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require 'rom'
require 'rom-repository'
require 'rom-sql'
require 'pry'
module Entity
config =, 'sqlite::memory')
conn = config.gateways[:default].connection
cutalion / Gemfile
Last active September 14, 2017 15:28
ROM issue with polymorphic association and aggregation
source ""
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'dry-logic', github: 'dry-rb/dry-logic', branch: 'master'
gem 'dry-types', github: 'dry-rb/dry-types', branch: 'master'
gem 'rom', github: 'rom-rb/rom', branch: 'master'
gem 'rom-sql', github: 'rom-rb/rom-sql', branch: 'master'
gem 'pry'
package main
import (
_ ""
cutalion / curry.rb
Last active November 22, 2016 09:46
class SuperCurry
def call(a, b)
puts "#{a} + #{b} = #{a + b}"
def curry(*args)
arity = method(:call).arity
curried_args = args
if curried_args.size == arity
@start = false
t1 = do
while !@start
sleep 0.001
puts 'started 1'
path = require 'path'
webpack = require 'webpack'
exec = require 'exec-sync'
gemDir = (name) ->
exec('bundle show ' + name)
refileDir = path.join(gemDir('refile'), 'app/assets/javascripts')
jqueryRailsDir = path.join(gemDir('jquery-rails'), 'vendor/assets/javascripts')
N = 10_000
matched1 = 0
matched2 = 0
N.times do
seq = [1, 0, 0].shuffle
guess = rand(3)
matched1 += 1 if seq[guess].eql?(1)
cutalion / .rspec
Last active April 7, 2016 22:32
Arduino formatter for rspec
--require spec_helper
--format Fuubar
--format ArduinoFormatter
cutalion /
Last active December 24, 2015 07:19
Make all files in S3 "directory" private or public

Once I've got a task to make a lot of files stored on S3 private. In my project I used carrierwave and fog.
All files were public by default.

In order not to make many requests to AWS, I've decided to change bucket policy instead of ACL of each file.

cutalion /
Last active December 23, 2015 23:59
Temporary turn VCR off

I often use VCR gem. And I always configure it to use rspec metadata to turn it on with just :vcr symbol.

When I know that some module will always hit the external service, I turn VCR on at the very top describe.

describe "Something", :vcr do
  it "should make coffee" do