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cv711 / gist:5591628
Created May 16, 2013 13:15
List all routes accessible in Ember.js app (from v 1.0.0-rc1)
//This will return objects corresponding to each segment that the route consists of.
//to see all the routes in your application – including nested routes.
cv711 / gist:5766110
Created June 12, 2013 15:04
Sync choices in two (identical) select tags
$('select').on('change', function(e){
var index =$(':selected').first().index();
var second = $('select')[1];
var option = second.options[index];
option.selected = true;
cv711 / gist:5875299
Last active April 15, 2023 07:01
SPARQL queries to get the names of cities of the world, based on population from Wikipedia
-- just the city resource
SELECT DISTINCT ?citylabel ?countrylabel ?pop
?city rdf:type dbpedia-owl:City.
?city rdfs:label ?citylabel.
?city dbpedia-owl:country ?country.
?country rdfs:label ?countrylabel.
?city dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop .
FILTER ( lang(?countrylabel) = 'en' and lang(?citylabel) = 'en' and ?pop>10000)
cv711 / city_partial.js.erb
Last active December 19, 2015 14:08
Synchronize country and city selection in a form
<% if !@cities.blank? %>
$('#cityfield').html("<%=j collection_select(:resource,:CITY_ID,Country.find(1).cities,:id,:NAME, {:prompt =>'Select a city'})%>");
$('#cityfield').html("<%=j text_field :CITY_ID, :disabled%>");
cv711 / d3_annotations.js
Created August 16, 2013 10:27
Example of adding foreignObject tags in d3 chart, from a jsonp query. (ATTENTION: foreignObject not supported by IE, switched to rickshaw library for that)
.data(data.entries.filter(function(d){ if(d.type == "SONG") return d;}))
.attr("x",function(d){ return x(d.timestamp);})
.attr("y", height)
cv711 / vimkeybindings.js
Last active June 1, 2021 11:32
// ==UserScript==
// @name vimkeybindings
// @namespace
// @author arno <>
// @licence GPL/LGPL/MPL
// @description use vim keybingings (i, j, k, l, …) to navigate a web page.
// ==/UserScript==
* If you're a vim addict, and you always find yourself typing j or k in a web
* page, then wondering why it just does not go up and down like any good