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cupof-github /
Last active March 1, 2019 00:01
base58 encoder and decoder with Python.
Foked from ( * Javascript ) :
inflammable/base58.js : ( )
- Base58 encoder and decoder, but re-written with Python. This is very covenient to generating 'shorting URL' from integer value ( like, article or post ID based database).
- you can encode to base58 string from Integer value.
- you can decode to Integer from base 58 String value.
cupof-github /
Last active May 8, 2017 05:01
Guetzli wrapper for Python
import os
import sys
class GuentzliWrapper:
""" This Class is wrapper for the guentzli, google develped.
You can encode multiple (jpeg || png) file via guentzli on CLI.
( Tested: Python 3.6, 2.7.13, pypy 5.7.0)