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"Serious Business Footsloggers"
100pts [HQ] Librarian(?, Smite)
200pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Power fist, Melta gun, Multi-melta, Melta bombs
200pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Power sword, Melta gun, Lascannon
"Purge the...something?"
100pts [HQ] Librarian(?, The Avenger)
225pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Powersword, Flamer, Missile launcher | Razorback(Heavy bolter)
csampson / Dragon Age: Origins mods
Last active December 11, 2015 01:49
Dragon Age: Origins mods
### Aesthetics
* Dragon Age Redesigned: Character, NPC aesthetic tweaks and overhauls
* Qunari Update: Dragon Age 2 -style Qunari(including Sten) (found on BioWare Social Network)
* Bow Replacer: More realistic-looking bows
* DA2 Isabella and Flemeth: Reskins Isabella and Flemeth to look as they do in Dragon Age 2 (ie awesome)
* Symmetrical Massive Armor: More realistic-looking massive chest and glove armor
* Trailer Companions(Leliana): reskins Leliana to look as she does in that one trailer
* Anora Morph: better looking Anora skin
- Dog and Mabari to Wolf models replacer: Replaces Dog model with one of several wolf models
- The Icons Project: Iconset overhaul
csampson / gist:5577880
Last active December 17, 2015 08:09
750pts/1000pts Raven Guard/Raptors Lists
(Raven Guard)
70pts [HQ] Librarian(Biomancy) | Auspex
200pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Plasma gun, Heavy Bolter | Rhino(Storm bolter)
85pts [Troop] Scout Squad | 5-man | Sniper rifles(x4), Missile launcher, Camo cloaks(x5)
210pts [Fast Attack] Assault Squad | 10-man | (Veteran Sergeant | Power sword, Melta bombs), Flamer(x2)
110pts [Fast Attack] Attack Bikes | 2-man | Multi-melta(x2)
75pts [Fast Attack] Land Speeder | 1-vehicle | Typhoon missile launcher, Heavy bolter
var sys = require('child_process');
function commandExists(cmd) {
var exists = false;
sys.exec(cmd, function(err) {
if(err === null) // of maybe: if(!err instanceof Error)
exists = true;
csampson / gist:5941210
Last active December 19, 2015 10:29
Possible Halloween costumes


+ A God-damned ranger

- Difficult to execute well; strong potential for derp

Corrupt Psyker

csampson / gist:6312811
Last active December 21, 2015 13:28
ArchLinux breakdown
+ Light, simple
+ Pacman is nice
+ Rolling release avoids big version updates
+ Decent docs
+ Decent community
+ If you're coming from an easier distro, it'll put some hair on your neck
- Going to take a bit to grok the setup process, especially if UEFI is involved
- If you haven't used systemd, you'll need to get used to it
- Not going to enjoy the same kind support as *buntu for random projects that release 'linux packages'
csampson / gist:6499478
Last active December 22, 2015 16:29
750pts Raven Guard
(Chapter Tactics: Raven Guard)
65pts [HQ] Librarian(Biomancy)
205pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Plasma gun, Plasma cannon | Rhino(Storm bolter)
85pts [Troop] Scout Squad | 5-man | Sniper rifles(x4), Missile launcher, Camo cloaks(x5)
210pts [Fast Attack] Assault Squad | 10-man | (Veteran Sergeant | Power sword, Melta bombs), Flamer(x2)
110pts [Fast Attack] Attack Bikes | 2-man | Multi-melta(x2)
75pts [Fast Attack] Land Speeder | 1-vehicle | Typhoon missile launcher, Heavy bolter
csampson / gist:6566425
Last active December 23, 2015 02:19
Yet more Raven Guard lists
(Chapter Tactics: Raven Guard)
110pts [HQ] Chaplain | Melta bombs, Jump pack
190pts [Troop] Tactical Squad | 10-man | Plasma gun | Rhino(Storm bolter)
84pts [Troop] Scout Squad | 5-man | Sniper rifles(x4), Missile launcher, Camo cloaks(x5)
75pts [Fast Attack] Land Speeder | 1-vehicle | Typhoon missile launcher, Heavy bolter
110pts [Fast Attack] Attack Bikes | 2-man | Multi-melta(x2)
176pts [Fast Attack] Assault Squad | 8-man | (Veteran Sergeant | Power Sword, Melta bombs), Flamer(x2)
table tbody tr td
padding: 0 20px 20px 0
color: $darkgreen
font-family: $sans
font-size: 18px
font-weight: bold
csampson / gist:6755094
Created September 29, 2013 18:18
Raven Guard w/ bikes(750pts)
(Chapter Tactics: Raven Guard)
135pts [HQ] Captain | The Primarch's Wrath, Melta bombs, Bike
135pts [Troop] Bike Squad | 5-man | Grav gun(x2)
84pts [Troop] Scout Squad | 5-man | Sniper rifles(x4), Missile launcher, Camo cloaks(x5)
210pts [Fast Attack] Assault Squad | 10-man | (Veteran Sergeant | Power sword, Melta bombs), Flamer(x2)
110pts [Fast Attack] Attack Bikes | 2-man | Multi-melta(x2)
75pts [Fast Attack] Land Speeder | 1-vehicle | Typhoon missile launcher, Heavy bolter