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Created February 23, 2023 20:46
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namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Models\Link;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Notifications\LinkCheckNotification;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
class CheckLinksCommand extends Command
protected $signature = 'links:check {--limit=} {--noWait}';
protected $description = 'This command checks the current status of a chunk of links. It is intended to be run on a schedule.';
/** @var int $limit Check a maximum of 100 links at once */
public $limit = 100;
/** @var int */
protected $offset;
/** @var int */
protected $total;
/** @var int */
protected $checkedLinkCount;
/** @var string */
protected $cacheKeyOffset = 'command_links:check_offset';
/** @var string */
protected $cacheKeySkipTimestamp = 'command_links:check_skip_timestamp';
/** @var string */
protected $cacheKeyCheckedCount = 'command_links:check_checked_count';
/** @var array */
protected $movedLinks = [];
/** @var array */
protected $brokenLinks = [];
/** @var array */
protected $validUrlSchemes = ['http', 'https'];
public function handle(): void
// Check if the command should skip the execution
$skipTimestamp = Cache::get($this->cacheKeySkipTimestamp);
$this->offset = Cache::get($this->cacheKeyOffset, 0);
$this->checkedLinkCount = Cache::get($this->cacheKeyCheckedCount, 0);
if (now()->timestamp < $skipTimestamp) {
if ($this->option('limit')) {
$this->limit = $this->option('limit');
$links = $this->getLinks();
// Cancel if there are no links to check
if ($links->isEmpty()) {
$this->comment('No links found, aborting...');
// Check all provided links
$this->comment('Checking ' . $links->count() . ' links now.');
$links->each(function ($link) {
// Prevent spam-ish behaviour by throttling outgoing HTTP requests
if ($this->option('noWait') === null) {
$checkedCount = $this->checkedLinkCount + $links->count();
Cache::forever($this->cacheKeyCheckedCount, $checkedCount);
if ($this->total > $checkedCount) {
// If yes, simply save the offset to the cache.
// The next link check will pick it up and continue the check.
$nextOffset = $this->offset + $this->limit;
Cache::forever($this->cacheKeyOffset, $nextOffset);
$this->comment('Saving offset for next link check.');
} else {
// If not, all links have been successfully checked.
// Save a cache flag that prevents link checks for the next days.
$nextCheck = now()->addDays(20)->timestamp;
Cache::forever($this->cacheKeySkipTimestamp, $nextCheck);
'All existing links checked, next link check scheduled for ' . now()->addDays(5)->toDateTimeString()
* Get links but limit the results to a fixed number of links.
* If there is an offset saved, use this instead of beginning from the first entry.
* @return \LaravelIdea\Helper\App\Models\_IH_Link_C|Link[]
protected function getLinks()
// Get the total amount of remaining links
$this->total = Link::count();
// Get a portion of the remaining links based on the limit
return Link::where('check_disabled', false)
->orderBy('id', 'ASC')
* Check the URL of an link and set the status accordingly.
* @param Link $link
* @return void
protected function checkLink(Link $link): void
$this->output->write('Checking link ' . $link->url . ' ');
$urlScheme = parse_url($link->url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
if (in_array($urlScheme, $this->validUrlSchemes) === false) {
$this->warn('› Invalid scheme [' . $urlScheme . '], skipping Link.');
try {
$request = Http::timeout(20);
//$request->withOptions(['debug' => true]);
if (config('html-meta.user_agents', false)) {
$agents = config('html-meta.user_agents');
$request->withHeaders(['User-Agent' => $agents[array_rand($agents)]]);
'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7',
'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate',
$response = $request->get($link->url);
$statusCode = $response->status();
//if ($statusCode >= 400) {
// var_dump($response);
// echo $response->body();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Set status code to null so the link will be marked as broken
$statusCode = 0;
if ($statusCode >= 400) {
} elseif ($statusCode >= 300) {
} else {
* Set the Link status to either moved or broken depending on the given
* status code.
* @param Link $link
protected function processMovedLink(Link $link): void
$link->status = Link::STATUS_MOVED;
$this->warn('› Link moved to another URL!');
$this->movedLinks[] = $link;
* Set the Link status to either moved or broken depending on the given
* status code.
* @param Link $link
protected function processBrokenLink(Link $link): void
$link->status = Link::STATUS_BROKEN;
$this->error('› Link seems to be broken!');
$this->brokenLinks[] = $link;
* If the Link has not the "ok" status, set it to ok.
* @param Link $link
protected function processWorkingLink(Link $link): void
if ($link->status !== Link::STATUS_OK) {
$link->status = Link::STATUS_OK;
$this->info('› Link looks okay.');
* Send notification to the main user if not running from the console.
* @return void
protected function sendNotification(): void
if (empty($this->movedLinks) && empty($this->brokenLinks)) {
// Do not send a notification if there are no errors
new LinkCheckNotification($this->movedLinks, $this->brokenLinks)
$this->info('› Notification sent to the user.');
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