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curtisallen /
Created June 30, 2015 22:01

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am curtisallen on github.
  • I am curtisallen ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3C97 EE8F C4D1 FCEB CDD3 7FB7 46FF C248 F945 11C9

To claim this, I am signing this object:

curtisallen / terrform_apply.log
Created July 7, 2015 17:17
Terraform Log apply error
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.6.0 e40127fda6766dbea2749c17ba61f97b78c6c468
2015/07/07 10:56:28 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/callen
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: atlas = /Users/callen/bin/terraform-provider-atlas
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: aws = /Users/callen/bin/terraform-provider-aws
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: azure = /Users/callen/bin/terraform-provider-azure
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: cloudflare = /Users/callen/bin/terraform-provider-cloudflare
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: cloudstack = /Users/callen/bin/terraform-provider-cloudstack
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: consul = /Users/callen/bin/terraform-provider-consul
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: digitalocean = /Users/callen/bin/terraform-provider-digitalocean
2015/07/07 10:56:28 [DEBUG] Discovered plugin: dme = /Users/callen/bin/terraform-provider-dme
curtisallen / cli log
Created February 9, 2016 17:19
go run cmd/sarama-cluster-cli/main.go -brokers="" -group="bsm" -offset="oldest" -topics="test.4" -verbose=true
2016/02/09 09:23:36 Initializing new client
2016/02/09 09:23:36 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker
2016/02/09 09:23:36 Connected to broker at (unregistered)
2016/02/09 09:23:36 client/brokers registered new broker #9091 at
2016/02/09 09:23:36 client/brokers registered new broker #9095 at
2016/02/09 09:23:36 client/brokers registered new broker #9094 at
2016/02/09 09:23:36 client/brokers registered new broker #9093 at
2016/02/09 09:23:36 client/brokers registered new broker #9092 at
2016/02/09 09:23:36 Successfully initialized new client
curtisallen / iterm2-config
Created February 20, 2017 21:43
Curtis Iterm2 config
"Ansi 7 Color" : {
"Green Component" : 0.7333333492279053,
"Blue Component" : 0.7333333492279053,
"Red Component" : 0.7333333492279053
"Tags" : [
"Ansi 12 Color" : {
curtisallen /
Created May 1, 2017 19:22
Danger with gometalinter

Using gometalinter with Danger

Run your gometalinter command in CI with the --json command save output to a file e.g. lint.json

	go list -f '{{.Dir}}' ./... | grep -v 'vendor' | xargs gometalinter --vendored-linters --json > lint.json

Add the following to Dangerfile

# Show lint errors
curtisallen /
Created August 22, 2018 17:59
AWS EKS max pods terraform variables
# USER Data on worker nodes would include a line like so
# sed -i s,MAX_PODS,${lookup(var.max_pods, "t2.small")},g /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service
variable "max_pods" {
type = "map"
description = "max pod mapping from"
default = {
"c4.large" = "29"
"c4.xlarge" = "58"