# data |
graph_data = { |
nodes: [ |
{id: 'A', centrality: {degree: 5, eigenvector: 0.4214039}}, |
{id: 'B', centrality: {degree: 5, eigenvector: 0.4364557}}, |
{id: 'C', centrality: {degree: 3, eigenvector: 0.2947939}}, |
{id: 'D', centrality: {degree: 5, eigenvector: 0.4540865}}, |
{id: 'E', centrality: {degree: 4, eigenvector: 0.3736236}}, |
{id: 'F', centrality: {degree: 4, eigenvector: 0.3977985}}, |
{id: 'G', centrality: {degree: 2, eigenvector: 0.2024569}} |
], |
links: [ |
{source: 'A', target: 'B', weight: 12}, |
{source: 'A', target: 'C', weight: 2}, |
{source: 'A', target: 'D', weight: 33}, |
{source: 'A', target: 'F', weight: 5}, |
{source: 'A', target: 'G', weight: 24}, |
{source: 'B', target: 'D', weight: 10}, |
{source: 'B', target: 'E', weight: 10}, |
{source: 'B', target: 'F', weight: 8}, |
{source: 'B', target: 'G', weight: 16}, |
{source: 'C', target: 'D', weight: 29}, |
{source: 'C', target: 'E', weight: 11}, |
{source: 'D', target: 'E', weight: 4}, |
{source: 'D', target: 'F', weight: 12}, |
{source: 'E', target: 'F', weight: 19} |
] |
} |
# objectify the graph |
# resolve node IDs (not optimized at all!) |
graph_data.links.forEach (l) -> |
graph_data.nodes.forEach (n) -> |
if l.source is n.id |
l.source = n |
if l.target is n.id |
l.target = n |
svg = d3.select('svg') |
width = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width |
height = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height |
# translate the viewBox to have (0,0) at the center of the vis |
svg |
.attr |
viewBox: "#{-width/2} #{-height/2} #{width} #{height}" |
# layout |
polar_layout = () -> |
rho = (d, i, data) -> 100 |
theta_0 = (d, i, data) -> -Math.PI/2 # start from the angle pointing north |
delta_theta = (d, i, data) -> 2*Math.PI/data.length |
theta = (d, i , data) -> theta_0(d, i, data) + i*delta_theta(d, i, data) |
self = (data) -> |
data.forEach (d, i) -> |
d.rho = rho(d, i, data) |
d.theta = theta(d, i, data) |
d.x = d.rho * Math.cos(d.theta) |
d.y = d.rho * Math.sin(d.theta) |
return data |
self.rho = (x) -> |
if x? |
if typeof(x) is 'function' |
rho = x |
else |
rho = () -> x |
return self |
# else |
return rho |
self.theta_0 = (x) -> |
if x? |
if typeof(x) is 'function' |
theta_0 = x |
else |
theta_0 = () -> x |
return self |
# else |
return theta_0 |
self.delta_theta = (x) -> |
if x? |
if typeof(x) is 'function' |
delta_theta = x |
else |
delta_theta = () -> x |
return self |
# else |
return delta_theta |
self.theta = (x) -> |
if x? |
if typeof(x) is 'function' |
theta = x |
else |
theta = () -> x |
return self |
# else |
return theta |
return self |
# encode the eigenvector centrality as distance from the origin |
distance = d3.scale.linear() |
.domain([0.1, 0.5]) |
.range([460, 0]) |
# apply the layout |
polar = polar_layout() |
.rho((node) -> distance(node.centrality.eigenvector)) |
polar(graph_data.nodes) |
# draw the circular axes |
svg.append('circle') |
.attr |
r: distance(0.1) |
fill: 'none' |
stroke: '#BDF' |
svg.append('circle') |
.attr |
r: distance(0.2) |
fill: 'none' |
stroke: '#BDF' |
svg.append('circle') |
.attr |
r: distance(0.3) |
fill: 'none' |
stroke: '#BDF' |
svg.append('circle') |
.attr |
r: distance(0.4) |
fill: 'none' |
stroke: '#BDF' |
svg.append('circle') |
.attr |
r: 4 |
fill: '#BDF' |
# draw nodes above links |
links_layer = svg.append('g') |
nodes_layer = svg.append('g') |
nodes = nodes_layer.selectAll('.node') |
.data(graph_data.nodes) |
nodes.enter().append('circle') |
.attr |
class: 'node' |
cx: (node) -> node.x |
cy: (node) -> node.y |
# draw node labels |
labels = nodes_layer.selectAll('.label') |
.data(graph_data.nodes) |
labels.enter().append('text') |
.text((node) -> node.id) |
.attr |
class: 'label' |
dy: '0.35em' |
x: (node) -> node.x |
y: (node) -> node.y |
link_thickness = d3.scale.linear() |
.domain([0, d3.max(graph_data.links, (link) -> link.weight)]) |
.range([0, DIAMETER*0.8]) # links are never larger than the 80% of a node's diameter |
links = links_layer.selectAll('.link') |
.data(graph_data.links) |
links.enter().append('path') |
.attr |
class: 'link' |
d: (link) -> "M#{link.source.x} #{link.source.y} L#{link.target.x} #{link.target.y}" |
'stroke-width': (link) -> link_thickness(link.weight) |