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Christos Trochalakis ctrochalakis

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ctrochalakis / Gemfile
Created February 19, 2010 19:25 — forked from indirect/Gemfile
# include at least one source and the rails gem
source :gemcutter
gem "rails", "~> 2.3.5", :require => nil
gem "sqlite3-ruby", :require => "sqlite3"
# Devise 1.0.2 is not a valid gem plugin for Rails, so use git until 1.0.3
# gem "devise", :git => "git://", :ref => "v1.0"
group :development do
# bundler requires these gems in development
# Basic text search with relevancy for MongoDB.
# See
# Copythingie 2010 - Ward Bekker -
#create (or empty) a docs collection
doc_col = MongoMapper.connection.db('example_db').collection('docs')
#add some sample data
doc_col.insert({ "txt" => "it is what it is"})
module Resque
module Failure
# Store a copy of the failure in Redis, so we have access from the UI. Also
# send an email to the developer, so we know something went foul.
class Notifier < Base
def save
# Store in Redis
# Create notification email
email =
# See also
# for this middleware + tests + a rails plugin
class FirebugLogger
def initialize(app, options = {})
@app = app
@options = options
def call(env)
# NAME: authinabox
# VERSION: 1.01 (Dec 27, 2008)
# AUTHOR: Peter Cooper [ github:peterc twitter:peterc ]
# DESCRIPTION: An "all in one" Sinatra library containing a User model and authentication
# system for both session-based logins OR HTTP Basic auth (for APIs, etc).
# This is an "all in one" system so you will probably need to heavily tailor
# it to your own ideas, but it will work "out of the box" as-is.
# COMPATIBILITY: - Tested on 0.3.2 AND the latest rtomayko Hoboken build! (recommended for the latter though)
# - NEEDS DataMapper!
# - Less work needed if you use initializer library --
namespace :bundler do
task :install do
run("gem install bundler --source=")
task :symlink_vendor do
shared_gems = File.join(shared_path, 'vendor/gems')
release_gems = "#{release_path}/vendor/gems/"
%w(cache gems specifications).each do |sub_dir|
shared_sub_dir = File.join(shared_gems, sub_dir)