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1- install net framework 3.5
# E:\ this path of mounted windows iso file
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name NetFx3~~~~ -Source E:\Sources\SxS
2- remove quick assist
Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $(Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name *quickassist*).Name
2.2- turn off useless windows "Features"
2.3- Disable Reserved Storage
WindowsReservedStorageState -State Disabled
Create bootable windows vhd/vhdx image and maybe even linux
1- you need an intermediate virtual disk to write the acronis backup image
2- create a fat32 partition at the beginning of the disk --BUT DO NOT SET THE TYPE TO EFI PARTITION JUST YET--
3- write the acronis image to the partition after the fat32 partition
4- use easy uefi to put efi boot files inside the fat32 partition
5- change the fat32 partition type to efi partition
6- create an empty vhd/vhdx image and add the vhd file as a virtual disk to the virtual machine. you can not add vhdx as virtual disk to the virtual machine. so just create vhdx disk
7- copy the intermediate virtual disk to the virtual vhd/vhdx disk using MiniTool Partition
8- mount the vhd/vhdx disk image and rebuild the EFI partition inside the disk image using easyuefi
#break the service so that it can never start
$registryPath = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend"
Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name ImagePath -Value null
$key = Get-Item -Path $registryPath
$users = @("TrustedInstaller", "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES", "CREATOR OWNER", "SYSTEM", "Administrators", "Users")
foreach ($user in $users) {
$acl = Get-Acl -Path $registryPath
$rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($user, "FullControl", "Deny")
const replaceOnDocument = (pattern, string, {target = document.body} = {}) => {
.forEach(({childNodes: [...nodes]}) => nodes
.filter(({nodeType}) => nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE)
.forEach((textNode) => textNode.textContent = textNode.textContent.replace(pattern, string)));
replaceOnDocument(/€/g, "$");
this is a list of regular expression to extract ASCII or replace non ascii
#extract ascii
[ -~]+
#replace non ascii
#replace non ascii
.\adb.exe shell am broadcast -a clipper.get | foreach {[regex]::match($_,'(?<=data=").*(?="$)').value} (Any line that does not match the regex will exist as an empty line in the output)
$String = .\adb.exe shell am broadcast -a clipper.get
[regex]::matches($String, '(?<=data=").*(?="$)').Value (The slightly longer version does not have the issue of the shorter version)
in powershell match returns an array of matched results
foreach is needed to iterate over the array
gnome-disk-image-mounter --writable file.img
1- sudo fdisk -l disk.img
2- value of the offset is (disk start number) * 512
3- sudo mount -v -o offset=VALUE -t ext4 /path/to/image /mount/dir
sudo kpartx -a -v file.img
It is a decent alternative if gnome-disk-image-mounter does not exist for whatever reason.
The [count] and [skip] parameters scale with the [bs] parameter the default bs value is 512 bytes
you can use 1K or 1M, but it uses the binary units
and use [iflag=fullblock] to copy the fullblocks
The skipped size is [bs * skip]
The output size is [bs * count]
[fullblock] and [sync] are mandatory to be used. more info about the flags at the end
[skip] is optional, it is only used when you want to image a partition in the middle of the disk
certutil -generateSSTFromWU roots.sst
certutil -addstore "Root" "roots.sst"
I know it is weird. And it is in reverse. But it is the way things are in XPath
preceding in XPath means after
following in XPath means before
//a[preceding::ol[@class='work index group']]
means to select only an (a) element that is after (ol) element with a class of "work index group"
if you have an XPath like this