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curtmerrill /
Last active August 31, 2021 17:05
Neotrellis soundboard
import adafruit_imageload
import audioio
import audiocore
import board
import busio
import digitalio
import displayio
import os
import random
import time
curtmerrill / editorconfig
Created March 15, 2021 19:35
Basic editorconfig settings
root = true
charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
indent_size = 4
indent_style = space
insert_final_newline = true
curtmerrill /
Created January 29, 2021 20:38
Coffee producing countries
# Country codes and their corresponding flag emoji and names for coffee producing countries
# Source:
('xx', '🇺🇳 Blend'),
('ao', '🇦🇴 Angola'),
('bo', '🇧🇴 Bolivia'),
('br', '🇧🇷 Brazil'),
('bi', '🇧🇮 Burundi'),
('cm', '🇨🇲 Cameroon'),
curtmerrill /
Created November 7, 2020 14:13
Busy box Mk.I
import board
import neopixel
import time
from adafruit_debouncer import Debouncer
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
from random import randint
# Built in red LED
led = DigitalInOut(board.D13)
curtmerrill /
Created November 7, 2013 15:48
Markdown template tag for Django
# Creates a template tag so you can use Markdown in textfields
# - markdown 2 -- pip install markdown2
# - Create a folder in your app called "templatetags"
# - Save this file and an in the folder
# - In your template, add "{% load markdown_tag %}" at top
# - {{ field|md }} will output escaped markup