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# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
import Queue
import functools
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import time
from functools import partial
from itertools import repeat
anonymous / shadowsocks_tor_zeronet
Created November 20, 2016 12:18
Shadowsocks 作为前置代理,通过 Tor 匿名使用 ZeroNet(备忘)
# 声明:此备忘只供参考,并非权威方法,请参阅 Tor 和 ZeroNet 的安装和配置手册
# Tor 相关 FAQ 见 http://*.*.*.*:43110/gfwtalk.bit/?Topic:37_13Z7XxTa7JuFat3KzzMWu3onwM6biLuurJ/+FAQ+6+1+Update+Freenet+VPS+ZeroNet+com+bit
# ZeroNet 集成的 Tor 版本并没有及时更新,现在最新版是 0.2.9.x
# 适用 Debian/Ubuntu/raspberryPi 等系统
# 按照 Tor 官方文档安装最新版 Tor
# 墙内使用 Tor 需要前置代理,推荐使用 Shadowsocks 作为前置代理,默认本地代理端口 1080
# Tor 和 Shadowsocks 准备就绪后修改 /etc/tor/torrc 文件
vi /etc/tor/torrc
stesie /
Created February 16, 2017 12:02
Shell script to scan pdf, tesseract (ocr) it and create pdf with down-sampled image with text overlay
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
## SCAN settings
FORMAT="-l 0 -t 0 -x 210 -y 297"
postprocess_scan() {
rfharmon / Ad Optimizer: Get Ads.js
Last active April 10, 2017 12:17
This MCC script will find ads in your accounts that are ready for optimization (based on CTR). It will send the winning ad copy to a spreadsheet where you can create variations. Then you can run a separate script to post those variations.
// This MCC script will find ads in your accounts that are ready for optimization.
// It will pause lower performing ads, and send the copy from the higher performing
// ad to a spreadsheet.
// There, you can tweak the copy or URLs. Then you can run the "Post Ad" script to post the
// variations to your accounts. The script will also find ad groups with only one ad and send
// that ad to the spreadsheet so that you can create a variation of it.
// In the spreadsheet, the "Notes" column will say "Better" (if the ad was better than the other)
// "Close" (if it was too close to call), or "Only" (if there was only one ad in the ad group).
rfharmon / Ad Optimizer: Post Ads.js
Last active April 11, 2017 08:52
This MCC script will create new ads based on a spreadsheet.
// This script will create ads based on the copy in your spreadsheet
// and label them "Optimized".
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
// This script will delete the rows as it posts the ads, if you set CREATE_BACKUP
// to "true", it will copy the original sheet before deleting rows.
var CREATE_BACKUP = true;
dongweiming /
Last active December 18, 2018 06:49
# coding=utf-8
# pip install zhihu_oauth
import os
import time
import json
anonymous / Debian_Ubuntu_Raspberry_ Pi_OpenVPN_MysteriumNetwork
Created May 18, 2017 02:32
Debian 8 && Ubuntu 14.04 && Raspberry Pi 2/3 及更高版本源码编译安装 OpenVPN 和 Mysterium Network(密链网络)
Debian 8 && Ubuntu 14.04 && Raspberry Pi 2/3 及更高版本源码编译安装 OpenVPN 和 Mysterium Network(密链网络)
OpenVPN 部分适用于服务器端和客户端,也适用于 Raspberry Pi 2/3,如果提权麻烦可以切换成 root
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool libssl-dev liblz4-dev liblz4-tool liblzo2- dev libpam0g-dev
steven2358 /
Last active May 27, 2024 19:15
FFmpeg cheat sheet
AveYo / .. MediaCreationTool.bat
Last active May 30, 2024 17:56
Universal MediaCreationTool wrapper for all MCT Windows 10 versions - MOVED TO