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Chris Greene cwgreene

  • Exploding at the origin
View GitHub Profile
class Solution:
def divide(self, dividend: int, divisor: int) -> int:
sign = 1
if dividend < 0:
dividend = - dividend
sign = - sign
if divisor < 0:
sign = - sign
divisor = - divisor
piles = [[] for _ in range(divisor)]
cwgreene /
Last active September 26, 2021 04:48


Problem description

Upon connecting to the server we are presented with the following options

I heard that tcache is pretty bad, but disabling it is pretty annoying.
But chunks that're greater than 0x408 don't go in tcache :)
The correct code should match 'no\n'. Memory should be 'no\n\x00'.
This is the memory expression at the initial stack offset (it should be 'n')
memory 0x7fffffffffeff20 8
| __eq__
| | __add__
| | | <BV64 0x7fffffffffeff20>
cwgreene /
Last active August 24, 2020 04:43
Writeonly Writeup

So we're presented with a process where we can execute arbitrary shellcode (yay syscalls!) but are restricted in which syscalls we can make.

void setup_seccomp() {
  scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
  ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
  int ret = 0;
  ret |= seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 0); 
  ret |= seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(open), 0); 
input=$(mktemp /tmp/ghidra_input.txt.XXXXX)
output=$(mktemp /tmp/ghidra_output.txt.XXXXX)
directory=$(dirname $(realpath $0))
tee $input | "$directory/decompile_real" | tee $output
console.log("hello world");
function(details) {
if (details.url.match(/test/) && details.method=="POST"){
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Test Extension",
"permissions": [

Defenit-2020 Mom's Touch

We download the binary and open it in ghidra.

void entry(void)

  do {

Defenit 2020: minesweeper

So we're given a 16x16 minesweepr map, and need to beat it in under a minute. Time to use z3!

Z3 is a Symmetric Modulo Theory (SMT) solver. Essentially, it is able to solve logic puzzles. Our approach is to parse the map, and for each number encode that as a constraint.

Parsing the map, we first

Customer Service

We get presented with a login / register screen. Once registered and logged in, we discover that we've been given a login token cookie e4955d3a-2920-485c-ab85-232a96351872.

If we paste that in to the form, we get "Not Admin..."

Following the Report Issues link we are given the opportunity to get the admin bot to visit an arbitrary url.