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csmr /
Last active April 9, 2024 11:46
Angular lessons base deps installer
echo "OK this runs the basic stuff to work with the lessons. If error, read script and fix it."
# npm
npm -v
# node
node -v
# ng cli
sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
ng version
csmr /
Created April 9, 2024 10:58
Prompt: Emoticon for testing?
Here are a few emoji options that could represent testing:
* 🧪 Test Tube: This emoji can represent the idea of testing or experimentation.
* 🔬 Microscope: This emoji can represent the idea of close examination or analysis, which could be associated with testing.
* 📊 Chart Increasing: This emoji can represent the idea of tracking data or results, which could be associated with testing.
* 📈 Chart Increasing with Yen: This emoji can represent the idea of tracking financial data or results, which could be associated with testing in a business context.
* 📉 Chart Decreasing: This emoji can represent the idea of tracking negative data or results, which could be associated with testing.
* 📊 Bar Chart: This emoji can represent the idea of tracking data or results, which could be associated with testing.
* 📈 Upwards Arrow with Tip Leftwards: This emoji can represent the idea of positive results or progress, which could be associated with successful testing.
* 📉 Downwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards: This emoji can repre
csmr / debian_dt.configuration.nx
Created April 8, 2024 11:23
Debian desktop NixOS conf
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [
# Import the default NixOS configuration
# Set the system timezone
time.timeZone = "America/Los_Angeles";
csmr /
Created April 8, 2024 11:20
Debian desktop bash installer example
# Install desktop environment
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y xfce4 firefox thunderbird libreoffice gimp
# Set timezone
echo "America/Los_Angeles" > /etc/timezone && \
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
csmr / Dockerfile
Created April 8, 2024 11:16
Debian desktop docker file
# Dockerfile
# Use Debian as the base image
FROM debian:latest
# Install desktop environment
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y xfce4 firefox thunderbird libreoffice gimp
csmr / debian_desk.sls
Created April 8, 2024 11:12
Debian desktop saltstack state
# File: debian_desktop.sls
# Install desktop environment
# Install common applications
csmr / debian_dt_recipe.rb
Created April 8, 2024 11:06
Debian Chef cookbook
# Cookbook:: debian_desktop
# Recipe:: default
# Install desktop environment
package 'xfce4' do
action :install
csmr / debian_desktop.pp
Created April 8, 2024 11:02
Debian puppet manifest example
class debian_desktop {
# Install desktop environment
package { 'xfce4':
ensure => installed,
# Install common applications
package { ['firefox', 'thunderbird', 'libreoffice', 'gimp']:
ensure => installed,
csmr / debian-playbook.yml
Created April 8, 2024 10:57
Ansible Playbook example
- name: Install and configure Debian desktop
hosts: all
become: yes
- name: Install desktop environment
name: xfce4 xfce4-goodies
state: present
csmr / devsetup.boiler.yml
Last active March 15, 2024 12:53
Minimal Debian 12 Ansible playbook boilerplate YAML
# pseudocode - caveat emptor
# The base directories relative to which user specific configuration etc files should be stored
# default: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME | ~/.config/
default_xdg_config_home: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.config"
default_xdg_data_home: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.local/share"
default_xdg_cache_home: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.cache"
xdg_config_home: "{{ ansible_env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME | default(default_xdg_config_home) }}"