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Last active April 9, 2024 01:21
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Import libraries\n",
"import echopype as ep\n",
"import numpy as np"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"In Echopype Code I set print statements in merge_save function of echopype/convert/ This is to show where exactly I am capturing the output I will show below:\n",
" @staticmethod\n",
" def merge_save(ds_combine: List[xr.Dataset], ds_invariant: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset:\n",
" \"\"\"Merge data from all complex or all power/angle channels\"\"\"\n",
" # Combine all channels into one Dataset\n",
" print(\"Channel 1 Ping Time Pre Combine:\", ds_combine[0][\"ping_time\"])\n",
" print(\"Channel 2 Ping Time Pre Combine:\", ds_combine[1][\"ping_time\"])\n",
" print(\"Channel 3 Ping Time Pre Combine:\", ds_combine[2][\"ping_time\"])\n",
" ds_combine = xr.concat(ds_combine, dim=\"channel\")\n",
" ds_combine = xr.merge(\n",
" [ds_invariant, ds_combine], combine_attrs=\"override\"\n",
" ) # override keeps the Dataset attributes\n",
" return set_time_encodings(ds_combine)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Channel 1 Ping Time Pre Combine: <xarray.DataArray 'ping_time' (ping_time: 17866)>\n",
"array(['2024-03-04T05:27:28.251616768', '2024-03-04T05:27:30.251905024',\n",
" '2024-03-04T05:27:32.251759104', ..., '2024-03-04T15:33:25.252228096',\n",
" '2024-03-04T15:33:27.254448128', '2024-03-04T15:33:29.263218176'],\n",
" dtype='datetime64[ns]')\n",
" * ping_time (ping_time) datetime64[ns] 2024-03-04T05:27:28.251616768 ... 2...\n",
" long_name: Timestamp of each ping\n",
" standard_name: time\n",
" axis: T\n",
"Channel 2 Ping Time Pre Combine: <xarray.DataArray 'ping_time' (ping_time: 8931)>\n",
"array(['2024-03-04T05:27:29.442363904', '2024-03-04T05:27:33.442920960',\n",
" '2024-03-04T05:27:37.441874944', ..., '2024-03-04T15:33:18.443037184',\n",
" '2024-03-04T15:33:22.444801024', '2024-03-04T15:33:26.442637824'],\n",
" dtype='datetime64[ns]')\n",
" * ping_time (ping_time) datetime64[ns] 2024-03-04T05:27:29.442363904 ... 2...\n",
" long_name: Timestamp of each ping\n",
" standard_name: time\n",
" axis: T\n",
"Channel 3 Ping Time Pre Combine: <xarray.DataArray 'ping_time' (ping_time: 8934)>\n",
"array(['2024-03-04T05:27:27.453144064', '2024-03-04T05:27:31.442492928',\n",
" '2024-03-04T05:27:35.442065920', ..., '2024-03-04T15:33:20.442040832',\n",
" '2024-03-04T15:33:24.444175872', '2024-03-04T15:33:28.441876992'],\n",
" dtype='datetime64[ns]')\n",
" * ping_time (ping_time) datetime64[ns] 2024-03-04T05:27:27.453144064 ... 2...\n",
" long_name: Timestamp of each ping\n",
" standard_name: time\n",
" axis: T\n"
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"/home/exouser/miniforge3/envs/echopype/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast\n",
" return data.astype(dtype, **kwargs)\n"
"source": [
"# Convert Raw (from\n",
"ed = ep.open_raw(\"/home/exouser/echopype/ZPLSCB101-D20240304-T052727.raw\", sonar_model=\"EK80\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The ping time values for the 3 channel arrays are inconsistent with each other:\n",
"(Also, note that these ping time values come from the parser_obj in SetGroupsEK80)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The misalignment of the ping time values causes the merging of these channel to have backscatter data that contains padded NaNs; however, there still are non-NaN values here:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
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"</style><pre class='xr-text-repr-fallback'>&lt;xarray.DataArray &#x27;backscatter_r&#x27; (channel: 3, ping_time: 35731,\n",
" range_sample: 4190)&gt;\n",
"array([[[ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 8.725166 , 14.063745 , 17.450333 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" ...,\n",
" [ 8.666371 , 14.040227 , 17.462091 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 8.666371 , 14.051986 , 17.450333 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]],\n",
" [[ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 7.1141853, 10.453737 , 12.488041 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]],\n",
" [[ 7.0318723, 9.677644 , 11.500286 , ..., -132.9706 ,\n",
" -133.64085 , -134.6286 ],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" ...,\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 6.9495597, 9.595331 , 11.4179735, ..., -141.42531 ,\n",
" -142.77759 , -143.80061 ],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]]], dtype=float32)\n",
" * channel (channel) &lt;U36 &#x27;WBT Tube 267819-7 ES38-18DK-Split_ES&#x27; ... &#x27;...\n",
" * ping_time (ping_time) datetime64[ns] 2024-03-04T05:27:27.453144064 .....\n",
" * range_sample (range_sample) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189\n",
" long_name: Raw backscatter measurements (real part)\n",
" units: dB</pre><div class='xr-wrap' style='display:none'><div class='xr-header'><div class='xr-obj-type'>xarray.DataArray</div><div class='xr-array-name'>'backscatter_r'</div><ul class='xr-dim-list'><li><span class='xr-has-index'>channel</span>: 3</li><li><span class='xr-has-index'>ping_time</span>: 35731</li><li><span class='xr-has-index'>range_sample</span>: 4190</li></ul></div><ul class='xr-sections'><li class='xr-section-item'><div class='xr-array-wrap'><input id='section-d6e4ad40-3092-4f01-b873-37e847e16e5a' class='xr-array-in' type='checkbox' checked><label for='section-d6e4ad40-3092-4f01-b873-37e847e16e5a' title='Show/hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-array-preview xr-preview'><span>nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan</span></div><div class='xr-array-data'><pre>array([[[ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 8.725166 , 14.063745 , 17.450333 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" ...,\n",
" [ 8.666371 , 14.040227 , 17.462091 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 8.666371 , 14.051986 , 17.450333 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]],\n",
" [[ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 7.1141853, 10.453737 , 12.488041 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]],\n",
" [[ 7.0318723, 9.677644 , 11.500286 , ..., -132.9706 ,\n",
" -133.64085 , -134.6286 ],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" ...,\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 6.9495597, 9.595331 , 11.4179735, ..., -141.42531 ,\n",
" -142.77759 , -143.80061 ],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]]], dtype=float32)</pre></div></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-72bc1334-7593-493f-b831-a20caf22443b' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' checked><label for='section-72bc1334-7593-493f-b831-a20caf22443b' class='xr-section-summary' >Coordinates: <span>(3)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><ul class='xr-var-list'><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span class='xr-has-index'>channel</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(channel)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>&lt;U36</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>&#x27;WBT Tube 267819-7 ES38-18DK-Spl...</div><input id='attrs-b5f24994-1b7d-4fe7-a534-ca3966021b3a' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-b5f24994-1b7d-4fe7-a534-ca3966021b3a' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-8f0e5f68-ac4b-4552-85f7-6b056e189323' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-8f0e5f68-ac4b-4552-85f7-6b056e189323' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>long_name :</span></dt><dd>Vendor channel ID</dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([&#x27;WBT Tube 267819-7 ES38-18DK-Split_ES&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;WBT Tube 267824-15-1 ES120-7CD_ES&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;WBT Tube 267824-15-2 ES200-7CD_ES&#x27;], dtype=&#x27;&lt;U36&#x27;)</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span class='xr-has-index'>ping_time</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(ping_time)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>datetime64[ns]</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>2024-03-04T05:27:27.453144064 .....</div><input id='attrs-f09a031c-228e-4179-8c68-ac180dbb441e' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-f09a031c-228e-4179-8c68-ac180dbb441e' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-b219b8fc-afba-4873-88d7-636326e4d589' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-b219b8fc-afba-4873-88d7-636326e4d589' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>long_name :</span></dt><dd>Timestamp of each ping</dd><dt><span>standard_name :</span></dt><dd>time</dd><dt><span>axis :</span></dt><dd>T</dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([&#x27;2024-03-04T05:27:27.453144064&#x27;, &#x27;2024-03-04T05:27:28.251616768&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04T05:27:29.442363904&#x27;, ..., &#x27;2024-03-04T15:33:27.254448128&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04T15:33:28.441876992&#x27;, &#x27;2024-03-04T15:33:29.263218176&#x27;],\n",
" dtype=&#x27;datetime64[ns]&#x27;)</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span class='xr-has-index'>range_sample</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(range_sample)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>int64</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>0 1 2 3 4 ... 4186 4187 4188 4189</div><input id='attrs-7935229e-67f0-413b-83d8-c14925bbc984' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-7935229e-67f0-413b-83d8-c14925bbc984' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-d71164c1-2a41-40a8-a7cb-3bb5c394803f' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-d71164c1-2a41-40a8-a7cb-3bb5c394803f' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>long_name :</span></dt><dd>Along-range sample number, base 0</dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 4187, 4188, 4189])</pre></div></li></ul></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-c6057b7b-b86d-4bf9-88e1-54c20e27e8e8' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='section-c6057b7b-b86d-4bf9-88e1-54c20e27e8e8' class='xr-section-summary' >Indexes: <span>(3)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><ul class='xr-var-list'><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-index-name'><div>channel</div></div><div class='xr-index-preview'>PandasIndex</div><div></div><input id='index-c6f019ac-3dbf-44c3-96a7-0f2a123664e6' class='xr-index-data-in' type='checkbox'/><label for='index-c6f019ac-3dbf-44c3-96a7-0f2a123664e6' title='Show/Hide index repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-index-data'><pre>PandasIndex(Index([&#x27;WBT Tube 267819-7 ES38-18DK-Split_ES&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;WBT Tube 267824-15-1 ES120-7CD_ES&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;WBT Tube 267824-15-2 ES200-7CD_ES&#x27;],\n",
" dtype=&#x27;object&#x27;, name=&#x27;channel&#x27;))</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-index-name'><div>ping_time</div></div><div class='xr-index-preview'>PandasIndex</div><div></div><input id='index-e7e7b505-26b4-4c71-a8b4-d025081fa434' class='xr-index-data-in' type='checkbox'/><label for='index-e7e7b505-26b4-4c71-a8b4-d025081fa434' title='Show/Hide index repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-index-data'><pre>PandasIndex(DatetimeIndex([&#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:27.453144064&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:28.251616768&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:29.442363904&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:30.251905024&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:31.442492928&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:32.251759104&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:33.442920960&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:34.251890176&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:35.442065920&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 05:27:36.252597760&#x27;,\n",
" ...\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:20.442040832&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:21.252228096&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:22.444801024&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:23.252869120&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:24.444175872&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:25.252228096&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:26.442637824&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:27.254448128&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:28.441876992&#x27;,\n",
" &#x27;2024-03-04 15:33:29.263218176&#x27;],\n",
" dtype=&#x27;datetime64[ns]&#x27;, name=&#x27;ping_time&#x27;, length=35731, freq=None))</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-index-name'><div>range_sample</div></div><div class='xr-index-preview'>PandasIndex</div><div></div><input id='index-8c53e301-2dcf-4fcc-90bf-7dfd1c58f6e6' class='xr-index-data-in' type='checkbox'/><label for='index-8c53e301-2dcf-4fcc-90bf-7dfd1c58f6e6' title='Show/Hide index repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-index-data'><pre>PandasIndex(Int64Index([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,\n",
" ...\n",
" 4180, 4181, 4182, 4183, 4184, 4185, 4186, 4187, 4188, 4189],\n",
" dtype=&#x27;int64&#x27;, name=&#x27;range_sample&#x27;, length=4190))</pre></div></li></ul></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-9e6e108c-e962-4e19-82ef-2a93dce25d35' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' checked><label for='section-9e6e108c-e962-4e19-82ef-2a93dce25d35' class='xr-section-summary' >Attributes: <span>(2)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>long_name :</span></dt><dd>Raw backscatter measurements (real part)</dd><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>dB</dd></dl></div></li></ul></div></div>"
"text/plain": [
"<xarray.DataArray 'backscatter_r' (channel: 3, ping_time: 35731,\n",
" range_sample: 4190)>\n",
"array([[[ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 8.725166 , 14.063745 , 17.450333 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" ...,\n",
" [ 8.666371 , 14.040227 , 17.462091 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 8.666371 , 14.051986 , 17.450333 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]],\n",
" [[ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 7.1141853, 10.453737 , 12.488041 , ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]],\n",
" [[ 7.0318723, 9.677644 , 11.500286 , ..., -132.9706 ,\n",
" -133.64085 , -134.6286 ],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" ...,\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan],\n",
" [ 6.9495597, 9.595331 , 11.4179735, ..., -141.42531 ,\n",
" -142.77759 , -143.80061 ],\n",
" [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan,\n",
" nan, nan]]], dtype=float32)\n",
" * channel (channel) <U36 'WBT Tube 267819-7 ES38-18DK-Split_ES' ... '...\n",
" * ping_time (ping_time) datetime64[ns] 2024-03-04T05:27:27.453144064 .....\n",
" * range_sample (range_sample) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189\n",
" long_name: Raw backscatter measurements (real part)\n",
" units: dB"
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The above shows that the uncalibrated (and most likely the calibrated) data is not all NaNs. We can check by computing calibrated Sv:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Test compute Sv\n",
"env_params = {\n",
"'long_name': 'Coastal Endurance, Oregon Shelf Cabled Benthic Experiment Package',\n",
"'tilt_correction': 0,\n",
"'colorbar_range': [-90, -50],\n",
"'vertical_range': [0, 80],\n",
"'deployed_depth': 82,\n",
"'depth_offset': 2.0,\n",
"'average_salinity': 33,\n",
"'average_temperature': 10,\n",
"'instrument_orientation': 'up'\n",
"ds_Sv = ep.calibrate.compute_Sv(ed, env_params=env_params, waveform_mode='CW', encode_mode='power')"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Now we calculate the number of NaNs and non-NaNs in the calibrated backscatter data to show the percentage that is NaN vs not NaN:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Calibrated NaN percentage: 73.98749856029987 %\n",
"Calibrated Non-NaN percentage: 26.012501439700124 %\n"
"source": [
"# Count Calibrated NaN and non-NaN values\n",
"nan_count = np.sum(np.isnan(ds_Sv[\"Sv\"].data))\n",
"non_nan_count = np.sum(~np.isnan(ds_Sv[\"Sv\"].data))\n",
"total_count = nan_count + non_nan_count\n",
"# Compute percentages\n",
"nan_percentage = (nan_count / total_count) * 100\n",
"non_nan_percentage = (non_nan_count / total_count) * 100\n",
"print(f\"Calibrated NaN percentage: {nan_percentage} %\")\n",
"print(f\"Calibrated Non-NaN percentage: {non_nan_percentage} %\")"
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "echopype",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
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