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Writing like whoa

Corbin Crutchley crutchcorn

Writing like whoa
View GitHub Profile
interface Base {
// @ts-ignore
other: number extends this['val'] ? number : string;
interface Other<T = undefined> {
val?: T extends undefined ? number : T;
interface Test<T = undefined> extends Base, Other<T> {}
interface BuildtimeComponentParts<TProps, TReturn> {
// This is the rehype transformer, only used when parsing markdown
// Either during build time or when the markdown is loaded in the CMS rich text editor
transform: TransformFn<TProps, TReturn>;
interface RuntimeComponentParts<T> {
// This is the markup for the component that will be rendered
component: string;
crutchcorn / windowsize.ts
Created November 17, 2024 03:10
Demo of `this` being broken when moving from an arrow function to a method
selector: "window-size",
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
template: `
<p>Height: {{ height }}</p>
<p>Width: {{ width }}</p>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
<body style="height: 300vh">
<svg style="position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);"
width="655" height="209" viewBox="0 0 655 209" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M653 207V62C653 28.8629 626.228 2 593.091 2C519.318 2 391.639 2 292.675 2C270.583 2 252.717 19.9124 252.717 42.0038C252.717 63.5378 252.717 81.7221 252.717 81.7221C252.717 81.7221 252.717 81.7221 252.717 81.7221V167C252.717 189.091 234.808 207 212.717 207H2"
stroke="#EAECF0" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round"/>
crutchcorn / step-1.ts
Created March 19, 2024 18:53
A basic implementation of Signals from scratch written in 5 minutes for ngConf 2024
function signal<T>(initialValue: T) {
let value: T = initialValue;
function getValue() {
return value;
getValue.set = (newValue: T) => {
value = newValue;
crutchcorn / App.jsx
Created February 25, 2024 20:37
Why does this not preserve the `useRef` value between strict mode runs?
function generateState() {
if (!window.executeCount) {
window.executeCount = 0
return {
count: window.executeCount,
crutchcorn / installed-apps-winget.txt
Created January 17, 2024 23:30
Apps I have installed on an old Windows device
Polypane 15.0.1 Firstversionist.Polypane 15.0.1 winget
Open Video Downloader 2.5.4 2.5.4 winget
Mullvad VPN 2023.6.0 MullvadVPN.MullvadVPN 2023.6.0 winget
ModernFlyouts (Preview) ModernFlyouts.ModernFlyouts winget
NVM for Windows CoreyButler.NVMforWindows Unknown 1.1.11 winget
Plexamp 4.8.4 Plex.Plexamp 4.8.4 4.9.4 winget
SideQuest 0.10.38 SideQuestVR.SideQuest 0.10.38 0.10.39 winget
GDLauncher 1.1.30 GorillaDevs.GDLauncher 1.1.30 winget
Cisco Webex Meetings Cisco.CiscoWebexMeetings
crutchcorn / regex-ignored-indexes.js
Created November 28, 2023 08:36
A method to generate ignored indexes and do partial replacement in a regex
// Given an input
const input = "header 123 {#custom-id}"
// Provide a tranformation of said input that keeps the same length
// IE: "Capitalizing" a title in a markdown file
const transformedInput = input.toUpperCase();
// However, we don't want to transform this regex
// IE: A custom ID
const ignored = ["{#custom-id}"]
// From this, our output should be:
crutchcorn / inference.ts
Last active September 10, 2023 22:53
known working examples of TS generics inferencing
function identity<T>(arg: T): T {
return arg;
const val = identity(1 as const);
// ^ 1
// ---------------------- Works with classes too ---------------------------------------------
class IdentityWithMeta<T> {
* ["a", "b", "c"] => ["a" | "b" | "c", "a" | "b" | "c", "a" | "b" | "c"]
* Assumes keys are unique
export type LoosenTuple<
Arr extends readonly any[],
OriginalArr extends readonly any[] = Arr,
> = Arr extends readonly [unknown, ...infer Tail]
? readonly [OriginalArr[number], ...LoosenTuple<Tail, OriginalArr>]