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cwvhogue / MapReduce_manta_image_identify
Created August 26, 2013 21:15
Open Getty Image verification on Joyent Manta using ImageMagick "identify" command in a one-line MapReduce job.
# MapReduce ImageMagick 'identify' command run over 4,599 jpg files in /public/art Manta directory
$ mfind /$MANTA_USER/public/art | mjob create -w -m 'identify $MANTA_INPUT_FILE' -r cat
added 1000 inputs to 6f2e6ac8-b6a5-4ed5-bad4-8371aea010dd
added 1000 inputs to 6f2e6ac8-b6a5-4ed5-bad4-8371aea010dd
added 1000 inputs to 6f2e6ac8-b6a5-4ed5-bad4-8371aea010dd
added 1000 inputs to 6f2e6ac8-b6a5-4ed5-bad4-8371aea010dd
added 599 inputs to 6f2e6ac8-b6a5-4ed5-bad4-8371aea010dd
# Retrieve the output file to my local machine
cwvhogue / manyfiles
Last active December 14, 2015 15:29
SmartOS is a bash script to create N files of size M. It uses the solaris mkfie(1M) command to create 0 padded files that can be small (1024) or rather large (100g for 100Gb file). Files are named TEMP_ZEROS_0000001 to N. Afterward, pbzip2 can be used to load up the system cpu and compress these in paralell to equal sized files (in …
Applies to SmartOS/illumOS/Solaris machines with the mkfile command.
For testing too many file effects, create 500,000 numbered 2k zero padded files:
#./ 500000 2k
For maxing out file storage, then releasing, this makes 20 100Gb zero padded files, bzips them.
# ./ 20 100g
# pbzip2 TEMP_* &
The 20 resulting files should be all exactly the same size in bytes.
cwvhogue / RamaPlot.R
Last active December 13, 2015 18:49
Simple R Ramachandran Angle Distribution Plot SmoothScatter function with an improved R Color Palette called icy.palette. I made this palette so I could better compare values across the entire height range on sheets of 20 plots. The palette uses subtle alternate banding shades in a hand-picked wavy gradient. The colors go from (low values) blue-…
RamaPlot <- function(Title, aa) {
if (missing(aa)) aa <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=F)
if (missing(Title)) Title<- "Ramachandran Plot"
Lab.palette <-
colorRampPalette(c("white","lightyellow", "lightcyan","cyan", "lightskyblue", "lightseagreen", "yellowgreen" ,"yellow", "goldenrod", "orange", "orange4", "firebrick", "darkred", "red", "darkmagenta", "magenta", "hotpink", "pink","lightpink","white"), space = "Lab")
smoothScatter(aa$V3,aa$V4, xlab=expression(phi), ylab=expression(psi), asp=1, ylim=c(-180,180), xlim=c(-180,180), main=Title, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", axes=F, frame.plot=F, colramp=Lab.palette)
prange<- seq(-180, 180, by=40)