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Adds !!todaysdate!! as an available variable for use in Paid Memberships Pro emails.
Notice the array key does not include the !!s
function my_pmpro_email_data($data, $email)
$data['todaysdate'] = date(get_option("date_format"));
return $data;
Disable the "Admin Change" emails in Paid Memberships Pro
function my_pmpro_email_recipient($recipient, $email)
if($email->template == "admin_change" || $email->template == "admin_change_admin") //could check for a different template here
$recipient = NULL;
return $recipient;
add_filter("pmpro_email_recipient", "my_pmpro_email_recipient", 10, 2);
If a redirect_to value is passed into /login/ and you are logged in already, just redirect there
function tml_redirect_to_logged_in()
if(is_page("login") && !empty($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) && is_user_logged_in())
Nicer level costs.
function nicer_pmpro_level_cost_text($text, $level)
global $pmpro_currency_symbol;
$text = "Membership is free.";
elseif($level->initial_payment == $level->billing_amount)
//keep non-members from posting comments
function my_pmpro_pre_comment_approved($approved)
wp_die("Only members can post comments.");
return $approved;
add_filter( 'pre_comment_approved', 'my_pmpro_pre_comment_approved' );
//hide discount code field unless one is present
function my_pmpro_show_discount_code($show)
if(!empty($_REQUEST['discount_code']) || !empty($discount_code))
$show = true;
$show = false;
return $show;
Change Expiration Text to Show Date instead of Term
function my_pmpro_level_expiration_text($text, $level)
$expiration_text = sprintf(_x("Membership expires on %s.", "Expiration text. E.g. Membership expires on 12/31/2013.", "pmpro"), date(get_option("date_format"), strtotime("+ " . $level->expiration_number . " " . $level->expiration_period)));
Make shortcodes work in level confirmation text.
function pmpro_confirmation_message_shortcodes($message)
return do_shortcode($message);
add_filter("pmpro_confirmation_message", "pmpro_confirmation_message_shortcodes");
Remove the "This membership is free" text from membership change emails.
function nofree_pmpro_email_data($email_data, $email)
$email_data["membership_change"] = str_replace(". This membership is free", "", $email_data["membership_change"]);
return $email_data;
Adjust start date to the first following Sunday
//at checkout
function my_pmpro_checkout_start_date($startdate)
//which day is it
$checkout_day = date("N");
//days to sunday