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Joakim Wimmerstedt cupofjoakim

  • Storytel
  • Stockholm, Sweden
View GitHub Profile
cupofjoakim /
Created April 2, 2015 10:54
framerjs pubsub
exports.pubsub = (->
listeners = {}
subscribe: (name, callback) ->
listeners[name] = [] unless listeners[name]
listeners[name].push callback
publish: (name) ->
args =, 1)
if listeners[name]
i = 0
cupofjoakim /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
A little shell script for converting two files to avi, mp4 & wmv while keeping the resolution intact. Uses FFMPEG. Due to multiple clients with different needs for a project, we needed a smooth way of doing shizzle.
# A little shell script for converting two files to
# avi, mp4 & wmv while keeping the resolution intact.
# Uses FFMPEG.
# Create folder inside Converts
mkdir -p Converts/$3
cupofjoakim / recss
Created September 5, 2014 10:00
Bookmarklet for reloading css