 13.4, 13.53, 4.78, 13.11, 13.45, 6.58, 10.84, 4.65, 4.75, 13.17, 5.68, 8.2, 3.92, 4.36, 4.6, 4.79, 11.56, 12.41, 13.61, 9.81, 4.36, 10.87, 12.76, 4.23, 12.9, 13.1, 12.26, 9.47, 3.87, 12.09, 13.82, 4.65, 10.06, 4.0, 4.34, 13.73, 12.51, 9.03, 12.27, 8.63, 4.28, 13.74, 4.29, 12.21, 10.52, 13.44, 12.04, 12.44, 12.73, 4.76, 13.59, 12.7, 4.31, 3.88, 4.11, 13.38, 3.9, 13.41, 12.3, 8.79, 4.17, 3.96, 3.61, 3.85, 3.72, 4.51, 4.12, 4.0, 8.51, 4.17, 4.01, 12.98, 3.98, 13.43, 3.8, 4.72, 13.92, 13.6, 12.77, 4.52, 13.73, 13.77, 4.3, 4.33, 12.41, 4.23, 4.34, 13.08, 4.2, 13.34, 6.06, 5.9, 12.76, 4.94, 11.33, 10.05, 3.87, 4.37, 13.02, 4.47, 4.46, 13.46, 5.82, 4.14, 4.25, 13.02, 12.62, 14.0, 4.15, 3.91, 4.44, 4.49, 11.75, 6.96, 4.71, 4.7, 4.17, 12.71, 13.56, 12.89, 5.34, 4.33, 12.01, 6.31, 13.11, 12.19, 10.4, 4.34, 9.77, 4.29, 13.6, 10.56, 4.27, 12.13, 11.74, 13.45, 7.39, 13.16, 8.05, 4.49, 13.52, 4.15, 8.78, 13.15, 13.0, 13.29, 4.3, 4.47, 13.4, 4.55, 4.25, 12.57, 4.56, 12.53, 5.37, 11.85, 4.18, 13.32, 4.3, 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10.59, 11.46, 11.41, 9.39, 4.11, 10.44, 11.35, 5.14, 7.6, 4.09, 7.24, 4.34, 12.25, 3.92, 11.42, 10.9, 4.29, 4.19, 3.94, 12.5, 12.37, 4.12, 12.18, 11.12, 6.82, 3.83, 12.17, 3.96, 11.59, 11.05, 13.56, 12.18, 4.22, 11.75, 11.84, 4.9, 4.85, 10.63, 12.51, 11.65, 4.65, 13.24, 7.94, 4.88, 4.22, 4.62, 12.12, 12.49, 12.98, 4.26, 12.31, 11.81, 3.84, 11.93, 13.35, 8.9, 6.65, 12.39, 4.52, 4.79, 4.36, 12.75, 6.01, 12.47, 4.25, 5.14, 13.02, 13.2, 4.43, 12.59, 4.76, 13.59, 4.15, 13.52, 3.95, 13.03, 12.05, 8.33, 4.17, 4.67, 4.21, 12.16, 4.75, 12.86, 12.47, 3.93, 4.01, 4.66, 10.65, 4.35, 4.07, 4.48, 3.98, 12.53, 10.45, 12.03, 4.24, 3.87, 5.04, 4.01, 13.07, 3.99, 5.55, 4.01, 3.85, 11.39, 11.89, 13.02, 3.9, 6.37, 4.04, 13.25, 5.17, 12.96, 11.3, 4.67, 4.26, 12.92, 11.93, 4.22, 10.53, 11.88, 13.1, 3.9, 4.01, 12.81, 11.63, 11.68, 12.59, 12.57, 11.68, 4.8, 11.47, 5.25, 12.94, 12.02, 4.0, 13.36, 4.07, 12.45, 4.02, 12.24, 12.12, 11.89, 4.18, 12.3, 12.13, 4.8, 11.94, 11.78, 12.97, 12.24, 12.87, 4.21, 12.04, 12.52, 4.19, 11.61, 11.79, 10.4, 12.29, 12.33, 10.07, 11.36, 12.4, 3.91, 7.7, 4.04, 7.04, 6.22, 4.23, 13.03, 11.17, 12.95, 8.41, 12.62, 12.82, 12.58, 12.71, 4.29, 12.37, 11.94, 4.32, 11.16, 6.84, 3.8, 4.05, 12.07, 4.08, 12.09, 4.99, 11.85, 4.15, 4.01, 11.58, 4.18, 3.81, 5.08, 5.35, 13.21, 12.01, 4.56, 12.72, 5.13, 4.07, 3.92, 11.79, 6.96, 3.97, 13.05, 4.23, 12.03, 3.9, 4.91, 11.47, 5.35, 3.87, 12.46, 9.34, 12.11, 4.15, 11.3, 11.43, 11.39, 4.1, 4.92, 6.43, 4.21, 4.23, 3.94, 4.42, 4.63, 4.43, 12.28, 4.31, 11.51, 5.21, 4.42, 4.02, 4.2, 4.05, 12.66, 4.06, 11.45, 12.15, 10.68, 4.13, 4.74, 12.87, 10.28, 4.09, 11.59, 12.85, 4.57, 4.21, 3.53, 4.45, 8.68, 3.95, 4.01, 4.11, 4.62, 4.0, 10.48, 13.19, 10.21, 4.1, 4.13, 8.05, 4.24, 11.82, 12.54, 10.03, 13.18, 4.02, 4.54, 4.2, 12.67, 4.4, 4.34, 4.52, 12.59, 12.94, 4.3, 4.62, 4.04, 12.12, 12.01, 10.91, 4.27, 4.11, 10.74, 11.91, 4.64, 4.16, 12.67, 10.69, 4.45, 12.5, 4.17, 12.13, 13.08, 4.06, 12.48, 3.89, 3.92, 3.99, 11.45, 12.5, 7.34, 4.52, 4.08, 4.22, 4.28, 4.16, 4.35, 3.87, 4.38, 11.51, 4.15, 3.95, 11.66, 4.1, 8.36, 10.54, 12.79, 12.05, 10.88, 11.16, 3.94, 3.93, 4.02, 4.09, 12.72, 4.35, 3.88, 12.56, 11.18, 12.76, 6.61, 13.38, 13.09, 10.57, 4.25, 4.13, 4.14, 10.22, 3.72, 12.32, 10.43, 10.12, 10.32, 10.54, 10.5, 8.45, 9.15, 11.81, 11.64, 10.61, 4.21, 13.05, 3.68, 12.64, 11.53, 3.78, 4.25, 4.05, 4.2, 10.79, 4.42, 11.65, 11.71, 11.75, 12.33, 11.66, 5.12, 4.29, 13.05, 4.27, 3.83, 8.32, 12.18, 3.81, 4.97, 11.42, 12.69, 12.58, 11.37, 9.35, 4.82, 3.91, 12.61, 4.29, 3.82, 4.12, 4.5, 12.86, 11.54, 5.02, 12.41, 10.55, 4.28, 4.17, 3.9, 9.74, 10.5, 9.56, 11.29, 11.56, 4.44, 13.1, 11.32, 4.59, 4.1, 8.53, 4.63, 4.27, 4.03, 4.18, 4.22, 3.84, 11.69, 12.72, 12.29, 3.84, 4.33, 12.89, 8.46, 4.13, 4.19, 11.95, 13.06, 4.34, 8.98, 13.26, 5.99, 12.05, 3.96, 6.7, 3.73, 3.68, 7.81, 11.26, 11.11, 11.23, 4.24, 11.7, 11.28, 3.95, 12.78, 4.16, 4.52, 4.08, 4.13, 12.66, 3.98, 4.96, 4.4, 4.27, 4.31, 10.29, 4.19, 12.77, 11.43, 11.84, 6.68, 4.5, 6.62, 13.11, 12.69, 4.22, 6.5, 4.62, 12.35, 4.3, 4.01, 4.31, 12.59, 3.54, 3.82, 11.83, 4.36, 4.2, 8.92, 10.42, 4.45, 4.04, 10.68, 12.61, 13.24, 12.78, 12.96, 4.2, 12.53, 12.05, 3.89, 4.23, 12.69, 13.0, 3.89, 6.16, 3.88, 3.84, 4.14, 4.21, 13.17, 3.88, 4.41, 4.07, 11.69, 4.85, 4.09, 10.75, 12.66, 3.97, 4.47, 4.02, 12.87, 4.92, 4.06, 4.3, 3.87, 11.48, 3.82, 12.32, 4.13, 12.22, 4.69, 12.22, 4.13, 4.7, 7.38, 4.24, 4.43, 4.2, 9.87, 3.95, 4.07, 4.24, 3.87, 4.07, 4.39, 4.08, 3.93, 13.16, 13.04, 9.55, 4.21, 10.27, 4.47, 4.41, 4.29, 4.75, 10.2, 4.14, 4.2, 4.05, 4.11, 4.08, 4.09, 4.08, 6.18, 4.3, 12.42, 4.08, 4.28, 12.43, 4.39, 5.45, 12.89, 3.97, 3.78, 4.33, 10.72, 3.99, 12.3, 8.78, 5.07, 4.45, 5.27, 10.72, 4.14, 3.97, 12.4, 3.99, 4.1, 12.72, 10.71, 4.04, 4.17, 12.29, 4.38, 12.67, 11.93, 11.25, 12.48, 3.85, 10.48, 3.98, 4.55, 4.18, 4.33, 7.45, 12.31, 4.09, 4.03, 4.06, 4.1, 4.05, 4.05, 4.06, 4.1, 11.06, 3.84, 9.23, 10.38, 3.88, 4.0, 4.05, 12.71, 10.54, 12.57, 12.64, 4.41, 4.21, 4.05, 4.27, 3.97, 4.08, 4.21, 4.35, 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9.66, 12.44, 13.28, 10.93, 8.67, 8.65, 4.84, 13.22, 4.39, 13.03, 4.76, 10.42, 13.32, 13.17, 4.95, 9.51, 9.51, 8.64, 5.27, 12.77, 6.5, 8.55, 5.1, 5.23, 5.7, 10.5, 13.83, 12.71, 4.59, 12.65, 14.59, 11.2, 13.18, 5.76, 7.33, 13.64, 5.05, 4.43, 11.87, 9.42, 4.91, 10.62, 9.45, 5.33, 6.15, 13.36, 13.89, 13.66, 11.09, 12.77, 12.17, 6.63, 10.49, 5.55, 14.18, 13.54, 12.07, 4.79, 7.17, 13.74, 4.84, 13.44, 5.55, 8.46, 8.91, 13.66, 6.83, 11.8, 10.67, 4.49, 13.71, 6.69, 8.97, 4.8, 8.5, 12.77, 6.4, 11.16, 10.4, 11.22, 10.57, 13.99, 4.7, 4.8, 5.97, 7.2, 10.73, 13.45, 13.04, 7.61, 4.92, 5.25, 13.43, 11.16, 14.59, 7.23, 4.53, 6.01, 9.54, 8.07, 8.6, 12.32, 13.44, 4.67, 8.84, 4.69, 14.03, 4.66, 11.63, 8.82, 12.85, 7.23, 11.62, 13.68, 13.17, 5.04, 12.91, 13.16, 12.19, 13.04, 14.32, 9.12, 14.04, 5.08, 4.85, 9.34, 6.44, 11.97, 10.85, 11.72, 4.74, 4.38, 13.25, 4.47, 10.39, 13.21, 14.41, 8.52, 5.63, 4.63, 12.8, 11.42, 14.2, 4.55, 13.5, 10.39, 4.32, 10.69, 6.56, 12.66, 12.23, 5.12, 14.68, 14.12, 14.2, 10.69, 12.55, 12.76, 4.34, 13.5, 12.61, 9.25, 14.44, 13.81, 12.67, 4.4, 4.73, 10.23, 4.39, 4.92, 14.19, 13.89, 4.11, 12.06, 14.75, 5.02, 4.67, 4.77, 5.0, 11.24, 4.75, 13.45, 11.77, 13.2, 10.51, 13.84, 4.87, 10.96, 13.21, 5.65, 6.12, 4.4, 4.68, 4.34, 4.72, 4.26, 14.36, 5.3, 8.77, 10.65, 4.65, 12.07, 5.07, 9.59, 4.46, 4.66, 13.24, 11.41, 12.93, 11.98, 13.11, 12.59, 5.04, 4.89, 14.17, 9.45, 4.34, 14.05, 4.98, 10.33, 7.72, 12.1, 4.85, 13.93, 11.59, 4.33, 7.42, 12.82, 13.07, 12.88, 12.55, 4.61, 7.14, 5.89, 12.91, 4.39, 13.93, 4.56, 11.58, 4.51, 4.7, 4.8, 4.65, 14.09, 4.42, 8.81, 13.72, 4.4, 5.13, 5.28, 10.89, 10.81, 4.91, 4.5, 13.48, 4.62, 4.52, 4.34, 6.12, 11.38, 13.07, 11.04, 10.88, 5.04, 5.94, 11.8, 7.76, 13.32, 12.42, 6.12, 12.99, 9.79, 10.95, 13.82, 11.17, 12.63, 7.71, 13.59, 11.02, 13.08, 12.49, 14.05, 7.6, 4.94, 7.72, 12.05, 13.34, 6.44, 12.93, 5.86, 13.73, 6.9, 6.16, 7.02, 7.51, 12.93, 12.18, 13.76, 8.7, 13.77, 6.66, 9.16, 10.82, 4.61, 11.53, 4.64, 9.47, 4.1, 13.12, 11.63, 11.17, 9.76, 12.42, 12.31, 10.84, 7.8, 4.72, 14.3, 11.74, 13.48, 14.43, 11.19, 12.64, 4.08, 11.37, 4.88, 9.5, 5.73, 14.23, 9.5, 13.33, 13.64, 9.54, 11.94, 12.55, 4.77, 4.56, 13.4, 13.55, 12.01, 6.23, 14.42, 5.16, 14.69, 12.19, 5.54, 4.61, 5.24, 7.56, 4.83, 13.63, 4.55, 4.94, 13.4, 9.58, 14.4, 13.61, 5.13, 14.61, 4.59, 4.26, 5.14, 4.07, 7.99, 13.18, 14.15, 4.75, 5.68, 14.02, 13.49, 14.38, 12.58, 11.47, 13.18, 13.19, 13.34, 7.57, 5.24, 14.6, 8.16, 13.91, 9.39, 9.63, 12.14, 12.86, 4.18, 14.68, 11.33, 14.61, 4.93, 4.04, 12.96, 13.39, 13.96, 13.97, 14.52, 14.42, 12.82, 12.58, 11.71, 11.79, 10.15, 10.17, 14.44, 5.29, 12.45, 11.77, 7.82, 4.5, 12.48, 4.96, 6.39, 5.1, 4.89, 13.42, 12.35, 4.62, 7.35, 11.71, 4.45, 4.58, 10.38, 8.26, 11.0, 13.49, 6.32, 10.91, 11.56, 13.78, 12.35, 10.32, 7.97, 4.69, 12.64, 13.98, 13.56, 5.79, 4.86, 6.64, 5.44, 4.9, 14.1, 4.36, 6.67, 13.61, 5.64, 13.34, 11.88, 11.71, 5.77, 4.48, 4.94, 4.44, 4.6, 4.6, 11.4, 13.61, 4.35, 4.31, 8.43, 12.06, 14.38, 12.06, 12.52, 6.12, 13.55, 9.61, 4.41, 6.21, 14.1, 4.67, 4.3, 4.83, 7.87, 13.83, 4.31, 4.76, 4.47, 4.68, 4.91, 4.84, 4.75, 11.63, 6.57, 13.53, 4.87, 6.06, 4.57, 4.28, 4.24, 5.54, 10.69, 4.94, 10.94, 4.48, 4.56, 4.62, 7.3, 4.79, 14.08, 6.67, 10.62, 13.76, 4.06, 11.02, 4.71, 8.9, 12.15, 9.58, 4.45, 4.74, 4.36, 4.41, 9.07, 13.79, 4.83, 4.32, 4.55, 13.8, 4.96, 5.26, 12.52, 4.04, 4.78, 12.9, 14.55, 4.48, 4.27, 14.24, 14.25, 12.58, 4.25, 4.43, 14.35, 11.44, 9.45, 4.89, 12.07, 14.02, 14.17, 13.69, 5.79, 4.26, 3.97, 4.79, 4.27, 13.17, 4.73, 6.98, 5.36, 11.71, 4.3, 13.32, 4.91, 4.14, 4.52, 4.86, 12.85, 4.82, 4.66, 8.02, 4.52, 4.69, 8.82, 4.34, 4.48, 6.1, 4.42, 3.9, 4.27, 4.02, 14.43, 9.77, 4.24, 4.18, 12.91, 10.11, 4.58, 3.72, 4.68, 12.46, 5.26, 4.53, 4.67, 4.82, 12.92, 4.62, 14.4, 4.97, 5.21, 4.78, 4.92, 11.0, 4.33, 4.3, 4.3, 4.26, 4.42, 4.7, 4.27, 4.64, 14.41, 11.74, 4.8, 4.61, 5.0, 4.53, 12.22, 7.09, 6.62, 11.37, 8.46, 11.49, 12.8, 13.2, 11.27, 11.2, 6.13, 10.57, 12.24, 9.75, 8.0, 4.78, 13.69, 13.56, 13.3, 11.18, 4.68, 6.46, 4.12, 13.23, 8.91, 9.54, 5.06, 13.21, 13.56, 13.3, 13.51, 11.72, 7.26, 6.27, 13.08, 4.62, 14.06, 4.18, 13.76, 12.89, 13.76, 4.69, 4.6, 4.34, 5.46, 9.82, 8.54, 13.2, 6.54, 5.05, 13.06, 12.49, 4.64, 11.72, 13.92, 14.0, 13.99, 4.46, 14.17, 5.8, 11.14, 4.15, 4.56, 4.98, 7.25, 13.77, 11.71, 10.38, 13.33, 10.22, 12.65, 4.67, 13.06, 6.11, 13.21, 10.2, 12.65, 13.05, 11.09, 8.5, 13.69, 5.03, 8.64, 14.19, 5.74, 11.8, 12.16, 14.13, 7.83, 13.13, 8.52, 13.14, 14.57, 10.59, 12.93, 10.61, 14.45, 7.79, 13.49, 10.77, 12.72, 9.42, 4.28, 12.21, 7.66, 11.11, 12.16, 13.84, 13.1, 12.5, 12.09, 12.53, 14.38, 12.68, 4.58, 3.92, 13.14, 4.59, 10.89, 4.19, 4.37, 12.22, 14.08, 10.69, 4.35, 14.57, 12.31, 14.24, 12.94, 5.02, 13.81, 14.02, 4.65, 6.2, 7.44, 13.85, 14.62, 10.97, 4.53, 10.21, 14.51, 12.18, 12.57, 4.68, 7.03, 12.85, 12.49, 4.28, 13.15, 12.03, 13.9, 13.72, 5.81, 14.54, 9.94, 11.67, 13.12, 13.28, 4.25, 13.68, 14.57, 5.77, 11.75, 11.48, 4.96, 4.98, 14.15, 13.75, 12.48, 13.07, 7.75, 14.32, 10.51, 11.67, 7.51, 14.63, 13.4, 4.22, 13.61, 4.79, 6.93, 4.91, 6.6, 13.42, 13.65, 12.27, 11.47, 9.7, 14.75, 4.59, 12.77, 10.44, 11.39, 5.59, 12.66, 12.43, 4.62, 4.53, 13.84, 8.07, 12.64, 4.39, 4.31, 4.62, 4.34, 13.2, 14.86, 10.42, 4.36, 12.83, 11.92, 9.81, 5.55, 8.13, 10.88, 10.5, 4.73, 13.27, 11.82, 8.94, 13.68, 4.4, 4.75, 4.57, 13.23, 12.44, 14.62, 4.26, 13.96, 7.94, 8.05, 12.85, 4.32, 14.75, 10.52, 7.79, 12.57, 12.92, 14.08, 13.77, 13.62, 12.7, 14.27, 11.97, 8.31, 14.49, 4.62, 12.53, 13.19, 14.29, 13.73, 6.87, 11.97, 12.73, 14.71, 14.49, 14.4, 10.87, 12.66, 10.11, 10.76, 13.89, 14.31, 14.26, 9.29, 12.85, 4.87, 14.12, 12.8, 13.26, 11.03, 12.96, 11.93, 14.51, 13.82, 13.47, 14.08, 12.0, 6.2, 12.57, 4.64, 13.77, 11.37, 13.59], [3.66, 3.73, 4.13, 5.5, 5.04, 4.26, 3.32, 4.16, 3.75, 13.05, 3.86, 3.98, 13.38, 4.11, 3.54, 11.93, 11.89, 9.76, 3.55, 3.54, 3.77, 4.13, 13.12, 4.31, 4.15, 11.3, 4.19, 3.71, 7.03, 4.13, 4.26, 7.29, 4.06, 3.42, 4.05, 3.95, 4.74, 4.0, 13.48, 4.04, 11.29, 3.48, 3.62, 3.63, 6.59, 4.16, 4.02, 3.83, 4.08, 4.49, 3.8, 13.5, 3.8, 3.9, 3.76, 3.88, 3.68, 4.01, 13.01, 3.46, 11.73, 4.09, 8.34, 4.02, 11.75, 11.5, 13.01, 8.58, 13.4, 4.1, 4.07, 3.96, 3.78, 8.21, 13.63, 3.96, 3.75, 4.31, 10.93, 12.49, 12.82, 4.12, 9.66, 4.05, 12.4, 3.73, 13.74, 4.59, 3.97, 3.95, 10.47, 3.94, 13.49, 4.02, 12.13, 4.22, 13.05, 3.46, 9.57, 6.89, 3.53, 3.93, 3.82, 12.06, 10.92, 3.67, 4.23, 8.99, 11.88, 3.74, 11.96, 13.91, 10.78, 7.01, 12.61, 4.58, 3.95, 9.05, 3.36, 3.94, 3.74, 3.76, 10.1, 3.5, 3.72, 13.67, 3.58, 3.76, 4.64, 3.92, 11.75, 7.05, 11.97, 3.79, 11.8, 5.79, 3.72, 7.4, 14.41, 4.64, 3.63, 14.51, 3.95, 4.2, 4.03, 14.45, 4.8, 13.04, 5.31, 3.5, 14.11, 4.55, 4.5, 13.07, 4.15, 12.17, 4.05, 13.64, 3.99, 14.2, 4.7, 11.46, 4.05, 3.96, 3.85, 12.26, 3.94, 4.38, 13.94, 3.73, 3.88, 3.4, 12.52, 3.67, 4.05, 4.07, 4.16, 13.73, 8.16, 3.98, 3.77, 3.86, 6.68, 3.9, 10.63, 4.33, 3.74, 3.72, 3.61, 8.19, 13.71, 10.63, 8.85, 4.16, 3.97, 11.37, 4.08, 3.84, 5.03, 3.91, 3.86, 10.74, 13.69, 3.76, 5.26, 12.07, 13.84, 3.45, 3.94, 6.96, 11.39, 9.69, 13.48, 3.76, 12.9, 3.87, 6.06, 3.95, 7.81, 8.8, 3.94, 9.4, 4.61, 12.65, 3.79, 14.36, 12.87, 11.47, 3.65, 6.27, 3.52, 4.05, 13.81, 13.49, 10.66, 13.35, 13.89, 4.01, 4.7, 13.06, 3.81, 13.95, 3.64, 3.52, 4.38, 7.39, 4.89, 3.83, 12.86, 3.96, 7.94, 3.59, 4.01, 3.82, 3.54, 13.07, 11.88, 13.75, 7.98, 11.76, 13.31, 5.32, 6.52, 9.49, 13.94, 13.14, 3.69, 3.99, 5.91, 3.94, 3.93, 8.29, 3.87, 13.08, 3.56, 9.8, 4.27, 3.49, 10.11, 3.97, 3.94, 5.78, 4.06, 11.82, 14.2, 4.08, 9.82, 3.73, 3.84, 9.16, 5.53, 4.8, 3.89, 8.15, 4.6, 13.69, 3.64, 3.85, 4.13, 4.02, 4.33, 8.42, 5.38, 12.66, 3.76, 5.21, 8.64, 13.53, 3.59, 5.08, 3.61, 3.56, 3.89, 3.94, 3.89, 3.78, 4.1, 11.87, 4.0, 5.56, 3.72, 4.25, 3.65, 3.82, 3.58, 13.5, 3.55, 5.43, 12.83, 7.67, 8.5, 4.2, 8.44, 3.75, 4.03, 5.95, 14.03, 4.15, 4.21, 3.74, 3.7, 3.68, 3.97, 4.26, 3.58, 3.66, 4.0, 3.97, 4.21, 13.26, 3.69, 3.73, 11.66, 3.57, 6.49, 12.63, 3.9, 10.03, 3.79, 3.98, 3.72, 3.82, 4.3, 3.36, 4.01, 4.49, 4.1, 3.96, 3.51, 3.68, 11.17, 10.93, 3.87, 3.75, 7.28, 6.39, 12.19, 3.64, 3.68, 13.43, 4.24, 4.2, 3.88, 3.48, 10.31, 14.34, 3.78, 12.65, 3.73, 3.6, 3.65, 9.04, 10.09, 3.74, 4.25, 4.19, 3.98, 3.81, 4.75, 3.78, 3.83, 3.87, 3.99, 4.21, 3.56, 12.79, 3.99, 3.76, 5.2, 9.97, 12.63, 9.43, 8.83, 3.87, 3.7, 4.14, 6.62, 14.03, 3.93, 3.74, 9.15, 4.02, 3.69, 3.94, 4.96, 8.99, 8.18, 3.9, 4.0, 3.83, 5.35, 3.62, 12.7, 6.98, 4.01, 3.53, 5.49, 14.18, 12.54, 4.11, 4.17, 7.68, 3.9, 4.17, 13.52, 3.8, 13.72, 5.3, 3.45, 4.91, 3.84, 4.53, 13.3, 3.95, 5.53, 4.28, 4.37, 13.14, 12.39, 13.49, 3.98, 13.67, 4.22, 3.65, 3.99, 8.15, 3.75, 3.86, 11.17, 11.31, 11.87, 13.42, 5.08, 3.73, 4.05, 12.81, 4.04, 4.03, 3.9, 10.11, 11.6, 13.96, 4.12, 5.55, 4.15, 12.44, 3.75, 3.86, 4.76, 3.79, 13.24, 6.7, 4.46, 3.72, 3.94, 4.2, 3.45, 3.7, 4.04, 3.8, 3.57, 3.57, 4.0, 4.17, 3.83, 13.19, 14.42, 14.25, 4.22, 4.02, 12.58, 3.99, 11.35, 3.73, 12.66, 10.2, 3.38, 3.83, 13.02, 4.49, 12.2, 3.88, 3.9, 3.79, 3.85, 3.89, 7.95, 3.8, 13.41, 3.79, 10.91, 3.75, 3.97, 13.58, 4.04, 4.22, 3.92, 3.89, 9.42, 3.82, 3.93, 3.74, 3.83, 3.86, 11.16, 3.77, 14.3, 10.09, 9.92, 3.73, 3.98, 3.76, 6.32, 12.15, 3.79, 4.4, 3.82, 13.29, 3.59, 6.68, 12.6, 12.65, 4.0, 4.07, 7.45, 3.99, 4.07, 4.08, 4.03, 3.95, 3.69, 5.4, 13.11, 11.78, 8.61, 13.32, 3.98, 13.6, 13.35, 3.78, 4.3, 13.6, 8.71, 3.71, 9.59, 4.48, 3.9, 4.14, 3.81, 13.84, 3.92, 3.84, 3.82, 11.84, 4.86, 4.63, 14.02, 3.79, 3.5, 3.86, 3.77, 11.21, 4.06, 3.91, 3.56, 5.58, 13.76, 3.54, 13.87, 3.78, 14.18, 3.91, 9.78, 3.67, 3.87, 3.49, 3.84, 4.21, 4.4, 3.68, 3.54, 3.68, 3.32, 4.16, 3.99, 3.83, 4.08, 3.88, 12.06, 14.05, 11.41, 3.78, 13.01, 3.88, 3.62, 3.68, 3.41, 8.49, 3.91, 4.35, 3.68, 3.74, 3.98, 3.79, 3.83, 3.88, 3.86, 10.12, 3.4, 3.83, 14.01, 5.19, 4.28, 4.52, 3.69, 3.82, 3.78, 3.92, 4.04, 3.49, 4.84, 3.61, 3.9, 8.36, 7.05, 3.74, 3.77, 12.15, 3.59, 3.7, 3.79, 3.88, 3.77, 3.97, 8.26, 4.82, 13.88, 3.77, 4.29, 6.88, 3.75, 10.23, 3.75, 3.93, 3.59, 4.06, 3.87, 13.11, 3.86, 3.65, 3.77, 4.37, 3.75, 4.12, 3.86, 3.99, 11.65, 3.74, 3.57, 10.36, 3.62, 3.73, 3.77, 13.65, 4.69, 14.03, 3.73, 4.23, 4.03, 3.92, 5.07, 3.73, 3.59, 3.75, 3.76, 3.93, 3.76, 3.79, 13.4, 3.71, 3.92, 11.34, 10.8, 3.75, 3.86, 4.07, 4.72, 4.23, 3.82, 4.06, 4.01, 4.93, 3.92, 3.98, 4.25, 4.06, 3.9, 3.99, 3.62, 4.06, 4.05, 3.81, 3.74, 3.51, 3.82, 4.45, 3.86, 3.8, 8.84, 3.64, 3.9, 7.77, 3.8, 12.75, 3.96, 6.13, 3.74, 3.84, 4.09, 3.62, 12.82, 13.4, 3.8, 3.74, 3.8, 8.45, 3.76, 3.82, 4.2, 3.72, 3.6, 14.02, 13.73, 11.85, 8.43, 9.44, 3.51, 4.16, 3.62, 4.37, 3.52, 3.95, 3.95, 3.55, 3.94, 4.07, 3.72, 3.89, 11.57, 3.73, 7.92, 3.8, 4.71, 3.6, 4.41, 4.13, 3.79, 3.88, 13.37, 11.2, 7.8, 3.97, 9.76, 9.21, 8.54, 6.63, 11.74, 7.53, 5.08, 10.58, 5.03, 4.1, 12.26, 4.49, 3.73, 3.55, 4.93, 3.59, 3.79, 6.27, 8.22, 11.2, 3.71, 3.68, 4.67, 13.19, 3.89, 13.34, 10.65, 7.54, 3.99, 3.25, 13.73, 11.76, 14.18, 13.78, 4.06, 4.09, 10.32, 10.7, 3.59, 13.27, 14.11, 4.4, 6.18, 3.98, 13.79, 6.2, 11.43, 3.74, 13.35, 13.21, 3.76, 13.49, 8.0, 3.64, 3.92, 3.73, 12.04, 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13.32, 4.27, 13.3, 13.38, 13.26, 11.98, 6.35, 14.32, 13.5, 13.13, 10.96, 5.68, 14.55, 5.68, 14.46, 5.06, 14.21, 7.39, 12.27, 13.53, 14.27, 10.12, 10.91, 13.52, 13.8, 14.34, 13.08, 13.45, 13.14, 12.39, 13.74, 13.23, 12.34, 6.25, 5.26, 13.69, 12.47, 11.1, 12.08, 13.01, 12.68, 12.22, 11.93, 12.22, 12.26, 9.34, 11.77, 8.87, 12.69, 4.69, 14.07, 13.31, 10.7, 14.45, 10.39, 5.35, 13.39, 14.01, 5.0, 14.18, 12.97, 12.73, 11.92, 10.13, 6.65, 13.52, 13.3, 13.71, 12.72, 13.62, 12.56, 12.85, 4.72, 12.68, 12.45, 6.58, 14.38, 13.1, 12.69, 13.54, 14.1, 4.25, 10.64, 3.9, 11.65, 14.19, 5.89, 12.89, 14.04, 14.45, 14.23, 14.59, 5.17, 12.92, 13.75, 13.26, 13.05, 14.35, 12.27, 12.64, 13.31, 4.93, 12.28, 13.61, 6.18, 13.12, 12.75, 12.69, 4.6, 8.07, 4.92, 10.64, 14.04, 13.98, 13.98, 6.4, 6.19, 13.37, 13.44, 12.74, 12.63, 13.06, 14.3, 5.29, 12.67, 13.29, 9.49, 4.43, 10.89, 12.21, 12.76, 13.71, 13.4, 10.09, 12.08, 13.33, 5.58, 13.74, 13.68, 13.45, 12.07, 12.17, 13.39, 13.54, 13.41, 13.7, 12.67, 13.47, 11.39, 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13.37, 13.43, 8.8, 4.2, 7.57, 14.5, 9.82, 4.7, 14.43, 10.7, 10.33, 8.6, 8.78, 11.1, 13.86, 14.65, 10.94, 12.43, 6.44, 14.08, 4.65, 13.95, 11.86, 6.48, 9.89, 4.5, 6.16, 4.89, 13.11, 4.61, 11.75, 13.77, 13.32, 14.42, 13.84, 4.82, 5.53, 8.0, 13.39, 5.19, 11.92, 5.35, 5.13, 13.84, 7.45, 14.02, 4.27, 12.65, 5.76, 5.6, 6.26, 12.35, 11.96, 13.39, 4.52, 14.36, 6.73, 4.2, 4.48, 13.2, 4.32, 14.58, 6.24, 4.75, 5.11, 14.63, 14.58, 6.79, 7.48, 14.51, 5.2, 5.46, 3.85, 13.18, 10.88, 14.55, 13.62, 11.86, 11.14, 7.06, 14.16, 14.14, 12.95, 13.64, 4.69, 3.98, 7.8, 7.35, 14.23, 9.42, 14.37, 14.34, 5.36, 14.69, 14.27, 12.65, 14.21, 14.43, 14.4, 14.0, 14.4, 11.79, 8.52, 10.25, 14.44, 14.43, 14.11, 8.02, 12.75, 14.35, 14.33, 14.06, 14.47, 14.15, 14.27, 14.67, 14.06, 14.02, 14.17, 5.03, 14.48, 14.49, 14.55, 13.87, 14.61, 14.4, 14.07, 13.72, 11.51, 13.89, 14.41, 14.36, 4.96, 12.03, 13.18, 12.53, 14.64, 11.8, 14.56], [11.63, 3.72, 9.29, 3.85, 4.64, 3.58, 3.84, 3.44, 3.57, 6.62, 13.52, 3.23, 3.7, 3.87, 3.69, 3.37, 3.46, 10.15, 4.62, 13.48, 3.74, 9.6, 9.83, 3.75, 12.2, 3.56, 11.15, 3.93, 8.35, 3.84, 3.77, 3.5, 3.65, 3.77, 8.77, 11.37, 11.26, 3.94, 3.67, 4.84, 3.76, 3.86, 12.67, 3.59, 12.37, 5.19, 3.8, 10.63, 4.11, 11.77, 11.06, 10.3, 3.69, 3.85, 4.1, 5.98, 6.14, 10.07, 10.91, 3.67, 11.52, 11.16, 11.37, 3.85, 4.38, 4.1, 3.86, 7.08, 11.64, 3.38, 12.16, 11.43, 12.37, 3.91, 3.53, 12.28, 5.52, 12.01, 4.71, 3.98, 3.84, 12.11, 9.22, 11.42, 9.63, 5.28, 10.59, 3.85, 5.4, 3.48, 3.88, 11.08, 7.3, 11.84, 11.68, 4.95, 10.27, 3.86, 13.02, 5.14, 4.76, 12.32, 12.73, 4.02, 4.42, 3.59, 3.65, 3.38, 11.58, 6.33, 12.31, 11.11, 12.91, 11.25, 9.11, 10.69, 10.84, 3.51, 3.58, 12.3, 11.98, 3.42, 5.3, 8.76, 3.46, 3.79, 3.68, 4.29, 3.81, 3.78, 3.72, 11.43, 9.58, 3.63, 8.83, 3.58, 12.19, 11.61, 3.54, 11.11, 13.29, 3.62, 3.7, 3.7, 9.17, 4.14, 3.67, 3.32, 11.43, 3.38, 7.19, 3.69, 3.59, 9.52, 4.28, 11.6, 3.59, 3.53, 9.17, 5.35, 7.16, 10.2, 4.2, 7.25, 3.48, 6.32, 12.19, 12.4, 4.44, 3.69, 3.75, 3.52, 10.99, 11.05, 3.83, 12.45, 12.85, 3.87, 10.95, 13.12, 11.41, 10.82, 13.44, 4.35, 3.26, 12.4, 3.12, 12.53, 13.27, 3.99, 3.39, 7.75, 11.15, 11.05, 11.33, 11.17, 12.84, 4.57, 3.48, 3.59, 11.57, 9.45, 3.82, 3.88, 3.42, 10.46, 11.22, 12.57, 4.52, 3.13, 3.74, 10.48, 3.44, 10.71, 9.47, 13.13, 11.09, 3.8, 3.53, 11.79, 3.6, 4.64, 7.27, 3.66, 3.7, 4.41, 3.61, 4.46, 3.74, 3.6, 4.09, 11.17, 3.48, 3.67, 3.59, 10.05, 3.26, 3.64, 3.51, 3.59, 12.01, 3.68, 3.72, 3.6, 10.68, 3.55, 10.74, 11.45, 3.36, 3.2, 3.52, 3.78, 10.71, 3.85, 11.44, 3.81, 3.58, 3.52, 4.33, 3.59, 4.14, 9.61, 6.04, 8.65, 10.65, 12.07, 12.52, 3.29, 11.45, 12.2, 4.55, 7.51, 7.2, 3.73, 4.75, 7.86, 3.54, 10.27, 9.07, 3.82, 4.23, 11.56, 9.99, 3.53, 3.62, 5.48, 5.79, 10.43, 11.41, 10.52, 3.7, 10.28, 13.02, 3.76, 3.69, 3.68, 12.17, 10.32, 11.64, 8.35, 12.02, 3.58, 11.07, 10.93, 13.28, 10.04, 11.71, 3.82, 12.41, 10.55, 11.99, 4.1, 3.78, 7.33, 3.82, 13.0, 11.65, 11.13, 3.49, 3.56, 10.9, 4.01, 3.8, 4.85, 4.03, 9.93, 10.76, 4.26, 9.74, 12.79, 11.41, 11.45, 4.45, 6.34, 3.61, 6.2, 3.76, 3.79, 4.1, 4.01, 3.65, 3.94, 10.83, 12.68, 11.99, 9.65, 4.31, 11.42, 3.51, 3.86, 5.21, 4.25, 11.43, 11.74, 13.22, 8.44, 4.94, 7.09, 3.81, 10.23, 11.73, 3.6, 8.31, 12.62, 4.02, 3.31, 3.84, 3.42, 10.2, 10.5, 3.68, 3.75, 3.76, 11.47, 3.56, 8.98, 13.23, 11.94, 7.37, 3.96, 10.8, 3.95, 10.36, 12.14, 7.92, 3.84, 3.71, 11.93, 8.61, 12.6, 10.84, 3.6, 3.5, 3.59, 3.95, 9.56, 11.99, 11.06, 3.63, 8.86, 3.93, 12.06, 3.62, 10.59, 9.48, 3.67, 12.21, 3.58, 11.94, 7.87, 11.07, 3.27, 12.01, 11.81, 10.02, 3.66, 10.2, 3.66, 6.51, 11.35, 8.72, 5.13, 8.73, 12.45, 3.53, 3.77, 4.82, 12.01, 4.53, 3.42, 12.82, 6.4, 9.4, 9.3, 7.42, 3.65, 11.14, 3.89, 3.68, 11.56, 3.56, 4.18, 4.64, 11.72, 12.41, 12.04, 3.92, 3.46, 11.52, 4.03, 3.58, 3.7, 3.75, 4.64, 10.43, 6.03, 3.89, 9.78, 3.65, 11.13, 13.06, 3.9, 4.26, 11.16, 10.99, 9.8, 12.03, 10.72, 12.89, 4.12, 3.74, 3.17, 3.38, 4.07, 11.37, 3.46, 12.23, 12.62, 13.03, 5.42, 3.52, 5.99, 3.68, 7.51, 9.16, 12.97, 3.67, 11.96, 3.86, 12.43, 10.36, 3.24, 4.1, 4.04, 3.75, 11.23, 11.28, 3.63, 9.68, 4.85, 4.77, 11.51, 7.66, 3.64, 12.12, 11.8, 11.68, 3.94, 3.95, 3.87, 3.47, 11.22, 3.84, 3.79, 3.58, 9.25, 11.34, 11.49, 4.27, 9.03, 3.64, 12.07, 10.03, 13.69, 10.31, 10.19, 8.27, 4.31, 5.31, 11.15, 3.97, 3.92, 11.42, 7.74, 11.89, 4.15, 3.56, 12.31, 3.36, 12.8, 12.56, 11.97, 11.88, 3.53, 11.72, 11.23, 10.3, 9.42, 9.34, 12.09, 3.88, 11.69, 5.48, 4.4, 4.27, 9.88, 12.98, 4.0, 6.59, 3.8, 12.57, 3.54, 4.09, 13.67, 11.34, 3.48, 3.98, 3.84, 3.76, 12.14, 11.01, 3.68, 12.53, 3.59, 12.36, 5.4, 3.57, 3.59, 5.69, 12.28, 12.28, 11.25, 11.22, 4.52, 3.59, 9.89, 3.63, 11.48, 5.05, 3.72, 12.22, 12.11, 12.8, 10.78, 9.83, 3.82, 3.32, 11.48, 3.87, 3.62, 3.7, 9.86, 12.11, 11.61, 3.64, 3.68, 3.59, 12.41, 9.52, 12.26, 3.32, 12.06, 8.27, 10.41, 5.41, 11.41, 3.89, 5.23, 4.11, 10.11, 4.77, 3.31, 12.14, 3.61, 4.48, 4.27, 3.67, 12.0, 10.51, 3.72, 12.22, 3.83, 4.52, 3.72, 3.65, 3.75, 4.39, 12.18, 3.85, 6.84, 3.63, 7.31, 3.53, 11.68, 3.66, 12.23, 9.13, 6.75, 11.1, 3.72, 3.6, 11.12, 6.61, 3.73, 12.68, 4.02, 3.3, 3.63, 3.65, 3.61, 11.85, 4.37, 4.3, 3.87, 11.9, 3.82, 3.61, 9.95, 3.57, 4.01, 3.37, 8.39, 3.71, 5.65, 11.31, 11.1, 3.35, 4.44, 3.6, 10.25, 11.14, 3.38, 9.45, 11.81, 12.61, 11.03, 11.05, 3.77, 4.23, 10.49, 4.4, 11.42, 11.57, 3.87, 8.17, 3.92, 4.06, 4.25, 12.53, 3.77, 3.83, 6.18, 4.15, 3.83, 3.97, 12.72, 3.48, 3.73, 5.37, 6.78, 3.78, 3.49, 3.78, 3.6, 3.61, 3.72, 3.94, 13.25, 3.64, 3.83, 3.89, 7.22, 10.9, 3.8, 3.89, 3.34, 11.6, 4.04, 4.5, 3.56, 3.82, 9.07, 3.94, 9.31, 4.02, 4.0, 3.82, 3.78, 3.69, 4.42, 7.47, 3.72, 3.96, 9.57, 3.75, 3.97, 9.73, 12.21, 6.25, 3.94, 3.71, 11.84, 3.62, 10.37, 3.69, 11.31, 12.57, 8.14, 8.98, 7.0, 9.27, 8.59, 10.38, 3.55, 11.29, 10.65, 7.99, 3.52, 12.22, 3.61, 13.01, 3.61, 12.36, 8.79, 3.34, 3.32, 12.36, 3.59, 7.58, 3.57, 10.9, 9.14, 3.5, 3.88, 6.88, 11.37, 3.58, 3.78, 3.8, 12.52, 3.64, 3.38, 9.55, 3.78, 6.66, 7.85, 12.56, 4.15, 6.01, 3.94, 5.22, 3.64, 3.7, 10.42, 10.84, 8.88, 10.67, 11.18, 9.43, 3.49, 11.74, 3.6, 12.59, 11.32, 13.53, 3.49, 6.89, 3.93, 10.85, 10.18, 13.26, 10.53, 10.13, 3.87, 4.0, 3.65, 3.88, 5.44, 9.09, 12.56, 3.47, 12.11, 4.63, 3.98, 8.71, 3.91, 12.72, 4.17, 3.57, 3.76, 7.62, 12.5, 3.63, 11.87, 11.03, 13.06, 3.97, 10.42, 4.11, 12.62, 3.8, 10.7, 5.39, 7.21, 12.43, 9.81, 3.64, 12.96, 5.06, 12.46, 4.42, 10.97, 5.15, 3.9, 13.21, 11.9, 12.23, 12.87, 12.33, 12.24, 4.04, 10.8, 7.59, 3.5, 11.15, 7.99, 12.32, 3.65, 11.72, 10.06, 10.3, 10.05, 3.83, 8.22, 5.11, 13.69, 3.78, 4.29, 8.7, 10.63, 6.1, 9.66, 6.57, 10.09, 12.65, 9.33, 3.63, 11.75, 10.95, 12.55, 3.77, 12.97, 3.49, 12.02, 3.87, 3.69, 10.21, 11.37, 3.79, 8.19, 8.42, 5.86, 12.06, 9.7, 4.07, 11.62, 8.46, 3.57, 4.07, 10.04, 9.09, 9.8, 10.5, 3.51, 12.02, 3.26, 6.96, 3.88, 11.6, 12.1, 6.96, 7.11, 9.32, 10.78, 5.31, 4.02, 11.82, 3.63, 4.07, 8.39, 7.79, 11.93, 3.87, 11.38, 9.65, 3.51, 3.54, 9.42, 3.61, 3.6, 3.68, 6.93, 3.63, 11.71, 3.62, 3.77, 3.61, 4.79, 3.7, 12.6, 9.79, 3.64, 3.72, 11.58, 12.16, 3.49, 3.69, 5.8, 11.37, 3.58, 9.89, 3.46, 3.68, 10.93, 9.72, 5.18, 3.38, 9.74, 11.64, 11.51, 3.6, 12.63, 3.55, 13.14, 11.51, 8.58, 12.83, 4.96, 3.65, 10.99, 3.56, 11.15, 12.04, 12.23, 11.34, 12.41, 12.76, 10.38, 3.43, 12.08, 11.49, 12.08, 11.81, 12.26, 10.34, 3.69, 12.36, 11.23, 3.8, 11.62, 3.67, 3.89, 13.19, 10.0, 12.11, 11.11, 11.47, 11.99, 10.62, 13.88, 10.63, 3.53, 13.09, 11.06, 3.34, 8.77, 3.75, 11.82, 12.62, 12.36, 3.61, 9.04, 11.81, 12.25, 10.04, 9.82, 11.91], [11.23, 3.56, 5.27, 12.43, 6.16, 8.95, 3.63, 3.74, 12.6, 3.91, 6.34, 4.1, 3.52, 3.6, 8.92, 9.26, 3.95, 11.54, 8.69, 3.97, 12.92, 7.36, 3.86, 3.83, 12.2, 3.84, 8.47, 9.31, 10.37, 3.9, 7.52, 3.86, 3.87, 7.73, 3.75, 4.3, 13.56, 8.39, 3.92, 9.54, 3.52, 12.72, 13.0, 12.26, 4.34, 8.64, 12.43, 11.87, 13.67, 5.05, 12.67, 12.89, 5.81, 4.18, 3.59, 3.95, 5.94, 12.97, 6.99, 7.11, 10.97, 11.59, 9.02, 3.61, 4.31, 11.98, 3.7, 10.27, 5.8, 11.46, 11.93, 4.61, 11.52, 3.9, 3.71, 9.01, 6.49, 4.59, 5.02, 3.64, 4.39, 11.85, 7.03, 7.87, 11.32, 4.41, 4.87, 3.93, 5.88, 3.39, 3.84, 12.11, 12.89, 12.63, 5.79, 10.98, 4.16, 8.06, 3.76, 4.05, 6.83, 6.49, 3.91, 10.47, 9.81, 5.41, 6.42, 3.93, 12.5, 10.88, 5.09, 13.34, 4.32, 3.68, 11.14, 4.39, 11.06, 3.66, 3.79, 3.69, 8.16, 3.73, 7.27, 10.43, 6.67, 3.55, 8.07, 10.8, 7.34, 12.37, 3.96, 3.92, 13.05, 12.19, 6.93, 12.25, 10.69, 11.99, 3.68, 3.97, 5.9, 3.6, 13.68, 8.41, 12.59, 4.44, 4.02, 3.65, 10.91, 4.04, 3.79, 7.02, 6.04, 3.85, 6.7, 3.61, 13.87, 9.16, 4.59, 3.89, 3.53, 11.65, 3.89, 3.59, 6.26, 9.57, 10.94, 5.33, 3.72, 8.13, 8.08, 6.11, 12.27, 12.48, 12.06, 12.83, 6.83, 5.22, 11.6, 3.93, 11.18, 11.88, 4.22, 3.84, 10.04, 3.79, 6.18, 10.67, 4.21, 3.99, 3.8, 3.76, 7.89, 9.65, 4.18, 7.77, 12.94, 3.71, 9.43, 6.96, 6.95, 3.89, 4.0, 3.99, 3.87, 9.78, 4.42, 9.5, 7.75, 4.34, 3.59, 3.52, 3.55, 6.14, 3.71, 3.87, 3.76, 8.18, 3.92, 3.45, 6.05, 7.94, 12.28, 3.72, 13.08, 8.26, 4.07, 3.75, 3.74, 3.78, 3.67, 3.53, 3.89, 3.54, 3.72, 6.81, 3.93, 13.35, 3.69, 3.7, 9.63, 3.91, 3.45, 3.53, 11.36, 3.96, 3.74, 7.02, 3.66, 9.58, 3.79, 8.3, 11.09, 11.88, 4.07, 4.53, 3.72, 6.33, 12.33, 3.57, 8.68, 3.46, 11.76, 12.52, 7.05, 4.16, 12.69, 7.85, 5.61, 3.95, 12.03, 3.88, 4.07, 7.1, 4.84, 11.25, 4.75, 3.94, 4.2, 11.87, 10.79, 12.58, 12.18, 3.89, 3.79, 3.86, 4.02, 6.47, 7.14, 11.23, 4.4, 12.8, 4.41, 3.93, 4.05, 3.82, 3.77, 3.68, 4.76, 8.76, 3.56, 4.23, 12.29, 3.58, 3.82, 5.24, 4.03, 3.67, 10.9, 3.93, 12.78, 11.33, 3.94, 3.92, 9.08, 3.73, 12.89, 8.23, 12.47, 3.65, 4.7, 7.96, 10.81, 11.36, 6.81, 3.92, 3.68, 5.79, 11.2, 11.49, 4.25, 9.94, 3.78, 3.98, 11.78, 3.64, 3.91, 13.04, 12.57, 12.45, 13.28, 12.89, 12.18, 6.55, 10.02, 12.13, 13.22, 3.76, 3.55, 3.58, 9.91, 12.61, 3.94, 7.97, 3.74, 4.02, 3.58, 5.8, 11.83, 12.87, 3.59, 4.79, 10.6, 11.92, 12.78, 3.79, 12.05, 13.46, 12.77, 3.81, 3.88, 3.95, 3.85, 11.0, 4.49, 3.81, 3.79, 12.86, 3.8, 3.73, 9.82, 13.0, 4.12, 3.82, 4.01, 3.68, 12.64, 3.55, 3.86, 5.88, 10.11, 3.61, 3.73, 3.76, 9.46, 12.02, 11.89, 9.66, 12.28, 13.89, 7.58, 3.85, 3.61, 4.18, 3.78, 3.95, 8.56, 3.68, 12.66, 4.67, 3.76, 11.24, 6.31, 12.5, 9.59, 13.83, 11.57, 4.04, 7.32, 10.75, 12.19, 3.91, 3.91, 11.94, 7.8, 3.53, 10.05, 12.85, 12.15, 6.99, 4.01, 12.07, 3.74, 6.58, 8.28, 3.69, 12.21, 4.03, 3.65, 3.43, 3.76, 3.87, 3.96, 6.59, 9.88, 11.92, 10.15, 4.68, 12.51, 10.31, 5.01, 10.26, 3.84, 13.12, 3.82, 7.32, 4.02, 4.53, 3.75, 3.83, 4.01, 6.31, 10.87, 3.75, 10.41, 4.63, 11.53, 12.17, 3.77, 5.72, 3.82, 4.06, 3.79, 6.13, 12.45, 3.78, 8.96, 13.17, 12.7, 8.38, 4.14, 5.82, 3.94, 4.05, 3.67, 4.49, 3.8, 4.46, 12.66, 4.86, 13.08, 3.5, 3.73, 3.79, 4.46, 3.86, 4.93, 9.88, 13.12, 7.53, 8.54, 10.29, 7.45, 10.61, 12.35, 3.74, 7.18, 4.04, 11.96, 3.61, 4.0, 8.75, 3.85, 9.88, 3.92, 4.86, 11.79, 12.74, 3.71, 7.39, 4.36, 11.76, 5.74, 4.19, 10.72, 3.93, 3.98, 5.17, 3.79, 12.05, 3.7, 3.84, 8.99, 3.75, 12.53, 8.75, 11.21, 4.78, 4.31, 12.05, 12.92, 13.03, 11.67, 10.67, 10.51, 8.97, 12.98, 3.96, 5.91, 6.68, 3.72, 9.75, 6.78, 3.99, 13.2, 9.14, 3.78, 3.81, 11.2, 6.7, 9.14, 4.24, 3.87, 3.82, 3.61, 8.56, 6.16, 3.62, 3.64, 10.26, 5.31, 3.63, 4.02, 3.73, 3.62, 3.82, 6.32, 3.97, 4.03, 12.06, 11.92, 3.63, 3.81, 12.46, 3.51, 4.06, 3.95, 12.97, 8.47, 4.05, 13.29, 4.74, 12.91, 13.02, 9.45, 12.6, 3.48, 3.61, 7.04, 11.48, 6.9, 3.58, 13.17, 4.59, 13.2, 13.88, 3.85, 9.59, 3.78, 10.65, 3.67, 12.77, 6.99, 12.71, 3.69, 13.23, 13.79, 12.53, 12.28, 3.69, 9.7, 7.7, 5.72, 12.23, 11.38, 12.22, 12.25, 13.75, 3.72, 4.05, 9.28, 13.67, 5.02, 12.56, 13.72, 3.77, 9.38, 6.41, 7.87, 12.38, 11.93, 11.37, 12.71, 13.51, 10.48, 12.94, 4.94, 3.83, 3.9, 12.08, 4.68, 10.43, 12.18, 10.79, 9.62, 12.57, 11.66, 12.89, 10.07, 7.79, 9.55, 12.36, 12.46, 12.39, 11.3, 12.94, 3.78, 4.12, 12.48, 13.96, 4.11, 4.01, 8.67, 13.02, 4.92, 11.37, 7.42, 3.58, 3.64, 3.42, 3.95, 3.95, 12.08, 5.51, 13.23, 13.15, 12.52, 3.66, 9.15, 10.55, 5.68, 10.14, 12.43, 10.29, 12.4, 11.99, 3.78, 11.34, 11.4, 3.78, 10.98, 10.58, 10.55, 3.88, 3.72, 3.54, 3.99, 12.92, 13.39, 13.42, 5.03, 4.47, 3.62, 9.48, 12.97, 11.83, 13.91, 12.9, 3.74, 12.16, 3.66, 3.93, 3.84, 12.29, 8.08, 13.56, 3.65, 9.33, 8.94, 13.08, 8.45, 5.89, 12.84, 6.07, 13.79, 13.62, 9.14, 11.26, 13.83, 10.84, 11.83, 13.56, 8.54, 12.31, 11.22, 6.51, 11.78, 11.01, 7.54, 11.16, 10.8, 3.59, 12.91, 6.35, 6.96, 3.53, 4.54, 6.92, 6.29, 11.69, 3.77, 4.07, 12.48, 9.78, 13.15, 4.25, 4.51, 7.87, 4.03, 4.06, 13.08, 3.68, 5.52, 10.93, 3.67, 3.54, 11.17, 4.69, 10.77, 3.85, 10.03, 7.74, 10.45, 4.46, 10.05, 7.68, 7.16, 4.89, 3.66, 9.72, 3.78, 3.76, 12.73, 8.39, 3.5, 5.96, 4.02, 3.88, 4.21, 4.01, 3.59, 3.83, 3.81, 3.96, 3.75, 3.75, 4.04, 3.71, 9.52, 4.1, 12.46, 5.84, 3.96, 4.0, 7.63, 11.62, 12.54, 13.34, 9.93, 11.91, 4.34, 3.74, 6.2, 10.54, 7.33, 3.8, 12.03, 6.28, 5.82, 3.79, 4.18, 11.11, 3.62, 3.85, 3.93, 3.48, 6.4, 12.65, 11.33, 3.95, 3.87, 3.64, 4.09, 7.75, 3.57, 8.84, 4.24, 9.52, 4.32, 9.24, 3.49, 5.1, 7.18, 4.13, 3.81, 12.97, 11.44, 5.89, 3.93, 10.87, 12.51, 6.74, 3.92, 10.89, 3.91, 4.99, 3.62, 3.77, 3.96, 8.27, 12.89, 13.05, 3.57, 9.01, 3.91, 8.07, 6.39, 7.34, 12.38, 3.68, 7.19, 3.84, 9.77, 7.0, 3.89, 3.75, 6.87, 3.88, 5.1, 3.97, 3.93, 10.59, 4.85, 4.25, 13.14, 5.76, 3.75, 4.43, 3.59, 4.7, 8.86, 3.82, 4.8, 5.11, 3.88, 3.61, 8.69, 3.49, 5.68, 3.92, 3.89, 3.62, 3.96, 3.76, 3.69, 3.79, 11.58, 11.67, 3.71, 4.73, 3.81, 5.66, 3.64, 3.67, 3.55, 3.6, 8.15, 5.13, 3.68, 9.04, 6.05, 7.33, 3.65, 9.38, 6.46, 8.28, 4.22, 3.57, 6.15, 3.69, 3.97, 3.65, 3.64, 10.29, 6.94, 12.87, 3.61, 4.06, 3.8, 3.64, 9.04, 3.62, 3.75, 11.18, 3.6, 3.59, 3.99, 12.75, 3.58, 11.73, 10.13, 9.62, 12.76, 8.95, 6.87, 3.82, 3.65, 3.67, 11.75, 3.53, 3.65, 12.26, 3.31, 5.1, 3.57, 12.59, 3.69, 3.5, 12.04, 4.42, 13.2, 7.03, 3.45, 3.63, 3.52, 3.64, 7.33, 3.82, 8.07, 6.51, 12.62, 4.06, 10.21, 7.8, 10.96, 10.9, 11.02, 4.18, 4.81, 3.54, 10.21, 3.6, 9.0, 10.67, 10.89, 11.27, 12.85, 12.6, 5.14, 9.8, 10.67, 12.8, 9.02, 5.09, 11.19, 4.24, 4.37, 3.85, 10.98, 3.98, 4.93, 3.59, 6.69, 4.23, 3.77, 12.71, 3.54, 3.84, 4.45, 7.34, 3.64, 12.06, 3.64, 8.44, 10.46, 3.72, 12.26], [9.55, 12.41, 11.26, 11.1, 9.1, 3.88, 4.13, 3.83, 3.76, 4.03, 3.83, 11.14, 6.99, 4.99, 11.13, 6.13, 10.41, 3.82, 11.96, 4.35, 12.55, 7.18, 4.3, 5.71, 13.03, 3.81, 11.9, 12.21, 12.03, 3.83, 3.66, 3.66, 12.56, 9.65, 12.24, 6.85, 12.97, 4.0, 3.78, 8.19, 3.72, 13.19, 7.19, 10.84, 11.81, 11.62, 4.36, 11.99, 10.02, 12.83, 8.7, 5.52, 12.1, 3.89, 4.49, 13.33, 4.11, 8.55, 11.03, 12.44, 11.92, 12.84, 9.6, 8.84, 12.67, 4.04, 3.95, 12.59, 10.6, 11.94, 12.44, 13.19, 12.99, 3.97, 4.12, 6.52, 4.15, 12.74, 4.02, 3.82, 12.28, 12.74, 10.35, 10.78, 12.29, 5.75, 4.04, 8.09, 11.46, 5.38, 11.61, 10.46, 4.32, 12.39, 8.65, 9.79, 11.33, 9.12, 5.72, 8.71, 9.17, 12.18, 3.98, 11.28, 3.84, 4.06, 3.86, 3.67, 10.89, 3.71, 10.35, 7.26, 11.34, 10.17, 8.23, 12.62, 11.96, 4.88, 3.74, 3.82, 11.32, 3.63, 10.34, 12.81, 9.87, 3.79, 9.34, 12.15, 11.41, 12.02, 11.96, 13.29, 3.71, 3.84, 4.04, 10.53, 11.53, 12.62, 3.63, 13.28, 6.65, 3.37, 9.64, 10.69, 12.03, 4.19, 10.04, 4.17, 12.62, 5.5, 3.88, 11.2, 3.66, 11.67, 10.23, 11.1, 11.72, 10.91, 10.29, 7.99, 13.01, 4.53, 3.94, 6.24, 12.17, 4.3, 3.9, 12.88, 7.42, 11.04, 3.98, 11.25, 11.67, 11.09, 11.62, 12.37, 10.56, 3.96, 10.67, 3.76, 5.97, 10.88, 4.35, 4.78, 3.48, 13.31, 6.31, 11.79, 12.72, 4.23, 3.92, 6.16, 6.95, 13.1, 13.01, 9.98, 12.73, 5.07, 11.75, 6.4, 11.62, 12.47, 12.64, 5.15, 4.06, 11.71, 3.48, 9.81, 4.44, 3.85, 3.56, 12.52, 3.73, 12.78, 7.14, 10.53, 12.75, 3.88, 8.12, 3.79, 12.97, 7.47, 3.84, 4.33, 8.59, 7.87, 3.89, 5.19, 4.08, 4.01, 3.92, 7.1, 3.89, 3.86, 10.96, 3.65, 3.86, 3.98, 8.75, 3.72, 12.98, 10.44, 8.39, 3.25, 4.15, 3.55, 9.62, 12.8, 4.21, 3.62, 7.45, 3.77, 12.07, 7.71, 3.64, 4.25, 3.96, 4.25, 11.76, 4.53, 10.66, 8.67, 10.35, 3.94, 6.43, 10.59, 12.94, 3.85, 12.46, 4.68, 4.19, 9.11, 5.36, 9.14, 8.68, 10.59, 3.89, 3.51, 11.32, 3.89, 5.04, 10.39, 8.98, 7.81, 3.75, 3.46, 3.65, 10.35, 10.29, 11.48, 11.87, 11.73, 6.1, 5.22, 12.17, 3.88, 10.81, 4.45, 12.62, 7.96, 12.47, 4.5, 13.29, 10.42, 9.9, 11.24, 10.22, 6.29, 12.01, 7.29, 11.84, 3.88, 4.04, 8.39, 4.17, 4.19, 12.08, 12.26, 4.08, 5.32, 9.3, 4.1, 4.47, 4.04, 4.14, 7.93, 4.14, 11.44, 3.85, 7.11, 3.74, 12.02, 9.5, 12.98, 3.97, 12.5, 4.13, 4.96, 7.8, 3.89, 12.54, 9.85, 11.08, 12.56, 12.77, 6.34, 9.7, 12.43, 3.88, 3.66, 7.07, 3.74, 12.58, 11.22, 3.98, 4.09, 12.92, 11.76, 7.65, 3.85, 11.76, 6.2, 6.3, 7.62, 5.69, 3.79, 4.0, 11.45, 3.83, 5.51, 4.02, 4.14, 3.73, 3.91, 10.51, 12.17, 11.79, 6.88, 5.17, 3.71, 11.6, 3.67, 12.76, 11.42, 7.48, 3.89, 3.89, 6.92, 4.04, 11.13, 3.71, 4.23, 3.86, 3.94, 4.11, 4.82, 3.99, 11.83, 4.4, 11.95, 12.68, 5.73, 4.53, 4.2, 5.56, 4.28, 12.8, 12.3, 12.45, 11.81, 8.51, 3.83, 12.88, 12.33, 12.46, 11.44, 9.55, 5.2, 7.38, 11.03, 12.44, 5.39, 13.05, 12.55, 6.75, 10.37, 4.11, 13.15, 8.69, 7.93, 11.13, 11.86, 4.37, 11.95, 9.62, 4.1, 12.9, 7.29, 6.31, 9.05, 3.7, 9.76, 11.25, 10.81, 3.89, 13.03, 4.56, 7.99, 4.83, 3.92, 11.1, 4.49, 3.8, 4.32, 11.17, 11.46, 11.01, 4.12, 3.77, 9.82, 4.53, 3.72, 11.26, 12.59, 4.07, 8.37, 13.49, 8.85, 10.93, 11.18, 5.06, 3.95, 4.09, 4.32, 12.95, 4.16, 11.5, 12.88, 12.97, 8.13, 11.07, 5.7, 3.52, 3.61, 12.76, 9.74, 5.43, 12.36, 9.32, 13.51, 10.32, 3.79, 10.3, 4.14, 7.13, 4.58, 13.11, 4.76, 12.02, 12.25, 12.51, 12.0, 12.67, 3.86, 13.17, 3.92, 3.87, 4.53, 11.4, 9.82, 4.94, 11.98, 4.2, 11.47, 4.19, 9.96, 13.07, 12.56, 7.18, 12.31, 11.15, 12.18, 9.2, 4.53, 12.63, 11.33, 8.32, 8.16, 4.31, 12.14, 3.62, 3.88, 12.17, 8.99, 13.33, 4.31, 4.11, 11.94, 4.13, 13.02, 13.14, 13.16, 12.81, 12.75, 4.31, 11.69, 12.63, 8.99, 4.1, 12.22, 4.06, 12.42, 12.03, 3.87, 10.59, 7.61, 8.23, 3.77, 5.89, 11.14, 12.73, 3.9, 3.86, 3.66, 7.86, 4.46, 4.39, 4.19, 4.12, 11.75, 12.53, 3.7, 7.73, 4.12, 7.65, 7.89, 12.36, 3.75, 3.57, 12.5, 12.23, 9.92, 6.19, 10.9, 3.67, 4.69, 3.99, 12.96, 4.41, 5.41, 12.66, 7.38, 13.07, 8.13, 8.76, 11.2, 3.8, 3.99, 5.75, 10.33, 4.15, 11.53, 7.93, 5.49, 3.84, 12.23, 5.61, 12.54, 8.76, 11.76, 9.37, 12.35, 9.08, 9.12, 3.76, 6.21, 10.51, 3.72, 8.12, 3.73, 9.58, 5.97, 11.41, 10.72, 10.95, 4.38, 4.88, 9.96, 3.98, 4.0, 4.21, 3.91, 12.62, 4.65, 3.99, 10.1, 4.07, 12.0, 4.13, 4.13, 4.22, 6.35, 4.02, 6.97, 3.86, 9.94, 5.59, 11.67, 10.82, 3.78, 3.92, 12.0, 9.01, 10.13, 12.61, 10.51, 3.99, 4.12, 4.07, 7.31, 12.03, 3.99, 4.24, 3.91, 12.43, 11.33, 6.21, 12.22, 3.98, 11.15, 4.44, 12.94, 5.97, 12.06, 12.27, 13.08, 7.22, 7.37, 3.92, 3.88, 8.98, 9.05, 7.56, 13.02, 12.86, 13.0, 11.46, 6.31, 4.44, 11.77, 4.08, 11.48, 12.43, 4.03, 12.0, 4.86, 3.7, 4.15, 11.64, 4.05, 12.32, 7.03, 3.87, 3.83, 3.63, 4.08, 5.23, 3.81, 4.11, 9.15, 4.15, 3.82, 4.26, 3.89, 11.02, 7.18, 10.02, 13.27, 3.76, 4.26, 3.85, 12.67, 3.72, 8.93, 3.92, 3.79, 13.13, 10.88, 4.01, 10.91, 3.73, 12.44, 7.68, 11.19, 11.86, 10.68, 4.22, 11.35, 11.58, 11.33, 7.96, 12.05, 4.18, 4.99, 4.15, 3.98, 3.97, 12.71, 9.9, 9.94, 10.14, 6.22, 3.59, 12.17, 11.62, 11.16, 11.67, 4.78, 11.36, 12.07, 12.19, 12.17, 4.02, 3.82, 5.6, 12.81, 10.97, 12.56, 13.36, 10.36, 13.53, 3.92, 8.5, 12.56, 4.87, 4.44, 5.13, 7.21, 6.68, 3.78, 6.84, 5.72, 12.51, 12.61, 11.44, 11.43, 8.58, 7.41, 4.46, 13.66, 4.32, 10.37, 6.73, 12.55, 4.38, 4.1, 7.46, 3.95, 10.27, 4.0, 10.64, 4.04, 3.96, 11.51, 10.93, 6.35, 4.41, 12.5, 11.95, 8.02, 12.56, 8.22, 8.51, 13.41, 10.86, 10.75, 4.88, 9.78, 3.73, 12.53, 11.44, 12.17, 9.37, 8.51, 12.45, 4.14, 7.02, 11.77, 11.29, 10.63, 13.01, 13.67, 4.27, 12.69, 3.98, 5.09, 12.31, 5.44, 3.92, 11.45, 7.61, 3.69, 3.85, 12.64, 12.27, 10.85, 4.16, 9.79, 10.11, 12.75, 3.74, 11.08, 11.54, 12.04, 4.93, 10.43, 6.56, 13.34, 3.78, 11.65, 12.35, 12.12, 4.23, 12.31, 8.52, 11.67, 11.01, 4.02, 4.49, 11.97, 6.3, 6.43, 4.4, 4.17, 12.03, 11.73, 11.9, 12.75, 13.04, 11.06, 13.0, 9.95, 12.35, 11.98, 12.49, 7.39, 3.82, 4.2, 11.24, 12.79, 9.43, 7.38, 5.96, 12.97, 12.66, 10.86, 4.49, 9.17, 5.37, 10.42, 4.25, 12.44, 3.91, 9.9, 9.52, 4.26, 12.73, 10.64, 4.72, 12.26, 11.81, 4.94, 13.63, 13.33, 5.14, 9.13, 5.32, 4.36, 3.76, 12.95, 11.24, 12.91, 7.31, 4.38, 12.88, 4.51, 10.01, 4.57, 11.88, 12.53, 4.1, 12.5, 12.03, 6.89, 4.15, 5.12, 13.27, 4.27, 11.09, 4.48, 10.08, 12.55, 4.16, 13.06, 12.47, 10.13, 7.33, 3.99, 4.06, 5.45, 4.48, 12.98, 4.44, 11.07, 4.17, 3.72, 3.88, 7.81, 4.36, 12.8, 12.44, 3.88, 13.14, 9.47, 11.77, 3.96, 4.99, 5.32, 11.17, 3.69, 12.04, 4.75, 3.46, 4.27, 13.2, 4.12, 4.47, 11.61, 4.99, 9.05, 10.49, 12.84, 3.84, 9.11, 8.75, 4.35, 9.49, 6.97, 12.23, 11.4, 12.71, 5.88, 12.9, 12.14, 12.27, 12.48, 12.87, 10.36, 12.49, 3.8, 12.64, 9.7, 12.31, 11.82, 4.0, 9.47, 12.5, 12.66, 12.78, 12.35, 8.52, 12.22, 12.22, 5.99, 12.45, 13.29, 12.65, 3.63, 11.06, 12.32, 9.87, 12.66, 13.12, 3.88, 13.23, 9.22, 6.63, 13.31, 12.49, 12.3, 3.72, 12.35, 12.75, 4.09, 12.23, 5.74, 11.51], [5.44, 13.77, 11.37, 5.9, 12.22, 4.37, 4.26, 8.86, 4.02, 4.0, 9.3, 13.62, 4.05, 5.17, 4.85, 4.18, 4.0, 7.36, 4.22, 6.44, 3.88, 14.18, 4.25, 4.63, 8.81, 3.84, 13.08, 12.03, 10.19, 4.68, 4.22, 3.84, 4.23, 3.97, 4.12, 6.8, 13.96, 7.48, 3.94, 5.02, 4.07, 10.9, 13.55, 3.85, 8.86, 10.14, 6.31, 5.93, 5.27, 13.68, 9.44, 13.82, 4.93, 4.35, 6.56, 13.88, 3.77, 3.96, 11.5, 9.02, 12.47, 9.51, 8.54, 11.91, 7.68, 14.09, 3.99, 4.54, 12.39, 3.97, 13.71, 9.2, 11.38, 4.17, 3.9, 5.91, 13.31, 13.85, 4.11, 4.13, 11.07, 5.46, 11.98, 6.98, 11.98, 11.83, 13.41, 5.19, 12.75, 8.35, 4.38, 4.31, 9.64, 5.06, 4.28, 13.48, 5.4, 7.17, 10.06, 4.98, 3.88, 9.37, 6.14, 12.44, 3.88, 3.84, 4.48, 5.47, 13.85, 8.81, 4.72, 13.69, 5.98, 9.74, 4.0, 12.68, 4.18, 4.03, 4.11, 6.47, 3.61, 4.28, 4.28, 13.9, 7.88, 3.97, 4.07, 10.58, 12.73, 10.54, 3.92, 13.78, 3.92, 3.96, 9.21, 4.59, 12.37, 14.42, 3.92, 13.21, 4.52, 4.1, 5.33, 13.49, 13.1, 4.68, 13.19, 3.77, 3.8, 11.12, 13.0, 3.85, 4.2, 4.15, 12.18, 9.48, 4.15, 3.95, 4.76, 5.06, 3.82, 9.03, 10.48, 4.2, 9.46, 4.56, 5.44, 14.22, 4.16, 11.81, 6.04, 10.29, 12.96, 5.31, 4.92, 4.39, 4.17, 4.1, 4.23, 12.41, 6.32, 11.16, 3.88, 5.12, 10.01, 13.29, 13.14, 8.53, 5.21, 5.26, 4.06, 3.91, 10.74, 4.19, 13.01, 12.07, 4.57, 13.69, 3.96, 4.12, 8.46, 3.85, 4.21, 3.78, 5.12, 5.74, 10.7, 9.05, 3.78, 5.0, 9.13, 3.92, 3.96, 13.64, 3.53, 5.45, 6.71, 12.27, 10.65, 3.87, 10.99, 3.76, 12.76, 4.1, 7.0, 4.18, 3.8, 3.91, 3.94, 3.87, 3.86, 4.18, 3.9, 3.83, 4.3, 5.57, 3.96, 3.78, 4.42, 3.97, 7.0, 3.76, 3.9, 6.89, 3.93, 4.18, 8.52, 13.18, 4.21, 3.96, 5.49, 3.89, 13.89, 3.84, 3.83, 4.34, 3.75, 4.09, 5.94, 10.55, 9.44, 5.82, 4.29, 13.7, 9.18, 12.68, 4.41, 9.87, 6.39, 3.81, 3.89, 4.14, 4.47, 7.49, 4.31, 3.97, 4.47, 4.2, 4.24, 12.18, 3.97, 12.97, 6.86, 3.96, 4.08, 4.31, 3.94, 5.53, 11.51, 7.52, 3.95, 3.92, 13.2, 3.93, 4.04, 4.03, 3.87, 4.25, 4.8, 4.25, 13.69, 14.1, 12.83, 8.61, 8.65, 11.45, 4.05, 4.15, 7.61, 4.08, 7.67, 3.93, 4.56, 4.3, 3.98, 5.7, 10.1, 9.4, 4.35, 4.2, 7.41, 7.36, 4.87, 5.48, 9.74, 4.49, 4.14, 4.28, 9.22, 13.46, 4.22, 12.97, 8.42, 12.31, 3.96, 10.81, 4.03, 4.7, 4.01, 4.14, 4.31, 4.08, 4.15, 11.62, 11.02, 9.95, 4.56, 7.73, 9.36, 3.91, 6.52, 4.26, 3.91, 12.29, 10.04, 8.39, 14.06, 3.78, 8.66, 4.57, 7.72, 10.18, 3.89, 6.41, 4.47, 11.43, 5.54, 6.18, 3.75, 4.39, 6.07, 4.21, 4.46, 9.44, 13.21, 4.58, 5.69, 4.17, 13.21, 4.11, 10.51, 4.01, 13.64, 3.92, 13.82, 4.05, 4.11, 9.72, 13.28, 10.23, 4.14, 4.71, 4.96, 6.22, 4.68, 4.1, 4.19, 4.21, 4.27, 6.26, 11.96, 8.42, 3.81, 3.78, 3.9, 4.34, 13.85, 13.59, 13.43, 10.75, 4.28, 12.94, 9.03, 4.85, 10.74, 9.99, 7.04, 4.26, 5.23, 6.88, 9.79, 4.8, 11.6, 4.16, 4.18, 4.5, 6.98, 7.25, 4.05, 4.48, 12.11, 7.57, 4.03, 5.24, 3.99, 7.7, 13.23, 4.27, 13.11, 5.62, 6.48, 12.9, 4.07, 7.81, 9.23, 9.79, 4.03, 13.87, 11.41, 4.22, 10.31, 4.53, 5.06, 4.86, 3.78, 6.72, 4.26, 5.12, 4.14, 3.96, 3.93, 3.93, 4.29, 6.85, 4.08, 6.6, 7.79, 4.12, 3.79, 5.9, 10.43, 4.35, 4.94, 4.05, 4.84, 11.48, 4.36, 6.81, 12.17, 4.31, 4.08, 3.91, 3.89, 13.08, 10.83, 6.26, 3.88, 3.94, 4.16, 13.43, 13.51, 6.61, 4.31, 4.1, 4.13, 9.82, 3.96, 4.08, 6.81, 12.14, 12.43, 5.02, 9.22, 6.21, 4.91, 4.08, 4.76, 3.98, 6.23, 3.98, 4.17, 4.96, 4.13, 7.32, 3.96, 5.51, 6.81, 11.62, 4.32, 4.05, 6.38, 4.54, 4.51, 7.32, 5.53, 7.81, 5.9, 9.84, 13.26, 6.29, 4.29, 11.01, 5.67, 3.96, 9.06, 3.92, 4.3, 4.5, 4.18, 8.31, 6.83, 8.74, 4.04, 12.09, 12.93, 8.18, 4.0, 4.14, 11.77, 8.51, 4.51, 3.98, 4.19, 4.18, 5.2, 3.59, 10.56, 4.04, 4.16, 4.42, 5.02, 4.0, 4.2, 6.34, 5.07, 5.43, 4.33, 4.04, 4.62, 4.69, 3.82, 3.76, 13.61, 4.41, 3.93, 4.01, 7.63, 4.2, 4.01, 10.19, 5.9, 4.02, 4.14, 6.6, 12.53, 9.74, 4.65, 4.92, 4.58, 3.9, 7.68, 5.37, 10.31, 14.31, 13.97, 4.07, 12.08, 3.63, 3.8, 4.05, 4.16, 10.64, 11.01, 3.88, 5.19, 4.49, 4.87, 8.23, 4.52, 5.38, 3.97, 4.22, 4.36, 4.06, 4.2, 5.1, 4.48, 3.97, 4.18, 3.82, 4.0, 4.06, 4.24, 4.39, 4.07, 8.74, 3.9, 8.6, 4.04, 4.04, 4.6, 3.9, 13.08, 3.93, 5.96, 3.93, 6.19, 13.68, 5.14, 3.9, 8.84, 7.95, 4.1, 11.05, 4.15, 5.27, 3.86, 4.1, 8.69, 3.86, 4.07, 4.08, 3.91, 3.93, 5.26, 6.29, 5.92, 13.8, 4.4, 3.54, 10.72, 4.09, 3.79, 4.04, 6.18, 7.47, 4.12, 12.21, 3.99, 7.24, 4.04, 13.53, 4.28, 4.23, 4.37, 5.78, 3.92, 7.97, 13.62, 4.81, 7.81, 9.19, 6.23, 4.39, 5.46, 4.25, 8.94, 3.78, 3.65, 4.89, 4.11, 6.02, 4.23, 10.65, 3.98, 12.12, 3.36, 4.02, 3.53, 4.01, 3.56, 4.53, 3.89, 3.94, 3.78, 4.0, 3.81, 13.6, 5.02, 11.18, 3.95, 7.15, 4.13, 11.73, 4.92, 4.08, 3.99, 3.88, 3.66, 5.77, 6.92, 10.24, 3.56, 3.92, 3.96, 4.5, 13.87, 5.34, 8.76, 6.85, 9.81, 10.12, 4.02, 12.33, 7.84, 4.42, 3.89, 5.09, 6.4, 5.29, 4.11, 8.1, 4.16, 4.15, 4.0, 6.13, 4.13, 7.05, 4.48, 5.26, 5.98, 6.96, 3.97, 7.2, 4.2, 11.64, 13.79, 12.74, 14.12, 8.64, 7.36, 4.46, 4.91, 13.48, 10.12, 5.08, 11.4, 4.42, 10.41, 8.95, 5.53, 3.86, 4.04, 4.55, 12.45, 9.98, 5.09, 4.42, 5.27, 6.09, 3.88, 11.93, 8.09, 13.43, 11.39, 12.12, 11.26, 12.35, 5.32, 3.96, 5.58, 4.04, 9.74, 11.49, 3.93, 3.99, 9.86, 3.94, 4.37, 3.93, 4.12, 6.32, 10.28, 7.14, 4.49, 3.98, 10.37, 8.17, 3.69, 4.0, 11.8, 9.86, 4.61, 4.67, 13.67, 3.95, 3.96, 8.23, 3.83, 10.47, 9.75, 5.68, 4.13, 3.75, 14.49, 4.61, 5.68, 4.34, 4.17, 3.87, 3.89, 8.08, 4.04, 4.01, 4.47, 3.78, 11.45, 5.03, 3.95, 3.78, 13.46, 4.85, 4.08, 6.13, 5.18, 12.92, 4.11, 3.63, 14.08, 4.67, 4.12, 4.09, 3.97, 3.89, 12.54, 9.28, 3.97, 3.97, 3.99, 14.35, 5.27, 8.02, 4.0, 6.34, 12.68, 4.62, 4.26, 9.64, 13.97, 12.47, 3.88, 5.5, 4.09, 4.08, 3.99, 12.85, 3.91, 11.32, 6.82, 4.64, 6.49, 4.44, 12.58, 4.47, 4.26, 7.33, 11.99, 3.86, 3.75, 13.28, 5.33, 4.24, 4.13, 11.62, 14.05, 9.15, 4.09, 13.51, 13.84, 4.02, 10.07, 4.48, 5.16, 4.17, 4.52, 4.14, 12.81, 5.12, 4.48, 4.19, 4.27, 4.66, 9.02, 13.26, 4.78, 5.45, 12.44, 12.43, 4.57, 12.8, 11.22, 8.03, 6.41, 3.95, 12.55, 3.95, 13.22, 4.05, 3.78, 4.01, 11.86, 12.66, 13.66, 13.07, 4.45, 13.81, 12.83, 3.82, 3.85, 3.64, 13.29, 4.68, 4.71, 13.95, 11.93, 5.17, 3.84, 4.16, 3.8, 4.05, 3.82, 4.07, 3.94, 7.19, 3.74, 4.25, 3.96, 3.72, 3.71, 12.84, 12.74, 3.96, 4.22, 10.56, 8.85, 10.01, 3.99, 5.16, 11.3, 3.76, 8.35, 4.85, 3.95, 11.5, 12.64, 4.0, 5.56, 8.1, 3.81, 11.04, 6.21, 10.8, 4.29, 10.59, 4.07, 3.85, 6.38, 5.47, 11.87, 9.01, 4.04, 5.04, 13.47, 4.57, 11.53, 8.66, 6.71, 5.16, 13.51, 3.52, 3.99, 12.34, 13.85, 3.58, 4.29, 9.41, 4.89, 11.05, 14.18, 4.03, 12.16, 12.76, 8.2, 10.15, 9.14, 13.54, 12.64, 3.8, 11.72, 4.15, 4.03, 14.21, 3.81, 8.91, 14.13, 13.08, 4.07, 14.68, 8.18, 8.77, 7.4, 3.73, 14.47, 3.49, 13.47, 7.24, 4.71], [13.74, 13.13, 12.83, 10.43, 8.15, 4.31, 4.3, 4.02, 11.48, 13.23, 11.88, 10.74, 4.71, 4.49, 12.11, 13.3, 6.18, 13.55, 13.18, 5.63, 12.73, 10.96, 4.39, 8.55, 13.45, 4.16, 12.9, 10.0, 12.8, 4.16, 12.3, 4.03, 11.85, 6.77, 13.57, 5.34, 11.9, 11.5, 10.14, 8.53, 12.96, 12.51, 12.58, 5.43, 10.75, 12.75, 11.28, 13.15, 4.91, 13.63, 12.82, 9.53, 12.21, 10.22, 12.95, 12.54, 12.9, 11.81, 11.5, 11.28, 13.18, 12.2, 13.34, 10.47, 12.53, 10.23, 4.41, 13.36, 10.3, 5.1, 13.05, 11.52, 13.04, 9.11, 6.65, 13.61, 13.04, 12.77, 12.49, 4.1, 10.78, 11.67, 12.88, 12.62, 12.64, 6.22, 6.88, 4.15, 11.93, 4.18, 11.3, 13.03, 10.75, 12.74, 11.42, 13.61, 12.36, 11.26, 5.55, 8.49, 9.11, 13.45, 13.26, 13.64, 13.32, 4.57, 13.65, 4.47, 12.45, 9.27, 13.83, 11.63, 13.2, 13.5, 12.55, 12.09, 13.24, 12.26, 5.02, 6.78, 13.63, 4.29, 13.11, 12.48, 11.98, 8.23, 8.87, 12.5, 10.83, 11.17, 12.47, 9.19, 13.61, 4.6, 13.19, 12.23, 13.27, 12.5, 3.94, 12.84, 12.03, 7.94, 4.68, 12.79, 13.4, 9.57, 10.64, 8.69, 13.76, 12.41, 8.8, 13.08, 4.56, 12.36, 9.67, 12.71, 4.49, 13.49, 13.05, 13.38, 13.34, 11.83, 12.8, 10.43, 9.4, 12.98, 13.36, 11.95, 8.54, 9.97, 4.3, 10.64, 12.38, 12.67, 5.35, 13.28, 13.53, 12.85, 10.71, 11.3, 13.39, 12.84, 5.24, 7.51, 12.82, 13.45, 10.09, 13.06, 11.87, 4.24, 6.85, 11.76, 11.29, 13.69, 11.82, 13.33, 12.89, 12.43, 12.43, 4.61, 12.95, 13.34, 11.09, 4.13, 4.27, 13.8, 11.65, 11.3, 13.33, 5.33, 4.67, 14.04, 6.05, 13.42, 11.46, 4.69, 13.77, 11.32, 11.73, 5.78, 13.02, 13.65, 11.44, 9.91, 13.39, 6.76, 8.27, 5.75, 6.52, 4.03, 10.48, 4.34, 7.97, 4.26, 12.49, 6.6, 10.41, 6.54, 9.62, 4.78, 12.92, 8.68, 4.19, 3.95, 12.05, 4.49, 13.61, 12.98, 9.86, 4.09, 11.52, 3.68, 12.95, 9.54, 13.79, 6.68, 10.87, 9.77, 12.4, 13.1, 13.04, 9.62, 12.86, 12.19, 11.59, 13.0, 13.29, 10.32, 11.58, 13.23, 11.3, 13.25, 8.85, 10.88, 11.94, 11.13, 4.6, 13.21, 13.52, 4.42, 13.0, 12.42, 11.44, 7.98, 7.05, 4.27, 8.38, 12.07, 12.78, 4.11, 12.54, 13.06, 4.33, 12.83, 7.35, 8.88, 12.88, 7.84, 13.38, 13.17, 13.64, 11.54, 12.36, 12.78, 12.63, 13.28, 13.37, 7.92, 13.37, 12.77, 12.96, 5.09, 4.4, 5.06, 4.08, 6.48, 12.78, 13.38, 4.5, 9.16, 12.98, 4.27, 4.39, 10.63, 8.16, 6.86, 13.74, 12.58, 13.64, 12.56, 12.57, 12.56, 10.4, 9.92, 12.83, 7.67, 4.5, 9.65, 8.83, 4.24, 6.5, 9.45, 11.74, 13.82, 10.72, 7.86, 11.95, 13.41, 11.04, 12.28, 4.6, 10.45, 13.14, 13.49, 9.26, 12.08, 12.96, 13.49, 4.25, 10.17, 12.78, 12.06, 4.72, 11.93, 4.22, 12.63, 12.99, 9.69, 6.4, 12.8, 11.43, 4.64, 7.32, 13.34, 13.17, 13.58, 12.15, 10.77, 13.12, 6.26, 13.28, 7.59, 12.65, 7.9, 12.5, 8.05, 11.16, 9.27, 12.75, 12.79, 10.89, 4.4, 10.14, 4.6, 4.45, 9.7, 12.29, 12.34, 5.51, 4.14, 12.62, 5.36, 9.99, 13.18, 4.52, 8.7, 13.63, 11.77, 11.38, 9.1, 13.24, 11.89, 10.7, 13.51, 12.96, 4.34, 11.85, 6.5, 6.7, 13.27, 12.61, 8.73, 8.2, 13.29, 12.62, 12.93, 13.72, 13.17, 5.67, 7.25, 11.73, 13.01, 10.76, 10.81, 13.6, 4.49, 13.0, 4.5, 6.16, 9.37, 4.46, 4.57, 9.1, 13.85, 8.77, 12.72, 12.29, 9.28, 12.66, 4.94, 10.66, 4.46, 9.37, 10.25, 12.65, 11.34, 4.85, 12.66, 4.33, 12.61, 12.42, 4.4, 11.72, 13.42, 12.49, 11.55, 13.19, 12.59, 9.7, 11.51, 13.94, 4.46, 12.27, 10.26, 13.11, 11.97, 13.13, 13.36, 12.85, 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11.34, 10.56, 11.73, 7.35, 11.61, 9.33, 5.08, 4.29, 13.4, 5.64, 13.78, 5.45, 9.83, 5.35, 7.78, 7.34, 13.23, 13.76, 3.99, 13.18, 12.05, 13.83, 4.17, 4.72, 10.96, 12.05, 4.87, 13.31, 13.44, 4.07, 13.63, 10.88, 10.13, 4.66, 12.83, 13.18, 11.84, 3.8, 13.08, 8.26, 9.71, 12.17, 4.02, 13.02, 5.98, 11.5, 12.32, 12.96, 13.88, 13.26, 13.36, 12.64, 12.49, 13.37, 13.15, 13.57, 13.56, 10.75, 12.95, 13.39, 13.22, 13.87, 12.24, 11.01, 13.45, 13.4, 12.19, 10.07, 13.05, 13.47, 11.75, 12.1, 13.53, 12.86, 12.83, 13.4, 6.64, 13.21, 13.2, 13.59, 11.53, 12.11, 12.31, 12.2, 12.44, 10.73, 13.28, 13.62, 11.0, 9.34, 13.69, 12.57, 13.06, 13.06], [9.89, 4.22, 4.32, 13.21, 11.24, 4.3, 3.89, 6.32, 10.49, 13.81, 9.26, 9.18, 4.62, 4.05, 8.34, 11.71, 8.26, 12.92, 12.33, 12.47, 9.06, 5.13, 8.45, 4.06, 12.59, 4.96, 11.32, 9.61, 4.62, 4.24, 10.9, 8.92, 8.02, 9.4, 13.78, 8.24, 12.96, 9.94, 12.87, 5.82, 10.25, 11.04, 11.15, 7.12, 4.46, 9.12, 4.46, 11.35, 4.12, 13.16, 12.75, 8.35, 12.59, 6.51, 12.33, 6.78, 11.95, 7.47, 9.57, 10.52, 12.07, 14.05, 11.97, 8.62, 11.22, 6.18, 4.12, 13.08, 12.07, 5.31, 4.22, 3.92, 10.98, 9.05, 5.56, 12.81, 10.55, 12.64, 13.77, 4.51, 4.21, 9.82, 12.54, 12.08, 9.9, 7.39, 11.05, 4.49, 8.96, 4.32, 9.05, 12.98, 10.65, 12.55, 12.6, 10.64, 12.67, 5.52, 4.44, 4.14, 4.67, 4.22, 7.01, 12.06, 12.1, 9.3, 12.25, 3.95, 11.62, 4.35, 12.24, 8.58, 11.98, 12.57, 11.93, 9.97, 11.54, 10.4, 4.22, 11.64, 12.7, 3.79, 12.73, 4.36, 11.59, 10.94, 4.46, 11.96, 8.0, 11.63, 12.63, 6.6, 14.26, 4.82, 11.4, 4.54, 9.0, 9.19, 6.8, 5.02, 11.06, 4.31, 4.49, 7.02, 3.94, 4.28, 10.43, 12.51, 13.58, 8.28, 4.28, 13.38, 11.45, 12.83, 9.58, 10.72, 4.31, 12.45, 8.97, 12.26, 11.43, 10.51, 10.56, 7.84, 6.51, 12.88, 4.41, 4.1, 9.57, 5.67, 4.51, 7.37, 11.34, 8.08, 4.61, 12.31, 4.86, 12.84, 12.3, 12.19, 4.63, 11.74, 5.81, 4.31, 12.43, 13.49, 7.88, 12.2, 13.52, 3.99, 4.43, 11.68, 13.59, 9.58, 13.63, 11.54, 5.99, 6.36, 13.18, 6.0, 7.0, 11.19, 11.77, 8.49, 4.48, 11.66, 8.4, 5.0, 6.61, 13.48, 4.34, 12.38, 8.35, 5.19, 12.18, 13.71, 13.43, 9.68, 4.2, 10.93, 9.86, 12.71, 4.37, 3.92, 13.14, 7.85, 10.71, 7.75, 4.65, 4.65, 3.89, 12.4, 11.61, 4.25, 13.34, 11.19, 12.02, 4.19, 12.02, 4.72, 13.74, 13.45, 4.33, 3.9, 9.23, 7.19, 13.41, 9.77, 13.09, 4.29, 9.77, 4.25, 3.72, 4.65, 4.48, 6.52, 4.33, 10.24, 11.76, 9.99, 12.4, 5.46, 8.71, 10.33, 10.27, 13.49, 8.33, 6.75, 12.21, 4.56, 4.46, 10.79, 4.38, 10.46, 10.67, 10.27, 4.43, 3.95, 11.4, 4.56, 10.82, 11.42, 9.69, 5.47, 6.83, 4.15, 7.5, 4.26, 9.12, 4.49, 4.03, 12.79, 13.26, 10.62, 6.56, 4.79, 9.17, 4.18, 12.24, 8.11, 13.38, 4.15, 9.36, 11.34, 8.72, 12.98, 12.15, 4.21, 7.54, 10.14, 13.41, 4.09, 4.93, 12.09, 4.75, 10.24, 12.18, 12.68, 4.36, 7.55, 9.02, 4.49, 4.32, 4.55, 4.52, 13.83, 4.89, 12.17, 12.35, 12.91, 12.67, 7.92, 8.36, 9.57, 12.78, 6.11, 5.64, 4.43, 4.78, 4.76, 4.3, 7.97, 6.81, 11.62, 10.82, 9.76, 7.98, 12.17, 3.89, 10.74, 5.8, 5.39, 11.76, 11.64, 12.88, 10.65, 7.19, 12.66, 4.67, 4.11, 11.53, 4.01, 4.59, 9.89, 4.67, 5.24, 10.6, 4.44, 4.39, 12.71, 11.34, 4.91, 8.01, 13.04, 9.59, 12.83, 9.03, 4.97, 10.52, 10.35, 11.49, 4.31, 6.24, 6.84, 10.36, 4.51, 5.26, 5.83, 4.98, 10.21, 4.29, 5.18, 9.58, 4.22, 4.71, 4.3, 7.96, 9.56, 4.53, 4.64, 9.35, 5.56, 4.55, 4.61, 5.92, 4.32, 11.86, 4.43, 8.94, 5.06, 11.7, 4.1, 8.76, 12.2, 12.25, 4.24, 7.7, 9.82, 11.46, 11.6, 9.41, 4.31, 13.33, 13.01, 11.31, 12.97, 13.12, 12.86, 4.5, 4.05, 11.41, 4.82, 9.87, 4.49, 10.6, 4.25, 10.94, 10.5, 6.35, 3.98, 5.08, 10.29, 10.79, 12.47, 10.2, 13.34, 6.66, 4.21, 12.96, 4.09, 4.48, 6.38, 12.8, 4.31, 10.67, 12.29, 5.08, 13.12, 4.54, 11.96, 9.43, 9.74, 8.86, 11.36, 12.37, 9.95, 13.37, 12.77, 10.02, 4.15, 13.17, 5.22, 9.46, 4.48, 12.82, 10.59, 12.07, 11.9, 4.19, 13.53, 12.64, 6.91, 4.2, 11.08, 11.65, 5.0, 9.73, 7.43, 5.35, 4.36, 11.59, 4.31, 6.89, 4.11, 6.6, 4.36, 11.49, 4.3, 4.1, 11.61, 11.14, 13.51, 9.81, 4.3, 13.57, 4.2, 4.75, 7.09, 4.33, 12.01, 7.92, 11.49, 4.49, 4.06, 5.42, 10.24, 13.74, 10.48, 12.72, 13.07, 11.96, 12.64, 12.58, 10.18, 12.83, 10.31, 12.45, 7.76, 11.93, 11.8, 11.41, 4.31, 13.28, 13.08, 12.74, 4.88, 4.58, 12.38, 7.77, 12.19, 13.09, 13.03, 11.01, 12.17, 12.87, 12.41, 11.11, 10.7, 10.65, 11.57, 4.73, 13.81, 11.42, 11.16, 4.25, 13.7, 14.16, 7.95, 4.3, 4.87, 11.38, 6.0, 6.7, 8.6, 7.54, 4.49, 4.83, 9.5, 7.89, 4.39, 10.29, 4.32, 12.18, 9.25, 10.75, 10.18, 13.26, 10.41, 6.88, 13.14, 12.31, 12.75, 12.86, 4.37, 4.25, 4.29, 4.31, 12.46, 5.03, 9.79, 12.77, 9.83, 10.74, 6.22, 9.21, 4.29, 4.17, 6.8, 5.64, 4.26, 4.83, 11.28, 4.33, 6.62, 4.17, 4.55, 12.21, 13.5, 8.89, 10.38, 12.63, 12.82, 13.05, 4.44, 4.13, 8.75, 4.3, 4.42, 5.56, 7.59, 9.11, 4.74, 8.13, 5.08, 4.54, 4.96, 4.82, 4.23, 7.33, 4.23, 4.85, 4.59, 4.73, 4.47, 4.13, 10.49, 4.52, 12.35, 4.81, 4.32, 4.74, 4.11, 4.35, 5.0, 4.6, 10.52, 13.45, 13.21, 11.33, 4.58, 4.37, 6.15, 13.46, 8.88, 12.89, 4.31, 4.48, 6.49, 7.13, 7.36, 10.5, 4.11, 4.25, 4.34, 12.91, 10.01, 11.11, 11.29, 3.88, 4.87, 13.15, 4.41, 4.58, 4.33, 12.26, 10.86, 11.19, 8.53, 4.17, 10.66, 12.89, 6.26, 4.09, 10.08, 12.62, 12.59, 11.14, 4.21, 4.56, 8.34, 4.2, 4.48, 10.82, 4.42, 4.93, 4.49, 10.46, 4.18, 13.08, 11.62, 4.42, 6.12, 4.09, 11.8, 5.08, 4.5, 6.64, 4.35, 4.87, 3.79, 7.3, 4.67, 8.08, 4.58, 4.22, 8.81, 4.47, 12.94, 8.43, 4.4, 5.92, 12.67, 4.68, 4.63, 4.24, 4.25, 4.0, 4.41, 8.13, 4.64, 4.4, 11.8, 9.22, 10.53, 4.28, 4.08, 4.61, 4.34, 4.29, 4.51, 4.27, 4.17, 4.28, 4.17, 4.23, 4.53, 4.72, 12.29, 10.05, 4.38, 6.84, 4.65, 4.65, 13.21, 4.71, 10.96, 4.23, 10.8, 5.06, 9.19, 12.92, 12.64, 8.71, 6.93, 11.39, 11.95, 10.22, 11.66, 6.76, 12.03, 12.58, 4.27, 12.1, 4.71, 4.1, 4.44, 5.92, 4.82, 10.69, 4.17, 11.68, 4.68, 12.94, 9.21, 12.34, 11.19, 10.26, 4.7, 4.44, 12.51, 4.21, 10.18, 11.19, 7.9, 4.28, 6.25, 9.78, 5.15, 11.96, 4.63, 12.46, 4.51, 4.21, 12.72, 11.84, 4.15, 10.7, 11.88, 12.98, 7.57, 4.14, 12.8, 4.21, 12.81, 12.48, 4.03, 4.69, 13.7, 12.02, 12.02, 5.35, 12.78, 7.47, 8.62, 4.3, 11.24, 4.13, 12.07, 10.78, 12.59, 13.76, 9.98, 8.1, 11.7, 4.56, 7.33, 11.75, 4.71, 11.85, 13.28, 11.76, 5.73, 8.96, 11.68, 11.05, 9.21, 4.66, 13.23, 12.38, 13.32, 6.74, 12.16, 12.95, 11.14, 8.49, 5.18, 4.79, 6.66, 5.0, 11.85, 11.39, 9.4, 8.33, 13.94, 5.04, 8.34, 14.27, 4.33, 10.42, 12.03, 4.19, 13.46, 9.72, 4.39, 12.78, 10.59, 13.17, 4.13, 12.95, 12.68, 12.83, 11.85, 10.58, 13.27, 12.2, 14.44, 8.06, 12.93, 10.56, 4.47, 12.82, 4.5, 13.73, 6.56, 11.23, 9.33, 4.79, 8.8, 7.22, 12.03, 4.35, 9.85, 8.54, 11.75, 12.73, 4.4, 7.31, 11.68, 11.57, 12.84, 10.61, 10.59, 14.06, 4.05, 9.62, 9.83, 12.54, 4.53, 4.42, 6.05, 12.04, 10.3, 9.81, 4.15, 13.45, 9.94, 12.51, 7.84, 3.97, 13.12, 13.12, 7.72, 12.88, 10.29, 4.56, 6.61, 4.87, 4.28, 13.16, 9.9, 10.32, 12.89, 4.21, 11.41, 12.19, 7.85, 6.27, 12.22, 4.4, 5.79, 4.32, 10.65, 6.45, 4.29, 4.27, 4.0, 6.21, 4.4, 11.24, 4.22, 10.46, 3.99, 13.32, 12.89, 4.27, 4.37, 6.38, 8.33, 12.15, 11.68, 11.12, 9.61, 3.79, 13.8, 4.0, 4.08, 4.42, 12.48, 12.85, 11.87, 4.43, 13.38, 6.11, 12.02, 9.49, 4.7, 9.55, 8.66, 11.39, 10.42, 13.14, 11.21, 6.34, 12.72, 11.0, 7.72, 13.49, 4.03, 3.97, 4.02, 12.39, 8.72, 8.26, 10.22, 4.28, 12.16, 11.48, 10.23, 3.97, 7.54, 8.55, 3.77, 5.4, 11.95, 9.84, 4.92, 12.21, 10.64, 12.44, 9.85, 11.04, 3.48, 8.93, 6.41, 4.04, 11.77, 7.78, 6.55, 5.55, 13.12, 8.49, 12.9, 4.12, 4.18, 4.15, 4.07, 11.2], [3.62, 11.27, 8.64, 12.11, 4.94, 3.32, 3.76, 3.58, 11.44, 12.05, 4.21, 4.37, 3.82, 3.68, 4.15, 12.32, 11.39, 11.56, 12.19, 4.16, 3.55, 11.44, 4.08, 4.21, 3.94, 4.39, 4.83, 4.1, 9.66, 4.14, 12.51, 3.84, 4.02, 3.41, 9.58, 3.61, 10.58, 4.0, 11.28, 11.68, 11.93, 8.92, 10.62, 3.89, 4.96, 3.64, 3.99, 3.74, 3.57, 3.58, 11.8, 11.2, 3.65, 8.95, 10.53, 10.59, 12.24, 3.94, 11.62, 3.31, 11.7, 11.05, 11.39, 4.0, 11.68, 10.34, 4.28, 11.93, 11.71, 3.59, 11.34, 10.84, 4.27, 10.25, 9.92, 3.83, 4.02, 10.47, 11.83, 7.49, 11.14, 3.97, 11.86, 9.78, 11.38, 3.78, 10.2, 5.83, 3.67, 3.89, 9.58, 10.09, 9.6, 3.85, 9.5, 10.57, 11.86, 3.95, 5.21, 7.98, 4.25, 4.33, 3.7, 9.98, 11.87, 4.23, 11.57, 4.13, 8.95, 3.58, 11.19, 8.63, 10.04, 11.04, 10.8, 10.88, 4.0, 7.39, 4.52, 3.96, 4.18, 4.33, 6.71, 11.37, 4.16, 12.33, 4.04, 3.86, 3.79, 3.94, 12.52, 11.74, 10.3, 4.12, 11.54, 11.72, 3.73, 12.14, 11.71, 8.93, 11.7, 10.64, 4.57, 3.71, 10.28, 12.08, 3.9, 11.5, 12.31, 3.74, 11.62, 11.67, 4.11, 11.88, 3.78, 10.68, 3.64, 11.77, 3.64, 11.04, 10.2, 11.75, 9.79, 12.8, 4.26, 11.46, 10.35, 12.35, 9.54, 3.82, 4.32, 3.99, 11.65, 6.23, 3.63, 3.78, 3.98, 12.67, 11.05, 9.94, 3.89, 3.76, 5.75, 4.3, 12.07, 4.39, 3.59, 3.59, 4.69, 5.18, 8.01, 11.47, 3.85, 8.84, 3.77, 10.45, 3.85, 11.95, 11.74, 3.79, 6.35, 11.29, 9.82, 3.71, 3.89, 11.67, 11.25, 3.8, 4.07, 11.97, 3.49, 10.26, 10.96, 10.84, 10.78, 4.66, 11.9, 4.12, 10.86, 4.86, 3.73, 11.56, 3.66, 10.47, 4.63, 10.26, 10.79, 10.73, 10.15, 3.78, 10.09, 3.87, 10.96, 7.61, 12.15, 10.61, 12.07, 4.02, 11.76, 11.28, 3.99, 10.8, 3.83, 4.78, 11.76, 9.3, 10.33, 11.81, 11.25, 5.23, 11.08, 4.55, 10.84, 4.09, 4.38, 10.13, 11.97, 12.08, 10.97, 11.16, 12.38, 11.36, 12.27, 10.76, 9.71, 10.9, 3.64, 6.06, 10.48, 3.72, 4.09, 10.57, 4.89, 7.94, 3.78, 10.4, 4.24, 3.61, 11.32, 4.85, 11.99, 10.69, 3.71, 10.75, 10.99, 4.29, 11.68, 11.24, 4.44, 4.03, 6.83, 11.78, 3.87, 11.32, 3.9, 10.48, 3.63, 3.85, 11.06, 3.98, 4.15, 9.17, 6.38, 10.65, 4.08, 11.96, 9.99, 10.64, 4.0, 12.13, 11.56, 3.82, 3.62, 3.95, 3.9, 3.75, 5.74, 11.59, 3.96, 4.1, 9.6, 3.76, 3.84, 3.97, 4.51, 8.65, 3.94, 9.55, 12.42, 11.83, 10.9, 5.8, 10.88, 8.4, 10.89, 11.87, 3.93, 4.05, 3.79, 3.71, 3.94, 3.71, 3.82, 3.85, 3.43, 11.0, 4.26, 12.15, 11.28, 10.7, 4.15, 4.12, 10.94, 3.91, 5.92, 11.07, 5.83, 11.87, 4.29, 3.93, 3.59, 9.25, 3.56, 10.55, 3.86, 10.67, 11.99, 3.81, 4.24, 3.7, 9.62, 10.9, 10.38, 3.98, 9.25, 11.25, 10.03, 3.36, 8.16, 9.38, 10.22, 3.52, 11.44, 4.1, 10.38, 11.07, 3.8, 11.46, 3.81, 3.51, 3.97, 3.82, 11.57, 3.88, 4.32, 4.08, 9.71, 3.92, 3.94, 4.13, 4.0, 3.68, 4.38, 3.79, 6.02, 9.49, 3.83, 8.2, 11.43, 9.95, 7.96, 12.31, 12.19, 3.63, 3.61, 3.64, 9.52, 11.94, 3.73, 9.0, 12.09, 9.77, 10.61, 3.47, 12.46, 11.86, 12.36, 4.13, 4.16, 3.98, 11.6, 7.34, 10.84, 8.28, 9.73, 3.93, 8.55, 3.77, 4.83, 4.85, 3.63, 7.21, 11.97, 11.17, 10.35, 3.33, 10.9, 9.49, 5.02, 4.44, 3.83, 3.81, 6.0, 3.56, 12.5, 4.63, 4.06, 10.2, 10.38, 9.98, 5.24, 11.62, 4.36, 3.67, 10.87, 11.89, 4.32, 8.76, 10.24, 10.38, 11.91, 3.75, 9.99, 3.77, 4.27, 11.84, 3.9, 3.72, 4.26, 9.9, 12.25, 9.07, 4.19, 11.96, 11.31, 7.75, 4.24, 3.85, 3.64, 10.2, 10.88, 3.97, 4.11, 3.87, 6.54, 4.12, 3.95, 3.97, 3.94, 3.46, 3.61, 3.89, 3.8, 3.35, 3.72, 3.71, 10.27, 8.19, 4.03, 3.73, 10.56, 9.08, 4.05, 6.37, 10.35, 10.26, 4.63, 11.61, 11.62, 3.94, 11.69, 3.49, 8.31, 3.9, 3.91, 10.31, 10.75, 4.35, 11.38, 3.57, 11.04, 4.37, 4.16, 12.2, 4.41, 3.69, 3.53, 3.34, 10.52, 3.79, 4.87, 5.08, 3.44, 3.73, 9.87, 3.87, 11.95, 12.76, 11.56, 3.57, 7.92, 4.12, 12.28, 10.64, 3.99, 3.89, 3.97, 6.54, 3.75, 3.93, 10.54, 8.88, 3.91, 3.86, 10.27, 3.68, 3.46, 9.89, 10.05, 3.43, 4.11, 4.03, 10.75, 12.16, 11.84, 12.23, 3.78, 3.87, 8.94, 3.75, 3.95, 10.72, 5.89, 5.82, 3.78, 4.07, 3.58, 3.89, 3.52, 5.87, 4.07, 3.69, 3.69, 12.3, 11.09, 4.07, 4.32, 3.67, 4.13, 3.74, 3.89, 10.99, 3.99, 3.36, 3.77, 4.0, 9.2, 3.95, 10.66, 3.8, 11.32, 11.72, 9.44, 3.73, 3.78, 4.67, 3.34, 3.96, 3.5, 10.33, 9.87, 3.91, 3.86, 3.66, 4.84, 4.16, 3.83, 3.71, 10.56, 11.23, 9.33, 3.76, 8.6, 3.71, 3.83, 4.01, 3.73, 11.3, 3.47, 3.73, 3.74, 4.08, 3.66, 3.83, 4.14, 11.14, 7.82, 10.79, 10.74, 3.75, 10.48, 4.14, 11.43, 10.97, 3.64, 5.42, 3.79, 3.98, 3.74, 9.39, 4.64, 3.72, 3.68, 3.53, 11.22, 5.51, 3.61, 11.35, 3.43, 3.92, 12.15, 11.2, 3.52, 3.85, 11.52, 4.04, 11.52, 4.76, 3.95, 11.75, 3.56, 4.25, 5.92, 3.85, 5.38, 4.71, 10.76, 11.39, 3.79, 3.61, 3.7, 4.36, 4.36, 4.26, 4.48, 4.04, 11.08, 3.9, 9.29, 4.88, 3.95, 4.85, 3.97, 11.41, 10.9, 4.62, 3.98, 4.31, 4.19, 4.35, 4.65, 4.28, 3.85, 4.05, 3.9, 3.4, 3.83, 4.31, 6.2, 3.35, 3.91, 11.92, 11.16, 3.79, 4.21, 3.83, 10.11, 3.86, 4.38, 3.66, 3.8, 11.38, 4.18, 10.79, 3.88, 4.37, 3.93, 3.76, 3.9, 4.08, 3.13, 3.76, 3.6, 7.52, 3.87, 4.05, 4.21, 3.51, 10.73, 3.62, 3.84, 10.18, 3.75, 11.19, 4.37, 9.26, 10.71, 10.86, 10.71, 4.18, 10.73, 11.82, 9.83, 4.2, 5.02, 11.55, 11.91, 4.89, 7.69, 4.48, 4.57, 10.8, 11.82, 10.3, 5.26, 4.62, 4.84, 3.83, 4.79, 3.83, 11.5, 10.58, 3.52, 11.78, 3.66, 4.02, 3.88, 4.08, 4.09, 5.23, 4.37, 11.06, 8.4, 3.89, 5.59, 4.63, 3.56, 4.41, 11.82, 9.12, 11.37, 5.03, 3.94, 12.29, 11.96, 4.26, 11.29, 11.19, 9.82, 10.65, 11.06, 4.06, 9.44, 10.71, 4.68, 5.0, 4.93, 9.6, 10.68, 10.66, 9.3, 11.89, 6.22, 11.02, 12.57, 11.93, 4.01, 12.06, 12.06, 11.05, 10.72, 4.49, 10.06, 9.81, 8.7, 5.63, 4.08, 3.97, 11.49, 11.56, 6.97, 9.81, 10.25, 3.69, 10.34, 3.7, 9.6, 9.89, 11.25, 10.08, 12.07, 11.58, 11.73, 10.78, 10.37, 8.65, 9.52, 4.56, 9.46, 4.62, 11.88, 10.86, 11.36, 3.71, 4.99, 4.94, 4.37, 4.67, 5.05, 4.55, 4.45, 8.56, 3.75, 4.59, 10.71, 4.47, 10.89, 6.19, 3.71, 11.43, 11.17, 12.09, 3.94, 11.8, 10.88, 3.53, 3.86, 9.68, 3.58, 9.78, 12.17, 4.31, 12.56, 11.07, 9.81, 10.6, 3.26, 7.66, 10.09, 11.51, 4.15, 11.38, 11.34, 4.73, 12.07, 3.98, 9.1, 7.59, 11.86, 11.43, 10.79, 3.8, 3.6, 9.77, 3.64, 9.1, 9.95, 3.63, 3.91, 10.56, 10.85, 10.54, 11.35, 9.26, 9.97, 11.29, 12.24, 11.81, 9.93, 11.23, 10.13, 10.4, 10.21, 8.91, 10.97, 4.12, 10.38, 10.73, 11.76, 10.68, 11.08, 8.88, 10.3, 10.73, 6.59, 11.51, 11.75, 10.32, 11.29, 4.23, 3.84, 12.01, 9.48, 3.75, 10.09, 3.79, 10.64, 3.92, 11.04, 8.02, 11.28, 3.92, 11.58, 10.61, 4.11, 3.95, 3.96, 4.05, 10.12, 11.61, 10.65, 10.98, 4.01, 7.36, 11.43, 3.69, 3.58, 10.6, 10.22, 7.27, 3.87, 6.87, 10.26, 12.25, 11.92, 11.79, 3.25, 10.35, 3.29, 4.16, 11.48, 3.41, 8.81, 10.04, 10.39, 3.74, 4.24, 4.27, 9.73, 3.43, 10.92, 10.49, 9.42, 4.66, 4.54, 11.69, 10.74, 3.81, 10.61, 6.34, 4.27, 11.38, 3.81, 3.71, 7.72, 10.61, 10.1, 11.72, 8.91, 3.86, 12.27, 9.5, 4.05, 10.41, 9.36, 11.67, 10.71, 10.54, 3.61, 4.1, 12.22, 11.27, 8.98, 3.51, 9.98, 11.62, 3.96], [12.88, 9.63, 13.24, 12.71, 5.2, 5.44, 12.87, 13.3, 4.84, 5.83, 12.68, 5.6, 8.59, 12.88, 4.87, 6.26, 5.6, 5.16, 5.42, 10.77, 13.01, 7.57, 14.12, 12.78, 13.51, 5.19, 10.38, 5.0, 5.52, 13.12, 5.77, 5.25, 4.88, 12.11, 9.13, 12.77, 6.67, 5.14, 4.59, 10.22, 5.01, 12.58, 11.73, 11.13, 12.66, 6.7, 5.47, 12.75, 5.51, 12.48, 11.84, 13.43, 4.82, 5.31, 5.56, 12.96, 13.3, 13.06, 6.74, 6.53, 12.53, 12.87, 6.86, 5.41, 6.77, 5.3, 6.79, 4.54, 4.9, 5.38, 12.18, 8.65, 13.07, 5.23, 5.08, 12.6, 4.89, 4.98, 4.47, 5.81, 11.3, 8.26, 12.36, 12.77, 13.48, 12.37, 12.81, 6.53, 5.31, 13.49, 4.73, 7.15, 12.81, 11.45, 5.94, 7.23, 6.53, 4.96, 12.74, 6.31, 12.54, 5.39, 12.47, 13.01, 5.84, 12.42, 4.86, 13.19, 13.19, 5.21, 7.73, 12.92, 12.61, 12.2, 6.23, 12.28, 12.15, 6.9, 12.99, 12.64, 11.79, 13.5, 12.33, 13.28, 4.77, 4.68, 11.87, 6.51, 4.78, 7.26, 5.45, 6.92, 5.27, 4.34, 5.57, 5.12, 13.26, 13.27, 4.96, 5.11, 4.69, 4.92, 4.82, 5.32, 11.15, 5.55, 4.91, 5.24, 11.91, 4.99, 12.98, 12.6, 5.45, 8.13, 9.17, 5.76, 4.72, 4.79, 11.35, 4.83, 4.94, 4.7, 12.41, 5.4, 5.33, 5.31, 5.94, 7.56, 4.86, 5.43, 5.83, 6.32, 13.15, 11.96, 5.15, 12.41, 5.69, 5.08, 13.19, 13.23, 12.39, 12.56, 13.05, 13.06, 4.93, 13.12, 5.16, 11.17, 11.74, 5.52, 5.24, 5.1, 11.5, 12.5, 13.11, 9.9, 12.03, 5.36, 4.92, 9.26, 12.34, 10.26, 4.55, 12.87, 12.02, 4.89, 4.8, 12.3, 12.82, 5.13, 8.5, 10.99, 5.87, 5.26, 6.12, 11.98, 5.19, 4.81, 12.51, 5.17, 5.24, 5.37, 5.27, 5.06, 12.68, 9.78, 5.66, 10.98, 5.43, 13.46, 4.54, 13.15, 5.41, 5.27, 5.84, 5.4, 5.23, 9.33, 5.58, 4.84, 12.47, 7.87, 12.26, 13.46, 5.07, 6.84, 7.24, 7.76, 5.15, 12.49, 8.26, 11.93, 11.76, 5.67, 12.6, 6.46, 4.55, 4.49, 4.97, 9.08, 8.37, 13.0, 6.62, 13.27, 12.42, 12.48, 5.4, 5.75, 12.89, 13.36, 6.27, 6.57, 12.02, 5.05, 13.1, 4.75, 11.21, 13.06, 6.34, 13.41, 12.02, 13.4, 12.55, 6.04, 4.86, 12.56, 4.82, 5.33, 13.74, 4.97, 7.65, 4.94, 12.48, 10.11, 10.13, 4.56, 13.32, 12.75, 9.89, 12.67, 12.34, 11.97, 11.32, 7.14, 11.88, 5.45, 12.6, 7.36, 11.98, 11.41, 12.63, 12.15, 13.25, 12.58, 11.98, 12.59, 10.73, 6.07, 12.42, 12.79, 5.63, 4.59, 10.89, 5.02, 11.68, 11.6, 13.05, 6.56, 6.44, 12.96, 5.68, 12.78, 12.99, 11.07, 9.62, 11.13, 5.11, 5.53, 12.25, 12.01, 5.55, 12.62, 12.31, 12.64, 12.0, 6.05, 12.57, 12.19, 4.65, 5.27, 4.97, 5.96, 5.61, 5.02, 9.45, 5.37, 6.2, 5.07, 4.59, 11.95, 12.07, 4.77, 4.51, 5.32, 5.12, 5.04, 12.26, 5.32, 12.53, 12.27, 5.64, 5.37, 4.77, 5.34, 8.99, 4.78, 4.93, 12.68, 5.59, 5.15, 12.05, 5.04, 13.14, 5.17, 12.96, 10.23, 12.6, 4.87, 5.02, 12.2, 11.49, 13.2, 7.44, 12.3, 5.17, 5.19, 10.36, 12.41, 11.07, 5.52, 5.51, 12.4, 8.61, 12.49, 12.23, 4.97, 7.24, 12.29, 12.09, 9.87, 5.96, 10.19, 12.54, 11.76, 10.04, 4.81, 12.01, 5.12, 12.91, 12.4, 8.53, 4.98, 5.56, 5.37, 5.3, 11.99, 5.14, 12.23, 6.12, 4.92, 6.4, 5.02, 9.47, 11.67, 10.15, 12.88, 13.13, 10.4, 12.49, 5.11, 11.58, 5.13, 6.98, 4.43, 4.65, 12.38, 8.1, 5.47, 12.97, 12.15, 8.29, 5.21, 4.75, 4.93, 5.41, 11.46, 5.66, 4.88, 5.23, 11.9, 9.88, 5.06, 5.06, 11.43, 12.44, 4.75, 10.22, 12.58, 9.24, 8.77, 5.0, 5.54, 5.22, 4.93, 11.62, 6.13, 9.8, 11.18, 5.68, 4.81, 10.82, 6.33, 12.25, 13.27, 6.36, 10.85, 12.5, 10.15, 12.17, 7.96, 12.61, 12.43, 13.02, 12.15, 12.45, 12.46, 10.92, 5.46, 8.02, 4.5, 5.1, 10.34, 6.98, 4.62, 11.72, 12.09, 5.2, 6.01, 5.3, 12.4, 7.63, 12.86, 4.71, 5.15, 5.84, 11.29, 11.78, 12.63, 5.28, 10.32, 5.18, 11.42, 11.68, 12.31, 8.99, 13.12, 5.27, 12.4, 11.5, 11.56, 7.33, 13.74, 10.43, 5.21, 11.0, 12.4, 4.33, 12.5, 4.74, 11.33, 12.26, 12.11, 10.26, 6.19, 13.02, 11.54, 5.25, 10.82, 4.56, 11.85, 4.26, 11.73, 7.0, 4.64, 5.2, 9.18, 11.55, 7.79, 9.5, 4.44, 11.24, 5.54, 12.63, 9.76, 10.6, 4.66, 11.73, 4.85, 4.95, 4.76, 8.58, 13.45, 7.91, 7.32, 10.18, 11.51, 6.27, 6.66, 7.34, 11.22, 10.87, 7.7, 4.81, 4.94, 12.88, 8.77, 13.47, 10.15, 12.07, 5.75, 11.11, 12.81, 11.51, 6.85, 5.02, 5.43, 13.48, 13.0, 5.36, 5.03, 5.17, 10.73, 12.06, 12.66, 5.25, 4.91, 13.25, 12.77, 5.8, 12.78, 4.79, 10.78, 12.13, 4.77, 11.5, 10.92, 12.29, 4.55, 10.21, 12.68, 6.18, 5.69, 11.64, 4.6, 5.39, 4.81, 5.08, 8.15, 4.72, 7.87, 11.91, 5.49, 6.21, 4.89, 4.79, 12.45, 5.35, 7.12, 11.79, 4.57, 11.37, 5.2, 5.01, 9.84, 5.61, 10.53, 12.83, 9.68, 4.43, 4.88, 5.0, 11.48, 12.97, 6.03, 12.46, 4.84, 5.29, 12.28, 12.22, 12.24, 5.29, 11.88, 10.17, 4.76, 11.89, 4.72, 12.65, 12.51, 11.47, 9.32, 12.61, 12.06, 9.72, 4.71, 4.89, 12.87, 10.35, 13.24, 13.96, 5.2, 12.57, 13.08, 5.29, 12.02, 13.02, 11.58, 10.53, 5.75, 4.72, 4.85, 5.15, 5.46, 12.87, 8.87, 6.11, 5.59, 7.56, 5.02, 13.56, 8.62, 4.82, 5.32, 11.82, 5.31, 5.07, 5.3, 8.15, 5.12, 5.07, 5.37, 12.46, 5.37, 9.3, 9.72, 5.1, 12.54, 4.68, 12.57, 6.77, 5.13, 13.24, 11.39, 4.66, 4.99, 10.13, 6.75, 13.16, 5.23, 11.7, 4.58, 4.79, 10.55, 12.76, 13.16, 4.44, 5.78, 5.83, 5.73, 5.13, 5.58, 10.45, 4.92, 4.78, 5.01, 5.04, 5.35, 4.95, 12.48, 12.33, 5.03, 5.56, 12.85, 5.34, 8.28, 4.9, 12.76, 4.44, 12.52, 5.52, 9.15, 6.4, 8.55, 4.88, 5.0, 12.32, 11.21, 12.23, 4.71, 4.81, 4.73, 12.88, 4.79, 11.08, 9.59, 13.32, 13.69, 4.62, 12.94, 5.07, 13.72, 13.53, 13.31, 5.46, 5.49, 4.78, 5.11, 5.22, 5.08, 13.85, 12.62, 12.94, 6.38, 4.81, 4.79, 13.13, 13.83, 13.29, 12.01, 9.59, 6.16, 6.93, 14.25, 13.36, 7.57, 7.46, 13.24, 5.54, 4.92, 12.34, 5.01, 4.49, 4.76, 11.55, 5.2, 13.19, 5.3, 4.59, 11.07, 13.0, 12.59, 10.44, 7.6, 10.48, 4.46, 11.01, 5.18, 5.08, 9.89, 4.98, 11.14, 10.8, 13.18, 9.29, 6.01, 5.81, 7.24, 13.15, 12.18, 11.15, 5.06, 9.3, 11.48, 5.69, 5.68, 4.63, 12.41, 4.69, 13.7, 12.22, 5.07, 5.1, 6.17, 4.8, 4.46, 12.93, 5.02, 12.65, 9.21, 4.68, 12.82, 10.3, 11.87, 4.99, 4.54, 8.49, 12.76, 9.13, 12.4, 12.39, 12.95, 5.16, 12.91, 12.82, 6.24, 6.15, 5.05, 4.32, 4.89, 13.53, 6.06, 12.57, 8.03, 8.42, 5.54, 5.26, 12.57, 5.13, 5.5, 11.84, 12.48, 6.27, 5.01, 4.62, 11.06, 5.77, 8.57, 13.16, 12.39, 12.37, 11.51, 12.59, 6.14, 4.72, 5.1, 4.91, 11.94, 11.44, 4.55, 5.33, 5.29, 5.09, 12.92, 12.55, 5.19, 13.23, 11.57, 5.15, 5.5, 6.0, 11.84, 4.71, 10.85, 12.79, 5.28, 4.91, 6.11, 12.54, 5.03, 4.5, 7.09, 4.83, 12.72, 5.22, 12.57, 5.54, 5.49, 12.08, 5.05, 4.57, 6.17, 12.81, 11.03, 4.66, 11.86, 13.32, 13.11, 8.29, 11.58, 4.3, 11.68, 4.99, 6.5, 5.41, 9.6, 4.69, 11.06, 5.31, 9.78, 5.38, 11.31, 4.97, 12.88, 11.77, 13.32, 7.81, 13.75, 7.0, 12.83, 13.25, 4.73, 4.71, 7.55, 13.46, 12.35, 12.99, 5.24, 12.95, 8.57, 5.14, 13.34, 5.15, 4.88, 4.98, 4.52, 7.05, 4.83, 12.04, 5.23, 4.8, 12.43, 12.01, 10.79, 13.4, 7.09, 9.21, 10.95, 13.14, 12.9, 12.62, 13.79, 8.49, 13.59, 10.31, 13.31, 11.97, 12.9, 9.05, 13.43, 7.07, 13.34, 11.55, 12.9, 4.75, 12.28, 13.06, 12.49, 5.27, 6.68, 13.63, 12.66, 7.74, 13.67, 12.28, 13.35, 13.45, 11.44, 11.72, 12.23, 8.81, 12.84, 5.18, 4.92, 13.24, 13.39, 11.55, 10.52, 12.84], [10.23, 3.89, 10.74, 10.7, 7.0, 4.74, 7.35, 4.5, 3.92, 4.29, 3.79, 11.27, 3.65, 3.78, 10.61, 3.8, 3.75, 8.08, 4.7, 7.88, 11.47, 5.45, 4.58, 4.69, 12.39, 4.06, 12.25, 12.37, 7.15, 7.49, 3.91, 3.93, 12.78, 9.87, 4.16, 3.92, 4.86, 11.17, 3.83, 8.49, 3.88, 12.18, 3.75, 9.89, 9.84, 11.78, 5.47, 12.64, 4.61, 12.43, 9.96, 4.04, 12.13, 3.86, 3.8, 10.75, 3.69, 7.37, 3.86, 12.35, 6.89, 13.25, 9.13, 10.87, 3.93, 3.61, 3.88, 3.62, 7.26, 5.04, 4.02, 3.86, 11.44, 3.64, 3.69, 11.82, 12.68, 11.31, 3.82, 3.77, 3.79, 12.69, 8.89, 5.97, 3.71, 4.25, 3.69, 9.12, 12.05, 5.74, 3.75, 4.93, 4.97, 10.93, 8.85, 4.42, 7.6, 11.07, 3.85, 3.85, 7.62, 12.39, 11.92, 7.26, 3.77, 9.2, 3.81, 3.53, 8.01, 3.71, 5.13, 3.7, 3.65, 3.72, 3.64, 3.78, 12.28, 3.78, 4.94, 3.85, 10.54, 3.77, 8.18, 9.47, 11.5, 3.65, 6.57, 11.78, 10.0, 11.31, 3.83, 3.64, 3.93, 5.58, 3.69, 3.87, 11.23, 9.25, 3.8, 11.88, 3.65, 3.73, 3.94, 11.92, 11.75, 4.02, 11.03, 3.54, 10.48, 10.19, 3.69, 3.63, 6.91, 3.6, 10.61, 9.95, 3.72, 3.72, 12.89, 3.7, 3.81, 5.18, 3.95, 3.7, 10.99, 3.88, 4.61, 4.31, 6.49, 11.43, 3.68, 10.68, 8.45, 11.83, 6.16, 12.23, 12.11, 3.78, 6.29, 3.72, 9.63, 9.84, 3.82, 7.47, 3.58, 11.26, 10.0, 10.72, 9.51, 3.79, 3.68, 3.71, 12.38, 10.02, 12.48, 3.75, 10.55, 4.07, 7.34, 8.78, 11.56, 3.54, 3.65, 9.1, 3.91, 7.6, 3.74, 10.98, 3.72, 3.63, 3.57, 3.61, 3.57, 10.54, 3.55, 4.12, 3.68, 12.19, 10.59, 3.59, 11.77, 3.72, 3.67, 3.92, 9.47, 3.67, 3.75, 4.08, 6.61, 4.95, 3.8, 11.6, 3.77, 3.74, 3.63, 3.79, 3.63, 9.24, 3.74, 3.73, 12.89, 13.28, 4.6, 4.68, 5.79, 3.76, 3.57, 5.7, 3.7, 3.83, 3.7, 3.92, 11.25, 3.82, 9.81, 3.54, 3.58, 3.54, 11.13, 3.95, 3.56, 4.23, 8.86, 5.22, 3.66, 3.89, 12.97, 3.63, 13.07, 9.32, 3.82, 3.64, 10.28, 7.43, 4.03, 3.73, 3.91, 7.3, 10.38, 8.55, 3.66, 7.31, 10.26, 3.64, 3.64, 6.24, 3.67, 10.86, 9.53, 9.21, 3.8, 9.44, 8.69, 6.23, 9.36, 3.86, 9.68, 3.75, 8.09, 7.94, 11.92, 3.87, 12.7, 3.69, 9.93, 4.97, 3.87, 4.13, 12.26, 9.91, 10.71, 3.85, 6.79, 11.64, 4.0, 3.73, 11.75, 10.14, 3.9, 3.86, 12.41, 3.98, 4.13, 3.82, 3.78, 5.93, 8.13, 3.8, 3.82, 3.79, 4.25, 11.3, 3.64, 9.36, 11.09, 10.47, 3.76, 4.27, 3.9, 3.92, 5.87, 3.79, 12.82, 12.55, 11.71, 9.31, 6.69, 11.88, 3.78, 3.91, 4.88, 3.97, 10.63, 12.94, 8.59, 3.57, 10.55, 3.93, 3.77, 4.35, 12.61, 5.45, 7.34, 4.22, 6.13, 3.92, 3.98, 3.98, 3.56, 11.08, 3.88, 3.86, 3.85, 10.8, 9.77, 9.82, 10.39, 3.55, 3.84, 3.84, 10.54, 4.1, 11.11, 8.5, 3.89, 3.83, 3.79, 3.87, 3.81, 11.81, 7.6, 3.63, 3.97, 8.97, 3.84, 4.0, 8.81, 11.69, 3.69, 7.43, 11.69, 7.91, 12.04, 7.57, 6.46, 3.91, 9.25, 6.9, 4.58, 4.78, 3.56, 3.75, 11.65, 11.76, 12.44, 9.7, 10.2, 3.62, 9.91, 11.68, 8.83, 10.88, 4.54, 12.42, 3.99, 3.76, 5.54, 12.95, 6.97, 3.85, 10.36, 11.75, 3.98, 8.44, 12.14, 4.35, 11.29, 3.72, 3.69, 3.87, 4.12, 5.87, 4.07, 10.0, 3.93, 13.06, 4.33, 4.41, 10.29, 3.89, 10.05, 3.72, 3.85, 4.41, 7.62, 7.94, 4.11, 3.8, 3.66, 8.96, 11.04, 4.3, 6.05, 11.91, 12.36, 3.75, 12.33, 12.74, 8.8, 3.72, 3.7, 3.56, 3.75, 10.04, 12.71, 3.73, 11.95, 12.09, 12.82, 6.04, 3.65, 3.81, 10.38, 3.62, 4.03, 5.08, 5.99, 11.69, 3.78, 5.34, 3.64, 4.0, 3.97, 3.74, 4.95, 4.64, 12.4, 5.19, 9.68, 12.48, 13.06, 12.3, 12.25, 3.89, 12.94, 3.83, 3.73, 3.77, 4.23, 7.51, 3.7, 12.22, 4.0, 7.78, 3.83, 3.86, 12.56, 11.87, 3.6, 11.78, 4.21, 12.24, 3.77, 3.96, 11.8, 12.02, 7.16, 6.58, 3.74, 11.57, 3.66, 4.06, 12.53, 4.78, 12.87, 4.0, 4.09, 11.38, 4.15, 12.83, 12.87, 12.96, 12.76, 11.87, 10.58, 9.46, 3.76, 4.22, 3.68, 12.27, 4.01, 12.53, 11.83, 3.63, 3.84, 11.19, 3.77, 3.78, 5.63, 4.98, 11.32, 4.18, 8.92, 5.51, 3.92, 3.84, 3.86, 3.78, 3.73, 12.56, 13.21, 6.84, 3.57, 3.82, 5.74, 3.78, 10.57, 3.71, 3.96, 12.64, 12.44, 8.6, 3.59, 5.07, 3.55, 9.79, 10.07, 12.5, 4.65, 3.86, 12.41, 5.49, 12.77, 4.17, 6.16, 3.73, 3.75, 3.66, 3.86, 3.94, 3.73, 5.62, 12.68, 11.19, 5.41, 3.69, 3.6, 12.74, 4.51, 11.82, 3.79, 11.16, 3.71, 8.47, 3.85, 12.07, 3.96, 3.86, 3.71, 8.43, 11.14, 5.64, 4.3, 4.81, 4.73, 3.49, 4.01, 8.03, 3.85, 3.59, 8.99, 3.74, 9.03, 5.2, 9.3, 5.86, 3.75, 4.86, 3.89, 10.21, 3.95, 4.29, 6.25, 3.81, 3.83, 10.93, 3.86, 4.58, 9.95, 7.16, 3.9, 5.68, 12.14, 3.7, 12.57, 5.17, 5.08, 5.63, 3.73, 10.62, 11.13, 3.93, 10.89, 3.65, 3.79, 5.15, 8.55, 3.84, 5.58, 5.0, 10.22, 12.39, 6.09, 3.88, 10.44, 12.93, 3.68, 4.96, 3.68, 4.56, 11.87, 3.66, 5.07, 12.41, 12.67, 13.01, 11.42, 3.95, 3.82, 4.79, 4.67, 10.5, 12.11, 3.82, 5.57, 4.09, 3.65, 3.77, 12.21, 3.72, 5.73, 4.4, 3.9, 3.84, 3.97, 3.63, 3.58, 3.59, 4.08, 3.63, 3.84, 3.8, 11.72, 3.52, 6.89, 5.7, 6.19, 13.01, 4.66, 3.89, 8.22, 9.98, 3.69, 6.26, 3.36, 6.39, 7.71, 3.92, 3.97, 3.82, 6.11, 4.09, 3.76, 9.92, 5.42, 7.95, 4.22, 5.63, 6.09, 3.92, 3.76, 4.03, 4.79, 4.56, 3.78, 3.77, 3.94, 11.74, 8.28, 4.3, 5.07, 10.64, 3.75, 5.29, 3.85, 6.0, 11.8, 4.06, 9.89, 11.11, 3.77, 3.72, 7.98, 12.56, 9.87, 10.57, 9.23, 10.45, 5.21, 11.71, 12.81, 3.94, 3.69, 3.77, 3.49, 3.7, 11.35, 8.92, 10.71, 5.57, 6.98, 4.61, 12.31, 5.7, 9.65, 11.92, 10.61, 11.91, 3.69, 12.44, 4.48, 3.6, 10.88, 12.06, 3.53, 5.1, 5.23, 9.88, 4.02, 3.72, 3.83, 3.84, 3.82, 5.31, 9.62, 3.65, 3.95, 9.28, 4.39, 3.7, 3.64, 11.12, 3.68, 3.73, 5.12, 9.49, 3.87, 12.1, 10.29, 7.61, 3.84, 5.07, 7.3, 9.58, 3.97, 3.68, 3.78, 3.57, 11.16, 11.39, 3.85, 13.65, 3.65, 6.91, 3.59, 3.78, 12.77, 5.82, 3.61, 3.61, 3.96, 5.13, 3.82, 12.64, 3.67, 12.63, 3.8, 3.65, 3.82, 9.61, 3.78, 3.81, 9.84, 6.38, 3.5, 5.59, 11.94, 12.14, 3.83, 11.0, 4.77, 9.95, 3.69, 12.81, 4.71, 10.38, 3.86, 5.33, 4.58, 10.91, 5.19, 9.84, 8.43, 3.72, 3.87, 12.83, 3.84, 3.9, 13.23, 7.61, 4.47, 3.92, 12.0, 5.03, 7.91, 3.69, 11.31, 3.61, 12.55, 11.75, 3.62, 7.37, 3.83, 4.01, 4.47, 3.76, 8.86, 3.89, 3.87, 12.75, 3.75, 3.93, 3.9, 10.82, 3.69, 3.9, 11.81, 10.51, 3.73, 3.74, 3.9, 8.54, 11.77, 11.59, 6.15, 4.04, 3.72, 3.76, 3.62, 10.9, 9.37, 8.45, 3.7, 3.79, 4.8, 3.73, 8.55, 3.64, 11.46, 10.68, 3.95, 7.37, 3.68, 3.79, 3.8, 5.62, 10.52, 3.69, 3.68, 3.71, 3.68, 5.68, 3.93, 11.86, 3.58, 9.21, 3.72, 3.75, 3.87, 3.8, 3.9, 7.86, 3.81, 11.04, 3.81, 3.78, 3.7, 3.83, 3.67, 12.94, 4.45, 3.98, 3.88, 11.67, 10.09, 3.69, 4.22, 11.13, 10.94, 3.67, 10.77, 3.78, 5.61, 8.59, 11.4, 3.55, 3.74, 7.86, 9.38, 12.25, 6.52, 10.76, 4.15, 8.84, 3.9, 3.67, 13.01, 6.1, 11.89, 9.72, 3.94, 11.13, 11.75, 9.81, 11.39, 12.43, 13.05, 11.59, 4.13, 7.48, 8.46, 4.13, 12.24, 12.49, 6.39, 9.49, 10.54, 13.18, 6.72, 11.84, 10.76, 8.27, 12.3, 9.57, 12.63, 8.7, 12.42, 3.75, 11.5, 9.84, 3.9, 7.09, 11.48, 9.62, 3.58, 4.18, 3.73, 10.54, 10.1, 11.99, 4.05, 8.36, 9.59, 9.64, 11.69, 4.84, 10.65], [9.93, 7.66, 12.57, 12.47, 4.65, 4.0, 4.85, 3.89, 4.14, 3.97, 4.29, 7.1, 4.07, 9.66, 7.81, 4.0, 4.09, 12.33, 11.53, 6.52, 3.78, 9.23, 4.17, 4.54, 12.59, 4.06, 11.75, 6.05, 4.06, 4.28, 11.09, 3.77, 4.56, 7.56, 8.29, 4.2, 12.34, 4.34, 3.89, 10.84, 11.61, 4.12, 13.29, 8.27, 10.3, 8.63, 3.77, 9.84, 4.14, 11.68, 11.7, 8.67, 4.21, 3.92, 4.03, 12.71, 8.3, 3.86, 7.67, 10.78, 12.25, 6.53, 9.9, 4.61, 8.93, 4.42, 4.36, 9.99, 6.75, 4.22, 9.53, 13.04, 8.24, 4.42, 4.02, 9.36, 12.27, 9.38, 4.11, 4.22, 13.57, 9.09, 7.12, 9.99, 11.4, 4.24, 5.11, 5.29, 6.66, 4.23, 11.92, 9.29, 13.15, 8.6, 4.11, 10.96, 11.41, 3.93, 7.63, 6.72, 9.76, 7.64, 10.02, 10.76, 6.17, 4.25, 4.05, 4.72, 12.95, 5.45, 4.07, 11.61, 4.63, 5.98, 10.18, 11.19, 10.71, 9.58, 3.88, 6.24, 8.0, 4.46, 8.8, 14.1, 9.87, 4.15, 4.11, 10.78, 7.44, 12.74, 4.25, 13.79, 12.56, 4.21, 10.5, 5.91, 13.38, 11.52, 4.08, 12.15, 8.47, 3.89, 4.31, 6.76, 12.69, 4.65, 4.03, 3.81, 10.7, 13.18, 5.56, 7.33, 3.92, 11.8, 12.78, 4.1, 4.03, 9.17, 8.17, 9.37, 3.98, 3.82, 10.74, 4.02, 8.37, 4.16, 6.98, 13.28, 3.86, 6.99, 4.2, 10.11, 11.0, 12.15, 4.05, 11.95, 8.22, 4.05, 11.39, 3.92, 9.16, 11.66, 7.03, 5.83, 3.75, 4.38, 4.41, 12.55, 10.57, 4.35, 4.42, 11.67, 8.02, 9.83, 5.61, 11.69, 9.92, 10.55, 11.74, 12.59, 9.33, 12.46, 7.45, 4.43, 4.62, 8.38, 11.61, 7.45, 9.96, 3.86, 4.52, 12.94, 5.49, 12.48, 3.93, 12.2, 10.5, 3.85, 8.65, 3.97, 4.14, 12.27, 4.17, 3.87, 12.15, 6.32, 12.15, 3.9, 4.8, 4.43, 4.16, 3.9, 3.73, 3.79, 3.94, 7.32, 4.06, 6.38, 4.23, 3.92, 12.37, 5.21, 4.24, 4.06, 3.79, 5.87, 3.68, 11.79, 4.22, 3.96, 11.88, 4.51, 12.36, 4.24, 4.78, 7.18, 3.71, 3.79, 13.37, 6.92, 12.57, 9.84, 10.76, 8.88, 4.43, 11.03, 6.54, 10.96, 11.4, 4.08, 4.1, 10.05, 6.79, 9.75, 13.12, 4.01, 4.05, 5.15, 3.75, 4.44, 8.6, 11.77, 13.28, 7.68, 4.14, 8.99, 3.88, 4.42, 9.29, 4.01, 9.59, 11.43, 4.33, 6.98, 3.89, 4.08, 4.09, 7.3, 4.44, 9.57, 11.46, 14.19, 13.16, 5.85, 10.73, 7.08, 8.83, 12.11, 11.39, 10.48, 9.66, 4.29, 13.32, 11.97, 4.74, 7.09, 10.56, 12.71, 4.27, 8.04, 6.84, 4.43, 4.53, 6.28, 4.49, 4.12, 4.62, 11.44, 10.78, 14.0, 4.76, 8.29, 13.33, 9.99, 11.11, 9.65, 3.93, 4.22, 4.45, 4.13, 4.26, 4.24, 6.48, 8.81, 10.69, 10.89, 4.09, 4.19, 8.03, 11.33, 6.85, 4.23, 9.37, 12.93, 6.77, 8.87, 13.61, 9.36, 4.04, 3.97, 9.07, 12.04, 4.15, 4.32, 4.22, 12.29, 10.74, 3.95, 4.59, 10.57, 6.18, 4.81, 4.01, 8.09, 12.54, 10.28, 4.3, 4.29, 9.72, 4.22, 12.66, 4.82, 9.72, 6.03, 8.29, 4.22, 4.51, 4.13, 4.3, 11.82, 4.09, 6.06, 4.36, 3.88, 4.1, 4.01, 10.41, 9.01, 4.07, 4.09, 7.41, 4.17, 4.09, 7.3, 7.68, 4.02, 12.19, 6.37, 13.47, 10.25, 8.74, 4.18, 11.16, 12.44, 11.9, 4.11, 12.63, 4.09, 5.73, 7.62, 11.36, 3.94, 4.01, 13.34, 12.07, 12.2, 3.93, 10.47, 7.07, 4.28, 7.08, 4.32, 9.79, 10.34, 10.82, 4.35, 12.04, 4.42, 8.21, 3.94, 4.37, 4.12, 4.17, 3.97, 11.55, 10.47, 6.71, 13.4, 12.02, 4.03, 4.35, 4.26, 4.6, 7.39, 11.43, 9.31, 4.36, 9.08, 3.91, 10.46, 4.63, 7.87, 4.08, 8.87, 9.22, 11.9, 12.02, 5.1, 13.91, 10.12, 11.48, 7.34, 11.36, 4.39, 12.32, 10.43, 10.33, 12.35, 5.02, 6.78, 12.03, 4.11, 3.96, 10.4, 4.0, 11.91, 3.93, 12.31, 3.89, 12.87, 13.35, 4.05, 4.54, 3.98, 4.97, 4.99, 13.51, 4.16, 4.12, 8.33, 5.96, 12.4, 9.0, 4.15, 10.5, 6.8, 4.04, 9.41, 4.2, 3.83, 9.38, 10.41, 4.4, 4.35, 4.03, 10.11, 12.59, 9.12, 4.1, 6.4, 4.13, 9.23, 13.9, 14.03, 12.46, 4.91, 7.08, 5.83, 11.01, 12.27, 11.32, 4.34, 10.31, 3.87, 12.02, 4.24, 3.79, 3.82, 4.63, 10.79, 12.05, 13.64, 13.53, 9.34, 3.97, 10.2, 9.36, 11.86, 9.68, 12.3, 4.09, 12.86, 10.78, 8.28, 4.13, 12.48, 9.67, 4.24, 8.55, 4.08, 10.51, 4.12, 4.35, 7.2, 3.79, 4.27, 4.4, 11.08, 10.77, 4.08, 10.31, 3.97, 12.08, 3.84, 7.05, 13.02, 3.81, 6.32, 4.95, 11.37, 12.95, 7.7, 4.76, 3.74, 3.7, 4.25, 6.02, 10.27, 9.41, 6.95, 12.73, 12.57, 9.5, 12.72, 3.94, 3.99, 4.39, 3.97, 4.35, 4.08, 4.05, 11.07, 12.63, 3.96, 7.48, 4.06, 11.47, 13.09, 12.23, 10.81, 3.98, 12.72, 12.83, 4.33, 4.29, 10.37, 4.12, 4.05, 4.03, 11.78, 5.31, 4.07, 4.31, 3.97, 4.27, 10.32, 4.3, 4.42, 8.91, 3.7, 8.17, 6.42, 13.08, 4.39, 4.17, 5.86, 5.5, 4.76, 4.29, 4.35, 4.33, 3.94, 8.74, 4.06, 4.16, 13.57, 9.55, 6.77, 13.67, 7.11, 3.92, 4.13, 9.66, 11.54, 7.38, 4.05, 4.22, 3.94, 4.19, 9.02, 13.33, 4.17, 4.34, 3.78, 11.79, 4.25, 6.37, 8.13, 4.72, 4.72, 3.95, 12.94, 4.55, 4.44, 11.52, 12.61, 11.72, 3.98, 4.02, 7.97, 9.62, 3.92, 3.92, 6.33, 11.51, 11.26, 13.65, 4.28, 3.95, 4.11, 3.96, 4.35, 9.95, 4.19, 4.35, 3.95, 3.9, 4.34, 6.91, 3.94, 4.0, 3.99, 3.98, 4.09, 3.74, 9.27, 4.55, 4.04, 4.14, 4.26, 4.63, 4.04, 3.87, 3.96, 3.99, 3.7, 3.97, 11.87, 5.93, 3.97, 3.97, 8.58, 3.81, 3.9, 3.96, 8.87, 9.99, 4.17, 3.79, 3.8, 4.2, 11.75, 3.99, 10.31, 4.21, 4.22, 3.97, 4.04, 4.08, 4.12, 3.91, 3.85, 3.78, 4.12, 9.52, 4.13, 4.07, 9.42, 10.44, 4.25, 3.93, 10.32, 4.03, 10.11, 3.97, 7.59, 14.06, 7.78, 11.92, 12.17, 11.9, 9.04, 13.63, 4.2, 13.93, 9.93, 10.62, 3.87, 9.36, 9.54, 10.72, 3.82, 11.02, 10.81, 8.25, 3.9, 9.28, 5.12, 11.97, 4.12, 13.61, 13.64, 9.64, 12.1, 4.97, 9.54, 5.38, 4.5, 4.47, 11.56, 3.94, 3.73, 5.94, 6.72, 4.44, 5.04, 4.88, 8.07, 12.15, 4.3, 10.74, 4.19, 4.26, 4.43, 4.02, 4.55, 12.21, 10.56, 9.49, 3.87, 12.87, 3.9, 10.72, 4.04, 7.25, 3.97, 3.86, 6.5, 11.57, 12.25, 10.42, 11.28, 13.92, 3.79, 13.75, 3.94, 4.33, 5.86, 10.95, 3.91, 11.56, 10.89, 3.74, 11.54, 4.17, 4.0, 5.58, 4.2, 4.94, 3.61, 7.03, 13.55, 3.66, 6.51, 6.67, 12.55, 4.13, 10.18, 10.25, 4.14, 4.02, 10.77, 9.79, 11.36, 3.95, 4.2, 7.77, 3.89, 3.84, 10.37, 10.02, 12.31, 4.16, 8.42, 6.99, 10.1, 3.76, 11.93, 3.78, 10.91, 4.1, 7.28, 3.79, 3.77, 3.86, 9.8, 3.91, 8.88, 13.51, 9.06, 11.9, 9.0, 10.45, 11.62, 11.01, 5.09, 3.76, 5.79, 10.13, 9.82, 4.23, 3.83, 4.0, 9.28, 11.97, 8.73, 4.07, 4.01, 10.32, 9.58, 3.94, 6.77, 13.8, 9.62, 3.93, 3.9, 13.38, 4.7, 7.41, 9.91, 8.75, 9.43, 9.1, 10.46, 4.19, 6.51, 6.93, 3.99, 4.13, 9.7, 10.04, 8.15, 4.21, 3.96, 4.01, 4.13, 11.97, 9.19, 3.9, 11.25, 4.03, 11.27, 9.81, 8.49, 3.99, 4.16, 10.73, 3.84, 4.18, 3.8, 3.75, 7.48, 4.15, 12.83, 8.4, 10.45, 11.07, 3.82, 4.06, 3.76, 4.26, 10.48, 4.16, 12.69, 4.24, 4.07, 4.04, 4.44, 4.02, 8.77, 11.61, 4.25, 11.78, 11.21, 13.24, 4.11, 4.21, 4.11, 9.99, 4.08, 4.34, 4.52, 6.86, 7.59, 6.08, 4.13, 8.21, 9.77, 4.15, 10.81, 4.28, 8.91, 4.06, 4.0, 12.18, 4.26, 9.97, 5.38, 11.66, 11.85, 12.16, 12.27, 12.45, 12.41, 12.63, 6.02, 9.24, 10.95, 11.22, 4.48, 13.04, 6.12, 13.2, 9.8, 3.93, 10.21, 13.72, 9.33, 11.16, 8.37, 8.08, 11.07, 10.08, 11.66, 11.82, 13.21, 12.3, 4.12, 9.67, 5.28, 9.99, 11.36, 10.5, 3.79, 11.6, 12.45, 8.02, 13.84, 3.94, 7.01, 4.25, 12.1, 12.06, 5.47, 11.67, 4.09, 11.02], [4.63, 4.78, 4.7, 5.98, 12.45, 4.78, 4.69, 5.2, 4.97, 12.1, 4.8, 4.46, 5.05, 4.53, 5.17, 10.9, 13.94, 11.94, 11.11, 4.69, 5.22, 6.41, 4.8, 4.68, 5.46, 14.19, 5.44, 4.69, 12.38, 5.04, 5.01, 12.17, 5.69, 11.81, 6.33, 6.32, 4.92, 4.68, 12.76, 6.25, 13.79, 5.09, 5.01, 13.11, 4.83, 5.5, 5.54, 5.26, 10.58, 5.08, 5.74, 14.26, 4.96, 10.4, 5.24, 4.73, 4.89, 4.83, 12.38, 4.96, 9.4, 5.08, 6.41, 4.9, 5.53, 13.47, 5.49, 7.39, 14.04, 5.38, 4.93, 5.2, 4.72, 5.39, 11.99, 4.88, 4.35, 4.73, 11.09, 10.51, 7.68, 5.4, 5.98, 5.45, 4.96, 7.24, 13.88, 13.68, 4.91, 4.76, 9.33, 6.49, 12.78, 5.05, 10.76, 4.99, 6.52, 4.92, 6.11, 5.03, 4.88, 5.31, 5.41, 12.67, 12.59, 8.62, 8.59, 5.46, 11.07, 5.85, 9.43, 12.4, 6.3, 5.25, 9.63, 7.14, 4.96, 11.32, 4.87, 4.6, 4.61, 4.5, 13.33, 9.31, 6.82, 13.87, 6.17, 6.17, 5.61, 4.69, 10.3, 8.14, 10.02, 12.08, 14.41, 12.68, 5.59, 5.67, 14.43, 4.68, 6.31, 13.98, 5.54, 4.62, 4.34, 14.51, 5.86, 12.46, 4.72, 4.41, 13.21, 4.7, 4.79, 9.96, 4.87, 12.17, 9.05, 14.08, 4.75, 9.12, 4.95, 13.77, 4.51, 4.96, 4.59, 12.97, 4.34, 7.62, 10.77, 4.76, 5.01, 4.31, 13.19, 4.92, 4.98, 4.05, 5.17, 14.31, 11.32, 4.68, 5.0, 5.03, 6.08, 4.86, 13.98, 4.83, 4.46, 4.4, 4.41, 10.21, 13.31, 5.19, 4.13, 4.94, 4.6, 11.22, 4.58, 4.46, 6.09, 4.31, 4.48, 5.14, 7.59, 4.12, 4.93, 12.69, 13.01, 4.58, 4.42, 8.02, 5.73, 8.84, 9.99, 4.34, 12.46, 4.4, 7.55, 4.98, 5.05, 11.25, 4.88, 7.61, 5.32, 11.68, 4.86, 14.03, 13.46, 13.21, 5.05, 4.99, 7.83, 4.53, 13.49, 13.01, 8.8, 14.02, 13.77, 4.78, 10.6, 11.1, 4.6, 12.31, 4.29, 4.47, 8.52, 13.59, 7.48, 6.48, 13.85, 4.71, 12.48, 4.96, 4.81, 4.75, 4.95, 14.09, 13.65, 13.94, 11.81, 12.29, 12.15, 4.76, 7.01, 7.33, 14.12, 11.0, 5.23, 11.94, 4.65, 5.08, 5.01, 8.46, 5.37, 9.83, 8.24, 9.0, 4.88, 4.58, 10.1, 6.95, 4.72, 7.03, 4.75, 13.81, 13.24, 4.45, 13.0, 4.55, 10.45, 5.1, 10.64, 5.42, 4.97, 13.33, 12.59, 12.93, 4.64, 4.47, 13.31, 7.57, 3.87, 4.66, 4.5, 13.97, 4.7, 10.04, 4.48, 8.58, 4.46, 5.66, 4.63, 4.68, 5.08, 4.81, 4.96, 4.94, 4.57, 11.63, 5.21, 4.77, 4.48, 4.8, 4.82, 5.69, 4.64, 9.53, 4.66, 8.43, 13.87, 6.75, 6.45, 4.66, 6.42, 5.74, 8.3, 5.07, 14.03, 4.78, 6.41, 4.92, 7.9, 4.62, 4.55, 4.29, 4.99, 4.49, 4.75, 7.73, 13.63, 7.36, 8.64, 5.46, 9.51, 4.74, 13.06, 14.54, 4.64, 5.1, 4.74, 5.38, 4.86, 4.38, 6.47, 5.26, 7.2, 5.43, 10.23, 8.24, 5.26, 4.68, 12.65, 6.81, 4.71, 5.42, 8.09, 4.51, 6.05, 4.51, 4.25, 14.14, 4.91, 5.2, 4.61, 4.59, 13.47, 13.43, 5.81, 13.74, 5.66, 4.75, 4.66, 5.09, 12.92, 4.65, 5.74, 8.73, 4.77, 4.51, 5.1, 4.8, 4.87, 4.23, 8.69, 4.44, 4.59, 12.94, 5.07, 4.87, 6.0, 4.46, 6.82, 10.82, 5.2, 5.01, 4.73, 9.39, 5.34, 13.56, 4.7, 4.71, 13.17, 11.74, 4.92, 5.04, 4.65, 5.91, 12.41, 4.44, 5.26, 4.55, 9.66, 5.76, 13.14, 4.72, 10.17, 4.92, 4.86, 11.26, 6.98, 5.25, 4.39, 12.69, 6.72, 4.77, 11.63, 4.7, 14.42, 5.27, 4.59, 5.17, 5.26, 5.71, 12.87, 6.72, 5.59, 7.32, 4.91, 14.25, 13.45, 13.56, 5.61, 14.29, 5.55, 4.76, 5.32, 14.15, 4.69, 4.93, 8.25, 14.39, 4.71, 13.26, 4.85, 4.67, 5.42, 7.09, 4.58, 4.97, 5.39, 5.33, 6.87, 10.06, 4.89, 10.95, 11.28, 10.58, 5.07, 4.88, 5.59, 4.68, 13.41, 5.74, 4.85, 4.63, 5.1, 4.4, 4.7, 4.61, 8.96, 5.0, 5.03, 4.67, 4.05, 4.79, 5.26, 4.7, 14.49, 12.46, 7.73, 4.73, 12.59, 5.02, 6.98, 5.34, 12.56, 12.67, 4.83, 7.84, 13.38, 5.17, 7.09, 4.67, 4.8, 5.09, 4.95, 5.19, 4.99, 5.2, 14.23, 4.73, 4.58, 5.1, 5.3, 14.11, 5.44, 4.76, 5.26, 4.51, 13.33, 4.89, 4.54, 4.84, 4.5, 7.43, 10.52, 5.01, 14.92, 7.91, 14.32, 4.79, 5.46, 5.42, 4.93, 8.57, 13.01, 5.24, 5.0, 9.57, 8.21, 5.04, 5.92, 13.74, 4.72, 4.86, 10.93, 5.75, 4.22, 5.15, 4.66, 4.85, 5.3, 4.49, 11.6, 11.8, 5.1, 8.63, 4.38, 12.18, 6.62, 4.74, 4.54, 6.57, 6.1, 4.51, 7.21, 9.55, 4.39, 4.94, 4.9, 13.21, 4.85, 4.7, 4.82, 14.36, 6.51, 8.29, 8.34, 4.21, 4.89, 6.56, 4.83, 12.74, 4.55, 4.39, 4.64, 5.36, 11.51, 4.73, 9.5, 4.43, 11.97, 4.46, 6.93, 13.48, 4.63, 4.75, 11.77, 4.85, 6.16, 4.25, 4.64, 4.71, 5.16, 4.49, 6.47, 5.59, 6.76, 10.64, 6.74, 14.4, 11.88, 5.13, 6.09, 4.65, 4.93, 4.6, 5.11, 11.79, 4.61, 4.83, 4.55, 5.03, 4.32, 10.82, 4.85, 4.37, 5.18, 13.18, 4.36, 4.94, 13.57, 5.0, 4.97, 4.41, 4.91, 6.04, 13.44, 4.68, 4.92, 10.75, 5.58, 4.82, 4.33, 5.61, 5.92, 4.86, 4.53, 8.65, 4.83, 10.73, 4.69, 4.29, 6.75, 9.21, 11.14, 6.75, 14.33, 4.63, 4.47, 4.91, 4.59, 4.64, 5.08, 4.67, 4.77, 5.93, 4.18, 10.37, 6.3, 4.72, 5.13, 5.87, 4.8, 5.4, 4.89, 4.64, 13.6, 5.02, 4.63, 5.26, 4.68, 4.59, 4.76, 13.82, 4.68, 4.68, 6.04, 10.21, 5.91, 9.12, 5.14, 5.22, 5.1, 4.68, 7.72, 5.0, 6.21, 4.61, 13.81, 5.02, 4.36, 10.98, 12.13, 12.04, 11.15, 4.87, 4.29, 5.33, 4.67, 8.32, 4.62, 10.92, 4.64, 8.45, 11.89, 12.76, 4.76, 5.0, 11.43, 5.05, 8.71, 10.39, 10.4, 11.2, 5.11, 4.55, 6.63, 4.59, 12.91, 4.62, 4.69, 4.94, 9.95, 12.57, 4.84, 6.37, 4.36, 4.58, 5.69, 4.48, 14.01, 10.82, 6.02, 4.93, 5.35, 12.44, 6.29, 4.78, 6.1, 5.64, 5.83, 12.97, 13.52, 12.9, 5.78, 5.55, 5.53, 5.88, 4.63, 5.16, 4.73, 4.82, 4.54, 4.94, 5.0, 5.21, 4.53, 4.25, 4.58, 5.44, 5.23, 10.47, 7.7, 5.98, 4.85, 4.81, 4.44, 4.4, 14.19, 11.16, 13.62, 4.8, 6.46, 8.64, 9.07, 4.53, 14.29, 8.56, 5.46, 13.76, 5.8, 4.73, 6.14, 6.46, 6.71, 6.61, 7.58, 5.56, 6.07, 12.2, 4.7, 10.8, 5.24, 4.99, 8.81, 14.1, 8.22, 13.48, 10.44, 8.62, 9.13, 5.48, 14.33, 11.56, 14.4, 14.17, 4.97, 5.28, 10.43, 13.22, 4.92, 7.01, 13.28, 4.92, 8.41, 5.04, 11.75, 6.19, 13.35, 6.3, 13.16, 12.9, 6.86, 12.53, 9.07, 4.96, 5.57, 5.22, 12.2, 6.89, 9.38, 6.46, 13.74, 4.61, 8.96, 5.34, 7.16, 5.59, 7.25, 5.48, 9.11, 4.82, 5.08, 5.83, 13.6, 5.48, 5.87, 5.9, 5.61, 14.17, 10.89, 10.76, 4.25, 13.6, 12.85, 4.99, 4.79, 9.27, 6.05, 4.61, 10.28, 10.89, 13.75, 5.1, 5.89, 13.69, 4.64, 6.25, 4.52, 4.27, 4.63, 6.21, 4.5, 4.99, 11.23, 7.06, 4.5, 11.09, 9.88, 10.39, 13.58, 4.26, 4.61, 5.06, 4.38, 11.6, 13.1, 5.42, 4.45, 4.57, 4.86, 9.29, 13.32, 6.3, 4.54, 12.66, 4.93, 4.98, 4.41, 8.15, 4.62, 4.52, 4.57, 12.27, 14.13, 4.67, 4.91, 14.31, 12.79, 12.95, 13.67, 4.67, 13.98, 5.1, 5.95, 10.85, 7.49, 11.76, 11.91, 7.94, 5.21, 4.96, 12.71, 4.3, 14.0, 4.78, 14.04, 4.3, 13.09, 4.22, 14.19, 4.3, 12.71, 5.36, 3.73, 5.12, 4.38, 3.56, 6.71, 12.67, 10.34, 12.41, 4.02, 4.07, 4.27, 4.52, 4.27, 8.96, 5.56, 3.96, 3.83, 4.36, 10.25, 12.45, 12.15, 10.53, 4.12, 14.08, 4.07, 4.56, 12.61, 4.59, 4.0, 10.0, 4.29, 4.38, 4.17, 4.37, 4.7, 4.6, 12.35, 5.86, 4.73, 4.46, 5.03, 10.04, 4.89, 4.67, 4.82, 4.2, 4.95, 5.09, 4.62, 4.46, 3.91, 4.51, 5.11, 9.3, 4.21, 4.13, 4.56, 5.08, 5.03, 4.48, 4.45, 13.7, 4.87, 4.35, 5.95, 4.59, 9.9, 7.96, 4.63, 4.44, 4.71, 12.25, 4.99], [4.71, 11.3, 5.34, 10.95, 12.37, 4.79, 6.01, 11.88, 9.39, 11.78, 9.12, 8.11, 10.44, 6.29, 4.2, 10.92, 12.32, 10.32, 11.45, 4.36, 4.59, 12.07, 12.53, 11.14, 11.58, 11.23, 4.84, 9.86, 13.17, 10.97, 11.99, 12.79, 8.46, 6.93, 9.81, 12.15, 9.43, 5.04, 12.37, 11.52, 11.32, 12.06, 8.43, 7.15, 10.92, 4.5, 4.56, 4.41, 4.94, 4.51, 7.44, 11.45, 5.01, 12.54, 11.72, 10.66, 10.31, 8.92, 11.99, 3.82, 10.5, 10.24, 12.16, 8.27, 11.29, 10.91, 7.03, 10.98, 12.32, 4.2, 10.49, 13.18, 5.25, 11.57, 12.37, 4.87, 5.6, 10.98, 11.39, 11.56, 12.06, 4.52, 11.26, 10.65, 6.32, 11.78, 11.65, 10.47, 7.86, 10.39, 12.26, 9.23, 11.01, 9.28, 5.31, 5.05, 9.59, 4.49, 12.55, 12.03, 10.42, 4.61, 4.72, 11.85, 11.28, 9.89, 10.92, 13.66, 9.89, 4.0, 11.93, 4.4, 13.05, 12.41, 10.84, 12.33, 5.17, 12.49, 11.84, 4.45, 4.76, 11.36, 12.48, 11.55, 7.81, 10.89, 4.01, 5.95, 8.21, 8.84, 10.22, 10.71, 10.95, 4.4, 12.29, 11.58, 3.72, 9.62, 11.88, 7.63, 11.55, 12.0, 4.38, 4.18, 6.04, 9.77, 9.2, 12.64, 4.77, 4.21, 11.88, 11.75, 4.13, 11.74, 7.92, 12.43, 4.57, 11.93, 4.11, 11.75, 12.6, 10.87, 7.22, 11.18, 6.95, 11.72, 5.07, 11.87, 12.64, 9.55, 4.49, 9.7, 10.04, 6.3, 4.21, 4.35, 4.42, 10.33, 10.37, 12.65, 4.13, 7.98, 10.78, 10.43, 12.46, 7.78, 8.85, 4.56, 8.47, 11.97, 12.28, 10.88, 5.9, 10.71, 6.7, 12.91, 4.53, 11.67, 11.73, 4.52, 4.49, 12.49, 12.32, 4.42, 9.44, 12.9, 11.86, 5.25, 9.57, 13.23, 12.02, 11.81, 12.98, 9.56, 12.49, 12.39, 12.62, 4.87, 11.43, 10.62, 4.3, 12.23, 13.23, 11.95, 4.21, 12.3, 10.86, 12.75, 4.73, 12.63, 12.76, 4.37, 12.59, 12.65, 11.97, 10.95, 12.52, 4.41, 12.67, 12.97, 11.35, 12.41, 10.78, 8.04, 11.49, 12.86, 12.16, 12.12, 11.8, 4.54, 13.09, 3.69, 9.36, 4.31, 6.07, 11.8, 12.3, 10.96, 10.16, 10.49, 11.84, 12.7, 12.44, 11.11, 12.04, 10.5, 11.05, 11.22, 11.72, 8.57, 4.71, 12.81, 4.68, 11.56, 8.46, 11.86, 4.58, 7.55, 13.04, 6.37, 4.76, 4.16, 4.87, 11.97, 12.21, 8.88, 12.07, 4.63, 4.34, 4.92, 12.53, 8.28, 12.46, 12.01, 11.89, 12.55, 4.56, 11.78, 13.77, 5.92, 9.93, 11.27, 10.28, 13.3, 10.78, 11.89, 12.61, 12.9, 5.43, 12.36, 10.36, 4.43, 4.38, 4.12, 4.44, 11.04, 8.53, 12.71, 4.96, 13.3, 9.64, 4.27, 4.34, 4.38, 4.68, 12.14, 5.54, 12.4, 12.87, 10.56, 10.96, 9.83, 11.86, 9.12, 10.37, 13.12, 13.24, 5.17, 4.93, 4.75, 4.62, 5.44, 5.34, 4.4, 3.68, 11.25, 7.0, 11.95, 12.51, 11.05, 4.61, 4.98, 13.34, 5.57, 11.61, 12.11, 7.79, 11.86, 5.45, 5.49, 4.49, 12.31, 4.69, 5.1, 4.87, 12.33, 13.04, 4.67, 4.97, 4.18, 12.5, 12.01, 11.85, 5.45, 9.42, 12.59, 13.3, 9.27, 6.9, 11.71, 11.9, 4.85, 10.1, 6.85, 13.14, 12.51, 4.43, 11.39, 7.46, 5.09, 4.05, 12.95, 12.68, 11.62, 4.81, 3.99, 5.26, 8.94, 4.66, 4.87, 5.06, 4.11, 12.51, 7.42, 7.96, 12.39, 10.02, 11.55, 10.15, 12.32, 12.64, 12.55, 11.86, 9.33, 4.71, 4.66, 4.42, 12.44, 4.46, 4.08, 11.83, 13.31, 12.82, 6.98, 12.18, 12.4, 9.63, 12.9, 4.73, 4.8, 13.27, 9.6, 10.99, 11.57, 12.31, 12.98, 6.26, 11.35, 13.27, 11.24, 13.47, 13.22, 11.51, 7.03, 8.85, 11.87, 10.92, 12.03, 4.5, 5.02, 9.71, 4.86, 12.0, 4.78, 11.38, 12.81, 12.7, 12.18, 13.22, 10.13, 7.63, 11.75, 4.57, 4.41, 8.95, 13.0, 6.46, 5.85, 12.24, 12.82, 11.17, 11.9, 11.13, 10.07, 12.52, 11.69, 8.24, 11.91, 7.62, 9.71, 11.01, 12.54, 4.69, 11.52, 12.94, 11.8, 4.27, 4.36, 6.21, 10.71, 9.85, 12.13, 12.51, 4.93, 12.89, 11.45, 4.99, 4.86, 4.62, 6.56, 5.62, 12.2, 8.31, 4.79, 12.5, 13.08, 12.05, 10.86, 4.32, 4.99, 13.02, 9.32, 4.44, 4.64, 12.57, 12.35, 11.84, 10.47, 11.54, 4.45, 12.0, 9.27, 10.41, 4.62, 4.87, 6.09, 10.89, 11.59, 12.77, 10.76, 11.13, 13.14, 12.2, 11.61, 12.94, 5.0, 4.69, 5.74, 12.7, 12.49, 12.34, 12.33, 12.07, 4.56, 8.67, 8.26, 12.91, 10.54, 11.11, 4.23, 7.44, 8.63, 11.15, 12.37, 4.53, 4.15, 11.43, 12.38, 4.6, 4.6, 11.72, 12.55, 4.27, 7.85, 13.71, 4.93, 5.49, 11.18, 11.14, 10.75, 10.67, 10.26, 10.77, 12.9, 11.43, 12.67, 5.12, 12.73, 13.14, 12.11, 12.4, 10.42, 9.14, 4.83, 10.21, 10.27, 4.24, 12.7, 5.68, 12.64, 12.79, 7.44, 11.81, 10.74, 12.08, 4.55, 13.27, 11.59, 4.29, 4.49, 4.42, 12.58, 5.51, 9.12, 4.39, 4.58, 12.51, 11.72, 11.98, 7.88, 12.89, 11.47, 12.27, 4.66, 4.87, 5.9, 10.36, 10.36, 4.55, 11.89, 12.11, 7.17, 4.16, 4.67, 4.51, 4.71, 5.3, 5.97, 11.18, 11.11, 9.64, 5.05, 11.79, 4.5, 4.44, 4.73, 5.17, 12.33, 5.41, 8.41, 4.91, 4.82, 4.58, 4.97, 5.26, 11.05, 10.56, 11.42, 10.34, 4.79, 11.79, 4.36, 11.54, 12.9, 11.76, 4.57, 4.28, 5.93, 4.98, 11.58, 9.68, 4.6, 4.77, 4.69, 13.15, 5.09, 4.54, 12.92, 4.55, 4.57, 12.59, 12.01, 5.07, 4.42, 12.87, 11.15, 12.11, 11.11, 10.2, 11.71, 4.36, 12.95, 5.38, 4.61, 12.49, 12.57, 7.53, 12.25, 4.73, 4.35, 4.71, 4.76, 6.92, 4.51, 5.21, 4.92, 13.45, 4.37, 8.63, 12.87, 4.4, 4.78, 4.62, 13.05, 12.37, 11.98, 12.89, 4.66, 4.75, 4.03, 4.62, 4.72, 4.55, 4.32, 5.59, 4.93, 4.66, 12.58, 12.88, 4.39, 4.69, 12.47, 12.77, 4.42, 4.27, 4.52, 11.88, 4.81, 4.38, 4.97, 4.05, 12.17, 6.38, 11.55, 4.38, 4.47, 5.03, 4.99, 4.98, 4.72, 4.43, 4.96, 4.75, 4.73, 5.62, 4.84, 4.13, 9.78, 12.24, 4.65, 4.74, 12.62, 4.91, 12.77, 4.77, 11.57, 5.21, 9.27, 4.66, 4.35, 13.2, 12.34, 4.68, 4.4, 5.91, 13.39, 12.0, 10.95, 4.78, 5.12, 12.92, 12.79, 12.82, 13.29, 13.65, 12.71, 7.31, 8.14, 8.24, 11.98, 4.87, 5.5, 8.96, 7.89, 5.14, 9.71, 8.26, 9.38, 12.46, 8.71, 10.7, 12.46, 11.51, 7.7, 10.96, 11.02, 12.78, 9.32, 12.27, 12.37, 12.49, 12.59, 12.51, 11.9, 12.44, 12.57, 11.96, 12.96, 7.19, 12.08, 11.56, 5.52, 12.98, 11.43, 11.67, 4.09, 4.39, 8.66, 12.95, 11.7, 12.07, 11.87, 7.86, 10.65, 10.4, 12.69, 4.39, 11.64, 13.01, 13.03, 11.89, 4.4, 12.54, 12.3, 12.42, 11.74, 3.91, 4.81, 11.16, 12.63, 11.2, 13.03, 13.13, 4.19, 12.91, 6.17, 12.37, 9.04, 11.92, 10.92, 12.71, 12.44, 10.62, 12.59, 12.94, 4.28, 12.1, 4.15, 10.93, 10.92, 12.26, 11.6, 12.24, 8.44, 12.29, 12.28, 13.18, 4.57, 11.31, 6.6, 5.24, 5.29, 4.75, 4.2, 12.88, 8.65, 9.26, 12.63, 11.66, 13.49, 13.1, 12.07, 7.89, 13.18, 13.38, 11.69, 9.34, 12.16, 5.32, 10.75, 12.82, 4.42, 10.59, 11.8, 7.71, 9.81, 11.86, 11.99, 11.93, 9.36, 4.29, 13.19, 11.83, 9.58, 12.25, 11.34, 9.2, 13.35, 11.36, 12.49, 13.48, 4.35, 11.89, 11.3, 4.37, 12.86, 11.66, 5.19, 13.77, 10.06, 12.52, 12.0, 12.18, 12.84, 12.18, 12.47, 5.12, 9.76, 13.63, 8.52, 13.2, 10.81, 11.78, 11.62, 11.39, 4.25, 12.35, 12.78, 11.97, 12.22, 12.39, 13.01, 12.19, 12.44, 11.9, 6.14, 12.15, 13.02, 12.57, 13.09, 4.2, 11.75, 12.67, 4.51, 12.04, 11.59, 12.72, 4.1, 13.09, 8.75, 10.49, 4.87, 12.58, 6.53, 4.35, 12.39, 12.78, 4.23, 4.51, 12.9, 12.35, 8.8, 10.34, 4.19, 12.4, 8.59, 5.02, 12.19, 7.76, 10.58, 4.58, 8.4, 11.45, 13.7, 12.5, 12.12, 4.19, 11.9, 9.75, 8.4, 12.57, 4.74, 9.27, 13.45, 10.77, 4.36, 11.85, 4.21, 12.03, 8.17, 12.61, 12.0, 6.04, 9.82, 4.22, 12.22, 12.3, 4.36, 11.94, 4.66, 5.24, 11.26, 4.53, 9.04, 11.82, 9.41, 11.16, 13.38, 4.78, 4.47, 9.04, 9.37, 4.26, 9.51, 9.71, 12.92, 8.91, 11.11, 4.5, 4.66, 11.96, 11.37, 6.11, 6.92, 11.45, 11.73, 4.22], [11.88, 7.51, 9.48, 8.55, 12.61, 3.53, 4.59, 3.53, 4.8, 8.1, 13.98, 9.57, 4.17, 3.48, 8.89, 8.73, 8.92, 10.34, 6.1, 7.14, 12.85, 6.46, 3.79, 5.88, 14.01, 3.37, 12.46, 7.05, 6.11, 3.47, 7.3, 5.64, 10.44, 4.03, 11.68, 4.47, 9.85, 6.82, 10.78, 9.27, 3.7, 10.68, 13.02, 9.42, 13.35, 9.64, 3.57, 11.09, 3.49, 12.86, 13.13, 7.23, 10.82, 5.61, 6.67, 10.47, 8.6, 4.6, 4.87, 12.26, 10.66, 13.47, 9.45, 8.82, 4.17, 10.3, 5.83, 11.71, 8.03, 11.37, 8.65, 12.79, 11.78, 8.78, 4.89, 10.77, 11.62, 9.75, 5.26, 6.51, 8.89, 13.79, 8.48, 12.1, 10.07, 3.88, 10.15, 8.69, 10.63, 3.53, 8.95, 11.55, 9.04, 13.72, 10.05, 10.32, 8.95, 10.41, 12.06, 10.82, 6.74, 11.83, 9.51, 7.26, 9.47, 4.69, 5.7, 3.62, 10.57, 3.55, 6.08, 10.28, 8.25, 7.99, 6.92, 8.88, 12.8, 10.57, 3.47, 8.86, 12.93, 7.28, 11.58, 14.52, 9.97, 6.71, 5.09, 11.14, 8.59, 10.07, 8.57, 5.81, 8.95, 3.27, 6.93, 9.02, 9.74, 12.66, 6.86, 8.46, 12.26, 9.35, 3.83, 8.72, 7.75, 7.12, 9.85, 7.98, 11.57, 12.42, 9.73, 5.3, 8.72, 9.52, 7.74, 12.06, 3.5, 6.66, 10.68, 9.72, 9.9, 7.53, 10.94, 11.68, 5.35, 7.62, 5.89, 8.34, 4.49, 6.02, 3.5, 6.12, 10.78, 13.19, 5.2, 13.33, 10.78, 7.78, 11.0, 3.42, 8.37, 10.45, 11.15, 7.81, 6.97, 13.02, 5.58, 12.57, 13.33, 3.29, 6.27, 5.33, 7.77, 12.08, 10.6, 3.78, 14.03, 7.12, 10.41, 12.12, 10.12, 6.82, 6.44, 3.35, 3.55, 4.77, 10.51, 8.78, 11.04, 11.29, 3.97, 10.6, 3.22, 11.28, 7.67, 5.52, 8.75, 7.98, 12.01, 7.01, 10.46, 8.46, 3.84, 8.53, 13.48, 6.78, 9.75, 4.55, 3.88, 4.96, 4.81, 9.18, 8.16, 6.5, 7.08, 4.03, 5.34, 3.59, 9.82, 5.0, 13.33, 11.65, 3.7, 4.16, 4.64, 3.41, 3.66, 11.54, 10.0, 3.46, 7.63, 3.59, 9.2, 3.54, 5.4, 6.22, 4.76, 6.78, 8.11, 6.22, 8.52, 11.51, 9.08, 9.24, 7.78, 5.66, 14.29, 3.51, 13.49, 7.75, 3.75, 7.27, 5.34, 9.83, 7.18, 6.33, 3.42, 3.85, 9.89, 8.96, 12.16, 9.31, 11.24, 8.2, 7.66, 3.83, 6.86, 12.75, 8.06, 6.35, 11.44, 12.58, 11.14, 5.31, 11.32, 5.29, 11.42, 4.23, 9.1, 10.24, 13.31, 5.77, 13.11, 5.08, 13.47, 6.82, 7.52, 8.4, 12.1, 8.87, 9.84, 3.71, 3.91, 3.96, 3.47, 9.61, 11.88, 9.62, 3.69, 10.07, 11.28, 3.3, 3.96, 3.55, 3.32, 7.24, 6.55, 8.02, 6.97, 10.74, 7.61, 12.5, 12.36, 9.68, 8.31, 9.74, 3.62, 3.34, 4.07, 3.3, 3.9, 4.96, 11.46, 13.06, 10.01, 11.41, 3.93, 10.37, 7.66, 10.78, 4.37, 6.29, 5.96, 12.6, 12.02, 3.92, 9.7, 8.28, 3.6, 3.54, 12.72, 10.83, 3.75, 12.61, 3.43, 11.45, 5.92, 4.06, 3.91, 12.12, 10.07, 3.36, 7.25, 12.9, 9.94, 9.93, 9.65, 3.51, 10.06, 3.66, 11.58, 3.73, 10.76, 4.71, 3.71, 7.13, 4.52, 6.96, 5.7, 10.55, 3.99, 4.8, 7.99, 3.58, 4.27, 3.8, 10.97, 11.59, 3.49, 3.52, 8.61, 3.46, 3.68, 4.06, 3.43, 4.2, 11.59, 5.97, 10.28, 12.28, 6.01, 3.4, 13.86, 12.61, 11.26, 3.18, 9.58, 8.52, 7.01, 11.85, 7.71, 4.59, 7.16, 13.14, 7.92, 5.48, 9.82, 14.2, 4.0, 4.2, 7.55, 12.67, 6.56, 11.21, 7.6, 4.54, 11.25, 4.09, 6.08, 4.08, 4.03, 11.99, 7.66, 9.48, 6.11, 13.37, 10.52, 3.22, 11.61, 3.52, 8.06, 3.53, 10.85, 3.8, 9.53, 13.9, 4.35, 5.93, 4.64, 11.12, 8.58, 8.23, 7.12, 10.9, 10.57, 6.89, 10.65, 9.42, 10.33, 9.53, 9.03, 3.37, 8.38, 9.66, 13.99, 7.29, 12.28, 13.14, 13.46, 11.56, 10.01, 3.91, 3.4, 7.18, 4.82, 11.4, 3.74, 11.39, 3.56, 11.93, 9.39, 7.39, 8.98, 3.62, 7.38, 3.51, 12.15, 3.49, 3.62, 11.35, 12.6, 12.95, 10.58, 3.69, 13.99, 3.42, 4.23, 5.81, 3.45, 3.45, 6.7, 9.58, 10.82, 3.78, 3.84, 5.97, 13.99, 12.16, 7.93, 14.21, 6.98, 11.89, 10.99, 13.74, 11.69, 9.59, 9.2, 8.06, 3.65, 12.15, 8.89, 3.71, 13.77, 7.91, 14.29, 3.95, 3.53, 11.03, 7.0, 13.8, 14.07, 13.97, 13.4, 10.44, 9.66, 12.99, 9.27, 10.75, 7.06, 11.54, 5.71, 12.67, 11.44, 4.0, 3.75, 10.53, 12.94, 6.16, 3.25, 7.99, 7.4, 7.8, 3.5, 6.83, 3.89, 3.35, 3.52, 8.66, 7.15, 11.62, 7.79, 3.38, 11.03, 8.58, 5.92, 4.86, 9.94, 3.53, 4.44, 13.98, 13.59, 9.85, 7.17, 3.81, 3.97, 12.33, 3.68, 14.27, 4.0, 8.95, 14.09, 14.05, 14.3, 6.28, 8.39, 3.42, 8.06, 3.92, 3.82, 3.53, 3.39, 6.79, 12.79, 12.58, 3.68, 4.32, 9.37, 13.93, 5.59, 13.18, 5.46, 13.23, 9.13, 3.32, 6.78, 10.62, 3.76, 3.53, 4.05, 12.25, 7.85, 3.8, 10.47, 8.11, 3.64, 3.48, 3.39, 3.67, 4.64, 9.81, 9.48, 3.46, 11.04, 3.83, 3.77, 3.84, 4.36, 7.93, 3.6, 3.54, 3.49, 3.41, 3.55, 3.19, 3.46, 11.04, 9.66, 7.63, 8.78, 3.22, 5.52, 4.67, 11.46, 6.75, 13.49, 3.62, 3.54, 5.07, 3.36, 9.09, 12.79, 3.48, 3.79, 3.64, 7.43, 3.6, 3.33, 6.27, 3.64, 3.24, 7.87, 10.13, 3.4, 3.71, 10.45, 13.7, 3.83, 3.74, 3.98, 7.86, 12.1, 3.76, 3.5, 12.77, 14.26, 14.09, 13.42, 6.4, 3.23, 9.37, 3.5, 3.39, 13.29, 6.65, 6.6, 6.6, 11.42, 3.43, 10.93, 3.9, 13.32, 3.54, 3.67, 7.83, 4.16, 3.7, 9.2, 3.34, 3.41, 4.41, 3.47, 3.39, 6.94, 9.93, 3.51, 3.75, 3.56, 14.25, 8.93, 3.52, 3.81, 9.79, 3.79, 3.92, 3.82, 3.61, 9.53, 7.58, 3.48, 3.57, 3.78, 5.8, 4.54, 12.33, 3.64, 3.8, 3.7, 6.12, 3.42, 8.79, 3.56, 3.56, 3.53, 3.56, 3.59, 3.88, 4.5, 11.23, 8.54, 7.77, 10.33, 12.51, 3.53, 11.05, 13.46, 6.73, 10.83, 10.94, 9.59, 11.72, 10.23, 11.45, 9.52, 6.56, 10.51, 11.31, 10.5, 7.51, 9.98, 9.96, 13.92, 3.7, 7.78, 4.44, 6.2, 3.64, 12.49, 5.32, 11.08, 4.67, 7.87, 9.39, 13.86, 8.42, 8.35, 10.66, 9.22, 9.83, 3.21, 13.15, 3.61, 8.67, 9.85, 7.44, 4.08, 3.72, 8.98, 3.54, 8.32, 5.38, 6.76, 3.7, 7.63, 10.4, 8.2, 4.72, 7.75, 10.24, 12.5, 6.91, 9.79, 11.1, 10.85, 8.77, 4.33, 4.26, 3.9, 10.53, 11.23, 10.35, 9.44, 8.69, 3.37, 14.06, 3.49, 8.32, 3.72, 6.99, 10.59, 5.3, 11.07, 13.76, 5.84, 8.09, 3.63, 9.32, 11.57, 3.99, 9.06, 6.81, 9.72, 10.91, 11.75, 13.29, 9.42, 12.73, 7.62, 10.59, 7.79, 12.66, 3.65, 9.96, 10.16, 8.36, 5.61, 3.68, 10.42, 13.62, 6.27, 7.1, 10.32, 12.02, 8.24, 10.85, 11.56, 12.39, 11.77, 4.17, 4.08, 10.99, 3.53, 11.03, 3.3, 3.44, 4.47, 11.82, 11.59, 8.01, 13.82, 10.33, 11.75, 9.0, 10.76, 5.23, 8.79, 12.13, 10.97, 8.42, 10.84, 10.7, 7.61, 3.48, 6.51, 11.06, 11.8, 8.69, 3.92, 3.83, 9.69, 9.93, 3.68, 3.53, 9.25, 11.3, 7.86, 4.51, 9.76, 5.42, 4.68, 6.73, 7.64, 3.56, 14.09, 12.06, 3.72, 6.58, 10.04, 4.26, 8.05, 8.29, 9.19, 9.44, 4.32, 3.44, 12.64, 6.23, 10.45, 7.98, 5.81, 11.74, 5.39, 8.88, 10.02, 7.09, 6.3, 4.05, 12.49, 4.58, 9.97, 6.68, 6.6, 13.05, 4.47, 13.76, 10.56, 10.96, 12.11, 8.48, 11.34, 5.81, 3.6, 9.95, 8.91, 9.37, 6.69, 3.59, 6.49, 3.7, 9.28, 13.08, 5.54, 3.88, 9.73, 11.99, 10.2, 9.39, 7.38, 7.8, 10.81, 8.92, 6.96, 4.57, 3.56, 12.44, 12.52, 3.61, 3.77, 7.98, 11.78, 9.76, 3.34, 8.34, 12.04, 7.06, 8.49, 8.33, 9.78, 4.7, 10.5, 11.64, 9.79, 8.66, 10.46, 7.26, 11.39, 11.21, 13.18, 10.36, 9.05, 6.66, 11.77, 6.66, 9.61, 13.3, 8.73, 10.41, 11.17, 11.4, 8.91, 10.67, 8.14, 12.01, 13.17, 11.09, 12.89, 7.64, 11.81, 3.96, 12.86, 12.05, 7.88, 7.45, 10.94, 11.13, 4.16, 6.18, 5.01, 7.09, 11.42, 11.0, 5.16, 11.93, 8.95, 3.68, 8.59, 9.93, 11.68], [7.48, 10.4, 10.31, 4.0, 12.58, 3.85, 3.88, 8.61, 13.44, 4.1, 14.18, 10.35, 10.85, 3.88, 7.03, 3.74, 3.88, 6.97, 6.97, 5.61, 4.11, 11.81, 13.03, 10.24, 4.95, 4.88, 9.37, 8.89, 4.35, 3.6, 4.06, 7.51, 3.7, 3.75, 3.77, 14.27, 9.78, 8.12, 7.73, 4.66, 3.79, 4.06, 3.86, 3.81, 10.05, 9.44, 3.98, 8.98, 4.07, 11.09, 4.07, 11.95, 4.42, 3.93, 4.1, 13.48, 3.82, 4.07, 11.03, 8.5, 14.33, 3.56, 3.81, 10.01, 11.86, 13.86, 3.59, 5.26, 13.39, 3.82, 4.98, 4.1, 12.02, 3.79, 11.21, 6.28, 4.06, 7.99, 3.97, 9.42, 10.45, 3.92, 5.94, 6.43, 4.65, 11.96, 13.85, 4.03, 8.97, 3.93, 3.92, 4.01, 8.11, 4.09, 4.0, 3.87, 3.65, 7.71, 3.86, 5.28, 6.22, 5.09, 3.75, 4.44, 5.67, 3.53, 4.52, 13.14, 8.14, 4.77, 6.18, 9.58, 9.86, 4.75, 3.83, 4.87, 3.91, 6.42, 12.76, 13.29, 4.5, 3.64, 4.6, 9.93, 3.82, 12.62, 3.77, 6.59, 8.35, 8.02, 13.09, 3.83, 3.95, 10.45, 3.86, 3.89, 3.82, 12.77, 6.55, 10.75, 3.67, 5.19, 3.86, 7.66, 7.58, 11.65, 7.3, 12.5, 4.14, 3.78, 8.74, 3.94, 3.71, 3.72, 7.89, 4.43, 4.1, 3.9, 3.86, 3.83, 3.91, 3.78, 3.75, 3.91, 7.57, 9.23, 3.74, 8.99, 3.96, 4.8, 3.99, 6.04, 5.17, 4.12, 5.92, 10.77, 3.58, 4.13, 4.03, 10.99, 3.84, 4.18, 14.29, 4.09, 3.88, 3.72, 9.65, 8.91, 13.52, 4.06, 12.95, 3.9, 4.06, 4.45, 3.91, 8.33, 3.66, 9.38, 4.05, 3.97, 6.65, 3.74, 9.98, 3.55, 3.88, 10.31, 4.15, 3.99, 12.06, 4.0, 11.85, 6.52, 7.64, 13.49, 10.07, 13.26, 3.79, 5.64, 5.53, 8.81, 11.75, 3.91, 3.76, 3.65, 3.86, 11.52, 5.28, 8.52, 3.88, 11.64, 7.81, 5.48, 6.61, 5.53, 4.86, 4.25, 10.74, 3.81, 4.88, 13.11, 4.67, 11.02, 3.75, 6.9, 3.77, 4.11, 3.97, 3.7, 5.43, 4.7, 3.78, 3.92, 13.77, 4.13, 8.52, 6.57, 9.99, 10.44, 3.57, 3.64, 10.82, 8.66, 4.0, 11.98, 9.88, 9.15, 3.83, 3.52, 4.74, 6.41, 3.99, 5.26, 3.56, 3.97, 5.99, 4.5, 4.45, 5.57, 4.21, 13.97, 4.17, 9.08, 4.83, 4.73, 11.64, 3.82, 12.51, 3.92, 4.14, 10.81, 4.18, 3.85, 3.58, 7.29, 4.16, 4.12, 3.82, 3.87, 8.81, 4.12, 8.46, 4.03, 3.68, 10.51, 3.93, 4.28, 3.83, 4.26, 4.07, 3.89, 3.72, 4.42, 3.86, 3.71, 3.99, 13.31, 5.68, 4.21, 4.17, 4.13, 6.52, 6.99, 3.85, 4.02, 4.01, 11.02, 7.86, 4.24, 3.88, 9.77, 12.94, 12.96, 4.07, 11.66, 4.05, 10.04, 3.77, 3.87, 4.05, 3.54, 3.92, 3.87, 3.92, 4.72, 8.23, 5.06, 4.2, 3.87, 3.56, 10.58, 12.17, 3.97, 4.57, 4.12, 13.91, 3.81, 13.01, 4.33, 4.22, 4.85, 4.22, 3.71, 11.35, 7.82, 13.28, 9.94, 4.15, 6.43, 3.83, 3.89, 3.88, 4.14, 6.15, 4.96, 7.57, 4.07, 8.43, 4.09, 10.81, 10.63, 5.2, 4.13, 12.97, 6.2, 11.78, 12.45, 3.81, 8.89, 4.41, 3.89, 3.89, 12.68, 9.44, 3.79, 9.86, 3.99, 8.29, 3.8, 4.11, 4.3, 10.47, 3.96, 4.17, 9.13, 4.05, 12.61, 13.49, 13.39, 3.6, 5.4, 5.69, 7.85, 4.0, 7.24, 3.45, 7.39, 3.52, 11.64, 3.63, 4.02, 4.17, 4.05, 8.17, 4.02, 3.97, 3.92, 4.02, 5.08, 3.71, 3.58, 10.56, 3.74, 4.08, 4.35, 4.13, 8.08, 10.82, 11.39, 13.96, 6.45, 10.3, 12.28, 3.88, 4.24, 5.5, 4.55, 4.07, 3.93, 3.74, 3.94, 4.02, 4.09, 11.76, 3.88, 3.82, 3.57, 4.2, 9.25, 10.37, 12.88, 13.71, 4.28, 4.13, 3.82, 3.91, 4.44, 4.04, 3.84, 8.55, 3.94, 4.04, 3.96, 3.99, 4.5, 4.12, 4.18, 9.69, 4.05, 3.83, 3.61, 4.0, 3.67, 3.86, 3.92, 3.92, 13.72, 4.1, 3.58, 3.8, 11.69, 13.61, 4.77, 11.99, 3.54, 12.25, 12.47, 11.76, 3.88, 4.13, 6.24, 9.54, 3.9, 7.55, 3.88, 3.92, 11.37, 4.04, 3.9, 11.5, 3.93, 10.02, 3.87, 4.12, 8.74, 9.98, 8.21, 5.51, 4.07, 4.57, 3.94, 3.96, 4.57, 3.97, 13.05, 3.85, 3.88, 3.93, 12.37, 4.81, 7.35, 3.63, 3.91, 3.89, 12.37, 8.6, 4.05, 3.97, 3.52, 7.47, 3.87, 5.6, 4.41, 5.14, 6.24, 11.19, 4.02, 12.47, 4.49, 4.07, 4.44, 4.26, 3.83, 3.99, 3.65, 4.29, 3.83, 14.39, 3.72, 9.69, 3.97, 5.26, 10.98, 3.85, 4.54, 8.11, 4.08, 4.0, 3.74, 4.13, 3.77, 4.08, 3.74, 8.23, 11.66, 4.05, 4.04, 6.23, 5.57, 3.77, 3.88, 7.86, 3.63, 3.77, 12.84, 5.09, 3.82, 4.02, 4.27, 4.06, 3.9, 4.14, 13.78, 4.04, 12.19, 8.92, 3.78, 13.0, 12.72, 3.85, 4.03, 4.15, 4.37, 3.91, 11.03, 4.29, 3.99, 12.58, 3.89, 5.96, 6.48, 9.08, 9.87, 3.88, 4.02, 3.47, 4.32, 4.56, 4.27, 4.31, 3.7, 3.97, 3.91, 12.5, 4.04, 12.63, 3.87, 4.1, 3.91, 3.92, 13.2, 4.61, 3.92, 13.43, 3.53, 7.87, 3.85, 4.05, 10.51, 3.88, 4.12, 4.04, 11.25, 4.42, 4.8, 3.75, 8.14, 4.08, 10.02, 3.85, 3.9, 11.47, 4.77, 3.86, 3.78, 3.76, 11.35, 11.04, 4.09, 4.25, 3.63, 11.41, 4.02, 4.07, 4.13, 3.94, 12.55, 3.89, 10.73, 4.61, 4.26, 4.01, 10.57, 4.04, 4.05, 4.49, 6.52, 6.97, 6.01, 11.61, 3.99, 3.8, 8.95, 11.35, 8.37, 3.87, 7.66, 4.13, 3.96, 3.92, 10.47, 4.13, 4.85, 7.96, 4.02, 3.84, 3.91, 5.36, 3.59, 3.98, 4.04, 4.31, 4.01, 3.88, 10.72, 4.04, 4.09, 6.38, 4.06, 8.85, 4.29, 4.13, 3.93, 4.76, 5.09, 8.12, 4.95, 5.58, 3.78, 3.95, 3.97, 3.95, 4.1, 3.92, 7.89, 3.94, 3.96, 11.68, 4.21, 4.37, 3.9, 4.16, 3.97, 3.97, 7.7, 3.91, 6.85, 4.33, 4.13, 3.76, 11.6, 3.86, 3.7, 4.18, 9.9, 3.85, 4.04, 4.03, 3.8, 3.94, 4.15, 4.1, 4.4, 3.98, 5.9, 3.96, 4.31, 14.55, 3.75, 13.3, 4.06, 6.41, 6.5, 3.86, 7.19, 4.21, 4.52, 4.25, 4.41, 11.32, 6.69, 4.75, 9.18, 5.17, 4.14, 13.33, 10.67, 5.04, 4.32, 4.1, 12.29, 10.43, 3.84, 4.3, 12.63, 6.18, 10.71, 6.04, 8.18, 10.68, 13.72, 10.43, 4.03, 6.01, 5.59, 10.41, 9.82, 6.49, 3.62, 4.16, 5.96, 4.18, 3.52, 11.82, 4.27, 5.23, 7.72, 3.54, 3.99, 3.79, 11.53, 3.61, 3.93, 4.45, 5.53, 8.59, 4.25, 4.01, 4.05, 4.17, 12.06, 3.8, 3.83, 3.58, 4.08, 12.54, 12.38, 3.87, 3.87, 4.26, 4.02, 4.17, 3.88, 11.11, 11.61, 12.49, 11.11, 6.2, 3.79, 9.78, 4.16, 9.99, 4.01, 4.61, 4.25, 4.03, 3.88, 4.07, 3.99, 9.94, 3.5, 9.17, 7.32, 4.0, 3.71, 13.07, 12.98, 3.84, 4.01, 11.75, 14.37, 4.31, 4.7, 11.9, 4.1, 14.29, 3.88, 14.06, 14.39, 12.38, 13.43, 12.32, 3.82, 3.93, 4.38, 4.42, 9.91, 4.83, 7.16, 4.03, 3.82, 4.29, 9.66, 11.14, 7.23, 4.14, 14.38, 5.15, 3.76, 4.01, 12.48, 4.19, 10.97, 4.57, 4.19, 11.77, 6.49, 3.96, 13.01, 7.13, 3.99, 4.05, 4.15, 7.29, 4.54, 5.06, 12.28, 10.84, 12.24, 9.35, 4.4, 3.99, 3.9, 6.02, 11.16, 3.94, 9.58, 5.68, 3.89, 11.83, 13.07, 4.07, 4.18, 3.44, 13.0, 10.11, 10.68, 3.73, 3.89, 3.83, 3.98, 4.47, 12.23, 7.7, 11.44, 12.73, 4.03, 6.98, 9.4, 7.41, 11.35, 8.99, 3.59, 10.14, 7.89, 13.64, 5.05, 3.33, 12.42, 3.91, 3.7, 4.08, 3.63, 13.26, 3.83, 10.83, 12.95, 11.81, 4.13, 12.19, 9.48, 4.2, 3.9, 3.94, 4.03, 3.86, 13.36, 10.98, 4.42, 10.71, 10.33, 9.7, 3.9, 11.39, 5.03, 4.28, 3.86, 3.91, 5.04, 3.96, 3.87, 12.65, 13.09, 5.18, 7.0, 4.51, 9.83, 3.81, 11.31, 6.51, 3.84, 3.99, 3.98, 8.3, 4.18, 9.08, 7.33, 11.61, 3.76, 12.21, 10.56, 4.75, 9.48, 13.17, 3.91, 4.98, 3.96, 7.48, 3.85, 12.2, 3.63, 8.93, 5.59, 3.81, 13.56, 3.92, 3.9, 13.27, 10.7, 4.08, 8.96, 4.03, 14.28, 3.87, 4.08, 14.24, 4.45, 3.86, 13.52, 4.06, 4.08, 3.77, 3.83, 3.57, 11.73, 6.74, 5.77, 3.9], [3.63, 4.07, 3.72, 11.42, 3.8, 3.88, 3.31, 3.92, 3.64, 12.52, 3.63, 3.67, 3.49, 3.42, 3.46, 4.55, 8.73, 13.1, 8.22, 3.64, 3.71, 3.64, 3.74, 3.62, 3.44, 3.62, 3.7, 3.55, 13.31, 3.82, 9.19, 8.96, 3.64, 3.68, 6.09, 3.95, 4.54, 3.52, 3.51, 3.97, 5.15, 3.67, 3.37, 3.69, 3.79, 3.4, 3.99, 3.6, 4.31, 3.46, 3.85, 12.49, 3.68, 3.37, 3.71, 10.26, 3.34, 4.06, 13.6, 3.43, 3.64, 3.43, 8.66, 3.41, 13.68, 3.52, 3.73, 3.98, 9.27, 4.32, 3.59, 5.74, 3.56, 3.87, 3.74, 3.47, 4.24, 4.24, 11.62, 3.83, 5.12, 3.4, 6.79, 3.91, 3.6, 8.71, 4.09, 3.96, 3.75, 3.52, 13.63, 3.7, 3.91, 3.6, 3.82, 3.68, 4.27, 3.86, 3.42, 4.15, 4.33, 4.74, 3.23, 12.07, 11.18, 3.72, 10.93, 3.75, 3.63, 6.45, 13.39, 3.86, 12.62, 12.93, 4.26, 10.18, 4.05, 12.63, 3.6, 3.84, 3.75, 3.83, 11.08, 3.71, 3.75, 6.18, 3.45, 3.5, 3.5, 3.98, 3.46, 3.6, 11.32, 3.96, 12.8, 13.53, 3.61, 3.59, 3.55, 3.74, 3.65, 5.1, 3.49, 3.65, 3.66, 3.49, 3.45, 4.25, 3.56, 3.68, 7.72, 8.97, 4.55, 12.26, 3.54, 12.8, 3.32, 11.77, 3.7, 13.73, 13.15, 3.68, 3.63, 3.44, 3.76, 6.52, 3.83, 8.66, 11.88, 3.48, 4.21, 3.59, 7.85, 3.65, 3.45, 3.4, 3.86, 4.93, 3.91, 12.26, 3.73, 3.62, 3.81, 3.55, 9.58, 3.58, 3.92, 3.46, 3.88, 3.32, 3.77, 4.61, 3.48, 3.95, 3.95, 13.19, 4.23, 3.74, 11.56, 3.69, 3.46, 12.38, 13.41, 3.65, 3.5, 13.38, 11.62, 3.54, 4.26, 4.7, 3.8, 12.82, 5.15, 3.76, 3.61, 3.52, 13.16, 3.88, 3.89, 3.8, 3.57, 10.92, 5.7, 3.72, 3.75, 3.69, 9.28, 4.0, 3.66, 3.63, 3.46, 3.71, 3.35, 3.41, 11.51, 11.55, 3.92, 3.58, 4.16, 3.93, 3.71, 12.0, 7.69, 3.88, 13.04, 4.28, 13.24, 3.47, 3.74, 3.94, 10.39, 3.48, 3.45, 3.82, 3.73, 7.95, 3.67, 4.61, 4.16, 7.57, 8.7, 7.32, 6.64, 3.6, 6.32, 12.77, 4.35, 11.98, 3.62, 3.33, 3.71, 13.29, 3.99, 11.68, 3.61, 13.1, 4.0, 3.69, 13.54, 3.73, 3.66, 4.1, 3.79, 5.68, 3.94, 3.63, 3.88, 4.15, 3.75, 4.03, 12.33, 3.83, 3.52, 13.24, 3.98, 3.91, 3.35, 3.67, 13.56, 3.32, 3.62, 3.7, 3.9, 13.4, 3.57, 11.82, 13.44, 8.25, 3.66, 3.57, 3.44, 3.5, 3.7, 3.73, 3.55, 3.61, 3.48, 13.77, 3.35, 9.42, 4.02, 3.53, 3.89, 3.62, 4.05, 7.02, 3.47, 12.99, 12.91, 3.68, 3.33, 3.42, 9.79, 3.49, 3.89, 3.78, 4.25, 3.79, 3.82, 3.68, 4.0, 3.82, 3.85, 3.6, 3.69, 3.67, 3.5, 6.92, 9.37, 4.38, 3.77, 3.73, 13.53, 4.16, 3.62, 11.32, 3.59, 11.38, 3.92, 3.9, 4.13, 3.72, 3.84, 4.34, 3.65, 9.24, 8.8, 3.51, 3.71, 3.36, 13.43, 7.51, 3.51, 3.78, 3.77, 13.51, 13.68, 3.6, 3.51, 3.56, 3.86, 6.31, 4.03, 3.59, 13.26, 3.72, 3.51, 3.39, 3.62, 3.43, 3.75, 3.76, 3.73, 3.62, 4.01, 3.5, 3.66, 3.71, 7.62, 3.68, 3.63, 3.86, 3.64, 3.59, 3.8, 3.67, 4.07, 3.48, 7.9, 8.68, 13.79, 12.18, 4.25, 3.8, 3.91, 3.85, 3.49, 3.57, 3.16, 3.87, 10.74, 12.57, 3.62, 4.13, 10.04, 5.2, 8.97, 3.5, 3.96, 3.83, 12.57, 3.62, 4.43, 3.64, 10.81, 3.65, 3.56, 4.15, 3.57, 13.23, 4.17, 4.05, 7.96, 3.78, 3.7, 3.9, 3.67, 4.0, 3.79, 3.98, 4.07, 3.41, 3.38, 4.3, 12.39, 8.43, 3.81, 8.19, 3.48, 3.49, 3.45, 11.46, 3.79, 3.82, 3.63, 13.68, 3.72, 3.72, 3.88, 7.79, 7.53, 7.79, 3.84, 3.82, 3.6, 11.42, 3.49, 3.71, 4.72, 4.05, 4.08, 11.02, 3.62, 4.12, 12.85, 4.16, 4.05, 3.88, 3.46, 4.28, 3.72, 3.89, 4.1, 3.63, 6.89, 5.98, 4.02, 3.85, 3.79, 3.47, 3.71, 3.54, 3.72, 3.91, 3.73, 3.52, 3.8, 8.6, 3.69, 3.67, 11.15, 3.66, 3.84, 3.37, 3.9, 13.11, 3.93, 3.94, 4.64, 3.81, 12.55, 3.48, 3.57, 3.75, 3.53, 3.59, 3.69, 3.51, 3.96, 3.82, 3.75, 4.7, 3.89, 11.2, 3.61, 4.1, 3.42, 3.42, 3.99, 3.67, 3.84, 3.81, 3.88, 3.91, 3.76, 3.92, 3.42, 7.3, 13.59, 3.52, 3.77, 3.59, 11.47, 4.66, 4.21, 3.69, 3.85, 8.55, 4.11, 4.05, 13.97, 3.82, 3.41, 3.89, 13.22, 3.75, 3.91, 3.76, 3.99, 4.02, 4.04, 3.28, 3.53, 3.64, 9.37, 11.33, 3.53, 4.15, 8.09, 3.88, 3.88, 7.87, 7.03, 3.37, 3.77, 3.58, 3.85, 3.81, 3.66, 10.71, 3.64, 3.66, 3.61, 3.67, 3.46, 3.76, 3.97, 3.66, 3.52, 3.81, 4.06, 13.74, 4.13, 3.69, 6.54, 3.51, 3.65, 3.51, 10.34, 3.46, 5.91, 3.78, 13.42, 4.0, 3.68, 3.32, 3.94, 5.06, 3.79, 5.86, 3.38, 3.83, 3.25, 3.78, 3.64, 4.39, 3.57, 3.8, 7.92, 3.65, 3.55, 8.33, 3.68, 3.73, 4.25, 3.81, 3.67, 12.77, 3.62, 11.0, 3.73, 3.47, 3.73, 4.15, 4.49, 3.66, 3.66, 3.49, 3.56, 3.79, 3.87, 3.61, 5.35, 13.01, 3.44, 3.65, 3.27, 3.63, 4.15, 13.09, 3.52, 3.4, 3.61, 3.78, 13.02, 3.87, 3.77, 13.79, 3.83, 4.16, 4.9, 4.31, 3.71, 3.91, 13.48, 3.54, 5.29, 5.68, 3.64, 3.69, 3.57, 3.4, 3.96, 3.4, 3.7, 3.42, 3.42, 8.38, 3.93, 3.98, 3.64, 3.73, 3.74, 3.26, 4.85, 3.65, 3.66, 3.79, 3.6, 9.53, 3.7, 3.66, 3.97, 6.79, 4.78, 8.06, 6.14, 3.75, 3.54, 3.91, 3.65, 3.74, 3.63, 3.43, 3.69, 3.92, 3.66, 3.56, 8.99, 3.36, 3.58, 13.48, 13.86, 3.62, 3.98, 10.16, 3.61, 3.47, 4.05, 3.89, 3.82, 13.95, 3.78, 3.49, 3.85, 3.28, 3.73, 4.07, 3.69, 4.19, 3.67, 4.04, 3.57, 3.72, 3.49, 3.7, 3.65, 3.75, 12.07, 3.88, 3.61, 7.42, 3.71, 11.99, 3.4, 13.57, 3.82, 3.73, 3.85, 3.65, 13.4, 13.65, 3.44, 3.36, 4.08, 12.64, 4.51, 4.19, 4.47, 4.13, 4.54, 4.37, 10.32, 11.19, 3.92, 4.22, 4.01, 3.58, 3.49, 3.65, 3.67, 3.39, 3.35, 3.85, 3.97, 3.42, 3.51, 3.5, 3.73, 4.28, 4.07, 5.47, 4.31, 3.89, 3.34, 4.6, 7.43, 3.38, 3.78, 3.52, 13.68, 5.34, 4.19, 12.03, 12.73, 3.3, 12.97, 13.08, 3.47, 3.58, 3.65, 3.76, 8.77, 4.19, 13.16, 4.35, 4.28, 4.42, 4.6, 4.73, 3.65, 13.11, 4.03, 3.54, 3.95, 3.81, 3.72, 12.65, 11.78, 12.7, 4.02, 4.18, 3.47, 13.36, 3.72, 3.78, 4.21, 8.95, 11.98, 3.69, 3.74, 4.17, 3.75, 3.8, 13.8, 3.58, 3.52, 9.22, 13.63, 7.97, 4.25, 10.66, 4.25, 13.69, 12.82, 3.49, 4.11, 4.44, 4.28, 4.38, 12.24, 4.06, 3.66, 3.71, 4.12, 4.16, 3.82, 4.31, 12.31, 4.08, 3.79, 3.34, 3.56, 4.14, 13.11, 4.09, 4.27, 4.97, 3.52, 13.39, 12.56, 11.59, 3.52, 12.41, 13.92, 3.65, 3.5, 4.53, 3.62, 3.56, 12.5, 3.43, 3.69, 7.76, 3.69, 10.54, 3.83, 13.46, 3.64, 3.6, 3.64, 13.84, 3.48, 3.58, 8.42, 3.93, 3.78, 3.57, 12.46, 12.55, 13.18, 3.82, 3.48, 3.7, 3.4, 12.73, 7.11, 3.68, 3.64, 7.53, 13.2, 12.75, 14.15, 3.74, 3.52, 4.77, 3.47, 3.38, 13.91, 3.6, 9.0, 3.52, 3.57, 13.65, 3.6, 4.47, 9.16, 3.92, 11.42, 4.25, 13.41, 10.53, 3.72, 10.02, 3.64, 5.85, 7.34, 4.36, 4.32, 3.55, 3.68, 9.26, 3.57, 3.57, 3.63, 3.45, 3.44, 5.58, 3.71, 4.02, 11.93, 3.88, 13.06, 3.64, 3.77, 3.79, 3.67, 3.98, 6.39, 4.97, 13.96, 4.12, 3.6, 3.94, 3.71, 8.62, 3.7, 12.51, 3.86, 3.53, 3.75, 3.72, 4.08, 12.33, 10.18, 4.0, 3.65, 3.78, 3.99, 3.86, 12.64, 3.8, 3.99, 13.22, 3.62, 4.07, 3.59, 3.79, 3.87, 3.65, 12.15, 12.25, 3.73, 4.08, 4.34, 7.94, 12.39, 3.61, 4.03, 4.03, 3.66, 3.45, 3.64, 5.28, 5.15, 7.41, 3.51, 12.84, 3.77, 3.9, 3.84, 3.79, 3.67, 4.12, 3.67, 4.11, 3.96, 3.53, 3.79, 3.46, 8.6, 3.81, 11.06, 4.14, 4.14, 12.54, 3.66], [11.13, 11.82, 11.91, 9.84, 6.41, 4.91, 10.5, 11.36, 4.31, 4.52, 6.05, 4.4, 8.83, 11.01, 4.64, 4.34, 8.55, 5.14, 7.0, 5.92, 8.77, 4.68, 13.07, 11.28, 9.84, 10.3, 4.35, 5.68, 11.41, 11.94, 4.37, 4.55, 4.71, 10.34, 11.7, 12.47, 8.82, 7.13, 4.3, 9.69, 11.62, 12.68, 13.09, 11.07, 10.68, 4.15, 3.85, 11.67, 11.83, 4.0, 12.3, 12.54, 7.64, 4.13, 4.06, 11.89, 12.25, 10.32, 11.51, 7.64, 12.91, 9.86, 12.71, 4.66, 4.37, 4.7, 4.95, 11.63, 4.08, 10.09, 11.42, 10.47, 12.69, 4.39, 4.43, 12.31, 6.4, 4.73, 4.29, 4.12, 9.71, 12.84, 12.83, 12.16, 11.92, 7.78, 4.27, 4.88, 4.4, 11.91, 10.77, 12.23, 12.62, 11.19, 4.57, 11.43, 12.34, 4.23, 11.59, 11.96, 7.39, 10.03, 11.69, 4.3, 10.88, 4.31, 4.41, 4.24, 12.5, 13.58, 10.03, 12.32, 11.44, 11.86, 9.63, 10.99, 11.87, 4.5, 11.72, 10.73, 13.13, 4.5, 11.63, 8.58, 4.11, 3.84, 12.69, 5.62, 6.83, 9.34, 4.49, 5.17, 11.63, 4.54, 10.72, 4.59, 12.23, 7.64, 4.48, 12.13, 8.29, 4.6, 9.83, 3.85, 11.57, 4.47, 3.95, 4.15, 12.71, 11.61, 7.58, 12.16, 4.56, 12.34, 5.49, 12.5, 10.28, 4.16, 12.47, 9.96, 12.1, 4.66, 11.24, 4.34, 4.17, 4.27, 9.73, 9.82, 4.44, 4.42, 11.44, 4.43, 11.29, 8.87, 9.67, 12.27, 12.08, 4.37, 12.05, 10.04, 11.07, 12.48, 4.16, 8.07, 4.18, 4.36, 4.48, 10.24, 9.82, 3.99, 4.28, 4.31, 4.82, 11.28, 5.91, 11.8, 4.45, 4.31, 12.16, 4.52, 4.03, 12.07, 11.24, 11.98, 7.89, 10.32, 4.99, 11.4, 12.47, 4.5, 10.95, 12.58, 12.02, 11.1, 4.2, 8.51, 12.14, 4.49, 8.92, 7.87, 4.0, 9.28, 9.39, 4.59, 12.34, 5.62, 6.65, 3.91, 4.27, 12.18, 4.23, 8.56, 4.4, 4.07, 6.58, 10.09, 4.12, 9.62, 4.55, 4.16, 12.0, 5.37, 11.68, 4.62, 6.23, 8.62, 10.63, 12.22, 4.63, 12.5, 13.02, 9.72, 10.27, 4.7, 12.9, 4.16, 4.64, 4.27, 13.5, 12.38, 6.13, 9.61, 12.42, 10.97, 9.35, 12.05, 11.85, 4.33, 12.08, 12.79, 6.26, 12.27, 4.14, 10.7, 12.86, 8.97, 10.86, 12.89, 11.29, 4.6, 12.37, 11.82, 12.23, 10.75, 4.02, 10.68, 4.2, 4.34, 12.46, 5.95, 12.81, 12.43, 4.75, 9.25, 4.99, 4.28, 11.99, 11.04, 11.06, 10.9, 11.3, 7.54, 11.59, 11.63, 11.64, 11.86, 12.0, 13.24, 11.17, 12.96, 13.38, 11.99, 12.51, 11.72, 11.32, 10.73, 12.72, 12.25, 11.39, 10.42, 7.3, 10.84, 5.81, 12.86, 9.68, 10.65, 11.96, 10.73, 10.69, 13.2, 4.62, 11.85, 9.66, 9.14, 12.44, 9.91, 6.67, 4.61, 5.51, 8.42, 4.07, 4.39, 12.73, 9.21, 12.3, 12.12, 9.44, 4.35, 3.85, 8.03, 7.74, 4.77, 11.7, 12.39, 4.24, 10.84, 4.52, 4.23, 12.71, 4.43, 12.05, 4.82, 4.83, 12.61, 11.79, 4.51, 10.09, 11.68, 4.34, 11.48, 4.38, 11.93, 11.95, 13.18, 11.22, 12.35, 11.16, 10.72, 9.99, 4.78, 8.46, 11.43, 11.23, 5.02, 12.34, 4.46, 5.0, 4.33, 4.95, 11.25, 4.55, 4.26, 4.67, 11.38, 10.98, 4.12, 9.19, 12.04, 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4.14, 13.01, 12.28, 11.84, 9.62, 4.37, 6.54, 7.46, 7.59, 11.22, 4.24, 10.04, 12.45, 11.82, 4.38, 5.82, 4.1, 10.67, 8.49, 4.37, 11.21, 6.99, 4.23, 6.89, 8.66, 12.0, 12.08, 11.52, 4.02, 4.7, 11.01, 5.93, 4.38, 4.96, 5.1, 4.34, 11.83, 11.54, 4.85, 11.8, 11.67, 4.25, 4.25, 9.91, 7.13, 11.65, 11.12, 10.87, 10.13, 11.79, 8.19, 10.2, 11.72, 12.15, 11.58, 5.02, 12.41, 11.76, 11.82, 4.83, 6.5, 5.08, 11.35, 4.62, 13.39, 13.01, 10.95, 12.13, 11.15, 11.41, 6.04, 4.46, 9.51, 12.4, 5.4, 11.23, 9.27, 5.86, 4.24, 4.34, 13.01, 11.84, 12.15, 4.7, 4.89, 5.26, 5.18, 11.6, 12.71, 11.89, 12.81, 4.75, 10.84, 5.62, 11.91, 11.6, 9.16, 12.08, 7.9, 12.16, 11.85, 4.18, 9.33, 12.54, 11.73, 4.58, 11.9, 10.29, 9.41, 12.31, 12.31, 13.47, 11.26, 12.95, 9.33, 5.13, 11.36, 4.06, 9.3, 5.96, 10.71, 12.2, 4.86, 10.0, 4.37, 9.13, 4.47, 4.27, 9.88, 10.91, 4.06, 4.43, 4.32, 12.0, 4.49, 4.54, 11.71, 7.3, 4.45, 12.54, 8.63, 12.28, 4.44, 11.61, 10.13, 11.23, 10.64, 10.08, 12.2, 5.36, 4.5, 10.32, 12.24, 11.63, 5.02, 11.37, 8.48, 11.72, 5.28, 4.91, 9.41, 11.92, 11.94, 12.51, 12.77, 10.03, 11.33, 5.18, 12.24, 9.21, 12.1, 11.63, 12.11, 12.4, 4.64, 8.85, 11.79, 5.83, 4.18, 12.13, 11.71, 7.48, 4.67, 4.42, 4.37, 11.49, 13.05, 10.77, 4.55, 11.6, 11.03, 12.97, 10.27, 11.35, 4.15, 12.54, 4.81, 4.6, 10.4, 10.67, 4.55, 12.24, 10.37, 11.41, 10.62, 11.26, 13.07, 10.14, 12.58, 12.73, 4.09, 9.0, 12.46, 7.27, 12.01, 4.58, 5.18, 4.49, 10.02, 8.47, 11.76, 13.6, 9.08, 4.25, 4.79, 10.84, 4.2, 4.27, 11.93, 4.32, 11.12, 4.76, 9.75, 12.88, 4.5, 5.66, 3.98, 12.17, 11.42, 6.62, 3.96, 6.74, 4.47, 12.31, 4.32, 11.29, 4.03, 13.12, 4.73, 11.24, 4.01, 4.38, 10.32, 8.43, 12.2, 13.4, 12.33, 4.45, 4.67, 4.24, 11.67, 4.1, 12.2, 14.1, 13.99, 4.07, 10.21, 4.36, 12.07, 12.09, 5.88, 9.79, 11.19, 12.39, 3.88, 9.17, 12.35, 3.93, 4.63, 4.16, 3.96, 11.33, 12.01, 11.93, 11.92, 9.37, 10.06, 7.62, 11.32, 4.27, 12.56, 12.59, 10.45, 12.26, 11.54, 12.86, 11.49, 10.79, 11.29, 11.8, 11.7, 3.76, 4.35, 4.41, 11.56, 11.29, 12.11, 10.67, 13.45, 12.23, 12.4, 11.7, 12.9, 10.82, 12.35, 11.8, 6.99, 10.88, 8.94, 10.92, 10.75, 11.36, 12.19, 11.88, 9.15, 12.96, 11.85, 7.08, 12.64], [9.58, 10.18, 11.87, 8.16, 7.01, 4.22, 5.77, 3.98, 3.96, 4.34, 4.19, 13.05, 10.47, 4.12, 10.75, 11.47, 7.03, 9.47, 12.42, 4.29, 5.03, 10.3, 5.22, 8.86, 10.43, 10.08, 12.36, 9.08, 10.17, 4.44, 4.15, 4.31, 13.65, 4.58, 12.77, 7.62, 8.35, 7.74, 13.42, 7.48, 9.7, 12.79, 10.66, 5.88, 7.24, 10.37, 4.61, 12.18, 4.74, 10.75, 11.39, 9.67, 9.99, 4.58, 4.57, 12.74, 9.39, 8.65, 12.79, 7.44, 10.27, 11.95, 8.28, 8.33, 9.14, 11.05, 10.35, 8.65, 4.1, 4.14, 11.34, 13.21, 11.01, 4.37, 4.4, 10.54, 13.19, 10.7, 12.22, 4.32, 12.93, 9.15, 11.51, 12.49, 11.84, 11.15, 6.46, 4.4, 13.17, 4.53, 13.86, 12.32, 4.54, 12.69, 7.85, 11.22, 7.39, 11.4, 8.83, 12.88, 7.43, 4.54, 4.5, 11.52, 7.57, 4.9, 9.08, 12.42, 9.45, 4.39, 4.28, 9.61, 4.31, 4.89, 8.88, 9.47, 9.51, 11.83, 4.29, 4.75, 11.0, 8.52, 11.62, 12.92, 9.5, 4.3, 4.92, 12.81, 9.25, 8.6, 4.47, 12.46, 10.52, 4.59, 12.83, 13.0, 12.46, 11.84, 4.7, 13.85, 8.99, 12.01, 4.13, 12.5, 13.9, 9.17, 12.15, 4.69, 11.68, 10.25, 5.52, 9.21, 5.33, 11.42, 6.48, 12.62, 4.23, 12.34, 10.51, 13.25, 5.65, 9.67, 4.85, 8.52, 7.12, 8.37, 5.54, 11.63, 4.77, 7.06, 4.4, 9.93, 9.5, 6.03, 4.13, 11.65, 13.3, 12.96, 8.85, 12.91, 10.19, 9.76, 5.83, 4.44, 12.99, 6.74, 5.06, 12.16, 11.18, 4.71, 9.89, 10.98, 10.1, 11.13, 7.11, 11.88, 10.92, 11.94, 8.3, 11.33, 8.46, 7.26, 7.34, 6.91, 4.32, 9.99, 12.73, 6.94, 11.22, 4.36, 4.37, 13.12, 9.91, 7.62, 6.24, 4.25, 11.0, 8.0, 13.34, 10.43, 10.47, 12.05, 12.22, 4.59, 7.83, 8.48, 8.68, 4.03, 13.49, 4.16, 6.8, 10.69, 7.11, 4.36, 4.47, 11.83, 4.36, 4.45, 7.83, 8.2, 13.11, 9.38, 4.3, 8.94, 4.64, 6.02, 10.35, 12.69, 10.92, 4.32, 13.53, 4.64, 13.55, 4.3, 4.24, 4.58, 9.46, 11.54, 12.8, 9.51, 12.45, 11.97, 12.6, 11.18, 6.01, 6.83, 13.36, 5.29, 10.74, 5.16, 4.53, 10.76, 4.37, 7.02, 11.26, 12.9, 4.06, 8.12, 13.94, 12.26, 12.61, 7.27, 7.18, 6.28, 4.03, 4.23, 6.82, 3.89, 13.58, 4.45, 13.43, 9.21, 5.69, 12.96, 4.95, 5.83, 8.08, 5.21, 9.46, 12.22, 9.83, 10.06, 10.11, 10.98, 7.43, 12.28, 8.72, 12.84, 13.29, 4.87, 10.11, 4.59, 4.17, 9.65, 4.49, 7.2, 9.67, 10.0, 4.36, 12.26, 8.23, 4.45, 4.66, 7.26, 4.59, 4.3, 5.36, 11.97, 4.55, 11.17, 11.74, 9.45, 13.07, 7.53, 5.6, 9.51, 5.26, 4.32, 4.55, 4.7, 4.88, 5.5, 12.12, 11.56, 9.16, 10.8, 6.01, 13.89, 4.99, 12.11, 4.67, 4.96, 10.06, 7.96, 8.42, 14.05, 13.43, 11.47, 4.52, 4.59, 11.15, 10.86, 4.36, 9.96, 4.22, 4.18, 11.22, 4.66, 4.62, 9.46, 11.14, 7.98, 4.19, 6.2, 6.75, 8.28, 9.3, 6.09, 8.71, 4.17, 9.74, 4.34, 11.45, 7.62, 11.67, 8.5, 4.3, 11.55, 10.15, 8.77, 4.46, 8.73, 4.61, 4.44, 4.26, 4.45, 9.56, 7.14, 4.67, 4.16, 12.8, 4.63, 6.54, 4.33, 4.09, 8.4, 10.46, 10.26, 9.2, 10.94, 6.99, 11.36, 12.33, 12.71, 8.4, 4.24, 6.48, 4.39, 9.49, 10.11, 12.21, 6.78, 6.13, 12.06, 4.56, 9.93, 10.31, 10.63, 4.44, 4.45, 10.67, 5.13, 7.77, 10.37, 13.45, 4.29, 10.66, 5.92, 10.3, 9.29, 8.32, 4.49, 10.72, 4.77, 4.57, 13.65, 12.17, 11.53, 7.32, 4.56, 7.35, 4.17, 6.14, 8.39, 9.54, 11.86, 5.18, 9.61, 4.34, 9.86, 8.63, 8.05, 4.11, 12.27, 11.87, 9.23, 11.57, 8.4, 7.93, 11.47, 8.59, 4.41, 6.93, 4.88, 13.1, 8.0, 9.6, 11.69, 4.46, 5.04, 12.88, 4.82, 4.4, 10.4, 11.65, 9.61, 6.65, 12.79, 5.32, 13.9, 12.38, 5.0, 8.45, 6.53, 5.49, 4.53, 11.28, 4.59, 4.39, 11.15, 7.11, 13.23, 10.54, 4.07, 13.8, 4.39, 7.67, 4.38, 4.48, 9.35, 13.52, 10.13, 4.64, 4.47, 4.51, 10.65, 13.22, 9.01, 4.67, 9.79, 10.31, 11.11, 4.94, 5.79, 12.7, 6.4, 8.19, 7.51, 11.04, 10.4, 5.23, 4.4, 13.84, 12.28, 13.45, 4.69, 4.28, 7.26, 4.18, 12.85, 13.02, 13.03, 12.54, 11.88, 9.43, 9.69, 7.21, 13.38, 11.15, 10.42, 4.62, 10.36, 11.7, 8.53, 4.48, 8.14, 8.37, 8.71, 4.54, 4.53, 5.51, 5.73, 5.02, 7.41, 6.02, 4.32, 4.45, 8.64, 7.21, 12.33, 10.99, 5.32, 11.61, 4.3, 7.06, 13.01, 7.3, 4.65, 8.41, 12.31, 13.65, 11.34, 4.53, 4.63, 4.22, 6.01, 4.03, 12.3, 4.3, 4.75, 11.18, 11.03, 12.95, 11.73, 12.94, 7.63, 10.85, 4.59, 4.11, 5.07, 4.43, 7.81, 9.22, 6.91, 4.43, 4.56, 11.14, 12.69, 10.89, 10.24, 4.44, 11.82, 5.61, 4.09, 12.29, 10.18, 4.31, 7.14, 4.47, 4.37, 6.34, 4.08, 4.51, 4.4, 4.02, 4.35, 4.64, 4.67, 6.3, 6.37, 8.26, 5.15, 12.95, 4.13, 4.82, 4.01, 4.63, 5.33, 4.24, 4.39, 4.42, 4.48, 4.32, 4.25, 4.64, 9.17, 3.81, 3.95, 5.13, 4.1, 4.83, 4.56, 11.58, 14.11, 13.41, 4.55, 4.54, 4.56, 4.67, 4.6, 11.27, 4.49, 4.66, 4.14, 11.36, 4.28, 4.5, 13.18, 4.56, 5.89, 12.7, 13.13, 4.42, 4.44, 13.56, 14.05, 10.67, 4.3, 4.54, 11.91, 10.1, 8.24, 4.39, 10.61, 11.59, 13.48, 7.87, 9.6, 4.22, 4.2, 4.51, 4.61, 10.87, 4.24, 6.11, 4.73, 5.89, 4.5, 10.48, 5.97, 4.57, 4.36, 4.18, 3.94, 9.63, 6.68, 6.49, 4.29, 4.7, 7.44, 4.56, 4.5, 5.69, 4.35, 4.39, 4.58, 4.15, 12.2, 6.14, 4.24, 4.47, 11.89, 4.79, 4.48, 4.56, 6.86, 9.44, 4.82, 4.24, 4.39, 4.58, 11.85, 5.51, 11.17, 5.05, 4.49, 4.23, 4.56, 4.27, 4.21, 4.53, 4.31, 4.35, 4.61, 4.37, 4.43, 6.96, 9.73, 13.31, 4.52, 4.45, 11.12, 4.39, 13.91, 4.52, 8.6, 8.51, 10.99, 6.21, 5.1, 13.35, 10.72, 12.66, 9.59, 10.75, 11.02, 9.48, 5.43, 5.16, 5.36, 10.7, 5.21, 8.95, 12.47, 10.46, 6.47, 7.62, 7.18, 8.55, 4.32, 13.19, 10.4, 13.77, 12.47, 5.12, 9.83, 6.24, 11.22, 4.3, 13.8, 4.72, 9.57, 7.51, 6.88, 5.95, 4.85, 5.53, 4.6, 9.98, 4.89, 13.42, 4.15, 5.43, 11.07, 13.02, 4.15, 12.31, 13.47, 11.17, 4.47, 12.34, 6.72, 13.7, 8.73, 11.41, 4.58, 6.02, 12.19, 11.25, 12.48, 12.9, 13.63, 4.5, 5.66, 10.02, 4.28, 7.75, 6.92, 9.09, 12.16, 9.55, 11.01, 8.58, 13.65, 4.9, 11.05, 10.97, 4.85, 14.12, 4.65, 4.63, 8.68, 4.85, 13.83, 11.7, 13.37, 4.6, 9.23, 11.48, 12.0, 5.97, 10.24, 9.18, 12.01, 11.78, 4.61, 13.76, 6.9, 7.41, 11.36, 13.71, 9.92, 5.24, 11.92, 6.15, 11.21, 9.62, 4.31, 12.79, 10.59, 4.39, 10.49, 3.62, 4.4, 11.26, 13.75, 4.43, 12.75, 13.96, 12.21, 12.26, 7.85, 8.58, 12.39, 8.66, 7.17, 7.53, 5.32, 8.85, 13.92, 10.71, 4.29, 12.41, 14.4, 9.7, 12.83, 5.33, 6.36, 7.75, 8.66, 4.38, 13.65, 8.12, 10.87, 4.7, 8.89, 14.13, 4.29, 8.3, 6.52, 11.52, 6.77, 5.06, 13.57, 8.48, 5.7, 12.14, 4.39, 10.69, 14.5, 12.52, 6.45, 12.89, 5.14, 11.38, 4.05, 5.15, 11.96, 12.02, 7.16, 11.13, 14.12, 11.81, 13.35, 4.35, 5.38, 13.38, 7.66, 13.16, 9.7, 12.34, 11.13, 4.92, 11.29, 9.47, 7.87, 14.05, 8.54, 4.14, 8.7, 4.27, 7.55, 4.09, 12.98, 4.6, 6.04, 4.2, 4.29, 3.78, 14.44, 13.47, 4.35, 10.31, 10.27, 11.82, 9.11, 12.19, 4.09, 10.15, 4.33, 12.54, 12.91, 9.64, 8.45, 7.01, 4.97, 4.19, 8.75, 9.47, 11.89, 4.02, 12.23, 6.44, 11.62, 12.17, 4.54, 10.49, 4.78, 10.14, 8.68, 10.78, 11.35, 11.23, 6.14, 7.06, 11.81, 13.43, 4.68, 13.18, 5.17, 8.29, 5.46, 13.47, 11.47, 8.11, 9.76, 5.13, 12.21, 13.44, 6.98, 10.44, 11.06, 11.88, 6.72, 11.51, 13.63, 11.84, 10.94, 9.45, 7.52, 7.56, 4.92, 13.21, 6.62, 10.57, 13.17, 8.42, 8.71, 7.22, 10.23, 11.02, 5.17, 8.67, 4.41, 11.05, 13.54, 9.84], [3.53, 11.16, 10.34, 12.64, 3.92, 9.57, 10.22, 11.08, 8.62, 11.9, 10.39, 4.05, 11.26, 3.8, 3.82, 12.73, 12.73, 10.32, 11.95, 3.89, 4.84, 10.93, 11.4, 11.57, 7.45, 11.35, 4.27, 3.9, 11.84, 11.6, 12.36, 11.83, 3.86, 3.86, 9.05, 10.39, 8.62, 4.0, 11.92, 13.44, 11.93, 9.12, 11.08, 4.03, 11.25, 3.91, 10.44, 3.93, 4.17, 4.29, 6.82, 11.53, 3.73, 10.98, 11.17, 7.74, 11.37, 8.39, 11.86, 3.59, 11.4, 3.88, 10.54, 3.87, 12.16, 4.81, 11.65, 11.01, 12.47, 6.64, 10.14, 12.27, 3.55, 12.01, 11.33, 4.2, 3.31, 4.88, 11.11, 11.58, 12.52, 3.88, 10.49, 9.17, 10.62, 10.84, 5.17, 10.51, 3.71, 10.61, 11.76, 7.56, 11.33, 4.68, 10.66, 5.03, 11.75, 4.03, 12.03, 11.48, 9.38, 3.66, 4.05, 11.97, 11.62, 4.61, 12.2, 11.35, 7.93, 10.16, 11.41, 4.31, 11.4, 10.67, 10.52, 11.72, 3.87, 11.96, 11.17, 6.9, 4.85, 11.94, 12.09, 7.7, 3.8, 12.35, 4.51, 3.66, 3.7, 3.91, 11.95, 12.99, 11.33, 4.69, 12.17, 11.5, 3.73, 11.95, 12.3, 9.67, 5.41, 10.92, 8.54, 3.62, 7.82, 11.56, 4.09, 11.87, 9.74, 4.13, 12.62, 11.81, 3.96, 12.41, 4.05, 11.68, 7.15, 12.06, 3.87, 12.32, 11.58, 11.08, 4.73, 11.48, 3.67, 12.14, 3.92, 13.39, 12.11, 4.17, 6.61, 3.89, 11.42, 7.52, 4.11, 4.23, 4.56, 12.63, 11.63, 3.84, 4.49, 4.18, 9.77, 9.9, 12.91, 3.8, 4.41, 4.21, 11.18, 11.75, 11.33, 11.7, 3.93, 10.13, 4.32, 11.0, 3.71, 12.16, 12.13, 4.35, 3.93, 12.02, 11.2, 3.84, 8.24, 11.72, 12.62, 4.26, 9.36, 12.77, 11.62, 10.8, 11.95, 4.96, 10.91, 9.67, 11.87, 4.31, 11.3, 11.09, 3.73, 11.68, 11.1, 12.14, 4.39, 11.72, 12.75, 11.73, 5.91, 11.03, 10.52, 3.94, 11.66, 10.91, 11.91, 11.92, 12.16, 5.7, 11.67, 12.14, 4.11, 12.42, 11.44, 11.37, 11.72, 11.46, 10.38, 11.15, 11.47, 8.74, 12.3, 9.5, 5.69, 3.86, 3.77, 11.98, 12.26, 11.85, 3.78, 11.71, 12.02, 13.31, 12.28, 8.32, 10.83, 11.43, 4.3, 12.31, 9.7, 4.26, 4.32, 11.43, 4.0, 11.66, 4.09, 12.11, 7.55, 7.79, 11.89, 4.23, 5.01, 6.12, 3.66, 11.84, 11.17, 7.52, 11.98, 4.42, 3.95, 10.09, 11.67, 9.1, 9.98, 12.13, 10.44, 11.54, 4.1, 4.37, 11.09, 8.37, 7.28, 11.6, 9.21, 10.76, 3.82, 10.27, 11.18, 11.86, 6.72, 10.6, 5.06, 8.29, 3.73, 4.49, 7.9, 5.29, 4.28, 11.92, 7.96, 11.01, 4.26, 4.25, 9.31, 4.29, 10.11, 11.38, 5.76, 10.54, 12.77, 8.84, 10.62, 3.9, 12.24, 11.84, 6.17, 12.49, 11.67, 5.57, 4.26, 3.75, 9.72, 8.57, 4.1, 5.45, 3.98, 9.59, 3.93, 9.03, 11.18, 11.36, 11.25, 4.04, 10.9, 3.75, 3.73, 11.27, 6.22, 11.28, 4.26, 5.77, 4.89, 12.37, 10.64, 5.46, 9.92, 11.88, 11.52, 6.67, 4.38, 4.32, 11.88, 11.95, 10.59, 4.3, 9.85, 11.22, 10.92, 3.94, 9.97, 10.65, 10.49, 4.33, 11.52, 5.6, 11.07, 10.97, 7.54, 10.75, 4.23, 4.25, 4.55, 11.72, 11.14, 4.14, 4.6, 9.91, 4.15, 4.58, 4.37, 9.28, 4.25, 9.38, 10.11, 4.18, 11.55, 11.38, 4.09, 4.05, 10.02, 11.88, 10.35, 12.89, 13.66, 6.0, 3.25, 4.11, 4.09, 12.34, 5.98, 4.11, 11.74, 12.3, 11.28, 5.06, 11.8, 11.2, 10.4, 6.73, 8.44, 7.64, 12.05, 3.94, 11.23, 8.62, 11.58, 11.54, 7.98, 7.16, 6.83, 9.14, 11.49, 4.97, 11.55, 4.55, 10.5, 5.74, 11.46, 10.83, 3.87, 7.68, 4.18, 3.9, 4.18, 4.82, 11.54, 11.11, 10.58, 10.77, 11.42, 5.75, 4.67, 11.95, 4.44, 4.29, 3.83, 11.8, 4.25, 4.49, 11.74, 11.68, 11.86, 11.47, 11.13, 4.06, 5.42, 11.63, 3.8, 3.98, 3.52, 11.9, 12.3, 11.13, 4.6, 11.47, 11.88, 10.48, 6.48, 3.88, 4.6, 9.57, 10.88, 11.27, 10.15, 4.28, 11.72, 11.02, 4.66, 9.8, 5.94, 3.81, 3.6, 4.21, 3.88, 7.96, 4.32, 10.5, 10.93, 11.52, 9.56, 4.37, 11.95, 8.03, 4.14, 10.83, 11.69, 11.06, 5.94, 4.52, 11.64, 4.91, 11.61, 4.46, 8.27, 10.26, 3.85, 3.51, 11.04, 10.77, 10.78, 6.05, 10.79, 10.85, 5.45, 11.93, 5.66, 7.98, 3.57, 3.86, 11.07, 6.69, 6.05, 6.06, 4.78, 4.11, 9.32, 4.38, 12.8, 11.97, 11.76, 3.93, 5.58, 4.62, 11.99, 12.17, 4.96, 3.5, 9.44, 12.9, 8.2, 7.96, 4.37, 11.03, 3.43, 8.9, 10.7, 4.42, 7.55, 11.04, 11.4, 4.84, 3.93, 10.85, 12.16, 12.1, 12.39, 12.39, 4.33, 12.47, 12.65, 4.17, 5.72, 11.83, 12.78, 10.85, 3.9, 4.26, 4.07, 5.93, 10.29, 12.59, 5.95, 8.44, 5.26, 11.52, 10.79, 4.11, 12.09, 4.02, 9.94, 4.98, 9.18, 11.14, 4.51, 6.13, 6.29, 9.84, 11.41, 4.86, 12.31, 6.24, 11.67, 8.81, 12.4, 10.24, 5.72, 4.7, 8.72, 10.95, 4.0, 11.64, 10.46, 10.29, 4.27, 7.43, 10.71, 11.03, 4.98, 4.23, 11.55, 11.85, 11.72, 6.56, 9.86, 4.48, 4.08, 5.37, 9.64, 10.07, 7.54, 11.17, 8.0, 10.78, 5.94, 5.8, 4.12, 8.28, 7.56, 11.23, 9.44, 9.04, 11.68, 8.95, 10.93, 12.42, 3.87, 11.68, 11.74, 10.83, 6.96, 12.46, 10.21, 8.69, 4.23, 11.23, 11.26, 10.84, 4.48, 11.83, 8.82, 4.57, 12.84, 11.21, 9.74, 4.13, 12.0, 7.11, 13.37, 11.68, 12.63, 11.63, 3.68, 12.76, 13.02, 3.86, 7.0, 5.72, 6.19, 11.69, 8.76, 10.02, 3.99, 4.86, 6.96, 7.19, 5.47, 10.04, 12.56, 11.18, 5.81, 12.75, 10.28, 10.85, 8.94, 12.53, 12.07, 12.43, 12.29, 5.26, 3.57, 4.14, 3.87, 3.65, 4.2, 7.9, 10.67, 9.03, 11.25, 5.91, 12.41, 7.25, 3.84, 12.94, 12.36, 9.66, 10.38, 6.02, 11.41, 4.96, 7.83, 7.35, 7.34, 12.8, 3.98, 10.44, 5.39, 5.69, 10.43, 10.25, 4.75, 9.32, 6.31, 4.7, 8.54, 10.1, 11.33, 4.11, 5.13, 4.57, 12.07, 8.45, 9.77, 13.03, 7.41, 11.97, 9.8, 11.27, 5.47, 10.45, 5.87, 3.57, 11.6, 11.95, 9.54, 3.55, 3.87, 11.44, 10.57, 3.6, 11.96, 3.75, 7.28, 10.95, 11.85, 11.47, 11.24, 10.78, 6.42, 5.32, 8.15, 10.53, 10.19, 8.54, 4.1, 9.61, 4.12, 4.04, 3.7, 4.1, 10.36, 4.77, 9.72, 11.52, 4.75, 3.62, 10.59, 10.82, 10.85, 10.51, 12.35, 11.59, 12.47, 12.07, 11.3, 11.71, 11.27, 10.44, 11.59, 11.65, 10.59, 11.67, 8.1, 4.05, 11.85, 9.9, 8.96, 9.45, 4.03, 3.83, 8.53, 4.32, 11.06, 10.5, 6.12, 7.49, 11.93, 11.16, 5.0, 12.17, 11.76, 10.65, 11.29, 3.58, 11.39, 11.46, 11.17, 11.57, 3.82, 10.02, 12.3, 12.3, 10.46, 12.76, 12.89, 4.02, 12.09, 3.96, 11.56, 6.86, 12.08, 10.61, 12.11, 11.97, 7.54, 11.86, 11.7, 11.82, 4.2, 3.73, 10.94, 4.21, 11.74, 12.0, 11.74, 3.9, 9.2, 5.09, 4.0, 10.26, 10.85, 3.87, 10.94, 5.78, 4.32, 8.37, 10.56, 4.28, 8.88, 10.92, 5.48, 11.9, 10.86, 12.23, 4.11, 11.69, 11.78, 9.94, 4.11, 12.24, 4.43, 10.87, 12.5, 10.92, 12.27, 11.9, 7.09, 12.53, 10.31, 11.98, 12.19, 4.07, 8.79, 11.36, 11.04, 3.72, 12.08, 11.14, 8.61, 11.7, 11.96, 10.78, 11.6, 5.58, 3.86, 10.96, 4.91, 10.91, 11.14, 9.46, 10.77, 11.71, 10.75, 12.65, 11.97, 12.0, 4.9, 11.36, 8.27, 12.35, 10.51, 12.27, 11.22, 11.11, 10.95, 11.23, 11.22, 9.44, 12.71, 11.75, 11.96, 11.45, 11.07, 10.0, 12.17, 12.29, 3.73, 4.54, 12.92, 11.85, 11.92, 10.75, 9.31, 12.47, 11.79, 4.48, 11.46, 6.02, 11.03, 6.72, 12.16, 9.79, 12.11, 8.75, 11.85, 10.78, 6.51, 11.24, 11.74, 4.34, 8.76, 12.79, 11.8, 11.19, 11.38, 5.08, 11.64, 10.74, 4.25, 11.51, 10.52, 6.52, 10.73, 6.16, 11.45, 12.79, 12.54, 12.96, 4.14, 11.8, 4.25, 4.27, 12.26, 3.71, 6.97, 12.79, 11.32, 4.0, 5.94, 4.09, 10.89, 5.27, 13.25, 11.78, 11.12, 4.25, 4.59, 12.68, 12.45, 4.13, 11.88, 5.45, 3.86, 12.11, 3.93, 7.39, 10.61, 7.58, 11.62, 12.04, 4.92, 4.18, 11.05, 4.63, 4.46, 5.35, 4.07, 12.2, 11.79, 10.82, 4.08, 3.73, 12.21, 9.44, 12.17, 4.71, 3.8, 13.1, 4.12], [11.49, 13.1, 6.08, 10.03, 12.82, 6.78, 3.69, 9.98, 5.46, 10.11, 4.92, 3.95, 11.16, 3.61, 5.2, 9.2, 7.25, 10.13, 11.78, 4.66, 11.19, 6.71, 3.76, 10.99, 10.09, 5.1, 9.69, 3.73, 4.5, 8.44, 4.52, 3.77, 3.61, 3.62, 4.06, 13.14, 11.38, 5.91, 13.15, 4.31, 7.93, 12.55, 12.32, 3.85, 9.86, 4.86, 4.13, 13.08, 4.66, 10.74, 9.6, 13.64, 6.17, 11.25, 4.94, 14.03, 6.94, 7.66, 11.81, 5.43, 14.03, 11.02, 9.64, 4.7, 12.59, 13.94, 4.12, 11.24, 10.51, 8.1, 9.71, 7.51, 3.89, 3.92, 13.08, 10.07, 8.67, 12.11, 6.05, 6.32, 10.38, 4.59, 13.53, 7.9, 13.27, 12.75, 13.68, 6.01, 5.39, 6.94, 7.42, 11.22, 12.72, 3.64, 9.79, 12.82, 6.2, 5.15, 7.16, 3.95, 5.23, 12.13, 7.84, 13.97, 11.21, 5.89, 5.5, 10.65, 12.53, 9.19, 10.4, 13.62, 11.23, 11.76, 10.34, 8.54, 10.54, 4.48, 9.82, 3.95, 6.62, 3.85, 9.64, 9.73, 9.13, 11.25, 3.69, 9.44, 4.08, 9.28, 13.3, 10.8, 9.25, 8.36, 11.21, 9.73, 8.8, 13.77, 13.89, 10.85, 10.66, 12.66, 4.17, 8.02, 9.18, 8.73, 4.22, 9.9, 8.49, 6.23, 13.97, 7.23, 13.38, 9.47, 4.2, 5.95, 5.38, 9.79, 10.61, 3.92, 3.94, 11.59, 4.66, 4.04, 5.46, 9.63, 9.4, 6.35, 4.53, 3.88, 3.92, 4.15, 13.4, 6.07, 6.62, 8.96, 7.14, 12.85, 11.07, 12.99, 9.05, 9.55, 3.83, 6.72, 8.2, 11.54, 3.8, 4.8, 4.02, 4.34, 10.57, 5.43, 5.97, 5.98, 11.28, 13.38, 4.58, 11.06, 4.63, 3.84, 7.32, 10.09, 8.91, 8.25, 3.66, 10.02, 8.56, 9.49, 4.72, 5.34, 13.24, 8.89, 3.66, 9.67, 11.48, 4.45, 7.22, 4.41, 10.64, 10.91, 9.05, 7.39, 11.46, 5.33, 7.07, 9.28, 9.56, 10.87, 3.61, 11.61, 4.14, 8.87, 11.34, 13.19, 4.47, 12.9, 10.85, 4.2, 11.45, 11.84, 8.61, 12.45, 3.76, 8.5, 4.17, 13.87, 7.29, 13.2, 12.95, 3.96, 5.63, 3.94, 13.83, 5.28, 13.19, 7.89, 12.07, 11.72, 13.34, 6.71, 12.74, 6.03, 4.27, 13.96, 13.97, 9.76, 8.99, 11.73, 3.91, 4.23, 7.94, 8.14, 9.59, 7.77, 8.29, 7.67, 4.45, 5.54, 6.92, 13.11, 3.98, 12.63, 8.68, 3.83, 13.3, 4.69, 11.65, 5.39, 10.48, 8.05, 9.6, 5.38, 4.2, 10.23, 4.65, 13.13, 3.82, 4.1, 8.25, 13.29, 10.72, 10.39, 7.19, 12.23, 12.05, 13.65, 6.07, 9.25, 6.16, 7.19, 6.08, 4.43, 7.41, 6.54, 4.2, 3.89, 8.32, 9.65, 3.59, 6.98, 12.55, 4.07, 3.67, 10.96, 3.64, 8.99, 3.89, 5.18, 11.69, 12.73, 11.82, 13.83, 4.68, 12.6, 4.22, 10.1, 3.53, 3.91, 4.64, 4.25, 11.07, 6.75, 3.79, 5.09, 9.11, 9.67, 7.78, 8.5, 5.0, 12.34, 5.93, 6.54, 10.0, 10.73, 6.88, 8.9, 13.82, 7.13, 3.62, 6.34, 5.96, 6.35, 8.78, 10.55, 6.94, 8.67, 9.53, 4.34, 4.25, 4.45, 10.61, 5.1, 3.65, 10.24, 9.24, 9.91, 8.96, 5.2, 3.53, 12.35, 10.78, 4.02, 12.33, 3.88, 14.14, 13.29, 4.6, 13.32, 13.45, 9.18, 4.52, 10.23, 11.86, 3.43, 4.37, 6.96, 5.07, 5.15, 4.62, 8.99, 9.01, 7.02, 4.77, 4.13, 3.85, 13.59, 13.5, 13.93, 12.74, 10.16, 6.01, 13.5, 4.03, 6.26, 10.18, 3.67, 8.64, 12.73, 6.66, 5.82, 5.76, 5.55, 5.18, 4.72, 6.54, 8.05, 11.58, 5.97, 3.77, 3.88, 9.93, 7.2, 10.72, 4.22, 4.67, 5.55, 12.74, 13.87, 9.25, 12.83, 5.22, 12.21, 4.09, 10.18, 11.34, 7.72, 9.63, 8.13, 8.85, 4.34, 4.04, 10.77, 7.2, 9.84, 8.66, 7.96, 4.99, 12.86, 12.38, 13.62, 5.72, 11.03, 6.48, 10.47, 6.24, 11.29, 10.7, 8.36, 10.29, 13.27, 11.54, 4.34, 5.65, 4.06, 8.05, 9.1, 6.21, 9.45, 7.58, 4.19, 6.47, 3.96, 13.19, 13.31, 9.94, 10.16, 4.63, 8.4, 4.36, 10.19, 13.93, 10.94, 6.95, 4.1, 9.43, 4.67, 4.98, 7.0, 4.31, 7.88, 9.73, 10.43, 6.18, 4.42, 9.42, 4.57, 10.85, 5.62, 8.48, 9.98, 13.33, 11.47, 4.06, 11.5, 10.2, 13.37, 9.4, 12.55, 7.52, 4.1, 11.41, 8.42, 3.94, 4.02, 10.35, 11.38, 7.95, 4.19, 13.33, 4.92, 4.21, 5.12, 7.19, 7.71, 8.8, 3.7, 4.1, 6.19, 11.23, 9.46, 8.56, 9.48, 9.14, 8.07, 13.43, 5.09, 11.21, 4.99, 13.36, 10.29, 4.0, 6.65, 4.12, 6.1, 4.67, 4.86, 4.06, 4.58, 9.43, 6.55, 9.43, 13.06, 6.8, 4.46, 13.62, 3.72, 4.14, 4.03, 4.18, 7.99, 8.76, 3.59, 12.52, 12.16, 8.4, 10.29, 6.44, 7.83, 4.63, 5.38, 8.06, 4.0, 4.01, 10.25, 13.24, 3.99, 4.09, 7.25, 3.86, 3.86, 6.02, 3.84, 10.25, 14.06, 12.39, 4.52, 14.23, 3.97, 11.12, 7.26, 5.68, 7.27, 12.6, 9.45, 3.93, 5.87, 12.49, 7.47, 7.61, 7.84, 11.73, 4.45, 6.37, 6.39, 12.61, 5.75, 5.94, 4.82, 4.49, 5.14, 5.5, 7.07, 7.99, 3.58, 6.93, 7.82, 4.36, 4.13, 4.3, 7.36, 12.01, 3.79, 6.82, 3.55, 5.3, 3.89, 3.77, 14.11, 6.08, 5.65, 3.8, 11.04, 3.69, 3.87, 4.07, 8.92, 4.0, 6.01, 9.87, 3.97, 10.92, 7.37, 6.84, 3.97, 8.76, 7.95, 7.63, 3.68, 3.95, 4.04, 9.55, 4.06, 6.52, 3.6, 9.02, 8.37, 4.39, 12.74, 3.49, 4.2, 8.81, 10.79, 10.23, 5.93, 8.49, 5.9, 10.29, 4.49, 14.06, 6.8, 4.66, 7.28, 11.0, 5.35, 5.9, 9.08, 9.13, 3.88, 8.7, 9.18, 3.86, 6.79, 6.01, 3.8, 3.56, 3.66, 12.82, 4.46, 6.94, 3.44, 4.03, 3.86, 3.87, 12.2, 4.85, 7.27, 4.88, 4.06, 4.18, 8.57, 3.86, 3.7, 8.58, 4.91, 4.03, 7.36, 10.61, 7.67, 5.57, 3.74, 9.83, 7.86, 6.98, 8.59, 11.5, 4.92, 11.38, 4.35, 3.81, 5.43, 3.82, 9.05, 3.75, 12.76, 6.83, 3.5, 9.49, 4.12, 6.94, 7.19, 9.55, 4.83, 9.11, 12.87, 3.94, 3.66, 4.66, 9.26, 11.02, 3.81, 3.88, 5.43, 4.14, 7.82, 3.87, 13.84, 13.38, 5.24, 13.14, 10.72, 6.4, 10.43, 3.54, 6.58, 5.49, 8.49, 10.96, 3.89, 4.21, 3.78, 6.97, 11.85, 13.11, 4.8, 13.45, 9.31, 6.36, 8.07, 8.93, 3.65, 3.33, 6.79, 7.2, 11.85, 5.8, 4.85, 3.89, 3.87, 4.04, 6.69, 4.16, 6.34, 13.26, 4.99, 3.76, 8.98, 6.35, 11.44, 9.05, 8.9, 7.71, 13.06, 4.31, 9.25, 8.13, 3.76, 10.93, 6.87, 5.13, 12.14, 11.78, 4.39, 8.54, 13.51, 14.05, 3.7, 6.51, 4.09, 5.94, 14.19, 10.97, 12.55, 4.3, 4.72, 10.75, 6.11, 8.5, 10.81, 4.01, 9.46, 3.88, 6.63, 11.68, 9.03, 8.02, 12.56, 12.11, 4.21, 4.97, 8.48, 12.1, 10.51, 7.06, 4.21, 5.08, 10.19, 10.91, 5.71, 13.76, 9.6, 12.94, 11.85, 10.69, 6.3, 8.54, 11.92, 4.08, 9.63, 8.54, 14.35, 7.12, 8.47, 12.42, 6.32, 10.69, 5.57, 4.17, 3.82, 13.76, 5.62, 5.88, 9.94, 3.98, 3.92, 9.94, 4.26, 11.39, 10.03, 8.13, 10.18, 12.22, 4.3, 3.85, 5.17, 10.59, 3.76, 5.98, 4.62, 9.25, 9.83, 4.09, 7.34, 10.83, 8.99, 13.92, 10.79, 6.99, 13.89, 8.27, 3.74, 3.74, 12.71, 10.92, 8.66, 7.9, 9.18, 10.3, 10.55, 6.61, 8.06, 9.27, 5.43, 8.49, 10.77, 8.32, 12.82, 11.12, 6.02, 3.52, 11.54, 6.6, 4.09, 11.03, 11.02, 11.83, 11.53, 11.56, 8.39, 10.27, 4.99, 7.61, 11.61, 12.33, 13.91, 7.38, 8.03, 9.61, 12.89, 11.18, 12.18, 14.26, 9.42, 9.13, 11.58, 14.25, 12.46, 3.79, 10.71, 7.94, 3.7, 9.1, 8.82, 11.57, 9.08, 8.18, 13.25, 12.77, 3.77, 12.18, 10.33, 11.84, 3.66, 5.71, 12.73, 8.34, 12.87, 7.09, 5.05, 10.97, 10.02, 10.31, 12.54, 5.0, 5.4, 7.89, 3.92, 3.74, 6.79, 9.7, 3.73, 5.56, 13.17, 11.0, 7.03, 10.16, 12.28, 9.29, 12.46, 4.55, 7.22, 6.16, 6.09, 13.47, 10.33, 7.65, 10.4, 3.7, 8.88, 9.97, 5.15, 4.45, 14.02, 13.11, 4.49, 4.07, 4.1, 3.51, 10.83, 11.52, 7.21, 6.14, 7.86, 7.21, 6.71, 4.93, 12.28, 12.09, 5.72, 5.19, 5.39, 5.56, 14.06, 11.32, 4.43, 13.97, 13.47, 9.46, 13.69, 4.06, 10.51, 5.81, 4.23, 8.63, 8.22, 11.1, 8.23, 7.53], [9.11, 6.95, 12.41, 11.26, 6.58, 8.18, 7.67, 4.1, 7.63, 9.02, 7.29, 9.24, 11.46, 4.58, 9.83, 11.22, 7.9, 11.41, 10.59, 10.04, 13.33, 11.44, 5.82, 5.84, 12.97, 9.74, 10.85, 9.26, 10.76, 5.66, 9.93, 3.92, 8.58, 6.13, 12.22, 6.88, 11.66, 9.5, 4.15, 9.8, 4.03, 13.49, 8.25, 9.76, 11.48, 10.22, 4.07, 11.85, 4.21, 11.49, 11.17, 6.08, 5.8, 4.25, 7.44, 11.37, 6.29, 4.16, 8.79, 10.35, 9.67, 12.91, 9.95, 6.85, 10.59, 4.56, 4.2, 11.01, 4.84, 4.98, 9.46, 12.32, 10.18, 3.53, 3.72, 11.29, 10.46, 9.58, 4.63, 4.39, 4.26, 12.74, 10.44, 12.04, 10.74, 5.04, 4.6, 3.72, 11.01, 4.84, 12.0, 12.31, 9.14, 13.17, 10.12, 10.19, 8.11, 10.16, 5.66, 11.79, 10.99, 12.62, 10.36, 10.36, 7.92, 10.83, 4.02, 4.33, 9.84, 3.89, 9.27, 8.74, 7.28, 9.05, 9.45, 10.76, 12.75, 4.66, 4.29, 10.25, 12.61, 5.53, 10.07, 11.07, 6.58, 3.83, 10.38, 9.67, 8.94, 8.69, 5.88, 9.81, 11.97, 4.01, 5.15, 4.66, 10.56, 4.79, 3.88, 10.96, 9.92, 4.14, 3.78, 11.04, 11.47, 4.25, 8.72, 7.03, 12.42, 10.9, 6.26, 9.91, 10.39, 11.77, 9.21, 9.47, 3.94, 8.03, 12.72, 9.41, 4.27, 4.15, 6.64, 10.79, 10.29, 9.46, 8.17, 11.33, 4.02, 10.85, 3.86, 9.24, 11.62, 13.22, 6.65, 12.85, 12.44, 7.72, 11.01, 3.87, 11.9, 10.36, 9.2, 9.93, 8.08, 10.83, 10.88, 9.59, 11.81, 7.62, 3.84, 8.92, 11.18, 12.85, 10.6, 4.09, 12.44, 8.26, 10.69, 11.8, 10.58, 7.54, 9.8, 7.6, 4.49, 5.17, 12.76, 10.32, 5.3, 3.87, 3.76, 11.04, 9.06, 9.84, 7.36, 6.66, 9.65, 9.03, 11.56, 4.98, 6.05, 10.6, 4.66, 4.04, 10.0, 4.05, 8.04, 3.98, 7.77, 3.66, 3.57, 9.95, 3.94, 3.98, 4.47, 4.95, 3.94, 4.27, 3.96, 3.79, 12.92, 4.4, 8.43, 4.04, 9.92, 3.47, 9.23, 12.08, 8.71, 4.23, 11.05, 3.79, 12.14, 3.92, 10.5, 7.0, 4.48, 8.17, 12.03, 4.46, 10.65, 11.96, 12.13, 7.12, 5.22, 7.67, 13.37, 8.87, 13.31, 10.65, 4.58, 9.24, 10.83, 7.53, 11.89, 11.12, 4.29, 8.79, 9.26, 7.61, 9.42, 9.93, 11.17, 7.02, 3.72, 7.15, 6.17, 12.18, 12.33, 4.19, 8.53, 12.26, 9.84, 10.86, 8.83, 3.68, 12.21, 7.25, 12.03, 10.35, 11.55, 9.72, 13.07, 10.12, 12.04, 10.76, 11.87, 12.2, 13.09, 6.4, 12.59, 3.98, 8.91, 9.86, 4.43, 10.06, 12.17, 11.1, 3.76, 10.56, 9.53, 3.53, 3.65, 3.52, 4.08, 4.2, 9.63, 11.11, 10.36, 8.41, 4.5, 11.62, 8.57, 10.46, 11.47, 8.93, 3.81, 4.79, 4.08, 4.47, 5.73, 4.66, 12.24, 13.94, 11.12, 11.18, 4.46, 10.64, 3.68, 3.77, 4.24, 3.71, 10.28, 9.51, 9.32, 8.3, 9.46, 10.13, 4.29, 4.26, 13.22, 4.35, 7.5, 12.82, 4.9, 4.79, 8.47, 7.5, 4.52, 11.43, 9.23, 4.7, 10.76, 9.63, 3.67, 11.14, 11.12, 4.0, 7.39, 5.39, 11.93, 4.59, 9.29, 10.43, 5.42, 4.16, 3.74, 4.1, 8.13, 11.32, 4.38, 4.32, 3.82, 5.37, 3.9, 4.22, 9.84, 12.03, 3.8, 3.98, 9.39, 8.91, 6.34, 9.05, 8.1, 4.63, 11.98, 8.59, 10.07, 12.17, 8.42, 4.3, 11.69, 12.4, 10.27, 3.82, 11.22, 3.96, 10.28, 12.54, 11.17, 4.26, 11.37, 12.98, 8.69, 4.39, 10.12, 13.18, 5.85, 3.64, 9.18, 11.2, 4.99, 11.39, 12.42, 4.65, 11.89, 8.9, 4.83, 6.62, 3.89, 4.35, 4.08, 10.37, 4.29, 13.1, 9.81, 9.22, 10.62, 3.43, 7.6, 7.54, 4.42, 4.94, 10.64, 11.58, 4.12, 8.32, 4.58, 10.07, 11.89, 6.81, 4.19, 11.3, 12.72, 6.06, 11.74, 12.63, 4.35, 11.38, 3.96, 4.41, 6.01, 8.59, 12.92, 7.45, 12.08, 12.59, 13.34, 6.15, 8.23, 8.32, 5.52, 11.09, 9.69, 5.41, 8.71, 11.89, 4.09, 10.66, 9.72, 4.11, 10.64, 4.25, 7.59, 10.28, 12.76, 8.05, 8.39, 9.86, 10.94, 12.84, 10.63, 4.23, 13.43, 3.75, 4.06, 4.15, 4.58, 8.86, 10.02, 12.34, 9.14, 4.16, 4.73, 4.74, 13.35, 13.46, 3.89, 12.02, 7.89, 12.6, 6.93, 6.58, 11.48, 10.9, 10.72, 7.93, 7.33, 12.24, 6.82, 4.05, 13.14, 9.53, 13.33, 4.38, 4.11, 11.91, 3.66, 12.86, 13.4, 12.98, 13.28, 7.95, 9.4, 12.02, 9.65, 11.42, 6.72, 10.9, 4.08, 12.64, 12.41, 3.96, 4.73, 11.58, 8.31, 4.16, 4.57, 4.59, 10.4, 4.15, 8.44, 13.15, 6.59, 3.92, 4.15, 7.26, 7.12, 12.25, 11.64, 8.67, 8.22, 8.93, 8.96, 9.02, 7.23, 4.8, 8.52, 13.07, 13.4, 11.24, 7.55, 3.66, 3.94, 8.79, 7.56, 13.69, 6.21, 6.3, 13.28, 9.15, 13.64, 9.33, 9.83, 3.73, 4.48, 12.08, 3.96, 4.05, 4.17, 7.86, 12.68, 11.44, 3.83, 8.65, 4.48, 13.31, 8.66, 11.97, 3.52, 13.19, 9.5, 3.86, 11.69, 11.5, 7.35, 4.51, 4.15, 10.65, 12.08, 8.24, 4.3, 4.42, 3.8, 3.9, 6.26, 3.99, 7.49, 4.39, 6.56, 4.18, 11.46, 4.05, 3.58, 6.9, 4.32, 9.18, 4.16, 4.13, 4.18, 3.49, 4.23, 4.32, 4.15, 11.9, 10.88, 8.43, 9.68, 4.01, 3.47, 9.19, 12.38, 11.92, 13.03, 3.8, 3.89, 3.98, 3.8, 11.33, 6.97, 3.89, 3.61, 3.89, 10.31, 4.85, 9.57, 11.54, 4.0, 7.85, 3.92, 13.52, 7.75, 4.04, 11.41, 13.36, 9.69, 8.87, 4.45, 10.35, 12.04, 4.14, 3.86, 12.9, 13.54, 13.35, 11.28, 6.47, 3.83, 4.17, 4.75, 3.89, 12.7, 4.05, 5.91, 4.64, 7.09, 4.91, 13.14, 4.5, 3.71, 9.41, 7.83, 4.28, 3.93, 3.75, 6.76, 4.23, 3.61, 4.21, 3.95, 3.61, 11.29, 4.06, 4.66, 4.4, 4.99, 13.56, 3.71, 4.76, 7.29, 11.47, 3.66, 4.44, 6.1, 3.76, 9.36, 4.22, 4.18, 3.4, 3.64, 7.53, 4.28, 12.11, 4.97, 4.28, 8.86, 3.52, 3.93, 4.5, 5.18, 7.1, 8.0, 3.89, 5.93, 3.98, 4.45, 12.82, 11.44, 3.84, 3.87, 12.88, 4.57, 11.57, 4.48, 8.37, 4.87, 10.46, 6.39, 11.35, 11.39, 10.27, 11.54, 11.36, 11.23, 12.14, 10.56, 9.98, 5.75, 6.02, 13.09, 3.57, 6.62, 11.17, 3.79, 4.57, 9.47, 9.29, 10.88, 3.91, 8.73, 8.98, 12.28, 10.31, 5.83, 9.81, 10.13, 9.4, 4.96, 13.0, 4.39, 3.85, 10.19, 10.12, 4.38, 5.77, 10.9, 5.56, 11.0, 4.62, 10.42, 4.33, 4.39, 11.44, 9.75, 5.89, 4.7, 11.74, 11.38, 4.24, 9.59, 10.8, 12.21, 8.71, 7.39, 6.54, 4.15, 11.2, 12.1, 12.19, 11.9, 11.7, 8.57, 10.61, 3.99, 6.25, 4.04, 9.6, 12.34, 10.15, 11.35, 12.72, 9.99, 10.67, 4.02, 4.18, 12.84, 4.23, 11.92, 3.66, 4.06, 4.73, 4.34, 13.18, 9.35, 12.9, 3.94, 9.89, 4.44, 12.99, 4.09, 10.04, 9.46, 11.29, 7.95, 4.16, 12.75, 12.33, 9.32, 8.44, 12.0, 11.85, 3.83, 11.04, 3.74, 12.16, 5.46, 10.24, 3.8, 9.4, 3.83, 12.29, 9.09, 3.84, 7.53, 9.37, 10.6, 10.92, 13.34, 8.13, 10.8, 8.81, 10.69, 10.96, 11.49, 8.1, 8.72, 3.96, 12.73, 10.37, 8.7, 3.94, 8.51, 12.59, 12.09, 11.13, 8.51, 9.43, 8.66, 11.94, 4.31, 10.72, 3.7, 12.1, 7.24, 4.19, 11.24, 9.99, 9.44, 10.48, 4.51, 9.51, 9.76, 12.39, 8.6, 10.14, 8.41, 4.12, 3.57, 12.06, 10.4, 10.28, 7.08, 4.57, 9.54, 4.05, 8.71, 4.33, 4.29, 12.01, 7.78, 10.34, 9.45, 8.28, 4.4, 9.88, 11.85, 3.94, 11.12, 4.67, 9.16, 11.04, 4.09, 11.99, 6.78, 11.72, 11.49, 3.49, 3.75, 3.56, 4.04, 9.74, 4.04, 12.86, 4.37, 5.44, 3.82, 4.04, 4.42, 13.49, 6.98, 3.91, 11.49, 11.39, 11.97, 4.32, 5.52, 10.04, 11.1, 3.79, 9.72, 10.11, 4.91, 11.33, 11.64, 3.81, 4.61, 7.79, 4.88, 11.73, 3.89, 9.93, 3.7, 9.43, 9.54, 4.83, 12.04, 4.35, 8.46, 11.43, 11.47, 12.49, 10.31, 10.67, 11.78, 12.77, 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12.61, 10.73, 7.42, 9.29, 10.55, 5.87, 4.97, 4.3, 11.87, 10.66, 10.89, 11.56, 10.7, 10.59, 10.6, 9.98, 9.46, 7.33, 8.94, 10.54, 10.57, 10.42, 4.11, 5.81, 5.04, 4.0, 13.26, 5.3, 12.0, 6.26, 7.23, 10.13, 11.29, 8.64, 9.1, 9.22, 12.0, 10.19, 11.64, 11.5, 7.59, 11.73, 12.06, 5.2, 4.93, 11.95, 8.54, 11.07, 4.01, 9.87, 12.57, 11.32, 13.22, 11.29, 4.66, 12.0, 4.45, 10.53, 10.19, 10.18, 9.11, 10.41, 4.24, 5.65, 10.34, 4.43, 12.65, 12.65, 12.4, 12.82, 4.89, 8.41, 11.33, 10.91, 8.97, 10.44, 12.25, 10.91, 10.32, 11.21, 12.47, 11.96, 11.92, 7.6, 13.0, 8.92, 13.59, 12.41, 11.31, 10.5, 10.48, 4.74, 13.52, 10.72, 10.66, 11.86, 11.12, 12.66, 4.48, 12.32, 3.89, 4.4, 7.41, 10.75, 12.81, 4.74, 8.58, 12.18, 12.32, 11.06, 10.85, 10.24, 11.93, 4.42, 7.74, 7.33, 12.81, 12.3, 11.93, 6.22, 11.57, 8.93, 12.06, 11.77, 3.87, 11.65, 13.18, 12.29, 4.07, 11.69, 12.13, 12.22, 13.47, 3.94, 12.49, 7.08, 12.58, 7.34, 13.48, 3.91, 7.35, 12.0, 7.0, 12.37, 5.04, 4.29, 11.03, 11.77, 8.88, 12.69, 8.64, 4.9, 13.06, 10.73, 11.53, 9.98, 10.53, 11.5, 11.65, 12.13, 12.92, 11.56, 10.58, 11.63, 9.37, 11.73, 12.55, 10.97, 10.49, 5.66, 11.57, 11.87, 12.11, 11.98, 12.54, 12.47, 9.85, 6.85, 3.97, 12.86, 8.49, 12.41, 10.28, 5.17, 11.38, 3.93, 11.45, 12.44, 9.83, 4.16, 9.68, 10.78, 12.36, 8.05, 9.85, 5.58, 9.76, 11.4, 11.65, 12.34, 8.62, 9.01, 11.46, 4.37, 4.22, 9.85, 12.68, 9.0, 4.19, 12.29, 9.51, 7.3, 12.48, 11.09, 9.02, 8.24, 10.06, 12.18, 9.77, 11.28, 12.3, 11.61, 11.45, 10.56, 9.16, 8.71, 11.96, 4.86, 8.92, 10.1, 12.22, 11.5, 4.35, 12.01, 9.35, 9.75, 11.59, 9.06, 10.09, 12.65, 11.15, 12.61, 10.23, 13.34, 11.48, 10.98, 11.46, 6.79, 12.25, 7.89, 12.24, 12.24, 7.68, 12.69, 13.03, 12.29, 10.09, 11.14, 12.75, 10.71, 11.62, 3.93, 12.65, 13.21, 11.96], [13.89, 11.04, 4.29, 8.48, 13.9, 4.22, 3.66, 9.83, 8.02, 9.33, 4.62, 4.2, 5.28, 3.99, 6.09, 4.99, 8.68, 10.81, 12.99, 5.01, 5.7, 6.06, 4.36, 5.14, 8.77, 8.48, 6.58, 4.26, 6.84, 4.97, 4.54, 4.06, 4.98, 3.83, 4.74, 13.9, 7.72, 4.45, 11.99, 5.02, 4.21, 11.66, 11.51, 4.23, 10.38, 5.08, 4.14, 14.49, 5.86, 7.95, 6.69, 14.54, 5.34, 8.31, 4.49, 13.18, 4.54, 4.41, 12.9, 6.37, 14.7, 11.78, 5.42, 5.01, 7.51, 14.43, 4.46, 6.75, 12.82, 4.48, 6.09, 4.61, 4.55, 4.6, 8.55, 10.0, 4.86, 9.91, 7.82, 7.77, 6.2, 4.24, 14.13, 6.12, 13.36, 13.47, 14.73, 5.0, 4.14, 7.57, 10.54, 7.16, 13.29, 4.35, 7.23, 11.86, 5.03, 4.99, 9.24, 5.27, 9.87, 10.42, 5.23, 13.8, 12.38, 5.1, 5.18, 9.07, 13.31, 6.29, 5.22, 14.21, 12.13, 12.82, 6.97, 5.31, 8.6, 10.75, 4.24, 4.13, 5.74, 4.19, 8.6, 6.3, 11.27, 8.52, 4.11, 5.65, 4.32, 4.78, 13.45, 6.59, 4.89, 10.98, 12.65, 9.31, 8.68, 14.02, 13.88, 4.53, 8.44, 11.06, 7.13, 5.99, 6.22, 4.57, 5.12, 6.43, 4.86, 3.93, 14.24, 4.88, 13.79, 6.6, 4.74, 14.33, 7.72, 11.42, 5.76, 4.68, 4.2, 9.0, 5.76, 4.51, 4.03, 8.02, 4.37, 8.53, 5.01, 4.63, 4.17, 4.14, 13.64, 4.53, 4.09, 7.59, 5.18, 14.49, 9.35, 14.84, 7.76, 8.14, 7.78, 7.8, 6.9, 6.97, 4.75, 4.61, 4.96, 4.91, 6.31, 4.12, 4.88, 5.44, 5.25, 14.87, 7.19, 9.28, 4.53, 4.0, 5.25, 8.41, 8.33, 5.79, 3.95, 10.13, 5.95, 4.45, 3.77, 4.79, 13.63, 10.48, 4.03, 6.15, 9.89, 4.5, 7.36, 4.7, 11.08, 9.54, 4.98, 6.27, 10.67, 4.24, 5.39, 11.22, 5.78, 7.59, 6.39, 13.19, 4.58, 7.23, 8.3, 9.55, 5.01, 13.92, 7.92, 4.27, 4.84, 8.37, 8.33, 12.01, 4.49, 4.13, 3.89, 14.75, 9.56, 12.36, 9.23, 4.44, 5.59, 4.43, 14.42, 5.31, 9.36, 10.54, 11.15, 9.33, 14.43, 5.01, 12.4, 4.84, 4.34, 14.9, 14.99, 11.0, 7.3, 13.65, 4.32, 4.06, 4.58, 6.93, 6.8, 8.09, 8.14, 7.86, 5.11, 3.99, 9.4, 13.18, 4.67, 12.47, 6.78, 4.48, 14.27, 4.03, 8.84, 4.17, 11.5, 3.86, 12.13, 4.01, 4.32, 9.86, 4.29, 12.28, 4.07, 4.19, 8.48, 14.67, 8.17, 6.92, 5.11, 13.8, 10.62, 13.4, 4.47, 7.75, 4.5, 3.85, 5.84, 4.4, 4.81, 6.63, 3.9, 4.47, 5.28, 10.78, 4.56, 11.14, 10.48, 4.69, 4.36, 5.47, 3.88, 9.76, 4.88, 6.75, 10.11, 14.28, 8.44, 13.5, 4.49, 10.3, 4.51, 4.49, 4.6, 4.7, 4.17, 6.05, 4.16, 3.89, 4.42, 4.2, 7.93, 6.37, 5.59, 4.47, 4.04, 4.45, 6.54, 5.06, 11.9, 5.75, 9.7, 11.5, 12.81, 6.06, 4.14, 6.09, 4.59, 3.76, 4.06, 6.53, 4.27, 6.12, 8.21, 5.91, 4.24, 4.24, 10.73, 4.31, 3.85, 7.29, 6.15, 8.35, 5.36, 4.47, 4.27, 6.09, 6.79, 4.37, 6.39, 4.21, 14.16, 14.25, 4.05, 13.29, 12.6, 9.33, 4.38, 6.02, 6.45, 4.13, 4.33, 4.87, 4.4, 4.08, 4.24, 4.18, 7.96, 8.28, 4.3, 4.84, 4.21, 13.18, 13.7, 14.58, 13.08, 8.62, 12.09, 12.97, 4.87, 7.14, 7.5, 4.53, 4.96, 11.52, 9.04, 4.47, 5.21, 6.47, 4.73, 4.62, 4.7, 5.2, 8.62, 5.28, 4.62, 4.31, 10.68, 4.52, 9.7, 4.96, 3.92, 4.79, 11.71, 12.06, 14.17, 12.27, 4.22, 10.7, 5.01, 6.97, 11.44, 7.49, 12.44, 5.0, 5.66, 4.82, 3.86, 4.39, 11.6, 4.3, 7.15, 8.03, 4.72, 13.12, 10.99, 14.2, 4.17, 12.23, 4.29, 7.02, 4.4, 13.68, 10.17, 4.08, 8.24, 14.56, 8.32, 8.1, 4.9, 6.59, 7.88, 12.14, 7.85, 8.49, 8.1, 4.04, 4.98, 4.71, 6.89, 13.16, 11.51, 10.81, 4.22, 9.86, 4.52, 5.01, 15.05, 11.17, 9.03, 4.24, 4.07, 4.3, 4.77, 4.04, 4.04, 7.6, 6.26, 10.75, 6.07, 4.89, 9.74, 8.45, 12.32, 4.47, 4.24, 8.73, 10.22, 7.26, 4.63, 4.1, 4.29, 14.58, 8.97, 9.86, 4.62, 6.48, 11.22, 6.98, 4.19, 5.08, 9.2, 8.67, 4.56, 4.37, 13.41, 7.83, 4.01, 5.74, 8.44, 5.6, 7.77, 4.11, 4.16, 4.15, 5.88, 8.11, 7.8, 11.01, 8.22, 5.16, 13.35, 4.17, 8.24, 3.98, 12.94, 8.5, 4.79, 5.93, 4.34, 9.61, 4.59, 4.32, 4.07, 4.6, 5.05, 4.39, 6.78, 12.15, 9.36, 6.78, 14.77, 4.31, 4.69, 4.46, 4.37, 4.67, 6.05, 4.19, 10.25, 10.15, 4.46, 7.48, 4.75, 4.58, 4.59, 6.94, 8.75, 4.09, 4.4, 7.24, 13.48, 4.83, 3.83, 6.68, 4.31, 3.72, 5.63, 4.5, 8.34, 14.66, 11.76, 4.22, 14.2, 4.3, 4.31, 5.21, 4.39, 7.74, 9.96, 4.09, 4.74, 8.38, 10.16, 8.43, 5.33, 8.67, 5.51, 4.49, 5.34, 6.12, 14.11, 4.8, 4.93, 4.4, 5.16, 3.94, 4.24, 4.43, 4.23, 4.68, 4.84, 7.05, 4.13, 4.64, 4.24, 14.51, 7.51, 4.09, 9.02, 4.52, 4.3, 3.73, 3.96, 14.9, 5.58, 3.98, 4.17, 10.01, 3.99, 4.84, 4.28, 6.95, 3.74, 4.07, 7.3, 4.32, 8.09, 4.52, 6.1, 4.25, 6.46, 4.53, 5.7, 4.46, 4.35, 4.54, 7.07, 4.01, 3.96, 4.19, 10.0, 7.07, 8.14, 13.73, 4.02, 5.39, 4.75, 6.36, 4.35, 6.42, 8.97, 7.85, 11.29, 4.7, 14.6, 5.0, 4.0, 5.65, 9.77, 8.69, 6.7, 8.09, 5.76, 4.43, 4.7, 4.01, 3.86, 4.68, 8.07, 4.2, 4.53, 4.54, 8.21, 5.3, 4.71, 4.24, 4.48, 4.59, 4.86, 9.41, 3.98, 5.47, 4.44, 4.06, 4.65, 5.27, 4.71, 4.21, 4.58, 4.68, 4.42, 6.96, 4.19, 8.36, 7.19, 4.14, 9.53, 7.03, 7.32, 7.4, 7.49, 3.99, 7.31, 4.37, 4.47, 4.89, 4.6, 9.57, 4.33, 11.82, 4.49, 4.16, 4.91, 4.3, 6.84, 4.06, 9.05, 4.41, 4.26, 9.41, 4.46, 4.34, 4.33, 8.86, 7.04, 4.54, 4.53, 4.89, 4.26, 8.72, 4.95, 15.12, 14.37, 4.74, 12.25, 10.13, 8.87, 13.36, 4.83, 5.23, 4.24, 7.92, 5.45, 4.12, 4.48, 4.14, 6.77, 4.94, 14.83, 5.75, 11.9, 10.23, 4.59, 8.42, 7.59, 4.55, 4.49, 4.95, 4.7, 5.78, 4.55, 5.38, 4.24, 4.57, 5.62, 6.48, 4.03, 3.88, 13.71, 5.34, 4.42, 13.51, 8.35, 6.26, 6.66, 6.84, 6.99, 14.72, 7.55, 9.42, 9.71, 5.88, 12.53, 8.69, 5.34, 8.14, 10.27, 5.16, 4.59, 13.05, 13.5, 4.11, 6.93, 4.44, 5.87, 14.77, 11.05, 13.76, 4.39, 4.92, 8.67, 6.48, 7.81, 10.38, 4.1, 10.28, 4.39, 5.83, 13.49, 8.51, 6.7, 7.06, 10.27, 4.16, 5.41, 7.38, 10.63, 5.3, 10.65, 4.16, 4.86, 8.75, 6.83, 6.14, 14.09, 5.77, 12.82, 12.8, 10.72, 8.24, 5.59, 8.91, 4.53, 4.73, 5.53, 14.34, 6.06, 8.53, 8.34, 4.97, 9.2, 4.67, 5.24, 4.47, 13.66, 4.47, 4.26, 6.95, 6.06, 4.5, 10.7, 4.67, 10.48, 8.9, 8.54, 10.23, 12.88, 9.48, 5.62, 8.98, 11.15, 4.25, 4.94, 5.4, 7.4, 5.07, 4.38, 4.26, 13.74, 5.92, 13.15, 12.77, 7.67, 14.48, 4.53, 4.17, 4.08, 14.08, 11.41, 5.77, 5.61, 6.97, 7.29, 9.59, 5.43, 9.79, 10.16, 4.25, 4.72, 8.48, 9.83, 13.03, 13.6, 7.79, 4.06, 6.44, 7.04, 4.28, 13.09, 7.12, 11.74, 9.28, 8.22, 7.75, 11.72, 4.32, 6.55, 6.7, 9.52, 14.47, 8.71, 8.71, 8.27, 7.64, 11.33, 9.06, 15.01, 8.33, 4.49, 10.13, 14.02, 12.02, 4.3, 7.54, 4.73, 5.16, 4.18, 4.44, 7.98, 8.05, 7.39, 7.41, 8.33, 4.5, 4.36, 5.06, 13.82, 4.72, 6.46, 7.35, 8.01, 10.53, 4.45, 4.46, 8.64, 5.35, 12.38, 12.15, 4.04, 4.89, 4.34, 4.34, 4.33, 4.52, 5.69, 4.2, 4.51, 12.8, 9.73, 8.37, 6.08, 4.37, 4.36, 5.99, 4.32, 4.47, 6.97, 4.68, 11.6, 10.61, 5.27, 8.77, 4.8, 5.5, 5.17, 4.4, 5.17, 13.85, 7.29, 6.24, 4.77, 4.93, 4.64, 7.06, 4.54, 5.08, 4.43, 4.99, 4.76, 8.31, 4.69, 6.6, 7.31, 7.84, 5.32, 5.78, 4.73, 13.97, 9.54, 5.57, 13.58, 14.17, 4.81, 13.72, 4.94, 13.06, 5.12, 5.05, 5.35, 6.31, 8.1, 6.67, 5.85], [4.23, 12.28, 11.85, 11.84, 8.83, 6.19, 4.16, 6.49, 4.39, 13.25, 4.48, 4.38, 6.76, 4.22, 6.95, 12.82, 9.78, 11.51, 11.43, 4.06, 10.7, 12.15, 4.47, 7.47, 6.84, 4.47, 6.08, 9.4, 10.81, 4.44, 12.29, 8.91, 4.37, 4.16, 10.27, 8.06, 11.3, 3.85, 11.7, 10.43, 11.75, 10.14, 8.42, 3.71, 10.69, 9.63, 4.56, 4.93, 5.38, 10.45, 11.53, 11.3, 4.0, 11.79, 12.79, 9.96, 12.89, 4.3, 9.82, 4.3, 11.47, 10.03, 11.33, 6.64, 12.13, 9.43, 5.47, 11.62, 12.3, 4.35, 11.87, 12.5, 4.53, 11.8, 10.18, 7.68, 3.93, 8.69, 12.83, 7.28, 10.93, 10.89, 11.38, 10.85, 12.0, 6.33, 8.47, 10.38, 4.27, 4.39, 9.8, 11.68, 8.98, 10.53, 6.41, 5.4, 11.13, 3.86, 8.95, 10.92, 5.12, 4.25, 7.81, 12.01, 11.52, 4.04, 12.33, 4.41, 7.97, 3.98, 11.35, 10.26, 10.24, 9.71, 12.77, 12.53, 4.09, 11.83, 7.24, 4.27, 4.24, 4.83, 12.66, 12.69, 4.38, 11.43, 4.72, 8.64, 8.38, 8.15, 10.79, 11.7, 11.89, 9.03, 9.33, 12.44, 5.17, 9.92, 12.02, 4.09, 10.84, 11.22, 3.79, 8.34, 6.19, 12.69, 4.81, 11.76, 12.3, 4.96, 11.79, 12.21, 4.37, 12.11, 5.97, 10.75, 5.49, 11.95, 7.74, 9.57, 12.33, 9.07, 6.27, 11.98, 5.26, 13.66, 4.41, 10.86, 6.12, 4.32, 4.3, 5.16, 11.66, 11.76, 4.07, 8.94, 4.39, 10.57, 11.25, 4.32, 3.89, 4.36, 4.46, 8.37, 11.84, 4.4, 3.84, 4.33, 4.19, 4.16, 10.24, 12.76, 5.01, 13.01, 6.42, 10.92, 6.89, 13.14, 12.15, 4.57, 4.43, 12.13, 12.22, 4.31, 4.34, 12.32, 10.03, 6.45, 4.0, 12.78, 8.84, 11.35, 11.15, 11.97, 10.67, 4.39, 12.27, 6.0, 12.34, 5.21, 4.75, 12.78, 4.76, 12.68, 4.3, 7.21, 11.4, 11.42, 4.15, 5.42, 11.66, 5.37, 10.66, 10.0, 12.42, 10.11, 12.46, 4.86, 12.01, 11.26, 7.23, 7.9, 4.32, 3.96, 12.76, 9.01, 10.74, 12.17, 11.92, 4.28, 10.01, 5.2, 11.48, 5.99, 4.25, 9.34, 12.48, 11.47, 9.88, 11.55, 12.43, 12.11, 12.05, 12.38, 7.77, 10.37, 4.38, 9.51, 11.82, 4.15, 4.33, 10.15, 6.09, 9.68, 8.45, 11.99, 4.49, 4.31, 10.36, 4.54, 4.39, 9.02, 5.42, 9.38, 10.94, 5.18, 11.88, 10.02, 4.09, 5.14, 11.68, 12.21, 4.78, 11.16, 6.61, 11.05, 7.99, 4.38, 10.83, 8.19, 11.59, 11.31, 7.97, 11.1, 8.54, 11.87, 7.35, 11.51, 4.33, 10.81, 11.42, 5.01, 4.39, 4.95, 4.46, 4.15, 10.44, 11.48, 4.33, 10.43, 10.02, 4.43, 4.4, 4.88, 4.42, 12.98, 4.05, 12.15, 12.24, 12.07, 5.16, 10.3, 11.85, 9.0, 9.71, 12.07, 8.67, 5.02, 4.52, 4.35, 5.21, 4.66, 4.29, 11.42, 7.32, 6.16, 5.13, 11.79, 12.65, 11.76, 6.84, 9.37, 11.09, 4.13, 11.42, 10.5, 10.18, 13.08, 11.82, 8.97, 10.64, 12.21, 10.38, 9.22, 9.42, 12.53, 12.51, 6.61, 4.67, 8.23, 11.26, 5.65, 11.98, 11.37, 11.54, 12.62, 9.77, 4.81, 4.48, 10.73, 12.06, 4.88, 12.1, 4.25, 8.09, 9.94, 6.12, 9.27, 3.95, 7.15, 4.64, 5.89, 12.32, 4.52, 4.78, 5.84, 4.39, 10.41, 4.4, 10.23, 8.37, 4.15, 7.66, 4.35, 4.39, 12.04, 12.03, 9.44, 8.71, 13.08, 11.62, 11.7, 12.77, 7.84, 4.11, 9.9, 10.77, 10.78, 6.5, 4.71, 12.92, 11.33, 12.88, 8.58, 12.68, 12.54, 13.27, 4.95, 4.47, 4.32, 11.86, 10.79, 10.97, 12.2, 12.84, 5.68, 10.91, 4.1, 8.5, 5.45, 3.93, 10.43, 12.79, 8.16, 9.49, 8.34, 11.91, 11.86, 11.64, 4.52, 8.39, 5.08, 6.75, 4.61, 11.79, 11.39, 4.24, 9.87, 11.26, 11.11, 11.14, 7.81, 4.17, 7.94, 13.36, 11.94, 9.2, 12.91, 10.87, 11.48, 12.7, 6.92, 11.76, 4.39, 4.54, 12.45, 7.91, 5.51, 7.86, 4.93, 12.44, 8.19, 4.85, 12.93, 11.51, 10.61, 3.81, 4.19, 4.85, 4.27, 11.1, 6.16, 11.04, 4.02, 5.98, 6.44, 7.04, 9.44, 10.05, 4.48, 5.08, 4.55, 5.25, 4.11, 4.61, 7.32, 10.11, 9.23, 6.08, 4.02, 11.17, 12.3, 12.38, 4.78, 11.58, 10.6, 7.27, 13.04, 12.52, 5.97, 12.64, 7.53, 6.15, 4.1, 7.56, 13.27, 12.21, 4.89, 7.98, 8.0, 11.91, 5.76, 6.31, 13.24, 5.12, 4.71, 4.38, 3.87, 12.54, 6.01, 7.74, 4.96, 7.64, 5.12, 11.09, 4.41, 11.61, 13.13, 9.48, 9.22, 4.17, 9.07, 12.14, 8.79, 4.35, 6.47, 4.35, 10.49, 8.15, 4.22, 4.02, 10.75, 4.87, 4.06, 8.24, 4.11, 4.44, 11.99, 11.68, 4.24, 8.46, 4.2, 11.76, 13.01, 11.88, 11.79, 3.97, 5.75, 8.51, 5.92, 5.12, 12.02, 6.78, 5.74, 4.62, 4.21, 4.14, 5.12, 3.93, 9.08, 4.57, 4.13, 4.38, 11.07, 5.86, 12.76, 3.85, 4.77, 10.44, 11.82, 4.4, 10.75, 7.63, 6.28, 6.56, 4.37, 9.52, 5.3, 10.81, 6.91, 10.14, 12.29, 8.75, 4.87, 4.73, 7.5, 10.26, 4.43, 4.1, 10.23, 11.84, 8.08, 4.24, 4.04, 11.12, 4.46, 4.09, 4.37, 11.28, 12.51, 6.09, 4.79, 10.13, 4.35, 4.38, 4.25, 4.62, 11.23, 4.46, 4.13, 4.15, 6.13, 4.84, 4.98, 4.31, 8.18, 10.35, 12.41, 3.98, 4.22, 11.54, 4.69, 11.34, 12.11, 5.53, 8.06, 10.1, 5.08, 4.36, 11.88, 5.95, 4.23, 4.45, 4.05, 11.04, 9.26, 4.04, 9.75, 4.53, 6.95, 12.62, 9.22, 4.01, 11.67, 11.38, 7.65, 9.63, 4.21, 5.65, 12.31, 3.81, 4.31, 9.08, 6.16, 7.94, 6.38, 10.49, 8.78, 5.75, 4.23, 4.13, 4.15, 8.22, 4.6, 6.38, 4.5, 12.07, 8.02, 12.11, 5.95, 4.14, 3.89, 4.18, 12.07, 8.43, 10.0, 11.05, 4.11, 4.14, 4.32, 4.31, 4.13, 6.24, 4.09, 10.23, 4.06, 4.54, 8.79, 9.66, 4.54, 4.22, 12.18, 10.02, 9.24, 9.6, 4.51, 10.52, 4.24, 4.37, 5.62, 4.26, 11.23, 6.97, 11.5, 4.36, 4.3, 7.56, 4.48, 4.24, 4.08, 10.99, 8.25, 7.26, 8.36, 4.71, 4.5, 3.75, 4.58, 12.46, 4.03, 4.39, 11.47, 4.61, 12.19, 4.74, 9.9, 11.75, 9.7, 12.08, 8.61, 10.06, 12.42, 4.22, 4.27, 6.51, 11.38, 11.77, 4.47, 4.85, 4.47, 5.77, 11.62, 11.67, 6.42, 4.6, 4.45, 9.06, 4.9, 9.94, 6.43, 6.5, 5.51, 9.82, 5.65, 10.63, 9.59, 4.23, 5.28, 4.78, 5.41, 4.3, 12.41, 4.75, 4.36, 5.32, 5.94, 8.22, 4.66, 12.73, 10.1, 9.96, 5.19, 4.8, 11.48, 10.66, 4.77, 8.21, 12.0, 10.27, 11.46, 9.95, 4.39, 10.79, 6.63, 4.59, 5.7, 12.38, 7.39, 10.56, 11.59, 11.13, 10.82, 3.95, 4.08, 10.14, 12.31, 9.11, 12.17, 12.9, 9.48, 12.99, 4.63, 11.78, 10.28, 11.3, 11.96, 4.4, 6.62, 12.02, 11.88, 10.44, 12.01, 4.34, 4.16, 12.27, 4.82, 9.51, 11.96, 10.48, 11.83, 10.96, 11.79, 11.05, 11.44, 9.36, 7.43, 11.84, 4.47, 12.08, 7.8, 12.11, 12.2, 11.84, 9.76, 9.49, 7.36, 11.19, 6.79, 4.61, 4.55, 9.75, 11.43, 4.24, 4.72, 12.58, 4.19, 11.57, 9.88, 7.58, 11.88, 11.01, 11.73, 9.19, 10.71, 11.17, 4.05, 4.0, 8.09, 4.36, 8.14, 12.46, 10.53, 10.59, 11.62, 10.99, 12.02, 4.24, 8.34, 11.79, 12.92, 4.39, 9.87, 12.19, 9.69, 13.44, 4.54, 10.15, 11.63, 12.92, 12.73, 12.06, 3.81, 11.0, 9.83, 3.94, 5.98, 11.52, 3.99, 4.28, 10.85, 11.43, 12.75, 12.01, 11.04, 11.98, 11.1, 9.8, 11.86, 9.32, 7.15, 4.47, 3.9, 9.41, 9.25, 10.43, 4.27, 11.43, 12.71, 13.02, 12.66, 9.41, 8.18, 4.04, 11.91, 11.01, 12.23, 10.91, 11.85, 12.51, 10.81, 4.18, 12.72, 11.11, 4.25, 10.9, 4.12, 10.45, 4.44, 12.1, 4.52, 11.02, 4.81, 12.49, 10.08, 5.15, 4.43, 4.07, 6.49, 11.62, 11.53, 10.77, 7.45, 4.73, 4.26, 11.49, 4.79, 4.2, 11.24, 9.8, 8.84, 8.37, 10.05, 11.83, 10.12, 12.1, 10.73, 6.5, 12.22, 4.24, 3.78, 12.45, 4.38, 10.18, 10.57, 10.79, 4.48, 8.06, 4.58, 9.57, 4.23, 11.84, 8.35, 9.81, 6.9, 4.47, 12.06, 11.85, 4.71, 8.79, 9.53, 4.09, 12.51, 4.32, 4.1, 11.43, 9.22, 11.34, 11.57, 4.91, 6.31, 11.72, 7.36, 4.49, 4.2, 11.14, 7.8, 8.56, 10.98, 4.47, 4.09, 11.21, 12.23, 10.45, 4.17, 5.41, 12.43, 7.64], [13.19, 6.27, 13.7, 5.8, 13.39, 13.75, 6.87, 13.0, 6.55, 6.72, 13.69, 6.72, 13.53, 6.5, 6.22, 6.0, 6.73, 6.31, 6.56, 6.47, 12.66, 7.23, 6.74, 6.3, 6.18, 13.28, 13.23, 6.01, 6.35, 13.25, 6.44, 6.62, 13.0, 6.63, 6.62, 6.35, 6.36, 5.78, 6.26, 7.02, 6.36, 5.88, 14.0, 6.14, 6.25, 12.62, 6.63, 13.11, 6.93, 5.52, 6.38, 6.12, 6.31, 6.63, 12.07, 6.49, 13.73, 6.64, 5.87, 13.39, 12.79, 13.21, 6.66, 6.14, 6.55, 12.89, 6.24, 6.35, 6.73, 6.5, 6.28, 6.44, 6.45, 6.22, 6.33, 6.45, 6.05, 6.29, 6.21, 6.83, 6.32, 13.32, 6.4, 6.48, 13.22, 6.28, 13.44, 6.28, 13.73, 12.64, 6.28, 13.13, 13.06, 12.43, 6.46, 6.29, 5.95, 6.63, 6.6, 6.0, 6.65, 13.43, 13.82, 6.43, 6.48, 6.44, 6.59, 14.36, 13.68, 12.11, 6.08, 13.61, 5.97, 6.58, 12.75, 6.49, 6.23, 6.22, 12.25, 7.02, 6.3, 13.23, 6.09, 6.31, 6.61, 6.41, 12.7, 6.11, 5.9, 13.31, 5.54, 7.1, 5.76, 6.19, 5.58, 6.16, 5.92, 12.25, 6.75, 6.29, 13.61, 6.53, 13.14, 5.98, 6.09, 6.78, 7.72, 6.76, 6.32, 6.29, 6.36, 12.65, 6.87, 6.02, 6.46, 6.46, 13.22, 5.88, 6.32, 6.98, 6.49, 6.19, 7.24, 6.71, 13.38, 5.98, 6.5, 6.8, 6.35, 5.58, 13.08, 5.87, 6.14, 12.52, 6.79, 5.93, 5.74, 6.32, 5.75, 6.09, 5.89, 8.38, 6.35, 6.62, 6.57, 12.52, 5.93, 13.73, 13.23, 13.38, 6.31, 13.15, 5.7, 5.98, 12.8, 6.07, 6.06, 6.89, 5.76, 6.49, 12.9, 5.85, 5.73, 5.49, 6.0, 6.49, 6.01, 5.83, 12.98, 6.13, 6.09, 5.53, 5.88, 6.06, 13.17, 11.05, 11.91, 6.41, 5.36, 13.47, 13.16, 6.53, 12.44, 6.41, 6.57, 5.91, 5.97, 12.71, 6.54, 6.16, 6.43, 13.69, 6.42, 6.05, 12.7, 13.32, 6.11, 13.16, 6.34, 6.32, 6.6, 6.2, 12.34, 5.96, 6.0, 6.33, 6.46, 6.28, 6.41, 13.26, 5.96, 6.19, 6.73, 6.41, 6.12, 6.48, 6.14, 5.69, 13.2, 12.89, 12.99, 5.95, 6.11, 6.38, 6.56, 5.94, 5.55, 6.15, 13.19, 6.49, 6.86, 6.02, 13.33, 6.29, 6.34, 5.85, 13.98, 13.94, 5.98, 6.6, 5.78, 5.89, 6.19, 6.66, 6.38, 6.58, 13.78, 6.22, 13.65, 6.93, 5.98, 6.47, 13.63, 5.74, 6.15, 6.85, 5.92, 13.84, 12.78, 5.96, 6.03, 6.33, 12.55, 6.15, 6.04, 5.83, 12.65, 6.56, 5.74, 6.14, 6.21, 6.65, 13.04, 6.55, 13.56, 13.34, 12.98, 12.96, 6.73, 6.77, 6.3, 13.72, 13.85, 13.22, 12.98, 5.91, 13.25, 6.22, 6.77, 5.93, 5.64, 12.64, 6.14, 6.41, 6.59, 5.92, 6.7, 6.78, 8.06, 6.35, 13.27, 6.51, 5.94, 13.25, 13.82, 6.7, 6.82, 6.1, 6.19, 5.93, 6.56, 6.54, 11.92, 13.79, 6.27, 6.21, 6.12, 13.16, 13.29, 6.62, 5.92, 6.4, 13.8, 6.36, 13.47, 6.33, 9.38, 13.79, 6.4, 6.04, 6.14, 5.78, 5.81, 6.33, 6.21, 13.06, 5.99, 6.15, 6.26, 6.18, 5.65, 6.8, 13.91, 7.08, 6.48, 6.23, 13.13, 6.22, 6.21, 12.92, 6.62, 6.52, 7.03, 6.01, 7.15, 13.55, 6.37, 5.89, 13.26, 6.08, 12.84, 12.93, 7.2, 13.31, 11.99, 6.6, 9.14, 13.42, 6.93, 6.56, 6.29, 6.56, 6.95, 6.41, 6.17, 13.24, 6.19, 6.79, 6.69, 6.31, 13.66, 5.93, 6.31, 5.72, 6.08, 6.27, 6.59, 12.75, 6.5, 6.67, 5.71, 13.59, 5.96, 5.7, 13.61, 12.59, 5.68, 5.74, 6.05, 6.36, 6.14, 13.49, 6.49, 9.99, 6.08, 6.06, 6.0, 6.71, 13.62, 13.55, 13.26, 12.88, 13.07, 13.12, 12.57, 5.84, 6.12, 6.11, 6.03, 5.58, 6.19, 6.36, 13.1, 12.54, 13.48, 6.54, 13.27, 6.89, 5.63, 13.03, 6.25, 6.31, 6.42, 13.38, 5.68, 12.36, 6.28, 13.16, 6.07, 6.2, 13.28, 5.62, 13.44, 13.44, 5.67, 6.27, 13.62, 6.32, 7.34, 12.97, 6.27, 6.04, 6.31, 13.8, 6.13, 5.96, 12.75, 6.36, 12.01, 13.63, 6.12, 6.19, 6.2, 13.04, 5.83, 12.73, 6.28, 6.41, 13.19, 13.55, 5.91, 12.55, 13.42, 6.53, 6.63, 12.75, 12.72, 13.53, 5.71, 14.07, 6.67, 12.84, 6.95, 6.78, 13.35, 13.61, 6.49, 5.55, 5.41, 12.79, 5.8, 12.06, 12.88, 6.28, 5.9, 13.01, 6.6, 5.53, 7.01, 7.05, 12.67, 12.54, 12.33, 6.44, 6.26, 6.31, 13.5, 6.22, 6.16, 12.78, 6.98, 13.22, 7.5, 6.49, 6.48, 6.17, 13.53, 5.93, 14.28, 6.69, 6.2, 6.26, 6.77, 10.49, 12.96, 6.81, 7.16, 6.32, 6.48, 6.24, 6.62, 13.65, 5.65, 6.32, 6.06, 6.09, 12.85, 5.64, 5.51, 5.76, 5.73, 6.09, 6.01, 13.69, 6.1, 6.71, 6.26, 5.89, 13.01, 6.11, 6.2, 13.48, 5.92, 6.14, 13.12, 12.99, 11.81, 6.79, 6.07, 13.25, 7.18, 6.02, 5.82, 6.27, 12.77, 6.06, 5.54, 5.85, 13.35, 12.96, 6.54, 5.9, 5.96, 6.03, 6.1, 6.61, 6.15, 11.38, 6.48, 6.09, 12.71, 11.98, 13.56, 6.57, 6.52, 6.5, 6.42, 6.52, 14.05, 12.75, 5.74, 6.24, 5.99, 5.87, 6.61, 13.28, 6.96, 5.95, 6.53, 6.49, 13.09, 6.6, 13.27, 6.72, 6.73, 5.61, 6.4, 5.87, 13.41, 13.19, 6.2, 6.49, 6.49, 13.58, 5.79, 6.35, 13.92, 6.07, 13.64, 6.02, 6.07, 6.34, 6.45, 6.82, 5.38, 12.94, 13.76, 5.51, 6.49, 6.41, 6.11, 5.66, 6.26, 5.85, 13.26, 6.35, 6.3, 11.18, 5.49, 6.48, 5.54, 5.51, 13.94, 12.68, 5.89, 5.92, 6.11, 5.65, 13.12, 9.92, 13.38, 13.56, 13.01, 6.14, 6.4, 13.72, 6.14, 7.47, 13.4, 6.29, 12.63, 13.57, 6.39, 6.14, 5.73, 5.97, 5.91, 5.83, 6.2, 9.06, 13.73, 13.65, 6.12, 6.4, 13.97, 6.25, 6.53, 6.27, 5.87, 7.88, 6.48, 6.2, 6.17, 6.64, 6.27, 6.19, 5.69, 6.89, 13.51, 13.66, 13.36, 5.97, 6.27, 6.34, 13.11, 13.71, 6.55, 6.43, 13.75, 6.39, 13.79, 13.68, 13.42, 13.67, 6.5, 5.95, 6.74, 12.13, 5.81, 11.02, 6.57, 6.26, 13.11, 5.97, 6.53, 6.37, 7.09, 13.34, 7.13, 6.25, 12.74, 6.18, 6.53, 6.08, 6.86, 6.02, 7.0, 13.39, 6.77, 13.25, 12.64, 13.14, 9.29, 13.9, 6.77, 13.73, 6.4, 6.59, 6.37, 5.94, 6.29, 6.37, 12.32, 13.66, 9.35, 13.61, 13.59, 13.24, 6.59, 5.61, 11.7, 5.34, 6.27, 13.73, 5.92, 6.26, 12.69, 6.42, 6.42, 6.53, 12.23, 6.17, 12.94, 5.54, 6.42, 10.53, 6.82, 6.09, 6.34, 6.81, 6.59, 6.2, 5.66, 6.38, 6.25, 6.9, 6.8, 6.52, 5.73, 6.13, 6.34, 5.67, 6.09, 6.43, 6.1, 11.57, 13.48, 13.07, 13.67, 6.56, 6.07, 5.56, 13.47, 13.27, 6.36, 13.49, 13.07, 6.11, 5.89, 6.33, 13.68, 11.27, 5.49, 13.04, 5.98, 12.57, 6.26, 13.82, 6.19, 6.05, 6.62, 6.33, 6.29, 5.93, 6.15, 6.4, 6.36, 12.6, 5.69, 6.05, 6.2, 6.24, 11.0, 13.59, 6.29, 6.64, 5.97, 6.1, 6.43, 6.08, 13.53, 5.68, 13.65, 6.69, 5.5, 13.29, 6.13, 6.04, 6.58, 5.75, 6.57, 5.93, 12.62, 12.19, 12.23, 13.61, 6.19, 6.63, 6.08, 5.92, 6.55, 13.88, 5.64, 5.95, 5.64, 5.65, 6.32, 6.0, 6.28, 6.46, 13.46, 5.87, 11.29, 6.19, 5.59, 6.19, 13.24, 13.05, 6.59, 12.56, 6.03, 6.21, 5.85, 6.39, 6.2, 6.95, 14.17, 6.32, 6.13, 13.3, 12.84, 6.32, 11.9, 5.64, 6.12, 7.17, 5.88, 5.96, 12.65, 5.98, 5.71, 13.21, 5.65, 6.15, 6.11, 5.9, 6.03, 13.45, 13.14, 6.99, 5.68, 5.56, 5.9, 5.54, 5.82, 6.04, 5.62, 5.88, 5.98, 5.73, 13.39, 5.63, 13.45, 13.39, 6.64, 13.93, 6.56, 5.58, 5.83, 12.65, 6.03, 5.88, 5.72, 5.81, 11.6, 5.32, 5.26, 12.58, 5.46, 12.44, 13.13, 6.1, 13.13, 7.11, 5.41, 11.81, 5.85, 5.95, 5.74, 5.81, 13.11, 13.22, 5.43, 5.33, 5.64, 12.23, 13.09, 7.13, 13.24, 5.88, 5.8, 5.89, 5.78, 5.66, 6.2, 13.08, 13.14, 13.67, 5.86, 6.11, 13.07, 5.83, 13.51, 13.48, 6.76, 5.64, 12.73, 13.62, 7.62, 5.87, 6.35, 5.68, 13.43, 5.91, 5.8, 13.5, 6.13, 5.59, 6.24, 12.35, 13.64, 13.5, 5.92, 6.9, 6.12, 6.38, 5.94, 5.86, 9.07, 13.44, 6.16, 5.65, 11.83, 14.23, 5.9, 5.99, 6.33], [3.85, 4.13, 4.2, 10.66, 3.69, 4.69, 4.05, 11.44, 4.14, 11.08, 4.02, 8.95, 11.02, 4.33, 9.64, 11.08, 10.65, 3.81, 7.88, 3.98, 3.74, 3.88, 10.1, 10.08, 3.94, 10.94, 5.7, 10.44, 10.75, 8.63, 11.02, 11.48, 6.62, 7.21, 4.57, 10.99, 4.57, 10.16, 9.32, 4.05, 11.13, 3.98, 3.74, 4.86, 3.81, 9.19, 4.05, 3.83, 4.27, 3.91, 4.13, 10.92, 7.27, 10.06, 9.97, 4.01, 7.81, 5.39, 10.68, 8.08, 3.86, 4.01, 10.12, 9.56, 10.9, 3.92, 11.27, 3.94, 7.72, 4.28, 3.9, 10.94, 3.93, 7.38, 10.74, 3.9, 5.32, 3.88, 10.28, 9.9, 10.19, 4.06, 5.17, 4.0, 4.18, 10.82, 6.25, 5.38, 7.54, 10.26, 10.0, 4.02, 7.44, 3.89, 4.24, 4.07, 9.19, 8.05, 9.49, 9.66, 8.48, 4.13, 5.32, 10.69, 10.34, 3.81, 11.6, 10.05, 4.09, 6.58, 10.9, 3.89, 10.73, 10.53, 9.93, 10.15, 3.94, 10.68, 10.36, 3.87, 3.95, 9.66, 11.21, 8.8, 4.09, 10.97, 4.11, 8.0, 8.98, 6.35, 4.0, 10.97, 10.43, 4.17, 11.26, 10.87, 3.94, 3.97, 11.11, 3.86, 4.0, 9.95, 4.1, 8.91, 3.86, 11.54, 9.56, 10.87, 4.26, 3.83, 10.4, 10.64, 4.08, 10.87, 10.64, 10.11, 3.85, 11.38, 3.97, 11.65, 10.36, 3.89, 3.98, 4.26, 9.35, 10.97, 3.74, 11.07, 10.65, 8.21, 3.89, 7.55, 8.17, 3.93, 4.0, 3.9, 4.16, 9.7, 3.9, 5.7, 3.99, 4.05, 5.47, 4.21, 11.27, 4.07, 8.57, 4.0, 4.36, 10.23, 11.17, 10.69, 4.0, 3.84, 4.06, 10.71, 4.94, 10.56, 9.66, 4.16, 4.12, 11.0, 11.08, 3.88, 7.21, 10.61, 11.06, 6.1, 4.07, 10.8, 11.54, 10.61, 11.62, 4.04, 8.13, 4.18, 11.07, 9.78, 10.73, 10.44, 7.97, 11.07, 9.71, 7.61, 3.73, 11.08, 11.23, 11.26, 4.03, 10.56, 12.08, 3.92, 8.16, 11.27, 10.49, 10.95, 10.52, 4.07, 10.6, 11.1, 3.81, 10.11, 11.39, 9.97, 10.45, 11.58, 10.28, 6.63, 10.44, 4.02, 8.88, 6.04, 3.92, 4.05, 3.97, 8.73, 11.21, 11.01, 4.09, 11.5, 10.18, 10.86, 10.5, 4.3, 11.12, 11.11, 4.01, 10.48, 5.44, 4.78, 4.05, 10.79, 3.95, 10.54, 3.8, 10.48, 3.83, 4.14, 10.32, 3.91, 4.15, 3.78, 4.13, 8.36, 11.28, 4.22, 11.38, 3.91, 7.04, 3.82, 11.04, 4.06, 3.85, 11.69, 10.96, 11.15, 3.72, 4.05, 10.63, 3.96, 4.23, 10.62, 6.82, 10.46, 3.99, 8.68, 9.92, 11.0, 3.98, 4.63, 5.37, 3.98, 4.36, 3.73, 3.99, 3.79, 4.07, 10.25, 4.28, 11.02, 4.21, 3.9, 3.9, 4.07, 3.82, 10.18, 4.51, 10.47, 10.55, 4.14, 4.23, 3.72, 10.93, 7.39, 4.22, 10.07, 11.5, 3.95, 4.09, 5.55, 4.02, 8.45, 7.04, 4.14, 3.75, 4.14, 4.49, 4.31, 12.32, 9.48, 3.99, 4.22, 10.59, 3.64, 3.78, 11.14, 4.03, 11.09, 4.28, 4.51, 3.78, 9.75, 5.31, 3.83, 4.07, 9.9, 10.82, 4.97, 4.3, 3.89, 12.03, 10.98, 3.93, 3.96, 4.03, 10.61, 10.8, 3.98, 4.05, 10.48, 4.85, 4.07, 3.94, 4.08, 10.55, 11.52, 7.94, 10.48, 3.86, 3.73, 3.95, 10.55, 10.36, 4.13, 4.42, 4.85, 3.96, 4.27, 3.89, 3.96, 8.52, 5.5, 11.88, 4.51, 4.12, 11.57, 4.2, 4.03, 3.67, 10.94, 10.74, 10.65, 4.55, 4.12, 3.92, 3.73, 3.96, 10.99, 4.08, 4.07, 10.77, 10.65, 3.88, 4.13, 10.65, 10.93, 7.85, 4.12, 4.35, 4.15, 10.86, 4.18, 10.68, 5.99, 10.29, 10.66, 4.09, 3.86, 3.81, 4.31, 11.08, 7.49, 9.33, 3.85, 3.92, 3.62, 8.33, 8.78, 4.11, 4.2, 9.1, 4.06, 4.01, 4.26, 10.12, 11.03, 10.34, 11.02, 11.22, 5.56, 3.89, 11.66, 4.17, 4.0, 3.84, 11.45, 3.82, 4.48, 8.97, 10.59, 11.04, 10.85, 6.3, 8.25, 3.95, 11.18, 3.9, 4.09, 4.02, 4.1, 11.11, 10.85, 4.1, 9.99, 10.14, 3.82, 4.05, 3.92, 4.13, 4.13, 6.1, 10.84, 10.09, 6.07, 11.59, 11.58, 3.89, 4.85, 3.94, 6.39, 7.77, 3.99, 8.29, 4.06, 4.06, 11.17, 11.14, 10.68, 3.84, 4.08, 11.58, 3.92, 3.94, 3.98, 11.12, 10.87, 3.93, 5.13, 11.4, 3.69, 10.78, 3.32, 3.88, 4.12, 3.92, 4.0, 10.66, 9.57, 11.29, 3.82, 10.26, 10.78, 3.98, 10.72, 3.73, 3.8, 4.16, 4.01, 10.75, 4.08, 3.6, 3.75, 4.22, 7.27, 6.16, 3.78, 11.07, 9.79, 10.45, 3.73, 4.15, 3.85, 10.4, 11.35, 4.0, 4.01, 4.01, 11.55, 3.89, 3.92, 4.53, 11.14, 4.05, 5.38, 11.56, 4.13, 4.12, 5.47, 6.89, 4.15, 3.88, 10.44, 10.25, 10.81, 10.99, 10.76, 5.94, 12.31, 11.61, 3.97, 3.92, 10.91, 11.7, 3.92, 3.9, 4.07, 4.11, 3.87, 10.11, 10.71, 3.72, 4.25, 3.98, 4.89, 4.02, 3.95, 9.95, 3.88, 4.08, 3.96, 5.63, 10.39, 3.85, 5.57, 5.11, 4.0, 10.69, 3.84, 9.45, 3.93, 11.32, 3.95, 10.92, 7.39, 4.89, 4.01, 8.75, 9.72, 4.4, 4.39, 4.16, 9.08, 4.15, 4.07, 4.15, 4.08, 5.38, 4.08, 11.82, 12.06, 4.11, 4.04, 4.26, 4.35, 4.03, 4.17, 4.15, 3.74, 3.89, 5.94, 3.84, 5.4, 3.92, 4.03, 4.37, 3.85, 5.11, 9.71, 4.01, 3.78, 11.36, 4.22, 4.59, 10.72, 4.02, 4.07, 3.96, 9.35, 4.09, 11.3, 4.17, 6.37, 4.1, 4.22, 10.33, 3.96, 4.19, 11.0, 4.26, 3.95, 10.57, 3.87, 4.46, 4.78, 10.54, 3.93, 10.78, 11.15, 10.53, 10.67, 4.19, 10.21, 4.09, 3.84, 3.79, 3.92, 3.99, 10.96, 3.97, 3.87, 3.95, 4.04, 3.89, 3.84, 4.1, 3.94, 10.05, 4.02, 4.04, 11.01, 4.05, 4.91, 3.92, 10.78, 10.23, 10.62, 11.28, 5.27, 4.09, 3.97, 3.89, 4.19, 4.15, 4.1, 4.16, 11.19, 3.9, 3.9, 11.34, 3.67, 4.01, 10.92, 11.09, 6.98, 5.73, 4.07, 3.99, 3.93, 3.85, 3.92, 3.85, 11.68, 4.47, 4.21, 4.08, 4.1, 7.72, 3.97, 4.18, 3.89, 9.98, 4.16, 6.13, 3.87, 3.9, 4.21, 4.59, 4.05, 11.15, 4.06, 3.81, 10.95, 4.04, 11.12, 3.92, 10.08, 4.07, 3.8, 4.03, 3.98, 10.66, 10.59, 3.91, 9.63, 3.94, 10.54, 4.93, 8.87, 3.82, 9.22, 3.88, 10.36, 9.96, 9.95, 9.62, 9.88, 4.1, 3.97, 3.85, 9.25, 4.04, 4.04, 4.04, 3.93, 4.65, 8.24, 9.23, 6.98, 9.85, 4.06, 7.84, 9.99, 3.84, 8.38, 10.24, 10.82, 10.99, 10.33, 9.81, 11.45, 9.56, 10.78, 9.98, 10.62, 11.02, 10.43, 11.07, 11.37, 3.92, 10.86, 4.67, 4.03, 10.6, 4.2, 4.19, 5.3, 5.6, 3.92, 5.27, 3.97, 9.48, 7.29, 4.12, 5.02, 10.31, 11.13, 4.25, 11.23, 10.91, 9.74, 6.6, 3.89, 11.06, 10.99, 11.86, 10.08, 3.72, 7.68, 11.99, 11.19, 3.8, 10.61, 11.11, 8.4, 11.49, 3.94, 11.15, 6.12, 10.35, 10.38, 11.44, 8.97, 3.84, 10.98, 11.23, 4.16, 3.67, 3.76, 11.14, 3.93, 10.74, 10.06, 10.58, 3.93, 3.89, 4.03, 9.92, 3.78, 5.37, 3.81, 3.84, 4.18, 3.91, 3.83, 10.77, 6.37, 4.17, 7.41, 3.86, 11.74, 9.66, 9.96, 9.57, 10.32, 10.74, 3.87, 8.32, 11.41, 5.01, 3.84, 10.65, 4.98, 11.26, 3.88, 4.02, 11.6, 10.61, 11.39, 4.17, 4.09, 3.9, 10.78, 6.27, 3.96, 10.24, 10.12, 3.79, 11.27, 11.58, 12.24, 10.96, 3.93, 3.9, 3.81, 4.12, 10.95, 11.12, 4.03, 10.8, 3.84, 10.38, 11.6, 12.1, 10.82, 3.99, 10.39, 3.74, 10.44, 10.63, 4.02, 3.94, 3.77, 3.83, 10.63, 11.07, 3.88, 10.27, 11.5, 11.1, 10.72, 11.27, 7.49, 11.77, 10.84, 4.58, 4.18, 11.47, 11.73, 8.64, 11.46, 3.95, 10.97, 10.47, 3.86, 11.28, 3.91, 11.55, 8.25, 11.24, 3.73, 11.21, 3.88, 10.93, 4.16, 3.83, 10.31, 11.03, 3.69, 3.96, 10.82, 11.42, 4.04, 10.65, 4.63, 5.31, 6.54, 6.43, 11.59, 3.8, 3.96, 3.81, 3.63, 6.79, 11.7, 10.92, 11.21, 3.67, 11.99, 5.37, 3.76, 10.64, 4.06, 3.73, 10.08, 5.52, 4.02, 3.95, 4.08, 4.22, 3.95, 10.96, 9.6, 3.96, 3.92, 5.19, 10.21, 11.21, 3.97, 3.68, 4.72, 9.32, 3.95, 3.81, 3.82, 3.82, 3.74, 3.86, 10.37, 3.85, 5.6, 4.02, 3.97, 3.91, 3.95, 3.92, 5.68, 10.39, 3.83, 4.01, 3.9, 11.64, 5.78, 4.91, 4.01, 4.27, 11.08, 3.86], [11.51, 12.89, 12.46, 10.98, 6.04, 7.41, 7.58, 9.42, 4.35, 11.78, 8.67, 3.94, 7.41, 3.8, 3.68, 12.46, 8.85, 11.82, 11.05, 13.32, 11.16, 11.89, 9.69, 10.55, 8.9, 4.37, 5.78, 9.11, 10.49, 3.88, 5.96, 7.48, 7.77, 4.99, 11.49, 4.25, 12.43, 5.69, 12.53, 9.98, 12.75, 12.81, 12.18, 4.8, 10.42, 4.13, 4.13, 10.98, 3.95, 12.41, 8.44, 11.28, 8.94, 10.86, 6.51, 12.11, 10.21, 3.6, 8.45, 5.25, 13.33, 13.28, 10.76, 7.13, 11.51, 11.69, 10.39, 11.22, 8.28, 5.11, 13.08, 10.45, 11.49, 4.4, 8.58, 11.76, 6.35, 12.78, 11.92, 3.62, 4.73, 9.62, 12.47, 10.44, 11.39, 4.01, 11.14, 7.37, 6.97, 3.67, 8.89, 11.67, 9.77, 12.7, 12.03, 13.0, 12.42, 4.82, 8.44, 11.17, 5.58, 9.78, 9.49, 11.84, 13.48, 10.93, 8.19, 12.38, 11.53, 3.44, 11.28, 9.37, 10.94, 11.72, 11.39, 12.9, 12.56, 9.3, 5.02, 4.1, 10.11, 8.8, 11.75, 10.29, 10.63, 10.39, 3.6, 8.43, 9.16, 9.45, 12.68, 11.56, 10.36, 10.16, 12.95, 11.56, 9.21, 12.73, 9.97, 13.45, 10.9, 6.06, 3.4, 3.57, 13.07, 7.36, 5.47, 9.62, 8.79, 8.42, 8.99, 11.45, 3.67, 12.53, 5.05, 7.39, 3.94, 10.88, 10.65, 7.98, 11.77, 12.73, 10.48, 7.29, 6.4, 11.01, 4.0, 12.17, 4.11, 7.35, 6.12, 7.88, 11.67, 9.8, 5.29, 8.09, 11.24, 12.81, 12.55, 9.79, 11.5, 12.48, 12.65, 6.94, 12.02, 11.7, 8.09, 10.41, 9.48, 5.41, 5.42, 9.79, 11.29, 12.69, 10.23, 12.18, 4.06, 12.03, 9.19, 6.28, 10.72, 12.85, 8.9, 3.72, 8.43, 11.43, 4.76, 12.13, 6.97, 12.58, 12.66, 12.26, 8.36, 12.55, 9.71, 4.45, 12.39, 4.16, 11.19, 7.7, 4.41, 10.51, 3.84, 10.81, 11.96, 10.57, 7.91, 10.71, 4.75, 8.83, 9.91, 11.47, 8.6, 8.07, 8.82, 12.6, 7.83, 3.65, 9.15, 8.99, 12.6, 6.25, 4.79, 8.52, 3.87, 6.03, 12.49, 12.77, 13.28, 3.57, 10.05, 3.74, 12.56, 3.73, 9.16, 10.36, 12.02, 12.1, 12.93, 11.33, 12.94, 11.68, 11.05, 10.63, 10.55, 12.68, 9.4, 9.33, 9.63, 4.9, 4.19, 7.33, 6.17, 11.8, 9.34, 10.9, 10.12, 4.6, 10.2, 4.86, 10.17, 11.51, 11.93, 8.85, 10.91, 4.57, 5.04, 12.12, 11.22, 3.9, 9.7, 11.99, 12.24, 9.09, 4.07, 12.61, 11.8, 4.89, 10.52, 12.16, 13.09, 13.36, 11.83, 10.32, 10.07, 11.56, 9.97, 11.28, 11.89, 8.29, 9.12, 3.82, 3.97, 9.46, 4.24, 5.73, 12.11, 11.42, 4.2, 10.85, 12.91, 4.19, 5.01, 3.99, 4.32, 5.11, 6.1, 12.38, 11.47, 12.71, 7.62, 11.32, 13.11, 8.38, 11.46, 9.21, 8.43, 4.01, 3.83, 3.82, 4.35, 4.47, 12.01, 11.48, 12.96, 10.85, 5.17, 11.79, 3.95, 10.8, 10.71, 4.04, 12.36, 10.88, 11.02, 12.39, 9.73, 12.6, 3.69, 3.78, 11.82, 12.41, 5.72, 11.36, 5.55, 12.24, 10.98, 7.48, 5.05, 7.8, 10.24, 5.2, 7.92, 12.02, 12.88, 12.09, 7.29, 3.79, 12.36, 4.12, 10.54, 5.01, 12.9, 3.98, 11.37, 7.39, 4.41, 4.56, 3.57, 11.35, 3.84, 11.41, 13.02, 3.81, 4.72, 5.1, 11.69, 10.71, 4.12, 5.79, 3.69, 4.07, 5.53, 4.95, 9.43, 11.13, 12.07, 12.75, 12.45, 10.98, 9.18, 6.46, 12.55, 9.92, 11.08, 8.43, 10.33, 10.68, 11.74, 11.55, 11.79, 3.77, 3.71, 12.43, 8.73, 12.89, 12.06, 12.06, 7.94, 4.93, 11.04, 12.98, 12.29, 7.85, 6.23, 12.2, 13.09, 10.61, 12.48, 5.03, 12.09, 4.63, 5.07, 9.97, 9.23, 12.05, 4.14, 12.77, 12.48, 4.18, 3.57, 4.35, 9.8, 8.25, 12.73, 11.82, 3.53, 10.46, 10.06, 12.7, 7.16, 12.56, 3.95, 10.13, 10.55, 13.01, 11.35, 8.67, 11.43, 9.38, 12.35, 12.06, 12.84, 3.85, 9.84, 10.77, 9.66, 9.63, 13.26, 11.23, 12.63, 9.68, 4.83, 11.38, 11.46, 9.18, 5.16, 10.84, 4.14, 13.02, 11.81, 11.9, 7.03, 4.06, 5.06, 4.14, 9.86, 5.15, 4.04, 7.0, 7.49, 6.99, 8.27, 8.83, 11.39, 9.9, 3.65, 11.46, 3.75, 3.73, 9.81, 8.39, 3.79, 7.22, 5.0, 13.05, 10.24, 11.9, 12.29, 9.73, 10.74, 9.8, 7.06, 4.98, 10.81, 10.94, 12.97, 12.6, 13.0, 10.38, 12.38, 3.71, 11.45, 11.19, 10.12, 4.69, 6.23, 11.54, 8.98, 10.81, 11.59, 9.98, 8.01, 8.95, 12.81, 11.92, 8.67, 10.07, 13.26, 11.96, 4.08, 11.71, 11.36, 11.63, 4.22, 9.82, 4.61, 9.27, 10.63, 4.1, 12.7, 9.21, 4.3, 9.98, 6.94, 5.32, 4.37, 12.89, 12.41, 11.88, 11.83, 8.56, 11.4, 11.4, 9.72, 12.67, 5.76, 10.08, 12.51, 10.96, 7.31, 12.12, 9.34, 6.15, 11.8, 7.8, 5.03, 8.06, 4.42, 9.19, 10.97, 9.51, 12.07, 10.12, 11.19, 3.92, 11.63, 3.72, 3.79, 3.86, 4.38, 11.93, 12.72, 8.88, 3.88, 3.94, 11.83, 11.5, 10.54, 7.55, 11.78, 7.69, 12.73, 4.45, 6.36, 12.43, 6.32, 3.93, 3.87, 10.19, 12.88, 5.98, 3.75, 8.88, 6.88, 4.32, 9.21, 4.0, 12.99, 4.22, 12.58, 8.02, 12.33, 4.25, 8.38, 11.24, 6.18, 11.17, 7.97, 8.44, 8.41, 10.55, 4.43, 4.63, 9.42, 10.06, 10.93, 8.34, 12.04, 4.21, 6.9, 4.0, 10.03, 8.83, 11.75, 5.37, 11.44, 3.68, 5.66, 9.88, 11.83, 3.62, 4.4, 4.39, 12.3, 8.28, 3.91, 11.58, 3.85, 3.75, 12.16, 12.38, 3.87, 3.97, 11.93, 11.92, 11.36, 7.25, 13.32, 12.78, 8.74, 12.97, 7.88, 12.63, 9.11, 7.04, 11.0, 8.04, 3.74, 4.7, 5.06, 4.03, 9.23, 6.53, 3.69, 5.66, 5.94, 9.49, 7.77, 7.22, 3.61, 5.71, 10.64, 11.85, 7.5, 11.67, 8.24, 3.67, 8.34, 3.89, 7.51, 5.97, 4.34, 4.67, 3.7, 3.58, 3.76, 10.68, 5.69, 7.77, 3.56, 10.96, 9.74, 10.15, 6.39, 4.24, 13.33, 4.2, 5.1, 5.07, 3.98, 13.07, 4.12, 12.9, 3.81, 3.81, 6.7, 3.95, 3.94, 4.0, 9.11, 3.99, 5.26, 11.64, 4.17, 8.57, 3.79, 11.91, 13.09, 5.7, 4.04, 12.48, 9.37, 12.31, 3.78, 12.81, 5.5, 11.36, 5.51, 10.42, 8.77, 9.76, 11.99, 3.62, 4.51, 9.83, 11.43, 9.53, 6.9, 3.99, 10.47, 8.94, 11.05, 11.17, 11.7, 4.95, 13.19, 7.34, 10.93, 3.92, 9.67, 11.09, 9.62, 9.32, 10.89, 7.1, 6.6, 9.58, 5.49, 12.62, 9.98, 11.74, 13.91, 10.47, 6.99, 11.66, 7.59, 9.42, 7.95, 5.67, 11.3, 10.13, 9.8, 10.68, 9.81, 8.47, 12.73, 10.85, 11.54, 9.6, 11.68, 10.84, 4.54, 13.1, 11.86, 3.83, 3.82, 9.98, 7.97, 10.71, 11.03, 7.66, 11.56, 3.68, 10.61, 12.35, 3.8, 11.65, 9.12, 8.71, 13.03, 12.21, 3.79, 12.69, 4.17, 8.94, 11.94, 4.18, 7.58, 3.63, 3.51, 10.6, 10.7, 7.06, 12.02, 12.73, 4.86, 9.76, 11.37, 12.34, 9.34, 10.5, 11.93, 11.53, 10.22, 5.68, 9.71, 11.49, 11.07, 10.84, 12.96, 12.82, 7.66, 10.6, 10.01, 12.89, 9.32, 12.09, 7.36, 12.73, 4.03, 8.13, 6.81, 5.99, 8.95, 7.38, 12.05, 11.4, 13.15, 8.89, 11.45, 11.14, 4.05, 10.66, 12.24, 3.85, 5.8, 10.37, 11.83, 13.28, 6.4, 4.18, 9.39, 12.79, 10.08, 12.14, 7.79, 6.99, 12.89, 9.22, 3.93, 10.92, 7.32, 13.5, 10.69, 9.75, 12.72, 8.24, 12.1, 12.65, 10.88, 3.6, 13.11, 13.15, 4.18, 8.8, 11.57, 4.11, 3.89, 11.77, 13.01, 12.97, 12.37, 3.9, 12.29, 10.11, 9.93, 11.4, 13.36, 12.19, 4.31, 12.99, 8.35, 12.25, 3.95, 10.29, 11.42, 10.0, 12.53, 9.18, 7.55, 10.59, 3.81, 13.27, 11.37, 9.64, 10.33, 10.89, 4.18, 12.53, 3.89, 13.37, 5.29, 3.81, 9.1, 7.68, 10.18, 5.02, 11.2, 12.96, 13.06, 3.69, 13.21, 13.13, 9.09, 11.14, 11.22, 11.5, 13.47, 7.84, 9.23, 8.8, 11.38, 12.4, 6.05, 3.5, 3.33, 8.59, 12.4, 11.71, 3.87, 12.08, 5.31, 5.21, 11.93, 5.5, 10.97, 11.45, 9.8, 10.25, 12.97, 10.94, 12.92, 11.56, 11.33, 11.41, 12.22, 10.69, 12.35, 4.44, 9.55, 11.85, 12.57, 10.03, 4.2, 12.13, 12.66, 10.52, 12.13, 9.58, 3.69, 12.69, 11.34, 10.18, 12.23, 12.47, 12.84, 7.21, 11.88, 9.95, 11.7, 10.03, 9.55, 9.92, 4.78, 10.93, 9.15, 12.69, 8.33, 10.39, 10.83, 9.06, 13.54, 6.81, 13.31, 9.43, 10.91], [9.42, 9.21, 12.44, 12.81, 4.3, 4.32, 4.68, 4.24, 4.41, 5.28, 4.31, 5.11, 5.18, 4.55, 6.74, 10.78, 4.36, 11.52, 10.2, 4.75, 9.04, 5.14, 4.65, 4.63, 12.08, 6.78, 12.08, 11.27, 4.8, 4.94, 5.12, 4.77, 12.08, 4.5, 10.83, 4.57, 11.59, 8.6, 4.16, 7.83, 4.51, 11.93, 13.49, 5.87, 8.31, 5.95, 4.29, 11.76, 4.86, 12.48, 11.47, 9.2, 10.27, 4.25, 4.77, 11.68, 12.4, 4.66, 12.26, 6.84, 11.5, 11.37, 12.2, 5.58, 4.97, 7.68, 4.57, 9.9, 11.55, 4.52, 9.78, 11.03, 11.94, 5.0, 4.97, 9.86, 6.76, 12.6, 4.38, 4.63, 13.1, 10.51, 11.01, 8.4, 9.31, 4.7, 6.76, 4.58, 6.33, 4.37, 4.88, 8.66, 12.9, 10.71, 8.47, 7.97, 6.05, 10.44, 4.47, 4.43, 4.51, 12.32, 10.24, 4.29, 4.48, 4.41, 4.51, 4.58, 12.09, 4.63, 4.71, 4.99, 4.6, 4.68, 4.63, 12.09, 10.76, 7.4, 4.41, 4.25, 12.51, 5.04, 11.01, 13.6, 10.52, 8.31, 4.49, 9.86, 9.71, 10.69, 11.38, 13.42, 7.19, 7.61, 4.97, 8.06, 9.42, 8.61, 4.87, 12.83, 11.98, 4.81, 4.24, 4.76, 11.99, 4.52, 4.74, 4.27, 9.77, 11.58, 4.8, 5.68, 11.64, 9.62, 5.83, 4.96, 4.47, 4.46, 11.99, 4.68, 5.76, 9.45, 4.53, 5.09, 7.06, 6.25, 11.24, 11.78, 4.84, 4.73, 4.67, 6.51, 11.71, 11.16, 4.48, 11.53, 12.53, 5.13, 11.15, 4.57, 10.42, 8.67, 4.64, 4.55, 8.98, 10.29, 9.71, 8.13, 4.68, 6.3, 4.37, 4.36, 8.43, 11.5, 10.2, 4.51, 9.02, 4.34, 11.28, 4.64, 11.24, 4.11, 4.43, 4.68, 6.96, 6.09, 4.59, 10.12, 10.58, 5.11, 4.47, 4.77, 4.51, 12.53, 4.28, 4.54, 9.21, 4.67, 4.71, 5.67, 11.24, 9.55, 4.51, 6.11, 6.41, 5.2, 4.39, 4.78, 4.64, 4.79, 4.57, 4.74, 4.42, 4.1, 4.37, 4.97, 4.64, 4.8, 4.48, 4.32, 12.55, 5.64, 4.16, 4.39, 4.64, 6.66, 5.22, 12.63, 5.43, 4.4, 11.37, 4.56, 11.95, 4.86, 4.83, 7.03, 4.57, 12.51, 12.92, 4.66, 11.56, 5.35, 10.49, 4.92, 10.6, 4.65, 12.18, 11.07, 12.59, 4.59, 4.61, 4.83, 6.8, 6.83, 7.45, 6.55, 4.78, 4.66, 5.69, 4.48, 10.28, 11.26, 11.14, 4.4, 4.37, 6.2, 10.48, 11.96, 12.94, 4.39, 5.03, 10.15, 4.75, 9.02, 7.26, 4.65, 11.09, 4.36, 12.56, 10.97, 9.99, 9.51, 12.14, 4.48, 10.64, 12.05, 12.57, 4.49, 11.62, 6.48, 12.46, 4.41, 4.56, 6.72, 4.92, 4.73, 11.38, 9.9, 5.03, 4.95, 11.71, 4.54, 4.89, 4.9, 4.34, 5.2, 4.64, 8.27, 6.27, 12.46, 4.85, 10.8, 7.18, 12.47, 11.07, 4.76, 4.55, 4.58, 4.85, 4.72, 4.59, 5.16, 12.36, 11.98, 11.38, 6.2, 4.65, 12.0, 5.29, 13.13, 5.23, 4.7, 5.45, 11.33, 7.06, 4.23, 11.31, 8.84, 4.6, 4.58, 10.67, 6.04, 4.29, 12.38, 4.46, 6.19, 7.73, 4.6, 4.72, 8.67, 11.27, 4.52, 5.89, 9.32, 12.55, 8.34, 5.26, 4.86, 5.83, 8.51, 10.32, 4.7, 11.67, 4.6, 5.32, 4.23, 4.65, 4.82, 7.07, 10.79, 4.5, 4.43, 5.09, 4.69, 5.22, 4.87, 10.94, 10.28, 5.11, 5.26, 8.95, 4.52, 4.57, 4.98, 7.6, 4.66, 10.86, 7.78, 12.58, 10.11, 4.51, 6.7, 8.44, 11.24, 8.55, 8.3, 9.04, 4.72, 6.53, 11.98, 6.27, 10.39, 4.42, 12.18, 8.46, 4.64, 7.85, 12.15, 5.24, 4.93, 8.91, 10.81, 4.33, 7.38, 5.77, 4.34, 12.59, 5.16, 5.11, 9.02, 4.34, 4.2, 4.62, 5.72, 12.8, 12.73, 5.36, 7.87, 9.26, 4.61, 4.24, 4.35, 4.94, 4.3, 5.15, 4.6, 4.98, 4.84, 4.41, 10.23, 4.65, 4.51, 4.62, 11.69, 12.17, 9.21, 12.21, 10.87, 10.63, 4.32, 4.27, 4.55, 4.36, 4.63, 12.17, 4.62, 10.41, 11.59, 12.24, 4.86, 4.64, 4.46, 4.16, 12.7, 5.96, 9.3, 4.5, 11.76, 4.32, 13.1, 12.51, 4.34, 4.27, 4.49, 4.92, 4.37, 12.69, 4.87, 4.31, 11.0, 8.8, 11.63, 9.89, 4.39, 12.39, 5.42, 4.85, 4.64, 4.35, 4.88, 10.18, 11.64, 4.5, 4.92, 4.22, 4.6, 11.84, 11.7, 4.84, 11.11, 4.44, 9.99, 9.76, 4.57, 12.19, 10.93, 4.44, 5.64, 7.63, 10.71, 4.35, 4.42, 11.9, 5.56, 12.46, 4.83, 4.73, 10.88, 5.39, 12.63, 12.48, 12.03, 11.33, 10.51, 11.35, 8.74, 7.02, 9.82, 5.0, 11.02, 4.59, 11.29, 9.78, 4.33, 4.75, 12.09, 4.59, 4.57, 6.31, 4.58, 7.47, 4.58, 4.53, 4.67, 4.35, 4.56, 5.17, 4.49, 4.73, 11.48, 11.6, 4.46, 9.88, 9.03, 4.44, 4.61, 9.23, 4.43, 4.44, 11.77, 11.91, 4.65, 4.69, 4.64, 11.05, 4.62, 4.46, 11.59, 4.6, 4.46, 11.84, 4.84, 12.0, 12.83, 11.55, 6.32, 4.1, 4.6, 4.44, 4.9, 4.31, 4.72, 11.8, 5.08, 4.55, 4.33, 12.16, 12.36, 4.38, 10.94, 7.8, 11.01, 4.48, 10.66, 4.53, 9.67, 7.52, 4.13, 4.75, 9.44, 11.33, 4.62, 4.57, 4.32, 4.8, 4.85, 4.57, 4.7, 4.19, 4.92, 12.61, 4.9, 4.3, 4.27, 4.36, 4.51, 4.4, 9.57, 4.61, 4.65, 4.5, 4.88, 4.45, 4.77, 4.27, 12.32, 11.97, 9.1, 4.21, 4.39, 4.16, 4.33, 4.69, 10.58, 12.48, 4.57, 4.49, 4.48, 4.78, 4.91, 5.21, 4.58, 4.59, 4.77, 9.44, 4.28, 5.11, 4.72, 4.84, 4.73, 12.46, 12.61, 4.76, 4.31, 10.52, 12.65, 9.3, 4.4, 3.99, 12.54, 11.85, 4.44, 4.46, 11.73, 12.03, 12.9, 12.01, 4.62, 4.93, 4.84, 4.7, 4.22, 11.24, 4.54, 4.99, 4.34, 4.44, 4.43, 12.0, 4.27, 4.53, 4.76, 4.42, 4.9, 7.02, 4.73, 4.53, 4.47, 4.65, 4.42, 4.48, 4.54, 8.56, 4.71, 4.96, 4.54, 4.4, 12.24, 5.8, 4.68, 4.56, 10.45, 4.62, 5.96, 4.47, 4.8, 13.23, 4.74, 4.84, 4.6, 4.75, 4.43, 4.43, 12.77, 4.44, 4.78, 4.33, 4.76, 4.85, 4.52, 4.41, 4.49, 4.5, 4.34, 4.65, 4.39, 4.76, 11.56, 10.17, 4.81, 4.75, 4.49, 4.31, 4.35, 4.39, 5.28, 11.34, 8.84, 12.57, 10.79, 10.8, 4.99, 11.84, 5.72, 8.89, 11.0, 8.44, 5.14, 5.99, 7.05, 11.75, 5.12, 6.75, 11.9, 5.05, 5.43, 10.82, 5.65, 11.24, 4.65, 11.43, 11.5, 9.69, 13.05, 10.07, 9.12, 8.72, 10.29, 4.84, 12.03, 5.04, 5.14, 11.33, 7.79, 4.47, 4.63, 4.26, 4.03, 7.32, 4.36, 4.71, 4.42, 7.78, 8.9, 4.38, 4.22, 5.07, 9.24, 12.7, 4.5, 10.55, 6.34, 5.19, 11.28, 5.65, 5.2, 5.5, 11.31, 10.83, 11.46, 4.08, 7.96, 4.42, 12.94, 12.57, 4.65, 5.01, 4.31, 5.56, 5.87, 11.16, 11.89, 4.73, 7.16, 4.57, 4.38, 12.28, 4.89, 8.97, 9.52, 11.86, 6.1, 4.73, 9.61, 9.46, 11.61, 4.27, 12.51, 4.56, 12.18, 4.73, 10.43, 8.35, 4.52, 4.46, 4.85, 12.29, 10.35, 10.31, 9.48, 12.51, 11.31, 4.64, 9.73, 6.77, 10.09, 5.36, 5.61, 5.31, 9.97, 4.91, 6.77, 4.3, 5.34, 5.98, 9.38, 8.99, 5.76, 13.2, 5.95, 11.77, 5.3, 8.04, 7.76, 5.19, 4.51, 5.7, 4.45, 10.63, 12.9, 7.42, 4.56, 6.12, 13.0, 11.24, 8.43, 4.47, 4.54, 12.29, 11.53, 4.73, 5.02, 11.83, 11.29, 5.01, 4.54, 11.78, 4.73, 4.8, 4.4, 6.23, 4.46, 12.12, 13.09, 4.76, 4.33, 5.66, 4.8, 4.43, 11.49, 4.4, 9.48, 6.4, 4.65, 10.08, 4.87, 4.6, 9.75, 8.96, 9.21, 5.15, 12.08, 4.19, 8.22, 4.99, 4.84, 10.42, 4.42, 7.56, 4.32, 4.29, 11.7, 4.32, 10.85, 11.64, 12.63, 11.86, 5.2, 4.41, 4.46, 4.52, 8.0, 4.36, 10.54, 4.5, 6.02, 4.45, 4.51, 4.34, 12.68, 4.72, 4.34, 10.86, 11.98, 8.95, 4.47, 4.45, 12.55, 11.64, 6.78, 4.48, 12.37, 4.31, 8.19, 9.2, 4.6, 4.48, 4.55, 12.02, 11.36, 4.66, 11.77, 4.45, 4.44, 4.07, 4.36, 12.56, 4.66, 10.05, 9.97, 11.17, 7.98, 11.7, 9.54, 13.71, 10.47, 12.0, 11.92, 13.67, 4.94, 9.88, 4.72, 12.86, 11.59, 5.03, 7.08, 11.35, 10.79, 13.69, 11.63, 5.61, 11.92, 11.29, 10.85, 12.91, 12.0, 13.05, 4.57, 10.99, 4.64, 8.15, 7.71, 10.84, 8.77, 4.18, 12.54, 4.75, 12.79, 11.63, 9.4, 5.01, 9.55, 12.87, 4.16, 12.66, 10.56, 11.2], [3.67, 12.77, 12.07, 10.67, 6.46, 4.05, 4.17, 4.1, 10.08, 11.86, 4.07, 9.75, 4.34, 5.19, 9.81, 11.47, 4.13, 12.58, 12.11, 5.99, 11.65, 10.88, 3.76, 7.59, 12.07, 3.66, 11.63, 9.12, 11.89, 3.69, 11.42, 5.7, 9.84, 7.69, 12.55, 7.67, 11.53, 9.45, 10.89, 7.78, 11.11, 10.59, 10.83, 8.36, 9.37, 11.34, 8.38, 10.16, 4.04, 3.75, 10.97, 10.14, 9.8, 9.46, 12.19, 12.75, 12.49, 10.9, 10.55, 9.4, 11.98, 11.26, 11.98, 9.73, 12.07, 10.35, 3.94, 12.16, 11.35, 4.02, 11.92, 11.02, 12.34, 9.24, 6.78, 10.93, 11.25, 11.14, 12.9, 4.97, 10.9, 11.25, 10.79, 11.73, 11.5, 5.61, 8.4, 4.11, 10.44, 3.81, 3.83, 12.02, 10.64, 11.48, 8.68, 11.48, 10.84, 8.74, 6.66, 7.86, 7.52, 10.31, 11.61, 12.74, 12.64, 4.07, 12.72, 7.43, 11.15, 5.23, 13.15, 11.04, 11.87, 11.58, 11.59, 11.79, 10.44, 11.79, 7.24, 4.46, 12.24, 3.82, 12.27, 11.65, 9.2, 9.43, 7.57, 9.98, 9.2, 8.6, 11.58, 9.74, 11.89, 9.96, 12.56, 11.15, 8.94, 11.86, 6.68, 12.26, 11.32, 9.7, 3.52, 10.72, 12.46, 10.29, 9.27, 6.89, 12.84, 10.38, 10.87, 11.83, 4.01, 12.17, 9.08, 10.68, 4.15, 12.56, 12.0, 12.77, 13.29, 10.72, 11.78, 8.98, 8.85, 12.21, 12.3, 11.64, 9.07, 9.28, 4.43, 9.2, 11.05, 9.3, 4.1, 12.02, 9.44, 11.84, 10.9, 11.35, 3.93, 11.52, 4.51, 4.52, 12.53, 11.51, 9.0, 12.04, 11.15, 4.04, 7.23, 11.44, 8.82, 12.2, 11.49, 11.86, 10.93, 11.15, 11.44, 3.79, 8.74, 12.85, 10.47, 3.89, 7.98, 12.97, 11.45, 3.55, 12.51, 3.92, 5.76, 13.01, 4.42, 13.12, 11.49, 4.2, 12.25, 9.66, 11.13, 4.51, 11.06, 12.77, 7.52, 9.11, 11.24, 7.16, 9.64, 5.28, 3.87, 3.91, 9.15, 4.04, 10.29, 4.11, 11.16, 8.6, 11.96, 7.29, 9.84, 8.25, 11.57, 8.11, 3.78, 3.99, 10.59, 6.48, 12.95, 12.09, 10.27, 3.67, 10.72, 3.99, 11.89, 6.59, 12.69, 6.0, 10.94, 9.52, 10.92, 11.56, 12.22, 9.16, 11.34, 11.01, 10.92, 12.05, 12.14, 9.66, 11.19, 10.21, 4.27, 12.41, 8.35, 7.4, 9.48, 10.58, 4.3, 11.86, 12.58, 3.86, 11.38, 11.03, 8.93, 5.65, 9.18, 3.83, 8.37, 7.57, 10.3, 4.24, 11.08, 11.25, 3.64, 11.81, 9.39, 9.74, 11.87, 6.49, 12.07, 11.56, 12.82, 9.99, 11.31, 11.45, 11.65, 11.79, 11.7, 8.11, 11.0, 11.02, 10.76, 3.97, 3.86, 3.76, 4.41, 4.43, 11.64, 12.09, 3.76, 7.41, 12.26, 4.19, 3.92, 6.54, 4.55, 9.23, 12.55, 11.57, 12.68, 11.06, 12.43, 11.13, 8.99, 10.2, 11.79, 8.39, 4.22, 5.3, 8.46, 3.74, 5.67, 5.31, 10.53, 11.06, 8.5, 6.77, 10.71, 13.08, 11.12, 12.32, 7.47, 4.12, 12.55, 11.58, 9.88, 11.56, 12.81, 12.59, 8.49, 8.86, 11.07, 10.07, 7.01, 11.16, 4.83, 11.83, 11.76, 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12.08, 9.52, 3.57, 6.58, 12.91, 11.95, 11.6, 11.31, 5.98, 3.98, 3.74, 3.79, 4.07, 11.98, 4.15, 6.93, 4.68, 6.86, 5.67, 9.35, 4.29, 4.17, 4.42, 4.09, 9.67, 4.18, 4.68, 8.53, 3.63, 3.67, 3.82, 4.04, 3.95, 9.53, 3.76, 4.38, 7.94, 4.03, 11.82, 4.15, 4.55, 3.89, 11.66, 7.77, 4.82, 4.0, 3.96, 12.98, 4.37, 4.03, 4.07, 3.92, 11.81, 9.39, 11.71, 4.17, 4.08, 4.01, 4.06, 3.68, 4.28, 4.57, 4.01, 3.91, 6.27, 4.23, 4.04, 3.77, 9.19, 12.93, 4.2, 3.84, 9.71, 3.85, 12.04, 4.03, 13.03, 12.06, 10.16, 12.64, 9.42, 11.72, 12.32, 10.85, 10.18, 12.24, 12.05, 11.56, 10.5, 4.57, 9.21, 12.25, 4.31, 11.03, 10.74, 7.94, 4.35, 11.7, 4.88, 10.81, 4.15, 10.47, 9.42, 11.67, 12.62, 10.08, 10.54, 7.72, 10.41, 5.99, 12.4, 4.25, 9.91, 11.79, 9.43, 4.0, 4.8, 6.26, 10.16, 10.16, 6.79, 11.68, 4.1, 5.08, 11.27, 12.45, 5.21, 12.04, 11.69, 11.72, 7.88, 10.14, 10.66, 7.37, 11.64, 11.71, 4.11, 7.59, 12.49, 11.33, 11.49, 10.03, 10.49, 10.92, 10.52, 9.75, 10.55, 6.73, 10.9, 12.73, 12.85, 12.52, 12.16, 7.6, 12.26, 7.96, 9.19, 10.96, 4.7, 12.63, 10.4, 11.34, 8.23, 4.74, 10.58, 12.7, 10.8, 4.01, 10.68, 11.04, 10.84, 8.35, 10.45, 12.27, 12.67, 10.44, 5.84, 12.37, 4.48, 9.96, 10.75, 10.66, 10.91, 5.44, 10.86, 8.88, 10.92, 10.25, 11.41, 10.15, 12.53, 4.5, 10.81, 4.23, 4.7, 12.38, 11.5, 13.05, 11.61, 11.4, 12.09, 10.96, 11.22, 9.36, 12.48, 12.3, 6.77, 10.35, 8.02, 11.66, 12.5, 11.46, 6.04, 11.81, 12.93, 9.99, 11.12, 3.87, 9.94, 12.57, 13.02, 3.85, 11.92, 12.14, 11.39, 12.35, 4.62, 12.47, 4.74, 11.85, 12.19, 12.28, 3.66, 9.84, 12.35, 3.88, 11.65, 9.26, 6.67, 8.39, 12.69, 12.36, 11.6, 11.47, 4.06, 11.66, 8.64, 10.88, 10.39, 12.72, 10.48, 11.61, 12.48, 8.76, 10.39, 10.26, 4.19, 12.22, 4.01, 11.12, 10.65, 11.75, 10.36, 3.87, 10.91, 10.75, 11.12, 9.23, 11.12, 12.32, 3.64, 3.62, 12.65, 7.75, 4.0, 4.18, 8.45, 8.62, 3.93, 8.91, 11.77, 12.54, 4.01, 11.51, 10.37, 3.9, 7.83, 4.11, 10.81, 12.08, 4.27, 12.89, 11.81, 3.6, 4.19, 8.57, 6.27, 5.49, 11.89, 11.8, 10.36, 4.8, 11.7, 9.01, 10.25, 10.94, 4.2, 9.77, 7.56, 9.65, 9.81, 11.4, 11.29, 11.95, 11.11, 10.59, 9.26, 11.54, 10.5, 12.52, 11.0, 10.87, 11.74, 12.13, 10.47, 12.12, 10.64, 10.81, 9.36, 12.18, 9.43, 7.75, 11.95, 11.6, 8.08, 10.62, 12.68, 11.75, 11.03, 10.63, 4.73, 12.02, 12.75, 11.93, 9.5, 11.96, 10.96, 10.45, 11.88, 9.29, 3.83, 13.08, 8.77, 8.77, 12.11, 11.77, 12.2, 10.16], [7.32, 3.94, 3.89, 4.71, 4.44, 3.96, 4.45, 3.83, 10.58, 4.06, 3.76, 4.14, 3.77, 3.74, 4.87, 4.09, 3.94, 4.07, 4.1, 9.24, 13.5, 8.34, 8.8, 4.32, 13.44, 3.98, 5.27, 4.66, 9.82, 4.41, 3.97, 4.31, 3.86, 4.0, 3.95, 4.12, 9.0, 3.87, 3.97, 4.01, 4.14, 4.06, 3.95, 3.82, 3.94, 9.07, 3.96, 14.02, 6.13, 9.53, 3.94, 4.29, 4.1, 4.1, 4.04, 3.84, 3.93, 3.99, 3.98, 4.23, 4.11, 13.34, 8.71, 4.07, 3.86, 4.02, 3.87, 5.66, 3.89, 4.02, 3.97, 6.65, 4.18, 3.77, 4.16, 10.23, 8.75, 4.08, 4.35, 3.91, 7.72, 13.75, 4.11, 7.92, 4.08, 4.08, 4.3, 4.11, 4.07, 3.95, 3.86, 9.54, 3.87, 12.93, 4.19, 10.66, 4.24, 4.72, 4.07, 4.0, 11.63, 8.14, 12.96, 3.86, 4.1, 4.08, 3.95, 4.07, 4.49, 3.96, 4.1, 4.31, 3.88, 4.18, 3.96, 4.4, 13.76, 4.11, 4.02, 4.29, 12.23, 4.24, 6.46, 4.39, 3.93, 4.1, 7.94, 12.18, 4.13, 4.05, 3.99, 3.92, 4.16, 5.56, 4.2, 4.23, 10.85, 3.91, 4.02, 4.2, 4.3, 4.14, 4.03, 11.66, 3.88, 4.8, 4.25, 4.26, 9.68, 4.12, 3.92, 3.85, 12.67, 4.03, 4.11, 4.11, 4.22, 4.06, 13.26, 3.99, 4.01, 4.1, 3.93, 3.92, 4.02, 4.08, 8.15, 6.08, 4.04, 3.98, 4.1, 3.88, 4.34, 12.69, 4.66, 13.42, 13.48, 3.97, 3.81, 3.96, 12.72, 5.68, 3.84, 4.65, 4.13, 11.28, 4.41, 11.87, 12.91, 4.19, 4.03, 3.89, 9.95, 11.1, 12.63, 4.22, 5.38, 4.65, 5.28, 13.09, 12.61, 4.05, 4.28, 4.01, 9.3, 4.01, 4.34, 8.16, 4.06, 4.14, 3.99, 8.16, 4.11, 4.19, 4.07, 12.07, 4.19, 3.93, 3.92, 3.87, 11.01, 3.96, 4.42, 3.96, 3.8, 3.83, 4.01, 3.93, 13.58, 4.94, 3.84, 4.1, 3.97, 4.15, 3.95, 4.07, 4.03, 4.17, 4.12, 4.09, 14.09, 3.9, 4.39, 6.81, 4.18, 3.94, 4.11, 5.26, 4.13, 4.15, 4.08, 3.89, 3.83, 4.25, 10.94, 3.96, 3.94, 3.76, 3.98, 4.02, 4.32, 4.22, 4.1, 3.93, 3.89, 3.81, 13.9, 3.84, 12.94, 10.71, 4.46, 4.0, 4.24, 3.91, 3.97, 3.88, 4.22, 4.26, 5.65, 10.72, 3.93, 7.45, 4.71, 4.17, 4.17, 4.03, 4.08, 3.81, 4.1, 3.95, 3.94, 4.11, 8.11, 3.81, 3.96, 4.17, 11.17, 4.17, 7.13, 11.68, 7.92, 6.16, 13.99, 3.84, 4.31, 4.67, 4.18, 4.15, 13.94, 4.2, 8.12, 3.85, 4.0, 4.28, 4.38, 4.15, 12.5, 8.37, 4.02, 3.85, 12.77, 4.17, 4.16, 4.19, 4.4, 4.0, 9.82, 4.28, 3.89, 4.03, 4.26, 11.07, 6.2, 4.37, 4.05, 4.03, 3.99, 4.14, 4.36, 4.14, 4.22, 4.3, 13.18, 13.98, 8.34, 4.13, 4.26, 3.95, 4.2, 4.2, 4.26, 4.39, 3.97, 3.85, 10.7, 4.24, 4.2, 3.95, 4.22, 4.1, 13.49, 4.03, 4.12, 4.58, 4.3, 4.05, 4.18, 4.24, 4.31, 7.15, 4.14, 4.18, 3.98, 4.09, 4.15, 4.36, 4.18, 4.41, 4.03, 4.14, 5.47, 4.56, 4.08, 9.02, 4.04, 4.1, 4.09, 4.11, 4.26, 13.04, 4.06, 4.48, 4.21, 5.91, 4.39, 3.98, 4.33, 11.04, 4.64, 4.07, 9.52, 6.34, 4.23, 4.34, 12.25, 4.1, 12.5, 3.95, 7.43, 7.69, 4.1, 4.32, 4.11, 12.79, 4.64, 3.98, 4.02, 3.89, 6.85, 12.6, 4.16, 10.01, 3.84, 7.84, 4.05, 6.17, 4.05, 13.96, 7.51, 4.4, 8.93, 7.05, 4.24, 6.29, 4.07, 6.83, 4.61, 6.38, 4.19, 4.23, 4.23, 4.27, 4.23, 12.29, 4.33, 14.09, 3.82, 4.04, 4.13, 4.41, 4.06, 4.26, 4.42, 4.04, 5.68, 6.62, 4.64, 4.27, 4.09, 3.95, 11.74, 5.73, 3.95, 13.02, 4.02, 4.48, 12.8, 4.04, 7.58, 4.03, 3.98, 4.03, 3.9, 5.16, 14.07, 3.99, 13.47, 13.39, 14.11, 4.37, 4.02, 4.12, 4.13, 4.24, 4.03, 4.37, 4.23, 13.16, 4.57, 4.22, 4.06, 5.9, 4.31, 4.51, 8.18, 4.63, 13.36, 4.0, 3.85, 11.68, 12.95, 14.1, 11.21, 4.65, 14.1, 10.51, 4.1, 3.85, 4.48, 3.96, 4.16, 8.52, 4.25, 4.27, 4.08, 4.14, 14.09, 4.99, 3.89, 11.36, 5.98, 13.78, 4.35, 4.29, 12.06, 4.37, 4.02, 9.73, 4.53, 12.8, 4.25, 4.3, 14.05, 4.57, 14.08, 4.11, 4.2, 12.38, 4.58, 14.15, 14.05, 14.05, 14.1, 9.09, 4.07, 4.0, 4.24, 4.1, 3.94, 13.0, 4.04, 13.7, 8.48, 4.2, 4.3, 12.49, 5.88, 4.03, 4.14, 3.96, 4.11, 4.13, 4.58, 4.18, 3.94, 4.32, 4.26, 4.1, 4.02, 13.32, 4.57, 7.1, 3.92, 4.14, 4.27, 4.25, 11.07, 4.29, 3.93, 13.91, 13.97, 4.58, 4.21, 4.22, 4.06, 4.17, 5.46, 13.85, 4.31, 3.94, 13.73, 8.48, 14.19, 5.62, 7.97, 4.14, 4.06, 4.05, 4.42, 4.19, 4.32, 4.18, 13.58, 6.21, 4.09, 6.33, 3.9, 14.09, 4.11, 13.3, 4.08, 4.03, 4.08, 4.09, 4.1, 12.94, 4.39, 3.93, 4.1, 6.17, 3.93, 3.89, 4.22, 4.14, 4.2, 4.27, 4.43, 4.21, 3.96, 3.86, 8.38, 4.23, 6.0, 4.47, 4.26, 4.06, 4.23, 3.95, 4.13, 4.1, 4.09, 4.02, 4.06, 4.23, 4.04, 4.78, 3.95, 3.86, 4.01, 4.01, 3.92, 3.82, 9.23, 4.34, 14.05, 4.08, 3.94, 4.29, 4.18, 3.76, 6.59, 4.0, 4.31, 3.9, 7.44, 3.91, 4.19, 3.98, 4.09, 4.2, 4.04, 3.9, 4.09, 4.01, 9.54, 13.87, 4.0, 7.93, 3.96, 3.86, 4.16, 7.01, 3.91, 12.58, 13.73, 13.9, 9.47, 4.94, 4.25, 4.26, 4.08, 4.55, 13.35, 4.16, 6.77, 5.04, 4.11, 4.16, 4.4, 3.72, 3.96, 4.18, 4.08, 4.08, 3.95, 3.91, 4.18, 4.06, 4.06, 4.31, 4.54, 4.05, 5.4, 4.07, 4.02, 3.79, 4.35, 13.89, 3.89, 4.08, 3.88, 3.86, 3.94, 4.05, 3.92, 4.1, 4.0, 4.43, 4.13, 4.08, 4.2, 4.08, 4.25, 8.16, 4.09, 4.17, 3.92, 4.07, 4.01, 4.01, 4.03, 4.08, 3.97, 4.12, 5.0, 4.26, 3.92, 12.82, 10.51, 4.24, 4.27, 3.88, 4.07, 4.04, 4.16, 3.84, 4.05, 4.19, 8.41, 13.07, 3.96, 3.98, 4.06, 5.62, 9.04, 11.44, 11.1, 4.01, 7.34, 3.95, 13.99, 4.14, 4.12, 4.11, 4.13, 4.27, 4.06, 7.23, 13.07, 4.15, 4.07, 3.89, 4.29, 4.1, 7.8, 4.19, 4.05, 4.11, 4.45, 13.63, 7.21, 4.15, 4.39, 4.01, 4.05, 3.97, 8.24, 5.99, 4.14, 4.31, 3.93, 3.96, 3.9, 3.8, 4.01, 4.58, 4.23, 6.16, 4.08, 4.18, 3.92, 4.16, 4.43, 4.2, 4.14, 4.32, 4.12, 4.13, 3.95, 5.97, 10.14, 4.57, 4.08, 4.2, 4.1, 3.99, 4.06, 3.94, 5.41, 4.12, 3.9, 14.49, 4.1, 4.04, 3.95, 4.49, 13.76, 4.39, 4.2, 3.99, 4.1, 7.58, 3.76, 13.46, 3.99, 13.07, 3.78, 4.74, 3.99, 12.7, 4.15, 3.83, 4.0, 4.1, 3.96, 4.01, 4.13, 10.83, 4.09, 8.88, 8.58, 3.94, 3.9, 6.62, 4.04, 12.87, 4.36, 13.34, 4.05, 10.58, 4.32, 3.82, 3.93, 4.46, 3.99, 4.3, 4.09, 4.03, 14.11, 4.05, 10.24, 3.84, 4.04, 4.03, 4.08, 4.33, 3.95, 4.05, 13.81, 6.38, 3.93, 4.13, 4.02, 3.89, 3.96, 3.74, 4.1, 4.1, 3.97, 5.27, 4.18, 4.06, 3.73, 11.79, 3.95, 3.79, 4.26, 10.9, 4.04, 4.23, 3.94, 3.88, 4.48, 3.98, 4.43, 4.61, 3.88, 4.18, 4.26, 3.86, 4.08, 4.24, 3.84, 3.92, 3.96, 3.61, 7.53, 3.93, 3.95, 3.63, 4.3, 3.81, 4.04, 3.93, 4.06, 4.62, 11.29, 4.09, 3.66, 3.99, 4.0, 7.8, 3.87, 3.86, 3.86, 4.01, 3.78, 3.89, 3.93, 3.63, 4.08, 3.75, 4.02, 13.09, 4.4, 3.96, 3.81, 3.91, 3.89, 3.8, 4.03, 4.0, 3.95, 4.01, 12.59, 3.93, 3.85, 4.05, 12.69, 3.84, 3.88, 4.06, 9.25, 4.17, 4.61, 4.03, 4.0, 4.19, 3.9, 13.38, 4.33, 5.17, 3.84, 4.06, 3.81, 4.09, 13.78, 3.87, 3.83, 3.84, 3.73, 13.81, 3.75, 5.12, 11.41, 14.03, 14.13, 4.07, 3.83, 4.01, 3.91, 7.58, 3.91, 13.88, 3.89, 3.79, 4.31, 14.22, 9.58, 13.39, 8.88, 3.59, 14.09, 13.02, 8.79, 3.78, 3.77, 3.64, 10.49, 3.92, 4.09, 3.89, 13.7, 3.95, 3.95, 4.34, 3.98, 3.88, 3.73, 13.74, 3.81, 4.06, 3.92, 3.69, 3.73, 3.96, 11.53], [5.72, 7.5, 4.39, 12.39, 7.24, 4.85, 4.05, 8.52, 4.89, 12.55, 4.21, 4.15, 4.86, 5.44, 4.49, 12.15, 12.22, 11.48, 12.88, 3.82, 7.13, 4.77, 5.02, 3.87, 8.17, 3.68, 3.99, 4.44, 12.67, 5.21, 11.68, 11.47, 6.66, 3.89, 12.84, 4.41, 5.74, 4.15, 6.31, 11.65, 12.72, 6.09, 7.18, 3.89, 6.85, 3.97, 4.49, 5.13, 4.09, 5.4, 11.4, 12.47, 5.09, 8.16, 6.66, 7.9, 12.42, 3.8, 11.87, 4.53, 12.77, 6.0, 12.21, 4.25, 11.66, 10.86, 10.24, 11.04, 3.77, 4.18, 7.57, 12.71, 6.92, 5.23, 4.71, 6.48, 3.76, 7.93, 11.71, 4.78, 10.42, 5.32, 12.26, 11.15, 10.64, 5.33, 4.9, 4.78, 4.35, 3.75, 11.58, 13.0, 12.18, 8.0, 9.58, 10.92, 12.35, 4.21, 4.12, 5.17, 4.63, 7.32, 4.21, 12.47, 13.0, 4.17, 11.1, 8.81, 9.7, 10.67, 11.0, 6.56, 5.64, 7.11, 10.92, 11.98, 10.5, 11.96, 3.7, 4.16, 10.03, 6.88, 12.53, 6.87, 5.48, 5.54, 3.93, 4.91, 4.31, 6.01, 7.65, 11.5, 11.7, 3.93, 13.14, 12.09, 5.43, 9.4, 5.56, 4.86, 8.06, 10.0, 3.94, 3.67, 5.1, 9.69, 4.66, 7.94, 12.86, 3.96, 11.39, 12.57, 4.11, 12.58, 3.48, 11.62, 3.92, 12.94, 3.99, 9.47, 6.86, 11.79, 4.57, 4.9, 3.94, 12.87, 4.81, 10.48, 10.25, 3.94, 3.67, 3.77, 11.8, 5.8, 3.95, 4.29, 5.8, 12.02, 10.73, 5.01, 6.16, 6.76, 4.55, 4.13, 11.41, 5.02, 4.07, 4.19, 3.66, 3.98, 6.21, 13.38, 4.16, 9.12, 4.04, 6.81, 4.18, 11.51, 10.53, 4.83, 4.39, 12.26, 6.21, 3.51, 4.45, 12.06, 7.16, 5.26, 4.18, 5.41, 10.39, 9.49, 11.37, 8.19, 5.95, 3.74, 6.26, 4.25, 11.8, 7.04, 3.93, 12.9, 8.54, 6.25, 9.68, 10.7, 12.31, 5.12, 4.38, 3.97, 5.17, 5.46, 6.45, 4.33, 8.21, 12.75, 11.05, 6.36, 5.26, 4.32, 7.3, 12.25, 6.86, 3.8, 11.25, 12.18, 5.7, 11.29, 12.92, 4.21, 9.91, 4.52, 4.8, 4.59, 3.66, 12.48, 7.0, 11.96, 11.84, 11.11, 11.3, 11.39, 11.99, 9.62, 12.36, 6.12, 6.74, 12.58, 8.6, 3.86, 8.35, 8.69, 4.31, 12.0, 6.59, 11.73, 4.42, 3.96, 5.75, 3.78, 6.3, 11.42, 5.3, 12.34, 10.12, 4.94, 10.56, 5.3, 4.93, 3.98, 11.71, 12.81, 4.44, 11.95, 10.22, 7.23, 3.93, 4.33, 5.85, 8.95, 5.66, 10.15, 7.68, 10.93, 5.52, 7.09, 6.31, 10.59, 6.23, 9.89, 9.7, 4.86, 4.06, 4.37, 4.24, 3.99, 10.41, 11.21, 4.22, 11.18, 9.14, 4.97, 4.21, 10.67, 4.21, 4.56, 3.65, 9.8, 12.55, 8.63, 4.48, 4.99, 10.71, 5.42, 8.4, 11.2, 11.59, 4.43, 3.67, 3.78, 3.98, 4.24, 4.98, 5.62, 4.51, 4.59, 4.94, 11.73, 5.5, 4.83, 4.08, 3.47, 5.41, 11.23, 3.95, 11.43, 5.92, 12.88, 3.49, 6.17, 6.92, 8.73, 4.07, 8.39, 3.77, 11.44, 11.47, 3.83, 4.18, 4.34, 11.97, 10.0, 5.14, 8.82, 5.76, 5.67, 4.21, 5.83, 5.1, 4.82, 10.54, 6.29, 5.23, 4.25, 7.35, 6.21, 4.21, 5.68, 4.32, 4.59, 4.42, 10.96, 6.72, 4.75, 4.0, 9.71, 4.97, 4.55, 4.62, 4.7, 3.84, 3.57, 10.84, 3.75, 3.54, 5.72, 12.05, 5.95, 7.33, 10.55, 7.21, 12.32, 8.87, 6.9, 6.07, 4.03, 5.67, 7.96, 4.47, 7.76, 12.04, 7.06, 8.51, 8.17, 11.49, 12.63, 10.94, 10.61, 4.68, 4.52, 4.64, 7.57, 12.17, 10.57, 7.47, 7.68, 5.79, 4.29, 4.78, 4.74, 7.83, 4.3, 7.61, 4.92, 9.55, 6.44, 9.53, 6.85, 6.34, 4.69, 4.45, 4.11, 5.28, 8.15, 12.98, 12.2, 4.91, 12.54, 4.47, 8.29, 4.98, 11.87, 4.48, 6.53, 12.78, 12.16, 11.14, 12.38, 11.53, 11.96, 11.43, 8.06, 8.52, 3.58, 5.99, 10.26, 5.39, 7.68, 4.51, 5.9, 13.29, 8.56, 4.29, 12.57, 12.63, 5.56, 4.1, 6.13, 3.98, 6.49, 12.09, 6.28, 10.46, 3.75, 6.52, 4.34, 6.45, 4.27, 4.33, 3.82, 3.8, 7.36, 3.87, 5.51, 9.73, 5.16, 8.09, 7.58, 4.56, 3.88, 11.25, 11.74, 3.9, 3.71, 5.18, 11.95, 9.19, 12.51, 12.22, 9.06, 12.73, 5.03, 6.28, 3.64, 5.56, 12.36, 10.41, 4.27, 12.25, 7.51, 11.66, 5.95, 6.49, 12.29, 9.03, 4.44, 4.23, 4.78, 6.66, 5.84, 9.0, 9.29, 10.16, 5.52, 11.02, 4.81, 12.5, 7.85, 13.23, 5.13, 5.38, 7.88, 12.54, 5.03, 4.71, 6.7, 4.18, 12.19, 4.23, 4.71, 4.34, 4.83, 4.37, 4.04, 8.1, 4.32, 3.85, 10.65, 9.51, 5.69, 4.76, 5.15, 11.89, 11.35, 12.02, 12.1, 5.99, 11.81, 12.01, 4.35, 10.12, 13.3, 6.11, 3.57, 7.4, 3.91, 4.04, 7.4, 3.91, 11.06, 8.66, 3.69, 8.85, 11.31, 4.27, 3.84, 8.3, 3.97, 3.8, 4.05, 4.05, 10.63, 5.09, 3.84, 8.03, 3.72, 10.71, 5.82, 12.31, 3.97, 9.53, 11.79, 12.79, 3.71, 3.65, 7.8, 4.0, 8.52, 3.53, 11.26, 5.71, 3.68, 4.07, 3.83, 3.91, 11.01, 3.8, 4.05, 12.74, 11.69, 9.87, 6.27, 4.18, 3.72, 8.5, 3.81, 4.28, 6.67, 4.17, 4.13, 4.1, 3.64, 4.17, 4.18, 3.88, 12.23, 11.61, 8.48, 7.43, 6.57, 5.49, 3.66, 6.84, 13.11, 6.7, 3.96, 4.03, 3.86, 4.21, 12.26, 7.22, 4.38, 4.12, 5.77, 11.15, 3.7, 4.26, 11.83, 4.48, 3.71, 11.41, 6.23, 4.08, 4.02, 8.01, 7.41, 13.3, 3.87, 4.56, 13.35, 4.3, 8.91, 3.6, 5.54, 7.88, 11.18, 6.71, 12.19, 4.01, 4.0, 4.4, 4.31, 6.65, 3.95, 3.77, 4.39, 7.23, 4.41, 12.22, 7.53, 4.38, 4.29, 3.76, 7.34, 9.12, 8.33, 11.89, 8.15, 3.66, 3.9, 4.81, 5.06, 4.81, 4.12, 4.34, 4.4, 4.13, 5.97, 13.21, 4.25, 4.22, 12.23, 7.56, 4.2, 4.1, 6.97, 6.4, 4.49, 4.13, 4.39, 3.96, 11.85, 4.39, 12.1, 4.31, 3.78, 4.24, 4.04, 4.27, 4.02, 4.01, 4.6, 4.17, 4.15, 4.24, 4.38, 6.09, 7.04, 13.0, 3.82, 3.6, 11.59, 9.17, 10.93, 4.33, 4.98, 7.6, 6.43, 8.44, 4.55, 8.47, 12.39, 4.75, 4.24, 4.65, 7.99, 11.2, 4.05, 3.7, 3.99, 5.89, 4.46, 12.43, 11.17, 9.15, 3.99, 7.38, 4.47, 12.13, 4.09, 11.37, 5.38, 4.82, 7.8, 7.9, 3.92, 3.57, 3.89, 7.62, 8.03, 5.02, 6.06, 10.72, 4.98, 3.98, 4.2, 4.13, 4.2, 12.92, 6.5, 12.37, 5.37, 7.57, 6.43, 5.95, 4.44, 12.74, 7.1, 7.94, 4.47, 4.76, 4.73, 10.8, 5.57, 3.83, 3.92, 4.31, 8.34, 11.78, 10.75, 7.11, 9.83, 4.29, 4.73, 10.19, 11.64, 5.66, 12.6, 12.95, 5.22, 11.9, 4.02, 10.13, 6.98, 4.07, 6.64, 4.62, 3.68, 7.0, 11.88, 12.57, 8.66, 9.14, 4.02, 8.26, 4.28, 4.21, 10.26, 12.86, 11.51, 10.84, 12.79, 12.33, 12.19, 4.28, 4.32, 4.33, 4.18, 5.62, 9.55, 13.36, 12.64, 4.3, 5.76, 4.25, 4.38, 5.69, 3.96, 3.8, 5.51, 4.3, 11.32, 4.41, 4.15, 12.0, 3.98, 11.61, 8.03, 7.73, 8.25, 8.18, 9.7, 3.77, 12.59, 6.84, 3.86, 3.95, 7.5, 4.37, 6.26, 10.93, 3.96, 12.86, 9.29, 11.59, 12.35, 3.93, 4.56, 8.27, 8.33, 3.89, 5.28, 12.05, 5.3, 7.85, 10.23, 5.85, 4.07, 11.92, 7.56, 7.78, 4.01, 5.71, 7.12, 3.66, 5.04, 12.42, 4.4, 4.72, 6.01, 4.61, 12.61, 9.98, 6.25, 7.71, 7.52, 9.62, 11.54, 4.39, 11.1, 4.89, 6.51, 6.56, 6.71, 9.84, 4.58, 11.66, 6.47, 12.87, 7.66, 6.27, 7.91, 9.34, 11.34, 8.1, 8.91, 12.38, 6.26, 12.7, 4.54, 4.16, 12.98, 5.97, 4.6, 8.43, 4.58, 8.32, 6.54, 6.26, 6.43, 9.76, 3.74, 12.52, 11.22, 5.32, 6.02, 10.84, 6.95, 7.96, 5.1, 5.98, 10.81, 7.96, 5.99, 5.84, 7.81, 5.57, 12.2, 12.22, 5.17, 4.22, 11.4, 5.21, 6.14, 12.89, 6.3, 4.04, 6.28, 4.59, 4.66, 12.91, 5.58, 5.01, 10.79, 11.69, 8.11, 9.81, 6.91, 7.55, 4.63, 12.79, 5.3, 5.47, 5.82, 3.9, 12.52, 11.81, 4.78, 6.75, 6.06, 4.03, 12.73, 6.27, 4.47, 9.84, 5.47, 7.17, 6.51, 6.94, 5.11, 13.23, 4.21, 5.69, 4.69, 4.17, 9.46, 11.18, 5.62, 8.02, 5.06, 12.95, 12.93, 5.26, 4.26, 5.63, 12.97, 5.76], [4.49, 4.88, 6.52, 13.18, 5.36, 4.81, 5.13, 3.99, 4.14, 4.61, 5.08, 4.92, 4.09, 5.16, 10.79, 10.63, 7.9, 10.74, 11.32, 10.88, 13.62, 8.62, 6.27, 4.74, 9.23, 4.04, 10.29, 4.38, 10.64, 5.28, 10.61, 4.26, 4.23, 4.37, 9.05, 4.96, 4.8, 4.54, 7.95, 10.01, 4.68, 9.59, 11.43, 5.03, 5.48, 9.23, 4.98, 4.23, 4.34, 5.26, 4.96, 7.14, 4.32, 4.46, 4.66, 4.51, 6.09, 4.65, 7.84, 5.2, 4.99, 5.69, 12.25, 4.33, 4.57, 4.59, 4.91, 10.72, 7.94, 4.29, 11.57, 10.37, 4.49, 4.56, 11.85, 4.59, 4.18, 4.78, 10.86, 7.32, 4.18, 10.84, 11.39, 4.68, 13.2, 12.58, 4.14, 4.27, 4.51, 4.11, 4.41, 11.55, 11.06, 7.27, 4.42, 12.56, 13.54, 4.32, 6.31, 4.73, 6.95, 5.02, 4.23, 4.24, 4.55, 4.44, 7.57, 4.31, 8.62, 5.51, 4.42, 4.61, 4.54, 5.05, 11.0, 11.69, 4.44, 6.79, 4.65, 5.06, 5.03, 4.64, 11.74, 11.91, 4.28, 8.5, 5.06, 4.87, 4.36, 11.13, 11.73, 4.51, 6.16, 5.7, 4.53, 4.14, 4.4, 10.85, 4.27, 4.33, 8.14, 12.06, 4.56, 4.6, 11.95, 4.9, 4.69, 13.15, 5.51, 4.76, 4.89, 10.72, 4.42, 4.44, 4.36, 4.69, 4.81, 12.74, 4.77, 4.73, 4.44, 4.28, 4.41, 4.53, 4.65, 12.45, 5.84, 5.29, 4.34, 4.53, 7.07, 4.22, 5.1, 12.3, 4.6, 4.23, 4.93, 11.85, 7.84, 4.78, 4.38, 5.36, 4.94, 5.95, 6.9, 4.07, 4.23, 4.58, 4.37, 4.59, 4.96, 12.7, 4.27, 13.42, 5.05, 12.08, 4.92, 4.46, 4.28, 9.39, 8.34, 12.94, 11.47, 4.9, 4.38, 11.66, 4.17, 13.34, 5.54, 11.65, 4.04, 6.0, 4.1, 4.62, 11.09, 4.69, 13.46, 11.0, 12.62, 4.14, 4.28, 13.41, 5.36, 4.73, 5.14, 4.46, 5.95, 12.28, 4.6, 4.13, 4.16, 4.67, 10.34, 11.6, 11.77, 4.21, 11.96, 4.44, 12.84, 10.77, 7.27, 10.83, 5.55, 5.41, 4.25, 5.08, 12.2, 9.87, 13.11, 4.84, 4.67, 4.71, 9.91, 5.43, 5.06, 4.98, 13.51, 11.42, 4.84, 10.09, 13.25, 6.11, 12.96, 8.58, 4.63, 10.62, 5.15, 5.61, 4.67, 4.49, 5.34, 12.27, 4.02, 4.11, 5.62, 5.24, 4.97, 4.82, 12.91, 4.66, 4.75, 9.25, 6.46, 4.4, 6.54, 4.57, 12.5, 4.82, 13.2, 6.09, 9.94, 11.83, 4.39, 12.33, 7.66, 4.32, 4.35, 4.39, 10.53, 8.91, 4.87, 4.92, 12.74, 9.61, 4.97, 7.51, 4.89, 4.86, 4.26, 5.25, 11.05, 10.0, 5.38, 4.57, 4.98, 4.43, 4.96, 12.32, 10.5, 12.19, 6.57, 9.97, 4.54, 9.17, 4.71, 4.75, 4.66, 6.62, 13.41, 5.84, 11.38, 10.81, 4.35, 4.52, 4.53, 10.68, 5.05, 5.38, 4.7, 5.51, 4.41, 4.7, 5.44, 4.27, 4.97, 9.18, 4.57, 9.34, 12.28, 10.1, 4.65, 4.95, 6.63, 6.45, 4.39, 12.8, 7.18, 12.11, 6.18, 12.69, 13.36, 4.53, 4.44, 11.01, 4.31, 7.43, 5.55, 4.71, 5.0, 4.37, 11.6, 4.11, 10.91, 4.55, 4.23, 10.82, 13.42, 4.7, 4.36, 5.84, 12.91, 5.05, 4.52, 4.84, 6.47, 4.22, 6.53, 11.7, 4.44, 5.08, 4.76, 3.94, 11.75, 4.64, 6.17, 4.34, 4.3, 4.33, 5.86, 4.45, 4.6, 4.98, 4.16, 4.42, 5.09, 9.25, 6.62, 4.36, 8.05, 6.4, 10.07, 4.32, 9.91, 4.95, 4.72, 4.39, 10.24, 7.46, 4.46, 5.11, 7.9, 6.74, 4.7, 4.44, 11.53, 12.71, 13.09, 7.71, 8.14, 4.77, 4.55, 8.79, 9.88, 13.25, 4.38, 4.78, 10.57, 4.67, 6.12, 4.17, 4.69, 5.71, 5.51, 12.48, 4.09, 10.8, 8.98, 4.42, 4.2, 4.29, 4.18, 5.47, 4.47, 4.2, 4.02, 4.86, 5.82, 4.89, 10.74, 4.35, 7.27, 5.71, 4.58, 5.67, 10.07, 5.14, 11.04, 10.38, 7.24, 6.19, 4.59, 4.28, 4.37, 5.05, 5.7, 4.49, 6.48, 5.83, 9.33, 4.48, 12.52, 4.54, 4.37, 13.25, 13.12, 7.58, 4.38, 4.41, 7.93, 13.5, 4.59, 4.6, 4.29, 4.38, 4.27, 4.25, 4.94, 4.58, 4.2, 4.63, 6.17, 5.38, 13.03, 4.37, 6.13, 4.5, 11.24, 4.92, 4.0, 4.44, 13.14, 13.04, 4.74, 4.94, 11.17, 8.54, 6.42, 13.32, 12.53, 7.7, 5.03, 7.61, 4.25, 5.0, 4.81, 11.79, 10.69, 4.58, 3.71, 4.66, 4.87, 4.31, 4.5, 12.69, 11.74, 5.04, 4.12, 4.55, 13.08, 7.58, 9.82, 9.09, 4.6, 4.5, 4.25, 4.0, 7.35, 4.15, 4.7, 4.69, 9.34, 9.82, 6.35, 4.71, 4.9, 4.54, 4.51, 8.57, 12.84, 4.09, 6.22, 6.6, 4.42, 4.5, 7.41, 4.78, 5.41, 4.35, 4.35, 5.8, 8.81, 4.32, 11.52, 3.96, 5.42, 13.04, 12.77, 4.13, 4.27, 7.98, 5.79, 13.35, 5.25, 11.57, 4.25, 4.24, 4.35, 6.15, 4.93, 3.86, 10.83, 4.25, 6.17, 10.28, 10.59, 4.43, 4.31, 4.76, 4.57, 5.0, 5.09, 10.23, 7.49, 5.09, 9.91, 4.02, 4.46, 6.19, 6.38, 4.96, 4.37, 7.96, 5.51, 7.22, 4.26, 10.58, 4.28, 4.26, 5.15, 4.18, 10.77, 5.38, 4.34, 4.31, 4.3, 5.09, 3.99, 4.06, 12.67, 8.8, 12.65, 10.07, 4.31, 5.49, 5.68, 4.42, 4.31, 11.45, 4.44, 4.93, 4.44, 11.05, 8.85, 4.8, 4.62, 12.26, 8.81, 12.4, 12.43, 8.81, 12.06, 4.22, 10.04, 10.27, 9.68, 4.54, 11.96, 6.35, 4.65, 4.56, 6.02, 4.55, 7.29, 6.88, 13.47, 5.93, 4.73, 10.03, 4.23, 4.87, 7.44, 8.8, 4.76, 5.9, 12.31, 9.5, 4.53, 4.72, 4.3, 9.53, 4.68, 7.14, 3.91, 11.2, 4.89, 4.94, 9.16, 3.95, 4.82, 5.04, 4.62, 4.71, 6.79, 6.84, 4.88, 5.43, 7.17, 6.4, 4.53, 4.24, 4.16, 5.15, 4.61, 12.88, 4.21, 4.47, 4.28, 5.14, 5.01, 4.63, 3.85, 4.97, 4.57, 4.56, 4.67, 6.33, 4.18, 4.35, 4.31, 4.26, 4.87, 12.94, 4.44, 10.89, 4.68, 12.87, 11.22, 4.72, 4.8, 6.31, 4.8, 10.77, 8.61, 8.75, 4.57, 4.26, 5.13, 4.22, 4.61, 4.38, 4.59, 4.09, 4.8, 5.34, 5.11, 13.02, 4.72, 4.39, 12.34, 3.94, 4.4, 6.22, 4.85, 11.7, 4.79, 4.29, 4.78, 13.54, 4.45, 4.87, 8.34, 4.78, 8.5, 12.8, 4.44, 9.01, 12.81, 4.3, 4.33, 4.11, 5.42, 10.55, 3.89, 4.04, 5.23, 4.57, 7.87, 4.42, 10.15, 4.31, 4.47, 4.3, 4.97, 6.96, 4.7, 4.18, 4.09, 4.39, 4.37, 8.08, 4.17, 13.0, 4.54, 4.49, 5.07, 4.67, 4.38, 4.43, 10.87, 5.2, 13.52, 4.61, 4.46, 12.2, 13.38, 5.04, 4.82, 12.75, 7.89, 5.7, 4.72, 5.61, 12.35, 8.31, 6.47, 4.35, 8.69, 4.84, 8.06, 4.32, 4.95, 13.1, 5.1, 4.95, 11.69, 5.84, 5.55, 12.2, 13.78, 10.81, 9.62, 3.93, 10.49, 12.88, 4.49, 13.18, 5.61, 8.4, 7.4, 11.12, 5.17, 5.23, 4.57, 4.66, 6.73, 4.7, 11.26, 11.77, 4.68, 13.59, 6.65, 11.92, 11.73, 12.42, 10.11, 13.07, 4.35, 7.78, 13.38, 9.68, 13.13, 13.2, 13.24, 6.98, 5.31, 6.22, 4.38, 4.23, 5.98, 4.19, 4.33, 4.39, 4.45, 4.54, 8.62, 4.03, 11.56, 5.32, 9.28, 13.11, 7.52, 5.59, 5.05, 10.96, 10.88, 4.14, 4.43, 4.58, 4.48, 4.98, 13.38, 4.22, 5.55, 12.82, 13.54, 12.66, 4.29, 13.44, 4.42, 12.23, 4.56, 13.45, 4.23, 10.51, 13.46, 5.5, 11.69, 4.9, 11.9, 12.54, 13.31, 4.93, 4.84, 8.09, 4.55, 4.37, 4.53, 11.1, 4.3, 11.7, 4.7, 10.16, 11.12, 13.26, 4.45, 12.4, 8.72, 10.47, 12.84, 9.92, 6.15, 13.31, 4.52, 7.89, 13.57, 4.4, 5.24, 11.99, 13.02, 11.94, 11.8, 9.42, 4.58, 11.91, 4.02, 4.53, 4.48, 7.0, 9.63, 4.06, 4.84, 8.55, 9.1, 4.4, 12.61, 4.9, 9.23, 5.58, 13.28, 12.13, 5.94, 11.08, 5.86, 8.02, 4.46, 4.65, 4.08, 4.3, 9.48, 12.27, 9.79, 4.11, 4.35, 4.75, 12.87, 4.3, 5.46, 4.18, 7.23, 3.9, 4.39, 4.58, 10.99, 6.31, 7.68, 4.78, 5.5, 12.88, 4.28, 4.6, 5.62, 4.82, 7.62, 8.8, 9.11, 12.2, 6.33, 4.65, 4.13, 4.59, 11.69, 4.7, 7.36, 4.42, 4.4, 4.5, 5.78, 4.7, 5.66, 13.29, 9.18, 5.02, 4.73, 4.61, 5.24, 10.6, 13.52, 5.67, 4.53, 9.93, 11.42, 4.5, 9.59, 4.76, 4.77, 4.84, 12.51, 5.9, 4.86, 4.44, 4.96, 12.69, 4.7, 4.35, 8.75, 4.97, 12.07], [3.52, 3.28, 3.71, 3.59, 7.39, 3.6, 3.36, 9.13, 3.44, 9.09, 3.34, 3.57, 10.74, 3.67, 3.34, 10.01, 3.36, 11.42, 3.6, 4.9, 8.17, 3.47, 4.88, 3.39, 11.2, 8.16, 3.57, 3.47, 3.72, 3.51, 3.85, 8.18, 3.39, 3.38, 3.46, 3.8, 3.59, 3.36, 14.15, 3.66, 3.83, 3.56, 3.45, 3.58, 4.24, 5.06, 4.14, 3.31, 3.68, 10.37, 3.43, 12.3, 3.69, 7.56, 3.46, 3.53, 3.65, 3.5, 4.9, 3.16, 3.47, 3.97, 6.04, 3.56, 6.18, 11.83, 3.6, 9.91, 13.76, 3.56, 3.36, 3.5, 3.9, 9.81, 14.05, 5.93, 3.72, 4.24, 6.96, 11.02, 6.23, 3.54, 10.69, 4.34, 12.46, 3.44, 12.72, 3.42, 3.76, 3.91, 3.54, 9.06, 8.2, 3.65, 11.61, 3.63, 9.17, 3.62, 3.61, 3.44, 3.72, 3.6, 3.43, 5.52, 7.82, 3.51, 3.54, 9.05, 8.63, 3.54, 8.38, 10.35, 4.82, 3.57, 8.41, 3.79, 3.81, 3.41, 3.88, 3.82, 4.97, 8.64, 3.77, 3.43, 3.72, 13.59, 5.95, 4.28, 4.18, 5.09, 12.65, 3.85, 5.48, 3.75, 4.61, 3.8, 4.06, 4.05, 13.56, 3.56, 5.77, 12.86, 3.66, 3.57, 3.45, 13.14, 4.04, 14.0, 6.93, 3.89, 8.05, 3.57, 3.63, 3.7, 3.47, 3.29, 3.43, 4.98, 3.3, 3.59, 3.7, 10.4, 3.7, 3.63, 3.59, 10.92, 3.17, 4.36, 3.57, 3.53, 3.38, 3.36, 7.8, 3.52, 3.58, 3.27, 3.4, 13.43, 7.72, 3.46, 3.72, 3.48, 3.7, 3.53, 10.55, 3.36, 3.55, 3.62, 5.99, 4.13, 13.53, 3.47, 7.6, 3.42, 3.73, 3.45, 3.39, 3.49, 3.46, 3.66, 4.12, 6.91, 6.58, 3.53, 3.79, 3.51, 3.43, 3.79, 3.63, 13.66, 14.2, 6.02, 4.51, 4.77, 13.82, 3.81, 6.72, 3.92, 3.68, 12.1, 3.59, 9.85, 3.56, 12.61, 4.41, 13.09, 9.11, 13.91, 3.45, 10.42, 9.02, 3.6, 12.89, 12.12, 10.8, 9.69, 13.74, 3.81, 11.51, 13.49, 3.57, 8.6, 3.34, 3.52, 3.55, 3.51, 3.58, 3.59, 13.68, 3.61, 3.86, 3.62, 4.44, 5.86, 12.03, 3.42, 11.32, 12.35, 7.36, 5.14, 11.41, 3.32, 3.34, 10.62, 10.01, 7.05, 3.76, 3.51, 5.55, 3.58, 4.06, 3.74, 6.04, 11.29, 3.29, 5.61, 4.24, 8.43, 3.67, 4.04, 3.74, 11.57, 3.48, 3.61, 13.11, 3.44, 10.6, 3.96, 3.66, 3.73, 4.55, 4.22, 3.43, 3.66, 3.69, 12.41, 3.54, 5.48, 3.46, 3.53, 7.44, 3.5, 3.89, 3.89, 3.4, 9.55, 8.47, 3.37, 3.38, 3.62, 4.74, 3.72, 7.11, 10.54, 3.66, 5.44, 3.31, 3.35, 3.95, 3.53, 4.13, 4.02, 3.66, 3.41, 3.69, 12.91, 3.82, 3.29, 7.52, 3.67, 13.16, 6.59, 3.43, 7.15, 3.85, 3.92, 6.9, 5.03, 3.55, 3.74, 3.67, 3.65, 3.74, 3.53, 6.79, 3.68, 3.63, 9.05, 3.53, 10.51, 3.74, 3.63, 3.68, 7.31, 8.66, 8.05, 3.57, 9.3, 3.7, 4.44, 5.92, 3.43, 3.63, 3.82, 3.31, 3.72, 3.51, 3.59, 4.52, 9.11, 7.89, 3.65, 3.36, 3.72, 3.5, 3.58, 3.66, 3.66, 3.6, 12.62, 3.81, 3.74, 3.87, 3.26, 10.26, 13.88, 4.13, 13.63, 3.79, 3.89, 3.66, 11.31, 13.57, 3.41, 3.41, 3.46, 3.76, 3.77, 3.64, 3.5, 3.58, 3.57, 3.67, 4.45, 3.5, 13.42, 5.74, 4.25, 3.91, 3.55, 3.16, 3.59, 6.31, 3.57, 3.86, 3.6, 3.57, 14.11, 3.78, 3.69, 3.63, 7.12, 3.48, 5.57, 8.34, 3.59, 5.05, 4.29, 3.83, 3.77, 10.1, 4.01, 3.45, 3.66, 3.41, 9.61, 3.74, 10.68, 10.4, 5.63, 11.36, 10.68, 3.75, 4.06, 10.7, 3.48, 4.87, 3.65, 7.8, 3.83, 3.39, 3.82, 11.21, 3.65, 3.84, 3.45, 3.71, 9.64, 13.81, 11.0, 3.29, 3.71, 3.73, 3.77, 4.75, 3.71, 7.3, 4.1, 8.41, 3.56, 4.92, 6.83, 3.58, 3.79, 3.8, 4.41, 3.43, 4.49, 3.85, 4.94, 6.6, 3.7, 3.56, 3.45, 4.5, 9.85, 3.94, 3.57, 3.52, 3.33, 5.88, 12.67, 3.39, 3.69, 8.7, 8.84, 3.66, 3.47, 3.42, 3.58, 3.49, 3.68, 3.28, 4.06, 4.49, 6.54, 8.15, 6.37, 3.32, 6.7, 6.69, 3.66, 3.55, 3.49, 12.79, 4.05, 8.47, 5.84, 10.82, 3.83, 3.57, 3.59, 3.7, 4.21, 3.6, 7.82, 3.63, 9.14, 13.16, 3.83, 3.76, 6.09, 3.42, 12.74, 3.9, 3.45, 3.57, 3.55, 12.46, 3.5, 7.13, 4.25, 4.37, 4.07, 9.27, 3.61, 3.66, 3.55, 5.32, 3.71, 3.63, 5.69, 3.88, 4.05, 3.62, 6.3, 3.58, 4.67, 3.64, 3.75, 5.47, 13.35, 3.65, 3.59, 3.42, 3.6, 3.98, 3.27, 3.25, 4.55, 7.22, 3.88, 12.76, 9.83, 4.32, 8.11, 3.4, 3.53, 3.46, 3.42, 3.66, 9.19, 3.73, 3.23, 11.26, 4.08, 3.34, 4.16, 3.37, 3.94, 3.56, 3.77, 3.74, 11.22, 11.52, 3.72, 10.94, 8.31, 3.55, 3.72, 3.55, 3.25, 3.91, 7.68, 3.52, 3.51, 13.74, 3.45, 8.91, 3.26, 13.78, 3.52, 9.74, 3.36, 12.91, 4.08, 3.41, 3.6, 3.85, 3.66, 3.7, 3.41, 3.67, 3.81, 3.75, 10.41, 3.65, 3.79, 4.19, 13.28, 4.73, 3.69, 4.08, 3.53, 3.76, 4.01, 3.51, 7.79, 3.74, 3.83, 3.63, 4.26, 3.52, 3.8, 3.88, 3.88, 3.57, 13.26, 3.34, 3.66, 13.57, 4.71, 3.52, 3.35, 3.98, 3.38, 3.52, 3.38, 3.58, 3.43, 8.66, 3.5, 4.06, 3.66, 3.64, 3.42, 7.51, 3.74, 3.37, 3.4, 4.66, 3.23, 3.56, 3.61, 3.46, 3.43, 10.31, 6.42, 12.08, 5.22, 3.53, 11.5, 3.48, 3.6, 5.97, 5.36, 3.83, 3.5, 3.61, 3.67, 3.55, 3.63, 3.6, 3.6, 3.47, 3.75, 13.17, 3.49, 8.35, 3.76, 3.64, 3.41, 3.55, 14.0, 3.4, 7.34, 3.57, 3.51, 3.52, 3.65, 3.76, 4.06, 8.85, 6.27, 3.5, 3.55, 3.47, 5.46, 3.77, 3.75, 3.57, 3.52, 4.69, 3.57, 3.75, 3.41, 5.92, 3.49, 3.6, 3.51, 6.28, 3.62, 3.47, 3.6, 3.33, 3.59, 3.77, 3.63, 3.66, 3.7, 3.6, 3.68, 3.88, 3.6, 3.49, 3.77, 3.43, 3.63, 3.54, 3.58, 3.5, 3.43, 3.76, 6.37, 3.65, 3.58, 3.56, 6.41, 3.38, 3.47, 4.4, 8.66, 3.72, 3.67, 3.84, 3.92, 4.19, 3.58, 4.12, 3.49, 3.87, 14.21, 11.5, 3.7, 12.12, 3.81, 3.55, 6.07, 10.35, 3.49, 4.22, 3.6, 3.72, 4.64, 3.71, 3.58, 3.65, 3.52, 8.16, 3.83, 12.03, 10.65, 6.74, 3.68, 7.1, 3.56, 5.78, 6.4, 13.03, 12.01, 3.98, 10.71, 5.93, 3.77, 3.34, 3.6, 3.44, 3.71, 8.98, 13.4, 5.95, 3.42, 3.82, 13.5, 3.86, 3.61, 3.73, 3.48, 3.46, 4.16, 3.46, 6.86, 3.52, 3.54, 3.84, 12.64, 3.78, 4.71, 3.61, 3.88, 4.66, 3.66, 14.26, 5.08, 12.7, 13.26, 4.75, 3.61, 3.43, 10.0, 3.49, 3.37, 9.24, 3.46, 3.69, 3.58, 13.64, 11.36, 6.97, 6.54, 13.48, 10.85, 7.83, 3.59, 4.17, 3.52, 3.42, 3.64, 10.11, 11.59, 4.4, 4.29, 13.72, 3.51, 10.52, 3.45, 8.12, 3.51, 3.55, 3.61, 3.58, 4.11, 3.51, 3.39, 6.04, 3.66, 11.3, 3.72, 4.42, 3.4, 4.28, 3.64, 3.48, 3.63, 3.43, 3.8, 3.42, 3.47, 3.43, 3.54, 9.93, 3.51, 8.75, 3.8, 7.52, 8.48, 3.37, 4.16, 3.86, 8.33, 3.59, 3.78, 9.84, 3.81, 11.32, 12.56, 3.65, 7.72, 3.87, 3.5, 3.76, 4.03, 3.33, 3.96, 4.01, 3.38, 10.21, 3.98, 6.34, 3.53, 3.57, 5.08, 3.99, 13.47, 8.56, 13.45, 3.61, 3.49, 3.45, 7.52, 3.48, 4.08, 4.03, 3.5, 7.02, 3.64, 3.43, 14.06, 10.78, 13.8, 3.55, 4.03, 14.28, 3.51, 12.76, 4.22, 3.36, 12.74, 10.69, 3.59, 3.58, 3.64, 11.53, 3.83, 12.61, 4.32, 13.92, 3.88, 14.16, 3.55, 4.58, 3.61, 3.43, 4.77, 3.34, 10.51, 12.27, 3.46, 3.76, 12.81, 3.52, 4.63, 3.53, 4.08, 3.7, 3.62, 3.68, 3.29, 10.13, 3.51, 3.59, 8.91, 11.32, 3.98, 5.77, 13.34, 3.76, 13.96, 3.54, 3.51, 3.65, 3.33, 3.47, 3.67, 3.5, 10.72, 3.73, 3.45, 3.46, 4.74, 3.84, 4.22, 3.56, 3.7, 3.57, 3.68, 3.63, 3.53, 3.65, 3.77, 3.5, 8.34, 3.62, 4.59, 3.58, 3.56, 10.19, 3.76, 3.82, 3.6, 4.36, 3.49, 3.25, 3.74, 4.44, 3.7, 5.06, 3.61, 3.32, 4.46, 6.3, 3.51, 3.86, 6.64, 3.38, 5.04, 4.06], [11.8, 10.74, 11.59, 12.3, 11.46, 4.12, 3.9, 7.88, 8.05, 11.07, 11.58, 4.24, 5.03, 3.4, 4.54, 11.92, 13.14, 11.16, 11.52, 6.89, 3.72, 11.01, 4.35, 11.44, 9.63, 11.71, 4.86, 11.27, 12.31, 3.54, 11.99, 11.52, 9.33, 3.58, 8.27, 11.03, 11.55, 4.0, 12.75, 11.59, 12.14, 11.63, 10.65, 3.75, 10.86, 10.45, 11.72, 9.16, 13.32, 7.22, 9.57, 12.41, 4.3, 11.67, 10.54, 9.17, 10.65, 11.69, 11.56, 7.87, 9.71, 4.98, 11.81, 8.65, 12.2, 10.82, 12.67, 12.56, 10.73, 12.38, 11.01, 11.61, 10.04, 11.17, 11.48, 4.79, 4.37, 10.11, 11.6, 10.29, 11.96, 3.79, 11.55, 10.22, 11.49, 10.35, 11.53, 9.64, 8.85, 4.52, 11.42, 11.0, 12.18, 3.71, 10.48, 9.7, 12.62, 4.98, 10.71, 11.48, 10.76, 5.38, 3.62, 11.41, 11.43, 3.92, 11.72, 5.92, 10.8, 5.82, 11.97, 10.48, 10.62, 10.17, 11.46, 10.98, 4.05, 11.97, 11.57, 4.28, 4.21, 5.85, 11.94, 9.8, 9.59, 12.02, 5.89, 10.11, 11.22, 4.37, 12.26, 11.34, 11.57, 11.68, 12.32, 11.35, 4.38, 5.96, 11.59, 9.53, 5.86, 11.18, 13.26, 7.5, 10.82, 10.75, 4.61, 11.44, 9.75, 3.7, 12.28, 11.74, 8.93, 11.94, 9.75, 11.24, 13.21, 12.48, 4.13, 12.23, 11.55, 11.46, 4.57, 9.98, 8.7, 11.81, 3.68, 11.04, 12.13, 4.34, 12.85, 3.91, 11.93, 5.58, 12.09, 10.09, 3.33, 11.67, 9.64, 10.4, 3.61, 7.52, 11.3, 10.81, 11.25, 3.63, 4.47, 4.51, 3.83, 11.2, 10.24, 11.88, 4.35, 9.07, 4.42, 10.72, 10.68, 11.29, 12.14, 4.64, 4.98, 12.68, 12.21, 3.47, 3.98, 11.69, 11.91, 8.12, 3.88, 11.02, 10.27, 11.84, 11.42, 11.17, 11.3, 8.44, 11.61, 7.77, 12.44, 11.61, 3.63, 11.49, 12.45, 10.82, 3.54, 12.1, 12.89, 11.72, 4.68, 10.53, 9.46, 3.64, 11.12, 11.85, 11.91, 12.16, 11.42, 11.81, 11.62, 12.2, 3.99, 11.88, 10.88, 6.55, 10.96, 11.72, 10.76, 10.63, 12.63, 11.95, 11.6, 11.92, 11.88, 11.31, 4.5, 12.4, 11.75, 11.25, 11.62, 11.63, 12.32, 11.38, 12.07, 12.41, 11.54, 10.98, 4.47, 12.43, 10.72, 3.82, 10.62, 11.68, 10.72, 12.07, 4.93, 11.84, 12.17, 4.11, 12.19, 11.31, 3.91, 11.26, 7.51, 13.03, 11.18, 4.0, 12.04, 9.5, 5.56, 13.37, 10.97, 11.1, 11.2, 11.75, 10.98, 11.29, 4.1, 3.82, 11.31, 9.87, 3.66, 10.97, 8.76, 12.08, 4.6, 10.84, 10.97, 12.15, 4.27, 5.77, 11.55, 11.77, 4.21, 4.2, 11.81, 4.41, 10.41, 11.09, 11.63, 11.72, 9.32, 10.62, 11.77, 11.56, 11.71, 11.88, 4.38, 11.09, 11.82, 10.74, 12.36, 9.0, 10.78, 11.77, 3.53, 11.58, 12.3, 10.72, 9.6, 11.02, 13.26, 10.12, 6.4, 3.5, 3.58, 11.16, 10.66, 11.37, 11.81, 12.32, 11.46, 10.61, 11.28, 3.69, 11.4, 10.64, 10.32, 11.79, 6.56, 10.88, 4.09, 10.19, 11.71, 4.08, 12.3, 10.64, 11.7, 13.22, 11.06, 3.93, 11.95, 11.13, 10.5, 5.7, 10.03, 11.16, 11.85, 4.16, 4.03, 11.13, 10.54, 11.14, 9.87, 4.31, 11.55, 11.08, 8.73, 11.5, 4.2, 4.32, 10.43, 12.21, 11.15, 3.83, 12.15, 11.22, 3.58, 3.51, 11.17, 13.31, 4.23, 3.51, 12.46, 4.34, 3.77, 11.26, 9.99, 8.24, 10.06, 11.98, 10.77, 12.32, 11.56, 8.51, 3.7, 12.7, 3.35, 11.43, 4.1, 4.4, 10.57, 12.27, 10.06, 3.43, 11.66, 11.84, 11.02, 4.3, 12.19, 11.53, 11.63, 7.06, 12.13, 8.56, 10.73, 11.11, 11.15, 4.85, 4.85, 9.0, 8.78, 11.98, 12.13, 7.78, 11.97, 4.06, 12.25, 10.38, 6.54, 12.18, 3.78, 3.87, 11.6, 11.26, 12.13, 11.18, 7.9, 11.95, 10.97, 10.59, 4.25, 13.15, 10.91, 3.77, 9.56, 12.13, 4.11, 7.79, 12.59, 12.33, 11.03, 11.94, 11.17, 3.78, 4.68, 11.19, 5.72, 5.42, 5.67, 10.95, 12.04, 12.19, 3.21, 11.58, 12.36, 11.69, 3.51, 3.85, 10.52, 11.03, 10.95, 10.22, 11.0, 4.21, 11.93, 9.62, 4.1, 11.4, 13.62, 9.09, 10.62, 3.35, 5.23, 9.94, 3.64, 7.99, 10.57, 12.92, 13.09, 4.24, 12.21, 9.3, 3.89, 11.32, 11.37, 11.02, 4.22, 8.32, 11.63, 4.0, 11.93, 4.2, 9.27, 3.97, 4.35, 4.39, 11.22, 3.55, 11.78, 9.16, 12.04, 8.48, 3.96, 11.99, 7.38, 12.05, 12.19, 3.89, 11.51, 4.67, 4.36, 4.35, 4.88, 10.42, 10.17, 3.53, 11.83, 12.13, 12.15, 4.71, 8.9, 4.15, 12.32, 11.82, 12.74, 4.58, 3.58, 12.64, 11.07, 4.75, 9.39, 11.6, 4.34, 5.39, 12.1, 12.43, 11.24, 11.07, 11.24, 7.29, 9.32, 6.46, 10.81, 12.03, 12.3, 10.91, 10.44, 12.84, 12.2, 3.83, 4.47, 12.31, 12.94, 11.43, 7.3, 3.74, 3.37, 4.34, 11.74, 12.12, 3.93, 3.53, 4.6, 11.48, 11.16, 10.34, 11.24, 4.59, 5.52, 3.72, 10.5, 11.37, 3.97, 3.81, 11.47, 13.1, 11.83, 3.84, 13.14, 7.11, 11.31, 9.23, 12.42, 10.06, 3.65, 4.69, 13.09, 11.79, 7.69, 10.62, 11.23, 3.67, 3.68, 11.72, 11.95, 11.72, 11.41, 13.11, 11.84, 10.86, 11.32, 12.5, 9.94, 9.82, 10.57, 3.37, 12.49, 8.47, 11.88, 9.22, 9.98, 11.41, 10.76, 13.14, 11.77, 10.31, 9.17, 11.39, 11.31, 10.86, 11.22, 10.21, 11.47, 11.52, 4.72, 11.61, 12.08, 11.95, 11.6, 12.82, 8.09, 11.54, 10.12, 11.52, 10.93, 11.83, 4.49, 10.17, 11.17, 12.21, 10.61, 10.9, 8.38, 10.18, 11.74, 9.95, 11.66, 6.08, 4.76, 11.72, 5.9, 10.76, 11.49, 4.49, 4.22, 4.33, 6.92, 11.49, 3.73, 11.55, 3.44, 12.87, 4.43, 12.34, 10.7, 12.21, 12.44, 11.57, 9.86, 11.89, 11.85, 4.22, 10.13, 12.07, 11.65, 11.65, 10.95, 10.93, 11.92, 11.82, 12.28, 12.2, 6.72, 11.71, 12.8, 11.63, 13.28, 4.96, 11.97, 11.92, 3.87, 11.32, 11.83, 11.27, 7.23, 11.83, 11.55, 5.5, 11.59, 13.24, 5.12, 11.09, 7.82, 9.15, 13.23, 13.13, 9.82, 7.13, 13.35, 11.7, 11.6, 12.9, 10.74, 11.29, 12.29, 12.22, 4.78, 4.27, 11.11, 11.76, 10.87, 11.56, 11.78, 11.98, 12.36, 10.25, 4.77, 10.04, 5.1, 9.9, 12.04, 11.19, 10.46, 5.74, 3.81, 11.8, 10.75, 12.01, 3.85, 4.49, 3.56, 10.75, 10.63, 11.58, 9.24, 5.82, 4.92, 4.58, 9.32, 6.89, 9.49, 8.04, 3.59, 11.42, 4.69, 9.8, 4.03, 8.23, 4.38, 3.69, 4.45, 10.6, 10.09, 8.66, 4.64, 7.45, 9.77, 5.87, 12.45, 11.13, 11.94, 9.32, 10.19, 10.98, 11.62, 4.92, 11.87, 11.56, 9.16, 11.6, 10.87, 4.03, 11.4, 10.85, 8.73, 12.95, 10.22, 9.76, 9.74, 5.59, 11.19, 11.37, 10.56, 8.54, 11.63, 11.29, 10.67, 11.65, 11.81, 11.49, 11.24, 3.97, 10.89, 11.71, 10.71, 10.96, 3.63, 10.98, 11.27, 10.88, 10.75, 12.94, 11.02, 4.57, 11.21, 3.42, 11.49, 10.28, 11.4, 10.65, 11.24, 11.26, 11.49, 12.01, 11.14, 12.06, 9.25, 5.09, 11.8, 10.55, 11.22, 11.32, 11.61, 9.12, 11.04, 7.09, 11.29, 9.42, 10.68, 9.46, 12.21, 4.41, 3.34, 11.33, 11.21, 10.47, 11.39, 10.41, 4.86, 12.14, 11.08, 10.95, 10.61, 11.75, 11.04, 5.26, 4.67, 12.37, 3.64, 11.26, 11.46, 11.94, 10.64, 11.58, 8.89, 11.02, 3.97, 10.53, 10.76, 10.44, 12.24, 12.12, 11.82, 4.96, 11.69, 11.1, 10.98, 10.23, 11.69, 9.43, 11.55, 3.58, 5.45, 11.19, 3.51, 10.79, 11.56, 11.86, 3.78, 11.39, 11.49, 11.52, 10.46, 10.62, 11.33, 11.68, 10.34, 11.2, 11.44, 11.48, 8.67, 11.21, 10.81, 11.14, 10.78, 5.15, 10.86, 11.12, 11.95, 10.33, 11.09, 10.34, 9.41, 11.68, 11.42, 10.79, 12.54, 11.66, 10.43, 8.86, 4.1, 12.26, 11.28, 3.83, 10.58, 6.67, 10.83, 10.88, 11.59, 10.83, 11.38, 11.72, 11.59, 4.43, 4.05, 10.18, 7.03, 5.24, 7.05, 11.35, 11.58, 12.48, 6.52, 4.66, 10.91, 11.55, 3.63, 12.03, 10.78, 4.21, 11.98, 10.9, 10.1, 12.01, 12.32, 11.88, 4.4, 10.04, 3.83, 3.41, 11.78, 3.28, 10.81, 10.8, 11.11, 5.02, 3.41, 3.55, 10.79, 4.34, 11.03, 11.28, 9.2, 4.25, 4.01, 11.32, 10.11, 3.56, 10.51, 5.77, 9.0, 10.79, 3.6, 3.79, 10.4, 8.05, 5.07, 11.98, 3.22, 3.99, 11.48, 9.54, 3.93, 3.49, 8.8, 10.84, 11.79, 10.71, 4.04, 4.87, 11.91, 11.35, 9.2, 3.93, 10.58, 11.74, 4.62], [12.47, 11.94, 9.71, 12.57, 11.51, 4.41, 10.7, 12.11, 4.32, 12.45, 12.35, 11.64, 8.95, 4.18, 11.26, 12.08, 12.62, 12.1, 4.53, 5.59, 12.9, 7.64, 10.7, 10.92, 11.3, 12.44, 10.08, 11.59, 6.64, 5.01, 12.6, 12.32, 11.98, 4.2, 12.3, 5.23, 4.05, 10.89, 12.14, 12.94, 11.7, 12.07, 10.59, 4.19, 3.88, 11.28, 4.58, 12.14, 5.36, 5.32, 8.46, 10.74, 11.84, 10.65, 4.98, 11.56, 11.55, 7.82, 11.72, 11.57, 12.65, 4.24, 12.77, 10.48, 12.8, 12.11, 12.3, 10.45, 12.76, 9.55, 11.96, 10.75, 12.07, 7.13, 4.32, 11.63, 11.35, 11.96, 12.32, 4.46, 11.15, 11.95, 11.82, 11.63, 11.67, 10.79, 12.15, 4.51, 11.13, 12.38, 7.0, 6.39, 12.17, 11.8, 11.02, 11.71, 11.97, 11.35, 5.95, 7.19, 6.65, 8.39, 11.46, 13.06, 13.57, 11.88, 12.62, 11.96, 11.89, 5.45, 12.72, 12.78, 11.61, 13.51, 13.27, 5.88, 11.31, 12.66, 12.09, 12.01, 12.27, 11.78, 12.89, 9.3, 11.78, 12.18, 10.59, 11.88, 7.97, 11.58, 13.27, 6.06, 11.64, 12.01, 4.22, 12.77, 4.31, 12.24, 12.62, 11.24, 13.4, 6.08, 11.84, 10.46, 11.33, 4.86, 11.7, 6.33, 11.51, 11.36, 12.39, 12.62, 8.6, 12.67, 11.84, 13.45, 10.12, 12.55, 12.42, 13.2, 10.58, 12.47, 13.15, 11.93, 12.24, 12.2, 11.47, 5.07, 13.39, 3.75, 4.03, 11.55, 11.94, 7.74, 9.31, 11.64, 6.25, 11.93, 12.84, 7.31, 9.75, 11.79, 12.92, 3.76, 13.69, 3.79, 10.66, 11.45, 12.49, 4.78, 4.26, 12.1, 8.94, 4.08, 3.81, 13.26, 10.59, 6.35, 12.65, 8.62, 11.83, 12.4, 12.28, 4.02, 4.4, 12.68, 12.81, 11.31, 12.79, 6.92, 10.59, 12.23, 12.57, 3.98, 4.45, 12.33, 12.47, 12.37, 12.2, 11.21, 12.24, 12.03, 8.58, 6.64, 11.95, 12.8, 12.57, 4.66, 11.19, 12.33, 4.04, 3.68, 6.33, 11.52, 12.14, 11.62, 10.31, 8.36, 10.79, 9.21, 11.58, 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4.31, 4.94, 4.81, 11.82, 13.76, 4.53, 11.72, 4.3, 9.61, 4.46, 5.56, 13.38, 13.84, 12.62, 4.93, 9.49, 12.04, 4.3, 5.33, 9.04, 5.04, 9.0, 7.92, 5.44, 4.33, 5.82, 5.33, 4.86, 8.62, 4.81, 4.64, 4.99, 11.11, 5.04, 14.44, 4.45, 11.49, 4.72, 13.57, 4.31, 10.42, 9.0, 11.67, 4.54, 5.88, 4.74, 13.26, 4.48, 11.4, 5.03, 4.56, 4.59, 4.25, 11.12, 6.78, 4.25, 4.0, 4.1, 10.55, 12.03, 8.09, 3.94, 7.56, 5.12, 4.59, 12.56, 3.91, 4.22, 4.22, 4.6, 4.51, 9.13, 12.65, 3.93, 10.82, 4.41, 10.37, 4.22, 5.28, 8.16, 4.71, 4.39, 9.41, 8.54, 4.7, 3.98, 12.3, 4.56, 4.25, 4.26, 4.41, 4.31, 13.16, 4.41, 4.52, 6.85, 4.05, 8.96, 4.45, 13.71, 4.22, 4.63, 12.03, 4.41, 8.04, 4.46, 4.43, 9.34, 6.51, 4.18, 4.47, 12.09, 4.08, 8.57, 8.26, 13.87, 5.8, 11.61, 4.56, 7.14, 9.47, 4.34, 5.44, 4.24, 4.07, 12.54, 7.65, 5.14, 7.44, 11.94, 4.64, 4.57, 4.53, 5.01, 4.82, 4.35, 11.37, 11.72, 14.47, 5.13, 4.65, 13.55, 6.54, 9.41, 6.17, 8.35, 9.97, 4.79, 12.44, 4.54, 4.69, 4.54, 9.33, 4.75, 4.14, 8.86, 14.71, 4.1, 4.76, 12.66, 5.03, 4.15, 5.14, 4.58, 9.02, 5.97, 4.21, 11.88, 7.06, 5.12, 4.87, 12.29, 4.79, 4.7, 13.98, 12.16, 7.03, 4.47, 4.49, 11.21, 6.59, 4.41, 13.85, 11.74, 10.66, 4.42, 9.28, 4.48, 10.01, 4.4, 3.87, 4.53, 4.55, 4.95, 4.59, 4.03, 4.27, 4.6, 12.53, 4.21, 7.73, 4.34, 4.11, 4.58, 4.92, 4.99, 4.31, 4.63, 13.17, 11.87, 9.41, 12.04, 4.13, 5.36, 6.52, 5.55, 10.19, 5.04, 4.97, 4.09, 4.32, 4.73, 4.72, 4.27, 4.49, 4.42, 4.65, 4.99, 12.1, 4.79, 9.68, 4.65, 4.83, 11.45, 4.59, 4.25, 14.49, 4.64, 10.8, 4.33, 4.68, 4.11, 8.56, 9.57, 4.75, 7.39, 8.24, 5.09, 4.74, 4.63, 4.18, 11.88, 4.35, 6.13, 4.57, 4.41, 7.54, 6.86, 4.52, 4.77, 13.87, 8.74, 4.59, 5.11, 4.34, 9.07, 12.73, 4.55, 11.99, 5.45, 4.32, 4.94, 4.62, 12.29, 4.15, 5.1, 4.95, 4.52, 4.71, 4.92, 4.39, 4.66, 4.62, 11.15, 4.46, 4.09, 10.13, 5.04, 5.02, 7.79, 10.22, 10.99, 7.47, 5.54, 4.43, 4.76, 5.15, 4.97, 7.27, 4.98, 4.43, 12.63, 4.57, 8.81, 4.5, 12.7, 5.25, 9.0, 4.54, 4.47, 3.99, 3.9, 4.66, 6.03, 4.31, 5.04, 4.28, 9.42, 3.91, 4.43, 4.35, 4.05, 7.46, 10.64, 4.71, 8.66, 3.82, 12.89, 12.11, 4.42, 4.32, 4.64, 4.75, 4.75, 4.34, 12.95, 7.5, 4.1, 5.42, 10.15, 6.41, 4.84, 11.01, 4.07, 4.43, 5.1, 13.6, 4.32, 4.5, 6.0, 4.53, 5.62, 5.08, 4.34, 4.22, 4.64, 7.03, 4.35, 4.33, 4.8, 4.57, 11.35, 4.64, 4.84, 12.89, 8.7, 4.73, 4.7, 4.23, 4.96, 5.13, 6.97, 4.24, 4.27, 5.01, 3.95, 3.71, 4.57, 4.3, 4.59, 5.03, 4.58, 4.77, 4.5, 4.95, 4.7, 4.2, 4.81, 5.87, 4.7, 5.04, 11.8, 4.76, 4.57, 4.2, 8.79, 12.77, 4.13, 5.16, 13.29, 4.82, 10.52, 4.23, 4.58, 4.15, 4.74, 4.16, 10.51, 4.39, 5.2, 4.18, 4.75, 4.17, 4.68, 13.13, 4.49, 4.8, 4.41, 4.03, 13.61, 4.88, 4.61, 4.49, 4.35, 10.96, 4.99, 4.52, 13.01, 4.77, 8.3, 4.09, 4.91, 3.9, 12.88, 4.64, 4.9, 4.55, 4.71, 5.47, 5.0, 4.23, 4.82, 9.91, 4.65, 4.52, 7.21, 5.02, 5.01, 4.44, 4.31, 4.73, 4.13, 4.33, 13.95, 8.09, 8.29, 8.36, 4.19, 4.43, 5.07, 4.38, 4.18, 9.74, 4.43, 7.62, 4.66, 4.96, 4.5, 4.26, 4.18, 4.58, 4.18, 4.39, 4.5, 9.4, 10.11, 4.08, 4.39, 4.63, 4.31, 4.75, 4.83, 12.54, 4.58, 4.39, 5.16, 4.29, 4.4, 4.11, 11.76, 3.96, 4.28, 4.24, 4.81, 4.34, 4.07, 4.24, 4.57, 4.51, 4.61, 4.18, 5.02, 4.0, 4.79, 4.49, 8.02, 4.76, 4.3, 4.48, 14.13, 6.54, 8.86, 4.01, 4.17, 4.62, 4.71, 4.39, 4.47, 7.76, 4.61, 4.61, 4.33, 4.37, 4.27, 4.74, 5.0, 9.04, 4.01, 11.21, 4.61, 4.54, 11.44, 4.56, 4.4, 10.55, 3.77, 4.48, 5.1, 4.51, 4.73, 9.86, 4.5, 4.51, 4.39, 5.12, 10.85, 7.29, 4.17, 10.39, 4.42, 4.25, 9.58, 4.44, 4.47, 4.45, 14.14, 4.56, 13.35, 4.1, 4.26, 7.34, 4.04, 4.35, 7.65, 4.76, 4.27, 4.13, 4.16, 4.68, 4.11, 4.34, 4.47, 4.99, 4.48, 4.83, 4.81, 4.88, 10.83, 4.88, 4.57, 4.35, 4.45, 4.26, 4.69, 13.63, 4.63, 3.98, 8.23, 4.7, 4.61, 4.19, 4.92, 4.98, 4.25, 4.41, 4.62, 4.67, 4.68, 4.56, 6.26, 4.69, 4.29, 12.59, 12.5, 6.34, 4.21, 4.69, 7.99, 4.69, 4.9, 4.6, 4.37, 11.77, 4.21, 5.42, 4.61, 4.61, 4.65, 4.24, 4.45, 4.44, 5.49, 4.73, 4.25, 5.72, 4.92, 4.72, 4.32, 4.34, 13.19, 4.08, 4.67, 7.66, 4.59, 8.12, 4.92, 9.02, 4.66, 4.64, 4.4, 4.31, 14.06, 10.33, 6.54, 4.24, 4.36, 13.25, 9.86, 4.31, 4.39, 4.24, 4.18, 11.86, 9.99, 4.55, 4.41, 3.99, 4.25, 4.24, 4.36, 4.37, 4.72, 5.96, 9.87, 4.36, 4.75, 4.8, 4.07, 5.87, 4.38, 4.14, 4.27, 11.99, 4.33, 4.28, 4.25, 4.6, 4.37, 3.97, 9.32, 5.37, 12.55, 4.72, 4.13, 13.88, 11.25, 4.96, 9.72, 12.83, 5.15, 9.39, 5.39, 4.85, 8.82, 10.38, 5.02, 4.78, 4.18, 3.88, 4.08, 4.52, 6.98, 12.8, 4.26, 5.35, 5.12, 10.06, 4.23, 10.04, 4.0, 6.43, 8.77, 4.17, 8.38, 13.8, 5.74, 12.32, 4.17, 4.63, 12.73, 10.2, 9.35, 5.11, 4.49, 4.42, 12.46, 4.43, 9.61, 4.52, 13.22, 4.49, 8.92, 10.86, 6.46, 14.43, 5.38, 7.55, 4.02, 4.14, 14.81, 9.99, 11.37, 14.14, 7.52, 4.37, 4.16, 4.14, 4.41, 4.04, 4.85, 4.21, 7.09, 4.34, 3.91, 4.61, 13.7, 6.52, 8.47, 4.32, 4.02, 14.41, 11.76, 7.38, 4.41, 14.1, 11.44, 4.43, 4.59, 4.07, 4.13, 4.25, 12.61, 8.84, 11.06, 5.62, 5.68, 14.89, 4.3, 5.38, 7.33, 4.07, 3.89, 10.42, 12.19, 4.46, 13.35, 4.63, 5.09, 4.48, 13.15, 14.35, 14.11, 4.26, 4.0, 4.76, 4.45, 4.92, 8.14, 4.15, 4.57, 4.85, 8.63, 7.68, 14.65, 13.82, 5.68, 12.04, 4.56, 14.43, 4.94, 4.53, 4.71, 4.05, 4.57, 12.29, 9.27, 4.12, 9.75, 14.03, 14.42, 12.49, 11.32, 4.5, 11.11, 11.25, 5.71, 4.51, 12.94, 11.76, 12.55, 4.88, 4.27, 8.76, 7.89, 4.07, 13.25, 3.9, 10.13, 4.19, 11.96, 4.4, 11.9, 4.12, 13.48, 4.52, 3.99, 4.72, 4.08, 4.12, 11.6, 10.83, 13.7, 4.31, 3.75, 5.25, 5.9, 4.33, 4.17, 8.38, 4.94, 4.11, 7.48, 4.05, 8.16, 5.07, 9.02, 4.67, 4.36, 14.18, 4.0, 4.23, 13.19, 4.25, 4.22, 9.71, 4.45, 3.98, 4.58, 4.09, 3.94, 4.12, 12.02, 5.44, 3.98, 4.08, 4.23, 7.81, 10.0, 4.22, 4.0, 4.14, 4.03, 4.32, 4.43, 4.08, 4.36, 3.97, 4.38, 10.8, 4.02, 3.91, 6.4, 3.81, 4.23, 4.71, 4.63, 4.74, 6.87, 12.56, 4.81, 4.41, 10.5, 4.02, 8.34, 4.95, 4.1, 4.95, 4.15], [6.69, 5.0, 9.83, 11.3, 9.45, 10.58, 7.49, 7.25, 4.32, 5.68, 3.95, 13.43, 4.83, 4.71, 12.69, 8.83, 4.41, 4.28, 4.53, 4.2, 12.56, 6.49, 9.39, 8.92, 9.34, 3.93, 12.79, 10.85, 6.13, 7.46, 8.49, 3.85, 7.15, 4.03, 9.79, 8.26, 7.72, 4.08, 3.94, 4.92, 11.16, 11.79, 8.93, 3.96, 7.72, 13.04, 10.26, 6.25, 4.45, 7.78, 11.34, 4.63, 11.83, 4.99, 7.6, 3.85, 11.55, 10.24, 4.56, 12.9, 5.32, 5.74, 12.15, 13.62, 4.12, 4.88, 6.16, 4.88, 5.28, 4.49, 6.19, 8.88, 8.02, 7.13, 4.56, 6.52, 13.59, 4.36, 8.68, 5.98, 7.15, 11.18, 12.14, 10.04, 11.22, 9.26, 4.47, 7.19, 12.94, 7.38, 4.91, 6.56, 9.78, 4.64, 12.09, 6.97, 9.31, 13.49, 10.4, 3.84, 9.1, 4.26, 13.45, 4.36, 4.93, 13.07, 8.11, 11.37, 11.13, 3.97, 10.6, 4.99, 7.39, 6.22, 8.92, 6.9, 13.23, 4.13, 4.27, 6.86, 10.38, 12.29, 10.63, 9.33, 11.89, 4.26, 9.0, 11.91, 12.53, 12.76, 3.72, 7.73, 12.16, 5.57, 4.3, 8.63, 5.36, 4.1, 4.31, 9.06, 3.88, 3.58, 3.66, 13.61, 12.0, 8.96, 13.64, 4.67, 9.96, 10.13, 7.57, 10.76, 3.85, 11.28, 13.14, 9.23, 3.91, 3.82, 9.71, 4.01, 3.85, 9.68, 8.69, 6.62, 7.36, 9.02, 4.07, 6.88, 11.39, 12.2, 4.3, 12.39, 11.54, 9.54, 4.87, 11.79, 4.86, 5.28, 10.81, 4.09, 6.82, 7.42, 4.4, 5.17, 3.92, 5.69, 3.65, 10.47, 8.83, 3.75, 7.65, 4.63, 7.8, 10.07, 4.28, 6.39, 5.51, 4.6, 9.7, 5.58, 9.28, 10.97, 7.11, 6.64, 11.88, 9.77, 3.48, 10.2, 4.45, 3.97, 10.85, 5.59, 4.61, 5.26, 4.98, 12.27, 10.74, 11.67, 9.31, 7.78, 12.62, 7.77, 4.96, 6.5, 10.87, 9.09, 12.47, 4.33, 5.15, 11.28, 6.15, 6.34, 4.09, 4.36, 5.76, 4.21, 3.64, 3.93, 4.09, 4.58, 13.46, 3.85, 9.8, 7.86, 3.8, 4.29, 4.36, 9.95, 6.47, 4.45, 8.69, 4.12, 6.2, 7.81, 6.18, 3.74, 3.64, 5.17, 5.88, 12.56, 9.23, 9.69, 7.43, 7.0, 5.29, 10.77, 11.81, 5.64, 9.08, 6.79, 4.56, 5.86, 10.77, 7.8, 9.39, 10.17, 4.63, 6.51, 8.06, 3.9, 4.24, 11.52, 7.29, 4.31, 6.7, 7.94, 6.46, 6.56, 4.57, 3.69, 7.51, 5.26, 4.46, 4.5, 11.17, 4.85, 11.96, 10.5, 11.57, 5.37, 7.2, 12.07, 11.73, 5.28, 4.18, 8.97, 11.39, 4.53, 7.52, 11.46, 10.92, 4.16, 7.23, 7.68, 4.43, 8.22, 11.38, 9.99, 4.0, 4.72, 4.35, 4.19, 4.69, 4.06, 4.71, 5.05, 4.82, 9.15, 9.98, 12.31, 4.01, 12.67, 7.12, 8.4, 5.21, 4.62, 7.14, 4.15, 9.39, 3.67, 7.28, 13.13, 8.5, 5.74, 12.98, 9.8, 8.13, 10.4, 4.69, 6.46, 4.98, 5.15, 4.32, 3.92, 8.83, 7.04, 10.21, 4.33, 9.15, 4.29, 9.31, 3.57, 4.25, 10.75, 4.25, 4.08, 6.81, 4.21, 9.31, 12.59, 4.62, 4.12, 4.02, 7.97, 10.93, 8.39, 7.83, 10.64, 4.34, 3.75, 10.42, 3.99, 3.83, 3.73, 5.35, 4.42, 5.8, 4.54, 4.06, 10.07, 8.32, 11.08, 4.07, 7.21, 4.34, 6.85, 4.77, 10.15, 4.32, 3.98, 12.02, 7.31, 9.36, 7.18, 12.09, 4.11, 3.79, 3.88, 9.39, 6.4, 4.22, 6.06, 8.35, 12.77, 11.88, 6.38, 9.15, 5.43, 9.91, 11.19, 5.74, 12.67, 3.78, 12.96, 8.82, 12.08, 5.42, 10.5, 4.96, 4.51, 8.49, 8.5, 12.48, 11.42, 11.02, 9.32, 5.05, 4.19, 10.9, 4.38, 12.27, 10.55, 6.95, 11.07, 9.51, 12.56, 6.91, 5.52, 6.07, 4.57, 12.88, 4.19, 3.97, 4.73, 11.05, 11.39, 12.08, 7.03, 3.92, 8.62, 4.26, 3.75, 11.32, 5.51, 4.12, 6.21, 9.32, 7.35, 11.26, 7.53, 4.53, 4.41, 9.99, 3.78, 11.91, 8.23, 10.12, 12.08, 11.55, 7.4, 8.64, 3.97, 6.66, 10.58, 7.34, 4.42, 6.09, 6.62, 11.07, 4.2, 7.35, 9.96, 3.79, 3.78, 12.34, 7.73, 12.74, 4.89, 4.54, 12.9, 12.79, 11.85, 12.47, 4.11, 11.47, 12.31, 4.11, 4.37, 5.47, 7.47, 7.87, 5.18, 3.96, 13.19, 3.8, 11.59, 11.63, 10.73, 4.44, 4.68, 4.1, 12.76, 7.62, 4.89, 3.62, 4.16, 10.09, 11.05, 11.94, 12.68, 12.22, 11.06, 12.62, 4.06, 11.8, 4.91, 4.21, 13.44, 4.81, 13.07, 11.1, 12.29, 12.93, 12.08, 9.93, 10.85, 4.34, 11.39, 4.09, 11.58, 4.23, 9.28, 8.39, 6.8, 5.09, 10.76, 4.19, 6.62, 4.64, 8.75, 5.66, 4.92, 10.17, 11.67, 9.72, 4.5, 3.75, 8.89, 10.57, 8.83, 13.08, 8.71, 4.66, 4.15, 10.6, 7.22, 13.21, 5.0, 4.12, 12.99, 12.69, 11.73, 7.43, 5.97, 11.43, 4.01, 3.82, 9.99, 4.38, 5.31, 11.98, 10.34, 8.54, 4.14, 7.33, 4.61, 5.19, 4.14, 12.17, 5.63, 4.02, 10.89, 13.26, 7.03, 4.09, 4.09, 11.0, 13.08, 4.12, 12.33, 4.59, 5.64, 10.26, 10.64, 4.78, 11.83, 4.29, 3.74, 12.45, 11.52, 10.88, 5.94, 4.08, 9.17, 4.48, 11.48, 11.82, 10.6, 11.65, 4.83, 12.44, 4.62, 6.48, 4.47, 3.74, 9.7, 4.63, 4.37, 4.39, 4.23, 4.21, 4.12, 6.1, 4.19, 3.85, 12.67, 7.61, 11.13, 10.57, 4.38, 7.11, 4.82, 9.04, 6.74, 12.89, 3.87, 6.29, 6.79, 3.98, 7.32, 11.88, 4.22, 5.21, 4.13, 11.44, 4.96, 6.48, 7.76, 5.7, 6.01, 7.35, 4.04, 5.54, 4.72, 11.15, 13.17, 8.22, 8.45, 10.26, 10.74, 13.41, 8.09, 4.36, 13.54, 10.42, 11.55, 12.42, 7.18, 4.13, 5.19, 3.66, 7.56, 11.91, 3.87, 12.67, 4.2, 3.93, 3.92, 6.03, 4.67, 4.23, 10.95, 9.68, 7.01, 3.91, 4.45, 10.95, 4.41, 3.95, 3.73, 4.05, 4.08, 6.85, 4.09, 4.63, 7.14, 4.1, 10.6, 4.52, 4.58, 3.92, 9.76, 4.23, 4.2, 3.93, 4.18, 5.36, 5.1, 4.04, 4.17, 9.02, 9.4, 12.07, 11.49, 4.99, 3.93, 6.31, 3.99, 4.45, 4.97, 5.35, 6.58, 12.46, 4.43, 6.85, 3.97, 4.2, 10.05, 8.73, 4.28, 4.83, 8.18, 4.46, 7.24, 4.63, 4.83, 3.98, 10.43, 7.47, 12.25, 5.01, 9.43, 4.15, 6.77, 10.42, 11.51, 7.23, 11.96, 5.44, 12.71, 11.37, 3.9, 11.88, 3.73, 10.51, 9.35, 12.89, 6.61, 9.62, 4.52, 7.28, 11.75, 12.59, 4.24, 11.45, 12.71, 11.83, 10.77, 5.01, 13.0, 6.43, 8.24, 6.26, 10.6, 5.24, 8.21, 7.21, 11.63, 4.53, 10.07, 10.1, 11.09, 10.25, 9.29, 10.07, 10.9, 4.9, 8.91, 10.92, 4.07, 7.37, 11.34, 7.26, 4.92, 9.39, 8.1, 3.97, 10.93, 10.65, 8.4, 7.81, 9.51, 11.07, 8.51, 5.41, 4.01, 4.24, 9.52, 6.19, 11.82, 10.81, 8.89, 5.78, 4.56, 4.32, 7.81, 5.03, 8.08, 5.54, 10.29, 4.01, 12.88, 13.06, 4.13, 8.0, 5.48, 4.14, 8.75, 8.29, 11.95, 4.32, 4.18, 7.03, 10.5, 7.16, 5.19, 4.96, 3.69, 7.99, 4.43, 6.71, 9.56, 4.52, 6.65, 4.02, 12.48, 9.2, 5.15, 4.42, 4.5, 4.02, 6.73, 6.5, 3.7, 5.12, 3.97, 4.24, 8.27, 12.48, 8.92, 10.35, 4.94, 13.57, 9.72, 9.94, 4.29, 13.25, 8.14, 12.8, 7.12, 4.23, 4.48, 5.97, 12.28, 7.21, 11.47, 11.18, 9.43, 3.9, 4.12, 4.86, 6.51, 3.95, 12.39, 7.52, 9.21, 5.96, 12.35, 4.83, 10.36, 9.95, 8.83, 6.37, 6.03, 6.9, 7.55, 7.19, 4.57, 9.25, 6.34, 5.86, 12.32, 8.87, 6.77, 3.77, 4.17, 10.13, 3.94, 5.73, 10.8, 4.11, 11.9, 3.91, 8.65, 3.77, 10.97, 11.72, 4.21, 10.04, 4.82, 7.55, 10.22, 6.21, 12.23, 5.26, 9.79, 11.36, 9.03, 8.88, 12.22, 6.98, 8.86, 4.89, 6.64, 4.11, 12.32, 4.21, 9.98, 4.79, 9.2, 5.46, 3.76, 3.88, 10.26, 5.89, 10.24, 7.93, 9.94, 10.01, 3.65, 6.37, 4.54, 11.95, 6.36, 10.17, 3.66, 6.93, 4.15, 8.88, 12.54, 3.87, 9.06, 5.16, 5.62, 4.78, 4.03, 5.27, 5.74, 11.83, 11.94, 3.7, 3.98, 4.07, 4.59, 11.96, 7.15, 11.43, 9.38, 12.35, 4.74, 5.73, 7.78, 11.77, 11.6, 4.25, 5.89, 8.85, 8.63, 12.83, 4.49, 12.54, 3.92, 11.95, 5.18, 9.69, 9.76, 4.35, 7.15, 7.63, 3.45, 3.56, 3.92, 6.11, 4.18, 3.63, 10.37, 12.13, 3.66, 7.94, 5.68, 9.82, 3.88, 10.28, 4.36, 11.42, 12.1, 12.71], [12.29, 12.41, 10.4, 11.7, 5.21, 3.61, 5.38, 4.19, 9.14, 9.98, 5.2, 8.65, 3.87, 5.4, 5.57, 8.84, 6.67, 13.99, 13.44, 4.56, 11.89, 8.95, 3.89, 4.77, 7.27, 5.01, 7.63, 5.31, 9.03, 8.79, 10.41, 5.95, 9.37, 7.61, 9.13, 5.17, 7.56, 5.14, 8.63, 9.88, 12.04, 9.1, 6.27, 8.06, 9.75, 5.83, 4.75, 8.74, 4.52, 7.57, 10.1, 8.56, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15, 8.28, 9.68, 4.87, 13.59, 7.39, 7.93, 9.88, 11.57, 5.11, 11.84, 6.48, 5.07, 11.74, 4.11, 5.57, 12.61, 10.75, 9.19, 6.72, 7.61, 8.62, 8.34, 10.41, 8.64, 5.96, 7.3, 7.13, 11.0, 8.52, 13.46, 7.4, 5.02, 4.06, 7.98, 4.13, 12.59, 9.51, 6.41, 8.49, 8.56, 11.53, 11.47, 6.56, 11.01, 7.03, 7.29, 11.21, 9.69, 11.36, 13.67, 5.83, 8.83, 8.1, 8.42, 4.61, 13.62, 7.16, 14.19, 13.73, 11.53, 10.91, 8.49, 10.92, 4.35, 4.35, 9.31, 7.9, 11.01, 9.4, 10.62, 8.96, 12.64, 8.85, 6.03, 9.42, 10.65, 9.86, 13.58, 4.13, 13.69, 13.68, 8.61, 8.34, 7.25, 11.96, 8.55, 7.28, 4.16, 4.59, 10.37, 9.66, 6.21, 9.78, 12.66, 7.18, 8.89, 10.52, 6.85, 9.76, 5.29, 13.32, 4.05, 13.4, 8.09, 8.8, 12.82, 11.76, 8.47, 9.35, 4.79, 9.26, 10.85, 8.05, 6.32, 4.45, 4.27, 5.13, 9.72, 10.32, 5.14, 7.26, 10.41, 8.67, 9.08, 12.6, 12.44, 8.9, 4.12, 9.36, 7.6, 10.56, 5.0, 12.31, 5.44, 4.68, 7.85, 9.15, 6.79, 9.1, 9.25, 14.15, 8.16, 11.05, 10.4, 6.55, 12.82, 10.58, 12.96, 3.88, 9.2, 13.66, 5.52, 11.72, 6.81, 9.04, 6.66, 13.94, 5.3, 9.78, 8.3, 4.36, 14.22, 6.96, 14.24, 4.24, 9.52, 11.25, 4.58, 7.22, 7.88, 7.68, 12.59, 7.36, 11.76, 4.78, 12.7, 10.13, 8.25, 6.44, 9.15, 14.48, 8.93, 4.37, 13.46, 6.11, 6.91, 7.06, 9.84, 7.83, 11.31, 5.97, 14.09, 12.37, 7.63, 4.46, 7.21, 4.6, 9.81, 10.39, 5.1, 5.44, 10.24, 9.79, 7.37, 13.5, 10.25, 10.95, 10.59, 8.86, 8.59, 14.34, 6.93, 7.31, 8.35, 4.76, 5.25, 14.25, 6.78, 8.77, 8.81, 13.89, 4.12, 4.35, 13.86, 8.44, 7.82, 10.14, 8.5, 6.42, 6.48, 4.97, 10.05, 13.15, 9.94, 4.25, 11.56, 13.52, 7.14, 10.88, 6.73, 11.08, 10.36, 5.8, 13.51, 11.22, 9.74, 8.68, 6.94, 13.57, 7.51, 13.1, 14.32, 8.6, 8.91, 10.06, 8.06, 4.35, 5.37, 9.38, 3.97, 4.21, 8.02, 13.7, 4.88, 8.97, 11.28, 4.32, 4.07, 5.81, 3.76, 5.07, 3.99, 13.97, 14.32, 8.11, 10.24, 9.78, 11.75, 5.81, 11.61, 11.95, 5.33, 3.87, 4.5, 4.15, 4.31, 4.23, 9.97, 8.95, 9.87, 7.51, 4.97, 8.65, 4.45, 7.48, 3.79, 4.78, 14.15, 8.53, 4.82, 13.03, 11.16, 11.5, 9.02, 4.74, 9.37, 9.33, 6.27, 8.61, 4.37, 10.76, 9.5, 4.72, 4.62, 9.22, 11.52, 5.49, 10.08, 10.44, 12.05, 14.37, 13.57, 3.99, 8.13, 8.45, 13.1, 5.9, 8.53, 7.2, 13.99, 8.14, 4.8, 11.09, 12.84, 7.61, 4.28, 7.44, 7.14, 11.23, 4.55, 4.41, 7.59, 10.2, 5.19, 4.93, 9.37, 4.65, 7.85, 3.91, 4.18, 7.81, 9.99, 11.22, 8.58, 12.9, 13.98, 8.4, 12.96, 8.36, 8.93, 4.6, 12.87, 8.57, 4.78, 8.34, 8.25, 4.84, 10.16, 8.68, 10.84, 11.26, 10.26, 7.16, 4.43, 4.61, 10.07, 12.29, 12.32, 10.84, 9.4, 5.48, 9.57, 8.68, 7.0, 13.51, 6.7, 7.69, 13.63, 10.01, 8.88, 7.32, 8.96, 10.07, 6.82, 4.11, 4.0, 4.35, 4.14, 8.7, 14.12, 12.97, 5.1, 7.88, 11.36, 8.36, 9.75, 7.84, 4.85, 8.6, 8.96, 14.17, 8.23, 9.48, 9.91, 6.26, 10.06, 6.95, 9.07, 5.56, 6.86, 9.17, 7.64, 8.2, 10.23, 8.39, 9.57, 5.96, 4.2, 11.1, 9.88, 5.34, 4.26, 8.22, 5.47, 8.65, 5.97, 6.64, 5.77, 4.31, 6.61, 5.07, 6.59, 3.89, 4.26, 8.05, 7.23, 8.3, 8.59, 4.4, 7.13, 9.81, 5.69, 6.92, 4.25, 4.49, 11.18, 7.94, 7.76, 4.72, 9.49, 12.8, 7.22, 9.55, 10.26, 9.78, 13.93, 7.99, 8.15, 3.79, 8.5, 10.05, 8.92, 3.68, 9.87, 7.56, 11.13, 4.97, 7.92, 12.0, 7.81, 3.93, 4.02, 8.74, 10.04, 7.38, 7.45, 7.13, 7.66, 9.06, 8.01, 9.65, 7.88, 8.32, 13.44, 8.77, 14.26, 9.28, 11.59, 5.28, 4.51, 8.4, 4.26, 7.54, 5.88, 3.96, 14.11, 6.54, 4.27, 4.4, 13.8, 4.17, 4.1, 9.42, 8.84, 10.64, 10.3, 6.48, 7.08, 8.06, 9.13, 12.22, 10.89, 4.67, 4.74, 7.0, 7.5, 10.45, 4.53, 4.78, 7.31, 4.05, 5.59, 7.03, 3.95, 5.73, 7.15, 3.94, 6.85, 7.47, 9.76, 6.55, 7.87, 4.03, 3.98, 4.49, 4.59, 14.03, 8.53, 4.28, 5.14, 4.25, 10.46, 7.4, 11.05, 8.58, 11.48, 10.01, 14.02, 5.03, 3.64, 13.65, 4.22, 4.73, 3.93, 7.53, 10.08, 3.76, 4.5, 3.91, 4.97, 5.8, 4.52, 4.43, 7.95, 6.65, 8.83, 4.64, 6.81, 4.37, 3.99, 4.13, 4.18, 13.69, 4.59, 5.01, 3.93, 4.05, 4.26, 3.98, 4.09, 12.15, 5.83, 10.29, 8.23, 3.92, 6.83, 4.08, 12.2, 10.16, 7.09, 5.23, 4.42, 4.6, 4.12, 8.34, 9.2, 5.06, 4.44, 4.48, 14.22, 4.96, 4.17, 12.51, 4.15, 4.19, 8.44, 14.13, 4.26, 5.33, 13.46, 6.28, 7.36, 5.53, 7.44, 11.02, 10.79, 6.41, 4.39, 7.19, 6.7, 6.93, 12.3, 5.81, 4.07, 4.08, 4.04, 4.66, 7.51, 4.22, 3.89, 4.9, 7.98, 4.89, 8.1, 4.07, 4.93, 4.2, 3.94, 7.66, 4.05, 4.21, 13.13, 7.65, 4.16, 4.47, 4.36, 3.71, 9.78, 4.39, 4.47, 3.91, 4.12, 6.95, 5.4, 4.36, 4.73, 12.37, 7.58, 4.77, 3.64, 7.17, 9.02, 4.46, 3.88, 4.05, 4.29, 14.1, 4.05, 7.97, 4.39, 4.72, 4.18, 4.08, 4.1, 4.37, 4.15, 4.53, 4.18, 5.12, 4.43, 3.96, 6.34, 9.46, 9.86, 4.15, 4.32, 10.69, 5.59, 13.99, 4.35, 13.13, 7.84, 10.7, 8.29, 8.49, 12.8, 14.08, 9.48, 4.67, 8.2, 13.6, 12.83, 5.53, 4.65, 7.18, 6.3, 6.93, 8.34, 6.16, 6.14, 6.22, 11.54, 12.1, 11.91, 4.11, 7.52, 8.4, 8.69, 10.77, 9.76, 6.54, 7.09, 7.32, 7.21, 6.22, 5.34, 9.53, 12.42, 7.87, 4.22, 5.26, 4.57, 4.54, 12.94, 6.75, 13.37, 5.61, 6.16, 13.9, 14.41, 5.63, 13.77, 13.84, 9.5, 6.84, 8.48, 9.07, 11.75, 9.88, 13.02, 4.43, 9.57, 7.69, 11.83, 6.74, 9.33, 13.76, 8.8, 8.4, 7.23, 13.37, 5.83, 11.17, 6.08, 13.75, 8.49, 6.58, 7.84, 12.31, 4.81, 10.14, 7.97, 5.01, 8.75, 10.66, 11.69, 8.06, 11.89, 7.54, 13.97, 8.9, 6.57, 12.36, 14.47, 12.24, 7.08, 13.07, 11.9, 13.5, 12.97, 5.28, 7.66, 8.39, 8.16, 8.06, 12.6, 13.82, 7.68, 8.05, 4.53, 11.69, 4.59, 5.29, 12.9, 7.82, 5.36, 12.07, 4.07, 4.04, 13.76, 7.71, 10.8, 7.43, 6.63, 13.84, 13.81, 14.16, 6.19, 13.86, 14.03, 5.14, 8.9, 5.13, 8.2, 9.3, 11.04, 5.87, 7.32, 9.03, 12.97, 9.28, 3.95, 13.51, 9.93, 10.14, 4.08, 14.42, 12.81, 11.88, 9.47, 8.0, 10.38, 5.95, 12.4, 13.89, 14.12, 3.91, 11.1, 10.62, 3.65, 13.83, 11.21, 4.24, 6.52, 11.08, 13.86, 7.17, 13.95, 8.93, 8.38, 8.71, 10.63, 8.05, 14.02, 6.3, 13.8, 9.38, 9.11, 12.69, 8.54, 3.96, 11.67, 7.7, 13.28, 7.96, 13.54, 14.22, 8.45, 13.23, 7.55, 9.19, 12.38, 8.61, 11.84, 6.45, 3.79, 11.4, 6.4, 8.09, 6.74, 4.57, 7.58, 5.07, 10.69, 8.96, 13.39, 4.03, 13.68, 12.22, 8.7, 6.31, 7.05, 13.04, 9.1, 7.82, 13.69, 5.01, 6.13, 10.12, 12.34, 5.4, 5.8, 11.51, 9.42, 10.59, 4.52, 9.5, 6.99, 7.26, 11.64, 6.22, 10.94, 6.84, 7.03, 11.04, 13.81, 13.22, 10.67, 14.37, 10.95, 8.78, 7.02, 10.02, 13.0, 4.04, 13.25, 14.24, 8.39, 7.82, 4.33, 7.78, 13.57, 9.39, 12.98, 9.29, 7.8, 8.38, 10.54, 9.67, 11.13, 10.79, 8.94, 14.26, 7.89, 8.65, 9.59, 12.03, 8.09, 10.21, 11.29, 6.86, 11.08, 6.15, 10.42, 9.3, 9.97, 10.33, 10.81, 4.96, 10.93, 8.24, 8.5], [3.84, 3.72, 3.77, 9.48, 3.79, 4.07, 3.87, 9.5, 3.8, 10.51, 3.94, 3.94, 6.98, 3.82, 3.87, 10.62, 10.26, 4.29, 3.9, 3.81, 3.87, 4.01, 3.65, 5.44, 4.12, 10.71, 3.71, 3.72, 10.73, 8.95, 10.61, 10.62, 3.75, 3.58, 4.73, 10.63, 3.91, 3.97, 4.4, 3.69, 10.41, 3.81, 4.05, 3.8, 3.75, 3.66, 6.16, 3.85, 3.81, 3.96, 4.06, 11.47, 4.0, 3.93, 10.15, 4.0, 3.81, 3.58, 3.71, 3.81, 4.01, 4.08, 7.23, 3.7, 10.84, 3.97, 11.2, 4.38, 6.87, 4.23, 3.76, 9.03, 3.84, 10.43, 11.28, 4.12, 3.82, 3.71, 9.53, 10.43, 5.02, 3.98, 3.94, 3.9, 3.81, 9.62, 3.89, 4.23, 3.84, 3.77, 10.85, 4.18, 7.4, 4.11, 4.19, 3.62, 10.54, 3.71, 6.44, 5.98, 3.87, 4.08, 3.84, 10.46, 9.36, 4.0, 10.55, 10.72, 3.78, 3.74, 10.12, 3.99, 10.08, 9.65, 9.93, 3.89, 4.0, 11.38, 10.32, 3.7, 3.93, 8.17, 10.9, 3.95, 3.86, 11.4, 3.74, 3.85, 3.94, 3.55, 3.77, 4.07, 5.05, 4.5, 11.41, 10.94, 3.99, 3.78, 12.1, 3.7, 3.76, 10.95, 3.93, 3.52, 3.81, 10.85, 3.97, 10.99, 3.93, 3.92, 11.08, 11.02, 3.84, 10.88, 4.0, 11.15, 3.89, 11.06, 4.03, 12.0, 10.72, 3.81, 3.77, 3.7, 3.72, 11.16, 4.04, 4.57, 11.34, 3.96, 4.9, 4.0, 7.75, 3.95, 3.98, 3.97, 3.68, 9.47, 3.98, 3.82, 3.93, 3.84, 4.35, 3.69, 9.24, 3.96, 3.81, 3.72, 3.72, 10.51, 10.55, 11.28, 3.69, 4.03, 3.57, 10.59, 3.72, 9.39, 10.36, 3.81, 3.45, 10.58, 10.22, 3.87, 3.82, 10.5, 11.27, 3.71, 4.05, 10.84, 11.17, 10.03, 10.59, 3.84, 10.45, 3.66, 9.13, 4.31, 11.31, 3.91, 3.76, 9.74, 4.2, 10.51, 3.95, 3.83, 11.95, 10.15, 4.0, 4.32, 10.94, 4.03, 10.92, 11.65, 10.95, 11.11, 10.12, 3.99, 9.97, 11.57, 4.21, 10.16, 9.25, 8.51, 10.89, 11.57, 9.61, 4.04, 11.07, 4.24, 10.04, 4.82, 3.92, 3.84, 3.79, 11.55, 10.73, 10.94, 3.8, 10.78, 10.51, 10.5, 9.65, 3.89, 10.53, 10.51, 3.91, 10.95, 4.18, 3.93, 3.92, 10.68, 3.99, 9.98, 3.91, 9.66, 4.13, 3.82, 9.33, 4.42, 4.0, 3.87, 3.9, 11.81, 11.7, 3.88, 10.79, 3.91, 3.89, 4.07, 9.49, 3.92, 3.75, 10.78, 6.05, 11.63, 3.72, 3.74, 9.03, 3.98, 3.67, 8.36, 5.28, 11.36, 3.88, 4.8, 8.52, 7.38, 3.63, 3.64, 3.79, 3.9, 3.89, 3.46, 4.05, 3.89, 3.86, 8.71, 3.69, 10.92, 3.96, 4.07, 3.77, 3.91, 4.03, 10.73, 3.91, 6.61, 10.7, 3.55, 3.56, 3.54, 9.74, 6.56, 3.95, 11.58, 11.63, 4.31, 4.4, 3.83, 3.57, 4.0, 3.61, 4.03, 3.61, 3.48, 3.89, 3.69, 10.56, 3.9, 3.89, 4.33, 9.16, 3.92, 3.54, 10.19, 3.65, 10.57, 4.03, 4.45, 4.02, 3.83, 3.9, 4.05, 3.8, 10.0, 10.79, 4.12, 4.25, 3.79, 11.12, 11.3, 8.91, 3.64, 3.94, 9.65, 10.71, 3.89, 3.69, 10.77, 4.27, 3.8, 3.91, 3.85, 11.34, 10.67, 3.76, 11.34, 3.57, 3.64, 3.63, 10.25, 10.39, 3.99, 4.26, 4.06, 3.96, 3.91, 4.43, 4.02, 3.99, 4.17, 11.76, 4.0, 3.74, 10.56, 3.88, 4.04, 3.89, 10.58, 11.02, 11.17, 4.03, 3.81, 4.0, 4.04, 4.19, 11.18, 3.9, 4.16, 9.92, 10.88, 4.01, 4.05, 10.1, 10.79, 6.27, 3.7, 3.61, 4.28, 10.88, 3.85, 11.25, 3.97, 9.15, 8.86, 3.94, 4.04, 3.67, 3.9, 7.85, 9.14, 3.99, 3.74, 4.16, 4.0, 11.05, 9.73, 3.66, 3.52, 3.92, 4.33, 3.91, 3.57, 7.63, 9.93, 10.72, 10.98, 11.84, 3.85, 4.0, 12.26, 3.87, 3.95, 3.99, 11.39, 3.6, 4.03, 8.61, 11.73, 9.33, 11.48, 3.93, 4.26, 3.97, 10.84, 4.0, 4.08, 3.74, 4.08, 10.53, 11.38, 4.06, 10.88, 11.34, 3.75, 4.55, 4.34, 4.3, 3.73, 3.86, 9.78, 7.6, 3.96, 4.41, 9.29, 3.84, 3.78, 3.92, 3.62, 3.99, 3.81, 3.86, 4.23, 3.8, 6.56, 9.94, 11.31, 3.85, 3.96, 11.07, 3.92, 3.91, 3.86, 11.68, 10.09, 3.62, 3.99, 10.77, 3.95, 10.57, 3.74, 3.64, 3.76, 4.06, 3.86, 8.92, 3.95, 9.87, 3.74, 9.34, 9.46, 4.05, 10.68, 3.79, 5.92, 4.1, 3.88, 10.95, 3.77, 3.97, 3.9, 3.91, 3.85, 5.95, 3.64, 11.83, 9.26, 10.57, 3.9, 4.23, 3.63, 9.6, 10.27, 4.32, 3.49, 3.78, 11.37, 3.8, 4.11, 3.79, 11.49, 4.0, 3.66, 11.06, 4.19, 3.77, 3.81, 3.83, 3.89, 4.2, 7.71, 10.29, 10.09, 10.14, 11.13, 3.76, 9.94, 11.75, 3.72, 3.71, 10.35, 10.12, 3.9, 4.1, 3.8, 3.94, 3.75, 9.34, 10.87, 3.97, 3.87, 4.16, 3.88, 4.06, 3.98, 10.28, 3.88, 4.0, 4.16, 4.1, 10.91, 3.93, 3.61, 4.05, 3.81, 9.73, 4.08, 11.02, 3.87, 10.64, 3.98, 3.85, 3.77, 3.67, 4.24, 3.98, 8.26, 3.73, 4.13, 3.8, 3.87, 4.17, 4.25, 3.68, 4.0, 4.07, 3.96, 11.56, 11.04, 3.8, 4.31, 3.86, 4.14, 3.97, 3.52, 3.84, 3.79, 4.18, 4.17, 4.76, 3.81, 3.8, 3.86, 4.23, 3.76, 4.09, 9.66, 3.93, 4.1, 10.83, 3.99, 4.15, 11.13, 3.62, 3.71, 3.92, 6.47, 7.9, 9.93, 3.82, 3.95, 3.94, 4.11, 6.0, 3.97, 3.81, 10.17, 3.72, 3.84, 10.84, 3.95, 3.82, 4.11, 7.76, 4.17, 10.11, 4.75, 3.79, 7.87, 3.7, 9.62, 3.99, 4.03, 3.97, 3.81, 3.75, 10.74, 4.13, 3.86, 3.98, 3.85, 3.64, 4.02, 4.45, 4.18, 11.05, 4.03, 4.3, 11.37, 4.13, 3.78, 9.65, 11.42, 9.76, 10.21, 11.04, 4.07, 3.78, 4.01, 4.24, 4.29, 3.78, 4.17, 4.35, 4.27, 4.0, 3.91, 10.2, 3.98, 3.98, 10.35, 11.85, 4.04, 5.86, 3.69, 3.51, 4.08, 4.76, 4.17, 3.78, 10.5, 4.16, 3.94, 4.01, 4.01, 4.01, 4.33, 3.87, 3.98, 3.75, 3.95, 4.26, 3.9, 7.56, 3.94, 3.96, 3.81, 10.88, 4.11, 4.16, 9.04, 3.9, 10.26, 4.35, 7.61, 3.73, 3.75, 3.7, 3.74, 9.54, 9.46, 3.61, 3.84, 4.01, 9.03, 3.98, 4.01, 4.01, 3.9, 4.1, 10.86, 10.9, 9.98, 7.7, 8.0, 3.81, 3.86, 3.71, 9.36, 3.96, 3.64, 3.85, 3.84, 3.72, 3.8, 3.8, 3.88, 10.1, 3.8, 4.23, 8.31, 3.72, 3.8, 5.64, 7.76, 9.1, 4.67, 9.67, 9.8, 9.93, 8.1, 8.67, 8.21, 9.79, 8.98, 9.86, 7.93, 3.75, 10.63, 3.96, 3.87, 9.98, 4.13, 6.56, 4.12, 4.19, 3.9, 3.86, 3.92, 8.65, 7.15, 3.75, 3.75, 3.81, 10.81, 3.66, 9.43, 10.08, 8.0, 4.05, 4.04, 11.12, 9.37, 10.59, 11.71, 3.9, 3.84, 10.96, 9.92, 4.0, 10.95, 10.63, 3.98, 10.48, 3.93, 11.43, 3.69, 10.8, 4.73, 11.24, 10.59, 3.74, 10.58, 11.06, 4.0, 4.26, 4.12, 10.58, 4.23, 9.75, 8.93, 11.7, 4.2, 3.96, 4.28, 4.07, 3.93, 9.91, 4.17, 4.03, 3.86, 3.76, 4.33, 9.96, 4.04, 4.19, 4.0, 3.83, 11.34, 7.53, 9.92, 3.99, 9.71, 8.63, 3.87, 3.76, 11.19, 3.98, 3.84, 10.3, 3.81, 10.3, 3.85, 3.69, 10.38, 6.32, 10.98, 3.83, 3.71, 3.98, 10.28, 7.77, 3.66, 10.42, 9.83, 3.74, 6.89, 10.11, 8.5, 11.17, 3.61, 3.73, 3.78, 3.92, 9.74, 10.76, 3.97, 3.8, 3.82, 9.5, 9.95, 10.36, 11.01, 3.54, 11.43, 4.06, 11.08, 3.71, 3.5, 4.08, 3.59, 3.83, 10.13, 10.94, 3.7, 9.2, 12.22, 10.82, 11.21, 11.07, 6.66, 11.39, 9.23, 3.67, 3.81, 9.88, 10.91, 9.93, 3.56, 3.95, 11.26, 11.18, 3.74, 11.04, 3.82, 11.12, 3.57, 11.67, 3.69, 11.42, 3.8, 10.41, 3.31, 3.77, 10.1, 11.57, 3.47, 3.49, 10.76, 9.66, 3.78, 9.03, 3.63, 3.56, 8.42, 3.62, 10.87, 3.71, 3.37, 3.6, 3.72, 9.14, 11.62, 11.38, 11.6, 3.51, 11.08, 3.42, 3.78, 10.2, 4.0, 4.17, 8.58, 4.29, 3.99, 3.98, 4.26, 3.91, 3.98, 9.46, 10.0, 4.22, 4.02, 4.25, 10.58, 8.73, 3.97, 4.15, 4.05, 4.05, 4.11, 4.09, 3.97, 4.13, 3.88, 3.89, 10.46, 4.04, 4.21, 4.22, 9.99, 4.3, 4.57, 4.11, 4.4, 10.71, 4.29, 4.14, 4.0, 7.87, 4.09, 4.11, 4.0, 4.02, 10.48, 4.19], [8.68, 5.23, 8.65, 9.01, 4.17, 4.48, 8.93, 3.92, 4.43, 4.59, 6.43, 13.38, 5.88, 4.57, 12.87, 6.73, 3.89, 9.21, 8.96, 4.19, 7.87, 4.3, 3.86, 7.22, 10.79, 4.18, 13.37, 12.53, 3.99, 6.62, 3.74, 4.54, 11.2, 7.79, 4.4, 6.86, 9.2, 12.56, 6.63, 7.43, 3.87, 8.98, 7.21, 4.98, 8.62, 13.03, 3.77, 9.58, 9.36, 12.69, 11.27, 5.81, 12.78, 4.34, 9.89, 7.82, 8.14, 4.06, 6.21, 12.86, 6.22, 11.53, 3.92, 13.02, 9.41, 6.17, 4.05, 11.08, 9.75, 3.8, 5.19, 4.46, 9.82, 8.05, 4.08, 11.38, 12.86, 11.76, 4.09, 4.66, 8.07, 9.12, 8.9, 9.86, 11.19, 4.32, 5.38, 10.65, 12.25, 5.36, 6.35, 9.51, 4.49, 8.99, 11.22, 10.51, 8.59, 13.31, 8.51, 8.07, 9.36, 10.82, 12.96, 3.91, 8.11, 5.38, 4.64, 4.21, 12.49, 4.11, 6.56, 11.17, 8.85, 6.27, 6.68, 10.17, 11.91, 4.2, 3.82, 8.46, 6.72, 4.16, 10.61, 4.13, 12.24, 4.09, 9.54, 13.08, 12.64, 13.33, 4.89, 4.5, 10.03, 4.48, 5.8, 5.77, 12.7, 8.12, 7.13, 9.79, 13.07, 4.46, 4.55, 13.63, 10.76, 4.43, 12.64, 5.62, 11.41, 12.53, 5.6, 5.11, 4.17, 11.04, 12.27, 5.33, 3.82, 5.31, 12.64, 5.29, 3.87, 10.13, 11.52, 7.84, 12.22, 8.27, 3.99, 6.21, 4.0, 12.09, 4.12, 13.1, 11.07, 8.53, 3.78, 11.58, 11.27, 6.65, 4.01, 6.66, 11.91, 11.97, 4.78, 8.57, 6.54, 11.33, 12.25, 12.03, 5.62, 4.33, 4.07, 3.78, 13.42, 9.38, 11.95, 7.72, 12.1, 4.14, 6.81, 9.3, 12.71, 8.07, 3.81, 3.89, 8.95, 6.5, 3.87, 11.06, 5.5, 3.99, 4.38, 5.64, 5.4, 10.82, 8.73, 4.34, 9.4, 13.0, 6.96, 6.74, 12.95, 4.95, 9.68, 7.87, 12.29, 8.93, 3.91, 7.01, 8.95, 3.84, 3.53, 9.12, 4.85, 4.5, 5.06, 5.86, 4.76, 8.21, 4.66, 8.57, 11.85, 4.54, 4.06, 5.32, 8.36, 4.88, 7.18, 8.08, 8.7, 4.29, 4.73, 4.19, 11.07, 4.15, 4.93, 4.4, 9.35, 5.9, 7.08, 7.5, 5.99, 5.66, 6.2, 8.32, 3.75, 6.51, 10.35, 6.15, 8.87, 3.93, 3.95, 5.47, 7.89, 9.81, 12.49, 9.81, 4.35, 5.17, 6.74, 4.02, 6.58, 12.34, 11.43, 4.25, 4.85, 4.51, 7.4, 10.99, 11.23, 3.93, 8.3, 5.35, 4.46, 3.87, 11.58, 4.51, 12.09, 5.89, 8.31, 12.67, 12.24, 4.5, 8.61, 5.38, 3.79, 9.85, 12.17, 4.63, 11.57, 8.25, 10.41, 4.28, 3.76, 11.75, 4.2, 7.28, 11.18, 9.33, 3.93, 6.47, 12.04, 4.06, 3.85, 3.97, 3.74, 7.92, 4.59, 11.82, 8.16, 4.03, 5.71, 11.14, 4.83, 10.28, 9.51, 6.28, 3.97, 3.85, 4.09, 3.89, 4.36, 3.8, 12.2, 10.31, 11.77, 9.04, 4.04, 8.72, 4.12, 7.66, 4.15, 3.95, 7.2, 12.81, 4.58, 4.94, 4.66, 9.35, 4.17, 3.74, 11.14, 3.8, 3.99, 10.73, 3.66, 3.75, 4.27, 5.47, 3.96, 11.57, 6.71, 4.08, 3.64, 12.13, 3.88, 8.96, 6.38, 4.01, 9.34, 3.97, 10.93, 4.37, 8.04, 10.47, 6.39, 3.88, 3.85, 4.23, 6.16, 12.33, 3.92, 6.29, 8.86, 7.62, 4.23, 3.83, 6.98, 7.19, 4.47, 3.99, 13.23, 5.2, 5.06, 5.22, 10.38, 3.72, 9.13, 8.8, 9.84, 4.89, 6.21, 4.92, 9.81, 10.08, 11.94, 3.86, 12.24, 3.94, 8.74, 10.67, 6.59, 5.27, 3.9, 11.48, 4.03, 5.47, 4.4, 11.06, 4.0, 3.94, 7.9, 11.64, 6.48, 5.85, 6.32, 5.84, 10.75, 10.86, 4.62, 12.35, 4.04, 3.86, 6.07, 12.04, 3.92, 11.74, 6.23, 4.02, 11.13, 4.26, 10.51, 3.98, 5.51, 4.33, 10.76, 6.32, 3.89, 6.22, 5.08, 7.8, 6.91, 3.93, 3.85, 11.82, 7.56, 7.85, 12.51, 7.87, 7.77, 4.68, 5.97, 4.26, 10.63, 12.59, 10.17, 4.69, 11.32, 9.76, 11.27, 4.27, 5.28, 3.76, 3.85, 3.91, 10.79, 8.12, 4.75, 11.48, 4.13, 8.78, 4.62, 4.13, 8.26, 3.93, 5.03, 4.91, 11.24, 5.48, 9.73, 12.81, 12.79, 10.95, 13.15, 3.81, 10.76, 8.74, 3.65, 4.09, 3.94, 6.88, 4.0, 8.43, 3.98, 7.04, 5.18, 7.03, 11.69, 9.29, 3.66, 7.39, 8.31, 10.87, 8.11, 4.37, 12.29, 6.27, 3.97, 9.9, 7.01, 10.8, 3.92, 3.78, 11.57, 8.59, 10.87, 3.76, 3.99, 12.17, 6.09, 11.97, 11.11, 11.86, 10.95, 13.27, 9.42, 10.89, 3.81, 5.23, 5.25, 12.45, 8.73, 10.13, 7.05, 4.21, 9.5, 11.53, 4.29, 4.1, 5.79, 4.64, 9.27, 3.69, 4.42, 8.68, 4.79, 4.25, 4.16, 10.22, 11.02, 12.13, 7.94, 7.91, 5.82, 3.92, 10.28, 4.18, 12.61, 4.15, 4.02, 11.58, 11.28, 7.04, 4.16, 4.58, 4.22, 4.46, 8.84, 11.0, 4.1, 3.87, 10.37, 5.16, 10.16, 4.17, 10.44, 4.11, 5.93, 6.24, 4.13, 4.11, 4.13, 7.3, 12.38, 7.54, 4.22, 5.82, 9.51, 11.34, 4.29, 11.48, 4.88, 6.76, 9.83, 3.71, 3.75, 11.49, 3.8, 3.95, 4.25, 6.16, 12.16, 5.45, 4.36, 3.99, 4.04, 4.24, 3.98, 4.34, 6.67, 4.13, 12.08, 5.72, 3.82, 3.78, 3.95, 4.02, 4.3, 4.63, 3.98, 3.97, 4.17, 4.08, 3.61, 3.96, 3.8, 12.57, 5.94, 5.15, 9.17, 4.39, 6.47, 4.57, 10.06, 6.74, 11.66, 3.92, 3.94, 4.15, 3.83, 7.22, 9.29, 3.95, 4.08, 3.99, 11.7, 4.04, 5.57, 4.25, 3.62, 4.45, 6.54, 8.62, 4.09, 3.99, 10.02, 11.37, 6.55, 4.35, 3.97, 6.36, 12.25, 4.16, 4.11, 10.27, 10.47, 9.64, 12.84, 4.62, 4.12, 4.16, 4.09, 4.38, 11.27, 3.92, 4.02, 3.96, 8.17, 4.14, 9.98, 4.06, 4.33, 3.7, 4.04, 4.65, 4.01, 3.71, 5.91, 3.75, 3.91, 5.12, 4.24, 4.27, 9.64, 4.06, 6.56, 4.37, 4.52, 10.91, 4.98, 3.79, 4.93, 5.08, 5.73, 4.18, 4.18, 3.93, 10.28, 4.33, 4.2, 4.85, 3.68, 9.22, 3.63, 7.41, 4.75, 3.87, 4.29, 4.27, 4.72, 4.3, 4.07, 7.03, 4.31, 3.76, 3.97, 3.87, 4.2, 11.64, 7.98, 3.85, 4.09, 6.31, 3.99, 6.43, 3.73, 5.93, 3.95, 9.05, 7.82, 13.03, 8.73, 7.38, 13.26, 13.24, 9.49, 6.53, 10.57, 12.36, 4.8, 11.98, 10.52, 4.52, 4.15, 4.51, 4.12, 4.3, 11.81, 10.99, 12.11, 4.29, 4.81, 9.94, 12.16, 3.86, 12.91, 12.47, 12.75, 13.61, 6.51, 9.55, 4.0, 5.74, 10.26, 13.1, 4.21, 4.35, 5.23, 4.7, 4.06, 4.05, 7.86, 4.26, 3.73, 9.51, 8.61, 3.78, 4.84, 10.27, 10.74, 8.16, 4.31, 12.36, 4.23, 5.9, 6.85, 10.47, 4.13, 10.18, 8.81, 4.91, 8.54, 5.17, 3.58, 7.76, 4.08, 5.71, 3.82, 4.99, 5.54, 8.33, 7.49, 11.65, 6.91, 5.35, 5.16, 6.46, 11.58, 3.6, 3.74, 6.78, 3.61, 3.69, 5.06, 12.11, 5.48, 12.4, 4.05, 8.29, 9.56, 10.05, 4.21, 4.07, 9.93, 5.22, 6.0, 4.53, 6.42, 5.6, 4.3, 10.27, 3.99, 7.28, 6.81, 11.16, 7.66, 10.02, 5.29, 4.04, 6.68, 7.61, 5.18, 8.68, 6.65, 4.02, 4.65, 13.18, 9.39, 5.69, 11.4, 6.95, 10.71, 5.19, 13.25, 4.82, 7.16, 4.43, 12.73, 5.35, 12.01, 9.73, 7.46, 3.84, 5.17, 6.57, 9.57, 7.48, 5.71, 6.56, 9.13, 4.04, 3.8, 8.85, 4.35, 10.69, 9.22, 3.87, 4.42, 7.85, 5.33, 3.71, 7.42, 6.1, 13.01, 8.84, 4.79, 6.17, 5.02, 5.52, 8.26, 7.9, 6.67, 11.99, 8.16, 5.91, 8.67, 4.69, 9.35, 3.82, 7.12, 8.59, 7.28, 9.82, 3.88, 5.59, 3.69, 4.26, 8.46, 4.85, 5.66, 5.49, 5.66, 8.34, 3.96, 8.0, 9.0, 4.18, 4.47, 10.98, 3.67, 6.33, 3.7, 9.68, 7.96, 11.8, 3.95, 4.09, 3.98, 4.05, 6.57, 11.15, 5.2, 3.9, 6.39, 9.72, 12.05, 3.89, 4.51, 7.33, 8.83, 3.96, 3.6, 4.34, 8.45, 10.66, 5.84, 3.39, 5.4, 6.63, 12.8, 13.51, 4.14, 11.35, 8.25, 4.8, 3.8, 3.44, 11.86, 6.49, 12.57, 12.08, 6.05, 11.46, 10.31, 11.81, 11.46, 11.9, 9.76, 12.57, 7.79, 5.61, 9.08, 10.03, 7.8, 11.21, 4.21, 6.99, 12.3, 12.4, 10.08, 10.07, 12.82, 9.78, 11.88, 6.61, 9.85, 4.05, 12.02, 4.59, 12.34, 8.98, 9.44, 7.23, 11.38, 10.93, 8.03, 4.44, 7.96, 7.71, 5.52, 11.68, 3.79, 6.46, 7.96, 7.81, 8.69, 8.95, 11.09], [11.19, 3.56, 9.96, 6.11, 10.51, 10.96, 4.42, 7.38, 11.19, 10.88, 6.68, 4.09, 3.76, 5.37, 4.08, 13.34, 7.51, 11.58, 12.07, 4.06, 9.06, 6.9, 7.61, 4.54, 4.6, 4.02, 3.9, 3.84, 11.28, 7.58, 5.89, 4.32, 5.63, 3.96, 4.43, 4.84, 11.67, 3.96, 13.81, 4.73, 4.02, 3.81, 11.0, 3.94, 5.84, 6.0, 4.61, 6.02, 12.86, 10.51, 11.39, 5.02, 4.19, 9.03, 3.95, 4.23, 7.18, 8.81, 5.69, 6.75, 7.8, 4.72, 7.24, 4.02, 9.47, 9.56, 3.86, 11.91, 13.4, 11.34, 12.76, 6.14, 11.55, 10.12, 9.35, 4.35, 3.83, 3.79, 4.84, 3.96, 5.24, 11.26, 6.9, 12.54, 8.49, 4.7, 6.54, 4.5, 4.13, 6.25, 12.01, 12.94, 8.5, 11.21, 11.13, 6.75, 9.26, 4.17, 5.5, 4.7, 7.81, 5.25, 10.36, 10.19, 11.2, 5.66, 10.53, 7.94, 10.28, 4.32, 9.61, 7.67, 6.53, 8.02, 6.52, 10.76, 4.16, 4.97, 3.98, 6.44, 11.69, 9.48, 7.3, 5.43, 8.09, 7.76, 4.85, 4.7, 4.03, 4.0, 11.17, 8.11, 6.0, 4.65, 10.71, 10.31, 5.01, 3.97, 7.65, 3.98, 4.82, 12.7, 13.53, 8.27, 4.17, 11.78, 5.95, 5.08, 9.79, 10.84, 5.23, 7.2, 6.07, 4.65, 4.2, 11.0, 12.37, 11.24, 3.92, 11.96, 11.28, 12.86, 11.27, 10.99, 3.74, 10.53, 10.43, 11.23, 8.97, 4.17, 4.1, 3.87, 4.43, 12.0, 7.13, 4.89, 8.75, 12.51, 9.19, 10.28, 4.34, 7.24, 8.85, 5.67, 11.98, 4.69, 3.95, 5.03, 10.68, 4.39, 8.55, 5.03, 4.2, 4.99, 4.28, 4.87, 11.43, 4.25, 10.49, 7.08, 10.22, 10.12, 10.88, 4.21, 6.42, 9.56, 5.29, 10.56, 12.1, 4.43, 5.65, 9.71, 4.06, 4.05, 12.8, 5.75, 9.42, 3.67, 7.84, 4.54, 4.25, 12.86, 11.64, 6.9, 4.61, 3.98, 4.34, 6.58, 6.24, 7.57, 5.7, 4.58, 11.44, 8.17, 4.19, 6.58, 11.24, 13.1, 4.25, 4.38, 4.51, 6.15, 5.97, 6.22, 4.39, 4.75, 8.5, 6.0, 11.19, 4.56, 11.02, 9.7, 10.89, 10.88, 4.04, 5.1, 10.24, 12.33, 12.28, 4.72, 11.81, 5.65, 12.16, 8.14, 5.23, 4.7, 3.87, 8.39, 6.9, 5.39, 4.35, 5.45, 6.58, 4.57, 4.04, 5.56, 3.87, 4.33, 7.06, 8.67, 5.38, 6.65, 4.57, 8.61, 11.83, 6.04, 9.86, 9.66, 10.46, 12.19, 6.84, 4.95, 10.27, 11.47, 5.9, 11.41, 11.57, 4.42, 5.09, 4.57, 4.25, 4.64, 4.43, 8.69, 4.07, 12.3, 5.42, 5.99, 4.0, 4.09, 10.1, 13.07, 4.03, 3.92, 11.52, 5.69, 10.67, 6.18, 13.01, 4.51, 7.47, 12.81, 4.15, 11.09, 11.29, 9.73, 5.54, 5.32, 9.61, 9.24, 13.69, 7.15, 5.76, 10.73, 11.29, 4.84, 3.96, 5.82, 5.01, 5.75, 12.94, 7.12, 4.28, 11.25, 10.65, 9.28, 7.12, 12.53, 5.92, 12.7, 6.52, 8.24, 5.75, 3.73, 9.38, 9.96, 9.73, 11.92, 4.1, 6.51, 9.67, 4.7, 4.08, 4.08, 10.17, 3.97, 10.99, 13.48, 4.62, 9.08, 8.99, 3.97, 4.16, 4.37, 12.19, 5.5, 6.77, 4.69, 9.19, 5.75, 6.62, 10.77, 4.26, 3.69, 4.08, 6.39, 4.78, 3.87, 4.09, 4.07, 5.66, 5.21, 11.38, 4.51, 9.09, 11.95, 8.74, 11.79, 13.28, 13.11, 4.19, 3.57, 4.89, 5.94, 5.49, 10.6, 8.58, 4.21, 11.63, 5.77, 8.42, 4.74, 6.2, 3.7, 4.71, 12.53, 8.36, 10.14, 5.07, 12.82, 11.81, 7.99, 4.11, 4.0, 6.17, 7.09, 11.45, 4.46, 11.1, 12.22, 6.19, 6.64, 5.24, 6.58, 11.94, 9.78, 12.43, 11.34, 9.45, 6.8, 11.5, 10.73, 4.55, 3.8, 4.22, 4.03, 11.98, 4.25, 12.17, 11.4, 3.89, 4.75, 5.79, 6.88, 9.19, 6.45, 3.84, 6.44, 5.06, 11.9, 10.65, 8.43, 7.67, 4.01, 3.92, 5.16, 6.96, 3.99, 6.94, 11.26, 3.88, 4.69, 5.28, 4.19, 4.29, 5.69, 4.53, 4.72, 7.64, 11.92, 5.34, 4.88, 3.92, 5.11, 7.22, 10.42, 4.22, 4.24, 8.82, 4.34, 9.65, 9.82, 4.1, 4.15, 5.99, 6.83, 5.89, 5.9, 12.8, 3.89, 4.26, 5.51, 4.23, 8.03, 4.97, 7.0, 9.25, 6.02, 11.4, 3.98, 5.21, 3.88, 4.4, 10.67, 4.37, 9.25, 6.2, 12.39, 12.32, 4.93, 10.77, 3.85, 11.64, 4.08, 12.13, 4.2, 5.6, 7.69, 7.85, 4.23, 6.25, 10.14, 6.02, 12.28, 5.54, 5.85, 6.99, 4.73, 9.02, 3.65, 4.02, 4.51, 4.1, 4.63, 7.72, 9.14, 8.1, 13.33, 8.78, 5.9, 4.35, 5.77, 9.09, 4.65, 10.9, 5.4, 4.59, 4.13, 4.67, 10.1, 3.88, 7.34, 3.87, 5.35, 9.78, 4.15, 4.82, 4.98, 6.49, 10.55, 9.65, 7.84, 6.3, 11.14, 6.04, 4.54, 4.08, 4.1, 4.12, 4.15, 4.51, 8.08, 4.25, 10.73, 6.57, 3.64, 3.92, 4.25, 4.21, 4.3, 4.3, 5.49, 5.75, 6.01, 7.25, 5.85, 5.63, 4.22, 11.87, 4.25, 9.5, 10.61, 8.53, 4.97, 12.25, 14.22, 11.55, 3.67, 5.1, 4.08, 11.8, 4.67, 5.31, 7.99, 4.34, 9.19, 12.55, 10.98, 4.68, 4.37, 11.31, 6.68, 5.92, 5.99, 9.23, 4.19, 10.35, 11.36, 4.31, 8.8, 9.46, 9.01, 10.42, 4.18, 3.96, 4.33, 9.73, 4.4, 4.59, 4.36, 13.76, 9.17, 13.56, 13.6, 4.55, 4.2, 4.84, 10.34, 5.86, 12.63, 8.81, 5.17, 13.42, 3.53, 6.52, 10.28, 8.72, 11.51, 4.06, 12.37, 10.91, 9.46, 4.82, 10.35, 3.92, 11.1, 4.05, 10.81, 13.55, 13.07, 13.08, 4.09, 11.35, 4.7, 7.18, 4.2, 10.56, 6.22, 5.31, 4.18, 4.33, 5.63, 10.09, 4.5, 4.13, 5.41, 4.36, 9.48, 10.33, 8.53, 10.61, 12.49, 4.13, 10.14, 9.13, 4.41, 6.8, 5.87, 4.39, 4.33, 6.62, 7.65, 11.95, 12.44, 4.53, 4.31, 4.4, 3.95, 4.4, 13.93, 3.92, 4.13, 4.31, 8.7, 12.01, 3.69, 12.2, 4.13, 6.02, 6.98, 4.26, 12.28, 3.83, 4.28, 7.89, 12.71, 4.89, 6.68, 7.24, 13.77, 8.6, 5.31, 4.85, 7.54, 13.58, 13.17, 9.36, 11.07, 13.83, 11.18, 4.35, 13.39, 10.61, 6.35, 10.0, 4.38, 4.68, 9.51, 12.55, 10.23, 10.51, 5.29, 4.36, 10.16, 6.89, 4.41, 4.49, 7.84, 4.26, 4.34, 9.6, 10.45, 6.7, 3.8, 11.23, 6.16, 7.51, 4.51, 4.27, 4.57, 4.61, 10.93, 7.54, 8.46, 8.56, 8.65, 4.56, 5.52, 6.69, 4.3, 12.58, 9.38, 5.87, 4.71, 3.98, 4.45, 3.98, 5.18, 7.27, 4.99, 8.59, 12.68, 10.85, 4.54, 5.48, 9.78, 6.39, 7.27, 8.03, 7.63, 10.09, 6.19, 9.81, 5.13, 8.35, 5.7, 10.47, 7.53, 11.41, 5.25, 4.27, 4.16, 4.7, 11.89, 5.46, 10.14, 4.49, 12.66, 12.8, 11.12, 6.39, 11.49, 6.91, 11.07, 10.41, 11.89, 4.59, 11.36, 12.65, 12.78, 10.3, 4.53, 12.59, 11.08, 9.94, 9.74, 5.43, 4.17, 13.06, 10.4, 4.3, 10.44, 11.83, 4.11, 4.47, 6.16, 9.92, 7.9, 6.93, 11.34, 8.62, 5.16, 12.09, 5.82, 4.17, 10.11, 12.8, 9.38, 5.2, 4.73, 11.25, 4.01, 12.47, 4.01, 9.41, 8.01, 9.59, 13.29, 4.6, 9.95, 10.97, 12.26, 4.11, 6.03, 10.08, 5.4, 11.49, 9.9, 3.79, 3.99, 8.44, 3.91, 3.76, 7.09, 5.65, 6.06, 3.93, 4.41, 4.36, 3.6, 6.97, 4.62, 12.68, 5.96, 8.15, 13.08, 6.37, 7.05, 3.97, 13.2, 9.32, 13.41, 3.62, 11.93, 7.55, 5.44, 3.95, 7.29, 10.8, 4.01, 9.54, 3.72, 4.38, 3.81, 4.39, 6.71, 6.16, 6.65, 5.41, 3.87, 6.31, 11.54, 4.93, 8.58, 4.77, 8.84, 6.98, 4.48, 4.76, 8.7, 4.17, 7.22, 4.24, 4.59, 6.2, 10.06, 12.62, 11.86, 12.88, 11.39, 5.57, 9.18, 9.69, 6.88, 6.58, 10.9, 9.39, 9.55, 11.12, 4.64, 11.82, 5.36, 8.66, 3.88, 6.77, 9.39, 8.35, 11.22, 12.2, 4.1, 11.38, 13.07, 7.14, 10.11, 3.63, 9.97, 6.72, 9.21, 11.22, 11.2, 9.85, 10.41, 7.38, 4.29, 3.71, 11.06, 5.43, 10.2, 11.28, 6.5, 11.37, 6.41, 7.03, 7.29, 7.17, 6.47, 7.8, 11.39, 4.38, 8.44, 6.97, 3.96, 5.61, 5.8, 4.56, 4.25, 7.79, 10.17, 3.8, 4.2, 4.73, 5.02, 3.45, 3.78, 4.04, 11.26, 4.28, 3.88, 3.76, 7.57, 3.66, 3.8, 3.78, 10.07, 12.66, 3.79, 12.16, 11.86, 11.07, 4.45, 4.53, 9.19, 8.54, 4.15, 3.65, 11.33, 4.37, 3.85, 3.72, 4.43, 3.79, 5.2, 5.03, 7.19, 8.81, 13.42, 7.2], [6.85, 7.83, 6.2, 3.87, 3.49, 3.44, 3.35, 3.54, 6.34, 11.69, 3.83, 8.49, 4.02, 3.82, 13.51, 3.38, 3.38, 9.64, 4.46, 6.3, 3.39, 3.82, 3.59, 3.62, 11.7, 3.48, 12.77, 5.21, 3.52, 4.12, 3.51, 3.81, 7.19, 3.51, 3.74, 3.23, 3.49, 4.41, 3.81, 5.81, 3.57, 3.38, 3.77, 3.28, 9.08, 4.05, 3.96, 8.23, 4.05, 8.01, 5.29, 4.1, 6.42, 3.62, 4.11, 6.63, 4.64, 3.67, 6.66, 4.01, 3.46, 9.14, 6.03, 13.77, 3.87, 3.72, 3.82, 8.96, 10.25, 3.45, 3.73, 3.42, 14.07, 3.36, 6.95, 13.56, 13.77, 7.31, 12.63, 3.56, 7.25, 3.89, 8.58, 8.45, 3.35, 3.36, 3.58, 3.45, 13.42, 3.51, 3.14, 3.67, 3.6, 7.95, 3.68, 3.5, 4.38, 4.3, 3.31, 4.07, 3.53, 3.49, 3.92, 3.41, 7.51, 8.7, 3.74, 3.19, 9.9, 3.59, 12.68, 7.77, 6.39, 10.96, 5.91, 9.45, 12.69, 3.12, 3.31, 6.55, 6.39, 3.45, 3.46, 6.02, 4.49, 3.24, 3.38, 10.81, 8.33, 13.33, 4.71, 8.32, 6.24, 3.82, 3.82, 12.05, 7.47, 4.86, 10.77, 7.74, 8.45, 3.37, 3.6, 10.24, 8.14, 4.96, 8.4, 6.48, 11.8, 5.22, 3.41, 3.46, 3.75, 6.34, 5.22, 3.64, 3.54, 5.89, 3.48, 3.56, 4.62, 13.95, 6.98, 3.38, 3.9, 7.27, 11.98, 5.13, 3.37, 5.35, 3.5, 3.96, 4.25, 4.49, 3.41, 10.23, 5.34, 3.6, 6.92, 4.3, 3.51, 10.97, 3.6, 3.52, 10.93, 3.37, 3.86, 8.42, 12.02, 3.35, 4.04, 9.95, 4.93, 11.1, 3.48, 8.84, 3.79, 3.45, 7.23, 6.84, 3.94, 3.76, 7.25, 3.56, 3.48, 6.58, 3.47, 3.33, 6.65, 10.53, 4.34, 11.12, 3.29, 3.28, 3.63, 3.71, 12.88, 10.66, 3.53, 3.51, 9.47, 5.25, 3.44, 3.7, 14.24, 3.74, 3.48, 5.83, 3.91, 3.45, 4.36, 6.03, 3.5, 3.65, 3.49, 3.68, 9.24, 3.52, 4.43, 3.53, 12.22, 3.66, 3.15, 3.23, 7.33, 3.49, 3.39, 8.97, 12.87, 3.44, 3.2, 3.11, 3.08, 3.77, 12.47, 3.38, 3.55, 5.48, 3.41, 4.07, 4.14, 3.31, 3.81, 6.68, 3.54, 10.99, 3.65, 3.32, 5.02, 3.69, 3.52, 8.22, 3.44, 7.79, 8.74, 9.55, 3.42, 3.28, 9.95, 9.74, 10.4, 3.47, 13.99, 3.32, 7.21, 3.66, 3.52, 3.39, 4.96, 3.33, 3.62, 3.67, 7.12, 3.48, 3.91, 6.85, 3.5, 3.87, 4.06, 3.5, 9.68, 3.53, 8.57, 7.84, 3.42, 6.94, 9.3, 3.69, 10.49, 4.28, 12.56, 4.04, 4.28, 8.4, 3.93, 7.85, 8.43, 7.02, 3.53, 10.78, 4.66, 3.6, 3.68, 3.76, 3.7, 9.59, 3.6, 5.41, 11.08, 3.71, 7.11, 4.36, 3.5, 4.17, 7.66, 3.25, 3.69, 3.53, 3.53, 3.83, 3.5, 3.69, 3.46, 3.36, 7.79, 13.55, 3.5, 3.49, 4.0, 3.56, 3.68, 3.62, 12.63, 11.04, 3.99, 3.89, 3.62, 10.23, 3.71, 3.55, 4.84, 3.56, 3.73, 7.35, 3.53, 3.98, 3.74, 3.38, 3.37, 8.93, 3.72, 3.46, 3.69, 13.44, 7.33, 12.89, 12.19, 3.25, 7.09, 4.89, 8.37, 3.46, 4.02, 3.52, 3.48, 11.7, 3.92, 3.58, 8.54, 7.66, 3.51, 3.48, 6.72, 3.29, 3.55, 4.62, 11.09, 3.34, 3.5, 3.59, 13.72, 3.31, 3.25, 4.21, 3.47, 3.75, 3.95, 3.62, 4.05, 3.57, 3.63, 3.7, 4.77, 12.32, 3.59, 4.39, 13.6, 7.17, 3.98, 4.16, 8.51, 3.51, 8.18, 13.89, 4.23, 8.97, 7.73, 5.76, 10.22, 3.65, 3.41, 4.87, 4.72, 9.81, 3.53, 3.27, 5.81, 5.32, 3.68, 4.08, 3.2, 3.55, 3.7, 12.06, 3.59, 9.75, 4.41, 4.08, 10.71, 3.5, 6.01, 3.34, 3.9, 3.26, 13.45, 3.72, 3.61, 3.71, 4.13, 3.38, 3.94, 3.4, 3.39, 10.23, 3.56, 5.67, 10.74, 3.75, 9.3, 3.71, 3.37, 3.31, 3.33, 3.91, 3.9, 6.87, 4.47, 11.35, 3.38, 4.41, 3.92, 3.77, 3.43, 4.08, 9.64, 3.58, 3.94, 5.17, 3.28, 4.17, 3.32, 3.26, 3.35, 3.55, 3.21, 3.35, 10.07, 3.61, 4.01, 8.22, 9.89, 10.34, 10.12, 3.79, 4.34, 3.66, 4.01, 3.42, 3.86, 3.58, 3.5, 8.3, 3.63, 3.67, 3.58, 11.35, 9.76, 3.79, 10.07, 4.96, 7.71, 13.36, 7.52, 7.19, 7.64, 4.41, 4.95, 3.41, 3.61, 8.88, 7.12, 3.37, 10.16, 3.57, 9.48, 3.73, 3.61, 9.77, 9.29, 11.91, 12.4, 8.94, 12.16, 10.7, 3.87, 12.97, 3.67, 3.83, 6.44, 11.78, 7.45, 8.56, 6.42, 3.62, 4.89, 12.56, 7.57, 3.54, 3.73, 3.63, 12.23, 4.3, 3.29, 6.18, 3.89, 3.47, 3.86, 3.43, 3.22, 7.6, 3.65, 3.72, 6.72, 3.45, 4.53, 3.62, 4.99, 3.51, 3.28, 10.96, 5.97, 3.79, 3.32, 3.82, 3.35, 3.69, 3.53, 11.36, 3.74, 3.27, 11.93, 3.97, 10.69, 3.45, 11.52, 3.64, 6.81, 3.36, 3.22, 3.58, 3.28, 8.91, 3.28, 3.44, 3.75, 3.49, 8.06, 11.37, 9.9, 12.76, 4.17, 14.09, 10.23, 3.4, 10.14, 4.84, 3.8, 3.47, 3.49, 3.61, 4.51, 3.5, 3.88, 3.33, 3.45, 3.4, 3.48, 3.55, 4.26, 3.94, 3.87, 3.49, 3.77, 3.81, 3.69, 3.7, 6.57, 10.1, 3.42, 4.05, 10.49, 4.12, 3.86, 5.77, 3.69, 13.01, 7.2, 6.12, 11.31, 3.51, 6.63, 3.52, 3.68, 3.5, 7.01, 3.8, 3.58, 3.48, 3.78, 3.33, 3.73, 3.43, 3.66, 5.8, 8.64, 3.74, 3.45, 5.93, 3.26, 4.0, 4.24, 4.24, 3.4, 3.74, 8.7, 12.72, 3.35, 3.5, 4.37, 4.51, 3.67, 3.02, 3.49, 8.52, 3.97, 11.95, 13.82, 3.98, 3.39, 3.64, 3.85, 3.37, 10.26, 3.47, 3.2, 3.41, 3.44, 3.84, 3.17, 3.38, 3.89, 3.2, 3.37, 5.65, 3.6, 3.44, 3.3, 3.52, 3.32, 6.1, 3.59, 3.54, 3.4, 3.51, 3.64, 3.81, 3.41, 12.03, 3.52, 3.55, 3.46, 9.87, 3.46, 3.99, 3.76, 3.52, 3.49, 4.14, 3.58, 3.71, 3.48, 7.84, 3.26, 3.69, 3.67, 3.61, 3.33, 3.57, 3.49, 3.66, 3.72, 3.74, 3.34, 3.59, 3.44, 3.81, 3.55, 3.82, 3.39, 3.14, 3.33, 3.62, 3.53, 3.82, 3.55, 3.74, 3.8, 4.47, 5.17, 9.58, 12.13, 11.86, 11.81, 9.71, 13.97, 6.49, 6.32, 3.59, 3.9, 3.77, 12.52, 3.6, 3.99, 3.43, 3.53, 3.73, 3.5, 3.24, 6.58, 3.32, 6.19, 10.71, 13.9, 6.36, 11.92, 13.41, 3.41, 4.22, 3.5, 10.54, 3.52, 6.4, 10.97, 3.89, 4.32, 3.49, 3.82, 3.82, 5.56, 4.08, 5.61, 4.07, 4.17, 6.08, 6.03, 3.86, 9.98, 4.34, 6.69, 3.86, 3.64, 12.44, 3.42, 11.23, 3.38, 3.66, 3.57, 3.73, 8.62, 3.57, 3.54, 7.01, 13.59, 3.88, 3.86, 3.7, 3.57, 5.9, 3.73, 8.03, 12.57, 5.7, 10.16, 8.46, 3.64, 3.56, 3.55, 3.4, 3.52, 3.44, 6.0, 4.41, 11.23, 5.17, 3.8, 6.02, 3.86, 11.23, 8.12, 6.36, 3.57, 7.78, 3.48, 7.36, 3.52, 3.68, 3.38, 3.23, 3.82, 3.79, 3.33, 3.9, 6.14, 13.25, 3.97, 3.58, 3.38, 3.81, 3.57, 13.72, 3.61, 5.54, 3.58, 3.56, 10.99, 14.0, 3.35, 8.95, 11.4, 4.51, 3.77, 4.67, 8.11, 4.11, 13.74, 5.27, 9.96, 3.65, 13.59, 5.51, 3.89, 3.75, 3.36, 5.14, 9.78, 10.16, 3.57, 3.68, 11.53, 5.46, 3.77, 8.59, 4.4, 6.75, 7.71, 3.47, 7.72, 6.75, 4.18, 13.81, 4.26, 3.56, 3.86, 6.36, 3.5, 4.33, 3.77, 4.43, 3.3, 3.54, 11.28, 4.96, 7.52, 4.08, 3.33, 4.09, 13.64, 3.6, 12.44, 4.2, 8.87, 4.68, 3.65, 9.38, 6.07, 4.01, 3.93, 3.85, 3.86, 4.08, 6.57, 10.36, 9.88, 6.97, 5.95, 4.44, 3.45, 3.82, 7.34, 3.35, 3.68, 3.71, 5.74, 12.85, 11.91, 3.72, 10.5, 3.52, 6.78, 3.47, 3.86, 3.62, 4.9, 5.3, 12.47, 3.3, 3.67, 3.52, 6.08, 8.89, 9.99, 3.41, 3.54, 3.66, 4.03, 3.91, 3.5, 10.42, 7.86, 12.25, 3.64, 4.33, 3.55, 3.88, 3.7, 8.72, 4.37, 10.64, 13.57, 12.75, 4.75, 12.76, 4.22, 9.58, 8.68, 3.49, 12.65, 3.61, 8.84, 4.11, 3.35, 5.58, 3.52, 12.55, 3.77, 4.64, 8.43, 10.43, 7.77, 3.87, 8.84, 3.9, 12.02, 11.34, 3.43, 8.05, 3.53, 4.14, 12.84, 3.24, 7.15, 3.84, 11.91, 3.55, 3.56, 6.02, 3.57, 3.35, 3.37, 3.33, 3.38, 3.77, 3.91, 3.97, 4.52, 4.28, 4.82], [3.75, 3.94, 3.9, 10.7, 3.86, 3.8, 3.77, 3.96, 3.68, 9.47, 3.96, 3.97, 4.12, 3.88, 4.0, 11.34, 4.08, 12.12, 12.21, 3.78, 3.98, 4.33, 9.15, 4.14, 3.74, 4.36, 4.25, 3.75, 10.68, 4.22, 8.05, 4.34, 3.72, 3.98, 5.19, 7.75, 3.72, 4.27, 10.71, 4.48, 6.11, 8.69, 3.83, 3.76, 4.18, 4.25, 3.83, 3.85, 4.2, 8.8, 4.24, 10.77, 3.98, 5.13, 9.74, 3.96, 7.91, 3.82, 10.72, 4.73, 4.13, 4.29, 8.84, 4.01, 9.72, 4.11, 4.04, 4.32, 3.84, 3.85, 4.12, 4.07, 3.9, 4.3, 9.67, 5.49, 3.82, 4.18, 10.48, 6.65, 7.09, 3.93, 4.27, 4.08, 10.15, 4.25, 4.17, 4.02, 3.83, 4.33, 9.75, 4.56, 9.79, 4.27, 4.36, 6.5, 7.62, 4.0, 6.04, 6.06, 4.2, 3.92, 3.87, 10.26, 11.32, 3.74, 7.2, 3.99, 6.89, 3.81, 11.84, 10.78, 10.39, 11.13, 11.07, 7.52, 4.0, 8.49, 3.98, 4.14, 4.27, 5.06, 11.1, 4.09, 4.09, 9.69, 3.84, 3.85, 4.0, 4.02, 10.44, 6.92, 11.42, 4.28, 11.9, 11.54, 4.15, 10.93, 11.57, 3.85, 7.85, 12.27, 4.08, 4.01, 3.92, 10.38, 4.08, 10.73, 4.26, 3.88, 10.64, 7.93, 4.17, 4.19, 4.02, 10.39, 3.8, 10.93, 3.9, 11.05, 9.32, 8.52, 4.03, 3.97, 3.9, 12.61, 3.95, 5.18, 4.15, 3.99, 4.0, 4.0, 10.65, 4.01, 3.83, 4.13, 4.01, 10.72, 9.58, 10.94, 8.6, 3.95, 4.66, 4.17, 11.68, 4.08, 4.21, 3.89, 4.22, 5.49, 10.09, 4.5, 3.93, 4.26, 4.06, 12.44, 4.69, 4.92, 9.15, 4.57, 4.41, 10.56, 10.75, 4.23, 4.14, 11.68, 5.71, 3.79, 3.94, 9.99, 4.19, 10.87, 5.25, 3.88, 12.47, 3.86, 11.62, 3.83, 8.42, 4.94, 3.99, 10.74, 4.19, 8.26, 4.09, 5.81, 3.9, 9.35, 3.84, 6.1, 12.17, 4.01, 11.89, 10.56, 9.59, 10.84, 11.08, 4.04, 11.4, 6.8, 3.98, 10.19, 10.49, 7.69, 11.13, 5.99, 11.8, 7.79, 12.75, 4.21, 9.89, 4.19, 3.9, 3.85, 3.89, 3.89, 11.07, 8.87, 8.87, 10.39, 11.15, 5.97, 10.3, 6.1, 10.21, 11.29, 4.0, 5.14, 4.15, 4.23, 4.45, 8.76, 4.15, 7.3, 4.19, 10.18, 4.11, 3.92, 10.88, 4.21, 3.84, 7.59, 3.85, 4.15, 10.56, 4.02, 11.86, 4.16, 4.25, 4.1, 10.47, 9.04, 3.75, 11.02, 10.76, 12.16, 4.1, 3.76, 12.0, 10.21, 7.03, 4.16, 4.18, 11.51, 4.11, 11.95, 12.52, 5.66, 4.01, 9.13, 8.4, 3.96, 4.19, 3.99, 3.69, 3.95, 3.84, 12.37, 4.09, 8.83, 8.67, 4.09, 4.14, 3.82, 3.92, 4.0, 3.85, 9.75, 12.34, 3.99, 10.66, 3.6, 4.7, 5.19, 3.98, 5.35, 4.66, 3.99, 4.0, 4.51, 4.03, 3.95, 3.91, 4.09, 4.07, 5.8, 4.42, 11.2, 9.38, 4.2, 3.85, 4.34, 11.83, 3.83, 3.81, 10.82, 4.03, 9.07, 4.16, 4.36, 4.21, 4.18, 3.83, 4.19, 3.84, 11.09, 12.43, 4.07, 4.28, 4.01, 10.62, 4.33, 3.7, 3.99, 4.02, 10.41, 10.87, 4.04, 3.59, 8.13, 9.57, 4.14, 4.19, 4.17, 11.56, 10.44, 3.94, 8.93, 3.74, 4.2, 4.1, 5.38, 9.91, 3.83, 5.11, 3.72, 4.13, 3.88, 4.5, 4.27, 3.88, 4.16, 7.98, 4.21, 4.42, 10.54, 4.08, 4.11, 5.53, 4.18, 9.63, 10.13, 8.19, 4.0, 4.28, 3.93, 3.8, 12.27, 4.07, 3.96, 9.19, 9.76, 4.15, 4.23, 9.08, 7.9, 10.7, 3.98, 4.15, 4.15, 8.21, 9.98, 9.1, 3.99, 4.23, 11.08, 4.04, 6.25, 4.4, 11.11, 4.44, 3.93, 8.42, 4.13, 3.6, 3.67, 12.41, 6.72, 3.93, 3.76, 3.79, 4.17, 4.22, 4.42, 12.12, 9.75, 4.39, 11.65, 11.0, 4.11, 3.87, 7.57, 3.77, 4.05, 4.06, 10.75, 3.68, 3.8, 8.39, 4.42, 11.84, 4.45, 4.21, 3.92, 4.25, 11.17, 3.85, 3.88, 4.02, 4.43, 3.91, 4.22, 3.78, 10.61, 11.17, 3.88, 4.11, 3.76, 3.59, 3.93, 5.3, 8.51, 5.03, 4.19, 4.15, 4.25, 4.08, 3.87, 3.79, 3.86, 3.79, 3.59, 3.91, 3.86, 4.0, 4.42, 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12.58, 11.6, 12.51, 13.21, 12.0, 12.5, 12.06, 12.55, 11.91, 4.44, 11.07, 10.29, 3.53, 12.18, 12.27, 12.35, 13.19, 12.78, 12.85, 12.74, 12.93, 11.93, 13.01, 12.42, 10.72, 11.76, 3.67, 12.85, 11.81, 12.93, 10.24, 10.44, 12.13, 12.61, 11.45, 10.31, 11.57, 12.44, 12.63, 3.68, 12.85, 12.7, 11.89, 12.31, 10.35, 11.56, 11.46, 11.97, 12.62, 12.84, 10.07, 13.71, 12.2, 8.26, 12.26, 11.84, 3.8, 13.12, 11.89, 12.84, 12.75, 11.91, 10.1, 12.57, 12.29, 11.92, 11.43, 12.8, 13.2, 13.06, 12.15, 12.31, 12.07, 11.99, 4.2, 12.4, 11.12, 12.49, 11.45, 11.93, 12.32, 10.75, 12.4, 12.08, 12.57, 12.52, 11.34, 11.72, 12.03, 3.67, 12.43, 11.08, 12.33, 11.53, 10.67, 11.05, 12.07, 11.33, 12.97, 13.04, 3.62, 13.5, 12.61, 11.86, 11.12, 8.81, 11.13, 11.58, 11.95, 12.48, 12.31, 12.74, 12.98, 11.55, 9.54, 6.39, 12.33, 11.73, 12.36, 3.53, 12.57, 10.89, 12.74, 12.59, 10.82, 11.47, 11.61, 12.3, 12.22, 13.49, 12.39, 12.37, 12.45, 12.27, 12.49, 12.7, 11.9, 12.13, 10.87, 11.58, 12.33, 12.7, 12.5, 11.06, 12.42, 11.62, 12.28, 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5.95, 8.03, 9.95, 12.15, 10.96, 5.68, 5.05, 5.43, 5.4, 6.69, 9.6, 13.15, 5.51, 5.77, 3.7, 5.03, 9.64, 11.2, 10.3, 7.56, 10.65, 12.26, 11.06, 7.04, 10.4, 12.94, 11.99, 5.44, 12.43, 7.33, 6.78, 5.41, 7.23, 4.84, 9.6, 11.39, 5.79, 7.61, 5.01, 13.46, 4.82, 11.93, 9.23, 13.21, 5.69, 8.27, 11.39, 5.25, 4.8, 6.06, 6.72, 3.95, 3.88, 9.94, 6.79, 7.0, 10.66, 4.57, 4.27, 4.92, 10.94, 4.7, 8.86, 4.37, 9.0, 6.63, 10.22, 11.42, 6.34, 8.72, 11.59, 12.03, 3.95, 9.46, 10.5, 9.04, 7.72, 4.45, 6.17, 4.88, 11.5, 8.26, 4.9, 4.81, 4.32, 10.28, 4.57, 9.77, 4.05, 6.11, 11.55, 12.49, 6.1, 11.84, 7.51, 9.91, 8.5, 4.34, 4.28, 4.04, 4.65, 9.58, 4.86, 11.52, 12.43, 10.16, 13.18, 6.81, 5.5, 5.04, 11.31, 4.07, 4.22, 9.41, 5.84, 7.72, 5.82, 8.07, 12.86, 12.43, 12.52, 4.54, 12.52, 10.3, 8.66, 9.2, 9.68, 5.87, 9.59, 9.31, 7.81, 10.03, 4.38, 8.78, 9.9, 6.73, 8.02, 9.02, 9.35, 13.1, 10.5, 5.08, 10.17, 4.17, 8.09, 12.66, 8.63, 10.21, 4.36, 8.51, 7.11, 10.58, 11.08, 8.54, 3.93, 6.04, 5.3, 5.48, 12.92, 6.09, 10.86, 4.38, 11.37, 5.1, 4.66, 5.45, 3.79, 8.08, 7.06, 5.8, 9.88, 10.09, 10.7, 4.92, 7.37, 10.72, 5.4, 5.56, 13.03, 10.18, 11.88, 4.37, 9.02, 13.15, 4.38, 8.58, 10.33, 12.22, 11.99, 9.91, 13.22, 12.74, 12.88, 12.66, 8.83, 9.59, 7.56, 12.53, 4.33, 4.21, 9.41, 8.56, 9.04, 10.18, 6.51, 10.68, 8.72, 7.95, 9.57, 13.4, 5.19, 6.29, 7.48, 9.26, 7.6, 11.86, 6.69, 6.26, 6.25, 11.75, 11.69, 9.11, 6.76, 7.29, 9.97, 8.73, 11.96, 4.44, 8.76, 8.29, 7.18, 13.25, 6.55, 12.92, 8.29, 10.51, 12.71, 4.06, 11.04, 10.74, 4.37, 4.12, 11.58, 7.31, 11.7, 7.8, 8.91, 5.98, 5.64, 9.5, 13.2, 6.04, 3.87, 8.08, 6.9, 6.82, 4.13, 4.3, 6.34, 4.86, 7.25, 6.76, 5.64, 13.08, 13.44, 6.15, 8.45, 12.66, 13.6, 7.11, 4.13, 8.77, 9.4, 5.04, 7.15, 10.34, 5.17, 7.32, 8.12, 4.59, 11.71, 6.77, 9.17, 4.76, 13.23, 8.74, 4.31, 4.88, 4.9, 11.09, 7.92, 8.53, 7.41, 10.82, 11.81, 11.33, 9.5, 12.91, 12.91, 7.46, 10.31, 8.56, 5.65, 10.54, 5.16, 6.71, 7.8, 5.32, 4.38, 3.86, 5.61, 4.88, 10.61, 4.28, 6.26, 8.82, 5.35, 8.0, 12.97, 5.54, 13.02, 4.66, 12.72, 11.84, 5.12, 4.43, 7.24, 4.69, 6.86, 7.97, 12.24, 13.29, 5.71, 9.39, 10.87, 6.69, 7.46, 11.13, 7.93, 12.66, 10.45, 4.27, 5.03, 5.67, 10.54, 6.08, 7.42, 7.81, 4.33, 12.04, 8.07, 4.15, 9.97, 11.97, 5.59, 5.16, 6.01, 9.94, 6.92, 4.28, 3.97, 5.19, 4.37, 4.51, 4.33, 4.23, 13.39, 12.64, 6.76, 10.74, 5.09, 6.02, 12.28, 4.61, 3.87, 4.49, 11.25, 12.8, 6.05, 11.62, 8.63, 4.49, 13.64, 5.71, 6.84, 5.89, 8.36, 11.86, 5.55, 12.77, 8.16, 5.72, 4.53, 6.53, 4.75, 10.41, 4.31, 7.17, 8.71, 6.88, 4.72, 5.26, 11.24, 6.03, 12.51, 12.94, 3.94, 4.62, 7.14, 8.62, 6.66, 4.5, 6.73, 4.98, 8.88, 9.97, 10.49, 12.39, 7.24, 4.29, 7.9, 10.85, 4.86, 12.65, 7.82, 4.54, 11.27, 11.56, 13.18, 8.17, 4.47, 5.46, 4.1, 6.51, 11.96, 12.23, 4.13, 4.07, 6.19, 5.68, 4.27, 8.51, 7.74, 10.9, 11.92, 5.97, 11.0, 10.4, 6.55, 5.56, 12.29, 10.24, 12.63, 4.39, 10.23, 4.7, 8.57, 9.58, 11.7, 8.79, 4.67, 8.41, 4.8, 7.93, 7.27, 4.01, 4.41, 12.59, 5.41, 12.38, 9.87, 10.26, 10.17, 12.74, 13.66, 10.03, 5.09, 12.19, 7.82, 4.56, 11.48, 4.89, 12.77, 5.23, 5.6, 12.82, 10.83, 9.54, 5.61, 7.34, 12.74, 13.16, 13.62, 12.91, 4.09, 13.6, 12.99, 10.93, 5.39, 8.79, 12.69, 9.04, 5.02, 11.66, 4.28, 13.21, 11.02, 12.98, 12.92, 12.62, 11.84, 12.44, 13.76, 13.15, 8.7, 4.59, 7.67, 7.97, 13.11, 8.39, 13.61, 10.21, 10.36, 7.72, 13.57, 12.41, 9.98, 12.71, 12.1, 6.42, 11.41, 4.61, 12.38, 11.34, 13.25, 4.27, 11.98, 12.65, 12.31, 10.56, 5.84, 13.74, 11.91, 9.76, 8.86, 8.69, 4.02, 4.64, 11.04, 4.35, 8.09, 12.45, 6.21, 8.34, 5.56, 11.76, 8.21, 13.33, 13.8, 13.81, 13.45, 10.31, 12.68, 12.93, 13.56, 9.37, 9.54, 4.46, 7.86, 13.77, 13.54, 13.24, 10.13, 4.26, 7.77, 5.34, 5.49, 13.57, 12.97, 13.32, 13.61, 6.19, 13.18, 13.27, 9.97, 12.72, 6.38, 11.2, 13.22, 5.44, 12.36, 7.69, 11.72, 13.89, 12.88, 4.98, 13.04, 13.0, 13.23, 13.02, 7.46, 5.72, 7.36, 13.26, 13.82, 13.36, 13.43, 13.56, 13.56, 10.37, 13.36, 13.8, 12.76, 13.37, 11.8, 7.32, 6.78, 11.65, 13.46, 13.56, 7.91, 6.58, 12.77, 13.69, 7.24, 4.45, 4.13, 5.14, 9.48, 12.41, 9.69, 6.07, 5.08, 9.51, 8.94, 7.39, 5.71, 5.31, 6.13, 7.73, 6.48, 10.39, 5.66, 5.65, 4.81, 6.28, 4.44, 9.62, 4.19, 6.11, 8.18, 6.47, 5.96, 5.54, 8.17, 4.9, 6.52, 4.38, 5.93, 4.8, 6.85, 8.98, 8.5, 4.06, 4.52, 4.16, 4.11, 11.61, 8.66, 10.48, 3.83, 4.09, 10.2, 10.39, 4.0, 11.61, 10.72, 4.74, 6.69, 4.15, 6.33, 10.87, 5.51, 5.27, 13.16, 8.02, 9.25, 5.93, 5.53, 5.94, 8.38, 5.01, 4.32, 4.46, 6.81, 11.07, 11.02, 12.98, 10.18, 9.39, 6.42, 6.52, 12.11, 4.5, 8.93, 7.24, 11.07, 9.62, 4.65, 7.0, 12.06, 7.29, 7.46, 10.85, 7.09, 5.12, 8.11, 8.51, 4.91, 5.51, 13.44, 8.0, 9.91, 6.4, 13.19, 7.59, 6.31, 9.86, 8.84, 10.11, 10.78, 6.02, 4.56, 5.66, 11.0, 5.82, 11.44, 5.39, 7.99, 12.81, 6.31, 6.69, 13.25, 11.85, 6.26, 10.83, 5.8, 6.21, 8.12, 10.7, 8.26, 4.74, 10.83, 10.91, 4.27, 4.72, 4.75, 7.88, 6.76, 11.19, 13.11, 10.71, 6.54, 6.18, 12.02, 4.1, 6.0, 4.9, 9.06, 13.07, 9.84, 6.34, 8.77, 8.76, 4.54, 9.63, 5.43, 11.04, 6.38, 7.58, 4.1, 8.74, 9.7, 4.71, 10.74, 9.33, 13.65, 4.15, 4.64, 11.26, 10.82, 4.49, 10.82, 7.85, 9.86, 10.04, 9.98, 9.23, 11.63, 4.47, 6.66, 5.95, 9.29, 4.66, 4.55, 8.12, 6.62, 12.65, 10.67, 10.55, 7.01, 4.23, 11.9, 7.59, 4.32, 5.17, 8.69, 9.81, 3.98, 13.15, 11.12, 10.61, 4.2, 7.98, 3.91, 4.99, 13.47, 8.11, 6.3, 11.86, 12.66, 11.16, 8.38, 5.31, 8.02, 5.27, 8.21, 6.71, 8.8, 9.42, 5.7, 4.32, 6.33, 3.94, 11.08, 4.57, 11.98, 5.31, 7.33, 12.85, 6.85, 6.44, 8.44, 12.26, 4.58, 5.41, 4.4, 8.77, 9.7, 10.3, 4.7, 5.86, 5.46, 6.39, 6.81, 7.49, 5.22, 4.37, 9.87, 6.15, 9.3, 4.27, 6.96, 8.38, 11.26, 6.9, 7.56, 4.58, 7.08, 4.9, 6.29, 5.42, 8.18, 7.08, 5.35, 4.9, 9.05, 10.18, 4.58, 10.06, 4.03, 4.45, 5.54, 4.02, 6.02, 10.45, 4.31, 4.3, 6.87, 11.79, 8.36, 4.11, 9.96, 4.89, 11.76, 10.33], [6.89, 4.03, 7.97, 12.12, 4.35, 4.53, 4.81, 4.81, 4.1, 9.03, 4.22, 3.95, 4.15, 4.59, 3.98, 8.93, 8.51, 10.32, 10.83, 4.26, 9.02, 4.44, 4.04, 4.13, 11.84, 4.12, 10.76, 4.44, 11.64, 4.08, 4.05, 3.83, 10.21, 4.05, 9.18, 4.19, 4.14, 4.06, 4.13, 9.6, 10.94, 11.6, 10.73, 4.15, 4.14, 3.98, 4.12, 8.37, 4.42, 13.09, 6.49, 7.11, 4.04, 3.98, 4.18, 4.16, 11.29, 6.24, 10.59, 4.18, 9.12, 4.68, 10.92, 4.5, 9.11, 4.24, 3.91, 10.08, 10.98, 8.47, 4.21, 7.17, 4.34, 4.34, 4.28, 5.64, 7.08, 7.59, 4.07, 4.01, 10.51, 10.68, 10.78, 9.15, 9.25, 4.18, 6.01, 4.68, 4.29, 5.27, 10.12, 7.96, 5.61, 7.34, 4.21, 4.9, 11.43, 5.08, 4.33, 4.2, 4.5, 8.74, 8.23, 9.8, 11.53, 5.34, 4.08, 3.89, 9.83, 7.06, 4.86, 11.81, 7.29, 10.78, 4.71, 8.62, 10.04, 8.26, 5.53, 4.32, 10.49, 10.15, 11.8, 10.37, 6.82, 4.06, 6.72, 7.93, 4.04, 6.8, 7.61, 7.12, 9.19, 4.18, 7.28, 4.26, 7.72, 4.51, 4.04, 4.26, 11.86, 4.34, 3.97, 4.23, 4.42, 4.21, 8.03, 4.05, 11.52, 4.08, 9.4, 8.54, 4.17, 11.48, 4.07, 8.47, 4.18, 7.39, 12.11, 11.3, 4.15, 4.16, 6.52, 4.16, 4.26, 4.21, 4.63, 4.89, 10.97, 4.22, 4.27, 4.28, 11.21, 10.02, 4.56, 10.64, 5.12, 4.03, 10.29, 9.12, 5.31, 6.62, 4.18, 3.95, 9.35, 12.81, 5.35, 4.51, 5.86, 4.24, 4.12, 6.7, 4.78, 8.97, 12.26, 9.06, 11.21, 4.0, 12.54, 4.42, 4.16, 11.28, 11.71, 4.12, 4.86, 9.85, 12.12, 10.2, 4.23, 4.09, 4.06, 12.82, 4.78, 4.49, 4.1, 4.27, 11.41, 4.37, 11.9, 4.77, 4.14, 11.43, 3.97, 4.09, 8.92, 4.41, 4.03, 3.98, 4.21, 4.57, 4.07, 4.62, 3.96, 4.13, 3.85, 6.42, 4.18, 4.15, 4.33, 4.07, 11.52, 9.51, 3.97, 3.88, 6.36, 4.39, 10.9, 6.99, 5.32, 4.29, 10.76, 4.36, 8.01, 4.25, 4.27, 8.83, 4.09, 4.56, 11.85, 9.73, 11.59, 6.09, 11.13, 9.41, 8.94, 10.52, 11.0, 4.21, 12.74, 4.08, 4.16, 8.51, 4.23, 7.35, 5.31, 9.55, 4.11, 4.23, 11.45, 4.43, 6.36, 11.51, 7.38, 9.9, 4.19, 6.56, 4.14, 10.07, 4.67, 4.39, 11.08, 11.53, 4.34, 8.64, 5.31, 4.24, 6.81, 4.32, 10.8, 6.98, 12.81, 6.79, 12.21, 8.8, 7.3, 10.97, 12.82, 4.34, 7.5, 4.78, 11.27, 4.37, 4.25, 7.48, 4.18, 5.58, 8.78, 11.16, 4.23, 4.21, 11.63, 3.9, 4.4, 4.05, 4.22, 3.95, 4.16, 11.49, 9.97, 9.52, 4.25, 8.4, 4.7, 3.98, 4.43, 5.15, 4.24, 4.12, 4.23, 4.2, 4.16, 4.08, 13.02, 12.54, 10.48, 7.54, 4.53, 8.19, 4.26, 7.93, 4.27, 4.24, 11.79, 12.04, 7.62, 7.6, 6.39, 9.45, 4.4, 7.64, 10.37, 4.22, 4.1, 13.05, 4.22, 4.08, 11.31, 4.26, 6.31, 10.46, 8.43, 10.99, 4.39, 6.69, 5.2, 11.09, 11.94, 3.95, 4.21, 4.55, 12.39, 4.16, 4.44, 4.21, 11.17, 4.29, 4.27, 4.22, 4.37, 7.54, 4.09, 4.39, 4.3, 4.21, 4.42, 4.14, 4.4, 7.37, 4.15, 4.52, 6.61, 4.13, 4.31, 4.07, 3.99, 4.26, 9.56, 4.31, 9.98, 6.7, 9.05, 7.12, 7.66, 10.79, 12.43, 4.21, 8.29, 4.25, 5.08, 11.72, 9.63, 5.44, 3.97, 11.18, 4.27, 10.77, 4.59, 11.27, 4.23, 4.35, 9.7, 12.33, 10.98, 6.29, 11.4, 4.89, 8.7, 4.15, 4.96, 6.2, 4.05, 4.05, 4.69, 5.73, 9.01, 11.51, 4.18, 3.96, 7.99, 4.22, 4.0, 4.69, 6.76, 4.29, 8.94, 13.02, 9.14, 8.28, 4.06, 11.23, 4.34, 9.54, 10.37, 8.29, 11.53, 10.75, 11.01, 7.91, 11.67, 12.28, 4.32, 9.85, 4.58, 5.75, 11.99, 10.52, 10.86, 10.91, 10.1, 7.81, 9.54, 11.09, 4.36, 11.06, 11.2, 8.47, 4.17, 11.21, 4.64, 11.34, 10.93, 5.14, 5.94, 4.1, 10.84, 5.42, 10.17, 4.01, 4.07, 10.84, 7.67, 12.02, 5.62, 4.36, 12.78, 4.63, 4.06, 9.42, 4.1, 3.65, 9.48, 13.07, 4.25, 3.98, 3.9, 10.59, 12.38, 12.58, 4.54, 7.35, 10.64, 10.48, 9.45, 4.31, 10.23, 9.14, 10.72, 7.38, 8.17, 9.55, 12.44, 4.08, 11.25, 10.4, 13.13, 4.27, 4.54, 8.33, 4.0, 11.76, 12.48, 12.69, 12.42, 10.44, 12.14, 11.12, 10.17, 9.68, 8.75, 9.38, 4.12, 10.87, 9.28, 8.28, 4.16, 5.8, 7.79, 10.61, 4.33, 8.98, 12.51, 4.14, 4.19, 5.45, 6.08, 4.59, 4.44, 4.56, 4.09, 11.64, 10.66, 4.55, 8.52, 4.28, 8.21, 11.51, 5.76, 5.42, 8.49, 7.0, 10.88, 11.29, 10.9, 4.28, 3.99, 12.79, 4.03, 12.63, 4.26, 6.8, 9.72, 4.47, 10.98, 5.93, 4.97, 4.15, 4.0, 4.33, 9.59, 4.21, 4.5, 8.3, 10.06, 4.23, 4.12, 7.69, 9.04, 10.12, 10.3, 11.27, 4.16, 8.86, 6.86, 4.13, 4.11, 8.04, 3.88, 4.36, 4.31, 10.73, 6.87, 4.34, 8.37, 4.22, 4.41, 4.41, 4.54, 4.39, 7.57, 4.3, 9.26, 4.45, 4.09, 4.17, 4.09, 4.17, 4.5, 11.76, 4.01, 4.23, 4.07, 4.32, 4.47, 4.5, 4.47, 11.09, 11.9, 9.69, 11.01, 4.48, 4.1, 7.25, 10.58, 10.24, 11.74, 4.32, 4.17, 7.95, 4.49, 9.57, 11.89, 4.16, 8.76, 4.45, 12.35, 4.26, 4.24, 11.55, 4.04, 4.57, 11.14, 10.74, 4.6, 4.34, 10.63, 11.69, 9.05, 5.56, 3.97, 10.78, 4.03, 4.12, 4.33, 4.79, 12.25, 12.5, 11.28, 8.07, 4.15, 5.95, 4.06, 4.4, 9.73, 4.36, 4.67, 4.39, 4.37, 4.38, 12.72, 3.85, 6.98, 4.18, 4.1, 4.29, 4.16, 6.61, 4.98, 4.16, 4.18, 4.26, 4.24, 4.2, 4.03, 4.28, 4.23, 4.12, 3.95, 12.6, 10.71, 3.97, 4.3, 11.81, 3.87, 4.3, 3.91, 4.12, 4.83, 4.12, 3.77, 4.25, 5.0, 11.46, 4.25, 8.81, 4.03, 4.21, 4.35, 4.4, 4.42, 10.75, 4.22, 4.06, 4.26, 4.13, 4.24, 4.36, 4.04, 10.76, 12.08, 4.25, 4.44, 5.89, 4.09, 11.67, 4.37, 11.6, 4.5, 5.39, 4.21, 5.68, 11.87, 11.55, 7.35, 7.65, 5.45, 11.05, 9.01, 4.06, 4.76, 4.15, 10.7, 4.13, 8.74, 4.21, 4.15, 4.31, 8.0, 5.84, 10.6, 4.29, 11.57, 9.35, 10.26, 6.27, 7.66, 4.85, 6.94, 9.02, 7.03, 12.17, 4.77, 4.37, 4.18, 5.29, 4.14, 4.71, 5.48, 3.99, 9.81, 4.32, 11.28, 5.47, 4.73, 11.61, 10.72, 6.02, 6.49, 10.13, 10.49, 3.92, 5.39, 4.42, 6.85, 4.06, 6.32, 3.97, 3.96, 7.98, 6.94, 11.46, 5.9, 11.31, 6.69, 4.1, 4.28, 4.56, 4.51, 6.72, 6.92, 10.72, 9.0, 10.55, 4.06, 12.11, 4.18, 3.89, 12.2, 4.31, 11.11, 4.05, 8.44, 10.41, 4.35, 11.09, 11.12, 10.73, 4.19, 10.47, 7.4, 12.46, 4.28, 6.6, 11.03, 11.39, 4.96, 3.86, 11.31, 11.84, 4.05, 7.94, 12.57, 9.34, 4.2, 6.83, 5.19, 10.26, 6.69, 3.97, 5.63, 3.88, 3.97, 5.13, 4.17, 4.07, 8.87, 8.36, 4.05, 4.16, 11.14, 6.77, 11.18, 9.39, 4.41, 11.42, 11.03, 6.8, 4.12, 9.85, 7.61, 5.75, 4.2, 3.96, 4.31, 11.4, 9.79, 11.18, 4.08, 7.74, 4.66, 10.31, 4.15, 11.75, 12.07, 9.16, 4.1, 4.68, 9.32, 5.16, 8.84, 8.58, 11.69, 4.04, 12.75, 5.52, 4.01, 8.7, 10.36, 3.91, 4.01, 7.11, 10.56, 12.37, 7.25, 4.11, 10.59, 3.99, 4.39, 5.9, 11.6, 5.34, 4.21, 4.25, 4.12, 9.09, 4.3, 4.31, 5.64, 4.06, 8.84, 3.82, 7.89, 11.32, 4.09, 10.7, 10.13, 9.74, 4.61, 4.1, 4.13, 4.14, 11.57, 11.77, 3.85, 4.54, 4.0, 5.06, 4.18, 4.17, 3.91, 5.04, 10.84, 4.19, 12.85, 9.61, 4.0, 4.05, 3.97, 4.26, 10.42, 3.87, 11.85, 4.06, 5.11, 12.49, 5.57, 4.23, 4.34, 8.44, 3.95, 12.7, 4.04, 10.45, 4.01, 6.49, 10.95, 4.17, 10.26, 4.07, 9.46, 9.19, 12.41, 4.34, 5.59, 10.25, 12.76, 12.4, 9.5, 10.73, 4.26, 4.17, 11.27, 7.47, 9.1, 10.74, 4.22, 11.86, 12.02, 11.49, 4.53, 11.4, 4.24, 6.75, 4.53, 7.69, 9.91, 5.46, 7.15, 11.83, 9.45, 4.15, 10.31, 4.17, 9.54, 4.3, 4.31, 4.75, 12.23, 4.96, 11.19, 9.46, 10.32, 11.07, 4.98, 4.55, 5.41, 4.97, 10.02], [6.61, 3.47, 5.56, 3.38, 3.37, 3.35, 3.6, 3.3, 3.37, 3.47, 3.76, 7.59, 8.22, 3.94, 8.85, 3.55, 3.43, 7.14, 6.21, 6.99, 12.59, 7.47, 3.55, 4.63, 12.09, 3.34, 6.3, 8.73, 3.37, 3.31, 3.6, 3.5, 3.25, 6.65, 3.49, 3.49, 3.31, 9.91, 11.13, 3.72, 8.29, 4.1, 3.58, 6.65, 3.24, 6.83, 3.32, 5.16, 3.41, 9.17, 3.88, 3.48, 9.67, 9.52, 3.58, 3.36, 3.19, 3.49, 10.24, 7.28, 6.12, 3.75, 3.29, 10.51, 3.29, 8.46, 3.69, 4.44, 11.96, 3.4, 3.36, 5.39, 3.71, 3.23, 3.57, 3.32, 3.51, 7.16, 3.33, 3.15, 8.83, 13.3, 3.27, 3.26, 3.95, 3.16, 6.28, 3.58, 9.42, 3.34, 3.89, 6.22, 7.67, 11.38, 8.12, 3.57, 7.46, 8.15, 7.63, 3.4, 8.46, 4.6, 9.38, 3.26, 9.22, 5.65, 3.37, 3.48, 3.14, 3.55, 3.55, 6.1, 3.45, 3.27, 3.71, 3.71, 8.97, 3.14, 4.08, 11.1, 3.66, 3.51, 6.54, 3.27, 5.96, 3.93, 5.1, 6.23, 12.09, 8.11, 8.13, 3.25, 5.31, 3.22, 12.73, 3.26, 7.37, 3.3, 3.32, 10.92, 12.33, 12.42, 3.29, 5.59, 8.65, 3.39, 8.62, 3.26, 3.39, 3.45, 3.26, 3.46, 3.33, 3.58, 6.1, 3.36, 3.62, 9.68, 12.14, 3.5, 4.37, 5.03, 3.3, 3.18, 8.98, 3.38, 3.22, 3.25, 3.34, 11.23, 3.04, 11.26, 3.22, 10.46, 3.32, 11.08, 10.73, 5.36, 4.6, 3.48, 5.89, 3.67, 8.48, 3.45, 3.32, 3.29, 9.91, 3.5, 7.04, 3.14, 3.35, 3.27, 3.48, 5.56, 3.24, 3.46, 10.99, 3.42, 3.44, 3.56, 11.26, 3.46, 3.34, 3.8, 3.33, 3.27, 4.13, 12.05, 3.38, 3.39, 3.29, 3.21, 3.39, 3.75, 6.59, 10.36, 10.91, 9.09, 3.21, 4.84, 3.61, 6.23, 3.29, 3.42, 3.4, 9.04, 3.16, 3.92, 7.96, 3.39, 3.41, 12.93, 3.57, 3.4, 3.25, 3.34, 10.11, 3.42, 5.09, 3.46, 12.25, 3.27, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.11, 3.24, 7.41, 3.29, 3.34, 3.41, 3.07, 3.5, 3.48, 3.2, 3.3, 3.46, 3.64, 3.28, 5.56, 5.16, 3.54, 3.36, 3.31, 3.39, 3.35, 12.41, 3.28, 12.36, 8.96, 3.46, 3.48, 3.64, 3.84, 3.23, 3.54, 7.83, 3.23, 6.79, 11.98, 3.52, 9.2, 3.31, 3.44, 3.93, 3.68, 3.35, 5.84, 11.75, 3.45, 3.36, 3.6, 3.15, 3.13, 3.52, 5.38, 12.14, 3.74, 5.94, 5.75, 7.57, 3.26, 13.08, 5.84, 3.73, 3.32, 6.24, 3.25, 12.05, 3.57, 4.3, 3.5, 5.28, 11.95, 3.55, 10.3, 8.75, 4.31, 3.84, 3.36, 10.42, 3.74, 3.51, 3.58, 3.48, 8.09, 3.58, 3.54, 5.49, 7.04, 9.52, 11.32, 3.41, 4.19, 3.5, 3.93, 3.7, 3.4, 3.29, 3.42, 3.26, 3.52, 4.26, 11.36, 12.79, 3.32, 3.65, 12.73, 3.46, 3.54, 3.6, 3.5, 3.56, 3.16, 9.03, 8.57, 3.39, 6.09, 3.54, 3.73, 12.26, 3.19, 3.42, 4.52, 3.39, 3.47, 3.73, 3.49, 3.6, 9.3, 3.54, 3.29, 3.42, 5.76, 3.84, 3.57, 6.19, 3.36, 3.49, 3.5, 3.39, 3.57, 3.4, 12.47, 3.36, 3.24, 3.48, 3.33, 3.59, 9.82, 3.33, 3.82, 3.77, 3.16, 3.52, 3.57, 3.3, 7.84, 3.53, 3.16, 9.32, 3.16, 3.57, 6.56, 3.78, 4.03, 3.3, 3.38, 3.82, 3.64, 3.31, 3.59, 6.84, 11.73, 9.84, 3.6, 3.33, 3.26, 9.74, 10.27, 3.39, 3.44, 3.27, 13.09, 4.06, 4.31, 6.01, 12.08, 8.0, 3.46, 10.66, 3.33, 3.22, 4.99, 9.23, 3.31, 6.57, 10.96, 6.05, 9.08, 3.45, 3.35, 3.39, 3.55, 3.25, 12.57, 3.45, 3.34, 6.47, 3.7, 8.12, 3.62, 3.61, 3.39, 3.51, 3.65, 3.35, 4.34, 3.4, 10.63, 3.48, 7.1, 3.27, 5.92, 3.31, 3.55, 9.24, 3.98, 10.32, 3.44, 3.5, 3.04, 3.28, 9.4, 12.35, 3.41, 10.66, 11.48, 12.92, 3.54, 3.28, 3.52, 3.3, 3.31, 3.74, 3.71, 12.31, 12.57, 3.29, 3.59, 3.94, 3.34, 6.88, 3.47, 4.71, 3.44, 11.05, 3.34, 3.58, 8.55, 5.16, 12.58, 9.79, 3.77, 12.43, 3.55, 3.51, 3.37, 3.4, 10.93, 3.41, 3.34, 3.36, 3.27, 3.47, 3.75, 12.55, 8.82, 3.46, 9.87, 3.75, 11.31, 3.77, 7.46, 10.08, 3.47, 3.48, 4.61, 3.69, 9.9, 8.24, 3.16, 12.51, 9.23, 12.9, 3.82, 3.45, 12.76, 4.08, 12.26, 12.65, 12.41, 11.67, 3.64, 4.46, 3.44, 3.65, 11.93, 7.5, 11.1, 3.28, 12.66, 5.55, 3.27, 3.82, 6.91, 13.02, 3.46, 3.82, 3.45, 3.32, 3.43, 3.89, 12.4, 3.42, 3.32, 3.37, 3.22, 3.26, 11.0, 12.43, 3.25, 3.68, 10.2, 3.58, 4.09, 3.32, 3.33, 3.4, 11.74, 11.77, 3.34, 3.31, 3.79, 4.44, 3.44, 9.9, 12.07, 3.32, 3.29, 12.12, 5.09, 12.68, 4.2, 7.96, 3.29, 3.45, 3.33, 3.35, 3.73, 3.33, 3.16, 8.7, 4.91, 3.22, 3.4, 3.77, 11.44, 3.77, 11.03, 5.85, 3.69, 3.52, 3.25, 3.16, 6.14, 3.34, 3.29, 3.61, 3.42, 3.77, 3.39, 3.75, 3.44, 3.18, 3.44, 3.25, 3.43, 3.43, 3.64, 9.54, 3.48, 3.79, 3.42, 4.74, 3.47, 3.65, 3.57, 3.42, 3.2, 3.16, 5.02, 3.19, 3.72, 3.96, 4.52, 3.57, 5.5, 5.48, 3.49, 3.48, 3.49, 3.36, 3.49, 12.18, 3.58, 3.44, 3.12, 3.54, 3.62, 11.52, 3.42, 3.32, 3.36, 7.51, 3.23, 7.94, 8.35, 3.33, 3.19, 7.61, 10.9, 3.45, 3.37, 8.62, 11.52, 3.58, 3.2, 3.37, 3.82, 6.04, 6.73, 3.31, 12.85, 12.45, 11.51, 3.47, 3.33, 3.37, 3.35, 3.42, 3.27, 11.79, 3.27, 4.21, 3.48, 3.89, 3.46, 3.23, 3.24, 3.36, 3.48, 3.53, 3.86, 3.38, 4.62, 3.25, 3.4, 3.48, 3.55, 3.56, 3.4, 3.38, 3.38, 3.17, 3.33, 3.54, 12.79, 3.42, 3.45, 4.03, 4.43, 3.28, 3.46, 3.57, 3.31, 9.16, 3.59, 3.37, 3.59, 3.47, 4.13, 3.42, 4.13, 3.5, 3.39, 3.7, 3.27, 3.39, 3.36, 3.23, 3.66, 3.38, 3.51, 3.36, 3.36, 3.61, 12.27, 11.44, 3.47, 3.52, 3.43, 3.35, 4.64, 3.39, 3.28, 3.34, 3.55, 4.19, 9.36, 3.56, 4.31, 3.42, 10.52, 3.32, 11.2, 3.12, 6.26, 10.9, 9.36, 12.17, 3.35, 3.23, 3.42, 3.44, 3.43, 9.71, 6.14, 4.09, 3.22, 3.24, 3.71, 9.31, 3.33, 5.22, 10.37, 10.76, 10.01, 3.27, 13.42, 3.32, 3.3, 12.0, 10.71, 3.45, 3.4, 3.51, 3.51, 9.12, 3.57, 3.47, 3.2, 3.47, 4.42, 8.17, 3.63, 12.03, 4.28, 11.52, 3.49, 3.36, 9.53, 3.33, 3.21, 3.47, 3.31, 3.44, 3.94, 3.78, 3.76, 3.74, 3.54, 3.23, 3.34, 3.27, 3.51, 3.52, 3.53, 6.99, 3.29, 3.32, 13.25, 3.52, 10.4, 3.33, 3.48, 9.68, 3.38, 6.9, 3.31, 3.37, 3.3, 4.93, 3.76, 3.32, 11.48, 3.35, 3.51, 3.45, 9.51, 3.52, 4.37, 3.77, 3.49, 3.44, 4.1, 3.65, 3.19, 3.22, 3.23, 6.79, 5.26, 3.82, 4.23, 3.29, 5.55, 8.35, 3.07, 3.27, 3.39, 3.28, 3.26, 3.45, 3.18, 6.27, 8.45, 3.24, 3.19, 11.97, 3.14, 3.67, 3.37, 9.42, 3.57, 3.4, 12.99, 9.96, 3.31, 5.16, 3.68, 3.53, 3.11, 3.6, 3.34, 10.56, 3.88, 3.78, 3.76, 3.32, 8.52, 3.3, 10.13, 7.23, 10.34, 5.48, 3.52, 4.47, 4.03, 3.49, 3.07, 10.98, 5.98, 5.8, 3.43, 9.83, 3.34, 3.44, 3.59, 3.46, 3.19, 3.4, 3.89, 3.08, 3.29, 5.45, 3.4, 3.39, 3.33, 3.43, 3.25, 5.59, 3.32, 3.3, 3.28, 6.42, 4.08, 11.18, 3.5, 3.22, 3.29, 11.77, 3.76, 3.43, 8.87, 10.53, 4.81, 3.95, 10.43, 3.53, 5.9, 3.48, 4.48, 3.25, 10.09, 3.47, 3.45, 3.35, 3.27, 3.2, 3.26, 9.3, 3.26, 3.16, 3.68, 11.93, 9.91, 3.42, 3.55, 12.37, 4.03, 3.68, 8.31, 3.46, 3.29, 3.52, 3.32, 3.76, 3.46, 3.42, 11.99, 3.52, 12.01, 3.4, 11.32, 3.16, 3.62, 12.36, 3.39, 7.42, 3.44, 3.34, 3.79, 3.26, 3.66, 4.18, 11.74, 12.7, 12.42, 3.48, 6.91, 3.23, 3.64, 3.48, 11.57, 6.38, 8.41, 3.57, 3.31, 3.3, 6.73, 8.55, 7.65, 11.7, 9.85, 10.28, 3.46, 11.68, 3.33, 3.7, 3.26, 3.26, 3.29, 10.73, 3.56, 3.43, 3.83, 3.2, 3.16, 11.74, 3.61, 3.41, 3.55, 11.94, 4.07, 8.26, 9.72, 3.76], [11.1, 11.86, 10.89, 11.54, 5.45, 4.5, 4.06, 4.88, 11.81, 13.21, 5.25, 9.55, 5.06, 4.8, 11.16, 12.43, 11.16, 13.53, 11.39, 5.8, 11.46, 11.81, 4.39, 4.82, 12.5, 9.07, 12.1, 10.06, 11.79, 4.82, 12.73, 6.94, 11.68, 5.03, 11.86, 4.74, 12.92, 9.37, 13.08, 11.32, 12.07, 11.85, 12.33, 4.15, 9.58, 10.39, 4.19, 11.46, 4.97, 12.14, 11.05, 11.83, 11.41, 10.96, 11.47, 11.69, 12.55, 4.72, 12.25, 11.08, 12.29, 12.37, 12.14, 6.78, 12.23, 10.4, 7.24, 11.88, 10.46, 4.29, 12.18, 11.23, 11.65, 10.82, 9.89, 10.99, 12.26, 11.8, 12.32, 6.86, 11.07, 12.06, 12.25, 11.62, 11.74, 5.11, 7.16, 8.01, 10.1, 4.21, 12.34, 10.75, 11.81, 11.61, 10.88, 11.2, 12.56, 9.07, 5.83, 12.06, 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9.99, 4.86, 5.0, 8.84, 12.13, 12.4, 12.02, 11.25, 11.57, 12.36, 10.8, 11.98, 11.31, 8.98, 11.85, 11.3, 8.2, 12.12, 12.46, 11.41, 12.03, 12.18, 13.26, 11.96, 12.3, 13.06, 5.78, 4.83, 11.43, 11.51, 11.73, 10.43, 12.43, 5.58, 12.21, 7.16, 6.5, 5.71, 8.75, 7.33, 10.77, 12.36, 11.95, 12.67, 12.82, 10.43, 11.42, 4.3, 4.42, 4.2, 7.06, 10.99, 10.93, 10.44, 4.6, 13.1, 10.45, 11.38, 10.24, 11.97, 5.38, 11.87, 12.74, 11.81, 11.43, 12.6, 11.19, 11.84, 12.3, 9.93, 12.08, 6.46, 12.81, 12.53, 12.52, 12.01, 12.12, 12.68, 12.63, 12.26, 4.19, 12.3, 12.12, 10.47, 4.56, 12.58, 6.38, 12.55, 12.48, 8.31, 7.57, 4.37, 7.83, 8.54, 12.37, 4.95, 5.55, 11.71, 11.69, 12.55, 12.08, 4.95, 12.9, 4.82, 10.65, 10.84, 5.8, 4.55, 12.72, 12.92, 6.96, 4.74, 10.41, 12.75, 12.73, 11.02, 11.81, 11.32, 12.66, 12.59, 11.7, 5.66, 12.23, 12.54, 12.64, 6.28, 12.24, 11.83, 12.76, 6.98, 13.0, 13.12, 12.94, 4.72, 4.75, 11.37, 11.72, 13.01, 12.89, 12.74, 12.93, 10.87, 12.34, 12.27, 12.32, 10.86, 12.18, 11.41, 6.52, 11.54, 12.01, 11.28, 7.19, 12.79, 5.24, 11.25, 4.65, 4.82, 11.67, 9.64, 5.06, 5.15, 11.58, 7.75, 4.8, 12.41, 12.22, 12.61, 9.96, 4.51, 12.04, 12.03, 10.83, 12.99, 13.16, 10.89, 11.76, 13.02, 12.52, 12.47, 11.54, 4.45, 6.13, 4.8, 4.31, 12.89, 4.7, 11.2, 12.6, 7.24, 12.92, 10.85, 12.15, 9.01, 5.15, 4.54, 4.35, 7.15, 4.7, 12.09, 12.42, 4.45, 5.08, 9.05, 8.83, 12.57, 12.62, 12.34, 12.33, 11.84, 11.45, 7.47, 8.0, 12.47, 4.7, 4.48, 5.52, 10.67, 12.42, 4.36, 4.36, 4.7, 4.65, 8.44, 4.24, 6.37, 11.52, 12.48, 11.75, 4.43, 11.24, 4.35, 9.39, 4.49, 4.84, 12.58, 5.12, 5.93, 4.07, 4.19, 4.96, 5.68, 4.1, 11.05, 11.44, 11.65, 12.33, 4.55, 10.23, 4.52, 12.43, 11.54, 12.49, 4.68, 4.7, 4.46, 4.26, 11.61, 11.49, 4.8, 4.23, 4.33, 12.02, 4.36, 4.69, 12.48, 4.12, 7.23, 12.1, 12.29, 4.49, 7.91, 11.98, 12.49, 12.17, 4.69, 4.44, 12.37, 11.67, 5.93, 5.97, 11.72, 12.85, 12.22, 11.19, 11.99, 3.98, 5.56, 4.57, 4.69, 12.88, 4.67, 4.77, 8.76, 12.06, 5.42, 12.96, 5.12, 4.32, 4.11, 4.21, 11.74, 10.61, 10.06, 8.94, 10.26, 9.57, 10.98, 4.63, 4.22, 6.23, 4.36, 5.17, 4.69, 4.59, 12.64, 10.03, 4.64, 4.24, 12.57, 11.71, 4.21, 4.28, 5.91, 12.53, 4.32, 4.58, 5.01, 4.55, 12.2, 4.66, 12.24, 5.54, 7.5, 4.54, 4.08, 6.35, 4.74, 4.13, 7.11, 3.96, 4.53, 4.19, 9.67, 10.43, 11.25, 11.98, 5.28, 4.57, 10.74, 8.93, 12.19, 4.43, 10.7, 11.61, 11.26, 11.38, 11.11, 12.2, 12.42, 11.59, 11.12, 11.52, 11.28, 11.59, 10.06, 5.45, 10.65, 12.39, 10.39, 12.01, 11.63, 4.44, 4.6, 10.23, 7.43, 11.59, 4.33, 11.92, 9.42, 12.14, 10.85, 11.43, 11.07, 9.16, 10.35, 4.45, 12.28, 4.7, 11.22, 12.1, 9.47, 4.07, 5.51, 6.62, 4.51, 11.2, 9.81, 11.84, 5.55, 5.09, 11.34, 11.98, 3.86, 11.13, 11.92, 11.38, 9.86, 11.98, 11.73, 9.64, 11.86, 10.55, 4.98, 9.21, 12.67, 10.9, 10.7, 9.61, 11.39, 11.24, 10.96, 12.16, 11.84, 8.31, 12.55, 11.92, 11.8, 12.23, 10.8, 7.88, 12.77, 8.86, 10.99, 11.22, 4.52, 12.5, 13.02, 12.53, 11.75, 4.87, 11.69, 12.26, 12.5, 9.73, 12.46, 11.78, 12.66, 12.0, 11.71, 12.51, 12.59, 11.53, 5.29, 11.89, 10.66, 11.5, 11.49, 12.13, 11.57, 11.08, 12.37, 9.1, 11.42, 7.77, 9.82, 10.77, 11.81, 4.71, 12.4, 4.52, 4.92, 12.69, 11.08, 12.52, 11.47, 12.03, 12.94, 11.63, 12.27, 10.07, 12.41, 12.82, 4.87, 11.79, 10.52, 12.52, 12.13, 12.36, 4.2, 12.99, 12.58, 12.36, 11.25, 4.77, 11.54, 11.21, 11.0, 4.19, 11.03, 12.95, 12.03, 12.42, 6.56, 12.2, 10.43, 12.58, 11.99, 12.23, 4.04, 12.83, 12.56, 4.32, 11.95, 11.6, 4.26, 3.97, 12.29, 11.5, 11.73, 12.18, 6.39, 12.09, 12.34, 11.19, 12.19, 12.1, 12.66, 11.37, 12.49, 10.96, 11.99, 11.27, 8.11, 11.76, 11.96, 12.57, 11.09, 11.62, 11.08, 11.08, 12.13, 10.7, 10.6, 10.84, 11.89, 13.09, 7.28, 3.91, 12.61, 10.92, 12.01, 11.78, 7.45, 11.79, 4.36, 12.21, 12.57, 12.51, 4.56, 12.83, 12.09, 11.8, 5.06, 4.58, 9.55, 12.36, 11.72, 12.53, 11.64, 5.41, 11.93, 9.59, 4.59, 4.54, 12.67, 11.24, 10.79, 4.28, 12.47, 10.56, 10.9, 12.17, 10.5, 11.89, 10.05, 10.64, 11.36, 12.59, 11.63, 12.19, 12.26, 11.0, 10.94, 12.34, 10.64, 11.86, 3.9, 10.79, 10.55, 12.37, 11.75, 4.38, 12.52, 10.98, 11.75, 12.13, 10.68, 9.57, 12.26, 11.5, 11.91, 11.56, 12.16, 12.09, 11.97, 11.26, 10.66, 12.11, 10.94, 8.35, 10.69, 9.53, 11.95, 12.13, 12.06, 11.18, 11.03, 11.91, 10.86, 12.42, 3.95, 12.15, 12.76, 11.18], [4.12, 4.01, 3.91, 7.74, 3.81, 3.95, 3.75, 3.77, 3.95, 4.35, 4.07, 5.28, 4.15, 3.88, 13.08, 9.53, 5.13, 4.18, 3.8, 4.44, 3.92, 4.09, 3.96, 3.87, 4.19, 13.54, 14.01, 6.52, 4.54, 4.2, 6.95, 4.22, 12.9, 3.95, 3.9, 3.98, 3.76, 8.93, 3.88, 4.39, 4.13, 3.83, 4.0, 3.57, 3.83, 8.79, 4.26, 5.32, 4.66, 3.85, 4.12, 4.01, 13.64, 4.13, 4.62, 4.04, 5.08, 11.61, 7.75, 9.52, 4.0, 4.08, 6.83, 4.08, 4.04, 4.13, 4.42, 7.42, 5.34, 12.31, 4.23, 3.71, 3.9, 4.01, 4.06, 4.24, 12.43, 6.8, 3.83, 4.06, 4.08, 4.01, 10.96, 5.33, 5.58, 4.01, 3.97, 4.08, 10.69, 3.78, 7.46, 4.17, 4.06, 3.94, 4.01, 10.29, 6.45, 7.74, 4.1, 4.12, 3.97, 3.95, 4.18, 4.06, 7.07, 5.36, 8.05, 3.84, 5.84, 7.88, 3.86, 4.09, 4.21, 4.08, 4.13, 4.3, 3.96, 3.78, 3.87, 4.13, 4.17, 7.82, 3.87, 5.15, 12.41, 4.18, 3.84, 11.29, 8.41, 12.85, 9.8, 4.08, 3.91, 3.98, 3.91, 3.97, 10.45, 3.85, 4.04, 3.95, 3.97, 4.13, 7.01, 9.62, 3.99, 3.99, 4.33, 3.97, 7.38, 3.8, 3.99, 5.96, 3.99, 4.45, 4.0, 4.29, 5.37, 3.91, 4.04, 4.2, 3.94, 4.2, 4.07, 3.9, 4.21, 5.15, 4.07, 6.16, 3.99, 4.12, 12.38, 3.99, 5.15, 5.48, 11.88, 3.82, 4.05, 4.3, 8.32, 3.84, 3.97, 6.73, 3.9, 4.02, 3.86, 3.88, 4.16, 12.47, 4.26, 4.1, 4.14, 4.24, 4.19, 3.9, 4.0, 4.06, 9.72, 4.41, 3.98, 4.19, 3.9, 10.17, 5.37, 3.81, 3.84, 4.39, 3.85, 7.09, 4.02, 4.1, 3.94, 6.22, 3.87, 4.12, 4.17, 4.15, 6.88, 7.51, 4.47, 3.92, 13.1, 4.42, 7.36, 4.16, 7.72, 3.83, 8.94, 4.19, 4.18, 3.77, 4.01, 4.08, 3.92, 3.91, 5.05, 4.42, 7.51, 13.47, 8.84, 3.9, 4.38, 4.18, 3.88, 3.86, 6.41, 4.85, 4.0, 3.76, 3.85, 12.84, 3.95, 13.22, 4.31, 4.42, 3.9, 4.4, 4.01, 5.37, 4.53, 3.97, 9.66, 4.7, 4.28, 3.99, 3.77, 5.43, 4.01, 5.17, 3.67, 3.96, 11.9, 4.35, 4.0, 4.43, 4.1, 3.79, 7.33, 3.96, 10.92, 4.18, 5.37, 5.62, 4.18, 4.26, 4.08, 3.67, 5.01, 3.66, 4.83, 13.86, 5.7, 4.02, 3.83, 4.71, 4.2, 3.95, 3.8, 3.95, 4.39, 7.6, 9.51, 7.67, 4.54, 5.89, 12.63, 4.03, 10.61, 3.94, 4.06, 4.03, 3.96, 13.27, 4.12, 3.96, 12.94, 4.11, 4.44, 5.84, 13.22, 5.42, 5.59, 13.48, 11.84, 13.16, 13.96, 4.01, 4.15, 5.67, 3.85, 3.86, 10.0, 8.58, 4.24, 4.11, 4.09, 7.97, 4.31, 12.34, 13.32, 7.79, 11.35, 9.03, 4.04, 4.29, 3.83, 3.95, 8.09, 6.62, 4.03, 8.58, 11.57, 11.13, 4.12, 7.06, 4.08, 4.27, 4.12, 4.16, 12.1, 4.15, 4.0, 4.19, 5.03, 7.34, 4.7, 3.96, 4.24, 5.9, 4.24, 4.26, 8.01, 3.83, 3.89, 9.48, 4.13, 4.64, 4.02, 11.35, 8.92, 12.71, 8.12, 13.06, 5.75, 4.02, 4.05, 4.01, 11.38, 4.06, 4.3, 4.15, 10.49, 3.88, 4.01, 4.27, 11.95, 11.55, 4.22, 4.02, 13.58, 4.34, 11.92, 4.11, 3.99, 3.92, 3.88, 4.05, 4.0, 4.0, 4.25, 6.56, 4.52, 4.24, 3.83, 4.18, 12.06, 9.72, 4.3, 4.17, 4.22, 3.98, 7.7, 3.84, 3.86, 4.19, 8.54, 4.26, 10.26, 4.41, 13.9, 12.77, 4.69, 4.51, 6.99, 4.2, 4.5, 3.91, 4.37, 4.26, 4.05, 4.17, 4.08, 4.35, 4.45, 9.88, 13.49, 4.11, 5.92, 4.21, 4.14, 13.12, 3.91, 4.24, 4.68, 13.08, 3.76, 4.08, 4.44, 4.03, 4.0, 3.98, 4.17, 4.72, 13.24, 4.52, 3.92, 4.27, 4.05, 4.15, 4.24, 3.96, 6.33, 3.94, 3.79, 4.53, 4.29, 4.17, 3.79, 5.51, 4.08, 4.04, 3.95, 4.21, 5.51, 10.45, 4.46, 3.93, 4.2, 8.5, 4.63, 4.69, 4.15, 3.87, 4.52, 3.79, 3.93, 3.73, 3.94, 4.09, 8.65, 13.22, 11.08, 4.21, 10.9, 12.77, 4.18, 4.08, 8.94, 4.22, 12.37, 3.95, 7.07, 4.23, 4.47, 4.35, 4.1, 7.23, 4.31, 3.81, 4.08, 4.08, 3.96, 3.94, 4.41, 4.09, 6.67, 3.99, 8.93, 3.93, 4.17, 3.83, 4.29, 3.97, 4.04, 4.0, 3.82, 11.71, 11.77, 9.39, 5.06, 4.24, 3.85, 3.64, 3.95, 10.66, 4.22, 3.99, 4.16, 3.77, 3.94, 3.89, 4.56, 3.8, 4.39, 4.1, 3.93, 3.96, 3.84, 4.19, 4.17, 12.6, 4.11, 4.32, 3.82, 4.06, 4.25, 11.94, 13.02, 4.02, 3.85, 3.82, 3.9, 3.88, 10.28, 4.25, 4.05, 4.07, 13.24, 3.83, 6.5, 4.03, 3.93, 7.12, 4.22, 4.26, 4.11, 3.87, 3.85, 3.99, 14.1, 3.87, 3.92, 3.94, 4.77, 4.08, 7.33, 11.17, 4.03, 4.0, 4.01, 6.05, 4.21, 4.1, 4.37, 3.72, 13.5, 13.49, 3.97, 4.06, 5.23, 3.9, 3.9, 3.92, 3.81, 3.66, 3.72, 4.01, 4.26, 10.3, 7.11, 3.89, 3.88, 4.06, 10.58, 12.45, 4.03, 13.23, 4.12, 4.13, 8.25, 3.84, 3.88, 14.0, 3.98, 10.14, 13.69, 3.94, 13.44, 3.87, 13.64, 13.89, 4.0, 9.75, 13.13, 4.65, 12.69, 8.44, 3.67, 3.91, 3.76, 12.92, 4.14, 11.83, 3.95, 3.91, 3.74, 3.99, 13.55, 11.55, 13.19, 4.03, 4.49, 12.72, 4.1, 11.74, 3.99, 9.85, 4.02, 5.56, 13.78, 5.22, 4.69, 4.01, 4.23, 12.36, 6.15, 3.9, 4.01, 4.03, 4.12, 3.98, 4.12, 3.87, 10.76, 3.86, 3.95, 4.01, 3.81, 5.14, 3.91, 11.42, 4.09, 12.44, 3.95, 13.66, 13.43, 14.06, 4.0, 4.32, 3.84, 3.98, 12.18, 3.94, 4.65, 4.05, 4.17, 3.99, 4.06, 13.56, 14.28, 4.64, 13.01, 12.47, 3.94, 13.72, 11.4, 4.7, 13.22, 4.63, 3.95, 13.04, 3.93, 4.11, 4.09, 5.72, 4.1, 13.75, 4.05, 11.76, 12.33, 13.76, 13.2, 3.95, 12.86, 4.86, 12.47, 6.44, 4.25, 13.56, 9.51, 11.91, 8.92, 12.17, 4.54, 7.06, 10.01, 12.17, 12.48, 4.15, 4.22, 13.57, 14.21, 4.15, 14.1, 4.19, 13.35, 4.17, 3.97, 4.23, 4.07, 4.4, 6.07, 4.12, 4.51, 8.85, 4.17, 6.3, 4.86, 6.86, 4.26, 10.05, 5.08, 4.42, 4.35, 6.62, 4.35, 4.21, 4.16, 3.99, 3.96, 3.92, 3.91, 3.89, 8.73, 3.94, 13.06, 7.79, 4.08, 12.98, 3.81, 4.27, 3.91, 6.47, 4.03, 7.86, 3.84, 3.96, 3.98, 3.81, 3.9, 4.05, 4.38, 3.8, 3.97, 6.81, 4.68, 4.05, 4.18, 4.61, 6.57, 4.04, 3.78, 4.08, 7.74, 4.65, 4.4, 8.51, 13.12, 9.24, 4.09, 4.49, 3.84, 8.84, 4.09, 4.42, 4.22, 3.92, 13.85, 9.61, 4.07, 4.15, 4.17, 4.26, 4.26, 6.69, 4.09, 9.94, 4.15, 14.0, 4.96, 4.41, 4.11, 3.86, 4.27, 8.84, 4.61, 4.09, 4.08, 3.8, 7.25, 4.7, 4.13, 4.57, 6.05, 4.33, 4.28, 12.48, 4.63, 4.86, 10.59, 4.38, 4.54, 4.2, 3.91, 4.31, 4.42, 4.31, 4.48, 4.17, 4.48, 4.35, 9.03, 5.24, 3.96, 13.62, 5.15, 10.6, 5.52, 4.18, 4.02, 5.77, 3.99, 4.22, 7.27, 8.78, 3.88, 4.01, 4.08, 4.01, 3.93, 4.05, 4.25, 4.75, 4.09, 3.95, 3.76, 10.78, 3.87, 4.06, 3.94, 3.73, 12.28, 5.68, 13.77, 3.92, 9.67, 3.8, 4.17, 3.94, 5.39, 4.25, 4.45, 4.03, 3.94, 4.0, 4.09, 4.3, 3.91, 12.27, 3.89, 4.73, 4.02, 4.41, 3.9, 4.16, 4.04, 3.99, 3.95, 10.49, 5.68, 8.75, 8.02, 4.34, 3.87, 4.41, 3.93, 4.04, 3.66, 4.1, 4.65, 4.04, 3.91, 7.76, 4.9, 6.61, 3.92, 4.08, 4.87, 3.98, 3.98, 4.04, 3.94, 8.48, 3.93, 8.18, 8.82, 3.75, 3.92, 13.52, 3.83, 4.71, 3.83, 10.52, 3.66, 3.88, 4.59, 3.98, 3.92, 4.07, 3.86, 3.79, 9.91, 3.79, 3.73, 3.95, 3.57, 11.49, 3.96, 5.98, 9.71, 3.93, 3.9, 4.43, 3.93, 3.82, 4.04, 5.7, 7.08, 4.18, 7.93, 4.15, 3.94, 4.22, 4.24, 4.45, 4.08, 4.06, 3.98, 4.32, 3.94, 3.88, 4.04, 4.29, 5.08, 4.06, 4.27, 4.54, 3.93, 3.89, 4.12, 4.05, 9.73, 4.0, 5.08, 4.0, 3.92, 6.33, 5.78, 4.12, 4.13, 4.56, 6.13, 3.99, 5.63, 4.48, 4.01, 4.02, 8.31, 5.75, 4.0, 4.02, 4.28, 4.09, 4.03, 6.02, 4.12, 4.05, 4.04], [11.43, 11.52, 12.17, 11.48, 9.19, 4.61, 4.47, 4.44, 9.79, 12.09, 11.1, 7.8, 7.6, 4.32, 6.41, 8.68, 9.61, 11.71, 9.2, 8.56, 11.32, 11.3, 4.78, 5.75, 12.1, 7.43, 10.61, 7.85, 10.45, 4.51, 11.88, 7.99, 9.56, 7.57, 12.77, 7.02, 12.58, 8.13, 9.91, 9.78, 11.07, 11.96, 12.8, 9.88, 11.59, 7.11, 4.21, 11.62, 4.48, 10.2, 13.25, 6.46, 9.97, 5.21, 8.33, 11.9, 12.13, 4.65, 8.8, 11.27, 10.0, 10.85, 10.6, 5.92, 8.02, 9.03, 9.41, 12.56, 8.87, 4.09, 11.74, 13.57, 12.63, 9.93, 5.09, 10.51, 9.61, 11.21, 8.99, 4.65, 11.13, 12.54, 11.68, 12.35, 11.24, 5.06, 7.04, 6.41, 9.48, 4.69, 11.08, 12.92, 9.64, 13.18, 9.46, 11.61, 11.27, 8.83, 7.57, 12.29, 7.79, 11.53, 9.58, 9.94, 10.57, 8.8, 7.91, 4.33, 10.47, 4.14, 8.24, 9.24, 10.66, 11.46, 10.52, 11.39, 11.19, 11.17, 4.56, 9.63, 12.6, 7.96, 11.83, 12.94, 9.38, 5.96, 10.02, 9.94, 6.89, 10.58, 8.67, 12.0, 11.71, 6.68, 8.74, 11.96, 8.91, 9.3, 5.19, 12.56, 12.03, 6.31, 4.16, 6.9, 10.49, 5.84, 8.51, 8.32, 12.88, 12.17, 8.84, 12.14, 8.39, 12.03, 9.92, 10.53, 4.39, 8.05, 12.04, 11.98, 13.08, 10.42, 12.0, 12.43, 6.19, 9.52, 12.18, 11.95, 10.68, 5.85, 4.35, 6.85, 12.47, 12.95, 4.5, 12.44, 12.05, 9.03, 12.32, 7.1, 10.33, 11.71, 11.35, 9.11, 10.6, 12.39, 8.69, 12.43, 12.19, 7.1, 5.0, 12.49, 7.6, 12.75, 11.22, 9.65, 12.67, 11.9, 12.72, 11.48, 11.46, 9.13, 11.06, 5.2, 5.41, 10.25, 10.66, 10.25, 10.71, 9.03, 4.55, 11.87, 7.66, 12.59, 7.9, 6.72, 11.64, 9.12, 10.74, 5.66, 8.98, 12.21, 4.13, 10.55, 12.65, 6.87, 10.91, 4.92, 11.17, 4.17, 10.63, 8.06, 5.38, 4.13, 9.94, 9.2, 7.04, 4.43, 8.55, 4.26, 12.77, 10.21, 4.17, 5.81, 8.59, 7.45, 8.76, 11.17, 9.23, 4.31, 10.26, 4.45, 11.39, 4.11, 8.02, 9.09, 4.44, 9.24, 10.11, 9.24, 11.77, 11.03, 11.97, 11.04, 8.94, 8.66, 13.86, 10.42, 12.55, 8.87, 5.02, 9.3, 7.5, 9.82, 8.67, 11.67, 4.71, 4.98, 11.01, 9.64, 12.45, 10.03, 11.86, 9.77, 5.7, 5.71, 7.59, 10.98, 9.05, 4.64, 11.58, 12.69, 10.25, 10.24, 9.88, 5.83, 13.06, 6.37, 10.5, 11.3, 11.36, 11.05, 12.58, 8.42, 11.41, 11.35, 11.49, 10.45, 11.93, 11.57, 12.26, 4.77, 4.7, 9.57, 4.66, 8.72, 12.75, 11.93, 4.78, 8.12, 11.42, 4.83, 4.34, 4.64, 4.57, 9.94, 7.14, 10.59, 10.57, 11.83, 6.73, 12.28, 12.64, 10.98, 11.85, 8.87, 8.42, 4.78, 4.69, 4.73, 4.77, 4.5, 12.63, 12.53, 10.73, 11.89, 4.35, 10.54, 11.66, 10.58, 5.08, 4.67, 10.46, 10.35, 10.34, 9.08, 11.35, 11.83, 4.42, 4.31, 12.12, 12.84, 4.62, 12.28, 4.88, 12.57, 11.63, 4.92, 4.66, 11.32, 10.39, 8.81, 12.13, 12.54, 11.64, 11.88, 10.84, 4.38, 8.19, 8.51, 11.17, 4.27, 11.34, 7.26, 6.34, 6.39, 4.25, 5.39, 9.91, 9.75, 4.79, 5.8, 6.5, 4.96, 4.75, 4.3, 11.79, 11.22, 4.67, 4.29, 7.96, 5.03, 8.13, 6.14, 4.04, 4.49, 11.94, 11.15, 11.71, 11.58, 8.61, 8.99, 11.8, 11.81, 10.76, 4.06, 10.12, 5.51, 8.98, 11.63, 11.93, 8.91, 11.76, 12.02, 11.52, 11.52, 10.22, 12.55, 4.88, 4.34, 9.3, 12.21, 11.12, 11.3, 12.39, 5.5, 11.67, 7.32, 6.5, 8.24, 4.98, 9.08, 10.47, 10.78, 7.47, 12.63, 9.03, 11.6, 12.49, 4.89, 4.25, 4.6, 7.04, 4.43, 10.22, 12.39, 4.96, 7.84, 4.43, 10.3, 10.34, 8.49, 4.09, 9.64, 12.67, 8.56, 11.07, 12.14, 10.12, 10.51, 9.79, 6.78, 12.14, 4.16, 12.14, 10.42, 11.92, 11.8, 12.11, 11.7, 11.4, 8.68, 4.13, 11.94, 9.76, 10.87, 5.54, 12.31, 4.51, 12.62, 10.43, 4.22, 9.45, 4.32, 7.97, 5.24, 12.44, 4.1, 4.83, 9.85, 9.28, 12.28, 9.05, 4.42, 12.6, 4.32, 5.8, 8.22, 4.89, 5.37, 8.95, 11.26, 11.55, 4.64, 4.09, 9.64, 12.34, 12.03, 9.82, 12.12, 11.16, 12.13, 11.55, 10.98, 12.37, 11.27, 11.38, 6.54, 8.79, 12.06, 12.0, 3.94, 12.77, 9.61, 12.92, 4.61, 4.43, 11.19, 6.57, 12.23, 12.04, 12.24, 12.62, 9.45, 11.39, 11.79, 12.31, 11.96, 9.08, 11.31, 10.31, 13.15, 11.92, 6.08, 4.26, 11.83, 10.78, 8.37, 5.92, 4.51, 8.82, 4.97, 4.59, 9.31, 5.34, 4.85, 4.98, 12.72, 11.58, 12.19, 9.65, 4.52, 10.74, 7.69, 10.02, 11.35, 10.1, 8.26, 8.04, 13.02, 12.67, 10.66, 10.83, 4.52, 4.3, 5.97, 5.57, 12.36, 5.11, 10.19, 12.92, 11.19, 12.57, 7.48, 8.91, 8.58, 4.52, 6.16, 5.04, 4.78, 4.16, 10.62, 12.97, 13.11, 4.85, 4.43, 6.94, 12.69, 9.28, 12.65, 7.95, 12.64, 11.2, 4.57, 5.69, 12.97, 4.65, 4.53, 4.44, 13.11, 12.09, 5.47, 4.56, 4.81, 4.61, 4.14, 4.77, 4.54, 10.27, 8.08, 11.42, 5.0, 9.79, 4.52, 4.1, 4.12, 4.64, 9.67, 4.56, 4.88, 4.96, 4.59, 4.32, 4.26, 4.56, 10.93, 12.1, 10.42, 10.9, 4.3, 4.73, 4.01, 12.2, 12.88, 11.38, 4.4, 4.91, 4.31, 4.22, 10.49, 12.41, 4.28, 5.12, 4.19, 9.27, 4.57, 7.91, 7.14, 4.26, 4.64, 10.62, 12.49, 4.46, 4.08, 10.83, 12.82, 6.7, 4.94, 4.64, 13.33, 10.96, 4.23, 5.0, 11.67, 12.4, 12.44, 12.9, 8.44, 3.96, 4.5, 4.24, 5.37, 12.43, 4.38, 5.35, 5.23, 9.14, 5.64, 13.0, 8.19, 4.4, 4.39, 4.63, 6.56, 4.77, 8.21, 9.36, 4.95, 4.68, 4.66, 4.44, 4.46, 9.25, 5.23, 6.34, 4.68, 4.3, 12.41, 8.43, 4.14, 5.35, 12.34, 10.17, 5.05, 4.01, 4.38, 11.77, 4.94, 4.45, 4.69, 4.34, 9.58, 4.58, 11.36, 4.58, 4.49, 4.35, 4.18, 4.38, 4.21, 6.11, 4.55, 4.25, 4.22, 4.71, 4.24, 4.56, 12.59, 9.76, 4.6, 4.44, 11.5, 4.29, 11.9, 4.23, 9.61, 12.46, 12.28, 11.84, 11.3, 10.13, 11.32, 10.35, 5.79, 12.13, 9.82, 11.38, 9.63, 9.53, 9.76, 11.82, 4.5, 8.96, 8.26, 4.03, 4.3, 12.93, 5.72, 12.61, 4.31, 11.95, 10.21, 11.96, 11.24, 8.93, 8.74, 7.79, 8.14, 4.09, 11.9, 4.23, 8.36, 10.85, 8.83, 4.26, 5.49, 7.35, 4.99, 11.19, 6.58, 9.27, 6.25, 4.32, 10.79, 9.12, 4.17, 8.22, 11.89, 12.12, 4.98, 10.89, 9.65, 10.09, 8.52, 10.65, 5.39, 4.36, 12.42, 12.87, 11.2, 10.5, 10.69, 10.89, 11.95, 9.77, 6.34, 4.51, 8.67, 10.67, 8.9, 12.59, 12.68, 5.91, 10.0, 5.75, 7.72, 11.64, 4.7, 11.84, 8.59, 12.25, 12.12, 5.92, 12.58, 12.17, 12.85, 5.4, 11.61, 9.25, 12.04, 4.92, 10.22, 12.4, 11.26, 5.35, 4.88, 12.61, 11.4, 7.82, 9.28, 12.45, 11.89, 5.63, 13.0, 10.38, 11.44, 10.07, 6.31, 7.47, 11.93, 5.35, 13.36, 6.05, 4.62, 9.12, 9.66, 10.74, 10.33, 12.44, 11.08, 11.58, 10.91, 6.51, 10.6, 9.92, 11.59, 10.54, 7.54, 12.03, 12.71, 11.41, 5.2, 8.22, 12.43, 11.32, 10.08, 4.81, 11.25, 13.03, 11.58, 4.31, 8.79, 10.5, 13.14, 10.39, 4.5, 12.58, 10.1, 8.75, 10.89, 9.14, 6.16, 12.98, 12.99, 4.23, 8.05, 10.92, 5.0, 4.44, 10.97, 12.03, 12.63, 9.38, 7.29, 12.62, 6.2, 12.17, 11.56, 10.0, 13.59, 10.24, 12.13, 11.39, 9.5, 6.41, 8.68, 12.6, 4.86, 11.3, 6.82, 7.47, 11.88, 6.09, 11.6, 9.22, 12.2, 10.65, 8.09, 11.87, 6.01, 4.43, 11.41, 6.83, 10.95, 4.28, 3.9, 4.73, 4.25, 6.17, 12.9, 11.08, 4.29, 12.66, 12.68, 10.28, 6.79, 7.28, 12.58, 11.36, 4.19, 9.58, 10.82, 5.07, 11.9, 9.54, 4.46, 4.19, 9.74, 12.39, 12.74, 4.13, 12.17, 10.06, 10.62, 11.78, 5.79, 11.98, 6.39, 10.44, 11.71, 11.56, 11.33, 11.51, 11.19, 12.09, 11.06, 12.26, 10.81, 11.93, 7.99, 13.24, 8.41, 11.7, 12.38, 9.77, 12.67, 10.96, 9.81, 12.06, 11.83, 7.87, 11.72, 12.96, 10.13, 13.03, 11.27, 11.49, 9.49, 12.48, 12.27, 10.6, 10.11, 11.36, 12.29, 10.49, 7.24, 10.16, 10.76, 11.14, 9.23, 11.47, 10.98, 12.25, 6.28, 9.91, 12.56, 12.81], [4.59, 8.35, 7.05, 9.5, 4.33, 4.34, 4.66, 4.36, 11.09, 13.0, 4.35, 9.64, 8.88, 6.2, 11.27, 11.79, 9.93, 12.36, 11.66, 4.3, 4.51, 4.72, 5.16, 5.36, 7.08, 9.98, 12.67, 6.99, 4.68, 7.4, 11.05, 6.12, 12.57, 4.01, 9.49, 8.97, 4.42, 7.47, 12.55, 5.41, 9.92, 9.17, 7.71, 4.36, 4.58, 12.03, 4.97, 10.62, 4.76, 10.43, 10.12, 8.3, 11.66, 7.05, 12.14, 7.37, 9.98, 4.31, 11.8, 10.34, 7.78, 6.2, 7.35, 10.8, 13.25, 4.43, 4.34, 6.71, 4.47, 4.62, 9.4, 6.2, 4.33, 6.47, 4.53, 11.91, 11.99, 4.48, 13.65, 5.42, 4.55, 6.3, 9.26, 7.51, 12.2, 7.98, 5.04, 4.54, 13.2, 4.43, 8.07, 8.65, 4.6, 6.88, 8.0, 5.6, 11.34, 5.82, 4.49, 8.98, 6.01, 4.8, 10.4, 12.2, 12.61, 4.27, 12.15, 4.29, 6.95, 4.41, 11.08, 4.78, 6.73, 9.63, 12.0, 9.71, 8.54, 12.28, 4.34, 5.27, 9.57, 6.16, 12.64, 4.91, 12.66, 6.46, 4.49, 11.26, 5.38, 11.5, 9.88, 10.59, 12.67, 4.63, 13.01, 11.59, 12.26, 9.4, 5.86, 7.35, 4.59, 7.56, 5.54, 13.43, 8.92, 8.6, 9.42, 7.65, 9.41, 11.1, 10.22, 5.64, 4.67, 13.54, 7.83, 12.15, 7.21, 12.82, 8.97, 11.08, 9.12, 9.65, 6.11, 7.84, 6.61, 13.61, 4.87, 11.86, 8.75, 8.74, 5.13, 6.61, 9.1, 7.61, 4.38, 7.5, 4.82, 12.14, 10.75, 9.18, 4.82, 11.14, 5.27, 5.23, 11.99, 9.69, 7.18, 9.82, 5.4, 10.89, 9.95, 13.03, 4.32, 10.48, 10.18, 10.14, 4.68, 9.51, 11.87, 5.91, 4.12, 10.5, 12.16, 4.43, 4.7, 12.1, 4.91, 4.42, 6.74, 4.64, 4.6, 12.79, 5.22, 8.32, 11.75, 4.96, 10.75, 8.03, 7.83, 4.59, 11.08, 12.15, 4.48, 6.45, 11.74, 5.36, 9.98, 6.08, 4.71, 4.37, 4.51, 4.69, 7.43, 4.91, 12.4, 11.2, 5.21, 4.98, 9.2, 5.12, 6.96, 7.64, 5.3, 4.68, 12.69, 7.56, 10.45, 8.89, 12.85, 5.33, 9.7, 4.39, 8.11, 4.51, 4.81, 9.86, 9.78, 13.2, 10.92, 10.9, 13.36, 4.81, 10.58, 8.27, 8.53, 12.21, 8.44, 12.43, 10.12, 4.41, 4.42, 12.37, 10.91, 8.16, 11.97, 12.64, 4.67, 5.02, 8.86, 4.47, 6.11, 12.42, 9.94, 9.79, 4.96, 5.94, 8.84, 4.88, 10.71, 4.7, 12.49, 11.08, 4.87, 12.43, 5.02, 12.22, 4.41, 6.78, 9.15, 10.88, 10.15, 7.4, 5.37, 12.43, 5.74, 11.26, 10.72, 9.2, 7.69, 5.33, 13.35, 4.56, 5.7, 6.35, 4.84, 4.8, 8.2, 10.05, 4.91, 11.86, 5.15, 5.0, 4.82, 4.69, 4.64, 5.95, 5.1, 13.16, 12.98, 9.28, 12.29, 5.62, 4.62, 10.32, 10.59, 12.12, 5.87, 4.3, 4.64, 4.51, 4.68, 4.89, 6.94, 4.18, 7.78, 9.8, 4.45, 12.62, 9.11, 11.98, 4.76, 5.4, 11.22, 10.18, 4.37, 13.4, 7.71, 12.74, 4.62, 4.78, 9.35, 12.04, 4.32, 8.64, 4.45, 5.34, 8.03, 4.96, 4.39, 5.93, 12.58, 5.52, 11.43, 12.26, 9.02, 10.02, 8.83, 4.46, 6.73, 5.03, 9.78, 4.83, 7.35, 4.63, 8.8, 10.23, 4.7, 5.76, 4.98, 7.76, 4.2, 6.66, 10.33, 4.19, 5.4, 4.28, 4.55, 7.33, 4.94, 4.46, 10.95, 4.39, 12.09, 4.55, 4.4, 4.56, 4.65, 9.87, 7.23, 8.53, 12.07, 9.21, 11.88, 7.14, 12.55, 4.68, 11.71, 9.73, 5.32, 9.75, 12.03, 4.95, 10.88, 10.05, 11.45, 10.24, 11.49, 7.85, 5.17, 4.88, 6.63, 6.91, 9.54, 6.99, 7.21, 4.47, 9.52, 4.74, 4.82, 4.52, 4.18, 4.86, 9.92, 7.47, 4.42, 8.3, 9.6, 6.57, 11.67, 5.26, 13.67, 4.44, 4.59, 4.54, 12.56, 12.78, 12.73, 8.51, 4.96, 6.29, 5.11, 11.35, 4.49, 8.64, 13.57, 11.78, 11.8, 13.1, 10.32, 5.12, 9.92, 7.77, 12.13, 9.78, 8.76, 12.84, 6.84, 8.46, 5.73, 11.16, 11.02, 7.03, 4.68, 7.96, 10.01, 4.8, 5.13, 9.49, 4.21, 7.94, 5.62, 4.23, 6.27, 5.68, 4.37, 4.01, 7.65, 4.59, 6.7, 12.11, 12.9, 9.51, 11.36, 4.7, 9.48, 4.17, 4.5, 7.74, 4.08, 4.94, 11.49, 11.85, 4.52, 4.86, 6.03, 12.37, 10.52, 10.04, 12.86, 11.97, 12.14, 5.68, 6.93, 5.63, 6.25, 12.06, 8.67, 4.86, 10.35, 6.41, 12.81, 4.59, 9.79, 13.8, 6.0, 4.9, 4.66, 7.09, 8.24, 6.98, 10.59, 10.45, 11.21, 11.79, 4.43, 8.32, 8.8, 5.36, 12.82, 10.5, 4.44, 10.88, 9.25, 4.79, 4.27, 8.3, 10.52, 9.17, 4.6, 4.61, 8.92, 6.09, 4.4, 6.78, 6.95, 5.34, 4.89, 12.38, 12.91, 6.71, 6.69, 4.38, 12.66, 4.22, 11.02, 11.92, 9.84, 12.04, 4.87, 6.16, 9.82, 12.75, 5.79, 4.61, 4.53, 4.53, 8.03, 8.38, 4.89, 8.61, 5.94, 7.34, 10.36, 4.78, 10.0, 4.51, 4.5, 4.41, 4.61, 5.1, 4.48, 10.64, 7.87, 4.75, 4.57, 5.27, 8.3, 10.83, 11.36, 6.53, 9.58, 7.33, 10.79, 4.57, 6.4, 6.9, 4.67, 4.73, 4.92, 11.08, 9.59, 4.16, 5.05, 4.55, 4.66, 4.53, 4.72, 4.75, 9.77, 8.62, 8.72, 4.93, 4.28, 4.52, 4.55, 4.81, 4.49, 9.38, 4.62, 4.7, 4.77, 4.41, 4.85, 4.76, 4.77, 8.83, 7.64, 12.34, 10.47, 4.4, 5.99, 4.47, 8.14, 12.17, 6.13, 4.79, 4.25, 4.61, 4.68, 12.65, 4.35, 4.36, 4.48, 4.68, 11.36, 4.73, 4.94, 11.56, 4.56, 6.83, 13.42, 5.06, 4.51, 4.7, 12.1, 5.04, 11.74, 4.11, 4.57, 11.01, 5.68, 4.21, 4.96, 11.94, 10.36, 7.5, 10.68, 8.4, 4.51, 4.44, 4.21, 4.03, 4.5, 4.72, 4.78, 4.01, 8.48, 5.24, 12.9, 4.64, 4.5, 4.27, 4.33, 6.61, 4.07, 4.23, 12.63, 4.49, 4.28, 4.54, 4.48, 4.47, 10.63, 4.52, 4.47, 4.82, 4.55, 6.69, 12.43, 4.51, 5.26, 11.75, 12.49, 4.46, 4.42, 4.34, 11.22, 4.91, 4.58, 4.73, 4.34, 13.12, 4.44, 6.09, 4.64, 4.47, 4.96, 4.33, 4.48, 4.32, 4.64, 4.46, 4.43, 4.51, 4.76, 4.9, 4.73, 7.69, 13.43, 4.52, 4.34, 5.3, 4.67, 13.05, 4.06, 10.65, 5.1, 6.64, 5.32, 10.6, 11.1, 12.73, 12.63, 10.92, 10.81, 10.97, 11.83, 11.88, 4.53, 13.4, 9.46, 5.5, 10.9, 6.97, 4.6, 4.58, 7.63, 6.19, 7.17, 4.66, 4.79, 8.82, 13.19, 5.74, 11.13, 13.48, 8.21, 13.68, 6.14, 8.29, 4.36, 11.56, 4.37, 7.14, 5.14, 4.38, 4.29, 7.12, 11.41, 6.73, 12.44, 4.57, 5.13, 12.7, 12.43, 4.33, 12.93, 10.45, 9.71, 6.44, 4.84, 11.38, 4.39, 12.04, 4.68, 4.8, 4.44, 10.52, 7.61, 7.06, 6.64, 12.38, 8.1, 9.36, 5.77, 9.1, 4.46, 9.21, 7.4, 10.58, 13.12, 6.38, 5.69, 11.21, 5.47, 10.1, 7.54, 4.51, 10.94, 9.27, 11.58, 7.85, 4.88, 8.89, 11.27, 7.11, 5.3, 11.07, 10.23, 10.43, 8.72, 10.54, 7.73, 12.15, 5.72, 5.02, 7.99, 5.22, 13.1, 5.34, 11.69, 12.92, 5.8, 9.39, 4.7, 9.64, 4.48, 4.64, 6.79, 4.63, 4.86, 10.46, 5.87, 4.73, 12.62, 13.78, 10.76, 5.11, 11.43, 13.34, 8.51, 10.62, 11.38, 11.99, 12.68, 12.0, 13.49, 6.64, 6.48, 7.89, 10.34, 4.49, 13.5, 9.54, 4.78, 13.34, 4.57, 6.02, 12.57, 6.86, 4.56, 7.83, 10.31, 6.49, 10.48, 4.14, 8.16, 4.76, 12.45, 11.07, 12.66, 7.06, 9.6, 7.09, 8.19, 5.94, 8.94, 4.56, 7.49, 9.01, 8.29, 9.98, 12.39, 6.33, 5.76, 10.14, 5.04, 9.75, 8.53, 10.83, 8.3, 7.39, 4.52, 12.3, 4.34, 4.75, 9.86, 6.45, 13.72, 8.38, 10.37, 11.13, 4.41, 10.55, 8.65, 7.39, 5.54, 11.34, 12.98, 12.39, 4.23, 12.19, 7.62, 4.26, 4.5, 4.2, 6.5, 4.17, 10.76, 5.22, 12.94, 4.62, 12.96, 10.3, 4.96, 4.53, 4.16, 5.17, 9.02, 4.29, 10.79, 7.85, 4.39, 9.49, 5.01, 4.59, 8.22, 12.14, 11.47, 4.62, 4.32, 8.5, 6.8, 5.51, 8.72, 4.35, 7.43, 6.88, 12.08, 10.84, 12.31, 6.04, 10.91, 9.98, 9.8, 4.97, 4.95, 9.84, 7.79, 5.01, 12.14, 8.65, 6.68, 5.34, 4.64, 9.16, 10.88, 9.07, 5.92, 6.77, 11.69, 9.51, 7.94, 8.56, 8.16, 9.48, 7.88, 11.3, 7.88, 9.45, 13.87, 10.33, 4.21, 6.69, 5.87, 7.71, 9.21, 8.95, 11.06, 4.96, 11.56, 9.88, 12.17, 6.61, 8.63, 10.44, 8.64], [12.02, 10.29, 11.21, 12.92, 11.5, 5.18, 6.34, 7.56, 13.26, 12.78, 5.28, 14.43, 6.58, 6.11, 14.69, 14.12, 13.49, 12.83, 12.83, 5.05, 12.61, 8.95, 4.05, 9.72, 13.13, 3.98, 13.33, 14.26, 12.49, 5.35, 14.16, 13.1, 8.21, 13.61, 13.12, 12.98, 13.63, 14.37, 14.42, 10.67, 14.03, 12.88, 8.65, 13.52, 10.12, 14.5, 11.66, 12.63, 8.5, 13.24, 11.56, 13.73, 13.75, 13.28, 12.15, 10.74, 12.41, 8.43, 10.85, 13.97, 12.34, 12.42, 13.51, 14.3, 13.05, 5.05, 12.56, 13.03, 8.8, 4.58, 14.04, 12.92, 9.34, 13.56, 14.42, 12.86, 12.7, 12.26, 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4.52, 12.78, 10.78, 4.27, 7.18, 13.63, 12.35, 13.27, 12.58, 13.75, 4.07, 4.22, 4.11, 7.12, 13.34, 4.8, 11.67, 8.35, 14.31, 5.59, 11.7, 8.28, 4.65, 4.32, 4.91, 14.43, 4.42, 6.28, 12.92, 12.62, 12.28, 10.89, 5.76, 5.36, 8.26, 6.91, 6.64, 9.07, 5.5, 12.57, 13.75, 8.05, 4.29, 13.15, 13.08, 8.91, 5.08, 11.91, 13.36, 4.71, 3.78, 5.75, 4.35, 10.99, 8.34, 13.06, 10.37, 4.78, 5.2, 4.99, 10.5, 4.33, 5.42, 6.9, 4.21, 8.72, 8.8, 5.08, 9.85, 11.65, 12.67, 4.35, 4.37, 12.17, 13.16, 13.11, 4.69, 11.67, 13.07, 12.05, 12.66, 12.89, 13.35, 13.38, 13.25, 13.59, 11.71, 13.39, 12.64, 14.46, 5.05, 13.01, 12.73, 14.18, 12.69, 13.33, 6.65, 5.39, 11.45, 10.78, 13.44, 11.0, 11.66, 11.72, 11.77, 12.39, 12.79, 14.07, 14.09, 14.04, 5.48, 12.62, 4.67, 12.95, 12.41, 13.5, 4.6, 6.76, 9.87, 8.49, 13.3, 14.13, 12.55, 7.86, 11.66, 11.97, 13.37, 5.8, 12.35, 13.51, 12.57, 14.15, 12.19, 11.71, 13.51, 14.21, 10.92, 5.9, 9.85, 11.0, 11.33, 13.03, 10.96, 13.46, 11.95, 11.03, 13.73, 14.04, 13.16, 13.89, 10.7, 12.19, 10.66, 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4.5, 4.33, 4.2, 3.75, 9.03, 9.96, 3.92, 3.91, 3.7, 5.32, 10.0, 12.95, 4.65, 12.66, 11.4, 3.7, 5.07, 6.49, 4.87, 3.82, 3.57, 3.69, 3.52, 8.35, 7.65, 3.83, 4.01, 7.54, 7.53, 4.52, 3.75, 4.43, 3.92, 3.63, 8.79, 12.14, 6.53, 9.66, 3.87, 5.9, 3.64, 3.68, 4.38, 12.42, 7.12, 4.49, 6.56, 4.2, 4.71, 3.75, 5.44, 3.82, 3.83, 4.35, 4.24, 3.95, 13.1, 13.07, 9.97, 3.58, 3.61, 11.51, 3.72, 3.87, 4.18, 3.6, 6.34, 3.84, 3.93, 3.69, 4.01, 4.07, 4.56, 9.44, 4.09, 6.49, 4.85, 6.75, 3.64, 4.42, 10.76, 8.88, 4.27, 4.13, 9.05, 4.21, 4.0, 4.31, 3.48, 4.04, 5.85, 7.3, 5.61, 3.73, 4.84, 3.78, 12.86, 8.09, 3.45, 3.68, 4.66, 4.71, 3.7, 12.89, 3.81, 3.79, 13.01, 9.24, 11.01, 3.88, 4.28, 7.0, 11.72, 5.23, 3.82, 3.75, 3.39, 12.23, 3.8, 4.05, 4.18, 8.37, 5.25, 3.76, 3.96, 4.01, 4.11, 4.23, 4.71, 3.87, 3.88, 4.6, 3.82, 4.94, 5.82, 3.71, 12.62, 7.83, 11.05, 3.87, 3.88, 8.24, 5.48, 4.0, 3.61, 4.83, 9.29, 11.75, 3.52, 4.0, 8.16, 5.36, 9.84, 3.8, 3.62, 6.93, 6.92, 5.4, 9.4, 8.95, 3.92, 4.83, 4.51, 11.04, 5.12, 4.09, 12.33, 11.05, 4.41, 4.16, 7.69, 3.95, 11.89, 4.48, 8.39, 5.8, 11.08, 4.36, 3.73, 12.47, 4.12, 3.49, 3.79, 7.69, 6.71, 12.22, 3.82, 3.71, 8.57, 11.62, 3.8, 5.88, 3.63, 3.9, 9.55, 6.06, 3.95, 3.83, 3.83, 12.88, 8.72, 3.51, 8.84, 6.27, 13.12, 3.66, 11.11, 8.11, 4.65, 3.66, 3.68, 7.16, 6.24, 3.85, 3.84, 4.1, 5.37, 3.45, 12.62, 6.19, 3.71, 6.05, 4.32, 4.01, 4.21, 6.66, 4.34, 4.41, 11.86, 12.61, 4.7, 3.84, 3.94, 3.88, 4.3, 4.12, 3.84, 3.72, 5.18, 6.31, 12.87, 5.89, 4.32, 7.6, 3.6, 7.83, 4.14, 3.54, 5.46, 11.12, 4.32, 5.94, 4.04, 13.02, 4.18, 6.63, 11.38, 3.88, 7.35, 4.0, 7.62, 3.98, 4.06, 4.88, 4.54, 4.57, 4.13, 7.91, 12.74, 3.83, 3.71, 10.74, 3.86, 3.89, 9.79, 4.89, 12.83, 12.89, 3.69, 4.59, 7.8, 4.04, 6.34, 7.06, 4.28, 12.57, 5.75, 4.62, 4.34, 3.97, 4.18, 3.54, 3.55, 6.92, 3.87, 4.27, 4.52, 3.98, 3.68, 4.3, 13.34, 3.99, 3.87, 3.89, 4.3, 3.55, 3.79, 3.62, 3.85, 5.5, 3.64, 12.67, 11.42, 5.87, 7.82, 3.5, 13.0, 4.3, 4.25, 3.75, 6.84, 5.75, 4.95, 4.0, 4.55, 5.34, 3.66, 7.66, 7.15, 4.66, 5.07, 11.43, 5.37, 4.27, 4.1, 5.4, 4.33, 4.2, 3.89, 3.76, 9.11, 3.79, 8.8, 4.08, 3.91, 4.1, 9.86, 8.98, 8.56, 5.53, 4.82, 3.84, 4.31, 7.29, 3.93, 9.44, 8.29, 9.46, 8.34, 5.66, 4.89, 4.14, 12.85, 4.03, 6.62, 4.68, 13.41, 3.73, 6.33, 3.61, 4.07, 3.44, 12.18, 3.96, 3.93, 10.9, 3.95, 4.05, 9.05, 11.22, 3.98, 4.14, 4.08, 4.35, 4.62, 12.74, 5.14, 3.97, 3.64, 4.14, 4.42, 9.34, 3.45, 4.0, 3.78, 3.63, 3.98, 4.08, 3.68, 12.87, 4.28, 5.03, 9.95, 5.26, 7.25, 11.66, 3.94, 8.31, 11.62, 4.93, 4.29, 11.46, 4.19, 4.24, 3.62, 5.95, 11.89, 8.02, 5.32, 6.67, 3.84, 12.05, 4.24, 3.99, 4.31, 3.82, 4.39, 3.74, 5.05, 5.51, 6.34, 3.84, 8.91, 8.19, 9.01, 10.55, 3.98, 4.9, 3.81, 4.69, 8.86, 7.6, 9.36, 9.16, 7.35, 3.98, 3.81, 8.06, 4.17, 11.99, 3.6, 3.76, 4.78, 3.7, 9.98, 12.03, 3.89, 5.34, 4.17, 5.17, 3.98, 10.43, 6.3, 3.96, 4.13, 13.48, 6.16, 4.48, 3.84, 3.77, 7.29, 3.95, 3.7, 3.8, 3.76, 3.82, 4.12, 3.63, 4.19, 4.61, 4.4, 9.63, 5.59, 6.49, 4.26, 3.47, 3.98, 3.72, 4.73, 5.9, 4.46, 6.54, 3.52, 11.82, 10.79, 5.42, 3.93, 4.32, 3.72, 5.48, 4.89, 3.54, 12.67, 4.64, 4.77, 13.46, 13.07, 3.58, 5.93, 11.94, 5.13, 3.97, 3.82, 11.03, 9.22, 4.84, 4.57, 12.87, 3.64, 4.56, 3.71, 3.99, 4.84, 3.92, 4.26, 5.5, 4.12, 4.07, 11.35, 3.72, 6.61, 6.52, 5.92, 4.57, 4.02, 12.36, 3.82, 4.03, 12.45, 3.8, 3.9, 8.68, 7.61, 10.82, 13.09, 4.07, 7.04, 4.16, 4.21, 3.9, 3.77, 6.12, 3.85, 3.75, 8.99, 7.51, 4.26, 12.14, 7.48, 3.65, 10.13, 3.85, 4.13, 4.03, 11.2, 12.0, 3.78, 4.01, 12.93, 6.5, 12.92, 4.86, 3.54, 4.69, 6.1, 12.31, 6.64, 3.69, 3.62, 4.0, 3.86, 4.0, 4.01, 10.37, 3.5, 5.33, 11.32, 5.69, 4.53, 3.64, 3.5, 3.53, 4.44, 4.94, 4.79, 3.75, 4.37, 6.0, 7.31, 6.97, 3.75, 4.89, 3.7, 3.79, 4.83, 4.02, 3.93, 3.82, 13.35, 3.77, 12.95, 5.55, 3.99, 3.9, 7.65, 11.81, 6.85, 12.26, 5.98, 4.55, 5.91, 3.92, 10.97, 5.52, 10.46, 3.83, 4.31, 3.59, 6.28, 5.03, 13.13, 3.96, 11.6, 3.52, 9.09, 13.14, 13.56, 4.0, 3.87, 13.34, 3.85, 9.63, 12.58, 5.5, 3.97, 4.65, 5.25, 4.13, 8.37, 5.37, 3.78, 3.87, 5.92, 3.86, 11.85, 3.87, 11.97, 4.79, 3.51, 6.85, 6.47, 11.95, 12.36, 6.0, 3.83, 6.23, 13.33, 3.74, 3.75, 4.33, 3.81, 5.41, 3.99, 6.06, 10.26, 3.78, 4.2, 4.24, 4.26, 3.7, 3.82, 7.62, 5.42, 4.73, 3.82, 5.0, 4.47, 3.66, 4.0, 3.94, 5.21, 3.92, 5.82, 5.27, 4.38, 4.2, 4.62, 3.57, 4.28, 5.63, 3.52, 10.02, 3.74, 5.13, 12.56, 13.39, 4.25, 12.72, 12.94, 4.0, 4.18, 5.25, 4.39, 4.22, 4.54, 13.16, 10.37, 7.82, 4.47, 3.79, 4.14, 7.1, 11.69, 7.93, 3.97, 5.43, 3.66, 6.69, 6.42, 9.36, 11.07, 6.32, 6.49, 4.09, 11.04, 5.12, 4.95, 3.92, 3.87, 3.79, 4.59, 4.56, 3.66, 3.7, 3.53, 12.59, 4.04, 3.81, 7.69, 12.46, 6.05, 5.07, 9.99, 7.53, 13.27, 13.49, 3.89, 4.09, 3.71, 8.35, 10.95, 8.19, 4.48, 5.89, 3.75, 3.93, 3.87, 3.89, 3.65, 13.11, 3.94, 4.63, 3.7, 3.38, 9.06, 12.87, 6.47, 3.88, 5.99, 11.92, 13.31, 12.43, 10.71, 3.72, 13.0, 12.88, 3.97, 4.7, 7.49, 7.25, 3.65, 4.57, 5.82, 4.37, 3.98, 4.16, 11.26, 3.88, 12.45, 3.8, 3.85, 4.25, 14.12, 4.18, 7.79, 3.71, 3.76, 4.22, 4.15, 4.22, 12.83, 13.14, 3.48, 4.59, 3.61, 3.65, 13.35, 9.55, 8.12, 4.31, 3.73, 12.5, 5.07, 12.29, 5.97, 3.42, 7.66, 4.31, 5.65, 12.46, 3.53, 6.57, 3.84, 3.92, 13.11, 9.91, 6.03, 4.19, 7.95, 7.58, 3.56, 12.71, 9.78, 5.69, 3.74, 4.14, 5.27, 3.55, 4.2, 5.02, 6.96, 3.47, 3.36, 6.36, 4.45, 9.27, 3.76, 8.3, 5.49, 3.68, 4.28, 12.21, 4.22, 11.01, 5.77, 5.29, 6.18, 3.48, 3.67, 4.87, 4.78, 13.64, 5.22, 3.56, 3.85, 3.62, 3.85, 4.17, 11.38, 4.07, 3.59, 3.74, 4.58, 3.61, 13.53, 8.13, 6.24, 4.68, 8.87, 3.94, 3.52, 10.68, 4.4, 3.9, 12.35, 3.69, 4.07, 3.7, 3.57, 3.33, 4.01, 11.77, 9.39, 3.7, 3.83, 4.09, 3.51, 11.27, 3.34, 3.72, 4.2, 3.93, 3.68, 4.53, 3.93, 3.52, 4.02, 4.03, 13.25, 3.76, 3.43, 3.48, 3.65, 3.65, 4.2, 3.72, 5.19, 3.51, 3.68, 4.09, 3.52, 4.12, 5.65, 3.47, 11.15, 3.59, 4.8, 6.78], [13.29, 5.86, 9.11, 4.01, 4.16, 4.29, 4.04, 4.06, 9.88, 3.94, 4.17, 3.99, 3.89, 3.99, 3.84, 4.18, 4.09, 9.81, 8.21, 11.15, 9.81, 4.35, 8.03, 4.34, 11.93, 4.22, 5.77, 7.18, 4.11, 4.26, 4.12, 4.23, 4.13, 4.24, 4.25, 3.95, 4.02, 3.76, 4.33, 4.1, 3.85, 12.66, 4.11, 4.33, 4.02, 7.13, 10.64, 13.87, 5.83, 12.78, 4.07, 4.05, 5.57, 3.84, 4.18, 3.98, 4.24, 4.29, 3.94, 7.38, 4.23, 7.12, 4.65, 5.16, 3.82, 4.35, 4.44, 8.09, 4.55, 6.87, 4.25, 4.28, 4.24, 3.88, 4.11, 12.67, 4.27, 11.68, 4.16, 4.05, 4.32, 11.97, 7.74, 4.16, 4.17, 5.01, 4.12, 4.43, 4.25, 3.9, 4.18, 4.16, 4.65, 4.31, 8.67, 9.17, 4.58, 4.64, 4.11, 4.19, 7.94, 6.41, 13.32, 4.02, 4.93, 4.27, 4.35, 4.0, 4.84, 4.62, 4.74, 4.3, 4.12, 4.32, 4.2, 4.09, 13.94, 4.15, 5.97, 3.92, 4.2, 4.16, 4.89, 3.93, 5.89, 3.97, 4.27, 5.47, 4.01, 10.33, 4.07, 4.17, 11.91, 7.94, 4.08, 5.09, 13.35, 4.18, 4.01, 5.36, 5.28, 4.53, 4.44, 3.82, 7.74, 4.17, 4.01, 3.9, 5.22, 8.53, 3.92, 3.99, 4.14, 5.84, 4.12, 4.13, 4.28, 3.97, 4.6, 4.05, 4.28, 6.22, 4.24, 4.17, 4.04, 4.41, 3.82, 6.41, 4.21, 4.5, 3.77, 4.03, 4.18, 4.52, 4.26, 13.39, 13.91, 4.46, 4.06, 4.1, 13.4, 11.5, 4.0, 3.95, 4.14, 5.11, 4.43, 13.23, 6.8, 4.19, 3.94, 4.21, 13.72, 4.79, 4.45, 3.92, 8.65, 5.48, 3.93, 8.22, 13.0, 4.16, 4.0, 8.27, 5.84, 3.65, 4.29, 12.69, 3.93, 3.99, 4.4, 4.25, 4.43, 4.68, 3.61, 4.32, 4.38, 4.3, 4.13, 4.37, 4.23, 4.28, 4.07, 4.12, 10.27, 6.82, 4.22, 4.34, 5.84, 4.38, 4.22, 4.89, 3.85, 3.91, 4.18, 4.2, 4.22, 4.09, 4.28, 4.08, 13.66, 4.18, 4.13, 6.23, 4.09, 4.22, 3.91, 4.29, 4.26, 4.37, 4.12, 3.96, 3.88, 4.31, 5.04, 4.01, 3.97, 4.01, 4.07, 4.3, 4.55, 3.95, 4.11, 3.98, 4.4, 3.93, 13.84, 4.77, 5.94, 4.7, 11.97, 4.2, 4.51, 5.44, 4.0, 4.04, 4.08, 4.03, 4.34, 3.84, 4.1, 5.0, 4.8, 4.22, 4.39, 4.08, 4.37, 9.66, 13.4, 3.83, 4.24, 4.61, 4.07, 4.08, 4.11, 8.69, 4.2, 4.11, 4.6, 8.75, 7.33, 3.92, 11.8, 3.96, 3.99, 5.07, 5.51, 3.87, 12.73, 4.14, 11.16, 4.06, 6.68, 9.52, 4.68, 5.42, 12.7, 4.72, 4.49, 11.26, 13.74, 8.14, 4.23, 4.16, 4.4, 4.0, 4.37, 4.14, 4.01, 3.94, 4.79, 10.3, 4.3, 3.89, 8.87, 3.96, 4.06, 4.91, 4.26, 7.54, 4.34, 4.43, 8.17, 6.46, 13.43, 4.87, 4.67, 5.73, 3.96, 4.17, 4.15, 4.05, 4.72, 4.94, 3.92, 4.31, 3.91, 4.06, 12.13, 12.55, 11.01, 4.48, 3.89, 9.27, 5.82, 4.44, 4.51, 4.06, 12.29, 10.09, 3.97, 4.2, 4.32, 7.46, 5.71, 4.31, 4.71, 4.39, 4.05, 4.07, 6.2, 4.93, 4.02, 4.21, 4.08, 3.97, 4.32, 3.94, 4.5, 13.77, 4.34, 5.31, 4.2, 4.0, 4.91, 3.97, 4.68, 9.13, 4.17, 4.3, 4.84, 4.39, 3.91, 4.93, 3.82, 4.3, 12.98, 4.6, 8.89, 4.21, 3.73, 4.17, 4.26, 12.28, 5.97, 3.9, 11.74, 4.29, 6.8, 13.22, 4.49, 6.47, 5.66, 13.6, 4.78, 4.13, 5.95, 13.12, 7.12, 4.06, 4.04, 12.72, 4.36, 5.16, 4.11, 3.92, 6.54, 4.25, 3.96, 4.16, 4.11, 3.95, 4.66, 3.93, 4.06, 13.35, 4.43, 5.12, 5.15, 4.43, 4.47, 4.32, 4.01, 8.1, 4.84, 6.49, 5.53, 4.31, 4.2, 3.84, 11.49, 3.84, 11.14, 4.25, 4.3, 4.27, 10.25, 4.21, 5.03, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.22, 4.47, 13.31, 4.51, 13.14, 12.61, 13.57, 4.5, 4.29, 4.34, 3.99, 4.41, 4.08, 4.28, 4.43, 13.35, 4.49, 5.52, 4.04, 5.14, 4.06, 4.23, 4.53, 4.15, 13.11, 4.25, 4.23, 4.38, 6.02, 13.67, 11.36, 4.61, 12.97, 4.11, 5.01, 3.91, 4.41, 6.4, 4.34, 4.14, 4.79, 5.04, 4.15, 4.46, 12.96, 7.68, 3.98, 13.14, 4.98, 13.4, 4.18, 4.27, 13.45, 4.41, 5.25, 6.11, 4.48, 12.89, 4.7, 5.36, 13.33, 4.65, 13.02, 4.4, 4.35, 12.71, 4.36, 13.44, 12.63, 12.89, 13.55, 4.22, 4.4, 10.09, 3.93, 3.83, 3.98, 12.96, 4.07, 12.66, 6.33, 4.9, 5.18, 13.26, 4.69, 4.48, 3.95, 4.22, 4.86, 4.64, 5.54, 4.21, 4.27, 4.65, 4.6, 4.16, 3.97, 13.31, 9.4, 4.49, 4.19, 4.32, 4.13, 4.18, 4.01, 4.31, 3.74, 13.77, 13.79, 4.07, 4.18, 4.14, 4.59, 4.34, 4.28, 13.17, 3.87, 4.15, 13.35, 7.6, 13.75, 4.8, 4.57, 11.55, 4.46, 3.93, 4.3, 12.84, 5.29, 4.11, 13.19, 4.47, 3.91, 4.22, 4.82, 13.46, 4.13, 13.71, 4.09, 4.34, 4.05, 3.99, 3.98, 12.44, 3.91, 4.18, 4.52, 3.85, 4.8, 3.97, 4.16, 3.97, 4.14, 4.33, 7.96, 4.3, 4.41, 4.3, 11.44, 3.74, 3.88, 8.72, 10.7, 4.05, 4.04, 4.04, 4.07, 4.53, 6.97, 5.74, 3.79, 4.11, 4.5, 4.02, 9.19, 6.34, 4.3, 4.24, 3.96, 7.13, 4.72, 3.99, 13.14, 4.06, 4.34, 4.63, 4.11, 3.71, 6.63, 4.29, 12.68, 4.52, 4.82, 4.03, 3.91, 3.81, 3.81, 4.23, 4.26, 6.16, 5.73, 11.66, 5.5, 13.49, 4.02, 4.39, 5.06, 3.83, 10.99, 6.49, 4.01, 12.59, 12.62, 12.77, 8.76, 4.49, 4.27, 6.85, 3.98, 4.09, 13.2, 4.32, 4.58, 3.83, 4.14, 4.25, 5.79, 4.28, 3.92, 3.98, 4.2, 3.89, 4.19, 3.9, 3.73, 8.62, 4.04, 3.82, 4.08, 3.81, 5.54, 3.91, 3.9, 4.19, 4.22, 13.11, 4.1, 4.17, 4.87, 4.33, 3.86, 4.62, 4.0, 4.7, 3.75, 6.91, 3.79, 3.85, 4.14, 5.16, 3.9, 13.68, 4.11, 3.99, 3.92, 4.4, 3.99, 4.67, 5.85, 3.94, 3.88, 3.59, 4.1, 4.55, 10.22, 13.62, 9.01, 3.93, 4.17, 3.86, 4.63, 4.29, 4.05, 4.44, 5.26, 4.26, 4.2, 5.77, 4.21, 4.5, 10.4, 4.16, 4.63, 4.51, 4.43, 4.51, 4.56, 4.64, 13.07, 4.21, 4.62, 4.77, 5.44, 4.19, 4.38, 5.14, 4.35, 7.22, 3.99, 10.12, 4.69, 4.4, 4.65, 4.93, 7.03, 4.1, 4.53, 12.97, 6.23, 4.22, 13.09, 8.9, 4.76, 8.95, 4.23, 5.98, 3.69, 4.25, 4.25, 4.77, 4.93, 4.15, 4.19, 4.04, 4.37, 4.11, 7.22, 4.58, 3.68, 5.6, 4.38, 5.83, 6.93, 4.3, 11.28, 8.49, 4.06, 4.64, 3.85, 4.17, 4.18, 3.88, 4.87, 4.37, 11.78, 4.22, 4.15, 4.09, 4.0, 13.83, 4.07, 4.15, 4.35, 3.91, 11.14, 7.41, 3.98, 4.11, 4.19, 5.82, 4.18, 6.82, 4.09, 13.47, 4.26, 3.95, 4.11, 7.05, 4.31, 3.87, 6.75, 4.42, 4.14, 4.36, 4.66, 4.33, 4.66, 10.44, 4.23, 4.08, 3.91, 7.56, 4.07, 13.08, 4.33, 6.69, 3.81, 3.99, 5.56, 8.06, 3.74, 3.92, 4.09, 4.01, 4.23, 4.19, 12.81, 3.82, 6.71, 4.42, 4.78, 4.28, 4.21, 4.15, 4.2, 4.38, 14.23, 7.33, 4.05, 4.45, 4.42, 4.04, 4.17, 4.26, 6.24, 3.99, 3.82, 4.99, 4.21, 3.91, 3.98, 13.07, 3.92, 5.22, 5.11, 4.35, 4.06, 4.34, 4.46, 3.73, 9.53, 6.95, 4.18, 4.29, 4.34, 4.56, 4.8, 3.86, 4.52, 5.3, 4.21, 4.22, 4.97, 4.04, 10.72, 3.94, 3.98, 4.7, 3.74, 4.1, 3.81, 4.1, 4.02, 4.31, 8.77, 3.65, 3.87, 4.13, 4.12, 8.0, 3.72, 11.49, 4.02, 4.11, 3.89, 4.11, 3.95, 4.02, 4.99, 4.57, 4.08, 9.36, 3.95, 5.08, 4.11, 3.85, 3.8, 4.63, 3.71, 4.21, 3.63, 11.98, 12.83, 9.76, 4.44, 4.08, 8.56, 3.81, 3.84, 3.85, 6.88, 5.11, 4.35, 3.85, 3.77, 3.74, 8.45, 13.6, 3.84, 10.79, 3.79, 3.69, 3.62, 3.94, 13.35, 3.45, 4.66, 12.99, 3.99, 12.97, 5.45, 4.34, 13.02, 13.49, 13.55, 4.05, 4.07, 3.58, 3.84, 3.61, 5.55, 13.79, 3.76, 3.82, 3.5, 13.84, 8.21, 4.56, 4.0, 11.23, 13.59, 13.03, 5.51, 3.83, 10.98, 3.75, 4.68, 3.7, 4.21, 3.72, 14.07, 5.64, 3.75, 4.41, 3.6, 3.89, 12.25, 14.16, 4.09, 3.82, 3.56, 4.01, 11.62, 7.4, 13.34], [12.15, 9.27, 7.09, 8.34, 11.42, 4.17, 8.2, 3.75, 4.13, 7.61, 3.57, 8.35, 3.61, 8.29, 3.55, 5.23, 7.4, 9.73, 5.61, 3.73, 7.33, 4.7, 4.03, 4.09, 6.67, 3.46, 5.65, 4.08, 6.19, 8.26, 4.5, 9.32, 4.92, 5.11, 3.64, 6.61, 3.8, 6.19, 6.24, 4.98, 4.53, 9.6, 8.43, 4.72, 4.51, 4.43, 3.61, 13.37, 5.5, 9.91, 3.57, 14.25, 6.6, 3.66, 5.28, 14.01, 4.4, 3.94, 6.78, 6.67, 14.27, 6.57, 8.21, 4.87, 5.63, 14.55, 3.66, 6.21, 12.68, 4.23, 6.26, 5.21, 4.05, 3.78, 11.96, 10.03, 4.4, 8.97, 3.96, 6.55, 4.09, 4.18, 12.81, 4.0, 11.47, 6.21, 14.43, 9.3, 4.88, 4.0, 3.91, 5.27, 6.19, 4.43, 3.89, 9.77, 7.25, 4.01, 3.74, 3.48, 3.58, 8.07, 4.74, 12.9, 5.99, 3.66, 4.43, 4.14, 11.74, 3.8, 6.03, 13.72, 5.16, 11.69, 9.5, 4.23, 10.89, 10.03, 3.71, 3.36, 4.05, 3.59, 9.65, 3.94, 4.18, 12.15, 3.35, 6.68, 4.61, 5.79, 9.24, 4.15, 5.51, 4.52, 6.79, 4.14, 9.31, 14.1, 14.02, 7.15, 9.78, 13.7, 4.03, 3.64, 6.95, 6.28, 5.84, 7.77, 3.89, 3.84, 7.03, 6.06, 3.84, 5.53, 3.69, 11.9, 4.05, 4.9, 9.31, 4.18, 4.1, 4.04, 4.21, 3.42, 3.9, 6.44, 5.8, 4.66, 3.93, 4.01, 3.89, 3.68, 12.61, 4.04, 3.97, 5.71, 4.39, 9.9, 9.49, 13.94, 3.9, 6.35, 3.91, 4.24, 3.8, 8.34, 4.53, 3.73, 3.76, 3.86, 5.25, 4.17, 4.17, 4.12, 8.48, 13.84, 5.21, 3.87, 4.19, 3.62, 5.5, 5.95, 8.53, 3.71, 3.53, 11.04, 3.89, 6.06, 3.72, 4.91, 3.54, 8.49, 4.22, 6.33, 8.4, 3.63, 6.73, 3.63, 4.26, 3.52, 8.69, 6.08, 3.99, 4.68, 3.61, 10.3, 4.07, 3.27, 3.97, 3.62, 4.06, 3.84, 8.8, 7.18, 3.8, 5.37, 12.07, 3.95, 3.92, 6.46, 5.72, 5.71, 4.18, 13.15, 4.28, 12.96, 4.37, 4.9, 9.47, 3.98, 3.9, 4.29, 14.21, 4.04, 3.72, 11.6, 4.27, 6.58, 10.04, 4.57, 11.42, 3.89, 5.05, 13.08, 13.79, 5.73, 5.53, 13.38, 4.13, 3.44, 3.96, 7.75, 4.08, 4.87, 6.93, 4.13, 3.99, 4.22, 7.19, 4.35, 3.68, 12.86, 4.8, 5.05, 12.98, 7.4, 4.33, 4.26, 12.02, 4.0, 4.25, 4.08, 3.82, 7.96, 4.29, 8.31, 4.68, 4.04, 7.47, 13.49, 9.47, 3.65, 3.92, 10.7, 6.54, 10.73, 3.77, 4.73, 4.97, 3.59, 3.54, 3.87, 3.42, 3.66, 3.8, 3.43, 4.64, 8.56, 3.85, 6.14, 11.67, 3.93, 3.69, 3.75, 3.81, 4.39, 3.79, 3.88, 11.34, 6.82, 4.31, 14.02, 3.48, 5.02, 6.2, 5.4, 4.41, 4.09, 4.0, 3.93, 4.11, 3.73, 4.66, 5.74, 4.29, 4.07, 4.1, 8.49, 3.67, 3.59, 3.68, 4.04, 7.32, 9.12, 6.88, 6.15, 13.8, 5.0, 3.98, 3.61, 5.17, 3.6, 3.87, 6.65, 3.93, 8.45, 4.63, 3.92, 3.91, 4.0, 11.49, 3.47, 4.93, 4.1, 6.76, 4.45, 8.68, 3.54, 4.17, 8.59, 4.66, 3.64, 11.19, 3.81, 14.24, 12.77, 3.76, 13.73, 4.41, 5.62, 3.83, 4.52, 4.59, 4.3, 3.94, 4.04, 3.73, 3.83, 3.55, 4.14, 5.53, 3.69, 3.93, 3.64, 3.61, 11.19, 5.87, 13.88, 6.37, 3.94, 3.63, 12.08, 5.73, 4.68, 5.53, 3.82, 3.86, 12.7, 3.68, 6.59, 3.61, 6.86, 3.82, 4.36, 5.39, 5.78, 5.05, 5.26, 3.66, 4.78, 4.6, 6.22, 9.76, 4.26, 3.71, 4.26, 11.57, 5.76, 13.89, 13.19, 3.82, 10.31, 4.24, 4.49, 9.14, 5.28, 5.69, 4.02, 3.77, 4.2, 4.19, 3.85, 4.28, 3.57, 3.65, 5.59, 4.15, 12.22, 7.35, 8.22, 3.4, 10.53, 3.78, 4.42, 4.25, 5.68, 9.64, 4.09, 7.05, 6.42, 7.69, 3.83, 3.77, 4.16, 4.04, 6.08, 5.24, 4.41, 5.45, 3.53, 4.75, 3.83, 7.95, 9.7, 5.26, 3.84, 3.62, 8.57, 3.91, 5.44, 14.04, 4.29, 3.88, 4.54, 3.62, 3.51, 7.23, 3.73, 4.03, 4.89, 9.05, 4.96, 4.44, 3.56, 4.7, 3.9, 11.84, 3.67, 3.76, 4.5, 10.3, 9.71, 3.75, 3.82, 4.14, 13.49, 4.8, 10.55, 8.37, 3.88, 5.17, 5.12, 3.79, 3.94, 12.35, 6.19, 8.89, 4.14, 13.47, 4.61, 4.12, 3.86, 3.59, 10.21, 4.76, 4.7, 3.67, 4.48, 3.94, 4.78, 6.44, 4.15, 3.72, 7.93, 13.87, 4.08, 4.26, 3.81, 7.5, 9.86, 4.05, 4.02, 5.14, 4.56, 3.5, 3.67, 3.57, 7.35, 4.03, 3.92, 9.37, 12.16, 3.41, 3.2, 11.96, 3.6, 4.04, 3.6, 3.77, 9.34, 5.48, 3.79, 11.81, 4.37, 5.9, 5.58, 5.18, 4.0, 4.84, 3.72, 3.96, 5.94, 3.86, 3.66, 4.47, 3.75, 3.48, 3.91, 3.91, 4.58, 4.08, 3.99, 5.69, 14.39, 8.65, 3.89, 14.23, 3.88, 3.93, 3.9, 3.71, 4.51, 5.53, 6.0, 4.23, 3.99, 9.16, 5.71, 5.49, 4.73, 8.15, 3.62, 4.26, 3.83, 3.71, 3.74, 3.56, 3.92, 3.44, 4.07, 3.89, 3.84, 3.56, 3.75, 3.54, 6.71, 3.5, 4.11, 4.07, 11.88, 9.86, 3.71, 3.74, 4.32, 3.84, 3.41, 4.12, 14.19, 5.48, 3.57, 3.97, 3.64, 3.77, 3.82, 3.84, 4.63, 3.67, 3.67, 4.61, 3.62, 7.58, 3.51, 3.52, 3.59, 4.64, 4.06, 4.17, 3.63, 3.89, 4.04, 5.09, 3.98, 3.94, 3.66, 4.27, 3.43, 3.95, 7.72, 3.68, 3.97, 4.08, 5.98, 3.62, 4.16, 4.64, 4.52, 8.04, 3.91, 3.86, 5.09, 4.14, 3.56, 3.9, 7.28, 4.02, 4.26, 4.12, 3.88, 3.96, 4.05, 3.58, 3.96, 4.51, 3.63, 3.95, 3.5, 4.01, 3.78, 3.83, 3.62, 3.63, 4.22, 3.87, 10.35, 3.94, 3.97, 6.25, 3.91, 3.72, 3.45, 4.6, 3.56, 3.76, 3.71, 3.57, 3.44, 3.7, 4.48, 6.07, 3.84, 3.47, 4.68, 3.57, 3.94, 3.99, 3.6, 4.5, 3.34, 3.81, 3.93, 3.67, 5.14, 4.01, 9.43, 3.39, 4.07, 4.01, 4.01, 3.48, 3.78, 4.15, 3.83, 3.52, 4.02, 3.57, 3.64, 3.98, 4.62, 4.7, 3.77, 4.01, 3.83, 3.96, 10.61, 3.52, 13.32, 13.62, 4.88, 13.43, 5.06, 6.96, 9.37, 3.81, 5.44, 3.69, 6.84, 5.09, 3.47, 3.63, 3.85, 4.21, 3.52, 12.94, 4.15, 12.67, 3.73, 5.93, 8.36, 6.22, 3.62, 3.59, 4.16, 5.21, 7.19, 5.91, 4.37, 4.04, 4.32, 3.77, 6.97, 3.23, 4.71, 13.59, 4.83, 3.43, 3.55, 4.53, 10.67, 6.89, 6.61, 7.63, 4.33, 4.17, 3.92, 6.8, 3.49, 4.65, 5.02, 7.25, 3.98, 4.98, 3.81, 3.66, 9.06, 13.74, 3.38, 3.53, 3.44, 3.44, 11.35, 3.54, 11.9, 4.03, 3.46, 4.75, 9.48, 4.31, 8.21, 4.75, 11.21, 5.0, 5.93, 6.77, 7.03, 6.77, 7.02, 10.57, 4.05, 4.21, 5.04, 9.45, 3.73, 3.57, 4.69, 3.64, 7.53, 9.82, 4.2, 14.18, 6.63, 11.03, 8.64, 6.01, 6.2, 13.87, 3.86, 3.54, 4.29, 6.36, 14.28, 3.62, 5.96, 12.38, 4.3, 4.63, 4.04, 4.99, 3.58, 13.95, 3.39, 3.65, 3.75, 3.29, 3.68, 8.91, 5.09, 4.3, 4.17, 5.67, 7.0, 10.97, 4.72, 3.7, 8.33, 6.06, 3.59, 6.48, 3.71, 8.44, 9.72, 3.52, 3.98, 7.8, 4.17, 12.59, 9.07, 5.48, 13.9, 3.79, 4.25, 3.6, 11.84, 9.17, 3.65, 5.08, 5.35, 8.05, 6.49, 3.87, 9.02, 7.93, 3.69, 4.84, 6.54, 3.95, 13.04, 7.51, 4.16, 3.93, 8.28, 3.9, 5.2, 7.78, 10.34, 6.27, 5.76, 5.1, 5.25, 6.44, 4.12, 3.92, 13.02, 4.3, 13.25, 5.96, 3.56, 3.62, 4.81, 5.89, 7.38, 13.34, 5.5, 13.38, 6.0, 14.05, 9.0, 4.73, 3.95, 3.45, 3.64, 3.72, 5.36, 10.1, 8.63, 11.1, 8.79, 13.12, 3.62, 9.03, 4.73, 5.12, 3.57, 3.67, 4.49, 6.83, 4.76, 3.82, 4.02, 10.84, 10.7, 11.34, 3.7, 3.48, 3.61, 3.91, 3.85, 9.31, 6.92, 7.16, 3.72, 3.51, 11.68, 13.86, 3.64, 4.96, 8.65, 5.86, 7.55, 4.61, 3.73, 4.42, 3.94, 13.77, 11.49, 4.31, 7.06, 4.07, 4.05, 5.55, 7.35, 4.91, 13.2, 13.76, 5.98, 7.0, 3.98, 4.44, 9.97, 5.42, 4.03, 4.92, 5.77, 4.96, 4.4, 4.0, 10.63, 9.98, 12.87, 3.65, 3.99, 9.46, 14.55, 8.2, 4.18, 14.54, 10.41, 6.59, 14.25, 4.22, 8.77, 11.01, 3.79, 3.89, 4.03, 6.4, 4.06, 4.42], [7.0, 11.5, 12.48, 6.86, 9.6, 4.66, 4.21, 4.11, 8.04, 5.43, 4.29, 7.54, 4.53, 4.38, 4.55, 4.72, 4.99, 10.26, 7.65, 4.52, 8.57, 6.2, 4.5, 4.51, 12.78, 4.16, 9.39, 4.93, 9.1, 4.45, 10.19, 4.32, 5.27, 4.13, 13.48, 4.14, 5.58, 4.14, 6.69, 5.74, 4.6, 13.23, 4.62, 4.07, 9.51, 5.51, 4.62, 6.66, 4.5, 12.09, 12.29, 5.89, 4.45, 5.84, 6.74, 11.01, 4.4, 4.64, 4.51, 7.64, 12.04, 12.78, 11.15, 4.56, 7.55, 11.26, 4.56, 10.75, 6.86, 4.43, 9.51, 11.47, 13.11, 5.08, 4.85, 11.5, 8.95, 11.9, 6.95, 4.57, 7.12, 7.65, 9.48, 12.23, 9.33, 4.69, 8.92, 7.16, 5.99, 4.44, 5.16, 12.29, 6.42, 12.11, 5.86, 11.74, 6.84, 6.22, 4.61, 5.11, 4.57, 8.81, 9.63, 8.83, 9.15, 5.88, 7.88, 4.58, 9.53, 4.15, 9.39, 5.61, 7.67, 6.97, 7.2, 9.03, 11.07, 5.16, 4.54, 4.52, 8.8, 5.09, 10.13, 11.46, 4.41, 4.46, 4.54, 6.82, 4.42, 10.42, 9.85, 4.71, 8.6, 5.36, 9.35, 7.26, 12.33, 7.01, 4.4, 12.57, 13.4, 4.56, 4.38, 5.58, 12.07, 4.78, 5.43, 4.81, 12.67, 11.95, 4.58, 10.13, 5.48, 8.96, 4.66, 5.32, 4.8, 5.55, 10.09, 4.96, 9.52, 9.85, 9.11, 12.14, 4.45, 6.23, 11.36, 4.73, 4.71, 4.47, 4.71, 4.56, 11.89, 9.34, 4.47, 11.9, 8.03, 7.95, 11.23, 5.99, 8.73, 12.96, 4.29, 4.6, 10.44, 12.37, 4.57, 10.64, 8.86, 4.06, 4.37, 4.45, 7.24, 9.21, 9.2, 7.37, 11.97, 6.04, 10.88, 8.64, 8.75, 7.25, 5.75, 4.21, 4.28, 6.25, 4.25, 8.59, 11.25, 4.61, 5.61, 8.3, 4.56, 5.59, 4.43, 4.38, 9.16, 5.79, 4.2, 4.22, 4.78, 9.14, 5.21, 5.35, 12.16, 4.79, 4.23, 5.83, 12.2, 4.44, 4.21, 8.22, 4.88, 4.37, 6.87, 6.45, 5.58, 4.52, 6.13, 4.04, 12.96, 5.06, 4.3, 4.41, 10.14, 4.79, 4.94, 9.12, 6.11, 4.82, 4.52, 4.98, 10.03, 4.68, 5.0, 6.49, 5.58, 4.1, 8.83, 4.64, 6.5, 4.14, 4.55, 4.29, 4.6, 8.49, 12.91, 5.89, 10.54, 4.33, 4.51, 5.8, 4.37, 7.5, 12.07, 8.15, 5.03, 4.81, 5.95, 6.74, 10.53, 10.26, 12.0, 7.16, 4.53, 4.08, 4.46, 10.09, 7.48, 4.58, 8.19, 10.77, 8.82, 5.49, 4.08, 6.71, 9.34, 4.35, 13.08, 5.01, 12.35, 5.04, 11.25, 7.16, 5.45, 9.29, 4.9, 4.24, 11.26, 10.45, 12.07, 4.65, 5.02, 10.44, 4.94, 4.56, 12.42, 11.8, 4.27, 4.61, 12.75, 4.56, 4.28, 6.17, 4.38, 4.83, 4.44, 11.43, 8.83, 4.62, 5.2, 7.39, 4.45, 4.74, 10.33, 4.45, 4.42, 4.92, 4.73, 4.76, 4.38, 4.56, 11.7, 12.36, 11.21, 10.52, 4.75, 10.22, 8.43, 4.3, 4.9, 4.84, 8.1, 13.1, 7.31, 6.75, 10.93, 8.9, 5.67, 4.66, 7.68, 8.92, 4.42, 10.91, 4.51, 9.58, 4.56, 4.57, 4.57, 12.75, 5.44, 4.5, 8.4, 10.81, 10.24, 10.21, 6.06, 4.68, 5.57, 5.22, 10.38, 4.51, 11.79, 4.3, 8.93, 4.49, 4.74, 4.57, 6.89, 12.0, 4.56, 4.13, 4.68, 4.53, 5.41, 5.35, 12.45, 8.61, 4.67, 4.69, 4.52, 4.43, 4.52, 4.36, 4.78, 4.77, 11.73, 6.02, 12.55, 4.68, 4.58, 8.26, 6.51, 12.33, 7.78, 4.86, 9.79, 4.37, 11.74, 11.28, 11.87, 5.99, 5.59, 11.75, 8.33, 7.0, 9.11, 12.75, 6.04, 4.29, 5.54, 11.74, 4.7, 7.5, 12.21, 4.33, 12.02, 5.74, 4.6, 6.88, 4.86, 10.34, 10.39, 12.52, 6.0, 12.73, 4.58, 6.85, 11.69, 4.69, 4.65, 4.81, 5.91, 5.45, 7.25, 5.83, 6.78, 4.76, 4.69, 4.08, 5.01, 5.97, 4.78, 8.79, 12.84, 10.43, 11.99, 12.52, 5.72, 4.93, 11.27, 4.41, 4.86, 4.63, 13.0, 4.35, 12.09, 12.31, 12.83, 11.38, 4.88, 4.69, 4.73, 5.63, 8.97, 7.08, 4.68, 10.69, 4.61, 12.03, 8.09, 4.78, 4.54, 4.55, 5.03, 4.3, 11.31, 5.05, 4.26, 4.73, 6.79, 12.54, 9.49, 4.89, 12.97, 4.37, 4.15, 4.54, 4.55, 4.63, 4.57, 12.41, 4.6, 5.09, 4.78, 7.29, 12.05, 11.43, 5.74, 8.79, 10.04, 12.38, 5.95, 4.38, 10.8, 12.35, 9.48, 7.28, 4.88, 12.09, 5.42, 4.43, 12.54, 6.64, 13.13, 4.29, 4.35, 11.54, 7.5, 12.8, 12.73, 12.76, 11.86, 6.81, 10.73, 10.63, 4.88, 4.9, 9.74, 10.49, 9.59, 10.48, 6.94, 4.76, 4.63, 10.4, 6.09, 5.18, 5.97, 4.69, 9.04, 4.54, 4.64, 4.03, 4.91, 4.61, 4.85, 6.97, 4.67, 12.78, 6.29, 4.06, 4.46, 4.42, 6.96, 4.64, 4.99, 4.54, 4.45, 13.18, 12.9, 8.05, 4.58, 4.69, 4.93, 5.37, 4.76, 13.13, 4.5, 4.74, 12.89, 7.5, 12.93, 7.32, 8.34, 4.58, 6.59, 4.53, 4.67, 4.77, 4.36, 8.97, 10.91, 4.29, 4.27, 4.33, 7.26, 13.09, 6.97, 12.28, 4.42, 9.68, 9.47, 4.22, 4.1, 12.21, 4.33, 5.28, 4.59, 12.02, 13.02, 4.16, 4.31, 4.54, 5.52, 4.3, 4.38, 5.16, 4.23, 4.1, 11.56, 5.6, 4.56, 4.61, 4.95, 4.76, 4.64, 5.22, 4.59, 5.08, 4.32, 4.5, 4.93, 4.55, 4.48, 10.34, 9.65, 7.33, 10.23, 4.19, 4.05, 4.84, 10.1, 12.7, 12.54, 4.69, 4.48, 4.59, 4.18, 11.58, 8.82, 4.23, 4.45, 4.48, 11.55, 5.43, 4.52, 5.91, 4.55, 4.54, 10.75, 12.08, 4.41, 6.06, 12.63, 12.95, 5.17, 4.13, 4.93, 7.31, 9.34, 6.01, 4.4, 9.2, 13.0, 12.58, 13.08, 4.76, 4.52, 4.21, 4.53, 4.89, 13.0, 4.51, 5.91, 5.54, 4.86, 5.08, 13.29, 4.09, 4.79, 4.88, 4.6, 5.16, 4.64, 4.45, 4.0, 4.93, 4.64, 6.28, 4.88, 4.19, 4.83, 4.57, 4.48, 4.43, 4.27, 12.9, 5.04, 4.7, 4.5, 7.14, 4.39, 6.23, 4.85, 4.53, 8.94, 4.5, 4.55, 4.34, 4.45, 10.74, 4.61, 12.49, 4.69, 4.56, 4.57, 4.74, 4.39, 4.3, 7.14, 4.31, 4.25, 5.15, 4.25, 4.9, 4.84, 11.64, 7.23, 4.45, 4.19, 4.46, 4.77, 9.86, 5.48, 6.44, 4.86, 4.77, 5.3, 8.83, 6.14, 7.51, 10.11, 4.45, 11.64, 10.53, 5.89, 5.76, 4.79, 4.79, 12.11, 5.03, 4.87, 6.08, 4.55, 4.46, 11.31, 4.58, 10.81, 4.49, 9.11, 10.18, 10.89, 8.02, 4.45, 4.5, 4.62, 4.46, 4.06, 10.98, 4.72, 5.2, 10.99, 6.24, 4.5, 4.74, 4.36, 4.09, 8.64, 4.47, 8.93, 4.21, 5.71, 10.07, 8.14, 4.53, 7.19, 11.28, 11.96, 4.99, 4.55, 12.18, 4.59, 4.92, 7.76, 5.13, 4.83, 11.6, 10.79, 5.43, 4.24, 6.42, 10.11, 10.88, 5.27, 4.1, 7.29, 5.99, 9.44, 6.93, 10.37, 11.39, 4.28, 9.31, 4.76, 4.38, 10.15, 4.51, 5.43, 7.86, 11.3, 5.13, 7.87, 10.49, 10.68, 12.54, 4.66, 8.47, 5.7, 11.45, 4.32, 8.59, 11.58, 9.02, 5.58, 4.74, 10.7, 6.75, 5.31, 8.77, 11.13, 10.68, 4.35, 9.92, 6.65, 11.96, 9.77, 7.17, 7.37, 12.55, 5.03, 9.52, 4.6, 5.06, 6.12, 5.12, 10.5, 5.01, 13.12, 11.67, 11.95, 6.41, 4.39, 10.74, 9.69, 4.8, 5.61, 4.32, 12.03, 13.2, 9.55, 4.57, 6.28, 13.08, 10.77, 10.1, 4.27, 4.8, 7.67, 10.74, 4.54, 7.51, 4.57, 12.13, 9.36, 4.5, 12.82, 5.22, 8.34, 6.92, 10.22, 4.76, 11.0, 13.1, 4.7, 7.62, 5.84, 5.35, 4.28, 11.86, 9.95, 9.62, 8.56, 4.5, 12.84, 4.76, 9.71, 4.39, 9.26, 8.97, 7.44, 12.53, 6.0, 6.55, 4.32, 5.2, 12.04, 4.42, 8.64, 4.35, 5.1, 12.66, 4.22, 5.46, 8.51, 7.63, 6.17, 4.99, 6.68, 4.17, 4.38, 10.65, 4.27, 12.75, 4.41, 4.27, 4.32, 4.16, 5.04, 13.25, 9.96, 4.59, 11.32, 10.33, 11.06, 4.75, 5.73, 7.9, 9.89, 5.36, 8.3, 5.73, 4.13, 9.34, 6.36, 5.6, 4.44, 7.07, 11.71, 11.2, 4.75, 11.4, 6.25, 4.83, 6.61, 4.65, 12.48, 4.68, 4.89, 11.91, 10.37, 11.21, 12.08, 11.12, 12.74, 8.08, 11.48, 10.61, 11.88, 4.61, 10.97, 8.43, 11.13, 10.71, 4.75, 7.03, 9.58, 8.76, 10.07, 11.5, 5.3, 11.77, 12.83, 8.86, 11.11, 12.63, 10.85, 4.5, 12.62, 8.36, 7.88, 8.7, 8.39, 10.74, 6.66, 4.66, 4.73, 4.29, 5.13, 9.73, 4.63, 6.78, 9.62, 4.19, 11.64, 7.25, 11.92], [10.94, 4.36, 5.2, 4.35, 5.23, 4.38, 4.74, 4.08, 12.14, 4.34, 12.26, 8.87, 6.07, 5.05, 4.48, 4.05, 4.63, 9.23, 9.88, 12.07, 12.22, 5.88, 7.88, 4.8, 11.77, 4.74, 11.44, 7.73, 4.2, 4.13, 4.44, 3.98, 4.14, 11.08, 4.73, 4.26, 4.12, 4.08, 5.53, 4.52, 4.31, 5.34, 4.39, 8.76, 11.02, 9.82, 4.48, 11.41, 4.13, 11.99, 7.55, 4.37, 4.54, 4.0, 4.3, 4.48, 5.29, 4.17, 7.72, 7.57, 11.77, 13.22, 4.71, 5.16, 4.35, 8.17, 4.84, 4.22, 4.44, 4.81, 4.34, 4.58, 5.33, 4.46, 4.16, 10.83, 11.63, 5.23, 4.35, 4.31, 4.19, 12.4, 7.2, 5.19, 4.55, 4.29, 4.45, 4.31, 10.58, 4.72, 5.99, 10.29, 11.0, 10.9, 11.41, 4.4, 4.44, 11.16, 4.62, 4.89, 9.84, 10.82, 11.66, 4.22, 4.5, 10.2, 4.14, 4.64, 10.39, 4.74, 4.47, 12.5, 4.93, 8.35, 4.22, 4.83, 10.6, 10.71, 4.23, 12.39, 11.68, 4.24, 5.83, 5.82, 10.12, 4.16, 4.55, 11.69, 6.58, 4.49, 7.6, 4.44, 9.46, 3.97, 4.44, 4.12, 8.74, 4.82, 4.45, 4.46, 9.67, 3.99, 4.03, 9.98, 4.4, 4.29, 8.17, 4.19, 4.79, 4.81, 4.6, 4.57, 11.71, 4.04, 9.07, 9.43, 4.18, 4.25, 9.86, 4.71, 4.44, 4.15, 4.36, 4.6, 4.66, 4.25, 4.59, 4.69, 5.11, 4.39, 4.19, 8.39, 4.97, 10.9, 4.46, 12.13, 11.72, 4.71, 4.18, 7.87, 11.87, 7.05, 12.87, 4.37, 4.2, 9.79, 7.8, 10.81, 13.49, 4.48, 3.89, 4.13, 11.32, 5.91, 10.62, 4.71, 4.81, 4.35, 10.91, 8.35, 11.09, 4.14, 12.34, 4.94, 4.15, 6.31, 4.17, 9.46, 12.09, 4.41, 3.96, 11.5, 4.86, 6.92, 4.82, 12.27, 6.05, 8.12, 9.03, 5.9, 8.53, 4.49, 4.24, 4.52, 7.22, 4.74, 4.11, 4.1, 9.06, 6.77, 4.32, 4.81, 4.13, 4.23, 4.13, 8.55, 4.08, 4.16, 4.1, 4.17, 12.31, 10.07, 8.3, 4.96, 3.97, 4.28, 11.57, 4.76, 4.57, 4.09, 5.56, 3.92, 4.57, 6.54, 10.2, 5.05, 4.46, 4.32, 5.37, 4.67, 3.98, 10.04, 4.71, 5.13, 5.12, 4.24, 12.33, 4.09, 11.81, 10.62, 4.65, 4.63, 11.51, 6.42, 5.99, 4.04, 4.39, 7.82, 4.36, 5.12, 5.8, 4.33, 11.24, 5.76, 8.15, 4.66, 4.79, 8.33, 12.16, 4.19, 4.96, 10.96, 7.26, 5.23, 4.19, 4.09, 12.46, 4.34, 5.74, 4.95, 11.17, 4.06, 11.97, 6.61, 11.28, 5.77, 9.69, 4.11, 11.65, 4.77, 9.31, 4.49, 4.43, 4.85, 4.48, 12.25, 8.41, 7.05, 4.61, 4.56, 11.31, 4.02, 4.36, 5.6, 4.26, 10.7, 7.81, 4.29, 6.01, 4.49, 4.65, 12.32, 4.35, 7.8, 8.13, 5.86, 4.08, 4.23, 5.43, 3.92, 4.02, 4.44, 8.83, 11.65, 11.94, 8.95, 4.72, 9.6, 4.19, 4.82, 4.21, 3.94, 3.88, 10.11, 11.69, 6.89, 5.11, 5.29, 4.42, 4.26, 11.52, 4.42, 4.37, 11.43, 5.27, 4.59, 4.34, 4.17, 4.12, 9.16, 4.74, 4.53, 4.13, 6.43, 4.54, 4.31, 10.48, 5.18, 11.88, 4.47, 10.87, 4.58, 4.52, 10.8, 4.52, 4.46, 4.1, 4.53, 11.61, 11.15, 4.61, 4.89, 4.22, 4.31, 4.67, 4.24, 4.47, 11.43, 4.22, 4.28, 9.68, 4.21, 4.34, 10.38, 12.71, 4.32, 11.56, 4.55, 4.11, 4.64, 4.25, 4.19, 10.7, 10.78, 8.35, 4.29, 8.69, 4.04, 5.04, 11.06, 4.18, 4.36, 4.17, 11.13, 4.47, 4.32, 4.16, 12.57, 6.09, 4.45, 12.2, 4.58, 4.61, 6.61, 5.75, 4.82, 9.36, 10.49, 6.79, 4.64, 5.62, 4.41, 4.1, 4.77, 4.82, 12.67, 4.38, 4.36, 8.11, 4.44, 4.35, 4.29, 10.29, 4.48, 8.31, 6.64, 4.39, 5.17, 4.51, 5.97, 11.8, 5.43, 4.58, 11.74, 4.11, 4.35, 11.07, 4.88, 3.91, 5.37, 4.41, 4.87, 4.62, 4.89, 12.05, 4.52, 11.65, 11.13, 12.28, 10.55, 4.63, 5.7, 7.69, 4.12, 10.5, 8.77, 4.77, 12.14, 4.26, 5.18, 11.46, 4.45, 5.02, 5.38, 4.92, 4.92, 12.2, 4.2, 4.47, 11.61, 12.24, 11.31, 8.68, 4.21, 12.16, 4.05, 5.52, 4.77, 4.24, 4.42, 4.65, 4.67, 4.36, 5.2, 4.0, 4.51, 12.07, 10.85, 4.25, 11.89, 4.4, 11.64, 9.09, 11.51, 10.75, 4.1, 4.3, 5.65, 5.51, 10.87, 4.66, 6.36, 12.04, 4.44, 12.43, 4.26, 4.02, 11.4, 4.84, 12.03, 12.47, 11.99, 11.61, 10.46, 11.41, 9.78, 8.4, 4.74, 4.39, 11.79, 4.48, 12.58, 6.82, 5.8, 4.53, 9.43, 12.35, 4.55, 4.04, 4.03, 10.59, 4.49, 5.3, 12.99, 4.24, 3.97, 4.55, 4.46, 4.67, 5.58, 11.17, 4.42, 4.03, 4.49, 6.6, 4.46, 5.86, 4.62, 4.21, 12.07, 11.52, 7.16, 5.18, 4.01, 4.22, 4.38, 4.25, 12.11, 4.44, 6.31, 12.12, 9.97, 12.95, 5.41, 10.2, 4.22, 4.43, 5.45, 5.17, 4.19, 4.91, 6.45, 9.93, 11.16, 4.3, 4.02, 4.08, 12.28, 4.8, 10.82, 4.19, 4.79, 6.65, 4.37, 4.14, 7.8, 4.33, 4.3, 4.85, 4.3, 4.68, 4.2, 4.28, 4.38, 4.45, 4.71, 4.2, 4.43, 4.8, 7.96, 8.57, 4.19, 10.94, 5.59, 6.07, 4.99, 4.69, 7.72, 4.14, 4.05, 4.04, 4.9, 4.47, 4.11, 4.14, 12.83, 7.92, 5.43, 8.9, 4.11, 4.1, 4.33, 10.71, 4.37, 12.77, 4.2, 4.59, 4.22, 4.06, 4.38, 11.88, 4.25, 4.43, 3.91, 10.18, 4.67, 4.56, 10.86, 4.48, 4.15, 4.23, 4.86, 5.84, 4.53, 9.88, 12.24, 4.22, 4.11, 5.65, 4.63, 13.16, 8.69, 4.21, 12.38, 12.09, 11.89, 5.13, 4.52, 4.14, 4.41, 4.57, 4.21, 10.69, 4.44, 4.68, 4.17, 4.06, 5.11, 12.07, 4.65, 4.17, 7.73, 4.4, 4.31, 5.78, 4.01, 4.45, 4.02, 4.16, 4.06, 4.37, 4.24, 5.59, 4.19, 4.17, 4.02, 6.28, 12.42, 5.26, 4.57, 4.81, 9.84, 4.45, 4.07, 5.07, 5.61, 4.61, 4.12, 4.08, 4.14, 4.19, 6.18, 5.42, 6.58, 4.03, 4.09, 4.1, 4.36, 4.19, 4.22, 4.12, 4.3, 4.33, 4.23, 4.38, 4.14, 6.85, 11.9, 10.06, 4.01, 4.32, 7.52, 4.44, 11.19, 4.28, 8.43, 4.47, 4.6, 6.12, 11.47, 12.24, 8.93, 10.63, 7.01, 9.86, 10.25, 8.5, 8.57, 11.6, 4.56, 12.32, 4.44, 6.07, 4.92, 5.79, 4.49, 4.26, 9.53, 10.73, 4.87, 12.51, 8.57, 6.69, 4.62, 9.49, 11.01, 5.06, 10.15, 4.43, 12.07, 5.94, 4.29, 9.98, 8.2, 5.26, 5.09, 6.3, 4.38, 5.1, 4.53, 4.74, 4.24, 4.3, 5.42, 9.64, 4.58, 4.93, 6.53, 4.61, 4.2, 4.39, 4.49, 5.4, 4.76, 5.46, 4.34, 4.3, 9.88, 4.15, 12.4, 4.93, 4.35, 6.59, 4.43, 4.88, 4.44, 4.22, 4.46, 4.79, 9.03, 5.0, 13.92, 4.54, 7.14, 4.17, 4.36, 12.21, 4.75, 6.21, 4.54, 4.89, 9.31, 4.17, 13.61, 4.43, 12.27, 4.2, 10.06, 4.65, 12.5, 4.01, 4.51, 6.27, 4.08, 4.25, 4.33, 11.02, 10.93, 4.19, 7.77, 9.85, 4.38, 4.07, 5.31, 8.37, 9.85, 11.44, 12.87, 4.37, 10.51, 5.52, 4.61, 4.16, 5.0, 4.53, 10.98, 9.03, 8.26, 12.64, 4.82, 10.75, 4.39, 4.92, 7.86, 4.58, 12.59, 4.32, 5.68, 5.42, 4.69, 7.36, 4.14, 4.18, 4.51, 10.82, 4.23, 5.76, 8.36, 4.09, 10.9, 4.35, 10.59, 4.31, 11.06, 4.13, 4.09, 10.18, 6.68, 4.38, 4.18, 4.78, 4.64, 12.27, 4.78, 5.08, 4.69, 8.19, 4.55, 4.53, 4.85, 4.27, 4.21, 6.31, 4.1, 5.58, 4.97, 5.25, 4.22, 8.57, 5.11, 12.59, 4.59, 4.59, 6.65, 4.08, 11.13, 10.57, 3.85, 4.42, 3.87, 6.47, 12.12, 4.32, 5.46, 10.41, 4.92, 4.28, 6.65, 4.2, 4.79, 5.03, 4.98, 4.12, 11.59, 3.93, 5.08, 4.27, 4.38, 4.59, 4.71, 5.05, 4.19, 4.98, 11.65, 10.45, 4.2, 4.15, 9.39, 12.18, 4.15, 5.34, 8.44, 4.37, 10.92, 4.51, 4.01, 4.77, 6.18, 3.9, 12.83, 5.18, 11.53, 5.2, 11.14, 4.19, 4.13, 11.86, 4.22, 4.4, 8.75, 5.71, 11.1, 4.26, 7.54, 10.66, 12.47, 12.67, 12.23, 4.08, 9.18, 7.65, 10.27, 4.39, 12.37, 9.63, 4.4, 9.93, 12.67, 6.07, 11.27, 8.26, 6.13, 12.55, 12.83, 11.48, 4.45, 8.74, 11.65, 10.29, 12.24, 4.09, 4.08, 12.25, 4.2, 4.25, 6.46, 4.56, 4.44, 5.93, 12.88, 4.3, 11.5, 4.56, 8.65, 10.34, 4.38, 10.37], [12.06, 11.5, 12.6, 11.34, 5.43, 5.06, 5.42, 5.16, 6.2, 5.63, 5.19, 11.64, 5.22, 9.69, 11.8, 8.65, 5.26, 12.51, 8.97, 5.43, 12.22, 11.02, 4.95, 5.32, 13.36, 4.95, 12.06, 12.46, 5.07, 5.43, 5.16, 4.98, 11.78, 10.21, 10.78, 5.52, 12.21, 5.46, 7.86, 8.67, 7.15, 5.13, 11.48, 10.94, 11.44, 12.43, 5.07, 13.07, 5.72, 12.35, 11.73, 6.44, 12.16, 5.32, 5.5, 13.24, 8.61, 5.42, 7.92, 11.23, 11.68, 11.02, 11.16, 10.93, 5.97, 5.19, 5.23, 11.52, 7.8, 8.27, 12.8, 12.84, 11.16, 5.38, 5.07, 12.4, 13.4, 11.82, 5.44, 5.11, 12.61, 11.21, 8.4, 11.29, 10.53, 5.04, 5.45, 5.36, 11.76, 5.17, 7.85, 10.69, 12.9, 10.78, 12.71, 12.42, 10.47, 10.97, 8.26, 5.4, 10.05, 12.09, 11.9, 9.0, 7.76, 7.46, 5.28, 5.04, 12.58, 4.76, 12.47, 11.85, 5.01, 7.65, 7.49, 10.15, 12.4, 7.63, 5.19, 7.24, 11.88, 5.49, 5.73, 13.65, 11.17, 5.22, 8.37, 11.79, 12.16, 11.8, 10.72, 12.0, 11.05, 5.63, 5.74, 5.38, 12.82, 11.93, 5.55, 13.13, 7.57, 5.02, 5.88, 12.02, 13.15, 5.5, 12.07, 5.2, 10.71, 5.3, 5.1, 5.77, 12.28, 5.52, 11.95, 7.12, 5.45, 5.84, 10.93, 8.19, 8.55, 11.76, 11.5, 5.18, 11.91, 7.81, 13.42, 12.17, 5.43, 11.05, 6.83, 12.39, 10.79, 11.96, 8.32, 12.86, 12.62, 9.99, 9.71, 5.32, 11.18, 13.04, 4.77, 4.92, 4.79, 12.43, 12.89, 12.64, 10.94, 5.08, 4.98, 5.56, 12.68, 11.64, 11.37, 6.62, 12.27, 6.38, 10.67, 10.76, 11.64, 11.44, 8.71, 8.23, 6.67, 7.57, 5.08, 10.99, 10.1, 5.09, 4.97, 9.74, 5.16, 12.34, 10.13, 12.08, 6.83, 12.76, 8.81, 5.02, 13.01, 11.17, 5.02, 5.0, 11.02, 8.76, 5.13, 5.07, 5.08, 4.95, 5.17, 10.49, 5.46, 4.86, 7.99, 4.75, 5.08, 8.0, 5.32, 4.9, 12.17, 5.48, 5.3, 4.96, 5.09, 4.97, 6.36, 12.6, 5.3, 5.45, 7.41, 5.42, 12.19, 5.11, 9.24, 5.37, 5.1, 8.18, 12.48, 5.21, 8.52, 9.13, 9.31, 9.5, 5.58, 6.66, 11.47, 7.71, 9.18, 10.13, 5.15, 7.74, 9.86, 8.37, 11.36, 5.37, 5.44, 10.93, 8.03, 5.33, 4.88, 11.34, 12.45, 5.21, 4.87, 9.01, 5.39, 10.0, 11.81, 8.01, 5.23, 10.91, 5.59, 5.26, 5.71, 5.39, 7.07, 9.47, 7.23, 9.33, 12.62, 13.53, 12.25, 6.66, 11.83, 7.93, 6.05, 11.45, 12.06, 9.22, 9.7, 5.11, 12.53, 12.32, 8.22, 8.67, 10.83, 8.15, 4.87, 6.87, 10.42, 5.42, 5.1, 8.94, 5.98, 5.32, 9.93, 7.9, 8.48, 5.09, 10.66, 10.14, 11.53, 10.06, 12.37, 5.8, 5.24, 4.9, 5.19, 5.29, 11.07, 5.28, 9.82, 11.89, 11.94, 9.26, 5.12, 10.43, 5.12, 11.01, 8.51, 5.95, 9.01, 13.48, 6.98, 5.2, 13.75, 6.7, 5.23, 5.09, 11.17, 11.4, 10.72, 9.49, 8.17, 10.2, 8.72, 5.71, 5.42, 12.24, 5.13, 5.21, 10.99, 10.14, 12.0, 9.66, 8.23, 5.41, 10.46, 8.06, 13.05, 5.29, 11.63, 11.26, 7.3, 5.1, 5.41, 5.24, 5.26, 12.02, 5.36, 9.02, 5.31, 5.15, 5.23, 5.29, 10.51, 10.14, 5.54, 4.76, 12.51, 5.71, 5.28, 10.56, 8.16, 5.17, 12.04, 5.83, 12.54, 11.49, 5.66, 4.99, 8.23, 12.56, 12.66, 7.08, 12.46, 5.01, 8.48, 11.58, 5.77, 4.97, 4.9, 13.23, 5.56, 9.02, 12.09, 11.26, 7.1, 5.3, 5.81, 9.85, 5.37, 12.75, 5.07, 5.06, 12.17, 5.66, 5.51, 5.89, 5.09, 4.85, 12.14, 13.49, 11.67, 11.8, 5.04, 12.03, 11.23, 4.93, 9.91, 5.42, 5.36, 9.67, 10.54, 9.28, 5.77, 5.42, 4.82, 12.04, 5.43, 5.38, 9.26, 13.17, 5.51, 9.32, 12.7, 6.02, 13.04, 6.51, 9.16, 5.1, 8.9, 10.32, 11.93, 5.43, 12.55, 12.41, 10.24, 10.58, 6.88, 13.02, 5.23, 9.41, 8.76, 10.14, 6.12, 13.11, 4.86, 13.04, 12.17, 5.04, 5.16, 5.11, 5.19, 5.74, 13.08, 5.18, 6.67, 11.74, 12.82, 12.07, 12.52, 5.8, 11.26, 6.84, 5.26, 5.5, 11.65, 5.75, 9.09, 7.2, 5.52, 5.03, 4.97, 5.55, 12.01, 10.99, 6.88, 10.14, 9.18, 12.0, 13.25, 12.87, 12.92, 5.15, 8.14, 5.48, 8.54, 12.42, 9.5, 5.13, 11.86, 9.7, 11.59, 7.15, 5.18, 11.99, 5.01, 11.75, 11.85, 12.72, 13.12, 12.49, 5.42, 9.2, 7.98, 4.92, 5.24, 12.91, 5.59, 12.01, 8.27, 5.51, 5.07, 12.67, 7.97, 5.15, 7.9, 10.93, 8.46, 5.09, 5.78, 7.71, 4.9, 5.64, 4.95, 8.77, 8.49, 11.65, 12.05, 5.18, 8.65, 5.22, 7.14, 9.66, 12.61, 5.26, 5.01, 12.01, 11.86, 5.32, 5.16, 5.44, 5.05, 6.82, 8.26, 11.54, 9.19, 6.14, 12.73, 10.31, 10.7, 11.98, 13.3, 5.22, 4.84, 4.86, 5.13, 5.7, 5.44, 6.69, 11.89, 9.86, 6.55, 6.77, 6.52, 12.26, 6.9, 11.47, 5.24, 9.59, 8.01, 11.98, 6.74, 11.7, 5.06, 5.12, 5.03, 8.04, 7.0, 5.03, 5.35, 7.58, 9.8, 12.1, 5.11, 5.15, 5.59, 5.44, 8.0, 7.55, 13.06, 5.18, 5.17, 8.3, 5.1, 9.04, 5.14, 5.01, 4.92, 5.44, 7.65, 5.19, 7.53, 12.19, 6.24, 5.21, 13.59, 7.4, 5.26, 7.47, 5.99, 7.48, 11.99, 4.9, 4.74, 4.93, 5.26, 7.02, 13.0, 5.2, 4.94, 5.07, 7.49, 7.15, 6.65, 6.31, 5.44, 8.45, 6.62, 13.35, 5.44, 5.09, 7.77, 12.96, 5.51, 5.06, 5.22, 4.71, 12.14, 5.2, 5.15, 12.85, 11.81, 11.62, 13.39, 5.45, 5.26, 9.1, 5.07, 11.11, 11.39, 5.33, 5.2, 5.26, 4.78, 4.9, 5.57, 5.35, 4.86, 5.06, 5.3, 5.05, 5.02, 8.54, 7.67, 5.13, 5.72, 10.1, 5.48, 4.92, 9.79, 9.46, 9.75, 5.21, 4.96, 12.16, 5.21, 5.33, 5.32, 6.91, 5.11, 4.95, 4.89, 10.2, 11.1, 5.18, 9.72, 4.92, 7.89, 6.4, 4.71, 10.38, 5.52, 5.45, 5.08, 5.03, 4.93, 5.01, 4.93, 9.01, 5.23, 6.77, 12.54, 5.39, 5.15, 11.93, 8.77, 9.98, 9.36, 10.65, 5.09, 5.12, 5.2, 8.63, 12.87, 9.57, 11.08, 13.1, 7.81, 7.73, 12.98, 11.2, 13.05, 7.42, 10.96, 5.11, 8.56, 5.69, 11.17, 5.2, 6.55, 5.39, 6.7, 5.24, 11.29, 5.36, 13.05, 4.9, 12.67, 12.66, 12.51, 13.62, 12.54, 11.96, 12.33, 10.96, 6.42, 12.45, 5.11, 5.09, 6.98, 11.46, 5.0, 5.24, 5.53, 7.16, 12.16, 5.2, 8.49, 5.46, 5.31, 9.47, 9.23, 5.47, 5.1, 7.62, 11.06, 4.78, 12.03, 12.42, 10.58, 10.26, 5.43, 5.53, 5.54, 8.66, 9.8, 11.88, 11.79, 10.16, 13.22, 12.29, 12.06, 5.08, 5.16, 5.89, 5.21, 9.12, 11.06, 11.29, 5.65, 5.35, 5.43, 5.13, 9.97, 5.29, 10.5, 5.05, 4.94, 12.91, 5.26, 11.61, 6.75, 12.56, 5.52, 9.68, 5.11, 9.02, 5.18, 8.18, 10.48, 6.14, 5.26, 5.92, 10.7, 11.34, 5.16, 10.59, 7.39, 9.85, 5.5, 11.64, 6.84, 9.88, 5.3, 11.77, 5.27, 11.25, 5.42, 7.46, 5.29, 5.46, 9.83, 11.63, 12.83, 12.19, 13.01, 5.03, 7.52, 5.18, 11.34, 5.17, 7.04, 5.09, 12.89, 5.46, 11.05, 11.66, 5.24, 9.9, 6.77, 10.62, 10.04, 7.97, 5.3, 4.93, 9.72, 12.9, 5.94, 7.17, 5.42, 10.01, 8.62, 4.91, 13.06, 5.39, 5.6, 7.52, 5.88, 11.61, 11.02, 11.83, 5.06, 8.22, 5.03, 5.34, 5.96, 10.96, 8.93, 7.21, 5.09, 5.45, 5.01, 5.43, 12.49, 7.58, 8.6, 8.91, 5.33, 12.42, 12.24, 4.96, 5.3, 5.13, 9.68, 5.33, 7.06, 4.96, 8.57, 4.83, 5.52, 11.83, 9.94, 12.49, 5.59, 5.62, 5.07, 4.69, 5.32, 8.09, 4.92, 13.05, 5.47, 7.16, 5.25, 4.95, 5.02, 12.61, 6.66, 5.77, 6.73, 10.96, 12.98, 5.65, 6.14, 9.74, 11.46, 5.53, 5.31, 13.33, 7.13, 10.38, 7.9, 5.11, 9.18, 7.92, 9.11, 11.71, 5.37, 10.61, 5.49, 5.83, 5.65, 4.9, 11.64, 6.22, 12.17, 10.18, 6.73, 11.71, 11.84, 5.14, 12.15, 9.68, 11.55, 12.4, 12.19, 10.34, 5.8, 4.56, 13.29, 11.26, 5.51, 8.03, 10.51, 11.58, 12.32, 10.16, 11.5, 10.77, 11.98, 9.6, 11.03, 12.45, 11.04, 4.58, 11.47, 4.64, 9.59, 12.05, 13.13, 10.7, 12.67, 10.97, 4.28, 13.22, 10.97, 10.39, 4.74, 11.83, 11.05, 10.62, 12.32, 5.7, 11.8], [8.33, 4.59, 4.17, 9.75, 4.46, 4.31, 4.2, 4.11, 11.18, 10.21, 4.33, 9.87, 4.25, 4.28, 11.39, 12.18, 7.68, 11.14, 11.09, 13.22, 8.14, 8.03, 9.76, 7.27, 10.69, 8.4, 11.73, 9.1, 8.76, 4.49, 12.09, 7.52, 10.92, 4.35, 10.76, 4.26, 7.16, 7.78, 11.2, 9.35, 11.18, 8.85, 5.15, 4.04, 9.5, 12.4, 4.38, 8.57, 4.59, 11.03, 13.14, 8.51, 11.37, 7.43, 10.15, 4.4, 7.84, 5.49, 7.81, 10.19, 9.24, 9.96, 9.34, 6.68, 11.74, 8.65, 4.28, 11.08, 7.2, 5.21, 10.6, 9.73, 6.15, 7.13, 9.55, 9.7, 11.9, 9.82, 11.59, 5.7, 5.27, 10.64, 11.37, 10.21, 9.33, 4.77, 6.31, 4.39, 9.45, 4.03, 10.56, 8.56, 10.7, 10.16, 11.75, 11.9, 10.61, 7.73, 8.46, 9.45, 7.89, 10.04, 8.55, 12.55, 10.38, 5.46, 13.49, 4.17, 9.81, 4.48, 11.83, 7.71, 10.89, 10.45, 11.7, 10.18, 11.93, 10.04, 3.93, 12.64, 10.72, 4.46, 11.02, 11.14, 11.02, 7.84, 5.34, 10.52, 9.74, 9.9, 10.73, 10.72, 10.5, 4.58, 11.83, 12.16, 11.74, 10.02, 9.34, 4.51, 8.08, 10.18, 4.61, 9.27, 5.28, 7.95, 8.46, 11.61, 11.8, 12.05, 11.7, 10.76, 7.34, 10.28, 11.53, 9.93, 4.5, 11.87, 9.13, 11.93, 10.99, 10.96, 11.67, 5.19, 12.25, 12.26, 12.07, 12.5, 6.25, 12.09, 4.46, 10.49, 11.99, 10.55, 9.73, 11.82, 11.11, 11.03, 10.18, 10.1, 10.24, 10.4, 12.82, 8.6, 11.72, 9.51, 10.6, 12.71, 12.85, 4.31, 6.56, 11.37, 9.65, 11.38, 7.71, 11.4, 9.12, 12.36, 9.87, 7.75, 11.51, 12.57, 9.29, 4.06, 4.25, 11.0, 7.51, 10.71, 6.02, 7.53, 4.26, 9.91, 7.55, 7.73, 8.79, 7.52, 10.68, 11.13, 11.2, 5.62, 11.59, 12.23, 4.45, 8.71, 12.33, 4.61, 9.78, 10.9, 9.99, 4.05, 11.43, 10.08, 9.5, 5.7, 11.93, 6.59, 12.19, 4.06, 10.86, 7.49, 10.96, 9.59, 4.39, 4.24, 12.1, 5.02, 9.02, 10.51, 10.52, 4.17, 7.45, 4.23, 9.83, 4.44, 8.51, 8.65, 8.42, 10.05, 7.81, 11.15, 10.44, 9.06, 10.9, 8.45, 7.78, 11.03, 9.94, 9.86, 7.19, 4.85, 6.52, 10.56, 6.02, 8.75, 9.5, 11.09, 4.49, 4.94, 10.22, 12.35, 11.1, 10.9, 10.96, 8.45, 7.5, 4.37, 11.38, 9.91, 9.28, 6.36, 10.01, 10.44, 12.39, 11.98, 5.96, 9.27, 7.59, 4.16, 10.83, 10.41, 11.79, 9.71, 8.75, 12.0, 10.76, 11.25, 10.32, 11.91, 11.25, 11.63, 11.6, 4.08, 4.18, 9.49, 4.85, 6.77, 7.83, 11.69, 4.68, 4.41, 11.08, 4.4, 4.36, 5.14, 4.38, 7.58, 4.23, 10.35, 12.42, 8.3, 10.81, 8.4, 11.46, 10.71, 11.67, 9.4, 8.11, 4.45, 4.36, 4.25, 4.22, 4.12, 10.52, 11.08, 8.77, 10.24, 4.88, 10.19, 9.59, 8.91, 4.29, 4.18, 10.3, 11.99, 4.61, 11.95, 4.52, 11.92, 8.91, 6.77, 10.81, 4.48, 4.62, 9.7, 4.32, 11.15, 10.39, 4.18, 4.85, 9.74, 9.35, 5.11, 4.73, 12.76, 8.72, 10.49, 8.48, 4.42, 9.5, 9.83, 12.22, 4.33, 5.18, 7.18, 9.41, 9.23, 4.87, 6.94, 4.61, 10.53, 4.31, 4.21, 11.01, 4.11, 4.52, 4.3, 11.58, 8.63, 4.15, 7.99, 11.16, 4.32, 9.68, 6.1, 4.23, 4.57, 4.34, 4.4, 11.74, 10.15, 7.6, 11.43, 10.85, 11.56, 11.17, 7.44, 11.33, 7.14, 5.25, 10.27, 12.58, 10.75, 4.39, 12.45, 12.51, 10.94, 12.46, 11.09, 4.9, 4.29, 11.17, 11.05, 9.35, 8.65, 7.56, 4.08, 7.65, 4.12, 4.75, 9.87, 4.3, 4.36, 10.69, 11.72, 7.11, 10.68, 11.38, 4.41, 11.42, 4.39, 8.41, 4.69, 4.21, 5.37, 11.58, 11.1, 4.56, 11.22, 8.96, 8.88, 8.02, 10.51, 6.79, 11.4, 11.28, 9.98, 10.21, 8.91, 7.86, 10.7, 12.3, 6.34, 5.01, 5.15, 11.93, 11.93, 11.89, 11.89, 10.76, 7.95, 11.26, 6.55, 4.16, 11.48, 11.31, 4.48, 4.39, 9.86, 4.03, 7.01, 9.02, 4.3, 4.31, 4.13, 4.63, 4.75, 11.44, 4.51, 4.27, 11.99, 11.93, 12.76, 12.03, 4.59, 12.36, 4.14, 6.5, 6.36, 4.37, 4.39, 11.9, 11.13, 5.56, 8.87, 7.41, 11.3, 12.17, 8.26, 12.43, 11.28, 12.06, 12.33, 4.92, 12.03, 9.81, 8.96, 10.28, 5.18, 9.01, 11.52, 9.61, 4.16, 11.97, 12.51, 12.57, 4.28, 4.93, 11.6, 9.96, 11.75, 11.07, 12.42, 12.72, 10.75, 10.6, 12.0, 9.38, 8.66, 10.59, 10.57, 9.68, 12.47, 11.36, 4.2, 4.9, 11.06, 8.92, 6.55, 4.27, 4.61, 8.0, 7.87, 4.41, 11.74, 9.79, 4.68, 4.74, 4.6, 4.83, 9.43, 4.7, 4.24, 10.16, 10.29, 11.26, 11.09, 11.94, 4.63, 7.63, 11.51, 12.39, 10.89, 5.17, 4.25, 4.14, 4.78, 4.25, 11.16, 4.11, 10.81, 12.04, 9.09, 11.73, 7.25, 11.91, 6.48, 4.23, 4.35, 4.3, 8.82, 4.62, 11.16, 8.53, 5.09, 4.27, 4.68, 9.15, 11.88, 11.64, 11.91, 11.4, 11.6, 10.96, 5.03, 4.22, 9.39, 4.36, 4.53, 4.13, 11.82, 9.87, 4.34, 4.31, 5.02, 4.19, 4.67, 4.43, 6.22, 11.73, 8.22, 8.04, 4.03, 10.7, 4.41, 4.79, 4.2, 4.78, 11.4, 4.32, 4.89, 4.34, 4.15, 4.19, 4.8, 4.3, 9.19, 9.09, 11.24, 10.16, 4.33, 8.61, 4.37, 11.2, 11.15, 10.52, 4.36, 4.03, 4.47, 4.45, 11.56, 11.47, 4.52, 4.49, 4.28, 10.69, 4.91, 4.3, 11.9, 4.17, 4.66, 10.3, 6.03, 4.29, 8.59, 11.3, 11.47, 8.64, 4.17, 4.32, 8.5, 12.09, 4.17, 4.28, 11.36, 11.6, 12.02, 12.16, 7.01, 4.29, 4.41, 4.29, 4.6, 11.65, 4.18, 5.42, 5.05, 10.92, 4.38, 9.07, 4.83, 4.08, 4.22, 4.38, 12.04, 4.59, 4.64, 11.02, 4.04, 4.3, 5.47, 4.39, 4.65, 5.54, 7.98, 4.95, 4.52, 5.36, 11.07, 7.29, 4.01, 4.32, 10.55, 9.94, 4.16, 4.14, 4.15, 7.32, 5.24, 4.31, 4.5, 4.07, 11.72, 3.97, 9.65, 6.58, 5.81, 4.45, 4.92, 4.5, 4.3, 4.26, 5.21, 4.16, 4.04, 4.24, 4.41, 6.96, 10.76, 12.17, 5.11, 5.24, 7.21, 6.17, 11.87, 6.2, 10.0, 11.4, 10.1, 8.96, 11.34, 12.09, 11.57, 10.72, 8.81, 12.57, 12.02, 12.51, 11.01, 8.5, 11.35, 11.53, 9.39, 9.57, 9.88, 4.39, 4.34, 9.81, 4.68, 9.02, 4.1, 8.74, 10.77, 10.98, 5.81, 10.16, 11.35, 7.2, 10.21, 4.45, 9.86, 4.02, 10.01, 9.85, 10.58, 4.18, 4.8, 4.88, 4.28, 8.61, 5.75, 10.07, 4.18, 4.24, 9.83, 12.22, 4.51, 11.71, 11.14, 11.78, 9.49, 6.14, 10.31, 10.25, 10.44, 8.08, 4.45, 6.02, 11.83, 11.12, 7.5, 10.38, 9.64, 8.63, 9.71, 12.05, 10.12, 8.88, 10.21, 10.92, 9.86, 9.79, 11.86, 8.72, 11.42, 4.36, 9.52, 10.61, 4.41, 11.24, 11.37, 7.99, 8.1, 4.36, 11.83, 12.57, 10.74, 7.49, 10.3, 10.98, 9.15, 8.47, 9.08, 10.9, 11.0, 8.92, 4.48, 10.33, 10.87, 10.9, 8.51, 11.67, 11.12, 9.39, 11.84, 4.4, 11.62, 4.14, 11.5, 6.09, 6.91, 4.5, 12.15, 4.5, 4.38, 12.45, 10.62, 11.95, 8.0, 10.77, 13.32, 11.94, 11.73, 12.44, 12.47, 11.81, 7.25, 12.05, 4.56, 12.41, 5.47, 12.52, 4.38, 12.12, 4.61, 10.94, 12.36, 4.2, 8.75, 9.58, 10.2, 4.2, 10.95, 10.67, 9.29, 12.42, 4.45, 4.66, 4.25, 12.6, 10.54, 12.94, 4.04, 12.05, 5.9, 4.32, 9.12, 10.55, 10.18, 4.16, 5.25, 10.71, 11.36, 9.27, 7.81, 7.46, 10.8, 10.92, 10.79, 10.58, 9.67, 7.16, 6.5, 10.43, 9.77, 8.9, 9.77, 10.14, 11.34, 12.14, 10.25, 3.97, 8.29, 7.27, 12.31, 6.22, 9.68, 12.42, 10.5, 12.25, 4.15, 4.42, 12.18, 7.6, 12.48, 9.54, 4.08, 10.91, 3.93, 9.95, 6.09, 11.41, 4.1, 11.92, 11.03, 12.39, 4.14, 4.25, 8.53, 10.21, 10.23, 10.5, 9.09, 3.97, 10.16, 11.42, 6.7, 4.39, 11.0, 10.5, 10.44, 3.99, 8.45, 8.26, 12.48, 10.77, 9.3, 9.22, 9.76, 10.35, 12.46, 11.22, 12.01, 5.18, 10.78, 10.63, 10.41, 11.23, 10.59, 5.45, 4.2, 10.9, 9.46, 7.15, 10.98, 4.49, 12.21, 10.54, 8.16, 6.84, 8.39, 11.88, 8.76, 10.85, 11.65, 5.78, 5.21, 7.38, 11.79, 11.54, 11.5, 9.34, 4.3, 9.17, 11.31, 4.21, 11.06, 9.49, 8.69, 9.91, 9.98, 10.7, 8.49, 8.21, 4.41, 4.32, 12.8, 11.67], [7.92, 11.18, 6.15, 8.97, 12.3, 4.3, 4.59, 6.46, 5.47, 12.72, 8.37, 14.59, 9.87, 5.94, 4.35, 9.24, 9.86, 9.19, 4.61, 7.96, 8.37, 10.0, 6.66, 3.88, 10.17, 14.07, 12.26, 13.76, 10.95, 4.09, 7.2, 4.32, 8.57, 4.09, 7.77, 4.38, 13.63, 10.1, 11.04, 9.05, 8.47, 8.19, 6.33, 5.14, 10.28, 13.33, 4.72, 8.69, 4.31, 12.05, 8.36, 12.23, 13.89, 8.89, 10.61, 11.85, 4.99, 4.12, 7.96, 4.98, 9.36, 8.78, 8.67, 13.71, 10.05, 10.77, 5.42, 6.53, 11.36, 3.94, 9.09, 10.6, 7.56, 10.37, 12.17, 8.17, 9.47, 8.53, 10.13, 10.04, 12.24, 6.32, 6.95, 5.75, 12.26, 6.69, 10.09, 10.11, 12.06, 4.52, 12.26, 5.29, 7.85, 6.38, 7.56, 5.27, 9.32, 13.06, 7.36, 11.27, 5.53, 9.5, 4.8, 7.0, 7.34, 9.35, 9.25, 4.56, 11.3, 6.71, 8.44, 8.31, 7.7, 4.88, 8.26, 11.54, 4.43, 7.18, 5.43, 3.65, 8.66, 9.03, 7.39, 13.15, 6.43, 10.71, 3.82, 12.16, 13.41, 11.61, 10.77, 14.16, 10.24, 12.85, 8.04, 6.16, 9.79, 12.56, 10.93, 12.45, 8.56, 10.32, 4.31, 12.67, 12.1, 12.63, 14.16, 11.7, 5.9, 10.92, 9.37, 7.32, 8.73, 11.6, 13.79, 8.97, 4.08, 9.73, 4.41, 11.43, 11.02, 11.25, 5.25, 6.8, 11.15, 9.66, 9.04, 12.93, 8.51, 13.82, 3.77, 13.65, 7.26, 4.46, 4.22, 9.29, 4.26, 11.48, 11.28, 11.44, 6.68, 9.26, 4.81, 7.21, 10.61, 8.21, 13.11, 4.75, 5.79, 14.19, 11.8, 9.34, 11.14, 8.91, 10.27, 9.2, 9.86, 9.26, 8.94, 9.45, 4.25, 9.93, 11.67, 4.62, 6.66, 7.47, 8.78, 10.29, 4.88, 11.14, 13.94, 8.42, 4.79, 11.77, 11.23, 4.63, 8.06, 4.72, 6.53, 9.13, 14.25, 8.03, 4.18, 12.39, 5.46, 13.64, 11.86, 12.05, 8.88, 6.58, 12.6, 6.52, 10.42, 9.96, 10.91, 10.56, 9.33, 4.71, 10.67, 11.93, 9.56, 6.62, 5.22, 4.24, 8.09, 11.21, 5.5, 6.86, 10.89, 3.58, 6.8, 3.78, 12.3, 4.1, 5.15, 7.81, 8.6, 12.19, 10.17, 7.72, 10.13, 7.32, 8.11, 7.87, 8.23, 11.74, 5.37, 5.59, 5.49, 4.29, 4.39, 9.36, 7.54, 11.55, 8.7, 11.41, 4.47, 3.79, 7.94, 9.72, 4.65, 4.91, 4.79, 5.72, 10.4, 4.32, 9.54, 5.74, 12.85, 3.89, 7.41, 7.32, 9.48, 7.32, 4.92, 12.28, 4.36, 7.66, 4.39, 5.67, 9.27, 12.1, 9.79, 7.4, 4.8, 7.63, 4.35, 11.57, 7.4, 5.48, 8.66, 4.23, 5.21, 6.42, 3.52, 6.88, 8.23, 9.12, 5.82, 4.56, 5.54, 4.17, 3.73, 5.36, 4.28, 8.92, 3.21, 6.84, 9.56, 11.76, 10.79, 5.77, 10.89, 8.05, 6.57, 7.01, 11.11, 4.75, 4.74, 9.58, 4.38, 4.24, 4.69, 8.15, 10.07, 6.63, 4.56, 7.46, 11.41, 10.56, 7.57, 4.68, 10.33, 13.36, 9.62, 12.52, 10.18, 5.77, 4.34, 5.36, 4.57, 12.66, 5.48, 9.46, 3.72, 9.35, 4.0, 4.68, 5.22, 9.31, 10.01, 4.19, 6.19, 7.18, 11.37, 5.1, 6.9, 4.13, 7.98, 10.5, 6.15, 4.99, 11.46, 4.59, 8.44, 11.98, 5.96, 11.66, 4.88, 6.03, 3.6, 11.83, 9.69, 5.22, 3.86, 3.92, 4.13, 4.54, 5.0, 4.55, 12.25, 4.53, 4.66, 4.46, 4.3, 9.48, 10.04, 11.15, 12.06, 10.67, 10.1, 9.75, 5.48, 7.43, 7.38, 4.85, 4.56, 11.55, 6.09, 8.67, 9.5, 7.67, 13.82, 4.42, 7.46, 7.69, 10.19, 9.64, 5.36, 4.13, 5.77, 11.91, 10.58, 8.04, 4.41, 8.46, 12.66, 9.2, 11.49, 5.59, 7.23, 10.92, 7.19, 5.24, 9.72, 9.86, 9.01, 5.34, 11.52, 4.52, 13.91, 4.08, 9.01, 5.27, 4.63, 4.79, 12.46, 10.78, 11.19, 6.2, 4.1, 12.51, 3.78, 6.15, 9.86, 9.28, 5.28, 8.77, 9.68, 7.44, 5.6, 8.26, 4.86, 13.58, 10.06, 11.28, 9.25, 6.55, 10.62, 8.4, 10.67, 5.06, 3.84, 6.1, 10.67, 12.83, 4.77, 8.32, 4.7, 13.04, 8.64, 8.17, 5.0, 7.43, 10.93, 7.2, 10.37, 4.77, 3.97, 11.31, 13.21, 7.45, 12.84, 5.51, 9.62, 9.69, 13.83, 8.89, 4.59, 4.09, 5.42, 5.82, 8.17, 3.83, 11.49, 9.77, 7.8, 4.86, 10.37, 5.03, 7.9, 8.09, 6.85, 7.93, 8.28, 4.44, 5.21, 3.89, 6.35, 7.15, 7.55, 5.4, 7.24, 11.07, 10.61, 4.31, 3.54, 4.14, 10.19, 10.25, 8.98, 9.55, 6.71, 12.75, 6.48, 4.5, 11.52, 4.93, 9.16, 9.07, 6.26, 8.53, 6.45, 10.37, 4.18, 5.92, 7.77, 8.96, 5.55, 4.1, 10.09, 8.25, 3.84, 5.1, 5.62, 3.59, 4.78, 4.19, 4.51, 6.93, 4.92, 5.13, 10.32, 5.82, 5.3, 6.58, 12.95, 10.13, 11.5, 8.57, 8.76, 11.08, 5.45, 4.85, 9.34, 7.68, 5.45, 10.73, 4.64, 12.12, 8.36, 3.71, 12.14, 9.53, 7.37, 4.35, 11.93, 4.36, 3.98, 4.7, 4.34, 10.49, 7.95, 4.6, 10.11, 4.27, 11.46, 7.12, 12.09, 8.36, 12.48, 4.67, 7.29, 4.59, 8.09, 8.29, 4.63, 5.29, 7.78, 5.71, 9.24, 4.04, 4.16, 4.76, 8.45, 4.57, 4.43, 3.77, 10.4, 12.85, 10.68, 10.82, 8.32, 6.21, 9.06, 10.22, 4.31, 8.97, 4.28, 4.1, 3.78, 7.59, 4.3, 4.33, 4.3, 9.78, 5.29, 10.0, 6.56, 4.65, 12.62, 5.09, 8.55, 7.72, 11.71, 5.81, 10.92, 4.59, 3.93, 4.82, 8.56, 10.55, 3.64, 4.16, 5.92, 4.85, 9.63, 8.44, 6.16, 8.09, 4.15, 6.98, 3.99, 4.92, 9.9, 10.32, 10.59, 5.08, 13.24, 5.81, 5.4, 12.02, 4.8, 11.38, 9.87, 9.96, 6.0, 11.13, 3.84, 4.05, 3.78, 4.09, 7.19, 3.74, 5.79, 6.08, 9.15, 12.22, 9.09, 7.93, 4.42, 3.54, 4.52, 13.68, 4.66, 8.44, 4.14, 5.28, 4.15, 6.72, 4.12, 3.87, 7.68, 4.66, 3.65, 7.68, 4.04, 10.15, 11.53, 4.28, 4.75, 10.74, 11.71, 11.29, 4.17, 6.29, 12.13, 3.96, 3.84, 4.0, 3.82, 11.1, 4.08, 7.32, 6.08, 5.01, 4.0, 5.44, 6.04, 3.67, 12.6, 4.43, 3.81, 13.69, 4.23, 3.86, 4.57, 6.74, 8.33, 4.39, 3.73, 8.13, 3.74, 8.11, 3.98, 6.93, 12.48, 6.37, 11.33, 5.22, 11.33, 10.68, 6.11, 9.76, 8.33, 8.25, 5.84, 13.32, 6.53, 10.81, 8.92, 11.91, 8.94, 8.04, 12.18, 6.12, 4.76, 4.92, 7.06, 4.58, 4.63, 4.85, 6.16, 11.07, 8.25, 12.68, 11.83, 13.67, 5.15, 8.71, 4.24, 8.25, 10.75, 8.73, 4.58, 8.5, 4.09, 4.37, 5.15, 9.44, 9.27, 5.67, 11.84, 9.51, 8.18, 4.64, 8.82, 8.58, 6.86, 10.97, 12.34, 9.26, 6.32, 9.84, 8.59, 4.14, 8.7, 9.2, 3.77, 5.93, 8.81, 11.67, 5.06, 6.81, 13.33, 12.08, 5.23, 11.77, 9.65, 4.48, 5.86, 9.83, 9.55, 8.21, 12.82, 12.39, 6.34, 4.74, 10.61, 10.85, 12.78, 7.34, 12.57, 7.44, 11.2, 5.86, 11.9, 11.31, 12.36, 6.77, 10.32, 6.66, 9.77, 11.18, 5.99, 5.26, 4.16, 5.01, 12.25, 10.48, 7.88, 5.48, 10.86, 4.92, 12.37, 4.85, 11.14, 7.57, 12.66, 5.67, 4.53, 4.73, 4.01, 3.93, 9.89, 9.17, 8.04, 7.89, 10.59, 13.07, 8.77, 6.92, 11.97, 9.72, 10.33, 9.48, 13.5, 10.37, 4.52, 11.6, 6.87, 8.82, 10.5, 9.89, 7.36, 13.13, 4.24, 7.1, 10.54, 6.85, 4.07, 4.81, 10.66, 4.87, 7.81, 9.05, 11.4, 7.94, 8.96, 12.08, 11.52, 10.79, 6.58, 12.09, 4.95, 6.05, 9.66, 4.04, 7.13, 11.05, 7.25, 10.66, 13.53, 8.98, 11.83, 9.61, 4.85, 8.43, 4.0, 11.1, 8.06, 11.56, 9.96, 9.63, 12.43, 6.92, 5.52, 13.81, 8.75, 10.91, 11.9, 9.6, 12.76, 10.92, 11.41, 4.78, 9.67, 9.98, 12.2, 12.53, 3.93, 6.41, 11.35, 5.0, 11.7, 8.66, 10.73, 5.78, 12.71, 8.86, 12.08, 4.26, 11.39, 10.13, 5.33, 10.82, 11.61, 6.16, 7.93, 8.99, 8.59, 5.38, 5.05, 7.41, 8.24, 4.45, 7.84, 9.51, 6.65, 6.92, 4.38, 10.8, 11.15, 6.26, 11.23, 12.55, 9.25, 12.16, 9.51, 8.46, 11.49, 3.9, 10.49, 12.19, 8.21, 7.23, 10.1, 9.56, 10.61, 4.12, 14.25, 6.86, 11.18, 6.68, 4.71, 9.73, 12.3, 11.22, 12.86, 11.93, 14.24, 6.18, 5.45, 11.43, 9.05, 11.38, 10.9, 8.65, 11.21, 4.31, 6.13, 10.32, 7.37, 7.12, 11.21, 9.31, 5.14, 11.3, 10.51, 7.27, 10.35, 12.99, 13.41, 4.48, 11.29, 7.02, 8.28], [8.69, 5.63, 3.61, 8.12, 4.8, 3.66, 3.55, 3.57, 4.28, 12.22, 3.77, 12.11, 4.44, 5.44, 8.93, 12.42, 3.97, 9.21, 9.05, 3.8, 6.7, 4.06, 3.7, 4.07, 12.01, 3.95, 12.26, 11.57, 8.5, 3.62, 7.9, 3.91, 12.78, 11.79, 7.12, 3.66, 6.63, 10.77, 11.14, 4.61, 11.39, 10.87, 3.84, 12.07, 4.61, 11.14, 4.06, 6.83, 3.68, 11.39, 8.58, 7.34, 11.83, 4.95, 6.15, 3.98, 4.09, 3.85, 11.2, 11.32, 4.52, 11.89, 7.63, 11.61, 13.33, 3.68, 3.63, 11.04, 7.49, 3.98, 7.83, 4.11, 8.02, 6.29, 3.98, 7.8, 12.73, 6.1, 8.46, 3.89, 3.77, 7.87, 11.15, 7.62, 11.68, 4.11, 3.81, 3.54, 11.43, 3.93, 5.39, 7.14, 7.81, 6.63, 5.82, 4.48, 5.8, 12.55, 11.32, 4.97, 4.91, 6.97, 12.07, 8.89, 7.68, 4.34, 7.0, 3.59, 10.32, 9.35, 6.27, 6.89, 6.11, 5.05, 8.05, 5.89, 10.72, 3.93, 3.65, 3.64, 4.61, 6.6, 8.15, 4.03, 10.69, 3.99, 3.75, 11.63, 11.16, 11.13, 9.93, 3.74, 11.94, 3.84, 7.26, 12.07, 6.27, 8.22, 3.47, 6.6, 4.07, 3.98, 3.91, 11.5, 9.14, 3.66, 11.69, 3.99, 9.58, 11.36, 3.85, 7.77, 7.68, 11.93, 10.42, 8.3, 3.66, 12.55, 7.52, 6.77, 8.89, 12.12, 4.62, 9.85, 9.51, 10.16, 6.17, 3.56, 3.67, 10.77, 3.83, 10.41, 4.38, 9.96, 3.36, 10.78, 3.68, 12.01, 6.29, 3.59, 8.54, 7.03, 4.0, 3.78, 11.59, 8.52, 10.62, 9.18, 5.82, 3.82, 3.66, 12.21, 9.02, 6.8, 10.75, 6.57, 6.43, 4.99, 4.9, 4.62, 6.43, 12.58, 7.13, 6.42, 4.59, 9.61, 3.82, 8.02, 3.65, 4.13, 3.69, 10.09, 4.56, 6.91, 3.61, 4.24, 6.88, 9.93, 5.28, 4.37, 11.06, 11.94, 3.68, 4.55, 12.23, 3.78, 3.68, 3.99, 3.94, 4.39, 3.75, 11.89, 3.6, 3.97, 7.3, 4.02, 3.84, 3.76, 4.98, 3.84, 9.13, 3.97, 3.82, 3.72, 13.66, 3.74, 6.13, 6.04, 6.78, 4.21, 4.41, 3.79, 4.92, 3.48, 4.51, 3.55, 4.16, 12.96, 4.23, 8.8, 12.62, 7.25, 3.71, 3.9, 7.21, 7.59, 10.07, 3.71, 7.35, 4.77, 3.93, 7.97, 8.38, 5.55, 5.52, 12.93, 3.69, 4.51, 10.53, 3.8, 8.3, 10.04, 6.5, 3.52, 3.47, 3.67, 4.65, 9.1, 7.06, 3.35, 6.96, 10.25, 4.13, 4.3, 4.02, 3.89, 3.92, 4.29, 9.06, 4.29, 12.56, 5.87, 9.72, 6.21, 8.33, 6.99, 4.01, 3.97, 9.01, 12.53, 12.45, 3.73, 6.32, 8.88, 3.55, 5.13, 5.72, 7.53, 3.69, 3.78, 7.01, 4.16, 3.53, 7.2, 3.7, 3.79, 4.84, 11.63, 9.94, 3.86, 3.84, 7.18, 6.69, 3.62, 8.7, 5.06, 4.07, 3.86, 3.78, 3.85, 3.69, 3.87, 6.53, 8.06, 9.21, 7.08, 4.0, 12.1, 6.43, 3.86, 3.72, 4.17, 8.54, 11.63, 4.02, 6.02, 4.1, 10.13, 3.95, 3.63, 9.89, 3.46, 3.37, 6.44, 3.56, 7.87, 5.07, 3.77, 3.86, 10.12, 8.86, 3.98, 6.13, 12.67, 7.06, 8.17, 7.35, 4.05, 3.65, 3.5, 9.68, 3.76, 3.85, 3.48, 9.21, 3.64, 3.71, 3.73, 3.87, 9.51, 3.87, 4.43, 3.77, 3.72, 3.87, 3.48, 4.0, 7.53, 3.37, 3.68, 11.67, 3.93, 3.69, 3.65, 4.2, 3.61, 6.56, 3.8, 7.96, 3.98, 3.82, 3.74, 9.01, 9.21, 10.71, 3.92, 8.85, 3.54, 8.89, 8.95, 5.63, 5.09, 4.89, 6.53, 8.86, 6.91, 4.89, 11.05, 3.91, 3.76, 3.61, 9.8, 9.17, 3.93, 4.93, 3.81, 6.91, 3.6, 3.59, 8.39, 3.99, 4.57, 6.43, 8.2, 11.28, 8.78, 6.29, 5.02, 9.51, 3.9, 8.19, 3.53, 3.6, 7.77, 9.89, 4.63, 7.53, 3.6, 3.94, 4.24, 7.17, 3.5, 3.64, 9.43, 9.14, 10.05, 10.24, 5.77, 10.55, 3.66, 3.54, 3.79, 4.47, 7.31, 11.08, 4.1, 8.77, 9.25, 5.61, 3.67, 12.08, 3.91, 3.49, 5.62, 8.48, 4.55, 4.35, 9.44, 3.6, 6.56, 3.38, 3.57, 3.85, 3.72, 4.83, 5.42, 13.66, 3.49, 3.52, 11.69, 11.85, 8.59, 12.26, 3.73, 10.17, 3.96, 3.79, 3.73, 3.43, 6.5, 4.76, 7.18, 4.03, 3.61, 4.86, 10.04, 12.44, 7.74, 12.14, 5.85, 10.03, 7.96, 3.48, 3.71, 6.8, 4.24, 8.52, 4.56, 3.88, 8.68, 4.0, 3.57, 8.38, 8.84, 10.38, 3.53, 3.71, 6.67, 5.18, 10.15, 12.47, 11.94, 10.48, 11.14, 5.58, 6.3, 3.83, 3.49, 11.31, 8.18, 3.98, 8.53, 6.41, 4.76, 3.69, 10.13, 3.96, 6.74, 3.84, 3.93, 11.18, 3.45, 5.09, 3.84, 5.48, 3.98, 3.66, 4.48, 4.76, 6.46, 5.65, 3.67, 9.29, 3.81, 12.05, 7.91, 11.42, 3.38, 4.93, 10.21, 10.48, 9.09, 3.77, 3.57, 6.15, 4.88, 10.09, 12.83, 3.73, 3.96, 11.23, 4.02, 9.07, 3.27, 11.34, 10.12, 3.79, 3.71, 3.65, 3.57, 3.51, 8.02, 8.44, 6.91, 4.91, 3.62, 3.86, 10.32, 13.31, 10.13, 3.59, 12.92, 3.95, 3.59, 3.62, 9.03, 3.92, 3.58, 3.6, 6.65, 10.11, 3.99, 3.49, 3.55, 3.72, 3.83, 3.76, 3.85, 10.88, 3.66, 6.42, 3.84, 3.99, 3.5, 10.55, 9.11, 4.02, 8.8, 3.64, 4.08, 4.53, 3.58, 4.42, 3.49, 3.69, 11.27, 4.33, 11.4, 10.59, 4.66, 3.62, 3.77, 10.5, 7.21, 11.15, 3.69, 3.89, 4.57, 3.58, 9.96, 9.13, 3.64, 4.03, 3.69, 9.01, 3.78, 7.14, 9.29, 3.8, 3.82, 10.21, 4.44, 3.99, 4.11, 10.14, 11.31, 3.65, 3.91, 3.85, 4.3, 10.62, 3.71, 3.66, 12.92, 13.42, 11.24, 10.91, 3.63, 3.67, 3.69, 3.81, 4.12, 10.55, 3.72, 6.02, 5.07, 3.89, 3.62, 6.65, 3.78, 3.72, 3.48, 3.47, 3.89, 3.81, 3.59, 3.53, 3.91, 5.55, 3.49, 3.47, 3.87, 11.17, 3.81, 3.4, 3.98, 3.87, 12.55, 3.77, 3.87, 5.97, 9.56, 10.48, 3.87, 3.76, 4.35, 9.13, 3.8, 3.58, 3.94, 3.49, 6.66, 3.64, 6.96, 3.69, 3.93, 3.62, 3.54, 3.92, 3.68, 3.56, 3.96, 3.52, 4.3, 4.0, 3.54, 5.62, 5.47, 6.5, 3.71, 3.83, 7.67, 8.58, 8.55, 3.45, 8.73, 6.32, 3.88, 9.14, 8.5, 9.73, 6.14, 8.4, 11.72, 8.56, 8.14, 3.69, 9.8, 3.79, 10.71, 10.94, 3.4, 6.39, 3.79, 4.4, 3.76, 6.21, 5.74, 5.99, 3.56, 4.08, 5.29, 11.09, 4.03, 8.49, 10.25, 8.83, 11.05, 3.49, 11.79, 4.09, 9.09, 5.42, 10.71, 3.69, 5.49, 4.28, 3.86, 4.03, 3.59, 8.99, 3.96, 4.04, 9.81, 7.25, 3.58, 10.18, 8.27, 10.57, 3.99, 4.18, 8.43, 4.06, 6.79, 6.26, 3.77, 6.44, 12.7, 7.94, 4.06, 4.57, 9.82, 7.42, 3.86, 3.77, 3.73, 6.87, 9.11, 6.49, 7.49, 5.36, 9.47, 3.68, 11.68, 3.6, 3.6, 8.73, 3.94, 3.91, 9.5, 5.03, 13.27, 4.14, 11.15, 11.7, 6.82, 3.76, 8.84, 8.51, 7.69, 3.82, 5.81, 9.39, 10.99, 8.78, 3.68, 9.05, 9.0, 9.51, 4.48, 9.42, 9.35, 3.81, 8.69, 3.8, 8.94, 4.02, 12.96, 7.52, 6.94, 3.7, 5.94, 4.34, 3.74, 10.34, 13.44, 11.36, 5.21, 9.32, 6.47, 7.0, 8.73, 11.75, 6.75, 10.81, 4.02, 10.81, 3.85, 7.99, 7.56, 9.27, 3.52, 11.7, 5.36, 6.18, 12.51, 3.97, 4.91, 9.38, 8.78, 3.6, 3.7, 4.84, 5.84, 7.64, 4.17, 7.36, 3.76, 6.34, 8.8, 8.4, 4.55, 11.92, 8.71, 4.8, 4.79, 5.72, 4.15, 6.23, 4.43, 7.1, 9.16, 9.2, 3.84, 3.82, 6.44, 7.28, 11.63, 9.0, 11.7, 4.33, 6.36, 4.09, 10.21, 3.56, 3.87, 9.6, 3.89, 12.46, 5.8, 8.67, 7.06, 3.66, 12.35, 4.55, 4.23, 3.79, 6.11, 7.14, 3.19, 3.6, 4.21, 3.79, 6.85, 3.41, 6.7, 3.26, 3.44, 3.8, 5.78, 12.51, 3.81, 8.51, 9.32, 6.25, 3.43, 3.67, 11.2, 10.02, 3.97, 10.29, 3.35, 3.75, 9.38, 10.42, 3.36, 8.64, 8.17, 7.26, 9.1, 4.08, 6.12, 4.19, 4.75, 11.79, 3.51, 4.6, 4.1, 10.81, 8.46, 8.31, 7.21, 4.34, 10.4, 10.61, 7.88, 10.19, 8.29, 5.86, 4.52, 9.41, 4.52, 6.66, 9.35, 3.75, 3.87, 12.72, 8.01, 7.86, 6.7, 10.76, 9.37, 8.92, 8.23, 8.78, 3.89, 5.95, 4.92, 10.54, 8.21, 11.46, 4.18, 8.64, 8.5, 4.01, 7.81, 11.01, 4.04, 5.49, 9.27, 5.59, 6.6, 8.08, 3.97, 5.19, 11.03, 6.48], [11.82, 4.41, 4.09, 4.16, 4.0, 4.24, 3.81, 3.76, 3.97, 4.29, 4.33, 4.08, 3.93, 3.98, 4.01, 3.98, 3.9, 3.93, 3.94, 4.1, 4.18, 4.32, 12.1, 4.12, 3.84, 3.9, 4.29, 4.48, 12.24, 4.04, 4.02, 4.2, 4.26, 3.99, 4.36, 5.39, 4.07, 3.74, 4.15, 10.01, 4.07, 3.94, 3.98, 3.61, 11.91, 3.82, 12.77, 4.27, 10.95, 3.95, 4.24, 4.09, 4.15, 3.82, 12.71, 3.72, 4.25, 4.26, 3.96, 12.06, 4.42, 4.28, 3.96, 3.89, 3.82, 10.79, 4.16, 4.2, 5.72, 12.56, 4.4, 4.15, 13.0, 4.11, 3.99, 4.11, 4.01, 11.74, 4.2, 4.14, 4.31, 3.93, 4.08, 4.09, 4.14, 3.83, 4.04, 7.61, 4.22, 4.22, 4.01, 4.29, 3.97, 3.89, 3.75, 4.25, 4.03, 4.45, 4.06, 4.03, 3.82, 4.65, 4.03, 4.07, 11.13, 4.1, 4.22, 4.37, 4.78, 10.99, 4.17, 4.11, 12.57, 11.21, 4.11, 4.36, 3.97, 4.0, 4.01, 4.17, 4.14, 4.43, 4.22, 10.87, 12.2, 4.04, 6.21, 3.99, 4.5, 3.89, 3.99, 3.96, 3.9, 13.03, 4.07, 4.65, 3.95, 4.04, 4.27, 3.97, 4.18, 4.16, 8.99, 3.93, 4.07, 3.94, 3.73, 4.38, 4.25, 3.97, 4.22, 3.95, 5.85, 3.95, 4.28, 4.09, 3.87, 3.87, 4.39, 10.37, 4.2, 4.27, 11.54, 4.04, 4.12, 4.21, 4.36, 4.1, 11.71, 4.62, 4.03, 4.46, 4.48, 4.01, 4.23, 4.17, 3.6, 4.12, 4.18, 4.14, 11.39, 4.06, 4.23, 12.56, 4.1, 4.25, 4.31, 4.0, 4.14, 4.02, 4.05, 4.12, 4.12, 4.08, 3.91, 3.91, 3.87, 3.74, 3.79, 3.89, 3.73, 4.1, 4.21, 11.07, 3.66, 11.57, 4.02, 6.72, 4.02, 4.2, 4.15, 3.67, 3.91, 4.36, 3.97, 3.98, 4.01, 3.95, 4.08, 4.19, 3.91, 4.03, 11.6, 3.94, 4.28, 4.05, 4.1, 3.98, 4.37, 12.06, 3.89, 3.95, 4.7, 4.19, 4.17, 4.1, 10.79, 11.48, 4.09, 3.91, 3.94, 9.34, 4.18, 4.26, 4.05, 4.38, 4.28, 4.14, 4.23, 11.01, 4.02, 3.87, 4.26, 13.2, 3.86, 7.74, 3.92, 4.34, 4.19, 10.38, 4.16, 3.79, 3.9, 10.55, 5.31, 4.47, 4.47, 4.27, 4.0, 4.16, 4.68, 4.23, 4.41, 9.92, 3.82, 3.99, 11.89, 4.27, 3.85, 4.03, 3.96, 3.89, 11.92, 7.33, 3.98, 5.69, 3.89, 5.9, 4.25, 12.67, 3.71, 3.82, 3.99, 3.87, 4.08, 5.37, 3.82, 4.29, 4.95, 3.79, 3.66, 4.07, 5.04, 9.79, 4.01, 11.32, 11.41, 3.95, 3.79, 3.87, 3.75, 10.83, 12.46, 10.11, 11.06, 3.97, 4.15, 3.7, 11.77, 4.29, 4.05, 11.5, 11.48, 4.12, 12.68, 3.99, 4.0, 4.26, 4.39, 3.91, 4.19, 10.88, 11.55, 11.05, 10.34, 4.12, 4.39, 12.23, 4.46, 4.21, 4.47, 4.01, 11.91, 3.99, 3.99, 4.23, 4.15, 11.4, 4.15, 4.37, 12.38, 11.95, 10.93, 4.1, 11.43, 3.81, 4.13, 4.13, 4.04, 12.32, 3.93, 4.02, 4.03, 11.97, 12.28, 3.9, 4.24, 12.77, 12.11, 9.52, 4.09, 3.96, 4.31, 4.97, 3.98, 4.32, 4.14, 4.02, 4.05, 4.06, 3.94, 4.01, 4.6, 11.52, 4.44, 4.32, 12.34, 4.44, 4.2, 4.27, 10.99, 4.14, 4.35, 4.03, 4.39, 12.87, 4.3, 3.96, 12.12, 4.1, 4.06, 10.26, 4.18, 4.04, 11.15, 3.99, 3.99, 4.3, 4.4, 3.85, 3.8, 3.94, 3.94, 4.43, 4.16, 4.11, 4.09, 4.12, 6.99, 4.15, 4.2, 4.5, 3.78, 4.26, 3.92, 4.1, 4.02, 3.75, 3.88, 11.48, 11.04, 5.05, 4.26, 4.0, 4.08, 3.9, 4.16, 4.06, 4.3, 4.34, 4.14, 4.19, 4.28, 4.26, 4.24, 3.84, 4.22, 4.25, 4.15, 4.18, 4.6, 4.25, 4.39, 3.98, 3.84, 3.63, 4.66, 12.85, 3.73, 3.96, 4.2, 3.83, 11.85, 3.95, 4.03, 3.99, 3.96, 3.88, 8.55, 4.29, 4.07, 3.99, 4.16, 4.11, 4.45, 4.16, 4.14, 4.11, 4.43, 4.22, 4.36, 4.53, 6.57, 11.61, 12.12, 11.99, 4.1, 4.48, 10.04, 4.14, 10.93, 4.18, 3.67, 4.13, 3.93, 4.2, 4.48, 12.9, 4.08, 4.05, 4.3, 4.17, 4.32, 11.09, 4.35, 4.01, 11.17, 4.15, 4.9, 3.93, 4.03, 4.21, 6.5, 3.93, 4.3, 3.96, 3.94, 3.94, 4.1, 3.84, 3.93, 4.08, 4.05, 4.23, 4.31, 4.02, 4.32, 11.75, 4.39, 3.89, 4.39, 11.84, 4.27, 4.19, 3.87, 10.5, 11.86, 3.89, 4.11, 4.05, 4.16, 3.93, 10.1, 4.05, 4.13, 4.0, 4.08, 3.84, 4.33, 4.03, 4.21, 3.92, 3.91, 3.75, 11.52, 4.9, 4.06, 4.11, 4.6, 4.06, 4.72, 4.19, 11.57, 11.55, 10.11, 11.41, 4.47, 3.78, 3.9, 3.9, 4.29, 4.08, 11.48, 4.82, 4.11, 4.43, 3.94, 4.2, 4.2, 4.1, 4.17, 4.05, 12.76, 7.8, 12.79, 4.11, 4.33, 4.16, 12.43, 3.98, 4.09, 4.51, 3.95, 3.99, 4.37, 4.15, 9.08, 4.23, 4.1, 11.04, 4.67, 4.07, 4.23, 3.7, 8.94, 12.73, 3.74, 4.13, 3.87, 3.96, 4.25, 5.93, 11.16, 12.92, 3.93, 4.97, 4.94, 12.27, 12.75, 3.97, 10.8, 11.43, 3.72, 4.13, 12.94, 12.55, 12.3, 13.01, 3.94, 9.16, 9.45, 5.37, 3.77, 8.69, 12.04, 7.63, 4.33, 3.91, 4.3, 12.06, 13.27, 5.13, 4.19, 4.11, 11.93, 5.13, 4.5, 3.83, 3.8, 11.69, 4.06, 3.74, 3.73, 3.9, 3.91, 4.14, 12.24, 11.2, 4.12, 3.95, 11.72, 12.48, 12.01, 11.96, 4.44, 9.65, 7.97, 11.95, 10.79, 11.69, 4.15, 4.0, 4.32, 4.22, 4.61, 4.06, 4.11, 7.37, 4.04, 4.71, 4.1, 12.5, 12.05, 4.28, 3.93, 4.21, 3.93, 3.94, 11.41, 4.32, 4.51, 12.69, 4.18, 12.24, 5.66, 12.71, 4.02, 12.89, 4.16, 4.13, 4.22, 12.34, 5.44, 4.16, 4.15, 4.15, 3.92, 11.95, 10.48, 11.89, 12.25, 11.86, 4.05, 11.11, 11.03, 12.56, 11.97, 4.04, 4.26, 7.37, 4.22, 3.95, 3.95, 11.37, 3.99, 11.17, 3.88, 4.08, 4.2, 3.87, 4.25, 4.03, 3.98, 3.84, 12.16, 4.45, 4.5, 3.94, 8.13, 4.05, 3.96, 4.2, 11.63, 11.15, 4.15, 11.7, 3.98, 4.03, 12.27, 11.64, 4.5, 3.99, 10.88, 4.12, 4.17, 3.84, 4.14, 3.97, 4.15, 4.19, 3.79, 4.13, 4.11, 3.93, 3.91, 6.1, 4.03, 4.02, 3.85, 3.88, 4.0, 4.02, 8.38, 4.38, 6.86, 4.95, 4.03, 4.13, 9.03, 4.17, 11.35, 6.52, 4.18, 4.32, 3.83, 4.24, 4.2, 11.21, 10.93, 3.8, 4.26, 3.85, 3.78, 4.0, 3.69, 3.69, 3.59, 3.71, 4.01, 4.07, 4.04, 4.22, 4.33, 3.87, 4.33, 3.64, 4.21, 4.1, 3.83, 4.0, 3.85, 4.36, 9.41, 3.9, 9.85, 12.18, 11.06, 3.92, 3.78, 3.99, 5.02, 4.15, 10.89, 4.06, 4.72, 4.2, 10.41, 3.91, 4.01, 4.09, 12.11, 4.07, 4.28, 4.63, 4.75, 3.99, 4.37, 4.25, 4.13, 4.31, 4.42, 7.21, 4.27, 4.19, 11.12, 4.2, 4.34, 11.82, 4.34, 3.84, 3.98, 4.08, 4.23, 4.25, 3.9, 12.8, 4.54, 3.88, 4.08, 4.78, 7.87, 8.9, 4.14, 3.91, 12.09, 3.98, 4.95, 4.06, 10.37, 12.53, 12.4, 3.9, 3.98, 4.42, 11.44, 4.4, 4.1, 4.05, 4.34, 4.15, 4.4, 4.3, 4.23, 4.2, 10.27, 4.27, 3.87, 4.03, 3.98, 3.71, 4.04, 4.03, 4.07, 3.94, 4.41, 4.05, 4.06, 3.93, 11.69, 8.4, 3.83, 4.26, 3.73, 3.93, 3.99, 3.85, 4.14, 11.47, 4.04, 5.33, 4.27, 7.74, 3.99, 3.91, 3.91, 12.04, 3.84, 4.46, 4.24, 3.91, 8.56, 8.77, 10.45, 3.87, 3.91, 4.15, 11.79, 3.9, 4.3, 4.08, 4.02, 3.9, 4.04, 3.83, 3.88, 12.21, 3.8, 4.07, 3.78, 3.99, 11.87, 3.77, 3.73, 3.64, 3.79, 3.76, 3.64, 4.06, 3.9, 3.93, 3.79, 3.65, 4.04, 3.78, 3.79, 3.99, 3.97, 8.79, 3.89, 4.35, 4.33, 3.96, 3.88, 4.12, 4.15, 3.98, 3.88, 3.83, 3.89, 3.94, 3.96, 4.06, 4.29, 4.01, 3.96, 12.17, 4.14, 12.06, 4.07, 4.92, 12.8, 3.61, 3.81, 3.99, 3.95, 3.84, 4.2, 3.84, 4.11, 4.33, 4.2, 3.97, 4.13, 4.53, 3.9, 3.84, 3.87, 4.31, 4.3, 3.97, 4.42, 4.22, 3.99, 3.89, 4.47, 12.0, 4.26, 4.02, 4.04, 3.96, 4.07, 4.14, 4.18, 4.06, 3.84, 3.93, 4.08, 3.88, 3.93, 4.08, 3.96, 4.35, 4.15, 4.07, 4.02, 4.23, 3.65, 4.26, 4.23, 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10.43, 12.9, 5.09, 12.54, 7.72, 10.38, 4.87, 13.24, 8.05, 13.61, 10.95, 10.78, 10.2, 10.91, 10.22, 14.05, 10.95, 11.91, 7.29, 8.92, 4.76, 7.62, 10.6, 9.0, 4.78, 11.76, 6.49, 13.05, 10.66, 5.48, 7.49, 9.75, 7.82, 5.94, 11.71, 5.99, 5.05, 8.79, 5.5, 5.15, 11.36, 12.49, 6.76, 8.27, 6.32, 11.42, 6.75, 11.25, 13.43, 5.28, 7.62, 13.28, 11.65, 5.15, 4.85, 11.38, 11.45, 7.27, 5.1, 12.17, 5.54, 12.33, 7.54, 10.57, 11.49, 4.52, 11.92, 8.56, 10.26, 5.58, 10.06, 12.85, 4.87, 11.22, 9.55, 10.24, 10.54, 13.42, 5.13, 4.83, 11.86, 7.51, 11.14, 9.95, 13.47, 10.1, 12.79, 5.11, 12.44, 9.89, 9.18, 9.66, 5.09, 4.99, 11.87, 10.48, 8.12, 9.9, 13.04, 4.34, 12.7, 4.71, 10.88, 5.06, 4.69, 9.84, 11.25, 12.24, 11.91, 9.99, 12.36, 11.39, 11.69, 11.61, 10.93, 12.68, 6.18, 12.12, 11.15, 4.99, 4.72, 11.42, 8.49, 10.61, 10.19, 12.49, 4.15, 4.9, 11.0, 4.22, 10.37, 10.33, 8.19, 8.99, 7.81, 4.93, 11.92, 11.55, 9.14, 4.71, 11.97, 10.71, 8.12, 10.07, 5.88, 11.98, 5.39, 7.01, 10.88, 6.31, 11.01, 10.78, 8.39, 11.59, 5.52, 11.61, 10.89, 11.71, 5.91, 11.83, 12.23, 4.27, 5.37, 6.47, 5.38, 5.08, 10.38, 11.14, 4.72, 8.15, 7.74, 5.08, 5.45, 5.48, 5.28, 11.65, 4.56, 11.99, 12.15, 12.81, 11.94, 7.05, 10.13, 10.35, 12.64, 10.38, 10.36, 5.16, 5.19, 4.59, 5.04, 4.94, 9.06, 8.96, 5.28, 10.37, 5.03, 8.43, 12.4, 12.92, 5.72, 5.86, 9.64, 11.75, 5.15, 12.02, 8.41, 12.87, 5.12, 5.02, 9.2, 4.96, 4.91, 8.19, 4.58, 11.92, 12.32, 4.42, 5.08, 6.12, 10.04, 7.56, 8.57, 10.88, 8.45, 10.98, 10.87, 4.84, 8.79, 10.79, 10.86, 4.81, 10.12, 5.89, 10.06, 11.38, 4.76, 11.16, 5.71, 7.24, 4.86, 5.41, 12.82, 5.3, 5.34, 4.75, 10.06, 7.88, 4.72, 4.57, 9.5, 5.58, 9.21, 4.67, 4.5, 10.04, 9.68, 6.52, 7.88, 10.47, 9.4, 11.21, 9.64, 9.83, 10.13, 4.95, 7.02, 9.9, 5.95, 10.01, 13.69, 9.99, 10.1, 10.06, 12.54, 12.21, 9.77, 9.84, 4.59, 4.73, 10.16, 10.15, 9.57, 9.85, 11.58, 4.65, 10.71, 4.82, 6.57, 5.81, 4.72, 5.01, 11.67, 9.49, 9.25, 7.53, 11.29, 8.2, 10.25, 4.97, 8.21, 4.9, 4.85, 5.22, 11.72, 10.42, 4.6, 11.23, 11.01, 9.58, 6.75, 12.89, 5.08, 7.39, 12.56, 9.03, 8.91, 12.3, 10.43, 12.0, 10.31, 5.19, 12.57, 5.13, 7.69, 12.22, 9.12, 8.58, 5.19, 11.53, 13.18, 7.59, 4.76, 11.59, 12.61, 8.43, 5.17, 7.04, 4.48, 12.58, 11.99, 4.7, 4.81, 5.01, 6.79, 5.19, 11.27, 5.44, 4.88, 9.2, 6.32, 8.49, 8.46, 4.97, 7.7, 4.86, 9.52, 7.82, 5.37, 5.03, 11.44, 10.84, 5.01, 5.26, 10.84, 12.34, 9.37, 11.37, 13.49, 9.19, 11.55, 8.92, 11.4, 4.81, 8.77, 11.43, 10.22, 4.98, 12.14, 8.88, 11.42, 4.26, 6.55, 13.35, 7.85, 4.5, 5.5, 6.2, 12.32, 6.04, 9.8, 9.24, 9.39, 9.64, 9.01, 7.81, 11.57, 10.46, 11.24, 9.38, 4.96, 11.14, 11.68, 9.99, 5.21, 10.24, 4.99, 9.96, 4.69, 5.29, 9.07, 10.5, 6.2, 7.01, 5.97, 4.67, 5.81, 12.87, 12.77, 10.23, 4.99, 4.53, 12.72, 13.22, 11.01, 12.98, 8.43, 10.66, 11.13, 6.56, 9.79, 13.2, 8.74, 4.87, 4.69, 4.84, 4.98, 7.65, 5.37, 10.27, 7.86, 5.1, 7.03, 10.9, 10.29, 4.84, 4.32, 5.69, 5.38, 5.38, 4.85, 10.84, 6.69, 4.86, 4.94, 4.79, 8.92, 9.65, 12.34, 8.37, 11.79, 13.02, 11.61, 4.49, 4.99, 8.63, 4.7, 5.11, 4.81, 8.79, 11.68, 4.75, 4.76, 4.89, 4.63, 4.94, 4.83, 4.86, 11.5, 12.75, 7.84, 9.36, 10.0, 5.34, 4.68, 4.53, 5.24, 9.73, 4.58, 4.97, 4.82, 4.67, 5.11, 5.05, 5.0, 8.4, 10.13, 12.47, 8.73, 4.93, 11.42, 5.56, 12.08, 12.95, 9.51, 4.88, 5.1, 4.57, 5.23, 12.97, 12.41, 5.33, 5.08, 4.79, 9.81, 5.14, 4.62, 10.53, 4.89, 5.42, 12.51, 6.6, 4.98, 4.98, 11.18, 8.29, 12.96, 5.09, 4.38, 11.99, 6.54, 4.58, 5.02, 10.99, 10.41, 6.8, 8.08, 11.12, 4.7, 4.61, 5.22, 4.85, 10.46, 4.69, 5.71, 5.61, 12.39, 4.97, 12.89, 7.3, 5.05, 5.27, 4.7, 13.63, 6.73, 7.28, 4.68, 5.14, 4.82, 4.8, 5.69, 5.06, 7.3, 4.49, 4.77, 4.59, 5.18, 8.7, 11.64, 4.78, 4.93, 12.88, 11.01, 4.82, 4.58, 5.27, 11.41, 5.35, 4.34, 4.85, 4.81, 12.13, 5.11, 9.29, 4.77, 4.72, 4.86, 4.85, 4.95, 4.6, 4.67, 4.43, 4.85, 4.72, 5.18, 4.79, 5.06, 9.97, 13.25, 5.05, 5.06, 7.62, 5.14, 13.33, 5.32, 10.3, 11.65, 8.72, 11.57, 7.68, 12.56, 12.44, 12.25, 7.82, 10.67, 11.03, 11.66, 6.94, 5.1, 8.8, 8.78, 10.75, 12.84, 8.16, 5.23, 4.82, 7.54, 5.84, 9.24, 4.91, 12.13, 7.36, 6.45, 8.32, 8.45, 9.1, 8.01, 8.41, 5.12, 11.06, 4.32, 12.97, 10.21, 8.99, 4.65, 5.29, 7.83, 5.02, 13.37, 12.3, 12.55, 5.85, 5.27, 11.76, 10.57, 4.46, 11.06, 10.76, 10.3, 10.86, 11.64, 6.94, 10.6, 11.28, 4.48, 4.63, 4.75, 12.33, 11.23, 9.24, 8.15, 11.27, 7.91, 11.06, 12.47, 12.79, 5.47, 12.09, 11.89, 10.16, 12.73, 4.7, 10.7, 13.2, 8.33, 11.71, 7.85, 5.16, 12.53, 12.67, 10.3, 12.61, 6.46, 5.48, 13.05, 6.58, 10.39, 12.05, 11.05, 12.37, 12.34, 10.69, 11.97, 11.52, 4.82, 4.88, 11.21, 7.75, 12.94, 8.51, 12.89, 11.18, 10.73, 12.4, 5.58, 5.73, 4.67, 10.33, 4.92, 11.46, 5.01, 11.64, 5.19, 5.72, 11.62, 7.59, 12.65, 10.34, 10.12, 11.92, 11.06, 12.45, 4.91, 12.66, 11.84, 5.35, 6.9, 11.2, 4.89, 7.68, 13.29, 5.45, 13.47, 11.29, 12.5, 12.45, 4.64, 4.58, 10.64, 10.26, 5.32, 8.77, 11.89, 6.76, 13.09, 4.62, 10.86, 6.21, 12.64, 9.63, 11.84, 4.82, 10.22, 8.21, 4.83, 9.14, 9.31, 4.61, 4.7, 9.84, 9.77, 11.24, 10.93, 9.32, 10.06, 12.62, 9.18, 10.71, 5.51, 12.55, 4.53, 10.12, 7.71, 10.79, 8.92, 5.36, 10.37, 12.16, 12.97, 11.07, 8.35, 10.63, 11.26, 12.17, 8.41, 8.5, 12.85, 12.44, 12.41, 5.02, 4.44, 12.51, 10.4, 7.46, 10.61, 4.83, 11.5, 4.86, 10.84, 9.4, 13.31, 4.98, 14.18, 12.74, 8.88, 4.99, 4.94, 8.12, 10.71, 11.22, 11.81, 10.6, 4.2, 8.77, 8.79, 5.41, 5.6, 13.06, 10.62, 7.75, 5.34, 10.27, 9.77, 11.43, 13.42, 11.92, 8.17, 11.35, 10.74, 7.52, 13.96, 5.94, 7.88, 8.95, 7.27, 7.49, 10.74, 9.62, 8.9, 4.84, 11.2, 5.18, 8.66, 9.14, 5.39, 12.73, 9.34, 9.1, 8.08, 7.62, 7.86, 10.68, 5.59, 9.71, 9.95, 7.86, 9.81, 10.65, 10.81, 5.26, 10.3, 6.74, 7.23, 7.78, 7.63, 12.16, 11.25, 10.08, 4.96, 7.41, 11.3, 9.53, 9.07, 5.24, 7.62, 13.2, 7.38], [6.89, 3.86, 9.47, 5.71, 4.22, 3.87, 6.12, 4.16, 4.09, 4.07, 4.22, 10.6, 4.98, 4.05, 9.97, 7.62, 4.15, 4.08, 9.82, 4.57, 10.68, 4.71, 4.06, 4.45, 6.87, 5.25, 11.37, 8.38, 3.89, 7.34, 4.1, 6.38, 12.21, 3.84, 9.87, 4.2, 8.86, 4.97, 4.93, 9.74, 9.13, 10.82, 4.97, 3.86, 10.0, 11.81, 4.51, 8.59, 3.93, 11.72, 10.83, 5.04, 12.46, 9.61, 3.96, 4.12, 8.12, 4.28, 4.46, 12.27, 3.49, 4.5, 11.19, 11.67, 10.41, 3.91, 11.64, 7.11, 4.74, 4.02, 6.64, 7.97, 10.8, 4.21, 4.21, 8.83, 12.51, 10.02, 4.43, 4.24, 3.94, 9.43, 9.32, 6.23, 7.16, 4.26, 4.44, 4.23, 11.92, 5.99, 4.07, 9.59, 6.45, 8.33, 7.32, 7.46, 9.71, 12.37, 8.76, 8.58, 3.91, 10.79, 7.11, 4.17, 7.41, 12.23, 4.1, 3.77, 10.52, 5.25, 4.0, 3.62, 10.81, 5.94, 4.86, 5.14, 11.32, 7.56, 3.78, 4.01, 8.26, 10.94, 10.28, 7.14, 11.48, 4.12, 4.48, 12.17, 11.62, 11.75, 4.52, 10.67, 10.5, 5.17, 5.72, 4.8, 11.93, 5.61, 4.37, 6.35, 12.33, 3.93, 4.16, 12.07, 8.36, 6.88, 9.62, 6.31, 9.26, 12.19, 3.76, 4.43, 4.1, 9.04, 10.59, 5.74, 4.12, 9.99, 13.18, 5.85, 6.42, 7.96, 4.59, 4.28, 9.91, 6.61, 4.22, 5.22, 8.94, 9.38, 4.09, 7.38, 10.03, 10.42, 4.1, 9.86, 11.65, 4.38, 8.6, 6.89, 10.54, 9.06, 3.89, 4.2, 8.34, 11.4, 5.25, 10.15, 4.0, 4.44, 4.33, 7.41, 10.64, 9.86, 12.17, 8.87, 9.5, 5.43, 10.41, 4.16, 11.45, 9.09, 4.21, 3.87, 3.97, 8.29, 3.83, 11.44, 3.78, 4.42, 4.15, 7.67, 9.01, 6.95, 5.47, 4.1, 11.91, 10.65, 4.01, 8.36, 12.26, 7.37, 4.06, 6.81, 9.92, 4.11, 3.95, 5.97, 5.0, 3.48, 7.88, 4.58, 3.66, 3.78, 3.85, 3.63, 5.74, 4.02, 8.71, 3.85, 12.13, 9.04, 4.62, 9.37, 6.03, 4.31, 4.31, 4.73, 4.15, 3.83, 4.24, 5.12, 7.16, 4.23, 11.47, 3.88, 11.57, 4.1, 3.93, 11.57, 9.54, 11.14, 10.12, 4.35, 6.71, 9.63, 8.63, 6.9, 9.7, 5.77, 4.32, 4.37, 10.25, 9.0, 10.91, 9.87, 3.87, 4.18, 11.74, 3.89, 4.94, 9.6, 10.32, 3.67, 3.94, 5.1, 5.16, 9.7, 9.89, 4.35, 10.62, 7.17, 4.09, 5.03, 5.2, 4.81, 11.71, 4.08, 8.9, 11.42, 10.32, 4.18, 4.91, 7.78, 4.44, 5.08, 8.93, 6.17, 11.97, 7.3, 6.64, 6.62, 4.41, 7.69, 4.32, 4.28, 10.34, 10.41, 5.96, 12.38, 11.8, 4.74, 4.11, 4.52, 4.01, 6.56, 5.81, 11.48, 3.97, 6.77, 8.39, 11.54, 6.29, 4.11, 9.95, 7.09, 7.0, 4.35, 4.48, 5.96, 4.27, 5.08, 11.32, 11.05, 9.96, 3.98, 4.64, 10.94, 4.04, 4.74, 4.31, 5.18, 9.19, 8.06, 4.44, 6.31, 4.58, 4.05, 11.8, 8.11, 11.56, 3.94, 4.11, 5.46, 4.34, 7.66, 4.0, 3.98, 3.99, 11.45, 9.41, 4.02, 7.15, 9.58, 11.5, 10.38, 6.82, 4.35, 6.84, 4.3, 10.16, 4.64, 5.16, 4.86, 4.26, 4.62, 4.1, 4.1, 4.73, 11.76, 4.12, 3.99, 5.71, 4.37, 4.2, 4.28, 8.02, 8.93, 3.98, 4.38, 11.94, 6.75, 6.62, 5.62, 4.5, 8.28, 9.34, 5.34, 6.76, 8.69, 6.1, 4.44, 10.06, 10.14, 11.84, 4.0, 10.28, 3.86, 8.76, 10.06, 7.36, 8.69, 7.01, 11.66, 5.16, 7.9, 4.69, 9.77, 5.69, 3.96, 7.71, 8.59, 8.8, 7.08, 8.31, 4.16, 7.8, 3.42, 3.75, 8.47, 4.3, 4.15, 5.01, 11.18, 8.97, 10.46, 4.36, 4.08, 8.01, 4.21, 7.95, 3.83, 4.37, 6.19, 10.65, 11.84, 4.26, 4.1, 4.54, 6.31, 3.88, 3.69, 4.12, 12.12, 5.51, 7.87, 10.83, 5.14, 10.12, 3.8, 10.39, 3.96, 7.48, 6.01, 9.01, 4.28, 11.31, 10.18, 8.76, 4.77, 11.51, 4.16, 11.32, 10.12, 11.84, 3.76, 5.83, 12.65, 4.53, 4.61, 6.24, 4.87, 7.51, 4.21, 5.42, 6.47, 8.19, 3.75, 3.55, 11.78, 11.76, 11.52, 12.56, 4.58, 11.18, 9.66, 3.84, 4.09, 3.86, 4.47, 10.2, 9.35, 3.77, 4.03, 10.37, 7.83, 10.57, 4.8, 7.31, 6.72, 9.31, 11.46, 6.63, 4.01, 11.23, 4.27, 9.96, 4.23, 8.88, 9.06, 9.86, 4.09, 11.45, 5.19, 7.64, 4.38, 4.81, 10.98, 4.1, 10.67, 8.02, 8.02, 9.76, 12.11, 10.48, 9.0, 4.05, 6.01, 4.01, 10.81, 5.69, 9.35, 6.0, 4.1, 4.04, 10.99, 3.95, 7.51, 4.27, 4.25, 10.97, 4.17, 3.9, 4.21, 4.46, 4.21, 4.44, 7.17, 7.22, 11.79, 10.08, 4.21, 4.24, 7.93, 11.3, 9.0, 9.98, 4.26, 3.96, 11.54, 11.21, 10.93, 3.79, 4.49, 8.53, 5.56, 10.94, 9.87, 4.16, 8.76, 8.63, 4.83, 11.51, 5.15, 10.38, 8.11, 4.03, 8.36, 4.14, 4.57, 4.34, 8.88, 9.24, 8.92, 4.65, 4.24, 4.95, 11.12, 7.8, 11.86, 4.03, 11.19, 5.19, 4.42, 12.5, 11.48, 4.46, 4.21, 9.67, 8.33, 7.22, 3.95, 4.39, 4.14, 4.71, 7.9, 4.47, 4.25, 10.23, 4.31, 5.18, 4.69, 4.03, 4.82, 4.09, 4.95, 4.24, 4.27, 4.53, 4.11, 4.69, 4.92, 4.5, 4.5, 4.17, 11.66, 3.76, 11.16, 10.91, 3.83, 4.19, 4.04, 6.33, 4.51, 11.39, 4.51, 4.57, 5.01, 4.51, 4.42, 10.28, 5.81, 4.81, 4.93, 12.51, 4.25, 4.05, 3.79, 4.1, 4.15, 7.94, 9.17, 4.0, 5.3, 11.28, 9.62, 3.79, 4.53, 4.42, 10.94, 12.29, 7.15, 3.93, 6.43, 7.64, 8.51, 11.72, 4.28, 4.07, 4.29, 4.42, 4.05, 10.48, 4.06, 4.41, 3.67, 4.28, 4.08, 9.07, 4.02, 3.98, 4.21, 4.36, 3.83, 4.59, 6.57, 5.16, 4.2, 5.0, 4.35, 3.99, 4.38, 11.45, 4.03, 4.13, 8.93, 4.08, 10.02, 5.98, 4.27, 3.87, 7.66, 8.37, 4.14, 4.4, 7.22, 9.97, 4.43, 4.63, 4.36, 4.38, 9.12, 4.25, 10.82, 4.76, 4.22, 4.04, 4.29, 4.46, 4.38, 3.77, 4.2, 3.94, 4.0, 3.97, 4.39, 4.69, 11.09, 6.53, 4.5, 4.23, 10.08, 4.04, 11.57, 4.36, 9.06, 4.31, 4.13, 5.61, 10.54, 5.71, 8.35, 8.06, 9.47, 10.52, 8.96, 10.43, 10.02, 5.08, 12.03, 10.32, 3.95, 7.92, 5.45, 3.59, 3.69, 10.75, 5.63, 11.46, 3.87, 3.95, 9.55, 12.22, 4.28, 11.53, 11.26, 10.33, 11.86, 4.82, 10.96, 5.63, 6.78, 8.31, 11.2, 4.64, 3.74, 6.79, 9.57, 4.53, 5.51, 8.36, 4.2, 4.65, 8.91, 11.55, 4.59, 5.45, 11.14, 10.18, 4.32, 4.33, 11.21, 6.22, 3.96, 7.01, 4.18, 9.68, 5.85, 4.82, 5.23, 7.61, 7.52, 10.07, 9.66, 4.01, 5.63, 7.39, 9.53, 3.81, 9.87, 10.94, 11.1, 4.2, 7.39, 4.38, 6.62, 12.05, 4.53, 9.56, 7.88, 5.15, 5.6, 3.93, 10.55, 10.85, 12.03, 4.13, 7.34, 6.55, 10.53, 4.32, 8.8, 4.63, 9.53, 3.83, 4.37, 4.28, 12.19, 4.97, 5.93, 6.54, 11.65, 5.41, 12.47, 3.73, 12.05, 3.79, 4.48, 3.71, 10.03, 3.68, 8.99, 4.74, 4.1, 7.23, 12.72, 8.15, 3.65, 10.03, 10.17, 10.61, 9.54, 13.01, 10.42, 11.69, 3.87, 8.42, 4.57, 12.19, 4.92, 8.18, 4.4, 4.08, 4.53, 9.01, 9.66, 4.72, 4.67, 8.59, 4.14, 4.34, 8.41, 7.15, 9.35, 9.31, 4.64, 9.98, 3.88, 9.07, 11.19, 8.61, 9.77, 11.4, 3.92, 7.61, 7.88, 10.7, 5.08, 4.52, 4.84, 4.8, 12.15, 11.58, 9.44, 11.79, 4.61, 8.89, 7.56, 11.08, 7.5, 13.24, 6.52, 5.63, 8.9, 8.83, 3.76, 6.21, 4.26, 9.61, 4.19, 5.19, 9.49, 4.56, 11.04, 8.92, 6.33, 7.14, 6.22, 4.47, 4.28, 4.53, 10.08, 4.25, 12.23, 3.96, 4.36, 4.53, 4.56, 4.56, 9.97, 7.4, 4.51, 7.2, 6.43, 12.25, 4.33, 3.96, 13.05, 8.35, 4.02, 8.79, 10.73, 7.87, 12.12, 12.62, 4.37, 4.15, 7.58, 11.02, 11.58, 4.05, 12.81, 6.44, 10.36, 9.71, 6.29, 12.21, 5.47, 11.61, 9.67, 7.38, 13.01, 5.89, 8.34, 10.99, 13.15, 11.43, 11.27, 3.8, 5.96, 11.57, 11.1, 8.52, 11.9, 10.4, 8.06, 12.18, 10.72, 4.21, 9.96, 12.37, 9.59, 12.08, 4.55, 10.78, 9.45, 7.51, 4.14, 10.55, 13.54, 10.4, 3.78, 10.94, 10.42, 4.14, 6.66, 10.49, 5.49, 11.02, 12.26, 11.61, 4.21, 11.71, 5.89, 6.45, 8.98, 10.32], [4.24, 12.37, 9.99, 11.44, 4.51, 4.07, 8.44, 8.7, 5.59, 5.4, 4.93, 4.77, 9.48, 4.4, 4.3, 4.47, 6.44, 5.52, 11.63, 4.09, 9.28, 4.25, 10.34, 4.4, 12.4, 12.19, 9.61, 5.79, 5.76, 10.46, 3.97, 4.66, 9.73, 9.1, 10.64, 7.77, 12.01, 9.67, 3.69, 4.36, 4.85, 12.29, 10.76, 8.09, 5.49, 6.97, 4.6, 10.15, 3.98, 11.55, 4.85, 4.94, 7.97, 4.48, 4.81, 8.66, 5.4, 4.86, 8.42, 7.32, 9.04, 7.44, 10.87, 4.82, 10.21, 5.39, 4.84, 5.21, 4.88, 4.04, 4.49, 4.49, 3.47, 4.37, 4.02, 11.65, 8.42, 10.88, 4.57, 3.96, 3.9, 4.89, 5.69, 4.77, 11.1, 7.67, 3.94, 4.26, 5.51, 9.23, 4.77, 9.42, 3.98, 11.73, 5.86, 10.91, 7.51, 6.0, 7.44, 3.94, 4.56, 7.96, 8.1, 7.08, 11.62, 4.03, 3.73, 10.82, 9.06, 3.83, 3.65, 10.56, 8.05, 3.99, 5.4, 3.72, 11.16, 3.9, 11.74, 4.57, 10.57, 11.35, 10.49, 3.79, 9.83, 4.29, 8.05, 11.06, 9.2, 9.12, 3.86, 4.43, 10.56, 4.28, 9.99, 3.73, 11.26, 11.33, 4.44, 12.37, 12.12, 4.03, 7.51, 3.74, 12.09, 4.29, 7.13, 4.3, 7.14, 3.73, 9.19, 4.18, 3.48, 5.99, 6.41, 5.54, 5.76, 5.04, 12.37, 10.44, 4.17, 10.18, 3.96, 4.17, 8.12, 4.7, 4.27, 5.09, 4.77, 5.32, 4.66, 9.29, 4.37, 10.31, 4.34, 8.95, 10.57, 7.71, 8.52, 8.32, 6.81, 9.53, 4.41, 4.97, 7.61, 8.58, 4.18, 8.85, 4.61, 5.7, 4.07, 5.67, 11.71, 5.02, 10.46, 6.37, 9.87, 7.61, 9.58, 4.01, 10.39, 8.79, 4.83, 8.12, 4.19, 5.3, 4.5, 11.46, 3.81, 4.12, 8.41, 4.55, 4.79, 8.83, 6.42, 5.23, 10.99, 5.45, 4.11, 8.51, 5.43, 4.05, 4.33, 4.55, 6.43, 4.62, 3.82, 4.61, 4.25, 5.46, 4.49, 5.22, 4.18, 3.7, 4.43, 7.82, 5.03, 4.08, 4.13, 3.77, 11.28, 6.66, 10.31, 8.88, 3.8, 4.19, 4.9, 8.85, 4.19, 4.3, 8.41, 3.82, 11.18, 10.73, 4.12, 4.4, 4.3, 7.21, 10.1, 4.29, 6.17, 7.58, 10.27, 5.75, 5.02, 6.72, 12.36, 6.58, 4.41, 5.84, 4.6, 5.99, 4.13, 7.06, 10.04, 8.16, 6.21, 4.82, 5.81, 5.27, 9.56, 10.08, 6.56, 5.26, 3.85, 9.2, 6.11, 7.18, 8.15, 4.27, 11.04, 11.69, 4.08, 9.71, 3.93, 4.09, 9.1, 9.02, 8.43, 10.77, 12.66, 3.46, 12.51, 7.82, 6.51, 8.55, 8.71, 4.15, 11.79, 11.48, 11.89, 5.29, 9.43, 7.02, 4.09, 4.79, 10.11, 7.55, 4.97, 6.44, 11.15, 4.96, 4.33, 5.59, 3.56, 4.83, 4.06, 10.08, 6.1, 9.74, 3.99, 7.42, 3.64, 10.46, 11.04, 7.3, 5.56, 4.13, 4.26, 5.31, 4.07, 5.48, 12.72, 8.52, 9.12, 5.51, 4.39, 8.71, 5.9, 12.1, 3.71, 3.79, 9.87, 12.52, 4.07, 9.24, 6.41, 7.17, 8.62, 4.73, 11.94, 3.78, 4.21, 12.5, 4.31, 5.11, 5.46, 5.62, 4.86, 8.21, 6.13, 4.49, 4.16, 4.38, 8.34, 7.14, 6.49, 5.16, 5.4, 4.19, 10.84, 3.96, 8.74, 4.34, 4.8, 3.79, 4.46, 4.83, 4.3, 6.8, 4.08, 4.64, 4.4, 7.89, 4.72, 4.01, 5.34, 7.15, 3.73, 4.43, 9.88, 6.18, 3.95, 4.3, 8.86, 4.75, 8.62, 8.13, 10.27, 4.54, 3.98, 8.9, 4.52, 9.9, 11.71, 6.75, 10.3, 4.19, 11.38, 11.42, 10.76, 4.14, 3.94, 11.63, 4.36, 4.32, 5.16, 12.61, 5.69, 4.48, 5.58, 11.22, 4.65, 4.54, 9.94, 6.53, 8.94, 4.0, 4.09, 11.18, 5.65, 4.96, 3.91, 10.86, 4.0, 11.67, 4.43, 3.79, 4.8, 4.71, 4.67, 4.29, 5.11, 4.31, 11.28, 8.67, 4.4, 4.49, 3.73, 5.57, 4.49, 7.52, 4.15, 10.83, 6.89, 8.87, 11.89, 10.48, 3.84, 4.32, 6.66, 4.32, 9.18, 4.77, 12.88, 6.86, 9.19, 10.52, 10.95, 8.31, 5.51, 4.06, 8.39, 4.06, 10.66, 4.78, 11.7, 10.85, 5.64, 11.62, 4.3, 9.47, 5.65, 7.41, 6.66, 6.37, 9.25, 4.25, 5.31, 10.74, 8.89, 11.97, 10.23, 3.59, 11.83, 10.64, 3.99, 3.96, 4.25, 8.27, 6.64, 8.28, 4.47, 5.54, 4.4, 5.2, 12.86, 10.52, 4.2, 11.3, 8.3, 10.62, 9.71, 4.35, 9.75, 8.51, 7.62, 5.81, 12.0, 9.87, 9.77, 3.97, 11.24, 4.7, 12.3, 4.47, 4.18, 11.38, 3.84, 12.11, 12.92, 12.55, 12.2, 9.82, 4.28, 7.58, 4.91, 4.65, 8.17, 11.25, 3.76, 11.47, 7.05, 4.55, 6.81, 8.32, 3.64, 4.43, 5.33, 4.88, 7.02, 3.91, 4.61, 4.69, 5.69, 4.81, 4.87, 9.39, 10.17, 11.79, 9.43, 6.4, 4.38, 4.22, 4.19, 4.48, 11.58, 4.47, 6.3, 11.39, 12.16, 9.64, 4.51, 4.21, 10.64, 4.75, 4.57, 12.81, 4.34, 4.86, 12.01, 4.71, 11.71, 4.29, 10.39, 6.78, 4.68, 4.03, 4.41, 4.41, 4.64, 8.53, 6.24, 3.74, 5.2, 7.01, 11.71, 12.19, 5.17, 10.24, 4.0, 12.75, 10.71, 4.9, 10.29, 11.93, 4.36, 4.27, 4.34, 3.78, 11.64, 4.27, 4.37, 4.37, 5.04, 4.16, 5.1, 4.22, 4.89, 4.08, 4.56, 9.07, 4.79, 4.85, 4.36, 11.27, 4.45, 5.17, 4.0, 3.93, 4.11, 4.05, 4.08, 4.96, 4.87, 12.58, 5.31, 3.66, 8.23, 3.76, 4.03, 3.96, 11.41, 4.97, 12.58, 3.82, 4.44, 4.41, 3.73, 3.96, 12.5, 4.21, 4.5, 4.62, 11.62, 4.31, 5.91, 4.16, 4.04, 7.09, 4.73, 12.46, 5.95, 4.77, 10.67, 11.31, 5.28, 10.8, 11.63, 10.22, 4.66, 11.66, 4.25, 7.54, 12.5, 12.1, 12.78, 7.05, 4.3, 5.16, 4.91, 4.27, 9.22, 4.07, 9.78, 4.36, 3.73, 4.89, 11.89, 4.77, 4.85, 4.59, 5.48, 4.51, 9.13, 6.34, 4.42, 4.59, 4.46, 10.35, 4.08, 4.3, 4.23, 4.83, 4.45, 3.86, 5.13, 13.13, 4.69, 3.94, 10.47, 9.9, 4.03, 4.82, 8.5, 8.09, 11.28, 4.6, 4.16, 5.61, 4.34, 4.41, 7.59, 5.38, 5.23, 6.21, 4.01, 3.79, 7.15, 4.21, 6.14, 4.47, 5.59, 4.82, 4.4, 4.68, 9.18, 12.09, 10.67, 4.01, 4.1, 5.18, 9.24, 11.85, 4.45, 6.07, 8.87, 6.57, 8.85, 10.91, 9.42, 11.54, 12.1, 9.92, 4.5, 7.77, 10.49, 7.89, 4.75, 8.08, 12.38, 3.78, 5.73, 11.39, 8.29, 9.64, 11.62, 7.73, 11.74, 11.78, 10.32, 4.06, 10.87, 6.81, 10.09, 10.47, 7.97, 10.46, 6.24, 12.37, 9.74, 4.05, 11.36, 8.8, 7.36, 9.31, 9.78, 12.59, 12.36, 4.88, 12.15, 5.82, 10.97, 9.05, 10.34, 9.58, 9.97, 10.45, 11.47, 3.83, 4.38, 10.53, 3.71, 3.94, 4.5, 3.85, 6.83, 8.21, 6.62, 10.3, 4.26, 9.01, 4.31, 11.52, 4.6, 4.25, 8.51, 5.07, 9.94, 9.87, 9.14, 11.11, 3.83, 9.58, 3.99, 3.74, 11.72, 4.51, 3.77, 4.25, 12.67, 4.61, 4.1, 11.6, 4.33, 10.67, 4.27, 10.75, 4.83, 12.57, 4.03, 5.17, 8.27, 4.7, 5.96, 4.03, 10.95, 8.61, 4.07, 5.47, 11.21, 4.78, 3.96, 12.44, 5.16, 11.54, 5.09, 4.2, 5.82, 4.33, 4.22, 7.91, 7.15, 3.8, 5.22, 9.15, 8.59, 3.84, 12.28, 8.49, 8.97, 8.39, 6.9, 4.15, 10.42, 4.28, 4.53, 4.33, 8.43, 12.07, 7.82, 4.33, 6.59, 13.14, 9.21, 6.94, 11.14, 8.67, 7.87, 6.27, 3.89, 6.42, 9.13, 9.82, 6.19, 4.2, 13.14, 3.93, 4.58, 6.95, 5.23, 10.08, 6.28, 12.18, 7.56, 5.55, 8.64, 4.41, 4.03, 12.4, 4.6, 10.6, 7.02, 5.08, 12.08, 4.19, 4.08, 4.17, 8.42, 10.31, 7.61, 11.36, 5.11, 5.91, 4.73, 3.78, 4.1, 4.3, 6.94, 4.21, 6.67, 11.64, 4.89, 11.82, 4.7, 8.51, 5.81, 3.9, 4.12, 3.8, 4.22, 11.66, 3.58, 11.29, 3.85, 3.7, 4.22, 4.1, 3.64, 13.89, 11.71, 4.68, 9.27, 11.32, 10.39, 4.77, 5.35, 4.89, 12.92, 3.81, 4.98, 4.49, 8.49, 4.99, 4.05, 4.84, 4.45, 7.52, 10.86, 13.34, 4.58, 11.02, 4.06, 4.96, 4.3, 4.73, 10.69, 4.44, 4.57, 10.04, 9.71, 7.72, 10.83, 6.95, 11.98, 11.13, 10.38, 11.31, 11.92, 4.29, 7.65, 5.11, 10.51, 11.02, 4.38, 8.04, 9.04, 11.24, 11.69, 8.58, 5.84, 6.35, 11.81, 4.36, 9.8, 12.19, 10.76, 7.23, 10.3, 8.14, 9.15, 4.77, 9.51, 4.54, 4.52, 5.02, 4.52, 12.6, 4.63, 9.07, 4.99, 7.24, 11.56, 4.66, 9.72, 4.92, 6.5], [9.11, 4.38, 5.01, 10.38, 10.43, 7.32, 12.66, 13.62, 5.77, 9.23, 4.53, 5.37, 11.03, 12.38, 4.14, 11.25, 11.35, 8.62, 4.97, 14.49, 10.41, 11.58, 13.11, 12.63, 11.23, 8.99, 4.94, 4.31, 9.78, 12.49, 9.61, 4.36, 5.07, 4.77, 10.51, 10.87, 5.65, 4.24, 9.47, 13.79, 10.97, 8.51, 10.43, 3.66, 14.26, 6.62, 11.56, 11.33, 9.04, 13.58, 5.4, 10.98, 4.14, 11.74, 10.42, 4.4, 10.78, 9.46, 12.29, 3.94, 10.42, 4.23, 8.17, 4.54, 9.74, 8.73, 11.34, 9.27, 13.01, 11.38, 10.99, 11.84, 8.27, 11.06, 10.28, 9.5, 5.51, 11.25, 10.6, 12.1, 12.19, 11.81, 8.73, 10.69, 9.14, 13.71, 11.89, 11.81, 4.04, 12.35, 10.58, 10.06, 9.57, 13.68, 11.05, 9.34, 10.31, 3.87, 11.49, 11.12, 14.19, 12.78, 9.28, 10.97, 11.27, 9.1, 10.52, 11.75, 8.72, 4.98, 9.32, 10.71, 11.89, 11.83, 10.39, 10.77, 6.75, 10.15, 10.56, 8.89, 9.88, 11.98, 9.26, 9.67, 7.8, 11.77, 11.71, 4.89, 4.03, 3.97, 11.0, 5.13, 9.92, 4.98, 13.38, 3.99, 11.31, 9.04, 10.93, 4.0, 10.3, 11.5, 8.65, 6.16, 3.81, 10.92, 7.55, 10.29, 9.08, 3.67, 12.47, 11.04, 14.66, 11.28, 9.06, 4.34, 10.44, 13.57, 3.89, 10.49, 3.69, 9.09, 5.88, 9.21, 4.03, 10.5, 7.62, 10.83, 9.71, 3.98, 10.71, 4.17, 10.18, 9.91, 10.48, 8.67, 12.22, 10.54, 11.48, 4.06, 11.52, 10.06, 8.35, 11.02, 11.01, 10.14, 4.02, 7.03, 10.15, 9.03, 11.68, 9.97, 5.57, 11.9, 10.96, 10.11, 4.75, 11.13, 12.17, 13.22, 4.19, 10.06, 4.34, 11.47, 4.23, 11.26, 4.59, 11.3, 4.17, 11.92, 3.69, 11.4, 11.2, 7.73, 11.37, 11.62, 11.22, 4.32, 12.43, 11.57, 4.19, 11.0, 10.93, 10.52, 6.46, 11.19, 11.39, 10.88, 4.58, 12.53, 10.44, 12.78, 10.61, 8.84, 9.95, 11.04, 11.33, 7.88, 9.9, 10.81, 9.59, 6.76, 14.2, 11.43, 11.84, 10.33, 11.22, 7.13, 9.09, 6.86, 4.16, 9.19, 4.08, 10.54, 9.62, 11.88, 10.4, 10.74, 3.97, 11.47, 11.74, 12.12, 10.3, 9.1, 9.51, 11.47, 8.77, 10.65, 12.9, 6.83, 5.34, 11.33, 13.86, 9.9, 6.15, 8.97, 10.47, 11.98, 10.82, 3.85, 5.08, 12.47, 5.63, 12.33, 11.94, 4.85, 10.25, 4.18, 4.32, 5.27, 9.11, 9.47, 5.1, 9.92, 3.88, 11.34, 7.65, 11.36, 10.33, 5.39, 13.83, 10.28, 10.16, 3.99, 5.38, 10.57, 11.05, 11.15, 12.73, 11.26, 11.17, 6.2, 6.42, 11.3, 9.34, 10.59, 9.05, 11.19, 5.9, 11.31, 7.85, 8.37, 10.72, 4.55, 4.24, 13.08, 9.64, 7.2, 11.56, 9.83, 5.49, 10.3, 11.99, 10.93, 6.61, 11.8, 11.53, 5.64, 7.22, 5.56, 4.39, 4.24, 11.0, 13.07, 12.99, 7.59, 11.76, 12.06, 3.82, 9.12, 11.07, 5.23, 10.29, 7.19, 11.82, 12.39, 8.32, 9.67, 4.59, 11.46, 11.53, 11.42, 10.42, 4.72, 10.4, 10.4, 12.03, 10.24, 4.78, 7.4, 10.82, 10.59, 11.08, 7.96, 11.18, 7.09, 9.94, 10.97, 7.1, 10.64, 10.73, 3.94, 6.83, 4.63, 12.54, 10.21, 5.42, 10.9, 3.8, 10.17, 11.53, 12.39, 10.59, 4.68, 4.48, 10.82, 4.26, 12.34, 4.29, 4.7, 4.31, 13.05, 3.64, 4.96, 13.9, 10.32, 8.9, 4.75, 7.15, 11.11, 10.05, 4.98, 4.59, 10.29, 5.03, 12.04, 4.61, 10.79, 10.15, 12.74, 5.43, 12.01, 5.14, 11.34, 10.06, 10.36, 10.97, 11.72, 7.89, 9.48, 11.89, 5.13, 11.27, 12.56, 11.0, 11.59, 6.89, 8.71, 8.42, 4.45, 13.0, 10.45, 11.31, 7.19, 11.48, 10.53, 9.31, 11.72, 10.77, 4.51, 6.57, 4.72, 4.69, 9.34, 8.45, 13.39, 12.38, 8.5, 11.45, 10.77, 7.71, 10.28, 3.92, 6.06, 12.39, 10.65, 12.77, 13.09, 11.77, 12.37, 10.44, 10.43, 11.75, 4.36, 11.32, 8.3, 7.85, 12.33, 4.75, 10.24, 11.07, 3.99, 5.83, 10.23, 5.73, 10.11, 5.01, 11.41, 6.03, 9.72, 9.76, 12.92, 11.68, 4.55, 10.12, 12.88, 5.25, 8.65, 10.71, 4.03, 4.24, 9.63, 4.87, 10.04, 9.25, 14.27, 11.04, 9.97, 11.0, 4.48, 4.19, 8.97, 7.59, 11.39, 10.72, 11.1, 11.23, 12.62, 10.44, 4.78, 11.17, 8.03, 11.19, 5.98, 12.03, 13.18, 10.11, 5.47, 11.16, 9.79, 11.01, 11.39, 4.57, 10.93, 11.36, 10.12, 4.0, 4.56, 10.91, 12.26, 12.88, 11.31, 11.26, 4.58, 11.71, 9.27, 10.24, 11.37, 12.51, 11.9, 9.51, 12.88, 10.11, 11.46, 3.85, 4.72, 7.1, 11.72, 12.23, 10.43, 11.55, 10.94, 7.63, 11.04, 10.99, 9.95, 4.6, 11.53, 12.05, 4.68, 10.75, 13.42, 10.63, 11.16, 11.27, 11.31, 4.29, 4.97, 10.43, 7.42, 10.8, 10.37, 10.87, 12.01, 11.73, 4.82, 8.19, 12.3, 9.32, 9.5, 9.34, 8.19, 9.65, 10.8, 9.79, 4.75, 11.43, 3.81, 10.19, 3.88, 4.22, 12.09, 7.26, 8.95, 4.14, 9.77, 11.61, 8.48, 11.19, 8.83, 11.05, 7.72, 13.39, 11.58, 6.04, 12.21, 11.17, 5.68, 3.94, 10.19, 6.51, 3.99, 4.48, 9.45, 10.93, 6.46, 4.62, 11.55, 10.41, 10.1, 11.5, 4.68, 5.23, 9.22, 4.13, 10.04, 4.08, 9.19, 6.9, 11.92, 9.03, 11.24, 5.65, 4.77, 7.68, 5.51, 13.43, 12.71, 10.27, 8.3, 10.79, 7.24, 12.18, 6.93, 13.95, 12.6, 10.87, 9.8, 8.34, 7.78, 10.1, 10.54, 10.62, 10.38, 9.75, 12.14, 9.93, 12.5, 7.48, 10.06, 10.97, 4.71, 4.56, 3.86, 9.19, 11.97, 11.67, 14.27, 11.67, 11.36, 13.82, 11.2, 12.63, 4.51, 12.49, 12.05, 6.49, 8.37, 4.67, 9.28, 4.28, 5.28, 11.34, 9.73, 8.96, 5.13, 11.8, 12.1, 11.9, 11.25, 6.14, 4.53, 10.4, 10.52, 9.68, 10.77, 4.63, 6.89, 8.86, 6.25, 8.99, 10.77, 13.92, 4.08, 10.8, 10.52, 4.6, 12.11, 10.85, 12.66, 8.54, 12.51, 11.14, 9.02, 6.29, 8.54, 5.71, 10.78, 7.05, 8.52, 4.08, 10.28, 9.0, 10.3, 10.04, 4.99, 6.79, 4.86, 6.28, 4.96, 9.74, 11.6, 3.78, 10.67, 9.9, 9.21, 4.08, 11.96, 9.12, 8.49, 4.79, 12.06, 4.89, 14.05, 4.77, 10.66, 8.82, 9.58, 9.12, 8.26, 7.26, 11.07, 9.2, 4.19, 4.49, 11.46, 13.58, 4.1, 4.34, 3.87, 11.59, 10.46, 11.06, 10.11, 12.46, 12.69, 9.34, 12.67, 10.19, 11.31, 10.27, 6.41, 8.79, 4.96, 8.21, 4.17, 9.67, 3.9, 13.59, 10.13, 13.29, 11.82, 8.93, 5.51, 13.41, 13.17, 11.97, 11.89, 9.68, 11.2, 11.21, 11.34, 10.8, 8.71, 9.51, 14.01, 13.56, 9.95, 9.9, 11.14, 9.62, 4.34, 12.45, 5.83, 10.11, 12.56, 4.08, 11.43, 11.39, 5.52, 12.07, 8.98, 9.47, 4.12, 11.2, 12.57, 5.57, 10.49, 4.66, 10.37, 9.29, 12.87, 8.05, 8.34, 10.32, 10.48, 5.62, 10.52, 9.55, 10.99, 11.15, 12.22, 11.38, 11.66, 4.82, 9.12, 10.01, 11.22, 11.73, 8.92, 10.97, 12.59, 11.13, 11.56, 11.75, 11.35, 12.81, 13.79, 10.7, 9.18, 10.87, 12.01, 11.31, 4.56, 9.51, 13.42, 11.23, 14.49, 11.89, 12.44, 10.72, 9.33, 10.36, 4.61, 9.64, 4.09, 11.45, 10.39, 9.53, 8.37, 9.34, 11.8, 3.91, 11.59, 11.21, 6.37, 4.21, 11.16, 7.03, 3.97, 10.43, 10.7, 10.18, 7.57, 10.79, 10.58, 12.5, 12.18, 6.02, 9.52, 11.77, 7.77, 9.36, 7.37, 10.53, 11.7, 4.27, 4.55, 10.43, 6.89, 8.55, 5.85, 12.0, 4.58, 5.76, 12.58, 11.71, 8.29, 3.81, 5.85, 9.12, 11.04, 11.55, 11.49, 9.78, 10.65, 9.1, 11.45, 8.51, 9.45, 3.88, 9.64, 10.14, 11.69, 10.02, 4.66, 12.58, 10.53, 11.45, 11.09, 10.41, 12.65, 10.59, 10.09, 11.29, 10.91, 12.51, 11.16, 9.63, 12.12, 3.96, 11.14, 10.28, 11.24, 3.95, 13.73, 10.58, 4.07, 10.21, 9.56, 13.62, 4.31, 9.63, 13.04, 13.18, 12.71, 11.88, 14.22, 13.35, 4.45, 8.68, 10.84, 14.37, 9.37, 11.57, 11.06, 12.62, 3.98, 12.26, 14.35, 10.69, 9.96, 11.66, 11.46, 12.04, 12.24, 11.24, 10.49, 4.22, 7.76, 9.82, 9.28, 4.03, 7.56, 10.67, 12.6, 7.84, 10.85, 3.94, 8.81, 9.95, 11.83, 9.79, 11.73, 8.58, 10.69, 8.49, 4.19, 4.18, 5.15, 9.4, 11.83, 3.51, 14.27, 11.16, 8.67, 6.8, 10.43, 10.63, 9.68, 9.88, 9.58, 6.89, 4.25, 4.08, 9.6, 11.85, 4.12, 3.92, 9.91, 10.67, 8.52, 5.03, 9.66, 7.03, 10.95, 4.19], [9.03, 10.27, 8.56, 6.56, 4.03, 3.84, 7.9, 3.31, 6.58, 8.69, 3.52, 9.19, 3.93, 6.07, 5.84, 8.41, 3.38, 10.08, 6.15, 5.02, 9.99, 3.97, 4.24, 3.67, 12.87, 3.88, 8.66, 3.95, 3.63, 8.16, 6.91, 3.36, 3.78, 4.33, 4.64, 11.82, 8.3, 3.63, 3.18, 9.0, 4.36, 9.75, 3.66, 4.98, 8.29, 8.46, 4.02, 8.53, 6.26, 7.64, 10.68, 3.52, 3.57, 3.46, 3.75, 6.2, 4.5, 3.66, 4.26, 7.69, 3.61, 11.49, 6.83, 10.01, 4.28, 3.81, 3.58, 10.11, 7.89, 3.98, 10.25, 9.46, 10.75, 3.65, 3.22, 8.8, 8.27, 6.53, 3.86, 3.46, 3.44, 8.68, 6.89, 11.3, 8.73, 12.0, 3.32, 3.55, 9.1, 5.36, 3.99, 9.2, 4.14, 11.53, 10.71, 8.85, 7.69, 7.4, 5.73, 3.77, 3.35, 3.79, 7.91, 4.95, 8.09, 3.79, 9.62, 4.35, 5.11, 3.63, 10.08, 7.75, 3.5, 3.77, 9.09, 10.57, 10.63, 3.5, 3.41, 3.69, 6.01, 3.18, 8.32, 13.31, 7.59, 3.75, 8.69, 9.49, 3.65, 10.17, 10.23, 3.74, 10.42, 3.7, 3.77, 10.78, 10.23, 8.93, 3.58, 8.37, 6.35, 3.45, 3.95, 8.1, 11.46, 3.7, 7.95, 3.57, 8.05, 11.03, 3.51, 8.45, 3.2, 9.1, 3.85, 3.34, 4.97, 7.14, 4.49, 3.55, 3.1, 10.76, 7.61, 9.2, 4.59, 5.62, 3.87, 3.71, 3.49, 5.42, 3.58, 6.24, 9.98, 10.67, 4.3, 12.11, 10.94, 6.63, 10.6, 3.66, 10.73, 11.44, 3.66, 3.41, 6.97, 7.27, 3.71, 3.69, 3.4, 3.47, 3.22, 3.91, 8.97, 10.24, 8.39, 4.0, 9.66, 3.49, 5.74, 3.59, 7.32, 5.81, 3.83, 3.34, 6.45, 4.11, 3.03, 9.04, 3.33, 3.46, 3.8, 7.73, 3.72, 6.61, 3.32, 3.65, 6.17, 5.26, 12.8, 3.5, 3.76, 10.42, 3.55, 3.51, 13.12, 3.57, 3.42, 3.34, 3.5, 6.42, 3.98, 10.05, 3.46, 3.44, 3.31, 8.63, 3.44, 3.24, 3.42, 3.41, 11.61, 3.57, 4.41, 4.09, 9.4, 3.46, 3.5, 4.09, 3.57, 3.44, 3.49, 3.56, 5.05, 3.48, 5.31, 3.22, 3.39, 5.32, 8.92, 4.31, 7.81, 7.97, 6.23, 3.6, 3.54, 3.42, 10.56, 3.75, 8.47, 3.66, 3.68, 3.79, 3.5, 7.8, 10.64, 10.91, 3.62, 3.69, 8.1, 3.54, 10.01, 9.29, 10.57, 3.48, 3.35, 5.12, 3.33, 5.75, 7.74, 3.97, 8.99, 11.69, 7.83, 5.18, 9.84, 3.6, 5.13, 5.05, 8.98, 7.87, 7.96, 8.78, 8.1, 3.43, 3.29, 4.85, 6.35, 3.83, 11.3, 8.59, 10.29, 3.77, 3.76, 11.72, 3.63, 3.8, 10.25, 9.45, 3.51, 11.51, 8.37, 3.7, 3.56, 3.52, 3.39, 3.79, 3.62, 6.99, 6.0, 3.55, 3.72, 7.01, 3.95, 5.37, 11.88, 4.18, 3.17, 3.71, 3.7, 3.27, 4.48, 3.61, 8.29, 8.68, 10.91, 7.09, 3.76, 6.57, 4.47, 3.59, 3.92, 3.28, 8.36, 11.33, 4.09, 9.79, 6.25, 9.2, 3.65, 3.59, 8.95, 3.74, 5.77, 6.46, 4.47, 4.65, 7.81, 6.09, 3.42, 9.17, 3.52, 3.47, 3.84, 12.83, 9.65, 9.62, 5.29, 3.39, 3.48, 3.82, 11.05, 3.82, 8.5, 5.99, 3.82, 3.43, 3.77, 3.58, 3.65, 11.78, 3.53, 3.47, 3.77, 6.86, 3.47, 3.43, 3.36, 8.23, 3.39, 5.53, 7.87, 4.83, 3.49, 3.45, 3.25, 3.57, 4.44, 5.75, 9.93, 6.81, 6.66, 3.45, 8.98, 11.28, 8.32, 8.8, 11.15, 3.72, 11.29, 10.34, 8.59, 3.41, 3.52, 12.4, 8.92, 5.67, 11.92, 12.3, 3.86, 3.76, 3.52, 11.03, 3.93, 10.89, 4.27, 3.49, 8.25, 3.54, 4.81, 3.81, 3.64, 3.69, 3.72, 5.79, 3.58, 11.36, 3.5, 3.81, 13.35, 3.68, 3.66, 4.16, 3.22, 3.69, 9.75, 5.58, 3.81, 4.04, 3.58, 5.13, 3.51, 3.6, 3.38, 10.46, 11.05, 6.52, 11.5, 5.91, 6.59, 4.03, 9.91, 3.69, 6.08, 4.85, 12.79, 3.53, 11.39, 12.64, 11.28, 7.17, 7.23, 3.65, 5.31, 8.91, 6.74, 3.76, 9.68, 5.18, 3.49, 9.43, 6.22, 3.55, 4.04, 4.29, 7.95, 4.23, 10.91, 3.2, 7.16, 9.16, 4.05, 12.87, 9.47, 3.63, 13.05, 5.27, 3.67, 3.31, 4.33, 5.24, 3.55, 11.04, 3.49, 3.68, 3.26, 5.7, 12.88, 7.75, 8.2, 7.59, 4.81, 12.24, 10.61, 5.68, 8.61, 9.89, 5.96, 7.86, 4.26, 11.01, 7.16, 3.44, 11.45, 6.4, 13.35, 3.44, 3.53, 9.39, 3.6, 12.01, 12.59, 13.19, 12.27, 11.19, 8.46, 10.38, 3.65, 3.74, 4.46, 10.97, 4.0, 12.74, 8.09, 3.79, 6.69, 11.15, 5.11, 3.3, 3.71, 4.06, 8.59, 3.55, 3.33, 8.65, 3.23, 3.59, 3.75, 5.59, 4.27, 4.08, 11.49, 6.53, 6.01, 3.65, 5.23, 3.35, 7.11, 3.53, 3.3, 11.86, 12.72, 3.59, 3.78, 3.93, 3.63, 9.98, 4.96, 13.03, 3.54, 3.5, 12.87, 4.33, 12.43, 3.76, 7.33, 3.41, 3.45, 4.04, 3.95, 3.57, 3.88, 3.59, 10.94, 4.17, 3.91, 4.45, 3.35, 12.46, 3.27, 11.41, 3.31, 12.41, 6.27, 6.41, 3.44, 8.74, 3.76, 3.53, 3.77, 6.66, 6.74, 3.88, 3.45, 3.54, 3.52, 3.63, 3.88, 4.46, 7.83, 3.53, 8.37, 3.79, 9.39, 3.51, 9.64, 7.37, 3.73, 5.44, 3.86, 3.43, 3.37, 6.68, 3.53, 4.26, 3.63, 9.78, 8.24, 6.21, 7.67, 3.47, 3.46, 4.11, 7.5, 5.56, 12.82, 3.64, 9.31, 3.33, 3.56, 4.5, 6.15, 3.45, 3.31, 3.22, 10.33, 4.78, 3.73, 5.16, 3.63, 5.23, 7.89, 5.95, 3.46, 4.09, 10.57, 10.92, 3.53, 4.58, 3.36, 7.87, 9.35, 3.22, 6.4, 11.94, 13.03, 12.91, 9.93, 3.49, 3.52, 3.81, 3.43, 3.98, 10.7, 3.92, 6.39, 4.48, 3.32, 3.64, 9.56, 3.48, 3.83, 4.78, 3.85, 3.45, 3.42, 3.3, 3.88, 3.68, 3.49, 5.02, 3.55, 3.63, 4.17, 3.67, 6.58, 3.3, 6.22, 13.0, 3.22, 3.7, 3.6, 11.5, 3.36, 4.19, 3.49, 3.66, 8.34, 3.37, 3.26, 3.46, 3.47, 5.45, 4.32, 6.36, 7.96, 7.02, 3.93, 3.93, 6.15, 3.95, 6.36, 6.0, 3.86, 6.09, 3.42, 3.71, 3.53, 9.61, 6.37, 3.67, 3.89, 10.05, 3.46, 7.1, 3.57, 7.06, 3.51, 6.9, 5.18, 9.94, 3.89, 3.37, 9.03, 7.66, 11.62, 9.72, 10.36, 4.04, 10.09, 10.36, 13.04, 3.46, 3.62, 3.43, 3.45, 6.94, 7.97, 9.31, 6.84, 3.49, 4.96, 10.6, 10.73, 4.22, 4.09, 8.28, 4.18, 4.08, 5.27, 9.41, 6.2, 3.3, 7.26, 7.52, 5.66, 3.64, 4.83, 7.48, 3.75, 3.7, 4.04, 5.27, 4.7, 7.35, 5.39, 3.65, 6.27, 6.31, 10.13, 3.55, 4.29, 10.57, 3.8, 3.39, 4.2, 3.87, 3.55, 10.34, 6.8, 5.42, 4.17, 10.02, 10.57, 3.63, 3.53, 3.83, 3.68, 8.31, 3.9, 3.76, 11.33, 11.22, 3.62, 4.13, 3.25, 3.53, 9.43, 3.48, 3.79, 3.87, 3.63, 3.61, 3.57, 5.42, 3.57, 8.33, 3.87, 9.84, 5.44, 9.34, 3.69, 3.74, 9.44, 6.16, 3.8, 4.28, 6.24, 8.56, 4.09, 3.85, 8.88, 10.02, 3.9, 5.6, 3.39, 10.52, 4.21, 3.95, 3.42, 10.75, 3.87, 10.13, 10.24, 5.81, 5.47, 6.54, 9.72, 3.91, 11.77, 3.63, 10.79, 3.63, 4.64, 5.37, 8.38, 3.77, 3.85, 3.37, 8.76, 8.5, 3.45, 6.16, 4.44, 8.96, 8.57, 8.38, 4.77, 3.4, 8.04, 7.64, 3.37, 5.53, 3.79, 10.45, 6.41, 3.8, 7.78, 8.66, 6.74, 5.29, 3.7, 5.78, 5.85, 7.88, 8.43, 3.49, 3.5, 4.22, 3.63, 7.25, 6.23, 8.53, 3.76, 3.7, 6.04, 3.09, 4.99, 6.94, 6.07, 7.05, 3.42, 8.2, 3.58, 4.05, 3.73, 3.66, 6.16, 3.3, 9.84, 3.45, 4.07, 4.29, 3.8, 10.21, 6.81, 3.93, 4.3, 3.69, 3.99, 3.86, 4.29, 6.77, 3.57, 10.78, 3.17, 3.59, 3.26, 3.84, 3.48, 7.27, 9.2, 3.44, 4.29, 7.75, 11.5, 3.3, 3.37, 3.42, 12.42, 3.59, 3.46, 8.34, 10.03, 9.4, 6.67, 3.71, 5.8, 3.25, 11.03, 12.08, 3.35, 5.68, 3.61, 3.52, 3.55, 3.57, 8.13, 4.59, 10.39, 10.75, 3.94, 6.74, 8.46, 3.77, 10.84, 13.15, 10.06, 6.57, 5.3, 3.66, 8.21, 7.12, 7.79, 11.76, 3.7, 5.09, 12.09, 9.81, 5.12, 6.34, 5.27, 9.53, 8.93, 8.26, 8.29, 5.31, 5.51, 3.62, 12.31, 3.34, 5.05, 8.91, 10.92, 9.48, 5.05, 4.4, 5.13, 3.58, 9.48, 11.18, 3.52, 11.69, 4.46, 3.26, 7.83, 5.69, 11.52], [12.97, 12.05, 12.08, 12.43, 9.48, 4.1, 9.5, 7.9, 12.37, 4.53, 10.9, 12.04, 8.96, 10.14, 12.99, 10.72, 9.26, 6.47, 12.53, 11.92, 13.02, 12.57, 7.96, 10.58, 12.8, 3.95, 10.85, 11.8, 10.9, 9.73, 11.07, 4.89, 11.66, 11.76, 11.75, 7.77, 12.03, 11.04, 9.24, 10.33, 4.48, 12.68, 11.05, 11.0, 12.38, 10.94, 3.95, 10.78, 3.93, 11.84, 13.89, 4.18, 12.15, 9.21, 11.9, 11.23, 13.15, 3.59, 10.52, 11.44, 11.91, 13.29, 11.8, 11.29, 4.66, 9.2, 4.15, 12.18, 10.19, 4.01, 12.83, 11.88, 13.98, 12.17, 7.42, 12.07, 12.18, 9.05, 9.18, 7.59, 11.53, 13.24, 11.46, 14.27, 11.66, 8.05, 5.69, 11.15, 12.53, 7.97, 12.08, 11.94, 10.38, 13.22, 11.21, 12.33, 11.24, 11.77, 11.3, 11.34, 11.42, 11.74, 12.9, 10.28, 11.52, 12.47, 6.55, 8.57, 11.62, 3.75, 11.74, 11.38, 11.77, 12.07, 11.74, 11.58, 13.01, 11.65, 6.17, 11.94, 12.72, 10.54, 13.08, 11.5, 11.56, 4.75, 11.17, 11.14, 10.54, 11.59, 9.58, 10.1, 10.38, 11.43, 5.74, 12.47, 13.37, 12.34, 4.48, 12.11, 5.82, 7.25, 11.61, 11.59, 12.08, 8.63, 11.52, 10.83, 13.64, 13.4, 6.17, 11.94, 11.45, 10.84, 11.64, 10.86, 11.56, 8.2, 11.51, 10.4, 11.27, 10.28, 12.94, 13.81, 12.17, 5.35, 13.51, 11.89, 6.6, 11.1, 4.55, 12.46, 11.77, 12.35, 10.39, 13.29, 13.02, 4.63, 11.64, 10.12, 12.51, 12.12, 12.67, 12.13, 8.01, 12.0, 8.36, 12.63, 12.37, 6.52, 9.44, 11.38, 10.44, 12.67, 11.02, 12.14, 12.61, 12.43, 13.14, 12.86, 11.65, 11.34, 10.91, 9.17, 11.36, 11.95, 9.33, 10.91, 12.64, 3.87, 8.64, 11.86, 8.99, 12.1, 9.84, 10.92, 12.6, 12.04, 12.11, 9.67, 11.39, 11.06, 6.0, 12.01, 13.56, 7.24, 5.88, 6.89, 12.83, 9.82, 4.64, 11.92, 5.58, 4.2, 10.12, 7.43, 4.06, 4.97, 10.25, 6.23, 12.74, 5.28, 10.02, 6.32, 13.01, 7.25, 11.52, 12.32, 10.57, 4.3, 10.74, 3.9, 11.6, 4.1, 12.42, 9.26, 4.17, 11.0, 11.99, 10.18, 9.56, 11.24, 12.12, 11.22, 7.21, 10.91, 12.93, 10.51, 13.43, 12.74, 4.95, 12.07, 11.09, 10.66, 11.58, 11.46, 4.39, 12.05, 11.36, 12.64, 12.48, 11.68, 12.66, 9.15, 3.65, 10.8, 11.36, 13.26, 11.81, 10.54, 11.65, 13.57, 12.36, 11.35, 11.57, 10.06, 11.82, 11.13, 12.53, 11.56, 12.27, 11.42, 12.12, 12.07, 11.34, 13.26, 12.64, 12.18, 12.04, 12.95, 13.92, 8.16, 11.22, 11.89, 4.24, 12.3, 11.1, 10.47, 9.59, 12.36, 12.26, 4.09, 4.23, 11.69, 11.62, 11.56, 12.33, 13.35, 11.26, 12.01, 11.13, 12.51, 10.59, 10.78, 13.44, 11.17, 4.75, 3.93, 3.85, 10.04, 10.31, 4.42, 11.23, 12.35, 11.22, 13.06, 4.22, 11.65, 10.67, 10.12, 10.92, 3.8, 12.0, 11.12, 12.68, 5.36, 10.97, 11.08, 12.14, 4.24, 12.56, 10.57, 10.58, 13.1, 10.26, 7.19, 11.92, 12.11, 4.07, 12.17, 10.38, 5.76, 12.01, 13.3, 11.89, 13.13, 10.63, 4.43, 11.29, 4.22, 12.83, 3.8, 11.46, 4.02, 10.37, 9.4, 4.57, 8.32, 12.29, 12.06, 3.78, 9.22, 8.69, 10.59, 4.03, 5.65, 13.01, 12.95, 4.85, 4.0, 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