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Christian Stigen Larsen cslarsen

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cslarsen /
Created January 11, 2012 15:16
Two small Python functions to convert IPv4 address to integer and vice-versa
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Functions to convert IPv4 address to integer and vice-versa.
Written by Christian Stigen Larsen,
Placed in the public domain by the author, 2012-01-11
Example usage:
$ ./ipv4 3232235521 ==> 3232235521
cslarsen / binary_gcd.cpp
Created January 18, 2012 20:03
Binary gcd algorithm in C++ using iteration and bit shifts
* The binary gcd algorithm using iteration.
* Should be fairly fast.
* Put in the public domain by the author:
* Christian Stigen Larsen
int binary_gcd(int u, int v)
cslarsen / euler_phi.cpp
Created January 18, 2012 20:16
Euler's totient function phi --- a fast implementation in C++
* Euler's totient function phi(n).
* This is an *EXTREMELY* fast function and uses
* several tricks to recurse.
* It assumes you have a list of primes and a fast
* isprime() function. Typically, you use a bitset
* to implement the sieve of Eratosthenes and use
cslarsen / reverse_string.cpp
Created February 16, 2012 19:04
Reverse string in "canonical" C++
* Reverse string in "canonical" C++
* Why did I make this a gist? Because I've seen so
* many cumbersome ways of doing this in C++, including
* using <algorithm> and std::reverse, using loops and
* so on. Yeah, those work too, and loops are fine for
* C, but in C++, you should simply just use the iterators
* and standard constructors that std::string gives you.
cslarsen /
Created February 20, 2012 14:26
Memoization decorator in Python
Implementation of memoization decorator in Python.
Written by Christian Stigen Larsen
Put in the public domain by the author, 2012
This is an example of how to use decorators to implement different kind of
behaviour in Python.
cslarsen / human-numbers.cpp
Created February 20, 2012 18:44
Convert big number to human readable format
* A simple way to format numbers as human readable strings.
* E.g., 123456789 ==> 123 million
* Written by Christian Stigen Larsen
* Placed in the public domain by the author, 2012
cslarsen / objc-gcc.m
Created March 20, 2012 19:23
How to compile Objective-C on the command line on Mac OS X
* To compile objective-c on the command line:
* gcc -framework Foundation objc-gcc.m
* You may have to link with -lobjc or other libs,
* as required.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
cslarsen / mul.cpp
Created June 8, 2012 15:23
Shows how gcc cancels bad "optimizations"
* Simple program I wrote after reading Felix Von Leitner's notes
* on optimization at
* In the 90s, it used to be faster to do (x<<8)+(x<<6) than x*320,
* but today with the Intel Core i7, it's actually faster to do
* x*320.
* And the compiler knows it!
cslarsen / celsius-fahrenheit.scm
Created September 8, 2012 14:35
R7RS version of Celsius-Fahrenheit table
| Celsius-Fahrenheit temperature table
| Taken from
| Ported to current R7RS scheme by Christian Stigen Larsen
| Public Domain, 2012
| Works in Mickey Scheme
cslarsen / lab0.cpp
Created November 19, 2012 20:26
Example of a race condition with and wihout locking (pthread or x86 TSL)
* =================================================
* DAT320 Operating Systems, University of Stavanger
* Written by Christian Stigen Larsen, 2012-08-24
* =================================================
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