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d1820 / Install Terminal Icons and POSH for Powershell.ps1
Last active May 6, 2024 15:09
Install Terminal Icons and POSH for Powershell
[string]$theme = "quick-term.omp.json",
[string]$font = "Meslo"
$moduleName = "Terminal-Icons"
$poshName = "JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh"
Write-Host "Installing Terminal Icons..." -ForegroundColor Blue
Install-Module -Name $moduleName -Repository PSGallery
d1820 / Install POSH for
Last active February 8, 2024 14:19
Install Terminal Icons and POSH for Mac
# Set default value for theme if not provided
echo 'Installing Posh...'
brew install jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh/oh-my-posh
d1820 / Save EBooks You
Created February 20, 2024 18:52
Bookmarklets to auto advance pages from Ebooks online and save them as images

Saving ebooks as images

Saving Certain Ebook providers books

Some ebooks are image based and have certain DRM rights added to them, even though you PAID for them. These bookmarklets allows for capturing those EBooks YOU own.

Image based books

  • Install the advance-and-download-ebook bookmarklet as a favorite in your bookmarks bar.
d1820 /
Created February 23, 2024 14:42
ChatGTP 3.5 Instructions that provides search links on BRAVE

This adopts the work done from ChatGPT-AutoExpert and updates it to get rid of some of the verboseness and adds links into the response (while not clickable, due to blocks by MS) are at least copy pastable to use.

Example output


The user may indicate their desired VERBOSITY of your response as follows:
V=2: concise
V=3: detailed (default)
V=4: comprehensive
Once the user has sent a message, adopt the role of 1 or more subject matter EXPERTs most qualified to provide a authoritative, nuanced answer, then proceed step-by-step to respond:
1. Begin your response like this:
**Expert(s)**: list of selected EXPERTs
**Possible Keywords**: CSV of EXPERT-related topics, terms, people, and/or jargon limit to 5