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2017-05-02T13:42:31.506Z create_instance service staging/web-1 instance started (small-pine-21)
2017-05-02T13:42:32.127Z deploy service prod/staging/web deployed
2017-05-02T13:42:36.973Z scheduler service prod/staging/web has wrong number of instances (or they are not distributed correctly)
2017-05-02T13:42:37.079Z deploy service prod/staging/web deploy started
2017-05-02T13:42:37.238Z deploy Stopping existing service service prod/staging/web-1 on previous node small-pine-21...
2017-05-02T13:42:37.910Z stop_instance stopping service instance /staging/web-1 (small-pine-21)
2017-05-02T13:42:48.531Z stop_instance service instance /staging/web-1 stopped successfully (small-pine-21)
2017-05-02T13:42:49.961Z create_instance pulling image corylogan/flirtmoji-prod:latest for staging/web-1 (withered-bush-73)
2017-05-02T13:42:50.635Z remove_instance removing service instance
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
inject: { service }
} = Ember
export default Ember.Component.extend({
thingManager: service(),
staticProperty: "static",
FROM alpine:3.4
RUN apk --no-cache update && \
apk --no-cache add python py-pip py-setuptools ca-certificates groff less postgresql tini curl && \
pip --no-cache-dir install awscli && \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
COPY backup_script /backup_script
counterbeing / # chirp - 2019-01-12_14-18-15.txt
Created January 12, 2019 21:19
chirp (tdsmith/ham/chirp) on macOS 10.14.2 - Homebrew build logs
Homebrew build logs for tdsmith/ham/chirp on macOS 10.14.2
Build date: 2019-01-12 14:18:15
counterbeing / # chirp - 2019-01-12_14-28-58.txt
Created January 12, 2019 21:31
chirp (tdsmith/ham/chirp) on macOS 10.14.2 - Homebrew build logs
Homebrew build logs for tdsmith/ham/chirp on macOS 10.14.2
Build date: 2019-01-12 14:28:58
counterbeing / # chirp - 2019-01-12_15-03-13.txt
Created January 12, 2019 22:03
chirp (tdsmith/ham/chirp) on macOS 10.14.2 - Homebrew build logs
Homebrew build logs for tdsmith/ham/chirp on macOS 10.14.2
Build date: 2019-01-12 15:03:13
counterbeing / # chirp - 2019-01-12_15-07-03.txt
Created January 12, 2019 22:07
chirp (tdsmith/ham/chirp) on macOS 10.14.2 - Homebrew build logs
Homebrew build logs for tdsmith/ham/chirp on macOS 10.14.2
Build date: 2019-01-12 15:07:03
if [ -z "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then
yarn build && \
git checkout gh-pages && \
git rm -rf . && \
mv dist/* ./ && \
git checkout master -- .gitignore && \
echo '' >> CNAME && \
git add . && \
git commit -am 'rev' && \
git push origin gh-pages && \
Created 3 new files:
prisma.yml Prisma service definition
datamodel.prisma GraphQL SDL-based datamodel (foundation for database)
docker-compose.yml Docker configuration file
Next steps:
1. Open folder: cd rq-prisma
2. Start your Prisma server: docker-compose up -d
spctl --add