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Created April 7, 2015 01:08
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2014 World Press Freedom Index - in red
countryName an2014 score
Finland 1 6.4
Netherlands 2 6.46
Norway 3 6.52
Luxembourg 4 6.7
Andorra 5 6.82
Liechtenstein 6 7.02
Denmark 7 7.43
Iceland 8 8.5
New Zealand 9 8.55
Sweden 10 8.98
Estonia 11 9.63
Austria 12 10.01
Czech Republic 13 10.07
Germany 14 10.23
Switzerland 15 10.47
Ireland 16 10.87
Jamaica 17 10.9
Canada 18 10.99
Poland 19 11.03
Slovakia 20 11.39
Costa Rica 21 12.23
Namibia 22 12.5
Belgium 23 12.8
Cape Verde 24 14.32
Cyprus 25 14.45
Uruguay 26 16.08
Ghana 27 16.29
Australia 28 16.91
Belize 29 17.05
Portugal 30 17.73
Suriname 31 18.2
Lithuania 32 19.2
United Kingdom 33 19.93
Slovenia 34 20.38
Spain 35 20.63
Antigua and Barbuda 36 20.81
Latvia 37 21.1
El Salvador 38 21.57
France 39 21.89
Samoa 40 22.02
Botswana 41 22.91
South Africa 42 23.19
Trinidad and Tobago 43 23.28
Papua New Guinea 44 23.46
Romania 45 23.48
United States 46 23.49
Haiti 47 23.53
Niger 48 23.59
Italy 49 23.75
Taiwan 50 23.82
Malta 51 23.84
Burkina Faso 52 24.45
Comoros 53 24.52
Serbia 54 25.05
Argentina 55 25.27
Republic of Moldova 56 25.35
Republic of Korea 57 25.66
Chile 58 25.8
Japan 59 26.02
Mauritania 60 26.53
Hong Kong 61 26.55
Senegal 62 26.68
Tonga 63 26.7
Hungary 64 26.73
Croatia 65 26.82
Bosnia and Herzegovina 66 26.86
Guyana 67 27.08
Dominican Republic 68 27.17
United Republic Of Tanzania 69 27.3
Mauritius 70 27.69
Nicaragua 71 27.7
Sierra Leone 72 28.23
Malawi 73 28.29
Lesotho 74 28.36
Benin 75 28.83
Togo 76 29
Timor-Leste 77 29.04
Armenia 78 29.07
Mozambique 79 29.26
Kosovo 80 29.29
Madagascar 81 29.38
Republic of the Congo 82 29.44
Cyprus North 83 29.54
Georgia 84 29.78
Albania 85 29.92
Guinea-Bissau 86 30.05
Panama 87 30.2
Mongolia 88 30.3
Liberia 89 30.65
Kenya 90 30.7
Kuwait 91 30.71
Bhutan 92 30.73
Zambia 93 30.89
Bolivia 94 31.04
Ecuador 95 31.16
Israel 96 31.19
Kyrgyzstan 97 31.24
Gabon 98 31.32
Greece 99 31.33
Bulgaria 100 31.42
Côte d'Ivoire 101 31.63
Guinea 102 31.67
Seychelles 103 31.68
Peru 104 31.7
Paraguay 105 31.81
Lebanon 106 31.89
Fiji 107 32.57
Maldives 108 33.11
Central African 109 33.13
Uganda 110 33.29
Brazil 111 34.03
Nigeria 112 34.24
Qatar 113 34.32
Montenegro 114 34.78
Tajikistan 115 34.86
Venezuela 116 35.37
Brunei Darussalam 117 35.45
United Arab Emirates 118 36.03
South Sudan 119 36.05
Nepal 120 36.16
Algeria 121 36.26
Mali 122 36.29
Macedonia 123 36.43
Angola 124 36.5
Guatemala 125 36.61
Colombia 126 36.68
Ukraine 127 36.93
Afghanistan 128 37.07
Honduras 129 37.14
Thailand 130 37.94
Cameroon 131 38.13
Indonesia 132 38.15
Tunisia 133 38.69
Oman 134 38.83
Zimbabwe 135 39.19
Morocco 136 39.72
Libya 137 39.84
Palestine 138 40.11
Chad 139 40.22
India 140 40.34
Jordan 141 40.42
Burundi 142 40.5
Ethiopia 143 40.58
Cambodia 144 40.97
Myanmar 145 41.43
Bangladesh 146 42.58
Malaysia 147 42.73
Russian Federation 148 42.78
Philippines 149 43.69
Singapore 150 44.29
The Democratic Republic Of The Congo 151 44.64
Mexico 152 45.04
Iraq 153 45.44
Turkey 154 45.87
Gambia 155 46.42
Swaziland 156 46.76
Belarus 157 47.82
Pakistan 158 51.46
Egypt 159 51.89
Azerbaijan 160 52.87
Kazakhstan 161 54.94
Rwanda 162 56.57
Bahrain 163 58.26
Saudi Arabia 164 58.3
Sri Lanka 165 59.13
Uzbekistan 166 61.01
Yemen 167 67.26
Equatorial Guinea 168 67.95
Djibouti 169 70.34
Cuba 170 70.92
Lao People's Democratic Republic 171 71.22
Sudan 172 71.88
Islamic Republic of Iran 173 72.29
Vietnam 174 72.36
China 175 72.91
Somalia 176 73.19
Syrian Arab Republic 177 77.04
Turkmenistan 178 80.81
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 179 81.96
Eritrea 180 84.83
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<h1>2014 World Press Freedom Index</h1>
<p>The 2014 World Press Freedom Index spotlights the
negative impact of conflicts on freedom of information
and its protagonists.
Source: <a href="">Reporters Without
Borders</a>, 2014.</p>
<p>The questions consider six general criteria. Using a
system of weighting for each possible response,
countries are given a score of between 0 and 100
for each of the six overall criteria. These scores are
then used as indicators in calculating each country’s
final score.Reporters Without Borders meanwhile calculates a
score of between 0 and 100 reflecting the level of
violence against journalists during the period
<ol class="simple-list">
Measures the degree of representation of views
in the media space</p></li>
<li><p>Media independance:
Measures the degree to which the media are able
to function independently of theauthorities</p></li>
<li><p>Environment and self-censorship:
Analyses the environment in which journalists work</p></li>
<li><p>Legislative framework:
Analyses the quality of the legislative framework and
measures its effectiveness</p></li>
Measures the transparency of the institutions and
procedures that affect the productionof news and
information </p></li>
Measures the quality of the infrastructure that
supports the production of news andinformation </p></li>
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<ol class="simple-list">
<li><p>Finland tops the index for the fourth year running,
closely followed by Netherlands and Norway, like last
year. At the other end of the index, the last three
positions are again held by Turkmenistan, North
Korea and Eritrea, three countries where freedom of
information is non-existent. Despite occasional
turbulence in the past year, these countries continue
to be news and information black holes and living
hells for the journalists who inhabit them</p></li>
<li><p>This year’s index covers 180 countries, one more
than last year. The new entry, Belize, has been
assigned an enviable position (29th). Cases of
violence against journalists are rare in Belize but there
were some problems: defamation suits involving
demands for large amounts in damages, national
security restrictions on implementation of the
Freedom of Information Act and sometimes unfair
management of broadcast frequencies. </p></li>
<li><p>The formation of a government led by Mohamed
Morsi in Egypt (159th, unchanged) in the summer
2012 was accompanied by an increase in abuses
against journalists and all-out efforts to bring the
media under the Muslim Brotherhood’s control. That
was brought to a complete halt by the army’s return to
power a year later. The ensuing persecution of the
Muslim Brotherhood affected not only Egyptian
journalists but also their Turkish, Palestinian and
Syrian colleagues. In the Persian Gulf, especially the
United Arab Emirates (118th, -3), bloggers and
journalists were arrested and tried on charges of links
to the Brotherhood.</p></li>
<li><p>Israel’s 17-place rise must be offset against its 20-
place fall in the 2013 index as a result of Operation
“Pillar of Defence” in November 2012, when two
Palestinian journalists were killed, and the many raids
it carried out against Palestinian media. Security
needs continue to be used as an excuse to limit
freedom of information. The Israeli media are able to
be outspoken but media located in “Israeli territory”
must comply with prior military censorship and gag
orders. Investigative reporting involving national
security is not welcome.
Abusive treatment of Palestinian and foreign
journalists by the Israel Defence Forces is common,
especially during the weekly demonstrations at the
Separation Wall. Many photojournalists were
deliberately targeted when leaving the demonstrations
in November 2013. On 4 December, an Israeli high
court endorsed the seizure of equipment from Wattan
TV during an IDF raid in February 2012.</p></li>
<li><p>Vietnam (173rd, -1), Uzbekistan (166th, -1) and
Saudi Arabia (164th, unchanged), to name but
three, continue to tighten their grip on news and
information and adapt their methods of radical
censorship to the digital era. The cruellest punishments
await those of their citizens who have the courage to
resist. In Kazakhstan (161st, unchanged) and
Azerbaijan (160th, -3), media pluralism is in the
process of succumbing to the increasingly repressive
tendencies of rulers clinging to power.</p></li>
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