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Last active June 11, 2017 02:57
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Some guideance on regrid testing and regrid UI
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"Regridding interface"
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"class ESMF(object):\n",
" def regridder(self, src_grid, tgt_grid):\n",
" _ESMFRegridder(src_grid, tgt_grid, method=self._method, extrapolation='self._extrapolation')\n",
"class LinearESMF(ESMF):\n",
" def __init__(self, extrapolation='linear'):\n",
" self._extrapolation = extrapolation\n",
" self._method = 'linear'\n",
"class ConservativeESMF(ESMF):\n",
" def __init__(self, extrapolation='linear'):\n",
" self._extrapolation = extrapolation\n",
" self._method = 'weightedArea'"
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"Calling a regridder directly (TwoStage, ConservativeESMF, Linear, AreaWeighted, ... etc.)"
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"result = source.regrid(target, TwoStage())"
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"Calling via the decomposition framework"
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"operation = ConservativeESMF().regridder(source, target)\n",
"result = ants.decomposition.decompose(operation, source, target)"
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"Calling the ants general regridder commandline application (choosing TwoStage, ConservativeESMF, Linear, AreaWeighted, ... etc.)"
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"$ source_file --target-grid target_grid_file -o output_file --ants-config /path/to/config.cfg"
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"$ cat /path/to/config.cfg:\n",
" [decomposition]\n",
" target_split = 1, 1, 10, 10\n",
" processes = 10\n",
" framework = MultiprocessingDomainDecompose\n",
" [regridding_horizontal]\n",
" scheme = TwoStage"
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"How about a unittest for the regridder"
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"Example unittest for from the TwoStage regridder:\n",
"`ants.tests.regrid.test_integration.TestTwoStage.test_api` \n",
"This test takes an OSGB source and regrids this to a lat-lon target. \n",
"A graphical image is generated upon which future changes will be compared against."
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"Note: There are numerous useful target grids available, of which many of interest can be found here:\n",
" \n",
" \n",
"Variable resolution grids:\n",
" \n",
" \n",
"These files can be loaded easily by `ants.load_grid(filenames)`"
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"How about an integration test which demonstrates end-to-end usage"
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"The UI is explained most clearly in the docs on trunk here:"
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"Create an 'application test'\n",
"$ cat ants/bin/tests/"
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"# (C) British Crown Copyright 2017, Met Office\n",
"# Refer to of this project for license details.\n",
"# This file is part of ANTS.\n",
"import common\n",
"from ants.config import CONFIG\n",
"class TestAll(common.StaticTestCase):\n",
" def test_all(self):\n",
" CONFIG['regridding']['scheme'] = 'ConservativeESMF'\n",
" source_filepath = common.get_data_path('')\n",
" target_grid_path = common.get_data_path(\n",
" '')\n",
" self.application_test('ancil_generalised_regrid',\n",
" source_filepath,\n",
" target_grid_path,\n",
" self.temporary_output(identifier='rotated'))\n",
"if __name__ == '__main__':\n",
" common.main()"
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"If you run this new application, it generates the following new reference files: \n",
" bin/tests/results/ancil_generalised_regrid_rotated.ancil \n",
" bin/tests/results/ancil_generalised_regrid_rotated.cdl \n",
" bin/tests/results/visual_tests/test_generalised_regrid_rotated.TestAll.test_all.0.png \n",
" bin/tests/results/visual_tests/test_generalised_regrid_rotated.TestAll.test_all.1.png \n",
" \n",
"That is, an xml of the cubes, a dump of the ancillary metadata and lastly the graphical plots. On future running of these tests,\n",
"a change to the test results will result in a difference in one or more of these files and cause a failure indicating what is different."
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pletzer commented Jun 11, 2017

Hi @cpelley,
Thanks, good start.

  • As mentioned previously, there is a single esmf regridding class that takes care of all methods (linear, area weighted).
  • Also there is no extrapolation involved. I'm thinking that should be a separate step -- I wouldn't know in any case what kind of extrapolation should be applied.

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