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Jan Christopher Vogt cvogt

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cvogt / trac2md.rb
Last active January 2, 2016 09:29 — forked from tjdett/trac2md.rb
trac to github flavored markdown
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
body =
body.gsub!(/\{\{\{([^\n]+?)\}\}\}/, '`\1`')
body.gsub!(/\{\{\{(.+?)\}\}\}/m){|m|{|x| "\t#{x}".gsub(/[\{\}]{3}/,'')}.join}
body.gsub!(/\=\=\=\=\s(.+?)\s\=\=\=\=/, '### \1')
body.gsub!(/\=\=\=\s(.+?)\s\=\=\=/, '## \1')
body.gsub!(/\=\=\s(.+?)\s\=\=/, '# \1')
body.gsub!(/\=\s(.+?)\s\=[\s\n]*/, '')
cvogt / gist:9193220
Last active February 13, 2022 13:50 — forked from ruescasd/gist:7911033
Slick: Dynamic query conditions using the **MaybeFilter** (Updated to support nullable columns)
import scala.slick.lifted.CanBeQueryCondition
// optionally filter on a column with a supplied predicate
case class MaybeFilter[X, Y](val query: scala.slick.lifted.Query[X, Y]) {
def filter[T,R:CanBeQueryCondition](data: Option[T])(f: T => X => R) = { => MaybeFilter(query.filter(f(v)))).getOrElse(this)
// example use case
import java.sql.Date
package slick
* This is some code extracted from TimeOut codebase, demonstrating:
* - Use of tag typed to avoid mixing session of different DB
* - The use of the Reader Monad to compose Actions together and defer the choice of async/sync computation
* I remove the part where we can say if our operation are read only or not (to use different connection), in order to
* make things easier.
brew update
brew versions FORMULA
cd `brew --prefix`
git checkout HASH Library/Formula/FORMULA.rb # use output of "brew versions"
brew install FORMULA
git checkout -- Library/Formula/FORMULA.rb # reset formula
## Example: Using Subversion 1.6.17
package com.sport195.api
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.language.experimental.macros
object ImplicitConversions {
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.sql.Date
implicit val x = scala.language.implicitConversions
cvogt / nope.scala
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17 — forked from paulp/nope.scala
import Predef.{any2stringadd => _,_}
class :=[T,Q]
object := {
/** Ignore default */
implicit def useProvided[P, D] : P := D = new (P := D)
/** Infer type argument to default */
implicit def useDefault[D] : D := D = new (D := D)
cvogt / mini.scala
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22 — forked from etorreborre/mini.scala
import org.specs2._
import execute._
import specification._
import core._
class TestSuite(tests: Fragment*) extends Specification {
def is = br ^ Fragments.foreach(tests)(f => Fragments(f, br))
object TestSuite {
cvogt / A.markdown
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27 — forked from umpirsky/A.markdown
Sublime Text Monokai Sidebar Theme.
cvogt /
Created September 6, 2016 06:56 — forked from paulp/
Enabling sbt plugins from the command line in any sbt project
% sbtx dependencyGraph
... blah blah ...
[info] *** Welcome to the sbt build definition for Scala! ***
[info] Check for more information.
[error] Not a valid command: dependencyGraph
[error] Not a valid project ID: dependencyGraph
% sbtx -Dplugins=graph dependencyGraph
... blah blah ...

Getting Started in Scala

This is my attempt to give Scala newcomers a quick-and-easy rundown to the prerequisite steps they need to a) try Scala, and b) get a standard project up and running on their machine. I'm not going to talk about the language at all; there are plenty of better resources a google search away. This is just focused on the prerequisite tooling and machine setup. I will not be assuming you have any background in JVM languages. So if you're coming from Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Haskell, or anywhere…  I hope to present the information you need without assuming anything.

Disclaimer It has been over a decade since I was new to Scala, and when I was new to Scala, I was coming from a Java and Ruby background. This has probably caused me to unknowingly make some assumptions. Please feel free to call me out in comments/tweets!

One assumption I'm knowingly making is that you're on a Unix-like platform. Sorry, Windows users.

Getting the JVM