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Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1AqiJqy5pQXe8dpMEH6WoEPeXSyB5XBy4d
SwiftsBot : djonny88_2 has won the coin toss! Added 250,000 to djonny88_2 who now has 2,000,000. crash2burn , you now have 78,594,288.
SwiftsBot : swiftors_enemy has won the coin toss! Added 600,000 to swiftors_enemy who now has 1,200,056. crash2burn , you now have 77,994,288.
SwiftsBot : countrygiirl0006 has won the coin toss! Added 500,000 to countrygiirl0006 who now has 2,545,200. crash2burn , you now have 77,494,288.
SwiftsBot : alcaninee has won the coin toss! Added 1,000,000 to alcaninee who now has 18,268,913. crash2burn , you now have 76,494,288.
SwiftsBot : alcaninee has won the coin toss! Added 2,000,000 to alcaninee who now has 20,268,913. crash2burn , you now have 74,494,288.
SwiftsBot : crash2burn has won the coin toss! Added 5,000,000 to crash2burn who now has 79,494,288. masteryash, you now have 16,275,695.
SwiftsBot : masteryash has won the coin toss! Added 10,000,000 to masteryash who now has 26,275,695. crash2burn , you now have 69,494,288.
SwiftsBot : masteryash has won the coin toss! Added
var http = require('http')
function Wat() {
this.get = function(cb) {
var options = {
host: "localhost",
port: "3030",
path: "",
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
method: 'GET',
var http = require('http')
function Wat() {
Wat.prototype.get = function(cb) {
var options = {
host: "",
port: "80",
module.exports = function(redisClient,prefix) {
var Autocomplete = {};
Autocomplete.prefix = prefix;
Autocomplete.terminal = "+";
Autocomplete.add = function(word, next) {
function add(letters, key, last, x) {
var letter = last ? Autocomplete.terminal : letters[x];
var score = last ? 0 : letter.charCodeAt(0);
crash2burn / gist:1110462
Created July 27, 2011 21:53
Shortest angl
def awesome(x,y)
x = x*(Math::PI/180)
y = y*(Math::PI/180)
(Math.atan2(Math.sin(x - y), Math.cos(x - y))/(Math::PI/180)).abs
# Ruby bug or is it part of the "rules" that you cannot do this:
# Alone, works fine
>> 'a'.gsub("'",'\\\'')
=> "a"
# Inside a string in #{} - bombs
>> "hi #{'a'.gsub("'",'\\\'')}"
[just waits for another "]
# NOTE: The sequel version on these machines may be a tiny bit off, but as far as I understand there wasn't any changes to this kind of stuff.
# ruby 1.8
irb(main):024:0> Login.filter(:created_at >
=> #<Sequel::MySQL::Dataset: "SELECT * FROM `logins` WHERE (`created_at` > '2009-06-25 23:15:57')">
# ruby 1.9
irb(main):006:0> Login.filter(:created_at >
ArgumentError: comparison of Symbol with Time failed
# application.rb
module Merb
class Request
def account
# router.rb
## Note, this blows up even worse if you use something
## with /'s in it ie /blogposts/~~
## it wont even recognize the route as it is now.
## Without /'s it currently appears to pass the regex as the id, not the matched text
describe "a resource route with a regex id" do
before :each do
Merb::Router.prepare do
with(:id => %r'~~(.*)~~') { resources :blogposts }