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const epayco = require('epayco-node')({
apiKey: 'xxx',
privateKey: 'xxx',
lang: 'ES',
test: false
const credit_info = {
"card[number]": "4575623182290326",
"card[exp_year]": "2017",
crorodriguezro /
Created April 20, 2020 00:51 — forked from NanneHuiges/
Firefly-iii docker on raspberry with backups

Installing firefly on a raspberry with backups

Installing firefly on a raspberry can be done with a LAMP stack, but to have less configuration to worry about, I use docker. This is a bit tricker than 'normal', as raspberry uses the ARM architecture. Luckily, most official images are ready for this. We do need to install docker and docker-compose.

The OS I was running when writing this was Raspbian Stretch Lite (Version:November 2018)

Installing docker and docker-compose


This is the easy part. Long story short: I'm a trusting fellow and I use the installscript provided by docker:

curl -fsSL -o && sh