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Last active July 3, 2018 16:02
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namespace Test
public class Auswahl
public Auswahl(Produkt pro, int anzahl)
this.Pro = pro;
this.Anzahl = anzahl;
this.Preis = pro.Preis * anzahl;
public Produkt Pro { get; set; }
public int Anzahl { get; set; }
public double Preis { get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Terminal.Gui;
namespace Test
public class Produkt
public Produkt()
public Produkt (int nummer, string bezeichnung, double preis, int bestand)
this.Nummer = nummer;
this.Bezeichnung = bezeichnung;
this.Preis = preis;
this.Bestand = bestand;
public int Nummer { get; set; }
public string Bezeichnung { get; set; }
public double Preis { get; set; }
public int Bestand { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return this.Nummer.ToString() + ";" + this.Bezeichnung + ";" + this.Preis.ToString() + ";" + this.Bestand.ToString();
public List<Produkt> leseDatei(List<Produkt> produkte)
FileStream fs = null;
StreamReader sr = null;
string[] fields;
fs = new FileStream(Constants.FILENAME, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
sr = new StreamReader(fs);
while (sr.Peek() != -1)
fields = sr.ReadLine().Split(';');
produkte.Add(new Produkt(int.Parse(fields[0]), fields[1], double.Parse(fields[2]), int.Parse(fields[3])));
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfeEx)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(50, 5, fnfeEx.Message, "ok");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(50, 5, ex.Message, "ok");
if (sr != null)
if (fs != null)
return produkte;
public void schreibeProdukt(Produkt p)
FileStream fs = null;
StreamWriter sw = null;
fs = new FileStream(Constants.FILENAME, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfeEx)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(50, 5, fnfeEx.Message, "ok");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(50, 5, ex.Message, "ok");
if (sw != null)
if (fs != null)
using Terminal.Gui;
namespace Test
static class Program
static void Main()
var tui1 = new Tui1(Application.Top);
using Terminal.Gui;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Test
static class Constants
public const string FILENAME = "/tmp/Produkte.dat";
public class Tui1
List<Produkt> produkte = new List<Produkt>();
List<Auswahl> auswahl = new List<Auswahl>();
List<string> listView1List = new List<string>();
List<string> listView2List = new List<string>();
public Tui1(Toplevel top)
this.Top = top;
this.Tframe = this.Top.Frame;
var p = new Produkt();
this.produkte = p.leseDatei(this.produkte);
public Toplevel Top { get; set;}
public Rect Tframe { get; set;}
private double Gesamtpreis { get; set; }
private Window win1 = null;
private Window win2 = null;
private ListView listView1 = null;
private ListView listView2 = null;
private Label label1 = null;
private Label label2 = null;
private Label label3 = null;
private Label label4 = null;
private Label label5 = null;
private Label label6 = null;
private Button button1 = null;
private Button button2 = null;
private Button button3 = null;
private Button button4 = null;
private Button button5 = null;
private Button button6 = null;
private Button button7 = null;
private TextField textField1 = null;
private TextField textField2 = null;
private TextField textField3 = null;
private TextField textField4 = null;
private TextField textField5 = null;
private void designer()
this.win1 = new Window("Produkte") {
X = Pos.Percent(0),
Y = Pos.Percent(0),
Width = Dim.Fill(),
Height = Dim.Percent(50)
this.win2 = new Window("Auswahl") {
X = Pos.Percent(0),
Y = Pos.Percent(50),
Width = Dim.Fill(),
Height = Dim.Percent(50)
// win1
this.listView1 = new ListView(new Rect (0, 0, 20, 10), listView1List) {
AllowsMarking = true
this.listView1.SelectedChanged += new Action(listView1__SelectedChangedEvent);
this.label1 = new Label("Nummer") {
X = 22,
Y = 0,
Width = 20,
Height = 1
this.textField1 = new TextField(22, 1, 20, "int");
this.label2 = new Label("Bezeichnung") {
X = 22,
Y = 2,
Width = 20,
Height = 1
this.textField2 = new TextField(22, 3, 20, "string");
this.label3 = new Label("Preis") {
X = 22,
Y = 4,
Width = 20,
Height = 1
this.textField3 = new TextField(22, 5, 20, "double");
this.label4 = new Label("Bestand") {
X = 22,
Y = 6,
Width = 20,
Height = 1
this.textField4 = new TextField(22, 7, 20, "int");
this.button1 = new Button(44, 0, "new ") {
Clicked = () => button1__newAction()
this.button2 = new Button(44, 1, "save") {
Clicked = () => button2__saveAction()
this.button5 = new Button(44, 2, "Auswahl") {
Clicked = () => this.Top.SetFocus(win2)
this.button7 = new Button(44, 3, "quit") {
Clicked = () => Application.RequestStop()
this.win1.Add(listView1, label1, textField1, label2, textField2, label3, textField3, label4, textField4, button1, button2, button5, button7);
// win2
this.listView2 = new ListView(new Rect(0, 0, 20, 10), listView2List) {
AllowsMarking = true
this.listView2.SelectedChanged += new Action(listView2__SelectedChangedEvent);
this.label5 = new Label("Anzahl") {
X = 22,
Y = 0,
Width = 20,
Height = 1
this.textField5 = new TextField(22, 1, 20, "int");
this.button3 = new Button(44, 0, "new") {
Clicked = () => button3__newAction()
this.button4 = new Button(44, 1, "buy") {
Clicked = () => button4__buyAction()
this.button6 = new Button(44, 2, "Produkte") {
Clicked = () => this.Top.SetFocus(win1)
this.label6 = new Label("Gesamtsumme: xxx") {
X = 44,
Y = 5,
Width = 40,
Height = 1
this.win2.Add(listView2, label5, textField5, button3, button4, label6, button6);
// zack
this.Top.Add(win1, win2);
private void aktualisiereListView1List()
this.listView1List.Add("Nummer, Bezeichnung");
foreach (Produkt p in this.produkte)
this.listView1List.Add(p.Nummer + ", " + p.Bezeichnung);
private void button1__newAction()
this.textField1.Text = string.Empty;
this.textField2.Text = string.Empty;
this.textField3.Text = string.Empty;
this.textField4.Text = string.Empty;
this.listView1.SelectedItem = 0;
private void button2__saveAction()
if (this.listView1.SelectedItem != 0)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(80, 5, "Error", "Es darf kein Eintrag in der Listbox ausgewaehlt sein", "ok");
if (this.textField1.Text.IsEmpty || this.textField2.Text.IsEmpty || this.textField3.Text.IsEmpty || this.textField4.Text.IsEmpty)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(80, 5, "Error", "Alle Felder ausfuellen (int, string, double, int)", "ok");
Produkt p = null;
p = new Produkt(Convert.ToInt32(this.textField1.Text.ToString()), this.textField2.Text.ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(this.textField3.Text.ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(this.textField4.Text.ToString()));
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(80, 5, "Error", ex.Message, "ok");
this.listView1.Redraw(new Rect(0, 0, 20, 10));
this.listView1.SelectedItem = this.listView1List.Count - 1;
private void listView1__SelectedChangedEvent()
if (this.listView1.SelectedItem == 0)
this.textField1.Text = "int";
this.textField2.Text = "string";
this.textField3.Text = "double";
this.textField4.Text = "int";
this.textField1.Text = produkte[this.listView1.SelectedItem - 1].Nummer.ToString();
this.textField2.Text = produkte[this.listView1.SelectedItem - 1].Bezeichnung;
this.textField3.Text = produkte[this.listView1.SelectedItem - 1].Preis.ToString();
this.textField4.Text = produkte[this.listView1.SelectedItem - 1].Bestand.ToString();
private void aktualisiereListView2List()
this.listView2List.Add("Bezeichnung, Anzahl, Preis");
foreach (Auswahl a in this.auswahl)
this.listView2List.Add(a.Pro.Bezeichnung + ", " + a.Anzahl + "," + a.Preis);
private void button3__newAction()
this.listView2.Redraw(new Rect(0, 0, 20, 10));
this.Gesamtpreis = 0.0;
this.textField5.Text = "int";
this.label6.Text = "Gesamtpreis: xxx";
//this.listView2.SelectedItem = 0;
private void button4__buyAction()
if (this.listView1.SelectedItem == 0)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(80, 5, "Error", "Es muss ein Produkt ausgewaehlt sein", "ok");
if (Convert.ToInt32(this.textField5.Text.ToString()) == 0 || this.textField5.Text.IsEmpty)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(80, 5, "Error", "Auswahl muss korrekt sein (int). Und groesser 0", "ok");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(80, 5, "Error", ex.Message, "ok");
if (Convert.ToInt32(this.textField5.Text) > this.produkte[listView1.SelectedItem - 1].Bestand)
MessageBox.ErrorQuery(80, 5, "Error", "Lagerbestand zu klein", "ok");
this.auswahl.Add(new Auswahl(this.produkte[listView1.SelectedItem - 1], Convert.ToInt32(this.textField5.Text)));
this.listView2.Redraw(new Rect(0, 0, 20, 30));
this.listView2.SelectedItem = this.listView2List.Count - 1;
this.Gesamtpreis = 0.0;
foreach (Auswahl a in auswahl)
this.Gesamtpreis += a.Preis;
this.label6.Text = "Gesamtpreis: " + this.Gesamtpreis.ToString();
private void listView2__SelectedChangedEvent()
if (this.listView2.SelectedItem == 0)
this.textField5.Text = "int";
this.textField5.Text = this.auswahl[this.listView2.SelectedItem - 1].Anzahl.ToString();
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d630 commented Jun 24, 2018


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